Performance Enhancement of Shell and Helical Coil Water Coolers Using Different Geometric and Fins Conditions
Performance Enhancement of Shell and Helical Coil Water Coolers Using Different Geometric and Fins Conditions
Performance Enhancement of Shell and Helical Coil Water Coolers Using Different Geometric and Fins Conditions
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December 25-27, 2012
Code: M 30
Sameh A. Nada1 Eldessouky I. Eid2 Gamal B. Abd El Aziz2 Hassan A. Hassan2
Benha University Faculty of Engineering Mechanical Engg. Department1
Suez Canal University Faculty of Industrial Education Mechanical Department2
Convection heat transfer in shell and helical coil heat exchanger was experimentally
investigated to study the effect of shell diameter on average heat transfer coefficient and
Nusselt number. The convection at outside surface of helical coiled tubes is investigated
with a constant wall heat flux. Refrigerant R12 passes inside tubes and water passes through
the shell. The effects of different parameters in shell and helical coil heat exchanger such as
the effect of fins existence and shell diameter were tested. Four shells with different
diameters were tested in this work with finned coil and again with unfinned coil.
The experimental set up is designed to enable varying and controlling the water flow rate
and the input power to the shell water. Different instruments were incorporated in the
experimental set up to enable measuring the different parameters such as temperature, flow
rate, volt and ampere of heater. These measurements enable studying the effect of
dimensionless flow parameters such as Reynolds number, Grashoff number and diameter
ratio D* (Shell diameter to coil diameter) on the heat transfer characteristics.
For 271 < Re < 674 and 9×1011 < Gr < 4×1012; it is concluded that the average Nusselt
number (Nu ) increases with the increase of D* at constant Re and Gr. Also, Nu increases
with the increase of Re at constant Gr and D*. An increase in Nu is observed again with the
increase of Gr at constant Re and D*. A general correlation of the average Nusselt number
is obtained to describe the mixed convection from the helical coil with radial fins as the
following: Nua=0.0544Re0.427Gr0.146D0.318. For the shown range of Re and Gr; a good
agreement between the present experimental data and previous work is achieved.
Heat exchangers are devices used to implement heat exchange between two fluids at
different temperatures (hot and cold fluids) separated by a solid wall. This is the case in
many engineering situations. Heat exchangers may be used independently or may be
Al-Azhar University Engineering Journal, JAUES
Vol. 7, No. 2, Dec. 2012
Heat transfer studies of a helical coil immersed in a water bath was studied by Prabhanjan et
al. [8]. A method to predict the outlet temperatures from the helical coil was proposed
which took into consideration the flow rates and geometry of the coil. The heat transfer
on the outside of the coils was from natural convection. In this type of system, neither
constant wall temperature, nor constant wall heat flux, could be assumed. Experimental study
on heat transfer enhancement of a helically baffled heat exchanger has been performed by
Zhnegguo et al. [9]. Experiments were conducted to obtain the heat transfer and pressure loss
for helically baffled heat exchanger combined with petal-shaped finned tubes. Both the shell
side heat transfer coefficient based on the actual outside surface area of tube bundle and
pressure drop increase with increasing volumetric flow rate of oil.
Moawed [10, 23] studied natural and forced convection from uniformly heated helicoidal
pipes is experimentally withdifferentparameters. The experiments covered a range of
Rayleigh number based on tube diameter from 1.5× 103 to 1.1 ×105. He showed that the
overall average Nusselt number increases with the increase in pitch to pipe diameter ratio,
coil diameter to pipe diameter ratio and length to pipe diameter ratio for vertical helicoidal
pipes. For horizontal helicoidal pipes, the overall average Nusselt number increases with the
increase in pitch to pipe diameter ratio and length to pipe diameter ratio، but it decreases
with the increase in coil diameter to pipe diameter ratio. The second set of experiments deal
with forced convection and covered a range of Reynolds number of 6.6×102≤Re≤2.3×103. A
general correlation of the average Nusselt number is obtained to describe the forced
convection from the coil.
Naphon and Wongwises [11,12] and Naphon [13] investigated the average tube-side and
air-side heat transfer coefficients in a spirally coiled finned tube heat exchanger under dry-
and wet-surface conditions experimentally. The effects of the inlet conditions of both
working fluids flowing through the heat exchanger on the heat transfer coefficients are
discussed. New correlations based on the data gathered during these studies are proposed.
The thermal performance and pressure drop of the helical-coil heat exchanger with and
without helical crimped fins are studied. A literature review on heat transfer and flow
characteristics of single-phase and two-phase flow in curved tubes including helically
coiled tubes and spirally coiled tubes is provided.
