Complete Pre STD 2 Ed Book

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Student's Book
with answers

Second edition



Student's Book
with answers

Second edition

Bl 1±J

Emma Heyderman and

Peter May
For the revised exam from 2020
•.. S


Cambridge University Press

Cambridge Assessment English

Information on this title:

© Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019

This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception

and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.

First published 2010

Second edition 2019


Printed in the United Kingdom by Latimer Trend

A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-1-108-52524-4 Student's Book with answers with Online Practice

The publishers have no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy

of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication,
and do not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain,
accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other
factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but
the publishers do not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter.

• S
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- a

Map of the units 4

Introduction 6

Preliminary content and overview 7

1 My life and home 8

2 Making choices 16

Vocabulary and grammar review Units 1 and 2 24

3 Havingfun 26

4 On holiday 34

Vocabulary and grammar review Units 3 and 4 42

5 Different feelings 44

6 That's entertainment! 52

Vocabulary and grammar review Units S and 6 60

7 Getting around 62

8 Influencers 70

Vocabulary and grammar review Units 7 and 8 78

9 Stay fit and healthy 80

10 Looks amazing! 88

Vocabulary and grammar review Units 9 and 10 96

11 The natural world 98

12 Express yourself! 106

Vocabulary and grammar review Units 11 and 12 114

Grammar reference 116

Phrasal verb builder 141

Irregular verbs 143

Writing bank 144

Speaking bank 152

Extra resources 162

Answer key 163

Unittitle Reading Writing Listening
My life and home Part 5: 'Emilia's home' - living on a boat Part 1: An email Part 2: Listening for specific information
Reading for understanding of vocabulary Planning a reply Two candidates doing Speaking Part 1

Making choices Part 6: Would you choose to study at a

A post about what you used to do ten Emily talking about her work experience in
college or university like this?' years ago Mexico
Reading for detailed understanding of Part 2: An article on what makes a Part 1: Seven short texts about daily life
words and sentences great place to work Two candidates doing Speaking Part 3
Using a mind map to plan an answer
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 1 and 2

Having fun Part 3: 'Sand sculptures' Part 2: A story about a day out Part 4: Marc Pasqua[ - an Instagram
Reading for detailed understanding Planning paragraphs photographer
Talking about a skiing holiday
Two candidates doing Speaking Part 2
On holiday Part 1: Identifying text purpose

Part 1: An email Discussing a quiz
Suggesting where to go in a city and Part 3: 'A bushcraft skills course'
what to do Some friends discussing their next holiday

Vocabulary and grammar review Units 3 and4

Different feelings Part 4: 'Howl dealt with stress'

Part 2: A story Part 2: Listening for facts, opinions or feelings
Identifying the topic of a paragraph Using adjectives to describe feeling Two candidates doing Speaking Part 4
Identifying linking words (this, then, do,
also, however, etc.)
That's Part 2: 'Turn off the TV and go out!'

Part 2: An article about a celebration Eliza and Bella planning a night out
entertainment! Selecting events from an entertainment in your country Part 1: Seven short texts about daily life
guide Using the correct style for an article Two candidates doing Speaking Part 3

Vocabulary and grammar review Units Sand 6

Getting around Part 1: Identifying text purpose Part 1: An email Part 2: Olivia talks about extremely heavy

I Useful email expressions snow while travelling in Italy

Identifying distracting information
Mia and Owen discuss getting to the station
on time
Two candidates doing Speaking Part 2
Influencers Famous families Part 2: An article about a person you Part 3: 'How to become famous on YouTube'

I Part 6: An article about Emma Watson, a

famous influencer
Using correct spelling and punctuation
Completing notes
Carter and Will discuss presenters for a
VouTube channel
Three candidates doing Speaking Part 1
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 7 and 8
Part 2: A story about feeling nervous Part 2: People talking in six different

Stay fit and healthy Part 3: Evie Scott talks about exercise at
work Using a range of past tenses to explain situations
Identifying opinion and attitude what happened Identifying the situation and what you need
to listen for
Two candidates doing Speaking Part 4
Part 2: 'Our top picks at the street food Part 2: An article Part 1: Seven short texts about daily life

Looks amazing!
market' Listening carefully for information
Selecting places to eat Two candidates doing Speaking Part 2

Vocabulary and grammar review Units 9 and 10

The natural world 'Scientists use robot chick to study Part 1: An email Part 4: Looking for the Iberian lynx

I penguins'
Part S: 'Working on the Galapagos Islands'
Checking your work for mistakes Identifying expressions with similar or
different meanings
Two candidates doing Speaking Part 4
Part 4: 'Can you live without your Part 2: A story Raising money for charity

yourself! smartphone for a week?' Using a range of tenses and reported Part 3: A competition to design a new app
Matching sentences to paragraphs speech Two candidates doing Speaking Part 1
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 11 and 12

• - •_• -.-S_•...

Il Pronunciation YLT1TTIigy Grammar
Part 1: Saying your name, where -s endings Is!, /z/ House and home Prepositions of time
you live, what you do, and if you like and liz! Countable and uncountable nouns Frequency adverbs
studying English Present simple and present continuous
State verbs
afew, abit of, many, much, a/of of and lots of
Prepositions of place
Part 3: Discussing a new club for -ed endings Id!, It! Life choices Past simple
students to practise English and /id/ fail, pass, take, lose, miss, study and teach Past simple and past continuous
Agreeing and disagreeing do, earn, make, spend, take and win used to
Making a decision So do/and Nor/Neitherdol

Part 2: Describing a picture -ing endings /q/ Leisure activities Verbs followed by to or-ing
Explaining what you can see and Prepositions of place
where things are Phrasal verbs
People's hobbies
Part 3: Discussing where to go in Weak forms in Holiday activities Comparative and superlative adjectives
a city comparative travel, journey and trip a bit, a little, slightly, much, far, a lot
Making suggestions and giving structures Buildings and places (not) as as
reasons big and enormous (gradable and non-gradable

Part 4: Describing personal Modal verbs: weak Feelings can, could, might, may (ability and possibility)
experiences and strong forms Adjectives and prepositions should, shouldn't, ought to, must, mustn't, have
Asking other people what they think Adjectives with -ed and -ing to and don't have to (advice, obligation and
Adjectives and their opposites prohibition)

Part 3: Discussing plans for a festival Word stress Television programmes Present perfect
Moving onto a new subject Going out just, already and yet
been/gone, meet, get to know, know and since and for
find out Present perfect or past simple?

Part 2: Describing what people are Word stress in Weather extremely, fairly, quite, rather, really and very
doing in photos compound nouns Compound words too and enough
Adding new points, and correcting The future
yourself Prepositions of movement
Describing things you don't know the
name of
Part 1: Answering general questions Conditional Phrasal verbs Zero, first and second conditionals
Talking about your daily routine and sentences Describing people When, if, unless + present, future
what you like Contracted words Adjective prefixes and suffixes
Adjective order

Part 4: Discussing sport, fitness and Word stress: Illnesses and accidents Relative clauses
health agreeing and Sports (defining and non-defining)
Showing agreement and polite disagreeing do, go and play Past perfect

Part 2: Describing everyday objects Connected speech: course, dish, food, meal and plate Commands and instructions
in photos linking sounds Shops and services Have something done
Explaining what things are made of
or used for

Part 4: Discussing ways to help the Word stress in The environment The passive: present simple and past simple
environment passive forms Noun suffixes Comparative and superlative adverbs
Giving examples

Part 1: General questions Intonation in Collocations: using your phone Reported speech and reported commands
Talking about habits and routines direct and indirect ask, ask for, speak, talk, say and tell Reported questions
questions Negative prefixes Indirect questions


Who this book is for Also available:

Complete Preliminary is a stimulating and thorough • Downloadable audio online containing all the listening
preparation course for learners who wish to take the Bi material for the 12 units of the Student's Book plus material
Preliminary exam from Cambridge Assessment English. It for the Speakin Bank. The listening material is indicated by
helps them to develop the necessary reading, writing, listening coloured icons 02 in the Student's Book.
and speaking skills for the exam as well as teaching essential • A Teacher's Book containing:
grammar and vocabulary. For those who are not planning to - Step-by-step guidance for teaching the activities in the
take the exam in the near future, the book provides skills and Student's Book.
language based around engaging topics, all highly relevant for - A number of suggestions for alternative treatments
learners moving towards a Bi level of English. of activities in the Student's Book and suggestions for
What the Student's Book contains: extension activities.
- Photocopiable recording scripts from the Student's Book
12 units for classroom study. Each unit contains:
listening material.
- an authentic exam task taken from each of the four
- Complete answer keys including recording scripts for all
papers (Reading, Speaking, Writing and Listening) in the
the listening material.
Preliminary exam.
- 12 photocopiable word lists (one for each unit)
- essential information on what each part of the exam
containing vocabulary found in the units. Each vocabulary
involves, and the best way to approach each task. Exam
item in the word list is accompanied by a definition
advice boxes before exam tasks explain how to do this.
supplied by the Corpus-informed Cambridge Learner's
- a wide range of enjoyable speaking activities designed
to increase learners' fluency and ability to express
- Access to extra photocopiable materials online to
practise and extend language abilities outside the
- a step-by-step approach to doing Preliminary Writing
requirements of the Bi Preliminary exam.
- grammar activities and exercises for the grammar • A Student's Workbook containing:
learners need to know for the exam. When you are doing - 12 units for homework and self-study. Each unit contains
grammar exercises, you will sometimes see this symbol further exam-style exercises to practise the reading,
9. These exercises are based on research from the writing and listening skills needed in the Preliminary
Cambridge Learner Corpus and they deal with the areas exam. In addition, they provide further practice of
which often cause problems for students in the exam. grammar and vocabulary, which also use information
- vocabulary activities and exercises for the vocabulary about common Preliminary candidate errors from the
you need to know for the exam. When you see this Cambridge Learner Corpus (9.
symbol (9 by a vocabulary exercise, the exercise • A 'Vocabulary Extra' section, which contains twelve pages
focuses on words which Preliminary candidates often of further revision and practice of the essential Preliminary
confuse or use wrongly in the exam. exam vocabulary contained in the Student's Book units.
Six unit reviews. These contain exercises which revise the • Downloadable audio online containing all the listening
grammar and vocabulary in each unit. materialfor the Workbook.
Speaking and Writing banks. These explain the possible • A Test Generator containing:
tasks students may have to do in the Speaking and Writing - A Grammar and Vocabulary Test at standard and plus
papers, and they give you examples and models together levels of each of the 12 units in the Student's Book.
with additional exercises and advice on how best to - Three Term Tests including grammar, vocabulary and
approach these Speaking and Writing exam tasks. Preliminary Writing, Speaking, Listening and Reading
A Grammar reference section which clearly explains, exam tasks.
unit by unit, all the main areas of grammar which you will - An End of Year Test including grammar and vocabulary
need to know for the Bi Preliminary exam. There are also from all 12 units, with Preliminary Writing, Speaking,
practice exercises for all grammar points. Listening and Reading exam tasks.
• S
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tPart/Timing [Content ExamIfocus

1 Part 1 Five very short texts: signs and messages, Parts 1-4 and Part 6: Candidates are expected to
Reading postcards, notes, emails, labels, etc. followed by five read for the main message, global meaning, specific
45 minutes three-option multiple choice questions. information, detailed comprehension, understanding
Part 2 Five descriptions of people to match to eight of attitude, opinion and writer purpose and inference.
short texts. Part 5: Candidates are expected to show
Part 3 Longer text with five four-option multiple understanding of vocabulary and grammar in a short
choice questions, text, and the lexico-structural patterns in the text.
Part 4 Gapped text where five sentences have been
removed. Candidates must select the five correct
sentences from a list of eight.
Part 5 Four-option multiple choice doze text with
six gaps. Candidates select the word which best fits
each gap.
Part 6 An open doze text consisting of a text with
six gaps. Candidates think of a word which best suits
each gap.

2 Part 1 An informal email. Candidates write an email Candidates are mainly assessed on their ability to use
Writing of about 100 words in response to a text. and control a range of Preliminary-level language.
45 minutes Part 2 An article or story. There is a choice of two Coherent organisation, spelling and punctuation are
questions. Candidates are provided with a clear also assessed.
context and topic. Candidates write about 100 words.

3 Part 1 Short monologues or dialogues with seven Candidates are expected to identify the attitudes
Listening three-option multiple choice questions with pictures. and opinions of speakers, and listen to identify
approximately Part 2 Six short unrelated dialogues with six three- gist, key information, specific information and
30 minutes option multiple choice questions. detailed meaning, and to identify, understand
and interpret meaning.
Part 3 Longer monologue. Candidates complete six
sentences with information from the recording.
Part 4 Longer interview. Six three-option multiple
choice questions.

4 Part 1 A short conversation with the interlocutor. The Candidates are expected to be able to ask
Speaking interlocutor asks the candidates questions in turn, and understand questions and make
12 minutes using standardised questions. appropriate responses, and to talk freely on
Part 2 An individual long turn for each candidate. A topics of personal interest.
colour photograph is given to each candidate in turn
and they talk about it for about a minute. Each photo
has a different topic.
Part 3 A two-way conversation between candidates
(visual stimulus with spoken instructions). The
interlocutor sets up the activity.
Part 4 A discussion on topics related to the
collaborative task in Part 3. The interlocutor asks the
candidates the questions.
-0-0-69 0 0 0
000 0 0

1 My life an \



Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer Work in pairs. Tell your partner about these things.
the questions.
• the building where you live
1 What are these four parts of a home called? • the street where your home is
2 Are any of these like your home? How are they similar • a place where you would like to live
or different?
3 Which is your favourite place in your home? Which is
your least favourite? Say why.
Before you listen, quickly read the first line
4 What changes would you like to make to your home? of each question and underline the
Why? key words.
5 When you go away, what do you miss about your
home? • Don't choose an answer until you've
heard the whole text for that question.

0 You will hear people talking in six different situations. In
pairs, look at questions 1-6. For each question, discuss
who you will hear in the conversation and what the Prepositions of time
situation is. page 116 Grammar reference
Prepositions of time
I to fvie.ts, & {L&t oLk like, t o Uue. it
Exam candidates often make mistakes with prepositions
1 You will hear two friends talking about the kind of
of time. Choose the correct option in italics.
flat they would like to live in.
They agree that it should 1 I sometimes leave work in Ion the evening.
A be on one of the higher floors. 2 On I/n summer, they must come to Poland.
B have at least three bedrooms. 3 I'll see you on/at4o'clock.
C be close to public transport. 4 We usually go to the beach at/in the morning.
5 I go shopping in / on the days when there are not too
2 You will hear a man telling his friend about
many people.
changing job.
How does he feel?
A He finds it hard to do his new job well.
0 Complete the table with the phrases from the box.
Then add more phrases to the table.
B He still misses his old colleagues.
C He thinks the staff at his new firm are unfriendly. 5o'clock 2020 bedtime halfpastfour July
25 May my birthday night Sundays the afternoon
3 You will hear a woman talking about a trip to the beach
the holidays the-weekend weekdays winter
What did she like best about it?
A swimming in the sea
B going on a free boat trip
C playing a sport
4 You will hear two friends talking about the town
where they live.
They agree that t ke, Nee ke KA
A there's too much traffic.
B some parts of it are dangerous.
C it's smaller than they would like.
5 You will hear a man talking to a friend about shops.
What does the man think about the small shop?
A There aren't enough assistants.
B The prices there are reasonable.
Discuss when people do the activities in the box. Say
C It sells a wide variety of items.
when you do them. Use prepositions of time.
6 You will hear two friends talking about their homes.
The woman says her room would be better if do exams eat in a restaurant get a bus
A itwasquieter. go shopping socialise watch TV
B it was a lot bigger.
C it was sometimes warmer. Some people Ego by
the morning. I get the bus
~ ~_
bus very earty in
For each question in Exercise 2, choose the correct
answer. Listen again and check your answers.

0 Think of the three best and worst things about the place
where you live. Use the ideas below, or your own. Work
in small groups and discuss your ideas.
• how big or small it is
• interesting places to visit
• the people who live there
• traffic and public transport
• how safe it is
• things for people to do in their free time My life and home
0 Work in groups. Discuss how often you do the things in the
pictures. Use expressions like everyday, once a week and twice
Frequency adverbs a month. Decide who does each thing most often.
Page 116 Grammar reference
Frequency adverbs I chat with my best friend every evening.

Read the text about Julian. In pairs, discuss how

(dy my flat once a weeD
similar his daily habits are to yours.

Oct Da4c,Ju%aAt a.4('zzf c1u-tc wiyrk at

6a,w, soo ke yqth c' at S ast attd Iuv
a. qtuck br&vkfai.t at 5.11 He taJcei tke buc
to work at 5.40 cw- bwt e(l'tej he
Juit ttc/vUs.e k ctued%y befrre
w1eit the c4fI afteit jec bwcy atht.
He Iuw citcvw at six a4a kegon ta
bed at a4ou't 10 e-ztery e-freiu4tj.

0 Work in pairs and answer the questions.

1 Which is correct: frequency adverb + be, or be +
frequency adverb?
2 Do frequency adverbs like often, sometimes
and rarely go before or after other main verbs?
3 Where do we usually put longer frequency
expressions like every day or most days?

Complete the sentences with the words in

brackets. Work in pairs. Describe the pictures on page 11.
Answer the questions.
1 I listen to music on the radio. (occasionally)
occoatkRj (i5tefrt to +tsic oa -Ltt '&io. • Which place would you like to have a holiday in? Which would
you like to live in all the time? Why?
2 I check my phone for messages. (every • Do you know of other unusual places to live?
two hours)
3 I'm late for my English lessons. (never)
4 I write emails to friends. (sometimes)
0 Read the text without filling in the gaps.
Answer the questions.
5 I don't have lunch at home. (always) 1 What kind of text (e.g. story, article) is it?
6 I'm sleepy in the morning. (almost every day) 2 Which photo matches the text?
7 I go out on Monday nights. (hardly ever) 3 Which four of these points are in the text?
8 I stay in bed late. (most weekends)
• Emilia does lots of interesting things.

0 Write sentences 1-8 in Exercise 3 so they are true

for you. Then work in pairs and compare your
• Her education takes place on the boat.
• Living on a boat has some disadvantages.
sentences. • She never feels afraid when she's on the boat.
• She sometimes meets her friends.
I rarely listen to music on the radio.
• Read the text to get a general idea of the type of text, its
topic and the main points.
(Really? I listen to music on the radio all the time.
• Look at the words before and after each gap.

• Try each of A. B, C and D in the gap. Which

has the right meaning and fits the grammar
of the sentence?

Read the article again and choose the correct word for each space
(A, B, C or D). Use the questions in italics to help you.

( W 2 -

Most people live in flats or houses, but right now biologist Emilia '

Ruiz is waking up somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, because her

home is a 20-metre boat. She has (1) ..............................
the last two years sailing with her colleagues Ryan and Charlie, '

who are also scientists.

Emilia's work (2) ................................of studying large sea creatures
such as whales and dolphins as they cross the oceans, so she
often travels very long distances and has (3) ...............................
friends all over the world. She is doing a Master's degree online
and her studies are going well.
Her way of life, though, is sometimes uncomfortable. Space on
board her boat is limited and bad (4) ..............................that lasts "

days is common, (5) winter. Storms at sea can -

be frightening, although modern boat equipment usually helps

sailors (6) ................................them and Emilia nearly always feels
safe. She contacts friends by social media and whenever they
get together they have great fun in the places they visit.


1 Which word do we use with a period of time?

A passed B used C taken D spent
2 Which verb is followed by 'of'?
A includes B consists C requires D involves 0 Work in groups. Discuss what you would or wouldn't
like. Give reasons.
3 Which verb often goes with 'friends'? • often going to different places
A added B formed C caught D made
• rarely seeing friends
4 Which noun often goes with 'bad'? • never having to travel to work or university
A temperature B forecast C weather D climate • making new friends around the world
5 Which adverb means 'especially'? • having very little space at home
A particularly B extremely C completely D absolutely • living close to nature all the time

6 Which verb means 'keep away from'? Work in pairs. Imagine a typical day in Emitia's life.
A prevent B control C avoid D remove Use frequency adverbs to describe it.

My life and home

Make questions using the present simple or the present
continuous. Add or change words if necessary.
Present simple and present continuous
1 what! 'habit'! mean?
Page 117 Grammar reference 2 any buses! stop! in your street?
Present simple and present continuous
3 who / watches! the most! TV! in your house?
' Page 118 Grammar reference
State verbs 4 you / prefer! to getup! early or [ate?
5 everyone! talk! to / their partners! at the moment?
Match the extracts from the article on page 11
6 what colour clothes! you /wear! today?
with the uses of the present simple and present
7 anyone! sit! behind ! us in class right now?
continuous (a-e).
8 what !you ! sometimes !forget / to do?
1 Most people live in flats or houses.
2 Emilia Ruiz is waking up somewhere. 0 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 3.

3 She often travels very long distances.

4 Her studies are going well.
What does 'habit' mean?
5 Emilia's work consists of studying large sea creatures
It means something you often do.

a something that happens regularly 0 Do the task below.

b something in progress, but not at the present moment Write three questions using the present continuous
c verbs not normally used in the continuous about what your partner is doing, thinking or feeling
now, e.g.Are you feeling good?
d something happening at the present moment
Write three questions using the present simple about
e something that is generally true
what your partner likes, wants or prefers, e.g. Do you

0 Complete the email with the the present simple or

present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
prefer weekdays or weekends?
In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

0 IP/ /s/,/z/ and /Iz/
Try saying these words. Which ones end with /s/? Which
ones end with /z/? Which ones end with /iz/?
Hi David,
changes chooses does finishes forgets goes
1(1) ...'w4dth& (write) to you from the lovely
holiday home my friends and I have rented, right likes lives loves passes plays practises
next to the sea. 1(2) . (sit) in my prefers sees speaks studies thinks uses
bedroom right now, which (3) ................................(have) walks wants washes wears works
a big window, and 1(4) ..............................(look) out
across the waves at a little island. 1(5)
(love) it here, and in the evening I sometimes 0 Work in pairs. Think of a close friend or family member.
Tell your partner these things about them. Remember
(6) ................................(stay) here and watch the sun go
to pronounce the final 's' of verbs correctly.
. facts, e.g. She lives in..., she belongs to
Every day, we (7) ................................(go) for a walk along
the top of the cliffs. The weather (8) . things he or she often does, e.g. He often plays
(get) hotter every day. It was 35°C yesterday! But we . something your friend is doing around now, e.g.
always (9) . . (leave) the house early in She's learning Spanish.
the morning while that cool wind from out at sea • what you think your friend is doing right now, e.g.
(10) (blow). He's walking home.
We (11) . . . (have) a really good time here,
and 1(12) ................................(not want) to go home! 0 Now ask your partner more questions about the friend
or family member.
Bye for now,
Molly E eredoes she work?_D
House and home a few, a bit of, many, much, a lot of and lots of

O Which of these does your

home have?
Page 118 Grammar reference
a few, a bit of, many, much, a lot of and lots of

Look at what Giles says about his free time. Choose the correct option in italics.
a balcony a bathroom

Lakct € ° irsj

0 Look at the places in Exercise 1.
Where can you find the things in
the box?

armchair bath blankets

chest of drawers cooker
cupboards cushions I don t have much time to watch TV these days. There aren't
many programmes I like, and as I've got university exams
dishwasher duvet fridge
quite soon, I usually have a lot of work to do in the evenings.
microwave mirror pillow After that, I often like to do a bit of exercise. At weekends,
rug sink sofa taps I like to invite a few friends to my house. We cook some
toilet towels wardrobe food, have dinner together and talk a lot. That's lots of fun!

L ___ washing machine

1 We use a few for small numbers with countable / uncountable nouns.

Countable and uncountable nouns
2 We use a bit of for small amounts with countable / uncountable nouns.
Page 118 Grammar reference
3 With countable / uncountable nouns in questions and negative sentences
Countable and uncountable nouns
we use much.
Choose the correct option in 4 With countable / uncountable nouns in questions and negative sentences
italics. Then check with the we use many.
extract from the Cambridge
5 We use a lot of or lots of for large amounts or numbers. We use them with
Learner's Dictionary.
countable or uncountable nouns.
lam looking for new furniture/
6 If there is no noun, we use a lot instead of a lot of
furnitures for my bedroom,

furniture noun [U] 0 Choose the correct option in italics.

objects such as chairs, 1 I put a bit of/a few make-up on, but not many/much.
tables and beds that you put 2 It doesn't take manyl much time to wash those clothes and it only takes a lot
into a room or building of! a few hours to dry them.
Common Learner Error 3 I've got a bit of a few video games but I can't buy any more because they cost
Remember you cannot make much /a lot of money.
furniture plural. Do not say 4 Those new light bulbs don't use many! a lot of electricity, so lots of much
people are buying them.
5 I don't use much / many shampoo, just a bit /a few. My hair always goes dry if

0 Look at the first line of the

dictionary extract again. What
I use a lot/ a lot of.
6 There isn't much / a lot space in my bedroom so I don't keep a bit of many
things there.
tells you the noun furniture is
uncountable? What letter do you Work in pairs. Ask your partner what he or she likes and doesn't like doing at
think there is for a countable home. Use expressions from Exercise 1. Tell the class about your partner.
Do you watch much TV?
Think about the kitchen in your
home. Write three countable and No, I don't watch a lot of programmes.

three uncountable things you can
My life and home
find there. Tell your partner.
0 Put the words in order to make questions. Then match the questions
with the answers.
Prepositions of place 1 your/what's/name? 3tk's , owc to&ste.?

page 119 Grammar reference 2 live/ where/ do /you?

Prepositions of place 3 Recife/do/what/do/you/in?
Page 152 Speaking bank 4 lessons/ having/you /English/ like / do?
Speaking Part 1
5 English /future/ use /the/ in /you/ will?
Exam candidates often make mistakes
with prepositions like at, in and on.
o Choose the correct option in italics.
a Yes, I need to speak it well at work because we do a lot of business
\ b In Recife, a big city on the north-east coast of Brazil.
1 Sometimes we play cards on / at
his house. c Rafael Santos.
2 He sometimes goes running at! in d I work in an information technology company there.
the park. e Yes, I always enjoy them a lot!
3 We usually stay in/at home
watching TV. Work in pairs. Ask another student the questions in Exercise 4. Use the
4 There's a window on/in the left of correct prepositions in your answers.
my bed.
5 I normally spend my day in / at 0 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
and prepositions of place and time. Listen and check.
the beach.
6 I have some photos in/on the wall.
Hugo: Where(1) Ao,o.i coite. (you/ *
0 Work in pairs. Tell each other about
your apartment or house. Describe
come) from, Sara?
Sara: I live (2) Vigo, a -
each room and what's in it. Draw a city in Galicia. That's
picture of your partner's home. Show north-west
it to your partner. Spain, (4)
Atlantic coast.
Complete the gaps with at, in and on. Hugo: Do you work or
(5) (you /be) a
Sara: I'm a second-year student
(6) the University
of Vigo. I'm studying Economics.
Hugo: How (7) (you / get) there (8) the
Sara: The University isn't in the city so I usually take the bus, but
(9) summer I often ride thereon my bike.
a city Hugo: And where (10) (you / like) to go (11)
a country the evenings?
a company Sara: Sometimes I go out with my friends, but most evenings I stay
(12) home studying. I've got exams soon!

• In the Speaking exam, be friendly and polite when you meet the
the coast examiners and the other candidate.
a hill • Speak clearly and loudly enough for the examiners and
an island your partner to hear you.

Give longer answers by adding details such as places

and times of day.

Q Work in new pairs. Ask and answer the questions

from the dialogue in Exercise 6.

Writing Part 1 0 Read this reply and answer the questions.
1 How many main paragraphs does Frankie use?
Page 145 Writing bank 2 Which paragraph deals with each of the notes?
An email
3 How many sentences does Frankie write about each of
Work in pairs. Look at the exam task and answer the the notes?
questions. 4 In Frankie's email, find prepositions of place,
prepositions of time and frequency adverbs.
1 Who has written to you?
,k(e.c, ow
2 What do you have to read?
3 What kind of text must you write?
From: Frankie
4 What news does Alex tell you first? How do you feel
about this?
To: Alex
5 What does Alex ask you next? What information must
you give?
Hi Alex,
6 What does Alex ask you in the fifth sentence?
I'm so happy you can spend a fortnight at my place.
7 What does Alex ask you last?
I'm really looking forward to it!
Summer is lovely here. I'm usually away in August, so
Read this email from your English-speaking friend Alex,
July would be the perfect time to come and visit.
and the notes you have made.
I live in a three-bedroom flat on the fifth floor in a
•:• quiet neighbourhood. It's comfortable, with modern
furniture, big windows and a large balcony where I
sometimes have barbecues at weekends.
It hardly ever rains in July, so I'd recommend bringing
From: Alex just light clothes, plus your swimming costume.
Many thanks for inviting me to There's lots to do here and I'm sure we'll have a
come and stay with you for a fantastic time.
couple of weeks. I asked my boss See you in the summer!
for some more time off work and
she said yes! -
Which month would be best for
Plan your own reply to Alex. Use each of the notes as a
me to come? ,A N ke. K
heading and write your own ideas below them.
We've never really talked about
your home. What's it like?
I'll start planning my trip today.
What should I bring with me? ft's
See you soon!
0 Writeyouremail.
• Begin and end in a friendly way.
Write your email to Alex, using all the notes.
• Use paragraphs, one for each of the notes.
• Write at least one sentence about each of the notes.
• Use frequency adverbs and prepositions of place /
You must answer this question in the exam
Read the instructions and the email in the
0 Check your partner's email. Has your partner:
• organised the email like Frankie's?
question. Note who you have to write to
and which points you must include. 4 • written about all four notes on Alex's email?
• written about 100 words?
• Note down ideas and plan your reply.
Use a paragraph for each point.

My life and home

• N N *
'N - •


- N • U K

N N * U N • N


Work in pairs. Read the article about four different universities.

Then answer the question in the title. Do not complete the gaps for now.

Life choices

Work in pairs. Match the photos At Worcester University, England there are students (1).................
to the words in the box. Then take very few exams. Those studying an English degree only have
put these events into the order (2) hand in essays in their third year.
someone might do them. A small number of students who (3) ......... studying at Cleveland
Institute of Music, USA can live at a local retirement home. The students
apply for a job don't pay rent in exchange for spending time (4) ..............................the elderly
get some work experience people living there and playing concerts.
quit yourjob retire early At Mondragon University, Spain, students studying Leadership and
take a gap year Innovation set up (5) . . own companies and try to earn enough
money to pay for their next year at university.

0 In pairs, ask and answer these

Students at Deep Springs University, USA live on a large animal farm
in the middle of the Californian desert. Classes are very small, usually
between four (6) ............................12 students on each course.
• How often do people in your
country decide to do the
activities in Exercise 1?
• Why do people make these
0 What type of word is missing in each gap (1-8) in Exercise 1 (a verb,
a preposition, etc.)?
• Is there anything in Exercise 1
that you haven't done but you Read the text in Exercise 1 again and write the word which best fits each gap.
would like to do? Why?
0 Work in pairs. Look at the title of the article below and the photos. What do you think the article is about?

0 Read the article and check your ideas. Do not complete the gaps for now.

People who know they want (0) 1 . .. be doctors study

medicine and future lawyers study law. But what
(1) those who don't know what they want to be but
know what they enjoy? Equestrian Psychology is perfect for horse
lovers who (2) ...... keen to understand this animal's
behaviour. There's even an opportunity to take part in
(3) exchange programme with universities in
Australia, Hungary or Canada. An option for water sports fans is a
degree in Surf Science and Technology. Students do subjects such
(4) geography, surf culture and how to be safe in
the water. Back on land, someone who likes plants can apply for
a degree in Floral Design and learn how to arrange flowers for a
living. And finally, people (5) . enjoy making friends I le

or family members Laugh should consider a degree in Stand-Up

Comedy. Apart (6) ...............................regular classes, they also have
the chance to perform in comedy clubs.

Without filling in any of gaps 1-6, quickly read the

0 Read the article and think of the word which best fits
each gap. Write one word in each gap.
text to find out what it's about.

• For each gap, look at the sentence and decide

what kind of word (e.g. a preposition)
0 What makes a good college or university? Make notes on
the ideas below.
is missing.
accommodation classrooms and facilities
• Read the sentence again and think of
fees and other costs journey and location
the word which best fits the gap.
teachers and courses timetable and exams

0 Work in groups. Tell each other your ideas.

Making choices


fail, pass, take, lose, miss, study and teach Past simple

Page 120 Grammar reference

Exam candidates often make mistakes with fail, Past simple
pass, take, lose, miss, study and teach. Complete the
definitions with the words from the boxes. Work in pairs. Before university, Emily went to Mexico City
to do some work experience. Discuss the differences you
fail pass take think she found between her life in Canada and in Mexico.

1 We have to an exam at the end of this

course. (= do an official test)
2 I hope I the exam and get a good mark.
(= be successful in an exam)
3 I'm studying a lot because I don't want to
my exam. (= not be successful in an exam)

lose miss

4 I don't want to my music lesson. (= not go

to something which happens or arrive too late to get
on a bus, a train, etc.)
5 I often my keys. (= not be able to find
something or someone)

learn study teach

6 I want to how to ride a horse. (= get new

knowledge or skills)
7 A colleague is going to me how to change
the tyre on my car. (= give new knowledge or skills)
8 My brother would like to biology at
university. (= go to classes, read books, etc. to try to
understand new ideas and facts)

0 Choose the correct option in italics.

1 Do you ever c/ make exams?
2 Do you ever miss hose your mobile, keys or bag?
3 What subject(s) did your favourite teacher teach! learn
4 Would you like to take! learn a new sport, language or
musical instrument?
5 Is it sometimes OK to miss / lose lessons or work?
6 What kinds of subjects do people in your country
learn / study at university?
7 Would you like to be a school teacher or university
lecturer? What subject would you like to teach / learn?
8 Do you think that people who never fail/pass exams
are more intelligent than others? Or have they just got
better memories?

Work in small groups. Ask and answer the questions in

Exercise 2.

0 Listen to Emily talking about her experience. Make
notes on how the city, shops and entertainment were
Work in pairs. Student A, ask the questions from
Exercise 3. Student B, read Emily's answers from
different. Exercise 4. Then change. Remember to pronounce the
regular past simple endings correctly.
Work in pairs. Write the interviewer's questions, using
you and the past simple.
0 Exam candidates often make spelling mistakes with the
past simple. Underline and correct one spelling mistake
1 where/ go? ia tA1 o in each sentence.
2 why / decide/to work abroad?
3 how / find / a place in the laboratory? 1 My friends and I plaied football yesterday.

4 where stay? 2 In our first English lesson our teacher teached us some
new words for sports.
5 speak / Spanish / before / go?
3 When I went to university, I studyed very hard.
6 how / feel / when / first / arrive?
4 Last weekend, I founded a very good restaurant in
7 like / the city?
my town.
8 enjoy / the experience?
5 When I arribed at work, my colleagues weren't there.
6 My friend Sara bringed her dog to class one day.
0 Listen again and complete Emily's answers.
7 I'm reading a book that my English teacher
1 I Neat to Mexico for nine months.
recommend to me.
2 I to get some work experience and improve 8 We puted all our things in the car and we set off on
my Spanish. holiday.
3 My dad an agency and they .... me
a place. Q Complete Zak's review with the past simple form of the
verbs in brackets.
4 I with Alicia and her family.
5 Yes, I did. I French and Spanish at school.
6 When I ,I scared. I-Fo-w x-aly exp-er/etsc.e a,
7 I ,,.,..,, italot, alit exck4c1je c'1-eit't
8 Oh yes, I did. I working in the laboratory.
Zak, Wellington, New Zealand

0 Look again at Emily's answers. Underline the regular

past simple forms. le the irregular past simple
It (1)...... (be) an incredible experience.
1(2) ..... .... ............ .......... (spend) four months in a university in
(3) (choose) China's capital city because
forms. 1(4) . ........ ____ ..... ........ (want) to go somewhere very differen
Wellington has a population of 200,000, while Beijing
O IP/ Id!, It! and /id/
Listen to the sentences. How do we pronounce these
has a population of over 20 million!
05 Before 1(5) ...... ...... ___ ........ .......(leave) home,
regular past simple -ed endings? Choose the correct 1(6) .......... .................... ..(be) worried about the new
option. language and culture. I remember that
1(7) ................................ (feel) very nervous when
1 I wanted to improve my Spanish. /d/ It! /id/
1(8) .... ........ ........
........ ....(say) goodbye to my family.
2 I stayed with Alicia and her family. /d/ It! /id/ My host family in China (9)...... .......................... (look after)
3 I liked the city a lot. /d/ /t/ /id/ me really well. 1(10) ..... ................... ........(eat) all kinds of
new food, 1(11) ................ ................ (see) some wonderful
• Complete the table with the past simple form of the places and of course 1(12) ........... ................... ..)make) a lot
ro verbs from the box. Listen and check. of new friends.
Is r I recn% the experiewe to cIver s'iueewtT.
('arrive contact decide enjoy help invite
like love need stay study
want watch work
-J Work in pairs. Think of anew place you went to. Ask and
answer the questions.
• Where did you go? • How did you feel?
• Why did you go there? • What did you think of it?

C \A1did you_go?
Cl visited Mad D
Making choices
Past simple and past continuous
P Page 120 Grammar reference
Past simple; Past continuous

Work in pairs. Look at the picture. What happened to

Emily when she was walking to work?

0 Listen and check. What do you think happened next?

19 r

Listen to the rest of Emily's story. Were you right?

