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CFD Analysis of Exhaust Manifold

1P.Manikandan, 2A.Samuel Durai, 3S.Sathish Kumar, 4R.Selva Kumar, 5M.Navaneetha Krishnan
1Assistant Professor, 2Undergraduate students, Department of mechanical engineering
KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology, Namakkal-637 214, Tamilnadu, India.

*Corresponding Author ABSTRACT: Exhaust manifold is one of the components of IC engine for
samsamuel0071397 improving the volumetric efficiency. The volumetric efficiency of the
engine can be increased by reducing the backpressure in the exhaust
(A.Samuel Durai)
Tel.: +91 7845119538 manifold. This work analyses the flow through two different models of
exhaust manifold using CFD. The analysis results of two models are
compared for back pressure and velocity. By comparing the results of
two models the decrease in back pressure is found which ensure
improvement in volumetric efficiency of the engine.
Keywords: CFD, Exhaust Manifold.

1 Introduction

Depending on the engine type, a vehicle Exhaust manifolds are a necessary component of
will have either one or two exhaust manifolds the exhaust system. Their design is optimized to
attached to it. An inline engine typically has one ensure exhaust gases flow efficiently from the
exhaust manifold. The vast majority of today’s engine combustion chamber without creating
car engines are V-shaped, requiring one any back pressure. A properly functioning
manifold for each of two cylinder banks. exhaust manifold is important to prevent uneven
Regardless of whether a vehicle has one or two power and engine vibrations.
exhaust manifolds, the basic functioning of it is 1.3 Types of Exhaust Manifolds
the same. Understanding exactly what an
exhaust manifold is and how it works will help There are two main design
car owners make informed decisions when an configurations for exhaust manifolds, four-into-
exhaust manifold needs to be repaired or one and four-into-two. Each design has the same
replaced. By Knowing the differences in designs primary function, with the main differences
and materials will make buying a replacement being performance and cost. The other main
exhaust manifold easier. difference among exhaust manifolds is their
1.1 Definition construction. They are generally made from
either cast iron or welded tubular steel.
An exhaust manifold is a series of connected
pipes that bolt directly onto the engine head. It is 1.4 Four-into-One Exhaust Manifolds
an integral part of the exhaust system. Hot Four into one exhaust manifolds are most
exhaust gas from the exhaust ports on the often found on high speed engines, as the design
engine’s cylinder head is funneled through the is better suited for use at higher RPMs. In this
pipes and into a single collector pipe. From manifold design, all four manifold pipes join at a
there, it is sent to the exhaust pipe. single point.
1.2 Function 1.5 Four-into-Two Exhaust Manifolds

South Asian J. Eng. Technol , 257-261| 257

On four-into-two exhaust manifolds, the Manifold model 3 considered is yielding the least
four pipes coming off the engine head are first backpressure and indicates possible design
paired into twos, and then joined together into a proposals for manifold.
single pipe at the back of the vehicle. This is the Kanupriya Bajpai, Akash Chandrakar,
preferred design for low- to medium-speed Akshay Agrawal, Shiena Shekhar Exhaust
engines, as it is more suited for torque than manifold is one of the most critical components
speed. of an IC Engine. The functioning of exhaust
2. Literature review manifold is complex and is dependent on many
Mr. Sachin G. Chaudhari, Mr. Parag N. parameters viz. back pressure, exhaust velocity,
Borse, Mr. Raghunath Y. Patil Exhaust manifold scavenging etc. In the present work, the
collect the exhaust gases from the engine performance of a four-stroke four cylinder
cylinders and discharge to the atmosphere gasoline engine exhaust manifold have been
through the exhaust system. The engine analyzed using three different fuels - gasoline,
efficiency, combustion characteristics would alcohol, and LPG for the estimation of flow
depend upon how the exhaust gases were characteristics, thermal characteristics, and
removed from the cylinder. The design of an minimum back pressure. The manifold modeling
exhaust manifold for the internal combustion is done in Creo2.0 followed by meshing and
engine depends on many parameters such as analysis in ANSYS. The LPG fuel gives minimum
exhaust back pressure, velocity of exhaust gases back pressure, temperature and velocity being
etc. In this paper, the recent research on design approximately in the same range for all three
of exhaust manifold, their performance fuels viz. gasoline, alcohol and LPG. Thus, LPG
evaluation using experimental methods as well can be considered as a suitable alternative for
as Numerical methods (CFD), various gasoline in terms of minimum back flow in
geometrical types of exhaust manifold and their manifold.
impact on the performance has been collected Marupilla Akhil Teja, Katari Ayyappa, Sunny
and discussed. Katam and Panga Anusha Overall engine
Balesh Babali, Aswatha, K. N. Seetharamu, The performance of an engine can be obtained from
present scenario, the main objective the engine the proper design of engine exhaust systems.
designer’s try to achieve is the best performance With regard to stringent emission legislation in
with lowest possible emissions. Exhaust the automotive sector, there is a need design and
Manifold is one of the crucial components that develop suitable combustion chambers, inlet,
have an influence on this objective. The and outlet manifold. Exhaust manifold is one of
designing of Exhaust Manifold is one of the the important components which affect the
complex procedures and relies on many engine performance. Flow through an exhaust
variables like back-pressure, flow velocity, manifold is time dependent with respect to
mechanical efficiency, volumetric efficiency, etc. crank angle position. In the present research
In the present work, three different exhaust work, numerical study on four-cylinder petrol
manifold models are considered with various engine with two exhaust manifold running at
pipe diameters. All three models differ from constant speed of 2800 rpm was studied. Flow
each other in geometry. Computational through an exhaust manifold is dependent on the
fluid dynamics simulation has been carried out time since crank angle positions vary with
with the help of ANSYS Fluent at three different respect to time. Unsteady state simulation can
speeds. The pressure contours and velocity predict how an intake manifold work under real
streamlines are obtained for all the three conditions. The boundary conditions are no
models. The work is further extended by longer constant but vary with time.
modeling two other models and the performed
analysis results are validated with journal data.