Salimpour and his coworker team presented a series of studies deal with heat transfer of shell
and helically coiled tube heat exchangers. Shokouhmand and Salimpour [14] studied fully
developed laminar flow and heat transfer in a helically coiled tube with uniform wall
temperature analytically based on minimal entropy generation principle. The heat transfer
characteristics of temperature-dependent-property engine-oil inside shell and coiled tube heat
exchangers were performed by Salimpour [15]. Shokouhmand et al.[16] presented an
experimental investigation to study the shell and helically coiled tube heat exchangers. Three
heat exchangers with different coil pitches and curvature ratios were tested for both parallel-
flow and counter-flow configurations. Heat transfer coefficients of shell and tube sides were
evaluated invoking the calculated overall heat transfer coefficients. Salimpour [18]
investigated the heat transfer coefficients of shell and helically coiled tube heat exchangers
experimentally. Two empirical correlations were developed to predict the inner and outer heat
transfer coefficients of the coiled tube heat exchangers.
Heat transfer coefficients and friction factors were determined experimentally by Zdaniuk et
al. [17] for eight helically-finned tubes and one smooth tube using liquid water. An
experimental study of thermal performance of shell-and-coil heat exchangers was carried out
by Ghorbani et al. [19, 20]. The mixed convection heat transfer in a coil-in-shell heat
exchanger is reported for various Reynolds and Rayleigh numbers, various tube-to-coil
diameter ratios and dimensionless coil pitch.
CFD analysis for heat transfer to air–water two-phase mixture flowing through a helically
coiled heat exchanger has been carried out using commercial CFD package FLUENT 6.3 by
Jayakumar et al. [21] . Studies have been carried out by varying (i) coil pitch, (ii) pipe
diameter (iii) pitch circle diameter and (iv) void fraction at the inlet. Their influence on heat
transfer and pressure drop
has been brought out. Subsequently analysis has been carried out by changing the inlet void
fraction for a given value of the flow velocity. It has been established that correlations for heat
transfer and pressure drop take into account the pitch circle diameter, pipe diameter and void
fraction at the inlet.
Gupta et al. [22] gave an experimental research to find out suitable correlations for designing
the coiled finned-tube heat exchangers used in cryogenic applications. The experiments were
conducted in the range of effective Reynolds number 500–1900. Results of the experimental
research indicate that different correlations selected in the study can be used with reasonable
accuracy for designing the coiled finned-tube heat exchangers.
The previous literature review indicates that there are lack studies on mixed convection from
a constant temperature of helically coiled finned tubes. This has been motivated the present
investigation. So, the present study aims to experimentally investigate heat transfer
characteristics of shell and helically coiled tubes heat exchangers with and without fins. The
experiments has been carried out to provide comprehensive study of the mixed convection
from constant temperature helical coiled tubes with and without radial fins at different key
design parameter (Reynolds number, Grashoff number and dimensionless shell diameter).
Empirical correlations for each shell diameter are obtained and then; one empirical
correlation is derived for all shell diameters.
A schematic diagram of the experimental setup for heat transfer measurements is shown in Fig. 2.
City water flows to the constant head water tank with a water level control by flout valve.
Control valve before the test section is used to control the required water flow rate to the
test section. The water exit from the test section is collected in a calibrated vessel to
measure the water flow rate. The experimental set up can be divided into two main
circuits; namely water circuit and cooling circuit.
The water circuit is an open type circuit. It consists of a tank, test section and 10000 ml
calibrated vessel used for flow rate measurement. The tank is a 15 L water storage tank.
The level of the water surface in the tank is 2.5 m above the centerline of test section to
insure constant pressure at shell entrance. The water leaving the tank enters a heater and goes
to the shell before collecting in a calibrated vessel. The heater power is 4 kW with 13.5 Ohm
resistance. The heater is isolated by glass wool and the power of the heater can be controlled
by the meaning of a step down transformer.
The cooling circuit is a closed type circuit. It consists of condensation unit and helical coil
evaporator. The condensation unit consists of compressor, forced convection air cooled
condenser, filter and capillary tube. The compressor is 1/3 hp, hermetic reciprocating type.
The copper capillary tube is 3.1 mm (OD) × 1.8 mm (ID) × 3m length. The helical coil
evaporator is made from aluminum with dimensions d=0.008 m, 2Rc=0.078 m, free
length=0.6 m, b= 0.02m, and the number of bitches =24 as shown in Fig. 3. The shell is a
hollow cylindrical tube made of 70 cm transparent plastic. It was insulated by glass wool.