Look at the extracts from Emily's story. Answer the
1 Suddenly a woman appeared from nowhere and she
started screaming at the dogs. The dogs!ran off.
Alicia goes to Canada to stay with Emily. Complete
Did the three actions happen at the same time? What
happened last? Emily's blog with the past simple or past continuous
form of the verbs in brackets. Listen and check.
2 The sun was shining and I was feeling good.
Do we know when the sun started shining? Do we
know if the sun stopped shining?
3 I was walking to work with Alicia when we saw a group
of dogs. One morning, Alicia (1) .... .. (woke up) early
Did Emily and Alicia see the dogs before they started and (2) ......... (go) to the kitchen where I
walking to work? (3) ,.,........,...,........ (talk) loudly to my flatmate.
We (4).. (stop) talking and I
Complete the rules with past simple or past continuous. (5) ................................ (say), 'Look outside! There's 20 cm
of snow on the ground. We'll have to ski to the town
centre.' Alicia (6) ................................(feel) excited and
nervous at the same time. Snow in Mexico City is very
We use the (1) to talk about actions or rare and she (7) . . ....................(not know) how to ski.
situations in the past (often one action happened after 1(8) ................................ (help) her to put on the skis. As we
(9) ................................ (set off), one of the neighbours
the other).
(10) . ... (shout), 'Everything is closed,
We use the (2).... to talk about an activity even the shops!' We (11)... . . (take off)
that was already happening at a moment in the past. our skis and (12) ................................(start) throwing
We don't say if this activity finished or not. snowballs.
We often use the (3) and the
(4) together to show that an action
happened in the middle of an activity. 0 Work in pairs. Choose a title from the box and prepare
a description of an unusual day. Think about who you
• We generally use when to introduce the action in the
were with and what exactly happened. Use the past
simple and continuous.
I was walking to work with Alicia when we saw a group
of dogs.
Bad weather stops everything!
We can use when, as or while to introduce the activity I'm the boss for a day!
in the (6) Famous visitor arrives in town! No electricity all day!
As/When/While I was walking to work. Isaw a group - - - - -
of dogs.
Work in groups. Tell each other about your unusual day.

0 Read the questions and underline the keywords. These
are underlined for you in question 1 as an example.
0 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures for questions 1-7.
What can you see in each one?

1 What do the people need to bring for the cycling trip?

• Before you hear each recording, underline the
key words in each question so that you know
exactly what to listen for. An
• The first time you listen, try to tick the
correct box. Then, as you listen for the
second time, check your answer.
2 What time does Stuart need to beat work?

Listen and note the important words you hear next to the
pictures. Listen again and choose the correct answer.
3 Where does Jack live?
used to
Page 121 Grammar reference
used to
[_Pizza Fast Read Marina's blog post. Which verb does Marina use
to talk about things that happened in the past but
don't happen now?
4 Where did the man find his football boots? Was your life easier ten years ago? Were you still at
school? Did you use to hang out with your classmates,
for example?

Yeah! Ten years ago, I was at secondary school and I was still
living at home. My classmates used to be my best friends so
I didn't need to make an effort to meet new people. I used to
5 What did Julia eat before she came home? have quite a lot of free time. Although I used to help around the
house I didn't use to think much about what food to buy and
cook. My dad used to do most of that because my mum used to
work nights. Now, I usually spend a lot of my free time shopping,
cooking and cleaning. In many ways, life used to be much easier.
Perhaps I should move back home! Marina, Bologna, Italy

6 What are the two friends going to buy Paul for his birthday? F I

Il k
7 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
0 Answer the questions.
1 Does used to change when we change the subject
pronoun (I/you/he/she, etc.)?
2 How do you make negative sentences and questions
with used to?
3 What verb form generally follows used to?

Write a post saying whether your life was easier ten
years ago. Use used to and didn't use to.
ddd I tk[ak ttj 1ft s siex 1zi& &o c&ts
A B C o Rue. M

Making choices
0 Complete the sentences. Listen and check.

1 Shall we with the quiz night?

do, earn, make, spend, take and win
2 How a team meal?
Complete the sentences with do, earn, 3 Good . Let's talk about another one.
make, spend, take or win. 4 I don't .. Some of us hate running.
We asked our readers to tell us what was 5 I'm not about that one.
important to them in their job and they 6 goforthat.
1 It's easy to meet new people and Match the underlined phrases from Exercise 3 with these uses.
• Suggesting 'kAU Nt ... • Disagreeing
2 I a reasonable salary.
• Agreeing • Deciding
3 It doesn't a long time to get
to the office.
4 I most of my time working • Listen carefully to the examiner's instructions.
in a team. Then look at the pictures.
5 Ican regular breaks during
the day and holidays during the year. Talk about the different things in the pictures by
making suggestions and replying politely to your
6 My company pays for us to
partner's suggestions.
7 My boss encourages me to
my best.
Read the instructions for the Speaking Part 3 task. Do the task.
8 I can play football on the company team.
Talk for at least two minutes.
We even matches!

0 Work in groups. Talk about what's

important to you in your job. Use verbs and
A language school would like to organise a new club for students to
practise their English outside class. Here are some activities they
could do there.
expressions from Exercise 1.
Talk together about the different activities the students could do at
the clubs. Say which will be the most popular.

Page 159 Speaking bank

Speaking Part 3

Tanya and Gareth's boss would like to

introduce one of these social activities at
work. Listen and answer the questions.

a quiz night a weekend trip

a team meal yoga and relaxation
a running group a cooking dassj

1 Which of the activities does Tanya suggest?

2 Which of the activities does Gareth suggest?
3 Which activity do they both choose?

So (do) I and Nor/Neither (do) I

Page 121 Grammar reference
So (do) land Nor/Neither (do) /

0 Underline the words that Tanya and Gareth

use to agree. When do we use nor and so?
1 Gareth: I'm not sure about that one.
Tanya: Nor am I.
2 Tanya: I still think a team meal is the
best option.
Gareth: So do I. Let's go for that.

Read Charlotte's answer below. Does she mention any
of your ideas from Exercise 3?
Page 148 Writing bank
An article

Read the task below and answer the questions.

In ml opinion, a great place to wor iswhere, staff
1 What do you need to write? q3ol being at wor btcaust tbtj get on weAl with
2 What information do you need to include? each other. Their boss is fair as et and encourage
we.r1boal to do their best. P great office i arge
You see this advert for a writing competition in an
English language magazine. and bright and there is enough space for everone.

Articles wanted!
In ml last3ob, 'e used to start vor at '1.30 but
What makes a great place to work? beieve that starting ear'ier is triuch better.
Is it the people who work there, the facilities or is
it something else? also feet a good wor plact needs social activities to
What kinds of social activities should a great place hep the staff rnae friends. In some companies, staff
to work offer?
Write an article answering these questions and do fun things IiYt sports competitions or camping
you may be our lucky winner!
trips, white at tm job, there isn't anthing.
Write your article.

0 Work in pairs. Make a list of things that make a great

place to work.
Look at the questions. Read Charlotte's answer again
and decide if she completed the task well.
Lkft t1ftis 1 Does the article include all the information for
the task?
Complete the mind map with your ideas from Exercise 2.
2 Is the answer written in paragraphs?
Add reasons. You may need to add some more shapes
and lines to the map. 3 Are the ideas connected with words like and, because
and while?

bo,&S Nko
e:t Ofrt NeR bft Read the instructions and the text in the task.
tco.oe_. s Decide what information you need to include.

Think about the topic and your reader. Note down

some ideas and decide how many
social activities paragraphs you will write.

staff Make a plan for each paragraph.

Then write your article.

0 Use your ideas from Exercise 3 to write your article.
Then use the questions from Exercise 5 to check

your writing.


bYi &i±
ot{ic ftk
to ok i&

Making choices

S.... S
•... S

•.. S
Vocabulary and S...

grammar review

0 Underline and correct one mistake in each sentence.

1 We don't eat always in the dining room.
0 Complete the email with at, in or on in each gap.
t& ko (b'is Mt UI. W &(U&UI.

2 Hello, I call to ask if you want to go out somewhere


Hi everybody, 3 Why do you stand here in the rain at this time of night?
4 I'm tired usually in the morning.
Well, here I am (1) .......... ii&.............. New Zealand,
5 I'm never believing anything that newspaper says.
staying with a very friendly family (2).....................
6 I every day water the plants on the balcony.
the town of Westport. It's quite a big house and my
7 How do you often have a bath?
bedroom is (3) ........,.... the second floor. I like
it because there are lots of cupboards to put my things 8 I get normally home at about half past five.
(4) .................................and the bed is much bigger than
the one (5) ......................... myroom(6)

(7). .... ............................. the evenings and (8)

0 Label the photos with words from Unit 1.

1 aYvtcjAi 2 s___
weekends, the family sometimes take me
out, though most of the time we just stay
(9) ..................................and watch TV. I usually go to bed
quite early, sleep well and get up (10).. ............ .........

about 7.30 (11) . . ... the morning.

I'm enjoying myself a lot here, but I'm looking forward

to being home again (12) August 15th.
3 f 4 c
Write soon!

WWIIft -

0 Choose the correct option in italics.

1 I have a big family and there's always a lot of
fijewoi/ houseworks to do.
2 We've got a few! a bit of time before the film starts.
Let's get a drink.
3 It's very dark and cold here in winter, so I don't go out
a lot /a lot of.
4 The living room is very big but there's not many/much
furniture in it. 7d 8c od
5 These days, Max spends a lot of time / times at the
sports club.
6 I haven't got much / many work to do, so I'll go
out soon.
7 Paula isn't very well, but I think she can eat a fewl
a bit of food now.
8 We sometimes invite a bit of/ a few people to have
dinner with us.

ram mar review 2
0 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past
continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

0 Choose the correct option in italics. 1 Anita ..... frft....., (fall) asleep when she
1 I was late for the dentist because I lost/ (do) her homework.
the bus. 2 When I got to class, some of my friends
2 My teachers used to say that we had to study hard and (chat) and the lecturer
do / make our best. (write) on the board.
3 My grandfather taught me to be positive. I/earned! 3 Yesterday, when we. .......... ...... .. .... ......... (have) lunch,
studied a lot from him. the phone ................. ... ..... ......(ring).
4 The English test was very easy so I think I'll 4 While I .................................(buy) some milk in the
pass / fail it. supermarket, I ..................................(see) a famous TV
5 Being happy at work is important but earning!
winning a reasonable salary is too. 5 At first I (think) English
. (be) difficult but now I love it.
6 When Helen moved to a new city, she soon did! made
a lot of new friends. 6 It....... .......... ...... ........ (begin) to rain as I ......
(walk) to the beach.
7 My brother is nervous because he's taking !passing his
driving test today. 7 When my best friend ..................................(sit) on the
table, it..... ......... ............... .... (break).
8 My brother did! made engineering at university.
8 Last night we. ...... ........ ... ...............(watch) a short
film in English and I ............................... (understand)
Last weekend I .................................(go) to my cousin's
0 Correct one mistake with a verb in each sentence. 9
party. I really..... ....... ........... .......... (enjoy) myself.
1 A TV company choosed this street to make a film
10 I ..................................(feel) tired after the long journey,
because it is the oldest in the city. sol ..................................(go) to bed.
2 I think I lefted my bag at your house last night.
3 Our teacher was kind. She teached us very well. 0 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
There are three extra words that you do not need.
4 I woke up very early because I was planing to go to
the lake.
5 My dad only payed €75 for his mobile phone. didn't gave give use usecf used
wasn't weren't
6 While my sister was riding her bike, she felt and injured
her leg.
1 When my mum was younger, she .. . ........... to
7 When I was younger, I prefered to take the bus
play basketball for her school team.
2 I didn't to have lunch at school. I
8 I met Holly a very long time ago. We were studing at
went home instead.
the same university.
3 I remember our maths teacher well. He used to
us a lot of homework.
4 Before Eva bought an alarm clock she

0 Work in small groups. Discuss the questions.

• Which other leisure activities do people enjoy in your
country? Why?
• Are these activities difficult to learn? Why! Why not?
• How much time a week do you spend doing your
favourite leisure activity?

Leisure activities

0 complete the leisure activities with the verbs from the

box. Which activities can you see in the photos? Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
• What do the photos show? Do you think they are
-doing- going playing posting interesting?
riding taking visiting watching
• What kind of person do you think the photographer is?

....... sports
............................. photos
0 Look at questions 1-6. Decide what kind of information
(an opinion, a reason, advice or feelings) you need to
3 ......................... dancing listen for in each one.
4 . a bike, a motorbike or a horse
5 a film or play
6 a musical instrument
Before you listen, look at each question and
7 . messages on social media sites
decide what kind of information you
8 an art gallery or museum

0 Work in pairs. Discuss how you like to spend your free

time. Put the leisure activities in Exercise 1 in order.
Listen for details about this information
and choose the best answer.
0 For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear a radio interview with the Instagram photographer Marc Pasqual.
to V
1 Marc became a full-time Instagram photographer
because he wanted to
A start travelling to other countries.
B do a different kind of photography.
C make more money.

2 Marc thinks he is good at photography because he

A plans all his photos very carefully.
B sees details that others often miss.
C was taught it very well.

3 What mistake does Marc say he made when he began?

A He didn't spend enough money on special apps.
B He didn't put enough selfies on Instagram.
C He didn't post photos online often enough.

4 What does Marc most enjoy about being a photographer?

A Remembering everywhere he has been.
B Being able to do his job on his own.
C Communicating online with other photographers.

5 In the future, Marc wants to

A become the employee of a big company.
B do a degree at university.
C study the history of photography.

6 Marc advises new Instagram photographers to

A add some information to their online photos.
B put their best photos onto other social media sites.
C upload their photos only on Saturdays or Sundays.

Work in groups. Discuss the questions.

• What kind of photos do you like the most! least?
• Is there a hobby that you would like to turn into a job?

Prepositions of place

Listen to Kirsty talking on the phone. Draw these

objects on the picture. Check your answers on page 162.
• Kirsty's racket • her trainers
• her tennis balls • her T-shirt

0 Write sentences describing where the objects from

Exercise 1 are. Use the prepositions from the box.

above behind in in front of inside near

next to on on the right opposite under

&ckek is b& -frok at tke, N AYAY-obe- ft's ot&

&e {loo-.

Having fun
•ririiii 0 Read the text and the questions below. For each
question, choose the correct answer.

0 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. What do you think

they show? Do you like them?
1 Why did Ariana decide to start making sand
A She has always been good at other kinds of art.

0 Read the text quickly. What is the writer's main

B She saw some sculptures that her friends had
already made.
C She wanted to do a new outdoor activity with her
A to explain how to become an expert at making friends.
sand sculptures
D She was impressed by some objects that were
B to describe a particular sand sculpture that she made made out of sand.
C to give some advice about making sand sculptures
2 What did Ariana realise when she started making her
D to encourage more people to make sand sculptures
first sculpture?

0 Read the text again and answer the questions. A

She wasn't very patient.
She thought it would be easier.
1 Why did Ariana decide to start making sand
sculptures? C She knew straight away it wouldn't be a success.
2 How did Ariana feel when her first sand sculpture D She disliked people watching her make the sand
failed? sculpture.
3 In the final paragraph, what does Ariana say
3 How did Ariana feel when her first sculpture failed?
annoys her?
A She felt like giving up her new hobby.
B She was embarrassed because of how it looked.
C She regretted ignoring some useful advice.
- Quickly read the text to get the general idea of
D She was angry with herself for wasting four hours.
fit is about.

• For each question, decide what the text says 4 In the final paragraph, what does Ariana say
annoys her?
about it before you look at options A-D. 4
A people damaging her sculptures
• Choose the option that is most similar
B the sea covering her sculptures
to what the text says.
C the weather destroying her sculptures
D people believing it is only a hobby for children

nearby seemed to think this was extremely funny, but that just made
me want to keep trying even mote. I wished I'd listened to an expert o
My name's Ariana and I live on the coast of Portugal where there are YouTube who recommends digging up wet sand and to use it to build
lots of beautiful sandy beaches and warm sunny days. It's the perfect the sand sculptures because it sticks together better. So, I did that for m
location for my favourite hobby - making sand sculptures. It's always next sculpture of a camel. And I managed to complete it in four hours,
great fun and it costs nothing. For fairly basic sculptures like the ones though they don't always rake me that long to make.
make, all you really need is a safe place to build it, something to dig
I've heard people say that making sand castles is for kids,
with, and a large bucker. I'd never actually thought of making sand
nor adults, but that doesn't bother me at all. Many people
sculptures before until my friends and I discovered some fantastic ones
don't understand that even lightly touching a sand
that were along the shore near where I live. I couldn't believe that such
sculpture can make a whole section fall off, which
beautiful model buildings, incredible creatures, and some amazingly
can rake ages to rebuild and I get upset when
realistic faces of famous people were all made out of sand. From that l
that sometimes happens. Of course, heavy
moment, I knew that this was something I just had to do even though I'd
rain can do some damage, but not as much
never considered myself to be an artist or very creative.
as you might think. As long as you build for '
In fact, anyone can create a sand sculpture, but it's much harder than it enough up the beach, the waves won't .
looks as I soon discovered. The first sand sculpture I ever made was of a wash a sand sculpture away either. So,
two-metre-long dolphin I was making brilliant progress on it until quite when you're next or the seaside, make .
suddenly the head started to break off! one yourself - you'll get a great sense
I tried everything to try and fix it, but it was hopeless. Soon the whole of achievement! •
thing was a big pile of wet sand on the beach Some people sunbathing

; kAWiI1IiI
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Some verbs can be followed by -ing or to, but with a
change of meaning. Look at sentences 1-4.
• Would you like to build sand sculptures? If so, o
what kind? Which two are about:
• Which of the activities below do you enjoy doing? • something the speaker has to do?
• Which would you not like to do? Why? • a memory of something in the past?

flying a kite sailing sunbathing 1 I remember just chatting to her.

swimming in the sea windsurfing 2 I must remember to get a map.
3 Don't let me forget to take my sunglasses.
tcii,i,-iint.i 4 I'll never forget flying over that beach.

Verbs followed by to or -ing 0 Underline the mistakes and correct them.

Page 122 Grammar reference 9 1 I forgot asking you about your family. to Mk
Verbs followed by to or -ing
2 I hope see you soon!
3 I really enjoyed to help at a music festival.
4 Do you fancy to come out with us?
• We can use either -ing or to (+ the infinitive) after verbs 5 When we finished to eat I went home.
such as start, begin, like, love, hate, prefer and continue 6 I'll never forget to visit New York last year.
with little difference in meaning.
Complete questions 1-6 with the correct form of the
• Its head started breaking off. / Its head started to
verbs in brackets.
break off.
1 Where do you fancy oi (go) this evening?
With other verbs, only one form is possible.
2 What kind of music do you enjoy. (listen) to
at home?
Look at the underlined verbs. Which are followed 3 What are you planning (do) at the
by a verb ending in -ing? Which are followed by to? weekend?
Complete the table. 4 Do you remember (go) away on holiday
1 Some people sunbathing nearby seemed to think it when you were younger?
was funny. 5 Do you ever forget (bring) anything to your
2 ... that just made me want to trying English lesson?
6 What would you like (do) tomorrow?
3 I wished I'd listened to an expert on Youlube who'd
suggested digging up wet sand.
4 I managed to complete it in four hours. 0 IPI -ing endings /r)/
Listen to the sentences. Then answer the questions.
1 How do we pronounce -ing?
keep 2 Is there a /g/ sound when we say -ing?
3 Is this part of the word stressed?

0 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions from

Exercise 5.

0 Tell your partner about the things below. Remember to

pronounce -ing correctly.

0 Complete the table with the verbs in the box. Can you
add more verbs?
Something you ...
1 are learning to do
(I'm_learning to play the drums)

2 can't afford to buy

admit afford agree avoid decide enjoy fancy 3 decided to do last week
feel like finish hope learn mind miss practise
4 must remember to do tomorrow
promise want would like
5 will finish doing soon
6 shouldn't forget to do next weekend

Having fun
Answer the questions about the phrasal verbs in
Exercise 2.
Phrasal verbs
1 Which two of the phrasal verbs have three words?
Page 123 Grammar reference 2 Sometimes the object of a phrasal verb can come
Phrasal verbs
between the verb and its adverb, e.g. My friend picked
me up in her car. Which phrasal verb in the text is
phrasal verb: noun [U] a phrase which consists of separated by an object?
a verb plus a preposition or adverb or both. The meaning
of this phrase is different from the meaning of its
separate parts: look after (be responsible for), hang on
0 Work in pairs. Complete the sentences with the correct
form of phrasal verbs from Exercise 2. Listen and check.
(wait) and run out of (use all of) are all phrasal verbs.

0 Complete these short conversations with the three

phrasal verbs from the dictionary extract.
1 A: 'The bus leaves in ten minutes so we'd better
go now.' 1 -
B: 'Can you a moment? I'm nearly
2 A: 'I don't think I can afford to go out this evening.'
B: 'Don't worry. If you money, I'll lend
you some.'
3 A: 'I'm going away but I can't take the dog and the
cat with me!'
B: 'I'll them if you like.'

0 Match the phrasal verbs in the article to meanings 1-9.

4 9
Chris: Hi, Ava. Are you and Megan going away on
Which kind of hobby would be good for you? If you find holiday soon?
group activities exciting and you'd like to join in, why Ava: Yes, on Saturday. We want to (1) vtoff
not put your name down for something like white-water very early in the morning.
rafting or rock climbing? Or, if you love animals, you Chris: Are you going to the coast?
could take up horse-riding. It can be a bit expensive, Ava: No, we (2) beach holidays a
though, so before you sign up for 20 or 30 lessons you long time ago. There are always too many people.
need to be sure you won't give up a couple of weeks later! We've decided to (3) skiing
Cycling may be cheaper, and of course you can set off on instead. We're off to the Alps.
the road whenever you like and g o o n cycling all day if you Chris: Do you know how to ski?
• want. Or how about a creative hobby such as painting,
Ava: Er, not really. That's why I'm going to
photography or playing a musical instrument? That's (4) my name for
* something you can look forward to doing whenever you lessons.

4 have a spare moment, and once you find out which you
like best you'll probably never go off it

1 take part in an activity with other people joii. i&

Chris: I tried skiing once but I found it really difficult.

After three days l(5)
went home!
Well, the lessons (6)

until late
2 stop doing something before you have completed it afternoon every day, so I hope I can improve quickly.
3 feel happy about something that is going to happen I'm really (7) trying, anyway!

4 start doing a hobby Chris: Yes, I'm sure you'll have a great time.

5 stop liking Tell your partner about an activity, sport or subject you
6 continue found difficult at first.
7 arrange to do an organised activity
• When did you take it up?
8 register to do something
• Did you ever feel like giving up?
9 startajourney
• Do you look forward to playing/doing it now?

0 • Do you want to go on doing it?

People's hobbies

0 Work in groups. Follow the instructions. 0 Work in pairs. Which other words go with the hobbies?
1 Match the hobbies in box A with the pictures. cltes: it&Aooy b(ack &i&k N RC tat&, i&ou
2 Match the hobbies with the people and equipment in
box B. 0 Choose an interesting hobby. Describe it to your partner
and try to persuade them to take it up.
CfS: 7tCtlAY 4., ck& (obyk, piece
A You find somewhere safe and dry, put up your tent and sleep
in a sleeping bag. You light a fire to cook your food or use a
camping chess cooking
little gas cooker. You can go where you like when you like,
cycling music painting photography
and it's healthy because you're outdoors in the fresh air!

backpack bike board brush camera chess player

cook cooker cyclist helmet instrument musician
oven paint painter photographer pieces tent

Having fun
0 Listen to Eduardo describing one of the photos. Which
photo is it? Tick (/) the things he talks about. • Listen carefully to the instructions and then study
activities people your photo.

clothes place • Talk about everything you can see (the place,
colours time of day people, objects, colours, clothes and -
equipment weather weather).

objects • Use prepositions of place (e.g. next to,

opposite) to say where things are.
Listen again. Complete the sentences.
1 In the picture I se two people.
Work in pairs. Using expressions from Exercise 3, take
2 The woman on the left a green
jacket. turns to describe one of the other photos for one minute.

3 It, they're cooking some

vegetables. 0 Discuss the questions with your partner.

4 they are backpackers. • Did you both speak for at least a minute?
5 there's a high mountain and • Did you follow the exam advice?
a forest. • How could you improve the description?
6 It winter because there's snow.
7 Although the weather dry, I think Q Work in pairs. Look around your classroom and describe
these to your partner.
it's probably very cold there.
• a part of the room (where it is and what size it is)
0 Answer the questions.
• three objects in the room (where they are and what
1 Why do we say look like in Question 3 but look (without they look like)
like) in Question 7? • another pair of students (where they are, what they
2 Which prepositions of place does Eduardo use in are wearing and what they are doing)
sentences 1-7?

Plan your own story for the task in Exercise 1. Make
notes before you write. Use the ideas below.
Page 150 Writing bank • Use your imagination to invent a completely
A story new story.
In Writing Part 2, you can choose to write a story. Look • Write about something that has happened to you, or
at this task and answer the questions.
someone you know.
• Use an idea from a film, TV programme or book, but
1 Do the instructions give you the first line of the story? change it a bit.
2 Should you write in the first person (I) or the third • Plan your story in two or three paragraphs.
person (he/she/it)?
• Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.
• Read the instructions. If you are given the first
sentence, you must use it.
• Your story must begin with this sentence:
/ had a really great day out • If there's a name or pronoun
(e.g. br she) in the sentence, use if
in your story.

0 The story below has three paragraphs. Decide which

a describes the main events Z
0 Write your story in about 100 words.

b sets the scene for the action

c describes the writer's feelings after the main event
d tells us how the writer felt during the action
e introduces the story (saying who did what, where
and when)

Fil l had a really great clay out last week. The weather was good and my brother and I went
high up into the mountains. There, we hired bicycles with huge, thick tyres. We were going
snow hiking!

1Z I We set off clown the mountain, following the steep, narrow track round trees and
rocks and doing some excitingjunlps. It was great fun and although I fell off twice, I didn't
hurt myself becauce I landed in deep, soft snow. We carried on for hours, enjoying the
cool, fresh air.

i:i Afterwards, we sat in a nice little café. We felt tired but very, very relaxed!


. ,

Holiday activities

Work in pairs. Look at the photos of the holiday

activities. What do they show? Which would you like to
0 Listen to Joe asking Sonia about her last holiday.
Where did she go? What did she do?
do? Use the words in the box to help you.
Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
buy gifts/souvenirs go sightseeing go snorkelling
When you go on holiday, do you prefer to
go snowboarding hangout with friends hire a bike
1 go somewhere in your own country or go abroad?
look around a market take photos
2 do lots of different activities or hang out by the pool
or beach?
(' I'd like to hire a bike because I love cycling. 3 go on a tour with a guide or make your own plans?
What about you?
4 send messages to your friends or post something
general for everyone to see?
I'd prefer to go snorkelling..

, Reading Part 1 S •
Work in pairs. Look at this first question from Reading From: Dave
Part 1. What do you have to do in this part? To: Rob
• Subject: Snowboard
Boat trip
Due to bad weather, this has been put off until the same Can I still borrow your snowboard for the trip?
time tomorrow morning. Lunch will still be provided. Pete says he can lend me his but i think yours is
• better. Let me know.

The notice for the boat trip is telling customers

A Pete's snowboard is not as good as Rob's.
A the refreshments have changed.
B Dave would rather borrow Pete's snowboard.
B the time has changed.
C Rob would prefer to lend his snowboard to Pete.
C the day has changed.

0 Look at the text in Exercise 1 again and answer these • ' Pool Rules
questions. Please shower before entering
Diving is only permitted in the deep end
• Is it a note, an email or a sign?
No food or drink in the pool area
• What does it say about the weather, the time, the day
and the food?
A Eating and drinking is not allowed next to the pool.
Read the text and underline the keywords. Then find B After swimming, please use the showers provided.
similar words in each option (A, B and Q.
C Diving is forbidden in all parts of the pool.

0 Now choose the correct letter A, B or C.

Ptea,ie cIzeck Tht up 6frre you t&ute ark. I don't
With each text, think about what kind of text it is. wzu 1-0 the bu.frr tke tn u4 VU ite4 to
Underline the key words in each option. e
Then look for words and phrases in the
options and the text that have similar
Claire is asking Jane to
A Make her some sandwiches for her trip.
Look at the text in each question (2-5). For each B Make sure she is awake by a certain time.
question, choose the correct answer. C Drive her to the bus stop.

a 0 Work in small groups. Choose one of the holidays in the

photos. Plan your holiday together.
Hi Dan
I had loads of fun today! My friends and I went sailing • Where are you going? In which season and how long for?
before playing tennis. Then we had a barbecue on the • What are you going to see and do there?
beach and ate the fresh fish we'd caught. See you soon, • Where will you stay? Where will you eat?
Present your holiday to the class. Listen carefully to
each presentation. Decide as a class which is the most
attractive holiday.
A After playing tennis, Vicki went on a boat trip.
B Vicki ate dinner on the beach before going sailing.
C During her boat trip, Vicki went fishing.

On holiday
travel,journey and trip Comparative and superlative adjectives
Page 124 Grammar reference
Exam candidates often make mistakes with travel, Comparative and superlative adjectives
journey and trip. Choose the correct option in italics.
o Work in pairs. Read these facts. Decide if they are true
1 I often go on business journeys I trips.
or false. Then check your answers on page 162.
2 I'd love to win a trip / journey to Australia and stay in a
five-star hotel. a The population of Canada is larger than the population
of Tokyo.
3 Last summer, we tripped/ travelled around my
country. b The longest country in the world is Brazil.
4 I've just got back from holiday. It was a wonderful c Rain is more common in Rome than in Paris.
travel! trip.
5 I'm really afraid of flying so I often get very nervous 0 The sentences in Exercise 1 compare things. Complete
the rules with the correct sentence letter.
about the travel/journey.

0 Look at this extract from the Cambridge Learner's

o Dictionary and check your answers from Exercise 1.

1 We generally use comparative adjectives (e.g. larger
than) to say that something has more size, height, etc.
travel, journey or trip?
than another: sentences and .........
The noun travel is a general word which
means the activity of travelling. 2 We generally use superlative adjectives (e.g. the
Air travel has become much cheaper. longest) to say that within its group, something has the
most size, height, etc.: sentence
travel verb to make a journey
I travel abroad a lot on business.
Exam candidates often make mistakes with comparative
and superlative adjectives. Complete the table.
Use journey to talk about when you travel
from one place to another.
He fell asleep during the train journey. adjective
Did you have a good journey?
regular (1) ................................ than the deepest
(2) ................................ than the safest
A trip is ajourney in which you visit a place
for a short time and come back again. noisy (3) ................................ than the..............................
• business trip big (4) ................................ than the (7) ..............................
• three-day trip to Spain beautiful more beautiful than the...............................
good better than the.............................
bad (5) ................................than the (1O) ...........................
Work in groups. Ask and answer questions to find
far farther/further than the farthest /
someone who the furthest
• would like to travel around the world. more the(11) ...........................
• went on a trip abroad last summer. less the(12) .............................
• often gets bored on long journeys.
• prefers travelling by train to travelling by car
• doesn't like travelling. 0 Underline and correct the mistake in each sentence.

0 1 I don't like living in the countryside even if it is more

Would you like to travel around the world? safe than cities.
2 That's the worse joke I have ever heard in all my life.

Yes I would. 3 In the centre is the bigest market in Europe.

Where would you like to g o?_D 4 Portugal is the hotest country I have ever visited.
5 This town is more quiet than the town I used to live in.
6 My best friend is taler than me and better looking too!

Look at the sentences in Exercise 4 again. What are the

spelling rules for regular comparative and superlative

0 adjectives?
0 Complete each sentence with the comparative or superlative form of the
adjective in brackets. Then choose the correct option (A, B or Q.

0 North America is
A Asia. B Africa. C South America.
......... (big) than

0 What is
A Russia B Canada C China
(large) country in the world?

0 What is ......................................... .. (dangerous) creature in the world?

A the snake B the mosquito C the shark

0 An African elephant is .............................................(light) than a

A blue whale. B brown bear. C giraffe.

A howler monkey is ...............................................(noisy) than

A a parrot. B a lion. C a lion and a parrot.

0 What is ..............................................(slow) fish in the world?

A the sea horse B the tuna C the shark

0 Great white sharks are ...............................................(fast) than

A tunas. B killer whales. C dolphins.

Where is ...............................................(busy) train station in the world?

A New York B London C Tokyo

0 Y40 Deep Joy is

world. It's in
(deep) diving pool in the

A Italy. B Sydney. C Argentina.

is Antarctica is ..............................................(dry) than

A Australia. B Europe. C any other place in the world.

Listen to Abby and Lucas discussing the quiz and check your answers.

0o /PI Weak forms in comparative structures

Listen to the extracts. Are the underlined syllables stressed or not stressed?
• I wouldn't like to share my home with a howler monkey.
They're much loud er th parrots or lions.
• Great white sharks can swim at 40 kilometres per hour,
so they're fast e r th a n dolphins, which can swim at 30 kilometres per hour.

0 Work in pairs. Take turns to read the sentences in Exercise 8 with the
correct stress.

On holiday
a bit, a little, slightly, much, far, a lot (not) as ... as
Page 125 Grammar reference Page 125 Grammar reference
a bit, a little, slightly, much, far, a lot (not) as... as

Q Complete the sentences with the comparative form

of the adjective in brackets. Use a bit, a little, slightly,
Read part of a blog about Shanghai, in China, and then
answer the questions.
much, far or a lot.

One of my favourite cities in the world is Shanghai, in

1 Mount Everest, in the Himalayas, is around 8,850 China. It isn't the capital, that's Beijing. Shanghai is not
metres high. K2, also in the Himalayas, is around as polluted as Beijing, even though Shanghai is bigger an
8,611 metres high. (high)
more people live there. It's an international city. It's as
}v&ot.1frtf £t is tU kLY' WKK2. international as many other large cities in the world like
2 An African elephant's brain weighs over 5kg. New York or London, so it has a lot to offer.
A human adult's brain weighs about 1.3 kg. (heavy)
1 What expression do we use to say things are the same?
An African elephant's brain is
2 What word do we add to say things are different?
3 Arica, in Chile, gets 0.76 mm of rain per year. 3 Does the form of the adjective change?
Death Valley in Arizona, USA, gets less than 50 mm per
year. (dry)
• Write down an example of each thing in the box.

your favourite city your favourite museum

4 84 million people travel through Atlanta International
Airport, USA, each year. 67 million people travel
your favourite celebrity your favourite activity
through London's Heathrow Airport. (busy)
Atlanta International Airport is Q Work in pairs. Compare your favourite things in Exercise
12. Say which you think is better. Use as ... as.

5 Cherrapunji in India gets 11,777 mm of rain every year.

Tutendo in Colombia receives 11,770 mm per year. (wet) What's your favourite museum?
Fi loveoingtoart
Cherrapunji is
rnslike the
6 Cheetahs can run at 120 kilometres an hour. Elephants in Paris.
can run at about 20 kilometres an hour. (fast)
(I don't! They're not as interesting as
Cheetahs can science museums. The one in Munich is
tIiargest in the world and it's amazing!
Q //
Buildings and places big and enormous
Page 125 Grammar reference
Gradable and non-gradable adjectives

Match descriptions 1-3 with the photos A-C in

Exercise 1. Then answer the questions.
1 The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France in
1886 and, at 93 metres, it's quite tall. Visitors
need to climb 354 stairs to get to the top.
2 The Mall of the Emirates is very large. Apart from
hundreds of shops and restaurants, there's a
games centre, a cinema and a theatre, and two
hotels. You can also go skiing.
3 The Camp Nou (or 'New Ground') football
stadium is absolutely enormous. It is the biggest
stadium in Europe and 99,354 people can watch
football there.

• Which of the underlined adjectives can we use

with very, extremely and quite? (These are called
gradable adjectives.)
• Which of the adjectives can we use with
absolutely or totally? (These are called
non-gradable adjectives.)

Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Do you know what these

places are? Use some of the words in the box.
0 Write the gradable adjectives for these
non-gradabte adjectives. (Sometimes, more
than one answer is possible.)
art gallery bookshop bridge cinema
department store factory fountain library 1 enormous N6 5 terrible
market monument shopping centre sports centre 2 tiny 6 exhausting
stadium town hall youth club 3 boiling 7 fascinating
4 freezing 8 fantastic

I think the stadium is in Barcelona. What do you think?9

Exam candidates often make mistakes with
non-gradable adjectives. Choose the correct
0 Which of the things in Exercise 1 do you have in your town o option in italics.
or city? Which do you like most?
1 It's a(n) very! absolutely wonderful place.
Write the opposite of each adjective. 2 It was a(n) quite! extremely good movie. You
should see it.

LL cheap clean dangerous dull empty

interesting low near old quiet ugly wide 1
3 That dog is very/ absolutely enormous.
4 The weather is absolutely / quite hot here.
5 This food is very / absolutely nice.
1 crowded 5 dirty 9 safe
6 beautiful
7 lively
0 Listen to Ani and write her answers to the
questions. Then listen again and check.
4 modern 8 boring 12 far 1 Where do you come from?

0 Work in groups. Ask and answer questions about where you

do these activities.
2 What do you like about living there?
3 What would you change about where you live?

get fit get some peace and quiet go shopping 0 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
Exercise 4, trying to use very, quite, absolutely
have a good time stay dry when it's raining take photos
and extremely with gradabte and non-gradable
We often go to the market, but we rarely go to the shopping
re it's too crowded and noisy.
On holiday
Listening Part 3 0 For each question, write the correct answer in the gap.
Write one or two words or a number or a date or a time. You
will hear a woman talking to a group of people about the
What can you see in the photo? Would you like to
bushcraft courses she organises.
do a bushcraft course? Why! Why not?

Bushcraft describes the skills we need to stay ' 0 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.

alive in the wild, for example how to hunt for • How could these skills help you in your everyday life?
animals, look for drinking water or build a fire. • What other skills would you like to learn?

0 Read these notes about a bushcraft skills course.

Decide what information you think is missing
Writin g

Page 145 Writing bank

from each space (number, date, noun etc.). An email

Read the Writing Part 1 task. Answer the questions.

