De Cuong Mon An Toan Lao Dong Va Moi Truong (Abet)
De Cuong Mon An Toan Lao Dong Va Moi Truong (Abet)
De Cuong Mon An Toan Lao Dong Va Moi Truong (Abet)
[1]. Nguyen The Đat, Giao Trinh An toan lao đong, Nha Xuat ban Giao duc, 2003. (620.86-
[1]. Tran Quang Khanh, Bao ho lao dong va ky thuat an toan dien, NXB Khoa hoc va ky thuat
2008. (620.86 TRA-K)
[2]. Hoang Xuan Nguyen, Ky thuat an toan va bao ho lao dong, NXB Giao duc, 2003. (331.259
According to the mapping table, the courses cover outcomes 2 and 5 of Student Outcomes
in Criteria 3.
Course assessment
Asessment Weight %
Homeworks 20
Theoretical Mid-term Exam 30
Final Exam 50
ABET e: An ability to function effectively as a member or a leader on a technical team;
Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Exemplary
0% 25% 50% 100%
Having 1 or 2
Student will be Often completed times completed Always Early completion,
able to work late or not done complete satisfactory,
late or
effectively in assigned support other
small teams requirements members