Electrical Safety (NFPA 70E 2021) : Course Name Credit Hours Course Description
Electrical Safety (NFPA 70E 2021) : Course Name Credit Hours Course Description
Electrical Safety (NFPA 70E 2021) : Course Name Credit Hours Course Description
Course Description This course equips electricians and other workers exposed
to electrical hazards with knowledge needed to apply safety
requirements from the NFPA 70E. We start by detailing the
arrangement, scope, and purpose of the document, as well
as define common terms. Then, we discuss securing an
electrically safe work condition, lockout/tagout, energized
work, grounding electrical equipment, arc flash and more.
In summary, we clarify NFPA 70E safety practices used in
the electrical industry. This course has no prerequisites.
Method of Presentation This online course uses text and graphics. Multiple choice
questions are used to test how well the student understands
the material. Each answer choice has a response which tells
the student whether the selected answer is correct or not. A
running score is displayed so each person can track their
progress through the class.
Username: UTEtester
Password: UTEtester
Cost $55.00