1 What do you need to write?
2 What information should you include?

Read this email from your English-speaking friend Stevie, and

the notes you have made.

From: Stevie

How are you? Did I mention that I'm thinking of

taking some time off next year to travel? Well
I'd love to visit your country as part of this trip.
I'd also love to see your city. What's it like? ft.
• meet your guide outside the
I'm not very keen on crowds of tourists, so when
is the best time to visit?
• learn how to use equipment
Where else should I go in your country while
• make a (2) to sleep in
I'm there? ---- 1co3i&e4t1.
• prepare food for lunch, e.g. (3)
Please write back soon.
you have caught
Best wishes,

visit the river Stevie

• make drinking water Write your email to Stevie, using all the notes.
• predict the weather with (4)

Email address: (5)

0 Read Bandile's answer. Which city is he writing about?
Hi Stevie.
Phone number: (6) You should definitely visit my country. There's so much to
experience in South Africa, from absolutely amazing wildlife t o
history and culture.
I live in Johannesburg which is the most visited cityji Africa. One
of the best things about my city is the weather because the sun
Before you listen, read the notes carefully.
even shines in winter. Tourists mainly come in our summer which
Think about what kind of words are
is between December and February so if you want to avoid them,
missing. come in March.
Write down the answers exactly You should also go to Kruger National Park, stay on a campsite
as you hear them. and explore it with a guide. You might see an elephant or a lion!
Bye for now,

Read Bandile's email again. Answer the • Complete the sentences. Then listen again and check.
questions. 4pI . ,.
1 Why we all go to Paris for our next holiday?
to IV
1 Does the email answer all the parts of 2 I'd to go somewhere quieter.
the question?
3 It's one of the beautiful places in the world.
2 Is the answer well organised?
4 Not camping again, please!
3 Does the email open and close in a We got wet last time.
suitable way?
5 What trying a new sport like surfing?
4 Are the ideas connected with words like
6 Let's that!
and, because, so and which?
5 Is there a variety of vocabulary and 7 The re's so. todo.
grammar (adjectives, comparatives and
superlatives etc.)? 0 Decide which sentences from Exercise 3 are suggestions (S) and
reasons (R).
6 Is the email about 100 words?

0 Write your own answer to the task in

Exercise 1. You can use the underlined
Don't talk for a long time without letting your
partner speak.
expressions from Bandile's email.
Give reasons for your suggestions and ask the
other candidate to give reasons for theirs.
Work in groups. Read each other's emails to
see if you have answered all the questions in
Exercise 3. Do this task with a partner. Talk for at least two minutes.

Your friend is visiting his cousin who is working in an English-

• In preparation for the exam, it is speaking country. While his cousin is at work, he's going to
useful to write rough drafts. Your spend the afternoon on his own in the city.
teacher and other students can then
Here are some things he could do there.
help you to improve your work before
Talk together about the different things your friend could do in
you write your final draft.
the city and say which would be most enjoyable.
• In the real exam you won't
have time to write a rough
draft. Just make notes
before you start writing.

0 Write the final draft of your email.

Page 159 speaking bank

Listen to a group of friends talking

23 about their next holiday. Which type of
4 10 holiday do they choose?

0 Work in pairs. Answer these questions

about the conversation.
1 Does each member of the group
take turns to speak?
2 Does each member make a
suggestion and then give reasons for
their suggestion?

On holiday
Vocabulary and
3 grammar review

3 My brother is a very good . He makes some

lovely meals.
A cook
Choose the correct option in italics.
B cooker
1 In my English class I sit behind /jtwo friends,
C cooking
so all three of us are on the front row.
2 I live next to! near the place where I work and I can 4 I want to learn the piano, or another musical
walk there in ten minutes. A object
3 I live on the third floor and my cousins live right below! B equipment
above us on the fourth floor.
C instrument
4 I couldn't see at the cinema because a tall man satin
front of! opposite me. 5 Mila was so busy that she had to . her favourite
5 You can either cross the river on the bridge or take the hobby.
tunnel under! in it. A give in
6 We ran between! inside a shop when the rain started. B give up
C give out
0 Match the beginnings of sentences 1-8 with
endings a-h. 6 It's more fun to take in a game than just
1 I'm going to put my name watch it.

2 We're all really looking

A team
B part
3 People who like art often take
C practice
4 I love languages so I think IT sign
5 I'm sure that you can deal
6 In the next game, you can join
7 It's a long walk, so I need to set
8 If I spend too much, I'll run 0 Complete the email with the -ing or the infinitive form of
the verb in brackets.
a up painting as a hobby.
with any problems like that.
down for swimming lessons.
•: S
d off very early in the morning.
Hi Louis,
e forward to surfing tomorrow.
I'm planning (1) ........... (go) away on holiday
f out of money soon.
next week, but there are still so many things I need
g in and play for our team.
(2) ..................................(do) before I leave! I want
h up for Spanish lessons. (3) ... . (take) some new clothes with me,
but I can't afford (4) ..................................(buy) expensive
Choose the correct option (A, B or C).
things. Actually I don't feel like (5) .......................
1 While I'm away, a neighbour is our cat. (spend) anything at all, so I've decided
A looking for (6) ..................................(borrow) some clothes from
c looking after my sister. I'm also hoping (7) ..................................(see)
my friends here before I go, so I've suggested
C looking at
(8)..................................(spend) Sunday afternoon
2 When I go cycling, I always wear a .... .. ... to protect together. And when I'm away, I must remember
my head. (9)....... ............... .... .... (send) you photos. I forgot
A helmet (10) ... ..............................(do) that last summer, but
B board I promise I will this time!
C tent See you on Friday

• S......
• .

.... )cabulary and

,ammar review

0 Complete Clara's email with adjectives in the correct

form. The first letter is given and there is one space for
0 Exam candidates often make mistakes with comparative
adjectives. Underline and correct the mistakes in the
each other letter in the word. sentences.
1 My city is much more better than any other city in the
.. . world. rv
2 It is more easy for you to walk to my house.
Hi George, 3 That's the worse restaurant we've ever been to.
I live in Bilbao, which is a very large city in Spain. In fact, it 4 I like living in the city much more that the countryside.
is the (1) bi.g e, s t city in the area. Bilbao is (2) g. - - - - 5 Those days on holiday were the happier days of my life.
I love it! It's located on the north coast and it can be quite 6 Hotels are more cheaper here than the hotels in the city.
rainy. April is by far the (3) w month but January
is the (4) c month. Last January was 0 Complete the article about a holiday with the words
which best fit each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
(5) f ,temperatures fell to -20C! As for the city
itself, Bilbao is absolutely fascinating. I love shopping and
there are many places to go in the city centre. My friends
love the shopping centre. It's always fun and Last August, we set off for our summer holiday
(6)1 . I prefer El Corte Ingles, it's a (7) h
on a small Greek island. I thought the journey
department store. Tourists usually visit the Guggenheim
Museum, but I think it's a bit (8) b. Why don't you was going to be really terrible but it wasn't
come and visit me? as (1) .................... as I'd expected. The hotel
Hope to hear from you soon. was brilliant. It was nearer to the beach
Lots of Love, (2) ...........................the hotel we stayed in last
year and the food was absolutely delicious.
In fact the restaurant in our hotel was the
(3)_ ... .... - ............... . popular restaurant in town.
0 Choose the correct option in italics. We tried lots of new sports. Of all the activities,
1 At 250 metres below the sea, Jericho is the world's I liked going snorkelling (4) .................................It
highest widest city.
really was an amazing experience. The weather
2 Gustave EifIeI was responsible for building the Eiffel
Tower and the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty was boiling. I have never visited a place as hot
is slightly older then/as/than the Eiffel Tower. (5) this. I don't think I'll ever forget
3 One of the most popular tourist attractions in that holiday. That island has to be one of the
the world is Istanbul's Grand Bazaar which is a(n)
most beautiful places (6) .............................the world.
absolutely! very! for large market.
4 The pool at San Alfonso del Mar, Chile is more! for
very larger than any other swimming pool in the world.
5 Steve Fossett was the first person to travell trip /journey
around the world in a hot-air balloon. He took just
under 15 days.
6 The world's largest bookshop/ department store!
library is in Washington DC in the USA. It has over
38 million books that only people working for the
government can borrow. AM
5 feelings

Oj are YOU
Your favourite football team has just lost a very
important match. What do you do?

c&l[ {itk o tdk about 1'c

Somebody borrows a book from you but then
loses it. What do you do?

You have broken a tooth, so you have to go

to the dentist. How do you feel?

0 You pass your driving test. What do you do?

Someone you don't like wins a huge prize on the

lottery. What do you say to your friends?


0 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. Which nouns express the emotions in Exercise 1?
• Look at the pictures. What do they show?
• How do the pictures make you feel? Why?
Choose from these words. 0 Complete the headings in the quiz with nouns from
Exercise 2.
afraid angry happy jealous sad
Do the auiz. Make notes
VV -----on your answers


The photo of the rock climber

makes me feel a little bit afraid!) Work in small groups. Compare your answers in
Exercise 4. How emotional do you think you are?
5 You will hear a man telling his friend about how he
IIflUThI travels to work.
Why has he decided to go by bike?
Match the feelings in the box with definitions 1-6.
A to save some money

bored confident disappointed embarrassed B to get more exercise

grateful nervous C to help reduce pollution

6 You will hear a woman talking to a friend about

1 feeling or showing thanks Zt 1( shopping.
2 unhappy because something wasn't as good as you
Who annoyed her yesterday?
hoped, or didn't happen
A people who worked in the shop
3 worried about something that will or might happen
B other customers in the shop
4 sure that you can do something well
C pedestrians outside the shop
5 feeling ashamed or shy
6 unhappy because something isn't interesting or you've
got nothing to do iiiiit.i

can, could, might and may

0 Look at the exam task below. What is the situation in
each question (1-6)? 10, Page 126 Grammar reference
Modal verbs: can, could, might and may (ability
and possibility)

• Read each question to understand what the

situation is. Decide what you have to listen for
0 Look at the underlined modal verbs for ability and
possibility. Then answer the questions.
(e.g. a feeling or an opinion).

• You can change your mind about o you think you'll try
________________ again in next year's contest
an answer while you listen the
second time.
if I c a n. I might not win but I think

For each question, choose the correct answer. Then

L i could do betterthan this year.

listen again and check. 1 Which modal verb is negative?

2 Where does not go?
1 You will hear a woman talking about taking part in a
3 What is the short form of cannot and could not?
singing contest.
After she finished singing, she felt 4 What form of the verb goes after a modal verb?

confident about winning the competition
disappointed with her scores
0 Exam candidates often make mistakes with modal verbs.
Underline and correct one mistake in each sentence.
C embarrassed by her performance
1 We can to go to the cinema next weekend.
2 You will hear two friends talking about camping. 2 I know it may seems strange.
The man advises the woman to 3 Sorry but tomorrow I not can go.
A pack plenty of food. 4 What we could do?
B take some warm clothes. 5 We can doing a lot of sports here.
C camp close to a lake. 6 It's could be quite boring for you.
7 We could met at 8 o'clock near the cinema.
3 You will hear a student talking to his friend about a
literature exam.
How does he feel?
A nervous about taking it
B bored of revising
C happy with his friend's advice

4 You will hear a young woman telling a friend about

studying abroad.
Who did she have most fun with?
A other students on the course
B people in the town centre
C the family she stayed with
Different feelings
Read the message. Then complete the rules with the
underlined words.
Page 161 speaking bank
Speaking Part 4

Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

1 How do you usually chat to other people? e.g. by
phone, online messaging. Which websites or apps do
Hi Kylie, I'm sorry I couldn't meet you yesterday
you use?
and I don't think I can go out on Thursday, either.
I ma y be busy all evening on Friday, too, so 2 In your country, what differences are there in the way
Saturday might be better. There's a new film on at generations a-c chat? Why?
the cinema. I don't know much about it but it's got a) children and teenagers b) young adults
our favourite actor in it, so it could be really good! c) middle-aged and older people
Let me know what you think. Lauren 3 What topics do you think generations a-c talk about
most? Why?

0 Listen to Daniel from Mexico and Wen from China

talking about chatting to people. Complete the
1 We use ....... to talk about ability in the present questions.
and ............................... to talk about ability in the past.

2 Weuse or

for possibility in the present or future, with no real

difference in meaning.

0 Read Kylie's reply. Choose the correct option in italics.

Hi Laur thanks for your message. (1) might

not! couldn't eply to you earlier because I was at
1 . . do you most enjoy chatting
work. 1(2) mayl can see you're very busy at the 7
moment, so perhaps it (3) can / might be better to
meet another weekend. It's a shame we (4) can't 2 . do you . chat?
! may not see each other more often. You're my 3 can you chat people?
best friend and I know 1(5) might/ can always tell 4 do you most like chatting
you anything. 1(6) could/ couldn't phone you in
the next few days if you like. Listen again. Complete the questions they use to ask for
Love, Kylie each other's opinion.
1 How you? 4 Doyou ?
2 you? 5 What doyou
Work inpairs. 3 What . . you? . ...

1 Student A: think of a place, then say what you can and

can't do there.
Take turns with your partner and try to speak
Student B: guess what the place is.
for about the same length of time.
You can eat ice cream, you can't arrive Make the discussion longer by asking
late, you can't talk during the film_) your partner for more information or
about their opinions.
The cinema!

2 Tell your partner about things you could, may, might

or might not do next weekend.
0 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
Exercise 2. Use expressions from Exercise 3 in your
could go to the park, but I mayjust stay in and watcflD
Read the comments by people about where they
study or work. Choose the correct option in italics.
Modals for advice, obligation and prohibition
1 We shouldn't /'t talk to each other
Page 126 Grammar reference during exams.
Modal verbs: should, shouldn't, ought to, must, mustn't, have to,
don't have to (advice, obligation and prohibition) 2 It's a rule that we ought to! have to wear a suit.
3 We don't have to! mustn't go there on Saturdays.
Look at the people in the pictures. Underline the modals used in
4 Our boss says we must! shouldn't arrive by
the advice.
half past eight in the morning.
5 We shouldn'tl don't have to take days off without

0 Complete the sentences using must, mustn't, have

to or don't have to. Sometimes more than one
answer is possible.
1 It's still early. We Aot.L& go home
2 You look tired. You .............................................take
You shouldn't go out tonight. a break.
3 It's a secret. You ..........................................tell her
0 Read the rules. Then match pictures A-D with sentences 1-4. what I said.
1 You must get here earlier. 4 Great, it's a holiday! I ...............................................get up
2 You have to be members to come in.
5 No, you can't drive the car. You
3 You mustn't touch it!
be 18!
4 You don't have to pay.
Work in pairs. Use modal verbs to say which
sentences from Exercise 3 are true for where you
study or work.
• Use have to when a rule or a law says it's necessary that
you do something. We can talk to each other in some exams.
Use don't have to when it's not necessary to do

Use must when the speaker thinks it's necessary that you 0 Ask your partner about other rules for their work,
study, or life in general.
do something.

• Use mustn't when you're not allowed to do something. Do you have to write a lot
of 'eports_in your job?

7 I don't have to write very

many. About two a month.


Ii k±T
Different feelings
/P/ Modal verbs: weak and strong forms 0 Look at the sentence in Exercise 1 and underline the
preposition. Then underline the preposition which
0 Read and listen to these sentences. The words in bold
are stressed.
comes after the adjective in these sentences written by
exam candidates.
• Leah can take a taxi.
1 My boss was very angry with me.
• Jack should go to work.
2 I never get tired of watching this film.
Now complete the rules using these words. 3 He was very sorry about what happened.

Larticles main modal names nouns prepositions Complete the table with the prepositions about, of
and with. Then think of more adjectives for each

In spoken English, we often stress words such as people's afraid, ashamed, jealous, bored, fond (1)..
(1) (2) and (3)
angry, disappointed, pleased, satisfied (2)
verbs, but use the weak form of the vowel, Ial. in
(4). .. e.g. the. (5) and sad, nervous, crazy, sure, depressed (3)
(6) verbs.

Note: some adjectives can be followed by different

0 Listen and repeat the sentences. Then answer
the questions.
prepositions with no change of meaning (e.g. Ivy was
getting bored of/with her job.; it was a red car, I'm sure of/
about that. Others take one preposition for somebody,
a I can buy another one. e.g. she's angry with Luca, but another for something,
b I can't afford that one. e.g. she's angry about the delay.
c I could meet you at 5.30.
d I couldn't live without my phone! 0 Complete the questions with the correct prepositions.
Then ask your partner the questions.
e I should get up earlier on Sundays.
f I shouldn't go to bed so late. 1 Is there anything in the news you feel sad

1 In which sentences is it easier to hear the modal verb? 2 Is there anyone you sometimes get angry
Do these sentences also contain not? 7

2 How is not written? Is it easy to hear this? 3 When you were small, what were you afraid
3 Which sentences have a weak form of the modal verb,
which is not so easy to hear? Do these sentences also 4 What do you sometimes get bored ?
contain not? 5 Is there anything you sometimes feel nervous
Work in pairs. Tell your partner about something you...
1 have to do at home.
2 mustn't do at work or college. (I have to clean the
3 don't have to do at weekends. chen_every week.
4 must do this week.
5 shouldn't do but sometimes do.
6 ought to do but probably won't do.

vfiiIIi [. II
Adjectives and prepositions

0 Work in pairs. Discuss how you feel when people tell you
to do things. Give examples.

1' she
l feel annoyed with my boss when
says I must work harder.
Adjectives with 'ed and 4ng 0 Complete the text with the correct form of the adjectives
in brackets. Use -ing if it describes something, or -ed if it
Page 127 Grammar reference tells us how someone feels.
Adjectives with -ed and -ing endings
Work in pairs. Talk about the last time you were
0 Quickly read the story. Do not complete the gaps for now.
surprised. . tired. . disappointed.
1 Why did Leo ask the airline to help?
2 What happened in the end? Now ask your partner to describe situations that were

0 Complete this sentence. How does the spelling change exciting. . interesting. . embarrassing.
from the word in brackets?
Forma ny people the flight from Europe to Australia is long
0 Write three pairs of sentences using the adjectives from
gaps 2, 8 and 10 in the text.
and (bore).
[ts to 1sth& to 14kL.Si&.
The sentence could be changed like this. What -ed I ye.L)ceA ike.a I M8 fAuovy-k e—sov-6.
adjective does it use? When do we use the -ing adjective
and when do we use the -ed adjective?
Many people feel bored on the long flight from Europe to


For many people, the flight to Australia is long and

(1)......... bo.yi ........(bore). But it wasn't for Abbie and Leo Davies -
because that's where they first met.
'Abbie was sitting next to me,' said Leo. 'I felt
(2)................................(relax) talking to her and we got on really
well. We chatted all the way to Sydney and it was
(3) ................................(surprise) how quickly the time went.'
But they forgot to get each other's phone number, so
after the flight Leo contacted the airline. 'To be honest, it
was a bit (4) ................................(embarrass) because the staff
were quite (5) (amuse) by the situation, but
anyway I gave them her seat number, and waited.'
Abbie, too, was feeling sad. zoo
'I was (6) ................................(annoy) with myself for not
getting his number,' she said, 'though I was also a bit
(7) ................................(disappoint) he didn't ask me for mine. \\
I thought he wasn't really (8) ................................(interest) in
seeing me again. So I was (9) . .. . (amaze)
when the airline phoned to ask if I wanted to call Leo. I
was so (10) .............................. (excite) that I phoned him that
evening, and soon we had our first date. Now we're
married and we're very happy together.'

Different feelings
0 Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
1 Which of the situations in the box are the most
stressful? For months I'd been unable to relax and I felt awful.
I worried about things, I wasn't sleeping well and
2 What other causes of stress are there?
I couldn't concentrate on my work in the office. Then my
3 What happens to people when they feel stressed? best friend told me that everyone thought I was always
in a bad mood. (1)
changingjob difficulty sleeping exams
money worries moving house problems at work
relationship problems speaking in public
2 1 began by making some simple changes to my routine.

0 Quickly read the article. What is the topic of each

Each morning when I woke up I thought about things
I was looking forward to so that I started the day in
a more positive mood. I kept doing that until it became
'I: tke effect's ot a habit. I also knew I should do more exercise but to tell
the truth I don't enjoy doing sports. (2)
That really helped me to relax, particularly when I learnt
Quickly read the main text. Decide what each to concentrate on enjoying the experiencerather than let
paragraph is about. negative thoughts go through my mind.

Look at the ideas before and after each gap,

then look for similar ideas in A-H.
Look for words that often link ideas,
3 I changed the way I worked, too. I used to answer
every email as soon as it came in, but this meant that
for example this, then, do, also and I kept stopping and starting work, and I could only make
however. slow progress which made me feel really stressed.
Nowadays, I leave most messages until later in the day
and reply to any urgent ones only when I take a break.
I do this every 40 minutes or so, usually for no more
You are going to read an article about dealing with
than ten minutes. (3)
stress. Five sentences have been removed from the text.
For each question, choose the correct answer. There are
three extra sentences which you do not need to use.
A One I particularly like has a 'quick tips' section for
4 I've also discovered some great anti-stress apps such
as Headspace, Pacifica and Calm. Apps like these have
stressful situations. breathing exercises, relaxing sounds such as the ocean,
B It was so funny that I felt more cheerful straight away. rain or streams, and suggestions for making changes in your
daily life to help you relax. (4) Some of these
C That made me realise I couldn't go on feeling so apps are free.
D I knew I had to finish that first.
E It recommended that everyone should laugh more
often every day.
5 Last month I read an article which said people with
a good sense of humour are usually happier and more
F So I took up dancing instead. relaxed. (5) .. Having fun with friends or
G People who do so often seem to be miserable. watching your favourite comedy series are easy ways
H If it's longer, I find it hard to concentrate on my to achieve this. And when you aren't stressed, it can
original task. make it much easier to do your job!

0 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

• Do you think an 'anti-stress' app could work? Why! -

Why not? . - . . •
• Which of the other ideas in the text might help you
relax? Why?
• What other ways can you think of to deal with stress? F I

Q 41
WLM1 gull r. i&
Adjectives and their opposites

0 Match adjectives in box A with their opposites in box B.

-awftit funny generous miserable
negative nervous simple strange

- cheerful complicated fantaetic mean
ordinary positive relaxed serious

0 Work inpairs.
Tell your partner about something
• strange that happened in a film you saw.
• fantastic that happened during your holidays.
• awful that happened at work or college.
• funny that you saw online or on TV. Olivia read the message from her friend and smiled. She was
excited because Ellie, who lived abroad, was coming to visit her
this Friday!
Just as Olivia reached the airport to pick up Ellie, she received a
10, Page 150 Writing bank
A story call. There's thick fog here and my plane can't take off,' explained
Ellie, 'I'm not sure what'll happen.'
0 Read this Writing Part 2 task and answer the questions I'm really disappointed,' replied Olivia.
As Olivia waited at the airport she became quite miserable. but
• Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.
then Ellie called again. 'The sky's clearedl' she said. Three hours
• Your story must begin with this sentence: later, Olivia was delighted when Ellie's flight had finally landed. Ellie
Olivia read the message from her friend and smiled. said, 'It's fantastic to see you!' when she finally saw Olivia.

1 Are you given a title or the first line?

2 Should you write in the first or the third person?
0 Read this Writing Part 2 task and answer the questions
from Exercise 1.
3 Which are the keywords?

0 Read the example answer, then answer the questions. • You are going to write a story.
• Your story must begin with this sentence:
1 Where and when does most of the action happen?
Matthew felt excited as he waited for the train.
2 Who are the main characters and what is their
3 What is the situation?
4 What problem do the characters have? Think about the questions in Exercise 2 and plan
your story.
5 How is this problem solved?
6 How does the story end?
• Decide where and when to set your story.
Look at the story again. Find four adjectives that
describe how Olivia felt. Plan the main events and think about
the kind of person your main
character is.
• Try to make your story interesting for
your readers.

0 Write your story in about 100 words.

Different feelings
.-.. . . . S•
•..... SI

A That's entertainme S......

•.. S

Tom and Ian are looking for something to do one afternoon. Read
about what they like and dislike. Underline the key words.

• .. Tom and Ian have a free afternoon but

neither of them like crowds. They're
interested in theatre and exhibitions, but
they don't have much money.

0 Read the entertainment guide on page 53 and decide on the most

suitable event for Tom and Ian. Underline where you find the
information. Then answer the questions.

1 Tom and Ian are interested in theatres and exhibitions. Why isn't C
2 Neither of them like crowds. Why isn't G suitable?

Read the guide again. Decide which event would be the most
suitable for the people (2-5).

• Underline the key words in the descriptions of


• Read each of A-H to find information that

matches the key words in 1-5.

Alice wants to take her 14-year-old cousin

to see something brand new and have a
meal afterwards nearby. They will go by
public transport but they don't want to
walk too far.

Television programmes 3 Jack is keen on cartoons. As he'll be alone,

he would like to go somewhere where
Match the types of TV from the box with the he can get to know people with similar
photos. interests and also add to his collection of
- old books and magazines.
advert cartoon chat show comedy seriefl
cookingshow quizshow realityshow sports 4
the news wildlife documentary Two friends, Patricia and Steph, would
love to see a live performance in a foreign
- language. Whenever they go out together,
Listen to Clare asking Nick about TV. How much
TV does Nick watch? What are his favourite types
they always buy something to eat during
the interval.
of programme?
5 Simone has offered to take her mum to
Listen again and writedown dare's five • see a show with music for her birthday.
questions. Then work in groups. Ask and answer They would like to see an enjoyable story
dare's questions so they are true for you. but her mum isn't fond of rock or pop.

C; 0 OUT

This rock band returns once again to play songs from
their latest album. Expect an amazing performance from
these musicians who have sold over 80 million records. Not cheap but this animated version of a well

Ft Tickets are on sale for €60, the price includes a free

souvenir T-shirt. Enjoy a meal in our restaurant after the
show. Public transport nearby.
known film is an experience you definitely can't
get at home. The picture and sound quality is
fantastic, and the 4D effects are amazing. Feel
The Sports Pa/ace the wind and the waves, as you sail with Captain
C.: . .' .
Rob. Choice of restaurants nearby. Public
transport within easy walking distance.
Film world 4DX
Now in its second year, this display
explores the changing lives of people
from around the world through
photographs and cartoons, music and
interviews. Some of the interviews
Paris during the French Revolution and Marco
Morelli has fallen in love with a rich young
are with grandparents who compare
woman. However, one of the family's servants
their lives with those of their children
is also in love with her. This is a new version of
and grandchildren. Free entry to this
the Italian opera with amazing singing and real
popular museum which is rarely busy
classical music! Audiences of all ages will be
after 3pm. Don't miss the excellent
entertained. Food and drink not permitted in
gift shop.
the theatre.
Jameson Museum
Elizabeth Theatre

Based on a film, this musical

is now showing on stage. An Held over three days, this comic market
out-of-work guitarist tells celebrates Japanese animation. In this huge
some lies and gets a job as a conference centre, fans can meet other fans,
teacher. He persuades some buy rare comics, dress up as their favourite
of his students to create a rock characters and take selfies. No admission fee,
group so that they can take reasonably priced food but expect long queues!
part in the Battle of the Bands The Conference Centre
competition. Afternoon and
evening performances from €50.
Refreshments available.
Queens Theatre For less than €8, watch Anuang'a Fernando
from Kenya as he uses traditional words from
his country, modern music and movement to
perform this work of art. Anuang'a Fernando
The Opera House has been turned into a big tent for Rubbish. Set on the
has already performed this show in Paris and
streets in the 1940s, young artists do gymnastics, dance and theatre using
Italy. Book soon - the theatre only holds 200
rubbish like wheels, furniture and boxes. First performances this week!
people. Snacks will be available. Close to
Under-15s must be accompanied by an adult but ask about family discounts
public transport.
at our restaurant. A two-minute walk from the underground.
Drake Hall
Opera House

0 Work in pairs. Which event would you like to attend? Why?

That's entertainment!
Going out Present perfect
Page 128 Grammar reference
Look at the words in the box. Are they used to Present perfect
talk about a film, a play or a concert? Complete
Listen to Eliza and Bella planning a night out together in Madrid.
the diagram.
What do they decide to do?
acting bookearly ierv'T livemusic
perform refreshments reviews s'efi 0 Listen again and complete the sentences.

__________ stagesubtitles ticket___________ 1 Have you........... The Lion King y et ?

2 I've already ...... it.
3 I haven't the new Robin Hood film
4 how to play one of the songs.

0 How do we form the present perfect? When do we use this tense?

0 Complete the rules with already,just or yet.

0 Complete the questions with words from

Exercise 1.
Use talk about things that happened a short

1 Do you usually read the . . before 2 Use say something has happened, often sooner
you see a film or a play? than expected.
2 Do you ever watch films in English with
These two words normally go in the middle of the sentence,
between have and the past participle.
3 Think of the last time you went to see a film,
play or concert. Did you have to 3 Use .. . in questions and negative sentences when
or could you buy tickets on the door? we expect something to happen. It means 'until now'. This word
normally goes at the end of the sentence.
4 How often do you buy like
popcorn at the cinema?
5 Do you prefer to listen to music at home or to 0 Complete the email. Use the given words and put the verbs in
go out to see ? the present perfect tense.
6 Can young people afford to go to the cinema in
7 Would you rather see your favourite actor on
the screen or on .... ......... ......... ..........? Hi Jodie,
8 Some people are fantastic actors. Are you Sorry I haven't written to you for so long but I've been really
good at ? busy. I've got so much to tell you. (1) My sister and her
boyfriend /just/ get married. (2) My brother/ not find!
Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions a newjob/yet. (3) But he/start/a course in computing.
from Exercise 2. Remember to say why or (4) My flatmate /just/ win/ a prize in a photography
why not, competition. (5) you / see! the new Star Wars film yet?
(6)1/already / see/it / three times. It's great! What about you?
(7) You / take! your driving test yet?
Please write soon,

-t Ak8 SiStU A&*k kex bo ie.ab k&ue. jtAl lot


Page 128 Grammar reference
since and for 0 Read the text in Exercise 1 again. Underline the verbs
in the present perfect and circle the verbs in the past
0 Exam candidates sometimes make mistakes with since
and for. Look at the sentence from Eliza and Bella's
simple. Do we normally use the time expressions in bold
with the present perfect or the past simple?
conversation and answer the questions.
We've been good friends for three years but we haven't
been to a show together since last summer.
0 We use sometime expressions with the present perfect
and others with the past simple. Complete the table
with the expressions in the box.
1 Which word do we use to talk about the beginning of a
period of time? ................................ already at 8 o'clock in the morning 44eft-yers --
2 Which word do we use to talk about the whole period 4499 last year since 2010 this week today
of time? two months ago yesterday yet

Complete the interview with since or for.

Interviewer: Mark, how long have you lived in Mumbai?
Mark: I've lived here (1) four et
Interviewer: Have you joined any clubs or classes
(2) you arrived?
Mark: Yes, I've been in a cycling club
(3) ............................... March and I've started
Hindi classes. 0 Underline the time expressions in the sentences.
Then complete the sentences with the present
Interviewer: How long have you taken Hindi classes?
perfect or past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Mark: (4) three weeks, but I've
learnt a lot (5) then. 1 I ue.l wte. (not/make) my bed y e t today.
2 . .. . 1 (read) this month's
0 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
Exercise 7 so that they are true for you. Then
Surf magazine yet?
3 I'm not going to the theatre. I (see) that
continue the conversation with some more 'How long show three months ago.
have you...?' questions. 4 Our football team are playing better now. We only
(win) twice last year.
How long have you lived here?)
5 Let's go to the beach! I (not/swim) in the
sea for three months.
I ye lived here all my life. 6 You look tired. What time
(go) to bed last night?
Present perfect or past simple? 7 How many photos ........... ...... ... ...... ....................
(take) since you bought your phone?
Page 129 Grammar reference
The present perfect or the past simple?

Read about Martin Garrix. What is he famous for?

0 Work in pairs. You are going to interview another
student in the class. Look at the example below and
write some questions about the topics in the box.

Martijn Gerard Garritsen or a car or motorbike a favourite sport

Mar+in Garrix is a Dutch DJ
who was born in Amsterdam a foreign language a free-time activity a pet a phone
in 1996.
When he was only 17, his single
Animals became famous.
(e you got a mobile phone?D
He's been a DJ for over ten
years and he's toured with his
music many times. long have you had _it?9 (I've had it for
6 months.

That's entertainment!
been/gone, meet, get to know, know and find out
Read the texts and answer the questions.

Paul isn't at home, he's ggne to a friends' home. His sister

Sophia has just got home. She's been to the cinema.
1 Where's Paul now?
2 Where's Sophia now?
3 Been and gone are both forms of go. Which one means
'go and come back'? Which one means 'hasn't come
back yet'?

Lucas has known his friend Nick for five years. They first
met at university. They got to know each other and they
became good friends. Lucas often meets Nick at the
weekend and they go out together. Lucas sometimes
gays at Nick's house when he misses the Last bus home.
4 When and how did Lucas and Nick become friends?
5 Do they still see each other? When?
6 When does Lucas sleep at Nick's house?

Sam rents a flat from his aunt but she didn't know he
was having a party. The neighbours phoned Sam's aunt
because of the noise. When she found out about it, she
wasn't very pleased.
7 Did Sam tell his aunt about the party?
8 Who told Sam's aunt that he was having a party?

0 Choose the correct option in italics. Use the texts in

Exercise 1 to help you.
1 Have you ever been! gone abroad? Where?
2 Imagine your flatmates have been /gone away for the 0 In Listening Part 1, you may hear someone describing
clothes. Look at the pictures on page 57 and find
weekend. Do you have a party?
examples of these things. Write the picture number.
3 Have you got a best friend? How long have you known!
metthem? How did you first meet/know each other? 1 a plain jumper *k.....
4 Do you usually meet! stay with your friends at the 2 a pocket
weekend? What do you do? 3 a round neck
5 Do you enjoy knowing! getting to know new people? 4 a striped jumper
Why (not)?
5 asmartskirt
6 How often do you use the internet to find out! know
information? Have you used it this week? What for? 6 a V-neck

Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions from 0 Work in pairs. Read the questions carefully and underline
the important words. Then decide what each picture
Exercise 2.
shows and the difference between each one.

1 What would the womanlike to try on? 6 What's the latest time visitors can buy a ticket today?


2 Where has Matt left his keys?


3 What did Karen buy last weekend?

• The pictures can fell you a lot about what you will

hear. Study them carefully before you listen._

• Be careful: the speakers might mention :

all the things in the pictures, but only Exam
one answer is correct. ___

Listen. For each question, choose the correct

answer. Then listen again and check.
4 Which one is Sarah's cousin?
0 IPI Contrastive stress
Read Connor's reply to the girl from question 7.

What words do you think are stressed?
Connor: Oh? I didn't think you liked those sorts of


Now listen to Connor saying his Line in three

31 different ways. What makes the meaning of each
sentence change?

5 Where did the man get the trainers he's wearing now?
0 Work in groups. Ask and answer questions
about the clothes you usually wear for these
occasions. Stress the words you think are
• a trip to the countryside
• family celebrations
• hanging out with friends
• relaxing at home

That's entertainment!
Keep the conversation going, for example
Page 159 Speaking bank
by saying Shall we talk about the...?
Work in pairs. Read the Speaking Part 3 task below.
• Talk fully about all the pictures before
Decide what you need to talk about. finally agreeing with your partner.

A university would like to celebrate its 25th anniversary with

a special event. Here are some events the university could
organise for past and present students.
0 Work in pairs. Do the Speaking Part 3 task below.

Talk together about the different events the university could A town is planning to celebrate its anniversary with a festival.
organise and say which would be most popular. Here are some activities which the festival could include.
Talk together about the different activities the festival could

0 Work in pairs. Look at these possible events. Decide

which ones you think would be good ideas for a 25th
include, and say which would be most popular.

anniversary celebration.

bike ride concert disco photography exhibftio

L student fashion show talent show

Look at the sentences and decide which you should or

should not do in this part of the Speaking exam. Put a
tick (/) or a cross (X) in each box in the You column.

You Noa&
1 Listen carefully to the examiner's /
2 Discuss your ideas with your
partner and the examiner.
3 Make suggestions and reply to
4 Take turns to speak.
5 Talk about only one picture.
6 Agree as quickly as you can.
7 Speak for at least two minutes.

0 Listen to Noa and Greta doing this task. Which things

from Exercise 3 do they do? Put a tick (/) or a cross (X)
in the Noa & Greta column.

Underline two expressions Greta uses to move on to a

new picture.
Greta: Perhaps you're right. Shall we talk about the
student fashion show?
Noa: OK. I think it's a great idea. Past and present
fashion students could show the clothes they've
Greta: Urn ... I'm not very interested in fashion, I'm
afraid. We haven't talked about the bike ride yet.
Do you think it's a good idea?

Now read the complete article about the Venice
Page 148 Writing bank
An article Carnival. Do you think it is a good answer?

Work in pairs. Look at the photos. What can you see?

What are the people doing and wearing?

0 Discuss the questions.

1 What celebrations are therein your country?
2 What's your favourite celebration? Why?
3 What do people wear and do?

Read this Writing Part 2 exam task and underline the

important words.

You see this announcement in an international English-

language magazine for teenagers. My favourite celebration in my country is the Venice
Carnival in February. The celebrations last for two weeks.
There are dances, concerts and performances but I love
Let's celebrate! the masks and costumes best.
Tell us about a celebration in your country. My favourite mask is made of leather, it's painted by
What do people usually wear? hand and it has a very long nose. We all wear traditional
What do people do? costumes so Venice looks like an 18th-century city.
Why is it special? We go for walks in our special clothes,
we watch actors perform in the street
Write an article answering these questions and we and we go to dances called balls. It's
will publish the most interesting articles in our a very special celebration because
magazine. there is nothing like it anywhere else
in the world.
Write your article in about 100 words.