South Asian J. Eng. Technol , 2017, 257-261| 258

3. Research 3.2 Geometrical Specification
The high pressure at the head is due to high
pressure difference from exhaust in combustion
chamber and atmosphere pressure. The
pressure was not uniformly distributed in the
existing manifold and the effect of non-uniformly
distributed pressure gives an impact on the
velocity of the flow of exhaust gases. The
pressure flow through the outlet of the exhaust
manifold should be uniformly distributed and so
the new manifold design is drawn.

3.1 Component Selection

Stainless steel exhaust manifolds are the

most expensive, but are rust-resistant and
extremely long lasting. Less expensive
aluminized steel manifolds offer many of the
benefits of stainless ones, but will rust if the
outer layer is scratched. Exhaust manifolds are
made from cast iron or one of a few types of Fig.1 model diagram specifications
steel. The majority of exhaust manifolds are
made from cast iron, as it is relatively 4. Problem identification
inexpensive and lasts a long time.
The major problems encountered in the
Exhaust manifold are as follows:
The drawbacks to cast iron manifolds are 1) In the existing design the heat transfer rate
that they are quite heavy and tend to get brittle
with age and exposure to the heat cycles of an was high.
engine. Tubular steel exhaust manifolds are
known for having better exhaust flow and are, 2) Higher back pressure in the manifold occurs
therefore, found on many performance vehicles. due to the cracks at the curved surface.
These are component used in the exhaust
manifold system for the exhaust. 3) High corrosion which reduces the life of the
Geometrical Diameter
Height 4) Weight of the manifold is more
Specifications mm
70x125 70 125
70x150 70 150
70x175 70 175
70x200 70 200
70x225 70 225

South Asian J. Eng. Technol , 2017, 257-261| 259

4.1 Modeling higher pressure which involves additional
mechanical work and/or less energy extracted
by the exhaust turbine which can affect intake
manifold boost pressure. This can lead to an
increase in fuel consumption, PM and CO
emissions and exhaust temperature. The
increased exhaust temperature can result in
overheating of exhaust valves and the turbine.
An increase in NO emissions is also possible due
to the increase in engine load. Increased
backpressure may affect the performance of the
turbocharger, causing changes in the air-to-fuel
ratio-usually enrichment which may be a source
of emissions and engine performance problems.
Fig.2 Modeling of Exhaust Manifold Increased exhaust pressure may also prevent
some exhaust gases from leaving the cylinder
4.2 Meshing
especially in naturally aspirated engines),
FEM mesh created by an analyst prior to creating an internal exhaust recirculation (EGR)
finding a solution to a magnetic problem using responsible for some NO reduction. Slight NO
FEM software. Colours indicate that the analyst reductions reported with some DPF system,
has set material properties for each zone, in this usually limited to 2-3% percent, are possibly
case a conducting wire coil in orange; a explained by this effect. Excessive exhaust
ferromagnetic component light blue; and air in pressures can increase the likelihood of failure of
grey. Although the geometry may seem simple, it turbocharger seals, resulting in oil leakage into
would be very challenging to calculate the the exhaust system. In systems with catalytic
magnetic field for this setup without FEM DPFs or other catalysts, such oil leak can also
software, using equations alone. result in the catalyst deactivation by phosphorus
and/or other catalyst poisons present in the oil.
Velocity stream

4.3 Pressure Contour

At increased back pressure levels, the

engine has to compress the exhaust gases to a

South Asian J. Eng. Technol , 2017, 257-261| 260

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