292 Article+Text 545 1 10 20190416
292 Article+Text 545 1 10 20190416
292 Article+Text 545 1 10 20190416
*Corresponding Author ABSTRACT: Exhaust manifold is one of the components of IC engine for
samsamuel0071397 improving the volumetric efficiency. The volumetric efficiency of the
engine can be increased by reducing the backpressure in the exhaust
(A.Samuel Durai)
Tel.: +91 7845119538 manifold. This work analyses the flow through two different models of
exhaust manifold using CFD. The analysis results of two models are
compared for back pressure and velocity. By comparing the results of
two models the decrease in back pressure is found which ensure
improvement in volumetric efficiency of the engine.
Keywords: CFD, Exhaust Manifold.
1 Introduction
Depending on the engine type, a vehicle Exhaust manifolds are a necessary component of
will have either one or two exhaust manifolds the exhaust system. Their design is optimized to
attached to it. An inline engine typically has one ensure exhaust gases flow efficiently from the
exhaust manifold. The vast majority of today’s engine combustion chamber without creating
car engines are V-shaped, requiring one any back pressure. A properly functioning
manifold for each of two cylinder banks. exhaust manifold is important to prevent uneven
Regardless of whether a vehicle has one or two power and engine vibrations.
exhaust manifolds, the basic functioning of it is 1.3 Types of Exhaust Manifolds
the same. Understanding exactly what an
exhaust manifold is and how it works will help There are two main design
car owners make informed decisions when an configurations for exhaust manifolds, four-into-
exhaust manifold needs to be repaired or one and four-into-two. Each design has the same
replaced. By Knowing the differences in designs primary function, with the main differences
and materials will make buying a replacement being performance and cost. The other main
exhaust manifold easier. difference among exhaust manifolds is their
1.1 Definition construction. They are generally made from
either cast iron or welded tubular steel.
An exhaust manifold is a series of connected
pipes that bolt directly onto the engine head. It is 1.4 Four-into-One Exhaust Manifolds
an integral part of the exhaust system. Hot Four into one exhaust manifolds are most
exhaust gas from the exhaust ports on the often found on high speed engines, as the design
engine’s cylinder head is funneled through the is better suited for use at higher RPMs. In this
pipes and into a single collector pipe. From manifold design, all four manifold pipes join at a
there, it is sent to the exhaust pipe. single point.
1.2 Function 1.5 Four-into-Two Exhaust Manifolds