0 Work in pairs. Read the first paragraphs of two articles.

Which is better? Why? 0 Answer the questions.
1 Is the text an article and not a story?
Th-e Pfary b&ja o-it Cfu>ese New Yexr Peop'te 2 Is the first paragraph interesting? Does it make you
want to keep reading?
we-re we.tvritq a coiuite uuL
3 Does the article include all the information?
te 'tre-e We /efl ou4'fZa/t "awe
4 Is it about 100 words?
wavce,d to WY auMrt'c kowie. She tiw re2-a >riuj it

peca/ teailfrr .
If you decide to write an article, write an
article and not a story.

• Make sure your first paragraph is

interesting to make the reader want
to keep reading.

Q Use your answers from Exercise 2 to write your article.

M favourite ahbrAon in rn countr the 'enice 0 Use the questions in Exercise 6 to check your work.

Carniva in Eebruar. The ei iebration !ta t for two

'ee. The-re are- danc.e, (-onart5 and perfornane
but I 'ove the ma and 605tumes best.
That's entertainment!
Vocabulary and
5 grammar review

0 Complete the crossword with words from Unit 5.

0 Choose the correct options in italics.

Hi Tamsin,
Sorry I've taken so long to reply. In your last email,
you asked what was happening with my friends, so
here's my news. Lucas was disappointed (1) of/ on
his first-year exam results at university so he's
working harder now, but I think he's getting tired
(2) aboutl of! on studying all the time. He usually
goes out in the evenings, so he must be getting very
bored (3) with! on! about life. Natalie is still very Across
keen (4) of! on ! with football and is quite proud
1 the opposite of 'generous'
(5) on ! with! of the two goals she scored last
5 the noun form of 'angry'
Saturday. However, she can't play next week so
she's sad (6) aboutl of! with that. Claire is crazy 6 Some people are ... of insects and spiders.
(7) on! with ! about music and a local band has 8 wanting something that another person has
asked her to sing with them at a concert next 9 I felt really ... because I had nothing to do.
Friday. She's really nervous (8) on! about/ with
singing in front of all those people, but I don't think
she should be frightened (9) with! of! on doing it. 2 the opposite of 'positive'
I've told her that some people will be jealous 3 the opposite of 'happy'
(10) of! on! about her! 4 feeling worried or anxious about something
Well, that's all for now. 6 a word that means 'very bad'
7 a word that means 'like a lot'
Lots of love,

0 This blog post contains adjectives ending in -ed and

-ing. Underline and correct five more mistakes. 0 Choose the correct option in italics.
1 A: Do you think Dylan and Leah are at the café?
B: They can !Dbe there, but I'm not sure.
When I was tidying my room last Sunday, I 2 A: Do you like going to the swimming pool?
found some surprising things. Among all the B: No, I can't! couldn't swim.
bored i exercise books from my school days,
there was something amazed - my diary, from 3 A: I've got a bit of a headache.
when I was eight years old. It was really in- B: I think you shouldn't / should take an aspirin.

terested to read my thoughts from back then, / 4 A: Could !Might you run for an hour without stopping?
though at times I felt a bit embarrassing, too. B: No, I'd be too tired after 30 minutes!
For example, I was still very frightening of the
5 A: Are the buses to the city centre expensive?
dark in those days. It was also funny to read
B: No, you mustn't!don't have to pay if you're under 16.
how exciting I was about being nine soon - I
thought I would be really grown up then. 6 A: The weather's not looking very good now.
B: You're right. I think it can! might rain later.

7 A: What do I need to go to the USA?

B: You should! have to take your passport.

Vocabulary and
grammar review 6
Complete this review by writing a word from the box in Exam candidates often make mistakes with the
each space.
o present perfect and the past simple and their
common adverbs. Underline and correct the
admission audiences interval live mistakes in the sentences.
performances reality shows reviews
1 I've bought some clothes last week.
2 My grandmother has lived here since three years.
3 I haven't seen him for ages because he's gone to
Argentina a few years ago.
4 We've gone to the cinema three times this month.
Let's do something else.
Are you bored of watching (1) on 5 Already I've been to a few shops to look for
TV? Do you fancy doing something new? Why new shoes.
don't you go and see Cirque Eloize's new show? 6 I still can't find my mobile phone. I looked for it
(2) .................................will be amazed by the acrobatics, everywhere.
dance and (3) This touring 7 Milan is the best place I've never been to for clothes.
show has already received very good 8 I lost a beautiful pair of gloves which my mother
(4) other parts of the country. There has given me for my birthday.
are two (5) .. ................. each day: one at 2.30 and 9 We're planning to go out, but we didn't decide
the other at 7.30. Tickets are still available for many where to go yet.
dates with reduced (6) ..................................for students
10 There's a wonderful cinema in my town. It has
and over-60s. The show lasts about 85 minutes with opened six months ago.
no (7) ...
0 Complete the article about living in a big city with
the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word
0 Choose the correct word (A, B or C). in each gap.
1 I think I left my keys in the front of my
jeans. I moved to Japan when I got a job here about a
pocket B bag C coat year (1) .............................I have lived in Tokyo
2 My mum often wears bright, .......................... ........shirts and (2) ................................about 6 months. I have to say
long skirts.
that 1(3) ...........................never lived in such an
A colour B colourful C coloured
exciting city and I love it here. I've been in this
3 I first best friend when I moved to
flat (4) ..................................September and I've known
this town.
A met B knew C found out my best friend since then. We (5) ................................
to know each other when I sat next to him in
4 I'd love to go to New York to get to .............................
the city. Japanese classes and we soon became good
A find out B know C meet friends. We love going to the cinema to see new
5 I've visited Washington DC but I haven't ................................ films. We've (6) ..................................been to the cinema
to the White House.
twice this weekend.
A visited B known C been
Getting around

r i

0 Work in pairs.
1 Match the words in the box to the photos. Then discuss
the questions.

cold foggy freezing frost hot ice icy lightnin g

rainy showers snowy storm sunny sunshine
thunderstorm windy

2 How do you think people experiencing this weather feel? 0 Look at the exam task in Exercise 2. Answer the questions.
1 What is the main speaker's name?

probablyfeel quite cold, and they 2 What is the topic?
t not be able to see well through the fog.J
3 What do you need to listen for?

3 What kind of weather do you like most/least? Why?

0 For each question, choose the correct answer. You will
hear an interview with a woman called Olivia talking
4 What do you think the underlined expressions mean? about her experience of travelling through a snowstorm
• I hope the sun will come out soon. &vt with her friend Grace.
• I put on ajumper because it was a bit c h illy by the sea.
• It's pouring outside, so take your umbrella.
• Open the window. It's boiling in here!
• Even in summer, it gets quite nippy at night. _____
Quickly read the instructions and the questions to
get an idea of what you will hear.

• It was cloudy earlier, but then the weather cleared up. • Listen for reasons why one option is
• Because of the soaring temperatures, lots of people correct and reasons why the other

have gone to the mountains. two are wrong.


Vo i7


1 When it started to snow heavily, Olivia and Grace were

A talking about what to do next.
iéxtremely, fairly, quite, rather, really and very
B driving along amain road.
C having a snack in a café. ' Page 130 Grammar reference
Adverbs of degree
2 How did Olivia feel as heavy snow began to fall?
A annoyed with Grace forgetting lost Read the sentences from the recording. Then complete
the rules with the underlined words.
B sure that the snow would stop soon
C scared about what might happen • Really heavy snow started coming down.
• I was quite certain it wouldn't last long.
3 Why did the car stop moving?
• It was rather annoying we'd gone the wrong way.
A It had run out of petrol.
• It was getting qjJte difficult to see.
B The snow was too deep.
C They had hit another vehicle.

4 How did they try to keep warm in the car? 1 Adverbs of degree such as very, extremely and
A They put on lots of clothes. always make an adjective stronger.
B They kept the heater on all night.
2 The adverbs fairly and.. . . . ........................... always make
C They drank some hot liquids. it weaker.

5 They were in the car nearly all night because 3 The adverb usually makes it weaker, but
. .

A it became impossible to open the doors. with adjectives like sure, true and different, it can mean
B they had been told not to leave it. 'completely'.

C nobody knew where they were.

6 The following day, they travelled to a village in 0 Discuss the questions, using adverbs of degree.
• Have you ever experienced extreme weather, e.g.
A a rescue vehicle.
really hot, very stormy weather?
B an ambulance.
• What was it like?
C their own car..
• How did you feel and what did you do?
Listen again and check.
Last year we had an extremely hot summer.
The temperatures were very high and I felt really

0 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions and give reasons.

uncomfortable so I went to the shopping mall.
It was quite cool there!
• How would you feel in Olivia's situation?
What would you do?
• Have you ever been stuck anywhere due to bad
weather? What happened? How did you feel?
Getting around
too and enough
Page 130 Grammar reference
too and enough Look quickly at the signs and messages below.
Where could you see each one?
0 Read what some people say about the weather. Complete

the rules by choosing the correct option in italics.

'In summer it's too hot to work!'

'We had dnouh flute to Of indoors _ Thin ice!

MOM the storm hit our town.' Deep water!

'It was a hot July day in the city. There were

too many cars and there was too much noise.' B
'It was winter, so it wasn't warm enough Leave bicycles in parking spaces
to swim in the sea.' provided on ferry
Go to passenger area
Return to bicycles when ferry reaches
1 In the examples above, too means as much as / more
than you need or want. It does not mean the same
as very.

2 The word too goes after / before an adjective, often

followed by the -ing / to + infinitive form of the verb.

3 We use too much before countable / uncountable

nouns and too many before countable! uncountable
Fare £3 Coins only
4 In the examples above, enough means as much as I
more than you need or want.

5 The word enough usually goes after! before a noun but

after / before an adjective, often followed by the -ing / to
+ infinitive form of the verb.

0 Exam candidates often make mistakes with too and

enough. Some of the sentences contain mistakes. E
Underline and correct them.
1 It was hot enough to spend the whole day in the water. I NO SKATEBOARDING
2 In the streets, there are too much cars.
3 My sister is very young to travel alone. L AREAS

4 In summer it would be too hot to cycle.

5 We did not have plenty of time to see the University
of Cambridge.
6 I think you are enough old to spend this summer with
your friends. Match the texts (A-E) with the purposes (1-5). Underline
the words in the texts which tell you the purpose.
0 Work in groups. Write down six places you'd like to
visit. Then discuss which is the best. Use too and 1 to give you information
enough. 2 to say what you must not do
3 to warn you of something
I'd love to go to the mountains, but they are 4 to say what you must do
too far away and we don't have enough time!
5 to advertise something

Q How about the lake? That's nice, and close to here.

For each question, choose the correct answer.

Decide what the purpose of each
text is and where you might see it.

A Ring the bell before opening the emergency exit.

caseire, use this emergency exit. B You must find another exit if there is a fire.
m bell rings when open. C Only go out this way if there is an emergency.

'3 •t•
To: Lacey
A Zara wants to have a shorter holiday.
From: Zara
B Zara doesn't want to go away with Lacey.
I'm still really keen on having a holiday together, C Zara regrets paying for a two-week holiday.
but I'm a bit short of cash right now. Would you
mind if we booked bra week rather than a

Fashionable winter jacke
(Size: medium) A The jacket is in perfect condition.
Hardly ever worn B The seller may accept a lower price.
Small tear on left sleeve
C Alex has worn the fashionable jacket many times.
but now mended
£20, or make me an offer
Contact Alex in the
Research Department

A There is a particular location where people can camp
in the park.
B Rubbish must be left in the bins provided by the park.
C Pay special attention when cooking food on fires at
the park.

February's ski trip
A All students should take their identity cards on the
Places are still available, but the University ski trip.
must receive all forms by January 31st. B Students must apply for the ski trip before February.
A photocopy of your Student ID must C It is now too late to book a place on the ski trip.
be attached to the form, or it will not
be accepted.

Getting around
0 Work in pairs. What would you say in each of these
situations? Tell your partner, using future forms.
The future
1 'Do you want to come to a party with me?' (Tell your
Page 131 Grammar reference friend you can't.)
Future forms
I' ,, orry but I'm going to a concert with friends.
0 Listen and complete the conversation between Mia and
Owen with the correct verbs. Use the short forms of be
and will. 2 'I'm having trouble with my computer.' (Offer to help
your friend.)
3 'When's the first day of your holiday?' (Tell your friend
which date.)
4 'The wind is getting stronger.' (Say it's likely there will
be a storm soon.)
5 'Which other language do you plan to study next year?'
(Tell your partner.)

Mia: Look at the rain, Owen.

Owen: Yes, I know. I'm hoping it (1) 'U soon,
butt don't think there's much chance of that.
Mia: No, the weather forecast said it's a big storm and
it (2) for hours. What time do you
have to be at the station?
Owen: 1(3) Jason and Mark there at 8.30,
in the café near the main entrance. The train
(4) at 8.45. Compound words
Mia: It's quite a long walk to the station, isn't it? And
it's 8.15 already. Look, 1(5) you in Match the words in A with the words in B to form
the car. compound words. Then match the compound words with
Owen: Thanks! definitions 1-8.

0 Match the verb forms in Exercise 1 with uses a-e. A

a for timetables and future dates 4. Mue.s Lback camp cross e over sight sign suitj
b for decisions at the moment of speaking
c for things that aren't certain, e.g. after! think or! hope
d for future arrangements case night pack post roads seeing site)

e for predictions based on evidence, and plans

1 a book that gives information about a place 1idthook
Put the words in order to make questions. Then ask and 2 a bag with a handle for carrying clothes, etc.
answer the questions. 3 a place where two roads meet and cross each other

1 the photos/will/send /you /when/ me? 4 a bag that you carry on your back
5 a sign by the road that gives information
-1 1'Oke.& iiU , 501A seKA me tke rkotos?
6 from late evening until the morning
2 this evening/are/where/go/going/you/to?
7 a place where people can stay overnight in tents
3 next English test/take /your/ when / will /you?
8 visiting interesting places
4 the Earth/ get hotter/going/ is/to ?
5 will / think / cloudy/ it/ do/tomorrow/you /be?
0 Use compound words from Exercise 1 t complete Lewis's blog. Then listen and check.

Tra.veL BLo9

Next week I'm going to Australia! I'm arriving in the

north, so first I'm going to stay (1) . . ... in
Darwin. My (2) .. says it's an interesting
city, so I think I'll do a bit of (3) .. there.
Then I'm getting the train to Alice Springs, right in
the middle of the country, where I'll spend the night
at a (4) . The next day I'm hoping to
get a lift down the main road. I'm taking all my
things in a (5) so that I don't have to
carry a heavy (6) ................................around. About
200 kilometres south of Alice, I'll reach a
(7)................................where there's a (8)
that says 'Uluru 247 km. Uluru is also known as Ayers
Rock - one of the most amazing sights in the world.


0 IPI Word stress in compound words

Listen again to Lewis. Does he stress the first part of
0 Use words from the message to complete the rules.

answers 2-8, or the second? Underline the correct part

of each word.
1 For cars, we use get (or jump, climb, etc.) into or

0 Tell your partner about an exciting journey you would

like to go on. Use compound words from Exercise 1 with
and when we leave them.

2 For most other road vehicles, plus trains, planes,

the correct stress. boats and horses, we use or onto, and
when we leave them.
I'd love to go sightseeing in New York...
3 We travel bus, train, plane or boat, or in
other words, road, rail, air, land or sea.
We also say we are on (board) a train, plane or ship,
or at sea.
Prepositions of movement
4 If you arrive neither late nor early, you say you are (or the
Page 132 Grammar reference
Prepositions of movement bus, train, plane, etc. is) time.

0 Complete this phone message about travelling around

a city with the missing prepositions (in, off, etc.). Then
0 Some of the sentences contain mistakes made by exam
candidates. Underline the mistakes and correct them.
listen to check.
1 You can get here in plane.
2 Ijumped into my car.
3 The bus drivers are on strike, so everybody has to go
Hi Leon, Toby here. I'm really pleased you're coming to our new
by car,
house next week. The quickest way here is (1) b,j
4 Could you come at time, please?
train to the city centre, which takes an hour and is usually
(2) ......................time. Then you can get (3) 5 I will travel with train.

the number 64 bus to Edgely, getting (4) ....................... by the

stadium. From there it's a 15-minute walk. Or, if you don't feel 0 Work in groups. Think of a place you like in your town or
city. Describe how to get there using public transport.
like walking, you could lump (5) a taxi and ask
Use prepositions of movement.
the driver to take you to the end of Valley Road. When you get
(6) .......................of the taxi, you'll see our place right in front
of you. See you soon!
Getting around
0 Work in pairs, choose one of the photos and describe it
to your partner.
Page 154 Speaking bank • Use prepositions of movement and expressions from
Exercise 3.
• Use adverbs such as quite, really or rather.
• Speak for at least one minute.
• After you finish speaking, ask your partner if you have
described everything.

Work in groups. Describe what you can see in the photo.

0 Listen to Lorenzo. Which of the things you said in

Exercise 1 did he mention? Did he describe anything else?

Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 There are some trees on the left and I can see some
green fields, too
2 a train into the station. -

3 some people
- ha
to get on it.
4 They're very close to the railway lines, on the
people stand.
5 She's wearing, carrying, a
Page 145 Writing bank
large bag on her shoulder. An email
6 The man's wearing a suit and he has a
bag on his shoulder. Where would you put these expressions in an email?
7 The train has big windows but they're a bit dark and I Write B for beginning or F for end.
can't seethe. is driving it. Lots of love, £

0 Write your answers from Exercise 3 next to the uses

Looking forward to hearing from! seeing you.
Well, that's all for now.
a adding a point too c describing actions
All the best,
b correcting yourself d describing things you
don't know the name of This is just a quick message to say
It was great to hear from you.
Give my love to everyone.
• Correct yourself if you make a mistake. Take care,
• Before the exam, practise talking about See you soon.
pictures for a minute. Time yourself! Don't forget to write soon.
Sorry I've taken so long to write back.
Bye for now.

0 Look at the exam task and answer the questions. Read the reply and answer these questions.
1 Who is the email from and what is it about? 1 Is Marco's letter the correct length?
2 Which of the expressions from Exercise 1 does 2 Which paragraph covers each of the notes?
Thomas use? 3 Which language points (a-d) does Marco use? Give
3 Which future forms and which adverbs of degree does examples.
he use?
4 Which of these points (a-e) should you put in your a expressions from Exercise 1
reply? What else should you include? b adverbs of degree
c future forms
a It doesn't matter that the writer has been slow to reply.
d too and enough
b What you will do before Saturday.
c Why you want to go.
d Where you want to eat.
e Where you want to meet.
Hi Thomas,
Don't worry about that. This month I haven't had
Read this email from your English-speaking friend enough time to get anything done, either!
Thomas, and the notes you have made.
I'd love to go on Saturday. It'll be really great to see
some live Latin American music, particularly Mexican
bands and musicians from the Andes.
To: Food at the festival will be very expensive, so I think
I'd better take sandwiches and drinks. Do you think
From: Thomas that'll be enough?

Hi, I can meet you at the festival - the 64 bus will take
me straight there. How about meeting at the main
Sorry I've taken so long to write
gates? I'll text you as soon as I arrive.
back but I've been very busy
with work. Oblt See you soon,
I'm going to an international Marco
music festival with some friends
on Saturday morning. Would you
like to go with us? There will be
bands from all over the world, j-' '' b'v.
If you are writing to a friend, use informal
including some that play your
favourite kind of music.
• Always put the opening (e.g. Hi Sam),
We'll be there all day so we'll
the closing (e.g. Bye for now) and your
need to eat. Do you want to take
some food or buy something own name on separate lines.
there? Tell, Fkomm.
By the way, where will you meet
us on 0 Plan and write your email in about 100 words. Use
expressions from Exercise 1.
All the best,
Thomas Work in pairs. Read and check your partner's email.
1 Where you think there are mistakes, use a pencil to
Write your email to Thomas in about 100 words, using all write G for grammar, Vfor vocabulary, WO for word
the notes.
order, or Sp for spelling.
2 Discuss your corrections together.
3 Correct any mistakes in your email.
. I x x

• . . . .


I • 1

parents were from Algeria
Zinedifl Zidafle's
but he grew up in France where he played for
the international football team. Now retired from
playing football he's a coach. All four of his Sons
have played football for Real Madrid's youth

.. I

2 American singer, songwriter and actress Miley

Cyrus is the daughter of the country singer, Billy
Ray. Her brother Trace is a singer and guitarist
while her grandfather Ron was a politician

3 Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel prize

and the only person ever to win a prize in both physics
0 Work in groups. Discuss what you know about the
famous families in the photos.
and chemistry. Marie shared her prize in physics
with her husband Pierre. Thirty-two years later, her
daughter and son-in-law were given a Nobel prize in
0 Match the descriptions of famous families (1-4) with the
photos (A-D).

4 Indira Gandhi U
Work in pairs. Discuss the advantages and came from a family of Indian
disadvantages of being famous and of being part of a Politicians She was the daughter of India's first
famous family. prime minister and then she became India's first
female prime minister. Although Indira and the
social leader Mahatma share the same family
name, they aren't relatives Indira changed her
surname when she got married

• You must complete each space with one word only
and your spelling must be correct.
Work in pairs. Read part of a website and look at the • If you can't fill in a gap, go on to the
photo. What do you think an influencer is? What do you others and come back to it later.
know about these influencers?
When you have filled in all the gaps,
check your completed text makes sense.

IF 16WI 6-ft
TO INFLUENCE THE WORLD For each question, write the correct answer. Write one
word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning.

Tanya Burr uploads videos on make-up, fashion and cooking

Over 3.7 million people have signed up for her Youlube
0 Exam candidates often make spelling mistakes.
Underline the mistakes in the sentences and correct
channel. She has also set up her own make-up company. them.

1 She's clever. She's very funny to.

2 We where both young when I first met her in school.
With more than 380,000 followers, Marc Forne is one of
Spain's biggest influencers. He uploads photos of himself 3 He plays soccer very well, an he's the junior world
champion in shooting.
in different parts of the world. Companies like Calvin Klein,
Inditex and Louis Vuitton provide him with clothes and luggage. 4 At first I thought she was shy because she was a very
quite girl.
5 I love spending time whit him. I can say that he's my
0 Read the rest of the text quickly. Do not complete
the gaps for now. In what ways is Emma Watson an
best friend.
6 I like to do my homework with Daniela becouse she is
influencer? intelligent.

Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

• How often do you use social networks? What do you
Are all influencers just interested in being famous and use them for?
making money? Perhaps not in the case of Emma • Do you follow anyone online? Who? Why?
Watson. Emma (1) born in Paris but • Do you think that celebrities should use social media
brought up in England. She took up acting at on early to talk about social issues? Why?! Why not?
age and starred in her first Harry Potter film • What do you think of influencers? What are some of the
(2) she was just eleven years old. By the positive and negative effects?
time she was 19, she was earning more money
(3) any other Hollywood actress.

Around that time, Emma went to university to do an

English degree. She also became well known
(4) a speaker on how men and women
should be given the same opportunities. She travelled to
places like Bangladesh and Zambia (5)
support education for girls. Thousands of Emma Watson's
fans follow her on social media, but she uses her
accounts to discuss issues such as women in society and
the effect of fashion (6) the environment.

Phrasal verbs Zero, first and second conditionals

0 Look at the underlined phrasal verbs.

Decide what each one means by looking at
Page 133 Grammar reference
Conditional sentences

the complete sentence.

1 Zinedine Zidane's parents were from
Algeria but he grew up in France.
2 Tanya Burr has set up her own make-up I
3 Emma Watson was born in Paris but was
brought up in England.
4 She took up acting at an early age.

0 Replace each underlined expression with

the correct form of a phrasal verb from the
box, so that the meaning stays the same.

bringup find out get on with 0 Kristian has been offered a place on a reality TV show, but he's
studying at university and wants to finish his degree. What advice
grow up makeup run out (of)
would you give him?
setup takeup

1 I was born in a small village but I became 0 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
kti in Athens with my parents and two 1 What advice does Ella give Kristian?
brothers. 'a 4 of
2 Do you agree with this advice?
2 When my phone doesn't have any more
battery, I borrow a friend's phone. Listen and complete the sentences with the correct form of the
3 I'd love to start my own Youlube channel. verb in brackets.
4 If I had to choose a new sport, I would 1 III Ake. t (take up) the offer, I 'II kkue. (have) to give
start playing hockey. up my degree.
5 I have a good relationship with my older
2 If you (speak)to your tutor, I'm sure she
sister. We often go out together.
6 If I didn't know an answer in an important
interview, I would never invent one. 3 And you (have) to leave if you (not
pass) the year!
7 If I discovered that my boss was reading
my emails, I wouldn't get angry.
8 I was looked after in the countryside, but
0 The sentences from Exercise 3 are all examples of conditionals.
Conditionals are often divided into different types. Match each
now I live in a city.
type of conditional (sentences 1-3) with the rules (a-c).
Rewrite four or five of the sentences in • Sentence 1: Type 1 (First conditional) Rule
Exercise 2 so that they are true for you. Use • Sentence 2: Type 2 (Second conditional) Rule
phrasal verbs.
• Sentence 3: Type 0 (Zero conditional) Rule
- C bc#S bOY-K UI. AAples 7U ' ilk
'Rot, {;1;L &I+2 ft 1 cft, ot

Work in groups. Compare your sentences. a This is used when the speaker is not thinking about a real possibility
Find things that you have got in common. but is imagining a situation that will probably not happen.

b This expresses things which are always or generally true.

c This expresses a real possibility in the future.

0 What form of the verb do we use in each conditional type? Do we

use a comma in all conditional sentences?

0 Czyo coaAftiolkt'J3: (f + eaL simple,, .sc.k simpte,

rA"d- 10

" 10
(4- 0-
/PI Conditional sentences: contracted words
Listen. How many words are missing from each
when, if and unless
sentence? Contractions (I'll etc.) are two words. Page 133 Grammar reference
Conjunctions: when, if, unless + present, future
1 And ifl .., to.i&'eL ......... ............. what
will everyone say? ........... C5. ov&)........... Work in pairs. Josh, Hayley and Oliver are going to a
conference for a week. Read their messages below and
2 If you ..............................................................................................pass
theyear................................................ decide which person will definitely contact their friends
or family.
3 If . ................................................................................. to the
Good luck with your talk, Josh!
0 Listen again and complete the sentences in Exercise 6.

Thanks. I'll send you a message if I

need anything. ,,j
Complete these sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.
1 If it .......... (rain) this weekend, I'll go to the
Keep in touch, Hayley!
2 I often spend the day at the beach if the weather
................. ... (be)good. Don't worry! I'll let you know when we get
3 If I . (get) home late, I have to make my there.
own dinner.
4 I ........................ (not go out) next Saturday if there is
something good on TV.
Safe trip, Oliver!
5 I ...............................(buy) some crisps if I get hungry on my
way home tonight.
6 If I .. . (not sleep) well at night, I'm in a bad Sure! I'll call you tonight unless we
mood all day. get there really late.

Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 8 so that they

are true for you. In pairs, compare your answers.
0 Complete the rules using if, unless or when.

Q Complete these sentences with your own ideas.

Use the first or second conditional.
1 If I lost my mobile phone, We use (1) . .. for things we are sure will
2 If I'm not busy on Saturday, • We use both (2) ................................and (3) . . for
things that will possibly happen. But. (4)
3 If I was an influencer, generally has the meaning of except if.

4 If a TV channel offered me a place on a reality show,

Choose the best option in italics.

5 If my favourite sports team 1 I'll go out if/ when I finish this report on Friday.
................. ....... ............... . ................. .. .............. ......I'd 2 I wouldn't be able to write very well if/ when I broke
my right hand.
3 We'll miss the bus if/ unless we run.
Write a question for each of the sentences in Exercise
4 Maya won't play tennis tomorrow if/ unless it rains.
10. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs.
5 She can't hear you well when! unless you shout.
What would you do if you lost your mobile phone?D 6 Jake will give us a lift when! unless he gets home.

I'd go to the nearest police station.

Describing people
Work in pairs and answer the questions.
Carter is talking to his friend Will
• How often do you watch videos online?
about finding a presenter for his new
• Do you have a favourite video channel? Which one? 'I r YouTube channel. Listen and look at
• Have you (or anyone you know) ever created your own channel? What
the pictures. Who does Carter choose?
was it about? What did you think of it?

0 You will hear a man called Ben Richards talking about how to get famous
on YouTube. Before you listen, read the information below. Decide what is
missing in each space (a number, date, time, noun, etc.).

"&th e
About (1) .. ...... hours

of videos are uploaded to YouTube

every minute.
Videos about (2)
are usually more popular than all
other types.
People want to find out about the
video presenter, so be
Make at least ten videos before telling
people about your (4)
Make sure each new video has a (5).. which
is easy to understand.
And be patient! It may take two or three (6)
to become well known.

There is always enough time between the six answers for you to
write down the missing words.

• Be careful with spelling, especially if the word is spelt out

in the recording or if it is a very common word, e.g. day.
0 Listen to the talk. For each question, write the correct answer in the gap.
Write one or two words or a number or a date or a time. Then listen again
and check.
0 Work in groups. Your local university wants to create a video to welcome
exchange students and visiting lecturers. Talk together about the
different kinds of information you could include (the place, the people,
activities, etc.).

Share your ideas for Exercise 4 with the whole class.

0 Work in pairs. Complete the mind map with words from the box.


attractive bald beard beautiful blond(e) broad shoulders curly dark fair
good-looking grey long medium height moustache pale plain
red scar short slim straight wavy

Write the opposites of the adjectives.

anxious ..ea ge'ig generous lazy polite 1 Adjectives generally go before the noun and we don't
quiet shy stupid normally use more than two adjectives before each
1 strict oii& 5 mean a In my tennis club, there are two coaches very nice.
2 hard-working 6 rude b My best friend has hair and eyes brown.
3 smart 7 calm 2 When there are two adjectives together, we generally
4 noisy 8 confident put the 'opinion' adjective before the 'fact' adjective.
c At the beginning of the film, a young handsome man

0 Will describes one of the people as honest and reliable.

Add un-, im- or dis- to make the adjectives negative.
is sitting in a café.
d She is wearing a white beautiful dress.

tAa friendly honest 3 When there are two fact adjectives together, we
patient reliable generally put those that describe shape or size before
those describing colour.
e I've made a new friend with black short hair.

0 Add -ful or -less to the nouns to make adjectives. He lives in a house with a green big garden.

1 success succtssful.... (someone who has a lot of

2 cheer .. (someone who is usually happy
0 Work in pairs. Take turns to describe the people below.
Don't say who it is. Talk about their appearance and
and positive) their character. Guess who your partner is describing.
3 ...... ......(someone or something who
• someone else in this class
Looks good)
• a teacher or Lecturer at this college
4 help . . (someone who Likes to help)
• a famous person
5 help . (someone who can't help
He's almost bald, medium height and

0 Exam candidates often make mistakes with adjective

order. Read the rules and correct one mistake in each
quite attractive. He's often cheerful and
he's always patient. /
example a-f, Is t your lecturer? J
Page 152 speaking bank

Listen to three candidates doing a Speaking Part 1 test. Complete their answers.

Chiara Celine Aki hi ko

Where do you live? I 1 2 ...............................

Where do you come from?

Do you work or are you a 3 4

student? What do you do I
4t ..o. b cLex

Do you enjoy studying How often do you use a What do you enjoy doing
English? Why (not)? mobile phone? in your free time?

51 ....................................... 6 My friends say I use it 7 I really enjoy

0 Listen again and answer the questions. Read this part of a Speaking Part 1 test. How could you
improve Enrico's answers?
1 Do you think the candidates answer their last
questions well? Why / Why not? Examiner: What's your name?
2 What does Celine say when she doesn't understand Enrico: Enrico.
the examiner's question?
Examiner: Where do you live, Enrico?
3 Does the examiner repeat the same question to
Enrico: Porto, Portugal.
Examiner: Do you work or are you a student?
Enrico: Work.
• The examiner will ask you general questions about Examiner: What do you do?
where you live, your daily routine, things you like. etc. Enrico: Journalist.
• Always try to give more than a one-word
Work in groups of three. Take turns to be the examiner.
Ask and answer the first three questions from the table
• Don't try to repeat sentences you have FF"Elarn
in Exercise 1, and one extra question.
already prepared.

0 Read Zahra's answer. Do you think her teacher gave her full
marks? Why! Why not?
Page 148 Writing bank
An article

Work in groups. Look at the information If i. ha4, to choo5e one, pe.rson,

from the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary t jo&L& be rn cocstn,n.
about punctuation on page 162. Which of He cs born Lrt Ist&nb,&L but he,
the uses are the same in your language? grew up L.n Lond.on. Hes mecLurn
he.qht with curLj d..ctrk hair
0 Exam candidates often make mistakes with
punctuation. There is no punctuation in
a..n brown e.t,je.s. Eve.rjbod.9 qe.ts
on LAJe.LL whik hL.rn be.c.olAse he's
sentences 1-6. Correct the mistakes.
e.o.59ot.n9 honest &nd. retiz..bLe.
1 dear sam i had a great time with my Apa..rt from b&.ng st&c.h n,ce
friends last weekend too
person, Hciscin is hltrd..Nork&n9
2 what about you who is your best friend
cLnct to. He's cLLcu,js
3 on saturday i took my cousins dog to the been keen on drcutnq. When
he t..o..s just 19 je.ors oLd,, he,
4 after that we ate salad chicken and ice
set up his on compa..n
NL.c.h se.LLs his T-shiA-t cte.sqns.
5 he loves english he thinks that its easy
He, qL.ves some, of the. mone.9 he,
6 im looking forward to seeing you soon
eirns to heLp an
Read this Writing Part 2 exam task and's chctri,t
underline the important words.

You see this notice in an international English-

language magazine.
Answer the questions and check your ideas in Exercise 4.
1 Does the article include all the information for the task?
Articles wanted!
2 Does the article use adjectives to describe the person?
The person who I admire
3 Does the article give reasons and examples? (e.g. Why is Hosan
Who is it? Is it a member of your generous?)
family, a friend or perhaps
4 Is the punctuation and spelling correct?
someone famous?
What does he or she look like? 5 Is the article about 100 words?
What is he or she like?
Why do you admire him or her? 0 Read Zahra's article again. Underline and correct her five spelling
mistakes and her four punctuation mistakes.
Write an article answering these
questions and we will publish the most
interesting articles in our magazine.
If you are asked to describe someone or something,
don't write long lists of adjectives. Give
Write your article in about 100 words. reasons and examples instead. Am
• Always check your work, in particular your
punctuation and spelling.

Now write your own answer to the task from Exercise 3.

Use the writing checklist in Exercise 5 to check your work.

i-• -s•.
S..... S
••... S
S.... S
•... S
S.. S
S.. •
.. -


Complete sentences 1-8 using too or

enough and the adjectives from the box
0 Match the beginnings of the sentences with the endings.
1 It's much healthier to go by
2 We left the terminal and got onto
(big cold dark expensive old
3 The driver and passenger got into
sleepy thick wrrr
4 In big cities, many people go by
1 Put the heating on, please. It's not 5 You should let other people get off
(,'36k'(34k .aOIAL& in this room. 6 The police told the thief to get out of
2 I'd like to wear those shoes but they
aren't ,.,,... for me. I'm size a the car and drove to the airport.
44. b bus instead of taking the car.
3 It was nearly midnight and it was c the train before you get on. see anything. d bike than to sit in a car or a bus.
4 You can't skate on the lake. The ice e the car and put his hands up.
isn't ......... .____ ... .........tobesafe. f the plane, after a six-hour delay.
5 I must goto bed. I'm ................................
to stay awake any longer.
6 My sister's only 16, so she's not
0 Complete the crossword with words from Unit 7.

,to drive a car yet.

7 Put a jumper on. It's.................................
to go outside in just a T-shirt and
8 I really liked that laptop but it was
..........for metobuy.

0 Choose the correct option in italics.

1 A: How's Andrea these days?
B: She 'Ill oinqtave a baby.

2 A: Have you got any plans for

B: Yes, I meet! 'm meeting Ryan at
9 o'clock.