The diameters of the four shells respectively are 4, 6, 8, and 10 inches corresponding to
10.16, 15.24, 20.32 and 25.4 cm. Two types of coils are used: one is helical coil with radial
external fins and the other is unfinned. Each of the two types of coils is used with the four
The measuring instruments used in this study are: thermocouples with digital data logger,
electric power meters, graduated 10000 ml vessel, and stop watch. The surface temperature
of helical coil is measured by three electrically insulated thermocouples. Two
thermocouples are used for measuring the temperature at the inlet and the outlet of the
refrigerant. Other two thermocouples props are used to measure the water temperature
entering and leaving the test section. All thermocouples used are of 0.8 mm K-type (chromel
– alomel). The thermocouple wires are connected to data logger reading device through
thermocouple extension wires of the same type.
After achievement of steady state conditions, the following measurements were
recorded in each experiment: water flow rate, all thermocouple readings, voltage and
current applied on the heater. The data reduction that analyzes the experimental readings
can be summarized as follows:
i - Reynolds Number of the water was calculated using the equation:
ρw = density of water based on mean bulk temperature, kg/m3.
µw = dynamic viscosity of water based on mean bulk water temperature,
m° = Mass flow rate of water, kg/s.
Ac.s = Cross section area of shell, m².
Shell-side hydraulic diameter, m.
Dsh = Shell diameter, m
2Rc = Curvature diameter of the coil, m.
d = Coil tube diameter, m.
γˉ¹ = Dimensionless pitch of tube,
γ= (4)
where, b is the coil pitch.
ii. Nusselt Number based on the hydraulic diameter can be calculated from the
equation :
K = Water thermal conductivity based on average bulk water temperature,
W/m. K.
As = Surface area of coil, m².
∆Th = Difference hot water temperature, K,
Th1= Inlet hot water temperature, K.
Th2 = outlet hot water temperature, K.
= Average surface temperature, K.
Thav = Average hot water temperature, K.
D= Curvature diameter, m.
n= Number of coil piths.
Free length= the straight length in the coil, m.
iii. Grashof Number
Gr = (7)
β = Thermal expansion coefficient of water, Kˉ¹. β=
= Average of difference between average cold temperature, Tcav, and hot water
temperature, K.
where, Tc1 = Inlet coil temperature, K. and Tc2 = outlet coil temperature, K.
iv Error Analysis
Experimental error analysis was done according to ref. [24]. Assume that the
result R is a given function of the independent variables X1, X2, X3, ............ Xn.
Figure 4 represents the Nusselt number versus Reynolds number for shell and helical coil
heat exchangers with different shell diameters. This figure illustrates a comparison between
the results of this study and the empirical correlations proposed in Salimpour [18] for 271 <
Re < 370.
Nu o
260 280 300 320 340 360 380
Fig. 4 Comparison between this experimental results and results of Salimpour [18].
In this Fig. 4, results proposed by Salimpour [18] were indicated and illustrated by solid line
while results of present work were indicated by separate symbols . From this figure, it is
seen that increasing the shell diameter will increase the outer Nusselt number. The results
proposed by the correlation of Salimpour [18] with shell diameter of 12.7 cm lies between
the two imaginary lines which represent this work results for Dsh=10.6 and Dsh=15.24 cm.
Satisfactory agreement can be achieved from these results. The figure shows that when the
Reynolds number equal 316, the corresponding values of Nusselt number are 42, 45, and
49 for shell diameter 10.6, 12.7 and 15.24 respectively.
Figure 5 shows the variations of Nusselt number with Reynolds number which was
calculated based on hydraulic diameter of the shell and helical coil with and without
external radial fins at Dsh= 15.24 cm, it is observed that Nuselt number increases with the
increase of Reynolds number in the two curves. From the figure; it is observed that the coil
with fins have the higher values of Nusslet number than that of the coil without fins. The
figure shows that when Reynolds number equal 316, Nusselt number is 49 for the coil
without fins. It jumps to 51.5 as a result of radial fins existence. This result indicates that the
existence of this type of fins enhances the heat transfer coefficient by about 5% at Re=316
with 15.24 cm shell diameter.
Fig.6 represents the effect of inlet water temperature on the outer convection heat transfer
coefficient for finned and unfinned coil, Dsh=20.32 cm, to shows the effect of fins existence, It
is observed that the average outer convection heat transfer coefficient increases with the
increase of inlet water temperature. For inlet water temperature Thi= 300.8K, the average
convection heat transfer coefficient is 189.5 and 196.5 W/m2.Ko for the unfinned and finned
coil respectively. It is seen that the coil with fins have higher values of heat transfer coefficient
than the unfinned coil since the fins enhances heat transfer between the coolant in the coil and
the water in the shell by about 3.7% in this case.
