Cot 4
Cot 4
Cot 4
March 4, 2020
GRADE 11- Cobalt 3:30-4:30
B. Establishing a purpose for On your notebook list down all the daily activities that you mostly
the lesson engage.
C. Presenting examples/ The teacher will present a video clip about Health-Related Fitness
instances of the new lesson Activity.
Guide Question:
1. What is the video clip all about?
2. What is muscular strength, endurance and flexibility?
3. What is Musculoskeletal Fitness?
4. Why is Musculoskeletal Fitness is important?
5. How can improve your Musculoskeletal Fitness?
The teacher will present the objective of today’s lesson.
G. Finding practical applications In your day to day activities. What are the things/practices you
of concepts and skills in daily should be avoided to attain your healthy lifestyle?
H. Making generalization and What are some points you are going to consider in doing Physical
abstraction about the lesson. Activity.
I. Evaluating Learning What are the values and benefits that we can get to the following
physical activity?
a. Scouting
b. Basketball
c. Dancing
d. Mountaineering
e. Jogging
J. Additional Activities for
application and remediation
A. No. f learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
require remediation
E. Which of the teaching strategies
work well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared by:
SHS Teacher II
ACTIVITY # 1: Make a Concept Map
ACTIVITY # 2: Brainstorming
Group 1- Poem
Group 2-Spoken Poetry
Group 3-Flip Top
Group 4-Rap