3 A: You looktired.
B: Yes, I think l'mgoing/'llgoto
bed early.
4 A: When's the last bus? 1 below a temperature of 0°C
B: The timetable says it leaves! is 4 the opposite of 'hot'
leaving at midnight. 6 a place where two roads meet

5 A: My computer has just crashed! 7 a bag you carry when you travel somewhere

B: Don't worry. I 'm going to! 'II 8 a word which means the same as 'very much'
repair it. 9 a bright light you see in a thunderstorm
6 A: The score's now England 0,
Brazil 5! 2 something you read before or when you travel to anew place on holiday

B: Brazil will! are going to win. 3 visiting interesting places

5 a type of weather when you can't see things very well


Choose the correct word for each gap. 0 Exam candidates often make mistakes with
punctuation and spelling. Correct one mistake
in each of the following sentences.
.NGELIQUE i(IDJO 1 I only go shopping if I have to becouse most of
the shops are expensive.
.ngelique, also (1) .......... k&oi. ......... asThe Queen of African 2 I've just received your email. You ask me wich
lusic, is one of the greatest female singers (2)..................................the film stars I like.
ror1d. She was born in Cotonou, Benin, West Africa, and she 3 Since than we have been very good friends.
3) Cotonou with eight brothers and sisters. 4 You asked me if i had fun last weekend.
-ler uncles, aunts and grandparents come from Ouidah, a small 5 On friday, my family and I got on a boat to
village. She was (4).. ................................ in a family of performers. the island.
Angelique took (5) ..................................singing when she was six years 6 I think you now him. He is called Patrick.
old. Angelique is good (6)..................................languages and sings in
French, English and two African languages: Fon and Yoruba. teit.i.iiiit.i

By the 1980s, the political situation in Benin was difficult. Complete these conditional sentences, using
Angelique said to herself, 'Unless 1 (7) .................................. Benin, your own ideas.
have problems.' In 1983 she left for Paris, France, where she
1 If I didn't have to work,... ( fe.i'tk MYT ti%tt
studied both Jazz and Law. She couldn't decide between being a
lawyer or a musician but thought, 'I will make a bigger differ-
2 If I stay up late,
ence to the world (8)..................................I become a musician' and
3 If I found a wallet on the floor,
so she developed her music career. She first (9) ..................................
4 I won't go out if
her future husband, who is musician Jean Hebrail, at be CIM,
5 When I stop learning English,
a jazz school in Paris. Now they both live in New York. She has
also been a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF (10) .................................. 6 I'd be annoyed if
2002, helping to bring education to children all over the world, 7 Unless the weather is awful,
in particular in Africa 8 If I could live in another country,
Read this text about Jane's favourite cousin,
Axel, and think of the word which best fits each
1 A told B called C named D known gap. Use only one word in each gap.
2 A of B in C on D at If I had to choose a favourite member of my
3 A grew up B got on with C grew D born family, 1 (1) .......... oi4A .......... choose my cousin Axel.
4 A setup B made up C brought up D grownup He's rather short, (2)... ............................... curly blond
5 A on B off C out D up
hair and green eyes. He's (3) .................................. very
easy-going person who never gets angry. Now he's
6 A in B at C on D of studying at university in Germany but he grew
7 A leave B don't leave C will leave D won't leave (4) Innsbruck in Austria. We
8 A when B unless C if D so haven't seen each other (S) .................................. about
9 A knew B found out C madeup D met
two years. He'll come and visit me this summer,
unless he has (6).. ................................ work in his
10 A for B in C since D ago dad's café.

fi t
hea Ithy..;.1. '1

; ..f




.I Ot

In vr I iiu
How do you usually go to work?

o Igo bycar.

o I use public transport.

O I walk or cycle.

0 What's your perfect way to spend a free afternoon?

o shopping with friends

o relaxing at home

o going for a run, playing football, or doing another sport

0 How many times a week do you actually exercise? (You

can include things like dancing, or doing housework.)

0 never

3-4 times
most days

0 You're bored and want to find something

to do. What's your first choice?

o Go for a bike ride, or go

out for a walk.

o Chatonlinewith
your friends.

o Meet up with your friends.

0 If you have to run to catch a

bus or train, how do you feel

0 I'm exhausted.

0 Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Discuss what the I'm fit, so I feel fine.
people are doing and how often you do these kinds of
o I'm a bit out of breath.

How much time do you usually spend watching

0 Work in pairs. Do the quiz. TV or online entertainment?

0 more than two hours a day

0 Check your score on page 162. Should you make any

changes to the way you live? Why? I Why not?
o 1-2 hours aday

0 less than an hour a day

0 ~ -,/ ~ i 'i )
t, i i ~v ~ , L 1A J, ". ,, ~ i, , ii , 14
Listening Part 2
Illnesses and accidents
Look at the first two lines of questions 1-6 in Exercise 2.
Answer the questions. Listen and read the sentence. Then answer the questions.

• What's the situation in each question? 05 ( kk 6 COiAk, A SOY tkoi.t 6k1k6k A s tomAck
• Who will you hear? 1 How do we say the underlined words?
• What do you have to listen for? 2 What do they mean?

Make sure you always know which question and "\ 0 A cough, sore throat and stomach ache are types of
illness. Work in pairs. Decide if the words in the box are
which situation you are listening to.

types of illness, accidents or treatments.
After you hear each situation and
write your answer, forget about that aspirin bandage bruise cut earache fever flu
question and move on to the next o ne. I fracture high temperature injury medicine

0 Listen to people talking in six different situations. For

each question, choose the correct answer. Then listen
L i$Vij

- AcciAeKt
plaster cast

again and check. Write the verb forms of the nouns.
1 You will hear a woman telling her friend about running
1 injury kJ1Y 4 cough
in a 20-kilometre race. Why did she decide to run in
the race? 2 cut 5 sprain
A A friend intended to take part. 3 bruise
B She wanted to win a prize.
C It would improve her level of fitness, 0 Look at the examples. Complete the rules with illnesses,
treatments or parts of the body.
2 You will hear two friends talking about a film they have I've CA
just watched. They agree that
A there was a surprising ending. -(-( ot tt& {M.
B it was better than the previous film they saw. ('ur ki AK opty-AtioK.
C everyone else in the cinema seemed to like it. joe. took A pilt t° 1tis k&cke.
A: wvt A bAKAA6 e o& iti
3 You will hear a student telling his friend about his
bicycle. Why does he want to sell it?
A He rarely uses it.
B He needs the money. 1 Pnormally use me your their etc with
C He would like to buy abetter bike.
[2 We use have or have got with '

4 You will hear a young man telling his friend about a 3 We use take, have or put with
concert he went to. He thought it was
A rather boring.
B too short. o Work in groups. Find someone who has done the things
in the box. Ask them what happened, how they felt and
C very expensive.
how they got better.
5 You will hear a man telling his friend about his illness.
How does he feel now? ( sprained their ankle had the flu taken an aspirin
A He has a high temperature. broken a bone had a bandage put on had a sore throat
B His stomach still hurts. taken medicine had a stomach ache put a plaster on

C He gets tired very quickly.

Have you ever sprained your ankle?9
6 You will hear two friends talking about their local
sports centre. They agree that
A it offers a good range of activities. (Yes I have, when I was running.
B it is an easy place to get to. How did you feel?
C it charges too much for some sports.

Stay tif and healthy

0 Complete the sentences with where, which,
when, who, whose or that. Sometimes there
Relative clauses may be more than one possible answer.
0" Page 134 Grammar reference 1 The TV series 4,,AickAkAt starts tonight is
Defining and non-defining relative clauses about doctors.

0 Read this text about sports injuries and choose the correct
relative pronoun in italics.
2 People.. .... ............... ........... swim a lot are usually
quite fit.
3 This is the park..... . , I fell over and
KJ injured myself when I was younger.
4 I had a horrible cough ...... took
about two weeks to go away.
5 Elena has brother... . name
is Ryan.
6 Winter is the time ......... . ... ...many
people get the flu.

0 Work in pairs. Complete the sentences in as

many ways as you can.

had a horrible cough ...... took 1 Going shopping is something which

about two weeks to go away e&,jo, / I AO OKCe, k MoKtk.
2 The living room is the place where
3 Watching sport is something that
4 Summer holidays are the time when
5 A good friend is someone who
Most people (1) which I that do regular sport are healthier, and 6 I know somebody whose
often feel happier, than those (2) who / whose do little or no exercise.
Care must be taken, though, to avoid the injuries (3) when I which
sport can sometimes cause. People who run or do the long jump,
for instance, often injure themselves (4) when / which they don't Non-defining relative clauses
warm up properly. Training (5) where I that involves doing the same We use non-defining relative clauses to
exercise again and again can cause serious damage, particularly add extra information about someone
to athletes in their teens, (6) whose I which bodies are still or something.
developing. It is important not to do too much too soon. Everyone Commas separate this clause from the
should 'warm up' before they begin - if possible in the place rest of the sentence.
(7) who I where they are going to exercise. It is important, too, for
We cannot use that to begin a non-
people to follow any safety advice (8) when I that they receive.
defining relative clause.

0 Look at the rules. Then answer the questions.

0 Complete the rules with the correct words from Exercise 1. 1 What is the relative pronoun in the sentence

Cycling to school, which is very healthy, is

getting more and more common.
Defining relative clauses

We use defining relative clauses to give essential information 2 What is the relative clause?
about someone or something we are talking about. 3 Does the sentence make sense without the
relative clause?
We use:
4 Can we leave out the relative pronoun from
• (1) .U&a't...... and (2) for people the non-defining relative clause?

.(3) and (4).. .. for things

• (5) for times

• (6) ................................for places

• (7) ...............................for possessions.
0 Rewrite the pairs of sentences 1-6 as one sentence. Use non-
defining relative clauses.
0 Look at comments 1-3 from Exercise 1 again.
Which verb (do, go or play) do we use with each

1 My arm is better now. I hurt it last week. sport?

My arm, which ......

Do we use do, go or play with these nouns?
2 My cousin Sally works in the hospital. You met her.
athletics baseball basketball climbing
My cousin, who
cycling football golf gymnastics
3 We went to the lake in the next valley. We hired a boat
there. The lake, where ..................................................................... ice hockey jogging mountain biking
rollerblading running skateboarding
4 Ricky is my best friend. His sister is a teacher.
skiing swimming tennis volleyball
Ricky, whose .. .

5 In 2018 the sports centre opened. I was 19 then.

The sports centre opened in 2018, when
0 Choose the correct option in italics.
We usually use
1 go / play with sports that use balls.
6 Surfing is popular in my country. It is a new Olympic
sport. Surfing, which is a new Olympic sport, 2 do/ go with outdoor sports.
3 do/ play with the word sports and activities
which we do alone.

Q Exam candidates often make mistakes with relative clauses.

Underline the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.
Exam candidates often make mistakes with
verbs and nouns. Underline and correct the
1 I want to know who sport is your favourite.
2 I can play my favourite sport, that is tennis.
1 I practise horse riding twice a week.
3 They filmed students which were playing football.
2 You can make a lot of sports and activities.
4 This is the book who my best friend Joey gave me.
3 In winter you can make snowboarding.
5 One sport who I think is good is swimming.
4 We have done table tennis.
6 I want to learn more about tennis, that is my hobby.
5 At first, we made aerobics.
6 We played windsurfing.
0 Work in groups. Write down sports that
are played in these places. How many do
you know?
Match comments 1-3 with pictures A-C. Do you like or watch any • on a court • in a stadium
of these sports? Why I Why not? • in a gym • on a track
1 'Doing Taekwondo is great exercise and I'm going to get my black • on a pitch
belt soon!'
2 'I really enjoy playing volleyball - it's so fast-moving.' Q Which of these clothes and equipment are used
in each sport?
3 'I always look forward to going surfing in the summer.'
bat boots gves helmet
net racket trainers

0 Complete the sentences with the verbs from

the box.

C beat draw lose score win 1)

1 You I2Mt a player or team.
2 You.. . a goal.
3 You ,. or
a match or game.

0 Work in groups. Discuss which sports you like

or dislike. Which is the most popular sport?

Stay fit and healthy

How many hours a day do you spend sitting Lu ii
According to research from AXA PPP Healthcare, nearly
three-quarters of workers spend 4 to 8 hours sitting
during office hours. In addition, 27% sit for 30-60 minutes
travelling to and from work, and 81% spend between 2 and
6 hours of their leisure time sitting down. Worryingly, 73%
have had health problems such as back, neck and shoulder
pain, which may all be caused by long periods without
Evie Scott experienced just that after she had changed
job. 'I used to work in a department store, where I was
on my feet talking to customers all day,' she says, 'but I
needed a higher salary so I got an office job instead. That
meant many hours sitting at a desk and I soon found I had
less energy and also various aches and pains. Although the
challenge of the new job was quite exciting and I quickly
made friends there, for a while I wondered whether I'd
made a big mistake.'
So Evie, who travels into town by rail every day, decided
to do something about her fitness level. She explains:
'I didn't want to move house and it took far too long by
Work in pairs. Look at the photos and discuss the bike, but what's really helped is getting off several stations
questions. before the city centre and then walking. I'm also thinking
of going to the gym opposite work, and I might also take
• Do any of the people in the pictures have ajob that is
up squash after work, too. Some of my workmates say it's
good for their health? Why? / Why not?
made them much fitter.
• How many hours a day do you spend sitting down
She's made some small changes at work, too. 'I avoid
while you are:
sitting still for too long, for instance by making phone calls
working or studying! travelling to work or college/at standing up, walking over to colleagues' desks rather than
emailing them and simply standing up every ten minutes.
• Do you think you spend too much time sitting down? I've even moved things like my printer so that I have to get
If so, how could you reduce this? up to use it. I get some funny looks but I really don't care.
Actually, it helps if others are involved because then you
0 Read the exam instructions and follow these steps.
can have short meetings standing up, or walking around
1 Look at the title of the text and the first line of the office. Over a working day all this adds up to a fair
each question. Decide which questions ask you to amount of extra exercise, which I'm convinced helps me
understand the whole text, and which only part of work more efficiently - and happily.'
the text.
2 For each of the questions where you only have to read
part of the text, find the paragraph you need.
3 Write the question number next to that paragraph.
4 Read what the text says about that question and
decide on your answer.

Most of these questions focus on

opinion and attitude, not fact.

The last question may ask about the

general meaning of the text.

For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 What is the writer doing in the first paragraph? 4 What does Evie say about getting exercise in the office?
A advising people what to do if they have back pain A Don't listen to any colleagues who start laughing
B warning people against taking office jobs at you.

C suggesting ways office workers can get more B You may find that it reduces the amount of work you
exercise can do.

0 explaining why most people are spending more C Doing a lot of little things can make a big difference.
time sitting down D It's best for each person to exercise on their own.

2 At first, how did Evie feel about working in the office? 5 Which message might [vie send to a friend?
A She found her job rather boring. A 'I'd like to do more exercise at work but I worry
B She missed chatting with other shop assistants. about what my colleagues might think.'

C She felt she wasn't paid enough there. B 'I'm enjoying this job a lot more now that I'm keeping
myself more active during the day.'
0 She began to feet less healthy.
C 'I really regret leaving my job at the store and one
3 Evie believes that she feels better as a result of day I would like to go back there.'
A doing sports with colleagues. D 'I would rather live near the office so that I could
B training in a gym near her office. spend less time travelling to and from work.'

C doing shorter train journeys.

D cycling to and from work.

0 Work in pairs. Look at these tips forgetting more daily exercise. Discuss which you think might be useful. Say why.


Don't take a seat on the bus or train. Always stand.

Stand up to read paper documents or textbooks.

Go for walks to local parks in your lunch break with colleagues.

Use the stairs instead of taking the lift. Try to climb them two at
a time!

Move while you're working. For instance, stand up to take

phone calls and slowly turn your upper body from side to side.

Walk faster to work or college, going up hills if possible. Get a

phone app or special watch to record the number of steps you
take. Try to increase the number each day.

Stay fit and healthy

Page 150 Writing bank
Page 135 Grammar reference A story
Past perfect
Look at the exam instructions and answer the questions.
We use the past perfect when we are
already talking about the past and we
• Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.
want to say something happened earlier.
• Your story must begin with the following sentence:
Look at the sentences. Then answer the
questions. It was the most frightening experience of my life.

£uie. 'co xie,i&ceA j1ASt tkt Attff

cte4job. 1 Do the instructions give you a title, or the first line?
Fo (oa'aA ttx L'e1 s&1 2 Should you write in the first person (I) or the third person (he/she/it)?
3 Which are the keywords?
1 How do we form the past perfect? What
is the negative form? 0 Read the story and decide in which paragraph the things happened.

2 Does the past perfect describe the first a describes the main events Z
action or the second action? b sets the scene for the action
c describes the writer's feelings afterwards
0 We often use the past perfect to form
longer sentences when we want to give
d tells us about the final event
e explains what really happened
more information about the past. Join
f introduces the story, saying who did what, where and when
the sentences using the past perfect.
1 I sprained my ankle. I didn't go to
fitness training.
didn't go to fitness training
.ba& 1' NeA tk1e..
2 I walked all the way home. I felt tired.
I felt tired because

3 The match started. I arrived at the

By the time I
4 I left my trainers at home. I couldn't run
in the race.
Because I

Work in pairs. Complete the sentences

by saying what happened next. Use the
ideas in the box.
go to hospital 1 Last month I went snowboarding in Canada with my friend Lucy,
leave their trainers there who is a champion snowbocirder. I was feeling nervous when we
reached the top of the mountain because it had started to snow
the film started .win4ie-.aee-
heavily and I couldn't see much.
1 I'd run faster than everyone else, so I
2 Lucy went first, but by the time I started snowboarding, she had
.ke - &&.................
disappeared. I went down faster and faster and I thought I saw her
2 I'd hurt myself, so
go off to the right, so I turned right, too. But soon I came to some
cliffs and had to stop. I was terrified. Had she gone over the edge?
3 When I went into the gym, I noticed
someone....................................................... 3 I waited and shouted, and suddenly, Lucy was there. I'd gone the
4 The bus was late and by wrong way but she'd heard me calling and then she'd found me. I
the time I got to the cinema felt safe at last.

Underline examples of 1-3 in the story.
0 Listen and repeat. Stress the same words.
1 a verb used with a sport
2 a non-defining relative clause
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions for at least
3 six examples of the past perfect
four minutes. Give reasons for your answers.

0 Look at the Writing Part 2 task. Answer the questions

from Exercise 1.
Which sports do you think are
• the most popular in your country?
• the most/least exciting to play?
• Your English teacher has asked you to write a story • the most/least exciting to watch?
• Your story must begin with this sentence: • the best for people's fitness and health?
/ felt nervous when the game began. • on TV too often / not often enough?

You can talk about your own experiences, but you

must not change the topic.
• Use a range of past tenses in your story
(the past simple and past perfect for When your partner is speaking, show
events, and the past continuous for you're listening to them. AM
background information).
• Remember there are no right or wrong
answers. Say what you think!

Write your story in about 100 words. Write th

paragraphs and include points a-f from Exen

Page 161 Speaking bank

Listen and complete the expressions.

1 You maybe ,but...

2 I'm not really ... ........................ ..... about that.
3 Yes, I ................................ agree with you.
4 I don't think ........ ........................ because
5 That's not the ................................ I see it.
6 I don't agree at .................................

7 That's .................................

8 l think so

0 Match the expressions from Exercise 1 to

the uses (a-c).
a agreeing 3
b strongly disagreeing strongly
c disagreeing politely

/P/ Word stress: agreeing and disagreeing
Listen again. Underline the stressed word(s) in each
expression from Exercise 1.

'Il,JOA be bt

i healthy
S.... •

•.. S
S.. S

[I] amazing!
• S




0 Work in pairs. Look at the title of the guide, the names of the stalls and the
pictures. What do you think you will have to do in this Reading Part 2 task?

0 The following five groups of people would like to have lunch at the Street Food
market. Read the descriptions and underline the important information.

Caroline and Halley have tried most of the stalls,

so want to try something new on Tuesday. Both
of them really like fish and they want a hot drink
with their meal.


Jack and his university classmates have read that

some of the stalls have won prizes and want to
try one of those. They would like a vegetarian
main meal, but they are short of money.

Sara and her friends fancy having a light lunch

together on Saturday, but they are not willing to
Work in groups. Look at the I pay very much. They would like to sit down to eat
photos. What food groups can at the stall.
you see? Add at least two more '4
examples of food or drink to
each group. 4 Samuel's grandmother would like to take him for
a meal on Sunday but she doesn't want to walk

0 Work in pairs. Discuss the

too far around the market. Samuel would like a
proper meal, but she just wants a dessert.

1 What are your favourite things

to eat and drink? 5 Tania and her dad feel like trying a spicy
2 Are there any types of food vegetable dish before the cinema on Sunday.
you don't eat? Which ones? They won't have much time before the film so
Why not? they'll need to take away their dessert.
3 How often do you eat out?
Where? Who with?
Answer questions 1-5, without reading the text.
1 Caroline and Halley want a hot drink with their meal.
What type of drink could they have?
2 Jack and his friends fancy a vegetarian meal. What sort ,I1ILT(ThtT
of food do they n o t want to eat?
3 Sara and her friends aren't wilting to pay very much. A /lmazfM9 Food 6y Ja$Olf
What words do you expect to read in the description of If you're looking for a main meat, try the delicious curry from
their most suitable restaurant? Mauritius here. Don't miss the Creole Chicken, which is spicy
4 Samuel's grandma doesn't want to walk too far fried chicken cooked in tomatoes and served with rice and
around the market. What sort of words do you need to salad. Not cheap but visit the stall on Tuesdays for a free glass
look for in the descriptions? of hot tea.
5 Jack and his classmates would like a main meal while B Scaitf,tavia,t Kftcei
Sara and her friends fancy having a light lunch. What Looking for a light lunch? Order the picnic box at this stall,
words do you expect to read in the descriptions? which opens this week, and you won't be disappointed. We
recommend the top-quality turkey with bread and cheese. Or
why not try the salmon special, which comes with free coffee
• To match the people with an answer, look and cake? Perfect for those who feel like a change but don't
for a text that says the same things, but in have much time!
different words. C Just 7?iqt bueqe,v
For each person or group of people, All reviews recommend these reasonably priced beef or tuna
only one option is correct. Three of burgers. The vegetarian burger is grilled vegetables with
these options are not needed. just the right amount of mushrooms with or without cheese.
Something new for those who fancy a light lunchtime meal.
Order a homemade soft drink with your meat.

0 Read the street food market guide and decide which

food stall (A-H) would be the most suitable for each
0 ,qfa?e34ty Cave
Expect to queue for a light middle-eastern meal from this
group of people (1-5). stall. Their lunchbox contains fresh salad, spicy potato
chips, garlic sauce and bread. Even meat eaters wilt consider
Work in pairs. Talk together about which street food becoming vegetarians here. Not cheap, but their homemade

stall you would (and wouldn't) like to eat at. desserts are amazing!
E Barbecue Hut
If you fancy a main meal, sit down here and for less than €10,
the prize-winning chefs will barbecue a juicy steak and serve
it with fries. Try their range of sauces from hot pepper to
yoghurt. Finish with their famous apple pie and a hot drink!
Right next to the market entrance.
F Nee Vo9
You must try a piadina (an Italian flatbread) from the newly
opened Blue Dog. Vegetarians should order the Spinach and
Mushroom piadina which is very reasonably priced. Perfect for
those who don't want a heavy meal. Ask for a piadina with hot
chocolate sauce for dessert - not suitable for takeaway. Near
the clock tower at the back of the market. Seating available.
G ftee Goza(ez
Fred Gonzalez has been voted chef of the month many times
since he set up his Mexican food stall. His customers are
happy to wait while his team prepares freshly cooked burritos
filled with fish, beef or vegetables and rice, beans, lettuce and
hot peppers. Half-price meals for students, but expect queues.
H Food R'aftet
If you think vegan curry is boring, think again. Their potato
and pea curry is hot but it is one of the most delicious dishes
in the market. Ask for a slice of their carrot cake in a bag and
save it for later. Higher-than-average prices but worth it. Very
short waiting time. Comfortable seating area.
. ..•-.•_
. ......

Looks amazing!
course, dish, food, meal and plate Commands and instructions
Page 136 Grammar reference
Exam candidates often make mistakes with the words Commands and instructions
course, dish, food, meal and plate. Match the words (1-5)
o with their definitions from the Cambridge Learner's
Work in pairs. Look at these photos of three dishes from
around the world and answer the questions.
Dictionary ( a-e).
1 Where do you think the dishes are from?
1 course noun [C]
2 What ingredients do you think you need to make these
2 dish noun [C]
3 food noun [C, U]
4 meal noun [C]
5 plate noun [C]

a food that is prepared in a particular way as part of a

meal, e.g. fish and chips or lasagne
b a flat, round object which is used for putting food on
c when you eat, or the food that you eat at that time,
e.g. breakfast, lunch and dinner
d a part of a meal, e.g. starters and desserts
, .

e something that people and animals eat to keep '- -

them alive

0 Which of the words in Exercise 1 are countable and

which are uncountable nouns? How do you know?

Complete Elsa's email to Lee about the food in her

country using courses, dish, food, meals and plate.


Hi Lee,
0 Listen to three short recordings about the dishes from
Exercise 1 and check your ideas.
I'm from Quito, Ecuador. In my country we eat simple
but tasty (1) .. to.ok........., - like meat, fish and rice.
We eat three (2) .,,. .. a day: breakfast, lunch
0 Listen again. Complete instructions 1-6 with a verb.

1 First of all... ...... .... iithc. .... ...... the chicken together with
and dinner. In the morning, my mum often leaves
salt,pepper and chilli.
different cakes or bread on a (3) . . on the
2 on a high heat, or the burrito will be
table. Lunch and dinner are usually a little heavier
rather dry.
than breakfast. Lunch is three (4) ................................
a starter, which is often soup, a main course and a 3 ... one and a half cups of sushi rice.
dessert. My favourite (5) fanesca, 4 ................................cucumber, carrot and tuna for your first
which is a fish soup, often made with cod. sushi rolls and then ........................ .. other things.
5 ................................the dosa from an Indian supermarket.
Write back soon,
6 serve your dosa with lassi, an Indian
yoghurt drink.

0 What words do we use in the instructions (1-6) to tell

people what to do? What words do we use to tell people
what not to do?

Choose one of your own favourite dishes and write some

instructions on how to make it. Don't forget to say what
not to do.

Work in groups. Take turns to read your instructions

from Exercise 5 without saying the name of the dish.
Guess what each other's favourite dish is.
5 What do they need to bring for training tomorrow?

0 Look at the first question from Listening Part 1 and the

three pictures. Complete the sentences.
1 What will Natalie buy for the picnic?
f H
6 What activity did the man do for the first time on holiday?

• We know that the woman will get a (1) !o4.,o...b.'ce4i

and a (2) (Pictures A, B and Q.
• We don't know if the woman will take a 7 Where has the woman been?
(3) (Picture A) or some (4) ................................
(Picture B) or some (5) ... (Picture Q.

0 Listen to the first part of the recording. What do you

think the answer is?
Le r
Listen to the last part of the recording. Choose the
correct answer. A B C

0 Read questions 2-7 from Listening Part 1. Underline the

key words in the questions. Then look at the pictures
Listen carefully to the beginning,
middle and end of each recording.
and think about the information you need to listen for.
The information you need may come .
2 What did the woman take to the party? anywhere.

Listen and choose the correct answer. Then listen

again and check.
Le r

F-11 B 0 51
IPI Connected speech: linking sounds
Listen to this sentence. What do the linking lines
3 What I.. wit[ the man try? mean? Read the information in the box and check.

l't& oia to tt key- oi,t&M.sov

A aeck1&c frot& U&A ko'oi. t&

If a word ends with a consonant sound and the next

word begins with a vowel sound, it often sounds like
these words are connected.

4 Where did the woman go yesterday? Read the sentences and draw linking lines between
52 the connected words. Then listen and practise
saying the sentences.
1 I baked a cake instead.
2 This is a plate of mixed fried fish.

Work in small groups. Do you enjoy shopping? What

A B C are your favourite kinds of shops?
Looks amazing!
Shops and services Have something done
00, Page 136 Grammar reference
Look at these photos of shopping streets from around Have something done
the world. What can you see in each one?
Look at the sentences. Choose the correct options in
italics in the rules.
Layla: I normally have my haircut at Gabrielle's.
Lewis: I'm having the scooter repaired.
Vicki: I had this dress cleaned last week.

When we talk about an action (1) we do for ourselves /

somebody does for us, we can use have something done.
For example:

Layla does not cut her own hair, she has her hair cut.

Get something done (e.g. She gets her hair cut) is also
possible, but usually in (2) formal / informal situations.

0 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with Polly

or Ginny.

0 Match the types of shop in the box with the things you
can do there (1-6).

( bakery bookshop butcher's chemist dentist My flatmate Polly

dry cleaner's garage hairdresser's
library supermarket travel agent's

1 make an appointment
2 buy or pay for something
3 borrow something
4 book a holiday
5 have something repaired
6 complain and ask for your money back

Listen to three short conversations. Match speakers 1-3 My flatmate Ginny

to the correct place from Exercise 2.
1 rarely has her hair cut.
1 2 ..............................gets her hair cut every three weeks.
2 tries to clean her own nails.
3 4 ................................ has her nails done.

0 Listen again. Discuss what you think Layla, Lewis and

Charlie should do next.
always cleans her bedroom.
................................had her bedroom cleaned last year.
7 got her car washed two years ago.
8 . . washed her scooter this morning.

Complete the table.

I cook my own meals (1) I .......... hku,w4.i4kMtCQokL ........

I'm cleaning my fiat (2) I'm..................................................................

Icut my hair (3)1 ......................................................................

0 Complete the conversations with have or get. If both verbs are possible,
write have and get.
Receptionist: Good morning! Linda's Hair Salon. How can I help you?
Ginny: I'd like to book an appointment to (1) my hair done.
Friend: Polly, can't you do something with your hair? It looks awful!
Polly: Don't worry! I'll (2) ............................. it cut when I'm ready.

Write a sentence about each situation using the words given.

Use the correct form and tense of the verb have.
1 I /hair/cut/threetimesa year
st, kiv crl Uvu th4&es A
2 I can't finish this report because I / laptop / mend I at the moment
3 My bike is broken again and I/it/ repair/ a week ago.
4 Jack isn't at work. He! teeth / check today by the dentist.
5 Keith and Pete are going to a New Year's Eve party. They / suits! clean last week.

0 Work in groups. Ask and answer questions about the things people do for you.
Page 154 Speaking bank

Listen to Luna describing one of the three photos. Which

photo is she describing? Which things does she talk
1 the place
2 the weather
3 what the people are doing
4 what the people are wearing
5 everyday objects

0 Listen to Luna again. Complete the sentences with the

phrases she uses to describe the objects she doesn't
1 One of them is carrying something. I can't remember
the word for this object. the
rain we open it when it rains.

2 On her back, she's got ... a...

a bag.

Work in pairs. Take turns to describe some of the objects

in the pictures using phrases from the table. Guess what
your partner is describing.

It's a kind of... It's made of... It's used for

It's something (metal/plastic/
like a ... wood/glass, etc.)

Imagine you're talking to somebody who can't

see the photo.

• If you don't know the word for an

object, use another expression to
describe it.

Work indifferent pairs. Take turns to describe one of

the photos for a minute. Listen to your partner and put
a tick (/) against the things in Exercise 1 your partner

Page 148 Writing bank
An article • In the exam, you can choose between an article
and a story. Choose the one which you are more
Read the Writing Part 2 exam task and underline the
interested in and which you can write more about.
key words.
• If you choose the article, check it
You see this notice in an international English-language magazine. includes all the points in the question.

• Check your work for mistakes. Make

Articles wanted! sure you have written about 100 words.
Going Shopping
Where do you and your friends go shopping nowadays? 0 Choose one of the Writing Part 2 exam tasks and
write your answer in about 100 words. Use your
Do you prefer going to indoor shopping centres or to town
notes from Exercise 2 or 3 to help you.
Or perhaps you'd rather do all your shopping online?
Check your work. Answer the questions below.
Tell us what you think!
1 Have you written an interesting article?
Answer these questions and we will publish the best
articles in our next magazine. 2 Have you included all the information?
3 Are your ideas connected with words like
Write your article in about 100 words. because, and, etc.?
4 Have you checked the article for mistakes, in
particular with spelling and punctuation?

0 Work in groups. Discuss the questions from the Writing Part

2 task. Make a note of your answers.
5 Have you written about 100 words?

E L,.

Now discuss the questions in this Writing Part 2 task. Make
a note of your answers. Then decide which exam task your
group has more to talk about.

You see this notice in an international English-language magazine.

We're looking for new writers for our magazine!

A good meal
What makes a good meal?
Is it the place, the people, the food - or all of these things?
How important is it to eat out and try different
kinds of food from different countries?
Tell us what you think!
We will publish the most interesting articles in our next

Write your article. Looks amazing!

p... S

S... S

Vocabulary an]
i... S


grammar review

Grammar 0 Complete the story

using the
or the
0 Match the sentence beginnings with the endings. Then
add relative pronouns in the box to form complete
form of


when (x2) where which who whose

1 Sunday is the day a cut his hand.
All the races
Winter is the time
people play tennis.
I relax at home.
My first match
At ten o'clock last Saturday morning, 1(1) ...........................(be)
4 James is the boy d took place were exciting. ready to play my first real match at the tennis club. I
5 A court is a place e husband is very ill. (2) (practise) all the previous week and I really
6 That's the woman f people catch the flu. (3) ..... ............................. (feel) good, especially as 1 (4) ................
(bring) my lucky trainers.

1 £ ....— k& LsL.I.'CthtK. At.. ko.Wt- When 1(5) .................................(put) them on, I walked onto the court.
I noticed that the grass (6). ........... ...................... (be) very wet, as it
(7) ..................................(rain) a lot the night before, but that
(8) ................................(not seem) important.

Jack, the other player, (9) ..................................(be) a little late because

he (10) ..................................(leave) his racket at home, but as soon as
he arrived we (11) ..................................(start) the match. I quickly
(12) ..................................(realise) that in the past 1(13) ............................
Put the words in the correct order. Add commas to form
(play) against stronger players than him, and 1(14) ................................
non-defining relative clauses. (be) sure that I could win.
1 a snowboarding champion/is! Zara / only 19/is /
who Suddenly, 1 (15) ..................................(slip) on the wet grass and
(16) ..................................(fall). 1(17) ..................................(know)
immediately that 1(18) ..................................(injure) my ankle badly, so
2 we play tennis/the weather/good / In summer/ that was the end of the game. 1(19) ..................................(go) to hospital,
when/is and fortunately 1(20) ..................................(not broke) it. But after that I
never (21) ..................................(wear) my 'lucky' trainers again!
3 won /the best player of all/was/whose! Stevie/

4 we live / a lot of pollution / is / where / In the city

centre / there
0 Choose the correct option in italics.

5 better now/who! my brother an accident is feeling! 1 Skiers have to wear good(J3i! bootsl trainers to
had keep their hands warm.
2 Last week I was coughing and I had a really hurt/sore!
injured throat.
6 a team sport / on a court! which / is /volleyball / is
played 3 In last night's football match, Brazil won! beatl drew
the United States 6-0.
4 I was practising hitting the ball with a baseball racket!
5 Sophia is good at jogging / gymnastics! athletics,
especially the long jump and 100 metres.
6 If I have a headache, I usually take a medicine/pill! test
with a glass of water.
7 After I fell off my bike, I had a big purple bruise/flu!
disease on my leg.
• •
• . S
• .

immar review )0

0 Complete sentences 1-5 with a suitable verb. 0 Complete these sentences using the correct
form of have something done. Use the
1 If you have toothache, you should s4kketbook., an appointment to
see the dentist. correct tense and an object pronoun.
2 If you are not happy with something in a shop, you should always 1 My uncle didn't have time to wash his
and ask for your money back. car before my cousin's wedding, so
3 If you want to go on a trip, it's betterto .....,,.,,,. it through a he.................... the garage.
travel agent than online. 2 My sister tried to cut her own
4 You don't need to buy books, you can. . them from hair but it looked terrible so
the library. she went to the hairdresser to
5 You can save time and money if you learn how to
broken things yourself. 3 We wanted to have a photo
of the whole class so we

0 Read the email below from Shane and choose the correct answer.
professional photographer.

4 We live on the ninth floor and we can't

clean the windows ourselves because
it's dangerous. Once a month, we
Dear Ryan, bya
Let me tell you something about myself. 1 (1) .........
born in Hong Kong but now I live in Singapore. One of the most 5 When I had problems with my
amazing things about Singapore is the variety of bike, I tried to repair it with a
friend but we couldn't. In the end I
(2) ..................................and other places to eat out. You can eat
.. at
in expensive restaurants or (3) ..................................street food
bike shop.
markets where the cooks prepare your food in front of you.
My favourite (4) 'Chicken Rice'. This is
boiled chicken (5) served on top of rice with
0 Read about a wedding and think of a word
which best fits each gap. Use only one word
cucumber. And if you prefer to eat at home, there are plenty of
in each gap.
(6) . ..............................for you to buy your own meat, fish, fruit and
My cousin Max (1) te4 . his girlfriend
Shane when they were at university and they
decided to get married last year. I went to
their wedding two weeks (2) .
1A am B be C was D have Before the wedding, I went to the hairdresser
2A plates B food C courses D restaurants with my mum and we (3) . . .. our
hair cut. We also went to the dry cleaner to
3A cheap B cheaper C more expensive D richer
(4) ...............................our dresses cleaned. It was
4A drink B plate C course D dish a fantastic day and we all (5).................. .
5 A which B who C whose D what a really good time there. As Max and his
6 A dry cleaners B butchers C bakers D markets new wife (6) ........... .. .................. leaving on their
honeymoon, I shouted 'Don't forget to send
me a postcard!' They haven't written to me

11 The natural
'I world

1 11
••_• •J'

The environment

Work in pairs.

1 Which environmental issue does each photo 1-5 show?

: 2kstic NASte, 7othAha 4e bLex M cvektMs.
2 Photos A-E show somethings you can do to help. Match them with 1-5.
Ck\'Y O3frt thx E?ot&, {iU it M&t O1 10 od.
3 Choose two problems and think of more ways you can help.
- cc t4shc bothe.s, pick t'
0 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

Apart from the issues in 1-5 above, which other environmental problems are there in

your country? What can people do about them?
Noun suffixes
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 Which of the world's creatures are becoming less
common? Why?
0 Look at the underlined nouns and answer the questions.

b't&iCt OC6ktiOt& AiA 40A c1&oo, AKA

2 What effects does that have on the environment, and Ma i34kki1L cC(eat.
on people? kept ia tk
3 How can we protect the animals that are in danger?
1 What is the verb form of each noun?
2 Which suffix does each noun have?
For each question or statement, underline 3 Which noun drops the letter 'e' from the verb form? Why?
the key word(s). Then do the same for
options A, B and C. 4 0 Complete the table with the noun form of the verbs
from the box. Be careful with any spelling changes.
• Listen for words with similar or opposite
meanings to the ones you underlined.
.-4iire announce attract celebrate collect -
complete confirm connect create develop
disappoint discuss educate enjoy entertain
0 For each question, choose the correct answer. You will
hear a young woman called Ellie talking about a trip to
examine explore improve inform invent
invite move pollute prevent protect
southern Spain to seethe Iberian lynx.
relax replace reserve translate
1 Why did Ellie and Marta decide to go to the stream?
A Both of them had been there before.
B A lynx had been seen there recently.
C There were very few rabbits in the area.