Finned coil
54 Unfinned coil
D*= 2
Nu o
280 300 320 340 360 380
Fig. 5 Variation of Nusselt number with Reynolds number for the finned and unfinned coil, Dsh=15.24
ho W/m2K
Thi K
Fig. 6 Effect of inlet water temperature on heat transfer coefficient for finned and unfinned coil,
Dsh=20.32 cm.
Figure 7 shows the variation of Nusselt number with Grashof number at constant
Reynolds number; Re=520 and different shell diameters, Dsh =10.16, 15.24, 20.32 and
25.4. This figure illustrates the effect of shell diameter on the relation between Nu and Gr
for the finned coil. For Dsh= 10.16; Nu increases slowly with the increase of Gr. As Dsh
increases, Nu increases as Gr increases with faster rate. It is shown that Nu increases with
the increase of Gr for all shell diameters but the increase of Nu is slower for smaller shell
diameter. At Grashof number = 2.5×1012, Nusselt number equals 72, 73, 76 and 80 for
Dsh=10.16, 15.24, 20.32 and 25.4 respectively
85 D*=3.33
Finned coil
Reo= 520
Nu o
0 1x1012 2x1012 3x1012 4x1012 5x1012 6x1012 7x1012
Fig. 7 Variation of Nusselt number with Grashof number for different shell diameters,
Re=520.(Finned coil)
The same previous result can be achieved again for Re=350 as shown in Fig. 8.
These results indicate the same phenomena as in fig. 6 for the helical coil with
external radial fins but with lower values of Nu. Table 1 present Nu for Re=520
and 350 as a comparison between the results of the two cases, Gr=2.5×1012.
Figure 9 represents the variation of Nusselt number with Grashof number for finned coil
at Re=350 and 520 and Dsh = 15.24. From this figure, it is seen that increasing Reynolds
number will increase Nusselt number. Also; as Grashof number increases Nusselt number
increases. This results show that the mixed convection plays a big role in the relation that
governs Nusselt number growth.
Figure 10 shows the variation of Nusselt number with Reynolds number at different shell
diameters; Dsh=10.16, 15.24, 20.32 and 25.4 cm to show the effect of shell diameter on
Nusselt number variation with Reynolds number.
60 D*=3.33
Finned coil
Reo= 350
Nu o
0 1x1012 2x1012 3x1012 4x1012 5x1012
Fig. 8 Variation of Nusselt number with Grashof number for different shell diameters,
Re=350. (Finned coil).
Reo= 520
Reo= 350
D*= 2
Finned coil
1x1012 2x1012 3x1012 4x1012 5x1012 6x1012
Fig. 9 Nusselt number versus Grashof number for finned coil at Re=350 and 520.
Nu increases with the increase of Re. As Dsh increases, Nu increases due to free
convection existence beside forced convection. At Re = 328 Nu= 45, 52.5, 55.5
and 58 for Dsh=10.16, 15.24, 20.32 and 25.4 cm respectively.
Dsh=10.16 cm
Dsh=15.24 cm
60 Dsh=20.32 cm
Dsh=25.4 cm
Coil with fins
260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420
Fig. 10 Variation of Nusselt number with Reynolds number for finned coil
at different shell diameters.
70 D =2.67
D =2
Nu calculated
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Nu expirimental
Fig. 11. Comparison of the predicted Nusselt numbers and the experimental Nusselt numbers.
An experimental investigation was carried out to study the heat transfer characteristics of shell
and helical coil heat exchanger. The convection at outside surface of helical coiled tubes is
investigated with a constant wall heat flux. Refrigerant R12 passes inside tubes and water
passes through the shell. Four shells with different diameters were examined in this work with
finned coil and again with unfinned coil. The measurements enable studying the effect of
dimensionless flow parameters such as Reynolds number, Grashoff number and diameter ratio
D* (Shell diameter to coil diameter) on the heat transfer characteristics.
It is concluded that:
1- Fins existence enhances the heat transfer (by about 5% at Re=316 with 15.24 cm
shell diameter as example).
2- The average outer convection heat transfer coefficient increases with the increase of
inlet water temperature.
3- For 271 < Re < 674 and 9×1011 < Gr < 4×1012; Nu increases with the increase of Gr
for all shell diameters but the increase of Nu is slower for smaller shell diameter.
Increasing Reynolds number increases Nusselt number. This result shows that the
mixed convection plays an important role in the relation that governs Nusselt
number growth.
4- A general correlation of the average Nusselt number as a function of Re, Gr and D* is
proposed to describe the mixed convection from the helical coil with external radial
fins with different shell diameter as the following: Nua=0.0544Re0.427Gr0.146D*0.318.
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