2 As they walked to the stream, they felt

A glad because they could see where they were going.
B very tired because of the steep hilts they had to climb.
C uncomfortable because the weather was so hot.

3 Ellie and Marta hid

A amongthetrees.
B behind the rocks.
C in a small building.

4 When they saw the first animal they were

A surprised that it was a little cat.
B delighted that it was a young lynx.
C disappointed that it was a rabbit.

5 What did the young lynx do after it came out of the

A It waited for its mother.
B It caught a rabbit.
C It saw Ellie and Marta.

6 They started walking back to the village

A as soon as the sun went down.
B when it was completely dark.
C very early the next morning.

Work in pairs. Which animals are becoming less

common in your country? Which human activities are
causing this?
The natural world
0 Complete the news article with the noun form of the
verbs from the box.
The passive
disappoint explore improve inform .inent moveD
Page 137 Grammar reference
The passive: present simple and past simple


Scientist Look at sentences A-D and answer the questions.

use robot chick A This new technology reduces air pollution.

B Air pollution is reduced by this new technology.
to study penguins C The guides allowed the tourists to take photos.
D The tourists were allowed to take photos.
Scientists in Antarctica have used a new
(1) .. ituWo. to help them study penguins close 1 Which sentences are active? Which are passive?
up: a tiny robot on wheels that looks like a baby 2 Which two sentences describe an event in the past?
penguin. The robot, similar to those used in the
3 Which two sentences use a form of be and the past
(2) of the moon and Mars, provided participle of the verb?
lots of exciting new (3) ..............about the birds.
4 What is the subject and what is the object in A? How is
Scientists, working some distance away, controlled
B different?
every (4) ..............................the robot made and it was
5 What is the subject and what is the object in C? How is
immediately accepted by penguin families as one
D different?
of them. The adults even sang to it, though to the
6 What information is in sentence C, but not D?
penguins' great (5) .... ......the 'baby' didn't
reply. The scientists are now working on a new model
with one important (6) - it will be able 0 Complete the rules with active, passive and by.

to play penguin songs.

1 We often find the in formal texts (e.g. news

reports, textbooks, etc.).
0 Listen and check your answers to Exercise 3.
2 In sentences, we always use the past
participle form of the verb.

/PI Word stress in Longer nouns 3 We often use the when we are speaking,
Listen again and underline the stressed syllable in or writing informal letters, etc.
nouns 1-6 in Exercise 3. Then answer the questions 4 We use the when we focus on who or
what did an action.
• Which syllable is stressed in each word? iftue.&tioa
• Which word in the first column of the table in 5 We use the ............................... .when we focus on the action
Exercise 2 does not follow this pattern? rather than who or what did it.

6 We can add .................. ....+ noun if it is important to

0 Practise saying the words in Exercise 2 with the
correct stress.
say who or what did it. In the passive, we often leave
this out.

0 Complete the sentences with the present or past
passive form of the words in brackets.
0 /P/ Word stress in passive forms
Listen to this sentence. Which part of the underlined
Is ir
1 The mountain road .................. (not passive form is stressed? How do you say the other
use) in winter. part?
2 When ... t. i&ttA icoieeA. (the island/ • .FYMv.s &t4 otus ext co1e'ak to botL&
discover)? ptoplt AKA &flk th'tAL.
3 I wanted to go to the natural history museum, but it
..............................................................(close). Work in pairs. Try to say the sentences in Exercise 4
with the correct stress. Listen and check.
4 The view down the valley .
(spoil) when they built the motorway.
5 Climate change........
..... .... ................ ............................ .(blame)
for the lack of rain this year.
6 The rocks in the water . .
(not notice) until the boat was near the cliffs.

Write passive sentences. Begin with the underlined

words and only use by where necessary.
1 Those machines waste a lot of electricity.
)ç tot of iaty'icft s NASteA b8 tko.e ckii&c.
2 People saw two giraffes near the trees.
3 One small cloud hid the moon.
4 They don't allow cars in the national park.
5 They grow rice in the east of the country.
6 Someone wrote a poem about this waterfall.
7 Fire partly destroyed the forest.

0 Underline nine more passive forms in the article.

What is the infinitive form of each main verb?

In the past, bears and wolves were considered a

danger to both people and farm animals so their
numbers were reduced, often to zero. Nowadays,
however, a lot more is understood about how
they form an essential part of nature, and some
years ago international agreements were made
to bring back these magnificent creatures. A lot
of money was spent, large areas where they
could move freely across borders were created,
and they are now protected by law. In Europe,
bears and wolves are once again found in many
countries, from Spain to Scandinavia, where they
are allowed to live in places with few people.
They are sometimes seen in mountain areas or
forests, but usually they prefer to keep away from
humans. So if we keep well away from them, we
are not in any danger.
• 44

Work in pairs. Look at the photos
and complete the sentences with the
words in the box.
ix students from the University have today
Ecuador _ ápegos hard Pacific own from Quito to the wonderful Galapagos
;lands to spend a month doing volunteer \\ .'
Pacific South tail unique
iork on San CristObal Island. They will join a
weight west wings 'N
I)... of young adults already working
The (1). &1&os. Islands lie n a range of vital environmental projects there,
approximately 1000 kilometres •hese (2) . .. planting trees on national park lands, pick
(2) of the coast of jbbish and improving paths next to farm land to (3) ..... ....... cro
(3).-.......... America in the
om being damaged by humans or animals. The volunteers will also
(4)..... . Ocean. They belong
take (4) . . in a new project that aims
to (5) and consist of 13 to help
h the
tourists importance of
main islands plus 6 smaller ones. They protecting the islands' unique environ men
are most famous for their
At weekends they will have plenty of free'
(6) wildlife: creatures
time to (5) ........ the magnificent
that are not found anywhere else in the
world. The Galapagos giant tortoise, landscape and study the amazing wildlif€
which has a (7) .,..,. shell of such as the famous giant tortoises. Or
up to 150 centimetres, may reach a they can sail to the other islands and g6'!
(8) of over 400 kilos and
................. diving in clear blue water,
can live for more than 100 years. The by beautfuifshofal!
marine iguana is the only lizard that Colours shapes and sizes
lives both on land and in water: it has a
long flat (9)...... that helps it
swim quickly. The flightless cormorant
is also an excellent swimmer, although it
cannot fly because its (10)......
are too small.

0 Quickly read the text in Exercise 4 and

answer these questions.
1 What kind of text is it?
2 Where have the people gone?
3 What kind of work will they do there?
4 What is special about the islands?
5 What could they do on their days off?

Read the text again. Try to fill in gaps

1-6 without looking at options A-D.
Use these questions to help you.
1 Which noun means 'a group of
people working together to achieve
2 Which verb do we use to talk about
just some of a larger group of things?
3 Which verb that means 'stop' goes
with the preposition from?
4 Which noun forms a phrase that
0 Read the text and choose the correct word for each space.

means 'join others in an activity'? 1 A club B crowd C band D team

5 Which verb means 'look around a 2 A include B employ C contain D consist
place for the first time'? 3 A direct B prevent C control 0 manage
6 Which verb, with 'by', means 'have 4 A place B care C advantage D part
on all sides'? 5 A join B follow C explore D guide
6 A surrounded B supported C covered D attached

Work in groups. Which of the projects in the text could
help protect the environment in your country? What other
0 Complete the table.

t8aIYill' IlIIII'L
projects can you think of? Use these ideas or your own.
• clean up rivers and lakes more quietly

• help to prevent forest fires

(the) most
• look after sick or injured wild animals carefully
• plant fruit trees to provide food for wild animals

(the) most easily



(the) hardest



Complete the sentences with the comparative or

superlative form of the adverbs in brackets.
1 Which cities in the world do you think are growing
Ce.J tLsL (fast)?
2 Should wetry (hard) to protect the
3 Why do the stars shine (bright) in the
countryside than in the city?
4 Which kind of animal do you see or hear....... ..
(frequent) where you live?
5 In which season does it rain (heavy) in
your country?
Comparative and superlative adverbs
6 Is eating meat (bad) for the environment
than being vegetarian?
Page 137 Grammar reference
Comparative and superlative adverbs
In pairs, discuss the questions in Exercise 3.
Look at examples A-D. Then answer questions 1-5.
A The number of lions is increasing more quickly than in 1't and
think cities in Asia, such as ShanghaT ')
the wild.
Delhi, are growing fastest.
B We should speak more quietly.
C In a check on local water pollution, the lake did even I'm not sure. I recently read that Lagos in
Nigeria is growing the fastest in the world.
worse than the river.
D It's hard to decide which birds sing the most beautifully.

1 Underline three examples of comparative adverbs and

one example of a superlative adverb.
2 How do we usually form comparative adverbs?
3 Which adverb in A-D doesn't follow this rule?
4 When we compare two actions, which word normally
follows the adverb?
5 How do we usually form superlative adverbs?

The natural world

Page 161 Speaking bank


Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1 How are the people in the pictures wasting water? • Give reasons and examples to support
what you say and feel.
2 How do you think they could reduce this waste?
• Help your partner to talk by asking
0o Listen to Ethan and Lily. What three suggestions them for their opinions.

n do they make for saving water?

Listen again and complete the expressions Ethan

Work indifferent pairs. Discuss the questions.
and Lily use to give examples.
Give examples and stress important words.
1 At home,. , you can have
• What do you think are the best ways to save electricity
2 ... when you're brushing your teeth, at home?
you should...
• Which do you think is better for the environment -
3 ... when you're doing other things, travelling by car or by bus? Why?
............................ .................. washing your hair.
• Which do you think is the most interesting kind of
4 ... especially in places.. ..... ................. ........... ...... ......our college animal in your country? Why?
5 ... a tap which loses one drop a second, • Do you like watching TV programmes about animals?
wastes 20 litres a day! Why! Why not?

Work in groups. In what other ways can you save water? • Do you think we are doing enough to protect wild
animals? Why / Why not?
Use phrases from Exercise 3 to discuss your ideas.

0 Work in groups. Read Leo's reply and answer
the questions.
Page 145 Writing bank 1 Which paragraph deals with each of the four notes on
An email Chloe's message?
2 Leo has written a good email but has made one
Look at the exam task and answer the questions.
mistake in each paragraph. Can you find and correct
1 How do you know that Chloe has received a message each one? Mark the mistakes G for grammar, Vfor
from you? vocabulary, WO for word order, or Sp for spelling.
2 What have you already told Chloe you are going to do? 3 Which words and phrases does Leo use to avoid using
3 Which four things must you put in your reply? these parts of Chloe's message?

• go to the countryside jettiK6 Ot of W cft,

Read this email from your English-speaking friend Chloe, • walk
and the notes you have made. • Saturday and Sunday
• wildlife
• rather


From: Chloe
Dear Chloe,
Yes, getting out of the city sounds like a really
Hi, 004 LAM'. good idea. Besides, there's far too much noise and
It was great to hear from you and I'm really \ poltuteion there.
glad you're coming to visit. Shall we go to the
I'd love to stay overnight in the country so I think I'd
countryside while you're here? -_--"
prefer to spend the weekend whole there. I really like
We could take a bus and then walk, or cycle -" cottages!
there. It's not far and I've got a spare bike. 10 Noe.
Let's drive there by bike. We can get around much
There's lots of wildlife in that area, too. What more quickly than on foot, and go to more places.
would you most like to see?
The animals I'd most like to see are deer, but I don't
My family have a little cottage there, so we know if they find there. I like watching birds too,
can take a day trip or go all day Saturday and especially realty big ones.
Sunday. Which would you rather do? jcj. Looking forward to seeing you,
All the best, €kak

• Try to use your own words instead of copying

words from the email you received.

Check you have included all the points

in the email you received.

• Write clearly and make sure you

haven't made any mistakes.

0 Look again at the exam task. Then plan and write your
own email. Try to include comparative/superlative
adverb forms.
Write your email to Chloe in about 100 words,
using all the notes. Work in pairs. Check your partner's email. Where you
think there are mistakes, write G, V, WO or Sp in pencil.
Then discuss your corrections.

The natural world

Express yourself!
12 i;

CoRocations: using your phone

Work in pairs. What do you and your friends use your
phones for? Talk about the things from the box and your
own ideas.

I call friends check the time and weather listen tomusic

play games read the news headlines set an alarm
share photos and videos take selfies

0 Work in groups. Look at this information about

smartphone use and answer the questions.
• Is the information true for you and the people you
know? 0 Look at the title of the article and the photo on
page 107. Then read the first sentence in bold and
• How do you think it is different for older and younger
generations? answer the questions.
1 What is the 'challenge'?
person looks 2 Would you agree to take up the challenge?
66% of the
I at their phone 3 Would you find it easy?
world's adult
27 0 Read the complete article but do not complete the
owns a smartphone gaps for now. Did Becky find the challenge easy?
(94% in the
Netherlands) Read the second paragraph of the article again.
But they don't Is sentence A or B the correct answer for gap 1?
use their phones How do you know?
to make calls.
of 18-29 year-olds They prefer to text
sleep with their or send emails.
mobile phone.

Read the article again. Five sentences have been removed
from the text below. For each question, choose the correct Before you choose a sentence, check that the
answer. There are three extra sentences which you do not verb and noun forms (singular or plural) in the
need to use. main text all match.

• After you choose a sentence, cross it out so you

don't have to keep reading all of A-H. AM
• After you have chosen your answers,
read the text to make sure it all makes

Becky Barnes, a university

student, takes up the

Most mornings, I check my phone for messages, I woke up feeling positive until I
have a look at Instagram and read the remembered that there was a lecture on
headlines. Not this morning! And surprisingly, I the other side of town and I didn't have a
was ready for class much earlier than usual. Lift. Normally, I can arrange this quickly by
On the train, I couldn't look at my phone so I posting a message.
was bored. (3) It was stressful but I
I counted the number of people on theirs - the Learnt that I needed to plan if I wanted to
woman sitting opposite me, some young kids, a live without my phone.
couple. (1) This was going to
be a long week. I felt more prepared today. My friends and I
V. had arranged to have dinner at Anna's house
As I couldn't use my phone, I borrowed an and I managed to get a lift there.
alarm clock. I set it for later than usual but I The evening started well with Anna telling
was still out of the house before my flatmates. us jokes. (4) Everyone was
At university, my classmates told me about checking their phone.
some news that had been posted the night
before. (2) This conversation On Friday evening, I was at home. I'd just
was unexpected. We don't usually talk to each seen my favourite series and I wanted to
other first thing in the morning because we talk about it. (5) I wanted
normally spend the previous evening sending my phone back.
each other messages.

A I wanted to use my phone, I wanted to be like her. E I spent an hour organising transport.
B I felt jealous of them, I was missing mine. F However, fifteen minutes later, we were sitting in
C I could imagine the messages my friends would post silence.
about the show. G I enjoyed hearing all about it.
D I enjoyed having a real conversation about them. H Everyone had left their phones at home.

0 Work in pairs. Read the sentence and write down

three reasons for and three reasons against the
0 Work in groups. Discuss the opinion in Exercise 5. Remember
to give reasons for and reasons against. Then decide together
following opinion. whether you agree or disagree with the opinion.
We should all turn off our smartphones for at least

three days every week.
our pho
nesto sta
in with ourfr ,, )
People don't know how to
talk to each other.

Express yourself!
0 Complete the mind map with ask, ask for, say, speak,
talk and tell. Add at least one more phrase to each verb.
ask, ask for, speak, talk, say and tell
Choose the correct words in italics to complete the rules. (ight

ask or ask for the truth

We use (1) ask / ask for if we want someone to do
something. languages Ca7
/ asked my friends to bring some food to the party.
We can use (2) ask / ask for when we want someone
to give us something.
/ asked my English teacher for the answers to the
homework I missed.
speak or talk to friends
a story
We (3) speak / talk a language. We do n o t
(4) speak / talk a language.
She speaks French. She talks French.
say or fell about problems
We can use say or tell with direct or indirect speech.
but (5) say / tell is always followed by the person.
(6) Say / Tell is never followed by the person.
6 ra. 771,q or

She said me she was unhappy.

He told me he lived in Rome.
We also use (7) say/ tell to report instructions. help

The football coach told the team to sleep well

before the match.
Complete the questions with a noun from the mind map.
We use (8) say / tell with greetings: hello, goodbye, 1 When you're doing your homework, how often do you
askfor ............ ... --- . ?
goodnight. etc.
2 Do you say...................... when you enter a classroom?
We use (9) say I tell with the following nouns: the truth,
a lie, a joke, a story. etc. 3 Has someone told you a recently? What
was it?
4 Can you speak two . .......... .....................
0 Exam candidates often make mistakes with these verbs.
Choose the correct option in italics.
5 Who do you go to when you want to talk about your

1 Olga knows how to speak! talk English well. 6 Is it easy or difficult for you to tell a .................. ..... ........ ?
2 He said! told me to go to 6th Avenue.
Work in pairs. Ask and answer your questions.
3 I'll ask! ask for more information about the new pool.
4 At first we were bored but then we started to say! tell
jokes. 0 Answer the questions using the verb + noun
combinations from the mind map. Work in pairs and
5 When we are together, we say! talk about lots of
compare your answers.
different things.
6 A waiter came and told! asked us what we wanted. What makes ... (l think someone who always telIs
• a great friend?
• a great parent?
truth makes a great friend.
• a great teacher?
• a good sports trainer?

k mmar Use the underlined words from Exercise 2 to
complete the table.

Page 138 Grammar reference

Reported speech today (1) .................
lastyear (2) ....................................................................................
Listen to a group of friends talking about how they
my (3) ........................................................................................
61 can raise money during a charity weekend.
Le F we (4) ..................................................................
What events do Adam, John and Nina suggest?
right now (5)

0 Rewrite Adam, John and Nina's words in reported speech.

1 Adam: Last year we organised a street party to collect 0 Work in pairs. Decide what to say in situations 1-3.
Complete the sentences.
Adam said that they 1 Mark says: 'I can't play tennis; I've hurt my arm.' Later
the year you see him playing basketball.
before. 'You said ..1..1Me0u.
2 Adam: We can organise a similar event again.
Adam said they
2 Ruth says: 'Someone left their phone in the kitchen at
the party.' Later your cousin says she has lost her phone.
3 Adam: We don't have to hold it outside.
'Ruth said ........................................
Adam said thy
3 Your brother is studying abroad. He phones you and
4 John: I've thought about organising a football match. says: 'I'm having a great time here.' Later one of his
John said he friends asks you if you've spoken to him.
5 John: In my sister's town, groups of friends are going to 'My brother said
play against each other.
John said in his sister's town, groups of friends
Q Choose a situation from Exercise 6 and write a story in
reported speech.
6 Nina: We're all using our phones right now.
Nina said they NPA ( NAKUA to euts NU JvUk, but ke
then. oL4 stt l&e cotteltt l'u be.ct'use.
7 Nina: We'll hold some traditional events instead.
Nina said they
some traditional events instead.
Reported commands
Page 138 Grammar reference
Listen to Sonia telling Lisa about the meeting. Check Reported commands
your answers from Exercise 2.
0 In the meeting about the charity weekend, Helen told

0 Use your answers from Exercise 2 to complete this table. her friends to do four things. Complete the reported
1 'Be quiet!'
present simple (1) .Lte. Helen told them .... ... .... .... ... Lo..he...4uie.t ................ ....
present continuous (2)............................
2 'Close the door, Paul!'
present perfect (3) ........................... Helentold Paul................................................................
past simple (4) ........................... 3 'Think about the suggestions.'
will+ infinitive (5) ........................... Helentold them ...........................................................
is/are going to (6) ......................... 4 'Don't forget the meeting.'
can (7)........................... Helen told them not

Express yourself!

Rewrite each instruction 1-4 as a reported command.

0 You will hear a woman called Catherine Bryant talking

about a competition on the radio. Read the notes. What
do you learn about the competition?

'Keep in touch.' Design an app and win fantastic prizes!

1 Lisa's family told her
LJou should apply online before
[1] ...,..........,............ June.
The subject of this year's challenges is
(2) ................................................
The judge is Fran Maddison, author of Apps
The prize for the winner of the final is a
(4) California.
Food and drink will be provided but bring your own
(5) ................................................
The next competition will be held in Prague at the
'Don't be late.'
2 She told her brother

0 Read the notes again carefully. What kind of information

is missing in each gap?

Look at gap 4. Is the answer a singular or plural noun?


Write clearly, so that you can read

your answers later.

'Don't bring more pizza.' • Make sure your answers are

3 Dave told his friend grammatically correct.

0 Listen, and for each question, write the correct answer

in the gap. Write one or two words or a number or a date
or a time.

Listen again and check.

0 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.

1 How many apps have you got on your phone?
2 What's your favourite app? Why?
'Don't forget to download Season 3 for me.'
3 What app would you like that you don't have at the
4 Charlie's mum told him for moment? (If it doesn't exist yet, what would you like it

0 her. to do?)
Write her friends' questions in reported speech.
1 Cindy asked Emily
Reported questions
2 Harry asked her
Page 139 Grammar reference 3 Phil asked her
Reported questions
4 Diana asked her.
Listen. Write the questions that people ask 5 Lily asked her.
Catherine about the app competition.

1 ,t.I4&oo k3lt .............

2 1
3 ......................................................................................................... What does
4 ................................................................................................... the app do?


0 Listen again. Complete the questions with the

callers' names: Connor, Charlotte, Emily, Samir or
Will the app do my
work for me?
Peter. 2
1 ......... asked if she could choose the Does it do
members of her team. anything else?
2 . asked if they needed to pay
anything to take part.
3 asked how they registered for
Where did you get
the competition.
4 . asked what they did if they had
technical problems.
3 L the idea from?

Can I use it to share

5 asked what the prizes were. work with colleagues?

0 Look at the reported questions from Exercise 2.

Choose the correct option in italics for a-e, to
complete the rules about reported questions. Negative prefixes

Emily said that an app which did our work for us would be
unfair. Make these adjectives negative by writing im-, in- or un-.
In reported questions
1 friendly, comfortable, believable
a the normal question order stays the some /
2 correct, expensive, complete
3 possible, polite, patient
b the tense stays the some I changes.

o we always I never use an auxiliary verb (e.g. do, 0 Add im-, in- or un- to form negative adjectives.

does or did). 1 Would you like to have an app that does your work for you? Or
would itbe Liafair?
d we use if when there is / isn't a question word
2 Some people use the internet for more than four hours a day.
(what, when, etc.).
Is this healthy?
e we use I don't use a question mark at the end. 3 How often do you get patient when you're using new

0 Emily's team wins the competition. Listen to her

friends asking about the winning app. What does
4 Do you ever feel
sociable and stay at home watching

5 Do you need to spend a lot of money on a phone? Or is an
the app do? Do you think it's a good idea? Why!
expensive one just as good?
Why not?
6 Will we ever be able to communicate without speaking or
writing, just thinking? Or will it be possible?

0 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

Express yourself!
.. . e
S..... •
Vocabulary and

grammar review

0 Choose the correct option in italics. Complete the text with the noun form of the verbs in brackets.

A few years after I finished my secondary (1) ....... kt(Q4.

My partner and 1 (1) are lived Iin an
(educate) at Canal Street Secondary, I received an (2)
old house on the coast. When it (2) built I
(invite) to return there. It was for a (3) ................................ (celebrate)
was built in the 19th century, it was over
500 metres from the sea, but now the water organised by the school for ex-pupils following the (4)
(3) seems I/s seemed to be getting closer (complete) of several new buildings. When I arrived I was very
all the time. The sea level (4) is risen / is impressed. The new gym was a great (5) (improve)
rising every year, and the waves (5) are on the old one where we used to take all our (6)
washing I are washed away the beach. (examine). The (7) ...................... (develop) of some land next to the
. .

Sometimes, when there is a storm, the school also meant it now had far more classrooms. My only
water (6) is reached I reaches the house. (8) (disappoint) was that none of my old classmates
Last February, for instance, the ground floor was there, but I still enjoyed my day back at school!
(7) completely flooded / was completely
flooded by sea water, and a small building 0 Complete the crossword with words from Unit 11.
near our house (8) disappeared / was
disappeared overnight. Unless something
(9) does / is done immediately, we (10) are
known / know that our home will be next.
Some other houses along the coast
(11) saved / were saved when a strong wall
(12) put up / was put up in front of them,
and we want the same here.

0 Complete sentences 1-8 with the comparative or

superlative adverb form of the words in the box.
bad careful .ely frequent good
hard heavy quick

1 You should get up.. wy~UPc ........ in the

2 The ice melted soon as the 1 a group of people working together
temperature increased. 6 the appearance of an area of land
3 Of all the people at the meeting, Lauren 7 a yellow and black flying insect
spoke ..............................She made a great 8 a bird which cannot fly and Lives in a cold place
4 Buses stop here ........................... . now - every Down
ten minutes.
2 the noun of the verb 'explore'
5 We must find solutions
3 a very high place
to environmental problems.
4 the noun of the verb 'move'
6 They're all bad musicians in that band, and
the guitarist plays of all. 5 the noun of the verb 'discuss'
7 It began to rain ............................when the 7 a large animal that lives in forests or mountains
storm approached.
8 lfweall use energy ............ ............ .......... .wecan
reduce the amount of pollution we cause.

• • ••S••
• S

• ••. s

Complete these sentences with the verbs in the box in 0 Underline and correct the mistake in each sentence.
the correct form. You will need to use some verbs more 1 In my English class, the teacher asked me what was my
than once. name. 34k3 i&&t N AS

2 A friend asked me what was my dog called.

ask ask for say speak talk tell
3 Marta asked me why didn't I go to the party.
1 Most of my friends can 7U%k two orthree 4 My sister asked me why was I crying.
languages really well. 5 N icky asked me what was I going to do.
2 Ben ......... 'thank you' to everyone for his 6 Danny asked me what new sport should he take up.
presents. 7 I imagine you are wondering when am I going to visit.
3 My friend .. ... .... me if I wanted to go to the
cinema that night.
4 One of my friends likes ... .......... jokes all the time.
0 Evie is talking about how she spends her free time.
Rewrite her sentences in reported speech.
5 In your email you . . .meaboutmyplansfor 1 'I like hanging out with my friends and watching films
the summer holidays. with them.'
6 I'm going to ... some help because I can't She said . . . Uk 1' P ot .............. with her
install this program on my laptop. friends and watching films with them.
7 I became very nervous and decided to .... my 2 'We're looking forward to seeing the new film.'
flatmates the truth. . seeing
She said
8 When I get together with Matt, we love the new film.
about food and cooking.
3 'I'vejust bought a new laptop to watch my favourite
9 Can you ..... a little more slowly, please? I series online.'
don't understand. Shesaid ..............................................................................anew
10 In class today, we .............................. .... in groups about how to laptop to watch her favourite series online.
prepare for an English exam.
4 'I'm going to invite my friends round to my house
0 Add im-, in- or un- to these words to complete the
She said . . . .. .... .. ............... ... ....... ...... ... her friends
round to her house that night.
expensive fair healthy patient polite possible 5 'We won the hockey match yesterday.'
Shesaid ..............................................................................thehockey
1 I can't live without my mobile phone. It's ..... . match the day before.
2 I got a tablet online for €40. It was . 6 'I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun.'
3 It's . . to charge students the same price as She said . . a lot of fun.
working adults.
4 My neighbour spends all day playing video games. That Complete the text with the words which best fit each
must be .................................. gap. Use only one word in each gap.
5 Wait for the app to download completely. Stop being so
I was in the Library when my mobile phone rang.
(1) ............ sorry to everyone and switched it
6 Don't eat with your mouth open. It's
off. A friend asked me (2) . . I knew who
had called and I said that I didn't know. She
(3). , _ ___ ..... me that her phone had rung while
she was in the library (4) . . day before and
somebody had started shouting at her. She thought
it (5) . very unfair. At that moment, a
security guard told us (6) quiet or go

Vocabulary and grammar review


Grammar reference

There are other expressions that we can use to talk about
We use at: frequency. These expressions are used at the beginning or end
• for times of the day: at 7 o'clock, at breakfast time of sentences, not in the middle.
• in expressions like: at the weekend, at night, at New Year • everyday, every week, every month, every year
We use on for: • once a day, twice a week, three times a month
• on Fridays, at weekends
• days: on Tuesday
• most days, most nights, most weeks
• dates:onMayl7th
On Fridays, / go to the office by bike.
We use in for:
I go running twice a week.
• years:in2017
• seasons: in summer
• months: in August
• parts of the day: in the morning


o Complete the conversation with at, in or on.

A: Are you busy (1) Saturday?
B: Yes, I'm with my grandmother (2) the morning.
I have to be there (3) ........ .. 11 o'clock. It's her birthday
party. Her birthday is (4) August 28th - that's
Monday, but everyone's busy then.
A: Do you want to meet (5) --- ........ the evening (6)....
B: OK!


o Put the words in order to make sentences.

1 a!go,/gym! I !the!to!twice!week.

2 an/ hour/ I/ more/ hardlyever/spend /than /there.

hardly ever

never (0%)
3 an /for/ half! hour.! I/ run /sometimes
• We usually put frequency adverbs before the main verb.
/ usually/sometimes/never go to work in the evening.
/ don't often go to work at the weekend. 4 I/ I'm / listen ! music running.! to / usually! while

• We don't use never, hardly ever and always at the beginning

or end of sentences. 5 always/exhausted./get/ home,! I! I'm When
• We put frequency adverbs after the verb be.
/ am often ill in the winter.
She is usually at university at 8 o'clock. 6 every! Friday. / friends! go! I! my out with
Present simple Present continuous

Positive/Negative forms Positive/Negative forms

take am/'m
I/You! We/They
don't take am/'m not
photos. are!' re
takes You/We/ working at the
He/She/It are not! aren't! 're
doesn't take They moment.
Question forms He/She/It
is not I isn't i's not
Do 1/you/we/they
take photos?
Does he/she/it Question forms and short answers
Am I
Short answers working at the
Are you/we/they
I,'YOU/we/they do.
Yes, Is he/she/it
he/she/it does.
I am.
1/you/we/they don't.
No, Yes, _you/we/they are.
he/she/it doesn't.
he/she/it is.
We can use the present simple to talk about something that: I am! 'm not.
happens regularly (and routines):
No, you/we/they aren't.
I play tennis every Tuesday.
he/she/it isn't.

We can use the present continuous to talk about

• something happening now:
They're living with friends while their house is being
• a temporary situation which is true now:
He's cooking in the kitchen.
• something happening in the present but not necessarily at
the moment:
My sister's studying art.


0 Choose the correct option in italics.

Many people (1) take up I are taking up cycling these

days. Cycling is great because it (2) helps I is helping
our general fitness. When we cycle, we (3) use up /
are using up more energy than when we (4) walk /
are walking. (5)1 go / am going cycling regularly, but
only on small roads where there aren't many cars.
At the moment, (6)/train / I'm training for a race so
(7) /spend/ I'm spending a lot of time on my bike.

• is generally true and permanent at the present time:

My brother lives in France.
• is a fact or always true:
The sun rises in the east.
Grammar reference
State verbs refer to a state or a condition, rather than an action. Countable nouns
They are not normally used with continuous verbs. Countable nouns refer to nouns which can be counted. They
/ / prefer apples to oranges. have singular and plural forms: tree - trees; knife - knives;
X I'm preferring apples to oranges. child - children; man - men.
This is a list of common state verbs. • Singular countable nouns can be used with a/an:
a book, an elephant.
agree appear believe depend hear hope • Plural countable nouns can be used with numbers, some and
know like look love need own possess any:
prefer see seem smell suppose taste Our family has some animals - a dog and three cats.
think understand want weigh wish
Uncountable nouns
There are verbs which can be both state verbs and action
Uncountable nouns refer to nouns which cannot be counted.
verbs, but have a different meaning.
They have no plural form: advice advices, furniture furnitures,
She looks tired. (look = appear)
information in formations, homework homeworks, etc.
She's looking for her phone. (look= search)
He has an apartment. (have = own) Both countable and uncountable
He's having breakfast. (have = eat)
Some nouns can be countable and uncountable.

PRACTICE / love lambs but! don't eat lamb.

lamb (countable) = animal
O Complete the sentences with the present simple or present
continuous form of the verbs in the box. lamb (uncountable) = meat from a lamb

cost have help own prefer To make uncountable nouns countable, use countable nouns
smell think want weigh like piece, slice, spoonful, box, etc.
apiece of advice
1 A: How much .. you ,. .,., Ben? three slices of bread
two spoonfuls of sugar
B: I don't know. About 60 kilos, maybe? I a bowl of rice
not to know actually.

2 Paul is a computer expert. He ... . people with PRACTICE

their IT problems. o Underline the countable nouns andl the uncountable
nouns in this short text.
3 The flowers in our garden .. beautiful.

4 My flatmate ................. ......... ........ a lot of problems with his car As well as giving us energy, sugar in our diet makes our
at the moment. food taste better. Sometimes we add sugar to our breakfast
cereals. Sugar is also used in biscuits, ice cream, chocolate
5 A cinema ticket ........ .......................... €15! I.- that's
a tot of money! and many other things we eat. It is also in fruit and
vegetables and even in a glass of milk!
6 Lucas .. a new bike, but he . . . . to
sell it.

These words and phrases are quantifiers. They tell us how

much or how little of something there is.
• For small quantities, use a few with plural countable nouns:
A few people in my office speak English.
• Use a bit of with uncountable nouns:
I'd like a bit of advice about going to university, please.
• For large quantities, use many with plural countable nouns:
There aren't many trains at night.
How many times have you been to London?

• S.
• s_a

• Use much with uncountable nouns in questions and negative

sentences. We use prepositions of place to say where something is.
How much money do you need?
• We use at with points: at the bus stop, at the station, at home,
We don't have much time.
at university
• Use a lot of or lots of with plural countable nouns or
uncountable nouns.
A lot of! Lots of students ride bikes to college.
You can save a lot ofl lots of money if you cycle or walk. -
\ / -

o Underline and correct the mistakes in these sentences.
1 We haven't got many time.

2 I drink a few water when I wake up.

3 There are tot of things we need to talk about.

4 Can you help? I need some informations about

• We use in with spaces or to say something is inside another
train times.
thing: in the kitchen, in the sea, in the car, in France
5 How much friends do you have online?

6 We have a lot of furnitures in our house.

w -

• We use on with surfaces: on the wall, on the floor, on the

ceiling, on the table

O Complete the sentences with at, in or on.
1 My computer is the desk
my living room.

2 I live ....,,,. the end of the road.

3 Your shoes are ..., a box ....................... .the shelf.

4 There's someone . the door.

Grammar reference
• ending in a vowel + ,
travel travelled
double the land add
control controlled
be -ed
• ending in a vowel +
Positive/Negative forms happen happened
consonant (with no stress
was visit visited
on the last syllable)
wasn't We use the past simple to talk about
here yesterday.
were past actions/events/states which have finished:
You/We/They i-
weren't Jenny was tired after she went ice skating.
• repeated past actions:
I cycled to university every day when / was a student.
Question forms and short answers
a sequence of past actions:
Was 1/he/she/it We left home, walked to the station and caught the train.
here yesterday?
Were you/we/they
1/he/she/it was. PAST CONTINUOU.1
you/we/they were.
Positive/ Negative forms
1/he/she/it wasn't.
No, was
you/we/they weren't. wasn't studying all
were evening.
Other verbs You/We/They
play (regular)
go (irregular)
Question forms and short answers
Positive/Negative forms Was 1/he/she/it
studying all evening?
played Were you/we/they
tennis yesterday.
I/You/We/They/He/She/ didn't play
1/he/she/it was.
It went to work Yes,
didn't go yesterday. you/we/they were.
1/he/she/it wasn't.
Question forms and short answers No,
you/we/they weren't.
I/you/we/they/he/she/ play tennis yesterday?
Did We use the past continuous to talk about
it go to work yesterday?
• a particular moment in the past:
Yes, 1/you/we/they/he/she/ Emily was walking the dog at 5pm.
it • temporary actions which give extra (less important)
No, 1/you/we/they/he/she/ information:
didn't. It was raining, so I decided not to go out.
• two or more actions happening at the same time:
Spelling of regular past simple verbs While / was studying, he was playing the guitar.
• an action happening when another action happened:
For regular verbs, we add -ed to the base form of the verb, or -d
He was cleaning his bike when he hurt his hand.
if the verb already ends in e.

present past
when, while and as
for verbs:
simple simple We can use these words with the past continuous to introduce
an action happening at the same time as another.
• ending in a consonant + y, study studied
When Joe was walking home, it started to rain.
add -led carry carried The phone rang while / was having breakfast.
• endinginavowel -i-a plan planned They arrived as we were leaving.
consonant (with stress on
prefer preferred
last syllable), double the final
consonant and add -ed drop dropped

• S.


o Choose the correct option in italics. o Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the
original sentence. Use the correct form of used to.
1 While I watched/ was watching TV, my flatmate was
studying. 1 I like hot weather now, but I didn't in the past.

2 My friends often phoned/ were often phoning me when I

was at work.
2 My brother played football until he broke his leg.
3 While I was talking to my friend, I realised/ was realising
that something was wrong.
3 My hair was blond, now it's brown.
4 It was a lovely day. The sun shone/ was shining and the
birds song/ were singing.
5 Lionel Messi won/was winning a gold medal for Argentina 4 Did you go on holiday with friends when you were a child?
in the Beijing Olympics.

o Complete the sentences with the past simple or past 5 When I was younger, I didn't get up late.
continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 While I .....,,..,,.,.., (tidy) my living room, I

(find) some old photographs.

2 As I --- ..... ..... .,,,,.,, (leave) the cinema, I

(realise) that I'd left my phone behind. We can use so (do) land nor/neither (do) Ito show that you think
the same as another person.
3 While Simon ..................................(watch) television, his brother
• We use so in positive sentences when we have the same
..................................(cook) dinner.
feelings or experiences.
4 When we .................. .... ............ (hear) the fire alarm, we all A: / love chocolate. B: So do I.
........................(stop) what we....................... ........... (do) and A: / ate a lot of chocolate yesterday. B: So did!.
(walk) out of the building. • We use the same auxiliary verbs or modal verbs in the reply.
A: lam hungry. B: So am I.
5 My computer. .... ... ......................... (crash) while I ...............................
A: I will have lunch at one o'clock. B: So will!.
(update) my web page.
• We use nor or neither in negative sentences. We use the same
auxiliary verbs or modal verbs in the reply.
A: / don't like chocolate. B: Nor/Neither do!.
A: / haven't had coffee for ages. B: Nor/Neither have!.
Note: We use don't to respond to positive statements. We use do
Positive/Negative forms
to respond to negative statements.
used to A: /love chocolate. B: / don't!
I/You/He/She/It/We/ enjoy watching
didn't use A: /don't like chocolate. B: / do!
They football.

Question forms and short answers o Write replies to these sentences using so or nor/neither.
1/you/he/she/it/we/ 1 I spent a longtime at the office yesterday.
Did use to play football?
Yes, 1/you/he/she/it/we/ did. 2 I didn't understand the question.
No, they didn't.

We use used to to talk about the past. There is no present form 3 I like ice cream.
of used to.
In negative and question forms, the spelling is use not used. 4 I don't like hot weather.
We use used to + an infinitive form to talk about:
• things that happened regularly in the past but don't now.
5 I have two brothers.
/ used to drink milk for breakfast, but now I always drink
orange juice.
• actions that didn't happen in the past, but happen now.
/ didn't use to drink orange juice, but now! love it.
• past states or conditions that are different from the past.
Grammar reference
I used to have long, dark hair. (= I don't any more)
a Verbs followed by the infinitive or -ing where there is a
difference in meaning
• Some verbs are always followed by an infinitive (to + verb):
Infinitive -mg
When I was 15, / decided to become a professional musician.
forget / forgot to say thank you. / forgot saying
• Others are always followed by the -ing form of the verb: (= I didn't say thank you.) that.
Mike kept falling asleep at his desk. (= I have no
• There are some verbs which can be followed by either an memory of this.)
infinitive or the -ing form. Unfortunately, there are no rules go on He went on to talk about his He went on
to help you work out whether verbs are followed by the childhood. talking.
infinitive or the -ing form, or either, so you will need to (= This was the next thing he (= He continued
learn them. talked about.) talking.)
Verbs followed by the infinitive remember I remembered to lock the I remember
afford agree arrange attempt choose decide expect
door. locking the door.
help hope intend learn manage offer plan I did something I had to (= I have a memory
promise refuse seem want would like do.) of this.)
stop Let's stop to buy flowers. Let's stop buying
Verbs followed by -ing (= in order to do something) flowers.
admit avoid cantstand* consider di s like* d on t m i n d* (= not continue)
en j oy * fancy * feel like finish give up imagine mind try / tried to learn Japanese, I tried eating
miss postpone practise prevent put off suggest but it was too difficult, so / spinach, but/ didn't
stopped. like it.
Note: The verbs marked * all express likes or dislikes. (= try something, and not (= try something
succeed) and find out what
Verbs followed by the infinitive or -ing with no difference
it's like)
in meaning

begin continue intend start

In negative sentences, we put not after the first verb.
He's decided not to go to university next year.
Verbs followed by the infinitive or -ing with little difference She considered not going away for the weekend. (= but now
in meaning she is going)
In sentences which include an object, we put the object after
hate like love prefer the first verb.
/ helped my friend to fix his car.
There is a small difference in meaning between the two forms.
We should stop people using their phones or eating while
• -ing form: the action or experience is more important. they're driving.
He likes baking cakes.
• infinitive form: result of the action is more important, or to
describe a habit / something we prefer.
He likes to bake cakes for special occasions. O Complete the conversation with the correct form of the
• The -ing form is more common after hate and love: verbs in brackets.
/ hate playing ball sports. I love doing gymnastics. A: It's really hot here, isn't it? Do you fancy
(1) ..................................(go) for a swim?
B: Yes, I'd love (2). .. (have) a swim.
A: Can I suggest (3) ... . . (go) this afternoon?
B: I'd planned (4) . ... (go) to the cinema this
afternoon, but I don't mind (5) . (do) that
tomorrow instead.
A: I can't imagine (6) ..................................(live) in a hot country all
the time.
B: I'm sure you'd manage (7) .. . . (have) a nice
A: Maybe I'd get used to it. I certainly enjoy
(8) ................................(spend) my holidays here.

• S..


O Tick (/) the pairs of sentences which have the same PRACTICE
o Underline the phrasal verbs in questions 1-6. Then match
1 A My boss continued talking even though it was time them with answers a-f.
to go home. 1 What should you do if your a No, I prefer to wear my
B My boss continued to talk even though it was time TV breaks down? normal clothes.
to go home.
2 Which of your parents do b I don't like them.
2 A I began to learn German two years ago.
you take after?
B I began learning German two years ago. c Ask someone to repair it.
3 Do you like to dress up
3 A Ben stopped to phone his parents. d I'm like my mother.
when you go to a party?
B Ben stopped phoning his parents.
e My father. He's my hero.
4 Who do you really look
4 A I prefer to watch football than to play it.
up to? f I sometimes babysit my
B I prefer watching football to playing it.
little brother.
5 Do you ever have to look
5 A I like to watch the sunrise.
after anyone?
B I like watching the sunrise.
6 What do you think about
6 A They went on to tell us about their holiday.
people who show off?
B They went on telling us about their holiday.

o Rewrite the underlined words with a phrasal verb from the

box. Make any other necessary changes.

get on with give up look forward to sign up for take up

A phrasal verb is a verb with two or three parts. The meaning
of the verb is sometimes different from the meaning of 1 I have a good relationship with everyone in my family.
its separate parts. Phrasal verbs can combine verbs with
prepositions or adverbs. For example: to take off, to put on,
to catch up with, to look forward to 2 I've put my name down for an English course.
There are two main types of phrasal verbs
• verbs which need an object:
She took off her hat. 3 I can't wait to see my friend again.
He put on his shoes.
We're looking forward to our holiday.
4 My father has stopped eating sugar.
• verbs which do not need an object:
They set off early.
We got up late.
5 My brother has just started playing basketball.
• Sometimes, it is possible to put the object in between the
verb and the preposition/adverb. Sometimes, it is not.
/ He took his hat off.
/ He took it off.
)( lie took off it.

/ We're looking forward to the weekend.

X We're looking the weekend forward to.

• •_o._.__._._ • -.
•. ...._._._•_.

a Irregular adjectives
There are three irregular adjectives: good, bad, far.
bad 3 worse 3' the worst
We use comparative adjectives (e.g. bigger than) to compare good 3 better 3 the best
two people or things and to say if one has more of a quality for 3 forth er/further* 3 the forth es t/furth es t*
(e.g. size, height, etc.) than the other. Comparative adjectives *Th ere is no difference in meaning, but further/the furthest is
are usually followed by than.
more common.
We use superlative adjectives (e.g. the fastest, the most
important) to say that in a particular group, something has the PRACTICE
most of a quality.
0 Complete the comparative and superlative adjectives.
Regular adjectives
1 thin thinnerthan
comparative superlative 2 nice than the nicest
• For most small 3 smaller 3 the smallest 3 lazier than the laziest
adjectives, add -er Italy is smaller Vatican City is the 4 comfortable than the most
or -est. than Spain. smallest country comfortable
in the world.
5 good better than
• For short large 3 larger 3 the largest
6 bad than the worst
adjectives ending Canada is larger Russia is the
in -e, add -r or -St. 7 farther/further than the farthest/
than China. largest country
in the world.
• For short hot 3 hotter 3 the hottest
O Complete the sentences with the comparative or
adjectives with Algeria is hotter Libya is the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
a vowel + a than Mexico. hottest country
consonant, double 1 It rained everyday in December 2015 in Portland, USA.
in the world.
the consonant and It was December for 75 years. (wet)
add -eror -est. 2 Some people think that the Sydney Opera House is
• Fortwo-syllable heavy 3 heavier 3 the heaviest modern building in the world. (beautiful)
adjectives ending Elephants are Blue whales are 3 A blue whale is than an elephant. (heavy)
in -y, change they heavier than the heaviest
toiand add -eror 4 I felt ill all weekend, but I'm much now.
crocodiles, animals in the
-est. (good)
• For some two- Mia is more polite Mia is the most 5 This writer's new book is than her others.
syllable adjectives, than me. (= Mia is polite student in (bad)
we can either add politer than me.) the class. 6 We've moved house. Now, we live from my
-er, -estorusemore, (= Mia is the office than we used to. (far)
the most. These politest student
are adjectives in the class.)
ending in-ow,
-le, -erand polite,
quiet, common and
;Forlonger difficult 3 morel 3 the mostl
adjectives, or two- less difficult least difficult
syllable adjectives Some people think Is it true that
ending in -ful, put it's more difficult Japanese is the
more/less or the to make friends most difficult
most/least in front when you are language for
of the adjective, older. English speakers
to learn?


a bit, a little, slightly, (not) much, far, (not) a lot

We can use these words with comparative adjectives. Most adjectives are gradable. This means we can make them
• We use a bit, a little, slightly, not much or not a lot to describe stronger or weaker by using words like very. We cannot use
a small difference: words like completely or absolutely with these adjectives.
My brother isa little younger than me. X I'm completely cold.
I'm a bit older than him. / I'm very cold.
/ Our English exam was fairly difficult.
We use much, a lot or for to describe a large difference: / Harry's new car is quite big, isn't it?
I'm much fitter than my brother, but he's a lot faster than me. / Ben was pretty tired after a long day's work.
He's much more polite than his cousin.
Non-gradable or extreme adjectives are adjectives which
(not) as ... as we cannot make stronger or weaker by using words like
We use as + adjective/adverb + as to say that two things are very. We can use these words with non-gradable adjectives:
the same. completely, absolutely, totally, really.
Hannah is as tall as Jess. X I'm very freezing.
Today is as warm as yesterday. / I'm absolutely freezing.
/ Our English exam was absolutely impossible.
We use not as + adjective/adverb + as to say that one thing is
/ Harry's new car is really enormous, isn't it?
less than another.
/ Ben was totally exhausted after a long day's work.
My brother isn't as fit as me. = lam fitter than my brother.
I'm not as fast as my brother. = My brother is faster than me.

PRACTICE O Match gradable adjectives 1-7 with non-gradable

adjectives a-g.
o Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same thing as
the original sentence. Use the words in brackets. 1 bad a amazed

1 Roman is taller than Josh. 2 big b delighted

Josh (not as)
3 cold c excellent
2 My old phone was cheap. My new phone is very expensive.
4 good d exhausted
My new phone (much)
5 pleased e freezing
3 Burgers aren't as healthy as fruit.
Fruit is (a lot) 6 surprised f terrible

4 Spain is a big country in Europe. It's 505,370 km 2 . France is 7 tired g huge

a little bigger, at 643,801 km 2 .

Spain is (a bit) 0 Choose the correct options in italics.

5 The old shopping centre was good, but the new one is 1 My friend was absolutely pleased/ delighted when she
much nicer. heard she'd passed her exam. Her parents were quite
The new shopping centre is (far) surprised/amazed, too. They thought she might fail.
2 The office heating system broke down, so we felt very
cold/freezing all day.
3 I was totally tired/exhausted after running 10 kilometres.

4 I had a very bad/ terrible night's sleep. That's why I'm

pretty tired/exhausted now.
5 I really enjoyed the film last night. I thought it was
absolutely good/excellent.
6 The audience for the concert was absolutely big /huge.
I think there were thousands of people there.

Grammar reference
o Match the sentence beginnings (1-5) with the endings
(a-e). Then choose the best modal verb in italics.
___________________ 1 I don't know where Luis is. a be one of my friends.
He may/ can
Talking about ability and inability
• We use can/can't and could/couldn't to talk about ability or 2 I have some free time, so I b make you stressed.
inability. They are followed by the infinitive without to. can/might
Anna can speak French, but she can't speak Chinese. 3 There's someone at the C see her.
Max could walk when he was a year old, but he couldn't talk door. It may/can
until he was two.
4 We need to tidy up. Our d still be at university.
Can Anna speak French? Yes, she can. friends can /could
Can she speak Chinese? No, she can't.
Could Max walk when he was one? Yes, he could. 5 Working too hard e arrive at any minute.
Could he talk when he was one? No, he couldn't. can/could

Talking about possibility

• We use might, may and could to talk about possibilities in the MODAL VERBS: SHOULD, SHOULDN'T, OUGHT TO,
present or the future. MUST, MUSTN'T, HAVE TO, DON'T HA
We use can to talk about possibilities in the present but not L(OBLIGATION AND PROHIBITION)
the future. These modal verbs are followed by the infinitive
without to. should/shouldn't
It might be very hot tomorrow. We use should/shouldn't to give or ask for advice.
We may go swimming this afternoon. Should/shouldn't are followed by the infinitive without to.
There could be a storm later this evening. You should join a gym if you want to keep fit.
It can snow here in April, but it doesn't often happen. You shouldn't eat too much chocolate.
To talk about negative possibilities we can use may not or What should! do?
might not, but not can not or could not. • An alternative to should is ought to + infinitive.
Laura is not feeling well, so she may not go to work today. This is more formal.
You have to accept that you might not win the lottery this
week. must, have to
• The form of these verbs never changes. For example, we We use must and have to to express obligation.
cannot say lie cans/ They mighted. You must take your passport with you when you travel abroad.
We have to show our passports when we cross the border.
• We can use May! ... ? or Could! ... ?to ask for permission.
May! sit here? We often use must to talk about rules or laws which we agree
• We rarely use the short form mightn't. We don't use mayn't. with or believe in.
We must wear a seat belt in the car, even for short journeys.
PRACTICE We often use have to to talk about rules or laws which were
O Complete the sentences with can, can't, could, couldn't, made by someone else or which we may not agree with.
may or might. Sometimes more than one answer is My teacher says that! have to finish the homework tonight or
possible. I'll be in trouble.
1 I've looked for my phone, but I ...............................find it.
don't have to
2 My brother....... ..... ..... .............. swim when he was four years • Use don't have to or needn't (but not mustn't) when it's not
old. necessary to do something.
3 I'm not sure what to do tomorrow. I .. go to We didn't have to show our passports when we went to
Jo's party. Scotland.
We don't need to wear smart clothes to the office.
4 She isn't looking very well. I think she . . have
flu. can/can't
5 I the piano but I don't play very often. • We can also use can/can't to express permission or lack of
6 Kieran . . ... drive a car until he was nearly 30.
You can leave any time you like.
You can't bring animals in here.
Can! use your phone, please?


• S

mustn't 0 Choose the correct verbs in italics.

Use mustn't to express prohibition, to say that something is
not allowed. When my grandfather was young, children
You mustn't use your phone in the cinema.
(1) must not/didn't have to stay at school until
We can also use can't instead of mustn't. the age 18 or even 16. They (2) could/couldn't
You can't talk during the exam. leave when they were 14. My grandfather had no
There is no past tense form of mustn't. Use not allowed to. choice. He (3) had to/didn't have to go out and
We weren't allowed to go into the concert without a ticket. earn money for his family. At the end of every week
he (4) could/had to give his wages to his mother.
PRACTICE She gave him a small amount of money which he
(5) had to/could spend as he liked. When he was 18,
o Complete the sentences with can/can't, must or mustn't.
Sometimes there may be more than one possible answer. he wanted to join the army, but he failed the medical
examination so he had to/couldn'tdo military
service. This meant he couldn't fight for his country.
Instead of being a soldier, he drove an ambulance.
1 We.... ..... ......... bring
a dog in here.

Many English adjectives which end in -ing or -ed are formed

from verbs.

verb adjectives

2 We pay in relax re/axed/relaxing

cash. We ................................. surprise surprised/surprising
pay by credit card.
• Adjectives which end in -ed tell us how a person feels.
I'm going to bed because I'm tired.
• Adjectives which end in -ing describe the effect of
I'm going to bed. I've had a tiring day at work.

3 We..............
.... .......... ... use PRACTICE
wifi here. 0 Choose the correct adjectives in italics.
1 A: Did you see that interested/interesting programme
about the moon on TV last night?
B: No, I'm not really interested/interesting in space.
2 A: You look very relaxed/relaxing. Did you have a good
B: No, it wasn't relaxed/relaxing at all! I was ill.
4 We ............ ... ............ ....... sit at
3 A: What do you find most annoyed/annoying about your
this table. It's reserved.
older brother?
B: Everything he does makes me annoyed/annoying.

4 A: What's happened? You look really excited/exciting.

B: Yes, I've just heard that I've won first prize in a
competition. It's so excited/ exciting!

5 We.........
.... ... ....... use our
phones here.

Grammar reference
a just, already and yet
just= very recently, a short time ago:
We use the present perfect to connect the present with the I've just emailed Marcus and told him the good news.
past. • already = before now, often sooner than expected:
Positive/Negative forms He's already eaten his dinner, so he can go out with his friends.

have!' ye • Just and already are placed between have/has and the past
I/You/We/They participle.
have not/haven't
finished work
has/'s • yet = until now is used in negative sentences and questions to
He/She/It talk about things we plan to do in the future, but which are
has not / hasn't
not done. Yet is placed at the end of a sentence:
/ haven't finished my project yet.
Question forms and short answers Have you finished your project yet?
Have 1/you/we/they
finished work? PRACTICE
Has he/she/it
1/you/we/they have. o Complete the sentences with already,just or yet.
Yes, r 1 I've ................................. .arrived home. I got here five minutes
he/she/it has.
I 1/you/we/they haven't.
2 A: Let's tell our friends the news.
he/she/it hasn't. B: I've...... .. told them. I told them last week.

The present perfect is formed with the correct form of have 3 I'm not hungry because I've ..... ................. ......... ... had lunch.
in the present and the past participle of the main verb. I ate earlier.
The past participle of regular verbs and some irregular
4 Have you met Benoit......... ........ . .......... ......?
verbs is the same as the past simple. The past participle is
underlined in the examples below. 5 I haven't got dressed...... ........ ....... - .......... because I've just
woken up.
past simple present perfect
since and for
/ finished work. / have finished work.
We can use since and for with the present perfect to talk about
He bought a sandwich. He has bought a sandwich. a time that started in the past and continues to the present.
Some irregular verbs have past participles which are not the since is followed by the beginning of a period of time:
same as the past simple form. We've lived here since December 2017.
for is followed by period of time:
past simple present perfect She's lived there for six and a half years.
She ate her lunch. She has eaten her lunch.
She wrote a letter. She has written a letter.

We use the present perfect to talk about:

o Complete the sentences with for or since.
1 My father has worked for the same company
• something which started in the past and is connected with
20 years.
the present:
Ed has broken his leg, so he can't play football this weekend. 2 Megan has played football ........... ....................... she was six
• something which started in the past and is still true: years old.
Ben and Karen have lived in London for seven years.
3 I haven't eaten anything . . . 7 o'clock this
• past experiences which refer to an unstated time in the past,
often with ever and never:
Anna has been to Brazil, but she has never been to Canada. 4 Sofia can't still be tired. She's slept
• recent past actions: 11 hours!
Have you done your English homework?
5 I've made lots of new friends..................................I've been in
this job.


The present perfect or the past simple? o Complete the conversations with the past simple or
• We use the present perfect to talk about a past experience present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. Make any
without saying when it happened. other changes necessary.
I've been to the top of the Eiffel Tower. 1 A: You look terrible. Are you OK?
To say when something happened, use the past simple. B: I'm airight. I ..... (go) to bed late last night
/ went to the top of the Eiffel Tower lost summer. and I ..... (just wake up).

We use the present perfect to talk about the continuing 2 A: Where's Chloe?
effect of a past event or action on the present. B: I don't know. Her train...... . (arrive) half an
There has been an accident on the motorway. Now there are hour ago, but I ..................................(not see her yet).
long queues of traffic into the city centre. 3 A: Shall we go and seethe new Star Wars film tonight?
We use the present perfect to talk about the time period up B: No, I (already see)
to the present. A: Really?
I've been to town this morning. (= It is still the morning.) B: Yes, I last week. (see)
My brother has written a short story. (= He may write more 4 A: What's the most expensive thing that you
stories.) (ever buy)?
If the time period is now over, we use the past simple. B: My racing bike. It ...... ........... . ...... 500 euros. (cost)
/ went into town this morning. (= It is now afternoon or A: I much money as that on anything! (never
evening.) spend)
Prince wrote over 150 songs. (= He died in 2016, so can't write 5 A: ........................gymnastics? (you ever do)
any more.) B: Yes, but I ........................karate. (never do)

6 A: Where . . . on holiday last year? (go)

B: We.........
....... ..... Florida. (go)
O Underline and correct the mistakes in the conversation. A: Really? I've got relatives there, but I .......................them.
Some lines are correct. (never visit)
A: Have you heard? My oldest sister's getting married.
B: Who to?
A: A guy called Elliot.
B: Really! How long did she know him?
A: Only six months. Apparently they've met at work.
B: Have you met Elliot already?
A: No, not yet, but my sister's told me a lot about him.
B: When have you seen her?
A: I've seen her last week. She drove me to work one day.

- I -


Grammar reference
too and enough
We use too to say something is more than is needed, wanted or
extremely, fairly, quite, rather, really and very allowed.

• We can use extremely, really and very to make adjectives and • too + adjective/adverb
adverbs stronger. Anna's too young to drive.
We've had an extremely busy day. Hurry up! You're walking too slowly.
I'm going to stay inside today. It's going to be really hot. • too + adjective/adverb + for someone + infinitive
It was so warm, they were walking very slowly. This exercise is too difficult for me to do.
• We can use fairly and rather to make adjectives and adverbs They were talking too quickly for me to understand.
weaker (they mean 'not very'). • too + much + uncountable noun
/ think you'll pass the exam fairly easily. You've mode too much food.
I'm rather disappointed that (failed the exam, but I'm not
surprised. • too + many+ plural countable noun
We've got too many books. I'm going to give some away.
• Quite has two opposite meanings: completely (with gradable
adjectives) and not very (with non-gradable adjectives). • too + much/many + noun + for someone + infinitive
I've been working hard, so I'm quite tired. (quite = a bit tired) There are too many books for me to read.
I'm quite exhausted after running a marathon yesterday.
(quite = completely)

We use enough to say that there is (or isn't) as much as is

• adjective/adverb + (not) enough (+ infinitive)
Anna's old enough to drive.
We're not running fast enough to win the race.
• adjective/adverb + enough + for someone + infinitive
That car isn't big enough for us all to get in.
• enough+ noun
There are enough chairs for everyone to sit down.

o Put the words in order to make correct sentences PRACTICE

1 because/coat/cold/forgotten/ had/I/I/ my/ really/ o Complete the sentences with enough or too and a word
was from the box.

C big good hours ill money rich

2 exam /fairly/ her/is! Mia / pass/she! sure/will 1 Jane's staying at home today. She's to go
to work.

3 is/ moving! slowly/The/traffic !very 2 I couldn't believe I'd won the lottery. It was
to be true.

3 Ben's grown so quickly - his shoes aren't

4 Be! busy/ careful/ cross/ extremely! roads/when !you for him now.

4 I'm really busy. There aren't . . . in the day.

5 a/ difficult! question/ rather! That/ was 5 I wish I had .................................for that car. But I know I'll
never be .............................. to buy one.


We use going to to talk about:

• things we predict based on what we can see, or something
that we think is certain to happen:
Positive/Negative forms I'm going to sneeze.

I/You/He/She/It/We/ wiUI'lL • future plans and things we intend to do:

be late home. I'm going to watch the match on TV.
They will not I won't

Question forms and short answers

Will be late home?
Yes, will.
No, won't.

We use will to talk about:

• things we expect to happen or predict will happen:
More people will buy electric cars in the future.
• things which are not certain:
It probably won't be cold tomorrow.
• future facts:
My app says that the sun will rise at 5 o'clock tomorrow.
• quick decisions about what to do next:
There's someone at the door. I'll get it.
• an offer or a promise:
Don't worry. I won't be late.
Present continuous forms for the future
be going to We use the present continuous to talk about:
. arrangements or plans which have already been made.
Positive/Negative forms
I'm starting a new course tomorrow.
am not! 'm not Present simple forms for the future
are/'re We use the present simple to talk about:
You/We/They going to study tonight. • events in the future that are certain because they are facts.
are-not ! aren't
The film starts ot3.30 pm. Don't be late!
1st S • fixed or planned events.
is not I isn't The lesson ends at 7.30 this evening.

Question forms and short answers PRACTICE

Am I 0 Choose the most appropriate option in italics.

Are you/we/they going tostudy hard? 1 We see/We're going to seethe new Spider-Man film
tomorrow. I bought the tickets online.
Is he/she
2 I don't think I'll be/I am late home. The class usually
- I am.
finishes at 6 o'clock.
Yes you/we/they are.
- - 3 I've got an important exam tomorrow, solgo/
he/she is. I'm going to go to bed early this evening.
am/'m not 4 Our train leaves/is leaving at 10.45 am.
No, you/we/they aren't. 5 A: We've run out of bread.
he/she isn't. B: OK, I'll go/I'm going to go and get some more.

Grammar reference
by • We use these prepositions to say how we start or stop using
We use by to talk about ways of travelling. something like a bike, bus, plane or train.
We went to Holland by boat. We got on(to) the bus near our home and got off at the station.
We go by car to the supermarket. I got off my bike and locked it.
I prefer to travel by train than by air.
More goods travel by road than by rail.
Note: We say on foot (not by foot)
I usually go to work on foot.

in/into, out of
• We use these prepositions to say how we move into or out of
something like a car, taxi, etc.
Ben got out of the car.
The parents and their two children got into the taxi.


0 Complete the sentences.

1 The floods destroyed the roads so we travelled

everywhere .................................foot.

2 In some places it is cheaper to travel .......... .--- ....... ...... ..air

than ..................................rail.

3 We got ........... .... ---- ......... the plane just before it took off.

4 The taxi broke down, so we all got ................ ...... ......... and
walked into town.

5 The quickest way to get to France from England is to go


6 We got . . the car when it started raining, so

we didn't get wet.

• : • :::::::::::::.:i

E(.]I o Make second conditional sentences.

1 I'd like to do the high jump but I'm not very tall.
We use conditional sentences to talk about possible situations If.......................
and their results. Conditional sentences usually have a
2 She can't study in Canada because she doesn't speak
conditional (if) clause and a main clause (usuallya result).
possible situation or action If. .
main clause / result
(conditional clause)
3 I haven't got enough free time to learn to playa musical
If / see Matt, I'll tell him to ca/I you. instrument.
There are three types of conditional sentences which can refer
to the present or the future. 4 I'd like to buy a laptop, but I haven't got enough money.
We use the zero conditional about things which are true. If..........................................................................................................................

conditional clause: main cLause I result clause:

if+ present verb present simple verb •
u "c i' "i- '

If the sun is too hot, it bums you.

We use the first conditional to talk about likely situations.

conditional clause: main clause! result:
• Use when to talk about things that happen at a particular time
if+ present simple will* + infinitive
in the future:
If we go by bus, we'll get there on time. When I get home this evening, I'll have a shower.
*We can also use modal verbs with future meaning (shall, can,
might etc.) in first conditional sentences.
If we collect enough money, we can buy our colleague a present. Use if for things that may or may not happen, or to say what
happens if something else happens:
• We use the second conditional to talk about unlikely
If I finish work early, I'll go swimming.
situations. We can also use it to talk about the present or
Oonditional cLause: main cLause I result: • unless means the same as 'if not'.
if+ past simpLe would* + infinitive Unless I get home early, I won't go swimming.
(= If I do not get home early, I won't go swimming.)
If! had a lot of money, I'd buy a new smartphone.
*We can also use other modal verbs (should, might, could). PRACTICE
If I knew how to snowboard, / could enter the competition. Complete these sentences with if, when or unless.
• We can use were instead of was in the conditional clause.
1 take me to the station, I'll have to
If I were/was you, I'd look for a new hobby.
walk there.
Note: Conditional (if) clauses can come before or after the main
2 We'll fail the exam we revise.
clause. When the conditional clause comes before the main
clause, it is followed by a comma. 3 .......................we hurry, we'll get there in time.

4 Let's watch the late film are not too

tired to watch anything.
o Match the sentence beginnings (1-8) with the correct
endings (a-h) to make zero, first and second conditional 5 In the UK, you can't drive're over 16.
sentences. 6.. . . . . I'm sad, I usually talk to my friends.
1 If I have time, a you get green. 7're not feeling better tomorrow, you
2 If I had more time, b she refuses to speak. should go to the doctor.

3 If you mix blue and yellow, c if she knew the truth. 8 I'll watch some TV .. I get home tonight.

4 You wouldn't be hungry d I'll phone you.

5 She would be really angry e I'll throw it in the bin.

6 II he phones her, f I'd buy a new computer.

7 If my computer breaks again, g I'd cycle to work.

8 If I had enough money, h if you ate more. Grammar reference


Relative pronouns
Use these relative pronouns to introduce relative clauses:
CI AIISFS WITH W141C1.L THAT_ WHfl wHflcF • who refers to people
• which refers to things
• that can refer to people or things
Relative clauses are used to link different pieces of information • whose refers to possession or relationships:
in one sentence. The student whose brother was on TV is at my university.
The film Titanic, which made Leonardo DiCaprio famous, was • where refers to places:
made in 1997. The village where I live is on the outskirts of the city.
We use relative clauses to avoid short, simple sentences like • when refers to times:
these ones. The time when I was my happiest was my years at school.
The film Titanic was made in 1997. It made Leonardo DiCaprio • why refers to reasons or explanations:
famous. The reason why! got up so early is that I couldn't sleep.

Defining relative clauses defining clauses non-defining clauses

• These clauses give us essential information which tells us Do not have commas • Have commas - they are
exactly which person or thing we are referring to. like pauses in spoken
The actor who plays Luke Skywalker is Mark Hamill. English.
• Without the information in the relative clause, we would not • Use these relative • Use these relative
know which actor we are talking about. pronouns pronouns:
)( The actor is Mark I lamill. who, which, whose, where, who, which, whose, where,
when, why, that. when, why.
Non-defining relative clauses
• that can be used instead of • Don't use that.
• These clauses give us extra non-essential information. The who or which.
sentence still makes sense without this relative clause.
• who, which orthat can • Relative pronouns cannot
The first Star Wars film, which was directed by George Lucas,
be left out if they are the be left out.
came out in 1977.
object of the clause.
/ The first Star Wars film came out in 1977.


o Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun.

Sometimes there may be more than one possible answer.

1 Ben's the person was stolen last


2 That's the dog ................. tried to bite me.

3 She doesn't like people are unfriendly.

4 That's the house ............... they want to live in.

5 Where are the keys.......... were on the

kitchen table?

6 We're moving to a quiet place ................ ....... ...........we can't

hear the traffic.

7 The company ................................David works for makes


8 I read a lot of books..................................I was ill at home.

o Tick (/) the sentences in Exercise 1 where it is possible to

leave out the relative pronoun.

• . ......
•• •. S....

o Rewrite these sentences into one sentence using relative

Positive/Negative forms
1 The music was by Mozart. Gisela was playing the music
last night. I/You/He/She/It/We/ finished work by
Themusic which ............................................................................................. They had not / 5 o'clock

2 The violin was not hers. Gisela was playing the violin in
Question forms and short answers
the concert.
The violin that I/you/he/she/it/we/ finished work by
they 5 o'clock?
3 James is also a musician. Gisela borrowed James's violin.
James, . ..

-J 1/you/he/she/it/we/

4 We've just listened to Giseta's latest recording. Gisela's
recording is number 1 in the classical charts. We use the past perfect to:
We've just listened .......................................................................................
• make clear the order of past events. The past perfect
describes something that happened before an action/event
5 Gisela's mother is very proud of her. Gisela's mother was in the past.
in the audience tonight. My flatmates had left when / arrived home. (= My flatmates
Gisela's mother,........................................................................................ were not there when I arrived home.)

• say what was completed before a specific past time.

6 Tomorrow, Gisela is going back to Vienna. Gisela plays in By 9 o'clock, I'd phoned three people and had sent five emails.
an orchestra in Vienna.
• explain past events or situations or give background
Tomorrow, Gisela is.......................................................................................
He'd drunk nothing all day, so he was really thirsty.
I'd got up at 5 o'clock, so by midday! was very tired.
• talk about situations that have changed.
I'd planned to finish writing my essay this morning, but I've
got a terrible headache.


O Complete the sentences with the past simple or past

perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1 It ................ .................. (rain) all night and, although it

(stop), the ground .................................(be) still
very wet.

2 We ................... ..............(plan) to have a picnic, but then it

started raining, so we (have to) think of
something else to do.

3 It .................................(be) sunny every day for two weeks, but

then it. ........... ...................... (start) to snow.

4 We ..................................(can not) go for a walk in the forest

because the snow and ice . . . (make) the paths
too dangerous.

5 Yesterday, we.. ... . ............. .............. (go) to the cinema because

there was a new film that none of us.......... ............... ... ...... (see).

Grammar reference
_i :;:::::::Y::

We use the imperative form for giving commands. • Use have something done to talk about things we ask other
Stand up! people to do for us, things that we do not want to, or cannot
The imperative form of verbs is the same as the infinitive do ourselves.
without to. Imperative forms have no subject. I'm having my teeth checked tomorrow.

/ Wake up! • We can also use get something done. It has the same
X You wake up! meaning but is more informal:
/ Do not use your mobile phone. I'm getting my haircut tomorrow.
)( You do not use your mobile phone. • Notice the order of words: have + object + past participle.
We can also use the imperative form for giving: A different word order changes the meaning.
• instructions, for example in recipes: She has her hair cut. (= Someone does it for her.)
Boil for 10 minutes. She has cut her hair. (=She did it herself recently.)
• advice:
• Use have something done in any tense.
Put on a warm coat.
I (don't) have my hair cut every week.
• encouragement:
We're (not) having our flat decorated.
Keep trying.
We had (didn't have) our computer repaired yesterday.
• warnings:
We'll have our car washed tomorrow.
Be careful.

O Complete the meaning of the signs using the imperative o Put the words in order to make correct sentences.

form of verbs in the box. 1 you/your/had/cut/have/hair!?

be drink eat turn use
2 bedroom / have painted /I/ might /my/blue

3 fixed! had / Michael / yet / bike / his / has!?

Has.................... . . .
here. 4 get / teeth / I / every my! months! polished / six

5 checked/your/have/computer/viruses/should/you!
You .............. ...... ......... ............
- ............ .... -

2 .................................left.
o Make sentences with have something done using the words
given and the tense in brackets.
1 he - hair cut - beard shave off (present perfect simple)

2 she - car - wash - yesterday (past simple)

3 ..................................cameras here.
3 he - shoes - clean (present perfect simple)

4 they - house - paint (present continuous)

5 he - tooth - take out - this morning (past simple)

4 ................... ..............quiet.

6 she - eyes - test - tomorrow (will)

. .:

Ill I •J I
comparative superlative
We form the passive by using the correct form of be followed by
For adverbs with two add more add most
the past participle.
or more syllables (e.g. more the most
active passive carefully) - carefully carefully

We feed our cat twice a day. Our cat is fed twice a day. For adverbs with one add -er add -est
syllable faster the fastest
They built our school in 2012. Our school was built in 2012. (e.g. fast, late) later the latest
We use passive verbs rather than active verbs when: Irregular adverbs: better the best
• we are more interested in who or what is affected by the well, badly worse the worst
action of the verb than who or what does the action:
• We often use than with comparative adverbs.
My car was made in France. ( The focus is on my car rather
than the workers or the company that made it.) • Although early has two syllables, the comparative and
We were given a lot of essays to do in the holidays. ( Here, we superlative forms are earlier and the earliest.
are the focus, not the essays or the lecturers who gave the
• Use comparative adverbs to say how things are done or
happen at different times.
• we don't know who did the action:
Today it's raining more heavily than it did yesterday.
My bike was stolen yesterday. (I don't know who stole it.)
• when who or what did something is obvious: • Use superlative adverbs to say how things are done by
The driver of the car was arrested. (We know that the police someone or something else.
arrest people so we don't need to mention them.) Everyone in my class works hard, but Jon works the hardest.

To say who or what did the action we can add a by phrase.

This opera was composed by Mozart. (Mozart is the person who
did the action.) o Complete the sentences with the comparative or
superlative form of the adverbs in brackets.
1 I can't read it. Please write (clearly).
o Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs 2 Our team played (well) in our group.
in brackets. Use the present simple or the past simple.

1 Last year's final, which (play) in the new 3 Cars can travel much (fast) than bicycles.
stadium, (watch) by over 2 million people. 4 My brother works (hard) than I do.
2 In the past most children walked to school, but now 5 If you revised (serious), you would do
many (take) by their parents. Most of them (well) in your exam.
(drive) by car.
6 I run (quickly) of all my friends.
3 I've just finished reading a science fiction novel that
(write) in 1980. Many of the things that
(predict) by the author have come true.
o Underline the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.
1 Jan dances most beautifully than Lucy.

o Change the active sentences into passive ones. Mention

who did the action, if necessary.
2 We all write well, but Jon writes the better of all.
1 A vet sees our cat twice a year.

3 Peter waited the more patiently to see the doctor.

2 The police closed the roads because of the storm.

4 You need to work more hardly, especially at exam time.

3 A famous author wrote the book.

5 You must go to bed more earlier than you did last night.
4 They play cricket in Australia.

6 My sister runs more faster than me.

5 My father taught me how to sing.

Grammar reference

O Write the reported speech as direct speech.
Direct speech is what we call the words people actually say 1 She said she was living in Moscow.
when they speak.
In the example below, the direct speech is underlined. '.L4&.iwi..u&.Jvt. O&Ob'L ' .............................
He said, 'I haven't seen you for a long time.' 2 I said I was sorry, but I couldn't lend her any more money.
Indirect or reported speech is how we report (tell) what
another person says.
He said he hadn't seen me fora long time.
Verb tenses often change when we report what people said.

direct speech reported speech

present simple
3' pastsimple
'Igo to university in the She said she went to university in the
city centre.' city centre.
present continuous
3 past continuous
'I'm waiting for a bus.' He said he was waiting for a bus.

present perfect 9 past perfect

'I have already had He said he had already had lunch.
past simple
9 past perfect
'I enjoyed my dinner.'

She said she had enjoyed her dinner. o Write the statements and commands as reported speech.

'I'll call you later.'

3' would 1 'I'm leaving university at the end of next year.'
She said she would call me later. He said
'I can speak four
3' could
She said she could speak four 2 'I've got a surprise for you.'
languages, languages.
She said
We also need to make other changes when we report what
people said.
3 'Shutthedoor!'
• Subject and object pronouns:
'I have already told you.' 3 She said she had already told me. She told him
'We live in Paris.' 3 They said they lived in Paris.
• Possessive adjectives: 4 'We've all passed our English exam.'
'I've mended my bike.' 3 He said he'd mended his bike. They said
'We love our flat.' 3
They said they loved their flat.
• Time references:
5 'It's my birthday tomorrow.'
'We're going on holiday tomorrow.' 3 They said they were
going on holiday the next day. He said

• Place references:
'I want to stay here.' 3 He said he wanted to stay there. 6 'You're the only person I know who tikes classical music.'

She said
Reported commands
• We can use tell to report commands. We need to include the
7 'Don't drink any more coffee!'
object (the person who needs to listen to the command) +
infinitive after tell. He told Max

direct commands reported commands

8 'We went to Morocco for our holiday last year.'
'Stop talking!' Their boss told them to stop talking.
'Don't be late!' The father told his daughter not to be They said

• ._._._. S.

o Write the questions as reported questions.

The word order in reported questions is the same as for 1 'Why are you wearing your best clothes?'
positive phrases.
My colleague asked
positive phrase direct question reported question
2 'Where are you going?'
I was smiling. Why are you He asked me why!
smiling?' was smiling. My colleague asked .......................................................

We use ask when we report questions. We need to make 3 'What are you going to do there?'
changes to tenses, pronouns, times and places. We don't use My colleague asked
question marks.
4 'Are you going with anyone?'
direct question reported question My boss asked . .
Why ore you smiling? He asked moo why/ was
5 'Do I know who you're going with?'
My colleague asked.
'What are you doing She asked us what we were
tomorrow?' doing the next day. 6 'What time will you be back?'
'When do you finish football He asked me when / finished Myboss asked .........................................................................................
practice?' football practice.
7 'How will you get back?'
'Why did you come here?' She asked me why had gone
there. My colleague asked .

With yes/no questions (questions that need either a yes or no 8 'What will you do if you miss the last train?'
answer), we need to use if or whether after ask.
Myboss asked .................................................
Are you feeling OK?' She asked if/whether! was feeling OK.
'Do you need a break?' He asked if/whether! needed a break.

o Rewrite the indirect sentences as direct questions.
1 They asked me why I went to Morocco on holiday.

2 Helen asked me if I was enjoying my new course.

3 Alex asked if anyone had found his keys.

4 Sasha wanted to know what we'd done the day before.

5 I asked Veronika if she could come to my party that


6 We asked a policeman if he could tell us where the station


7 Jan wanted to know who my favourite actor was.

8 1 asked my brother if he had tried to phone me.

Indirect questions are a polite way of asking for information. O Write the questions as indirect questions.
We use expressions like Could you tell me . . .? or
1 'Where do you live?'
/ was wondering ... to introduce the question.
Could you tell me .
direct question reported question
2 'Are you doing anything at the weekend?'
Are you busy later? Could you tell me if you're busy later?
Do you know the I was wondering if you know the time. I was wondering...........................
time? 3 'What did they do last weekend?'
Where do you work? I'd like to know where you work.
Can you tell me ........................................................
• The word order in indirect questions is the same as for
4 'What did you think of the film?'
'How long have you lived here?' I'd like to know.
'I would like to know how long you have lived here.' 5 Is my seat number on this ticket?
• We do not use the auxiliary verbs do, does and did in indirect Could you tell me .. .
questions. However, we sometimes need to change the
tense of the verb.
'When does the train leave?'
/ Could you tell me when the train leaves?
)( Could you tell me when does the train leave?
'When did you get home?'
/ Could you tell me when you got home?
)( Could you tell me when did you get home?
• If there is no question word (what, when, etc.), use if or
'Is the train late?'
'Could you tell me if the train is late?'

Phrasal verb builder

A phrasal verb is a verb with two or three parts. The meaning

of the verb is sometimes different from the meaning of
its separate parts. Phrasal verbs can combine verbs with
prepositions or adverbs. O Match the phrasal verbs to the definitions below.
This section focuses on phrasal verbs related to four topics: breakdown checkin getback
relationships, travel, communication and daily routines. setoff takeoff turn up

1 . . ..= when something (e.g. a car or computer)

stops working
o Match the phrasal verbs to the definitions below.
2 ................................. arrive at an airport as a passenger, or a
bring (someone) up get on (with)
hotel as a guest
get together (with) go out (with) I
look after split up (with) 3 . = return

4 ...... ...... .. ..... .......... = leave onajourney

1 ...............................= look after children until they are adults
5 . = when a plane leaves the ground
2 ............................ ...=have a friendly relationship with someone
6 ............................... = arrive, come
3 ................................ =meet
0 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the
4 ................................ = have a romantic relationship with phrasal verbs from the box.
1 We. .. .................................................. for the airport at
5 ........ --- .. ...... --- =take care ofsomeone 7 o'clock in the morning.

6 ................................ = end a relationship 2 After we had been driving for ten minutes, our car
, so my friend called a
garage. Five minutes later, a mechanic ............................
and fixed the problem.

3 When we got to the airport, we parked the car and

at the departures desk.

4 Half an hour later, our plane

and our holiday began!

5 When we .................. .......... ............................ home a week later,

we felt very relaxed.

o Choose the correct option in italics.

1 I get on/ get together with my friends every weekend to

play football.

2 I split up/ get on with everyone in my family. Everyone's

very friendly.

3 My grandparents brought up/ went out four children in a

very small house.

4 I need to look afterl bring up my flatmate's dog when she

goes on holiday.

5 The band got together/ split up because they didn't enjoy

playing together any more.

0 Write a sentence using each of the phrasal verbs. o Write a sentence using each of the phrasal verbs.

Phrasal verb builder 141

o Match the phrasal verbs to the definitions below. o Match the phrasal verbs to the definitions below.

(all (someone) back fill (something) in hang up get up pick (someone) up put (something) on
switch (something) off ring(someone)up tidy up wake (someone) up

1 ............. ................... = return a phone call 1 ........ ... .................. ..=get out ofbed

2 ................................ = complete a form 2 ...... ........... ............= collect someone in a car

3 ................................= end a phone conversation 3 ..............................put clothes on your body

4 = make a phone call 4 ................................= make a place look clean

5 ......................= turn off something (e.g. a computer) 5 ........ ................... = stop (someone) sleeping

o Choose the correct option in italics.

My internet stopped working yesterday, so I

(1) switched off! switched it off and (2) called back!
rang up a help line. But the line was busy so 1(3) filled
in! hung up. I waited ten minutes and then (4) rang up!
called back. The person who answered the phone
asked me to (5) ring up! fill in an online form, and
gave me another number to call. In ten minutes, my
internet was working again!

o Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal

verbs from the box. Add any other words you need.

My flatmate and I have very different routines. Every

morning, 1(1) . . at 7 o'clock as I need to
be at the office at eight and my colleague
(2) her car at 7.30. James works in a
restaurant and usually doesn't (3) until
9 o'clock and sometimes doesn't (4)
his clothes until midday! He likes the flat to be clean
so he always (5) the living room and
o Write a sentence using each of the phrasal verbs. kitchen before he goes to work.

o Write a sentence using each of the phrasal verbs.

-.000 0
• • S...
• • ...
• ••...

flI, Ii4'1Iii1u1( leave left left

be was/were been lend lent lent
beat beat beaten let let let
become became become lie lay lain
begin began begun light lit lit
bend bent bent lose lost lost
bite bit bitten make made made
bleed bled bled mean meant meant
blow blew blown meet met met
break broke broken pay paid paid
bring brought brought put put put
build built built read read read
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned ride rode ridden
buy bought bought ring rang rung
catch caught caught rise rose risen
choose chose chosen run ran run
come came come say said said
cost cost cost see saw seen
cut cut cut sell sold sold
deal dealt dealt send sent sent
dig dug dug set set set
do did done sew sewed sewn
draw drew drawn shake shook shaken
dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed shine shone shone
drink drank drunk shoot shot shot
drive drove driven show showed shown
eat ate eaten shut shut shut
fall fell fallen sing sang sung
feed fed fed sink sank sunk
feel felt felt sit sat sat
fight fought fought steep slept slept
find found found smell smelt/smelled smelt/smelled
fly flew flown speak spoke spoken
forbid forbade forbidden spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled
forget forgot forgotten spend spent spent
forgive forgave forgiven spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled
freeze froze frozen spoil spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled
get got got stand stood stood
give gave given steal stole stolen
go went gone stick stuck stuck
grow grew grown strike struck struck
hang hung hung sweep swept swept
have had had swim swam swum
hear heard heard swing swung swung
hide hid hidden take took taken
hit hit hit teach taught taught
hold held held tear tore torn
hurt hurt hurt tell told told
keep kept kept think thought thought
kneel knelt knelt throw threw thrown
know knew known understand understood understood
lay laid laid wake woke woken
lead led led wear wore worn
learn learnt/learned Learnt/learned win won won
write wrote written

Irregular verbs
. . . .

S.. •
S. -

To make a sentence more interesting, we can add more details.

o Look at how the second sentence adds information. Match the new information o Make the sentences more
(1-8) with the descriptions (a-h). interesting. Use the words from
• l went to Spain. the box. Can you think of any other
'Last year, I went to Spain, 'which is my favourite country. words to use?

• I/ike warm weather. but early the next morning

I like warm weather, 'but I don't like cold weather. large really suddenly
• I've got an exam tomorrow.
I've got an 'important exam tomorrow, 'so I have to wake up early. 1 It........ ...... ....... ......startedtorain.
• George was happy. 2 I called Max . ...... ...................... .... he
George was 6LpA happy 'because it was his birthday.
didn't answer his phone.
• / read the letter.
I read the letter 'slowly and carefully. 3 We set out for London

a adding a contrasting idea

4 I ordered a cup of coffee and a
b giving a reason slice of cake.
c saying when something happened 5 The film was.. ....... ..... ... ... ............ boring!

d giving the result of an action

o Join the two parts of the sentences
e using a relative clause to give extra information with and, but, so or because.
f using an adjective to describe something 1 wedidn'tp[aytennis - the weather

g using an adverb to make an adjective stronger was bad

h using adverbs to describe how something happens
M bAA.
O Complete the table with the words from the box.
2 I was very tired - I went straight
to bed
and beautiful because but completely delicious
easily laterthatday loudly modern quickly so
the next day this morning wonderful yesterday

2 we all went to the party - everyone

had a great time

4 Paul wanted to come with us - he


5 we all laughed - it was so funny

0 Read the exam task. What information should you include in the email?

Read this email from your English-speaking friend Sam,

and the notes you have made.


From: Sam


Guess what? Do you remember the sports competition I entered last month 7 They
announced the results yesterday, and I've won two tickets to go and watch an
international sports event! - tell &W NktK 801A CAK
WAkt it.
Would you like to come to the event with me? We can choose to go in July or August.

We have to book which sport we want to see in advance. There are football and j11
basketball matches. Which sport do you prefer to watch?

They sell lots of souvenirs at the stadium. What do you think we should buy?

Bye for now,


Write your email to Sam, using all the notes.

MODEL ANSWER qAStit it{owt to StAft

Hi Sam,
Thanks for your email. That's amazing news about the competition I Well
- oM Mt
Yes, I love sport, so it would be incredible to go to a big sports event with ftft8iK6to &%6 tstAit.
you. I can go with you in July, but I can't go in August because I'm on
holiday then. tv,s tke 4.stiot Al7out
I'm a big football fan, so I'd love to see an international football match. It PAM 80LA c&a Olt &At wik. it, &t4
would be brilliant to see some of my favourite heroes in action. A ftASOK.

Why don't we buy football shirts as souvenirs? We can wear them at

match! the At tkt 45e..stioit 'bOltick
pot Ao pt{t' to .aAkck'
See you soon,
aiS i.s A se,stiot.

Mt iJ&{0Y)4tAL pivMt At tke. ttA.

Writing bank
Opening an email:
Hi Hi Tom Hi there Hello
Closing an email:
Love, Seeyousoon, Take care, Bye
Responding to an email:
Thanks for your email. It's goad to hear from you.
Responding to good news:
That's amazing news! I'm so happy for you! Wow! How exciting! Well done!
Responding to bad news:
I'm sorry to hear about...
Making a suggestion:
Why don't you/we...? You/We could... If I were you, I'd... Make sure you
Making an offer or promise:
Icould... if you like. Would you like me to...? Icon ... if you want.
Making a request:
Could you ...? Can you...? Wouldyou mind... -ing?
Giving good or bad news:
You'll be pleased to hear that... I'm afraid... Guess what...? I'm sorry, but
Linking words and phrases:
and but so because also as well
Informal language:
• contractions: I'm you're he's
• informal words and phrases: awesome great keep in touch take care I guess
• exclamation marks to show emotion: That's great news! Wow!

o Match the beginnings and endings of these sentences.

Then decide if each sentence is a suggestion (S), an offer (0), a promise (P) or a request (R).

1 Could you a I'd definitely accept the job . .......... .

2 If I were you, b some useful addresses if you want.

3 I can send you c be thereto help on the

4 Don't worry, I'll d let me know what time you're arriving?

o Correct the underlined mistakes in the sentences giving good or bad news.
Use the Key language and ideas box to check your answers.

1 I afraid I won't be able to come to your party.

2 Guess that where I'm going next week?

3 I'm sorry, and Dan won't be here when you visit.

4 You'll be pleased hear that I've now finished all my exams!

o Choose the correct linking words in italics.

1 I finish work at six o'clock, because / so I can meet you at 6.30.

2 My sister Martha is also/as well coming home next weekend.

3 I'm not very good at singing, because! but I still enjoy it.

4 I'm a bit disappointed because/so my exam results weren't brilliant.

5 I'll find the document also/and send it to you in an email.


• ..

0 Read the exam task. What information must you include in your email?

From: Logan

- 3 4i.
The weather forecast looks good next weekend, so my flatmates and I are
barbecue to celebrate the beginning of summer. Would you like to come?

I'd like to invite everyone in our English class. What kind of food do you think our
classmates would like to eat at a barbecue?
I'd also like everyone to play a sport after we eat. What sport do you think would be best
for our classmates?

See you soon,


o Before you write your reply to Logan, complete the table with ideas.

Paragraph 1
(respond to the invitation)

Paragraph 2
(suggest some food)

Paragraph 3
(explain your idea for a sport)

Useful phrases I can use

o Write your email, using your notes from Exercise 6. Write about 100 words.
o Check your email and make changes if necessary.
Have you answered all the questions and included all the necessary

Have you used a suitable phrase to open and close your email?

Have you tried to make your writing more interesting by adding details?

Have you used informal language?

Have you used linking words and phrases?

Have you counted your words?

Writing bank
0 Read the exam task. What should your article be about?
What information should it include?
Use adjectives for describing people and things:
attractive brave calm cheerful convenient
Articles wanted!
Use linking words and phrases:
and but so because although also as well My favourite city

Use an introductory sentence for each paragraph: What's your favourite city?
Paris is a city of variety. A good job should be creative. What's so special about this city?
Photography is a great hobby.
What city would you love to travel to in the future?
Give your opinion:
/ think ... It seems to me that ... I would say that Tell us what you think!
Write an article answering these questions
Choose the best introductory sentence in italics for each and we will publish the most interesting ones
0 on our website.
opening paragraph.

There are many benefits to keeping fit. II don't really

do enough exercise. Doing regular exercise is good for
your heart, and it helps you to lose weight. It can also MODEL ANSWER
improve your mood, especially if you are feeling tired or
unhappy. My favourite city is Paris because it is
so lively and interesting. It is also fl
of surprises. pAkkpk
2 Some older people are not used to the internet. I The tk
Paris is a city of variety. It has many
49tiOI& &A
internet has changed people's lives in many ways. People beautiful old buildings, but it also 6 iUtS A A.ot
can now go online to do their shopping and book feels modern. You can visit expensive
restaurants and holidays. Students also have access to designer shops or small, traditional
lots of information that was difficult to find before the tJiL A'(tkIt sovt
markets. There are hundreds of
iKt ty-ea tiK6 to
internet. restaurants which serve French
food, or different food from around .

the world. You can meet all kinds of

3 Teaching is a very difficult job. / I would like to AYAApk 6 iUtS
people, too. There is something for
become a teacher. Students are not always interested in s&o'a tAiis
earning, and teachers have to work hard to encourage AKA Aas tk
I would love to travel to New York in .saoj&A 4ue..tioit it
their students to study. Also, there are sometimes
the future because I've seen the city \
problems with bad behaviour from students.
in so many films, and I would love to
visit it in real life.

AbOiAt A Cit8 tIlL

NY- itty- IodA like
to 60 to hi. tIlL


0 Complete the table with the adjectives from the box. Can you add any more adjectives?

amusing delicious freezing frightening old-fashioned peaceful quiet -- stormy tasty tight

O Read the exam task. What should your article be about? What should it include?

o Before you write your article, complete the table with ideas.

Articles wanted!

My perfect job
What makes the perfect job?
Is it being creative, travelling, meeting people, or something else?
How important is it to earn a lot of money?
Tell us what you think!
Write an article answering these questions and we will publish
the most interesting articles on our website.

Paragraph 1
(answer the first question)

Paragraph 2
(give more details)

Paragraph 3
(give your opinion about money)

Useful phrases I can use

o Write your article, using your notes from Exercise 5. Write about 100 words.
O Check your article and make changes if necessary.

Have you answered all the questions and included all the necessary information?

Have you used adjectives to make your article interesting to read?

Have you expressed a personal opinion?

Have you used linking words and phrases?

Have you counted your words?

Writing bank
o Read the exam task. Which is the best way to continue the story (1, 2 or 3)? Why?

• Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

• Your story must begin with this sentence:
I opened the letter from my cousins in Brazil.

1 I three CO515 w ho Li EraziL, a.nd. I get on Yerg ieLL them.
Theta axe a..LL verj keen on 1-ootbaiL.

2 Thej sa.1& thetj tere to vst.t me-, ancL thej were a.rrx&ng on the 15th -'

3 I thtk E'razL t5 a. reaLLj oouvitrq, cud. I woul,& Love to go there one d.cuj.
There Lots of JL-LCL there.


lke. {it PAYA6YA rk 6iUtS

I opened. the Letter from my coions n F,ra.zi.L. They they were to,t me, a.n& they were, xrving on the 1561 - tod&y'

I w oLs rea.tty eci,te4,. FLrst, I everythng n the -fLa.t. Then I


went to the si.perma.rkek to bL1y -fooct. After £ha.t, I rea.d,e a. to WA K MtKt ,% Of ttt stoy.
make them feet w etcome. B 9 evening, I uos compLeteLy exha.u

tha.t'5 when notLced. the d,a.te. They ere axrwLig on JuLy 15th,
I pLcked. up the Letter to cheek the tLme of their -Flig a 't eioa
ot e.tJe.M.t &LMY
wAkC kite oey

but to June 1

We ha.d. a. wonder-FA time together Ln My, a.nd. a.LL La.uglied. about ARJ UtiU&S iutA &Aue'd i&Akt tk tov
the I haA mahte1 WOYt itteYStiK.

1kt tist pAyA6yApk ek tke.

Use past simple verbs for the main events:

I went to a restaurant. I found a letter.
Use past continuous verbs for longer actions in the past:
I was waiting for the bus. The sun was shining.
Use past perfect verbs for background events:
Unfortunately, I had forgotten my purse.
Time expressions:
First then later the next day finally...
Adjectives to describe people:
friendly kind tall
Adjectives to describe places:
busy quiet modern
Adjectives to describe feelings:
excited angry delighted
Adverbs to describe how someone does something:
quickly slowly carefully
Adverbs to comment on what happened:
luckily fortunately unfortunately

• S

O Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs

• Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.
in brackets.
Use the past simple, past continuous or past perfect. • Your story must have this title: A day at the zoo.
• Write your story in about 100 words.
1 I packed my bags and then ... (call) a taxi to
take me to the airport.

2 Sara ........................ (wait) for me when l got tothe

Paragraph 1 (the background to the story)

3 I could finally relax because I ,.......,...,. (pass) all my


4 I found an old key while I ............................... (walk) along the


5 James was late because he ............ .................... (forget) to set

Paragraph 2 (the main events)
his alarm.

6 I opened the door and then quickly ... (close)

it again.

0 Choose the correct time expressions in italics.

I was really scared when my car broke down near the

forest. (1) Then / First, I tried starting the car, but that
Paragraph 3 (the ending)
didn't work. (2) Finally! Then, I tried to call a friend, but
I had no signal on my phone. (3) Next /After, I decided to
wait for another car so I could ask for help. (4) An hour
later! Before an hour, I was still sitting there! Suddenly, I
heard the sound of another car. (5) Finally! After, someone
came to help me and I got home safely.

0 Complete the sentences with adjectives from the box Language I can use

curly disappointed entertaining messy

smart spicy

1 She introduced me to a tall young man with.


2 She was wearing a very nice . ...................... ..........jacket

and skirt.
O Write your story, using your notes from Exercise 5.
3 He cooked some delicious, food for us.
O Check your story and make changes if necessary.
4 The show was fun and very.................................
Does your story have a clear beginning, middle and
5 The room was .... ............................and not very clean. ending?
Have you used verbs in the past simple, past continuous
6 I was very........ .... --- ... ..... ...... when she didn't call me. and past perfect?
Ej Have you used time expressions to order the events?
O Read the exam task. Before you write your story, complete
Ej Have you used adjectives and adverbs to make your
the table with ideas. story interesting?
Have you counted your words?

Writing bank
'S. S•
• 5 -
Speaking bank

0 Complete Maria's answers with the words in the box.
Listen again and check.
o Listen to Maria answering the questions. Does she use full actually also and because
sentences in her answers?
but for example often so
1 What'syourname?
2 What's your surname? 1 I films with my friends.
3 Where do you come from? 2 I hope I'll travel to different countries with my job,
4 Do you work, or are you a student? I'm sure I will need English.
3 I'd love to go to New York one day.. ........... ............... it
o Listen to Maria answering more questions. Notice how she looks such an exciting city.
adds extra information.
4 ........... ................. , my uncle lives there.
1 What did you do yesterday evening?
5 The kitchen is very small . ............................ the living
2 Do you think that English will be useful to you in the room is quite big.
6 ...... ...................... , it's got a balcony.
3 Tell us about a place you would like to visit in the future.
7 I'm quite into sport . .............. .............. I do quite a lot of
4 Can you describe your house or flat? sport in my free time.
5 What do you enjoy doing in your free time? 8 ...... ............ .......... , I sometimes go running in the

Use frequency adverbs to talk about habits and

/ usually have breakfast
/ often watch TV...

Use the past simple and time expressions to talk

about the past:
Yesterday! watched
Last weekend / visited...

Use be going to and time expressions to talk about

future plans:
Next summer, I'm going to travel to
o Complete the table with the time expressions from
the box.
Talk about future hopes:
I, always last night last weekend
I'd like to visit
I want to get ajob... next weekend sometimes tomorrow

/ hope I'll work tonight usually when I was younger

Add extra information: actually and also

Add contrasting information: but...

Add reasons and results: because so That's why...

Add examples: For example,

For instance,

- - .
• S..

o Match the questions (1-5) with the answers (a-e). o Practise answering the questions. Use a range of tenses,
Then choose one extra piece of information (f-j) to and add extra information.
add to each answer. Listen and check.
• What'syourname?
1 Tell us about your a My home town is
• What's your surname?
English teacher. Barcelona....
• Where do you come from?
2 Would you like to b His name's Mr Adams.
• Do you work, or are you a student?
live in a different
3 Can you tell us c On Saturday I played
about your home football........
• What did you do yesterday evening?
• Do you think that English will be useful to you in the
4 How do you usually d I wouldn't like to go for
travel to university long........
• Tell us about a place you would like to visit in the future.
or work?
• Can you describe your house or flat?
5 What did you do last e I usually catch the bus.

f It's on the coast.

• What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
g We usually have a match every Saturday.
• Tell us about your English teacher.
h I'd miss my family and friends at home. • Would you like to live in a different country?
i He's really funny. • Can you tell us about your home town?
j I'd prefer to walk. • How do you usually travel to university or work?
• What did you do last weekend?
o How does the student introduce extra information?
Complete the sentences. Listen again and check.
1 I like him ............................he always makes our lessons
2 I'd like to visit different countries . .............. .............. the
United States or maybe Australia.
3 There are lots of beautiful buildings... ......................... are
very famous.
4 I'd prefer to walk . ..... ......... .............. it's too far for me.
5 We usually have a match every Saturday.
............................we didn't win last week.


Speaking bank

0 Listen to Pablo describing a photo. What guesses does he make about the people?

Say what you can see:

The picture shows ... / can see ... There's a

There are some ... but you can't see ... She's got... He has
Describe where things are in the picture:
at the front in the background on the left on the right in the middle
behind in front of nextto

Use the present continuous:

He's wearing She's running

Talk about the people:

tall long/short hair young old

Talk about the place:

indoors outdoors attractive comfortable safe

Talk about the weather:

sunny cloudy wet

When you don't know the word for something:

It's a kind of... It looks like a...

Make guesses
He looks like .. He seems to be ... I guess he's probably
I think maybe .. It might be
• S
• .

o Look at the photo. Choose the correct words in italics to describe where the people are.

1 There are two young women at the frontl in the background of the picture.
2 There's an old man with a beard on the right! left.
3 There's a young couple on the leftl right, further back in the bus.
4 You can see someone's legs behindl next to the old man, but you can't see their face.
5 In the background !Atthe front, you can see man standing up.

O Look at the photo again. Complete the sentences with the correct present continuous form
of the verbs in brackets. Listen and check.
1 The picture shows some people who ............................(travel) by bus.
2 There are two women at the front of the picture. They............................(smile).
3 One woman ............................(show) the other one something on her phone.
4 The older man on the right ... ......................... (look) forwards. Maybe he... ................ ......... (think)
about where to get off the bus.
5 In the background, there's a man ............................(stand) up. I think he............................(talk) to
another passenger.

Speaking bank (
o Look at the photo. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

guess looks might probably seem

1 I think they're .......................... father and son.

2 They ............................ be watching TV.
3 They're eating something from a box. It ............................ like pizza.
4 They ............................ quite relaxed.
5I ......................... they're probably having a relaxing evening at home.

0 Look at the photo again. Practise describing it. Then listen and compare your ideas.

0 Practise describing the photos on this page and page 158.

Speaking bank

' I.

. ..

Speaking bank

o Listen to two students doing the task below. Do they talk about all the options?
Which present do they agree on?

It is your friend's birthday soon, and you would like to buy her a present.
Here are some ideas.
Talk together about the different presents you could buy, and say which
would be the most suitable.




ii *44
What about...? What do you think about... ? Would... be a good idea?

Responding to suggestions:
That's a great idea. Yes, good idea. I'm not sure.

Giving your opinion:

Ithink... In my opinion,...

Asking someone's opinion:

What do you think? Do you agree?

That's true.! agree (with you). Yes, /think you're right. OK, so...

I don't agree with you because.. I'm not sure about that because

Considering alternatives:
might be a better choice. What if we...?

Reaching agreement:
It's time to decide. Are you OK with that? We'll go for that one, then.

Speaking bank
EE :•

0 Complete the discussion with words from the box. 0 Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences.
Then listen again and check. 1 That's a a agree with you.

agree go idea OK opinion so sure think 2 Do you b be a better choice.

3 I don't c to decide.
A: What do you (1) ............................about that idea?
4 Flowers might d great idea.
B: I'm not (2) ...................... ...... .It's difficult to choose a book for
5 It's time e you're right.
someone else.
6 Yes, Ithink f agree?
A: 1(3) ............................with you. And I don't think flowers
are a good idea, because they're a bit boring in my
(4) .............................
B: Would a T-shirt be a good (5) ........... ................. ? Most people
wear T-shirts.
A: Well, I don't really like it when people buy me clothes,
because I prefer to choose them myself.
B: OK, (6) ............................not a T-shirt.
B: Maybe we should choose the cinema tickets. Are you
(7) ............................with that?
A: Yes, good idea. We'll (8) ............................for that one, then.

0 Work in pairs. Do the task below. Then listen and compare your ideas.

Two friends are discussing how their class should celebrate the end of exams. Here are some ideas.
Talk together about the different ideas and say which would be the most fun.

— 7— ---- T

• S.
- a

o Listen to two students answering the questions. Which things o Complete the dialogues with phrases from the box.
do they do?
Do you agree? That's an interesting question. '
• give reasons for their answers
That's true. What do you think?
• interrupt each other
A: I think surprise presents are the best presents.
• ask for each other's opinions (1) ...........................
• disagree with each other B: Yes, I do. I love opening presents when I have no idea
what they are!
• use an expression to allow time to think about the answer
A: I think money is sometimes the most useful present
1 Who do you most enjoy buying presents for? to get.
2 Which people in your family are the most difficult B: (2) .............................Because then you can use it to buy
to choose presents for? something you really need.
3 Do you like receiving money instead of presents? A: In my opinion, men are the most difficult people to
buy presents for. (3) .......................... I.

B: Yes, I think you're right. I never know what to buy for

Talking about likes/dislikes/preferences: my dad or my uncle.
/ like/love + -ing I prefer to ... / enjoy A: Do you think that some people spend too much
Talking about habits: money on presents?
I sometimes/usually/always B: Hmm. (4) ............... ............. .I think most people spend
as much as they can afford.
Giving your opinion:
(think... In my opinion,
0 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions together.
Asking someone's opinion:
1 Would you like to have more social events with
What do you think? Do you agree?
your English class?
Agreeing: 2 Do you think watching sports events can be
That's true. I agree with you. Yes, / think you're more fun than taking part?
3 Do you prefer cooking a meal for friends or
Disagreeing eating out in a restaurant?
(don't agree with you because
I'm not sure about that because
o Listen and compare your ideas.
Giving yourself time to think:
That's an interesting question.
That's a difficult question. Let me see.

o Choose the correct words in italics.

1 I enjoy to buy/buying things for my nephew.
2 It sometimes is/is sometimes nice to receive money.
3 I usually get/get usually money from three or four relatives.
4 I prefer get/ to get money from people who don't know me
very well.
5 1 love get/getting presents.

Speaking bank

Extra resources

tIflh1 tirni
Prepositions of place Starting off

Add up the points from your answers

1 A=0 B=1 C=2

2 A=1 B=0 C=2
3 A=0 B=1 C=2
4 A=2 B=0 C=1
5 A=0 B=2 C=1
6 A=0 B=1 C=2

Your total score =

Your total score = 0-4
You're not keen on exercise, are you? By not getting a minimum
30 minutes of activity a day, you're missing a great way to feel less
stressed, sleep better and get more energy. As it's all new to you,
start with a little at first. Remember you can do parts of your
half-hour at different times, so why not walk to work, clean the
house, go for a swim - anything that stops you sitting on the sofa,
really. You don't have to run 40 kilometres to improve your fitness.
Your total score = 5-8
tITh11 You could be fitter. You're quite relaxed and, while taking it easy
can be a good idea, it shouldn't take too much extra effort to
Comparative and superlative adjectives
do the recommended 30 minutes a day, five times a week. You
a True. The population of Canada is approximately 37 million. enjoy spending time with your friends, so why not take up an
The population of Tokyo is9 million. activity together? It can be anything - from a street dance class to
basketball. Or if you don't fancy organised classes, go out dancing
b False. The longest country is Chile. It's 4,270km long.
instead of sitting around doing nothing.
c True. There is about 83cm of rain every year in Rome. There is
Your total score = 9 or more
about 62cm of rain every year in Paris.
Well done! You're fit and active. Half an hour of activity a day is a
minimum for you. While keeping active now means you feel great,
you can also look forward to a healthy future. You shouldn't have
Writing Part 2 to worry if you stay active. As you enjoy being fit, make sure you do
all the activities you can: from hill walks to rock climbing.
capital letter • the first letter of a sentence: Football is very
popular in Britain.
• for countries, nationalities, languages, names
of people, places, trademarks, days, months:
Portugal, Russian, Lego, Mrs, etc.
• for titles of books, films, etc.: Star Wars, Shrek
• for abbreviations: UNICEF, WWF, FIFA
full stop UK! • the end of a sentence: I'm going for a walk.
period US
comma . between items in a list: I needsomepeas, butter,
sugar and eggs.
• to show a pause in a long sentence: lfl lost my
phone, I'd go to the police station.
• when you want to add information: The woman,
who I'd met lost week, waved as she went post.
apostrophe • for missing letters: don't, I'll, it's
• for possessives: Paul's bike
hyphen . to join two words: goad-looking, hard-working

S. •
Answer key

Unit 1 My life and home Woman: The one opposite the station?
Man: Yes, you can find almost anything you want there, but it always seems
to be really crowded, with lots of people waiting to pay because it's short of
Starting off staff.
1 Woman: Thanks. I'll definitely avoid that one.
1 sitting room/Living room, balcony, bathroom, kitchen Narrator: Six. You will hear two friends talking about their homes.
2-5 Students' own answers. Man: I like my room, though I haven't got much space for my things.
Listening Part 2 Woman: Mine's about the right size really, but I know what you mean. My
1 cupboards and shelves are far too small.
Students' own answers. Man: At least mine's got big windows, so! get plenty of sunshine.
2 Woman: I do too, though it's a pity I can't turn the central heating up
2 a man talking to his friend, changing jobs in winter.
3 a woman talking about a trip to the beach Man: Does it get noisy? It can do at my place, especially in the morning rush
4 two friends, the town where they live hour.
5 two friends, comparing shops Woman: My flatmate complains about traffic noise waking her up too! But
6 two friends, their homes I'm on the inside of the building, so hardly notice it.
1C 2B 3C 4A SB 6C 4
Students' own answers.
Track 2 Prepositions of time
Narrator: For each question, choose the correct answer. One. You will hear two 5
friends talking about the kind of flat they would like to live in. un 21n 3at 4in 5on
Man: Wouldn't it be great to live right at the top of that block of flats, with views 6
across the city? at: 5 o'clock, bedtime, half past four, night
Woman: Nice views are fine but I'm not very keen on lifts. I think I'd rather be on in: 2020, July, the afternoon, the holidays, winter
the ground floor. It'd be good to live in a building that's not far from a bus stop, on: 25 May, my birthday, Sundays, weekdays
too. 7
Man: Oran underground station. Students' own answers.
Woman: Right. But the most important thing for me would be to have my own Grammar
room, so it'd have to be a three-bedroom apartment.
Frequency adverbs
Man: I don't mind sharing, so two would be enough for me.
Narrator: Two. You will hear a man telling his friend about changing job.
Students' own answers.
Woman: I haven't seen you for a longtime. How do you feel now about your
new job?
1 be + frequency adverb 2 before 3 at the end of a sentence
Man: Well, before I moved at the beginning of January, I thought it'd be difficult
to make friends with people in my new office, but they've given me a really
2 I check my phone for messages every two hours.
warm welcome. Of course I'm a bit sad that I don't see anyone from my previous
3 I'm never late for my English lessons.
company, but there's nothing I can do about that. My work seems to be going
41 sometimes write emails to friends.
better than I'd expected, too, so making the change hasn't been too hard, really.
5 don't always have lunch at home.
Narrator: Three. You will hear a woman talking about a trip to the beach.
6 I'm sleepy in the morning almost every day.
Man: Howwasyourdayout? /l hardly ever go out on Monday nights.
Woman: Great! The bus left early on Saturday so! had to getup at 5a.m., but 81 stay in bed late most weekends.
that meant we got to the beach really early. 4&5
Man: Did you go for a swim? Students' own answers.
Woman: Yes, I thought I would enjoy that but it was a bit cold so we hired a little
boat instead and sailed round the bay. That was fun too, but not as much as Reading Part 5
having a game of volleyball. We're going there again in July when it'll be too hot 1
for beach sports, but swimming in the sea will be wonderful! Students' own answers.
Narrator: Four. You will hear two friends talking about the town where they 2
live. 1 An article
Woman: It's quite a good place to live, isn't it? Although I sometimes think it 2D
would be nice if more people lived here. 3 Emilia does lots of interesting things.
Man: Well, it might be livelier, but I think the size is about right, actually. In Her education takes place on the boat.
bigger places there are problems like street crime, especially at night, but here Living on a boat has some disadvantages.
you feel safe anywhere, really. She sometimes meets her friends.
Woman: That's true, although everywhere you go the roads are really busy, 3
and it's the same here. All that noise and pollution is horrible early in the 1D 2B 3D 4C 5A 6C
morning. 4&5
Man: I know. I wish people would walk or go by bike instead. Students' own answers.
Narrator: Five. You will hear a man talking to a friend about shops.
Woman: I don't really know this part of town. Where's the best place to do a bit
Present simple and present continuous
of shopping?
Man: The little shop on the corner isn't bad. The range of things there is a bit
limited, but just about everything is amazingly good value, especially if you 2d 3a 4b 5c
compare it to the local supermarket.

Answer key
2 5
2 am/rn sitting 3 has 4 am/rn tooking 5 tove 6 stay 7 go Students' own answers.
8 is/s getting 9 leave 10 is blowing 11 are/'re having 6
12 don't want 2 in 3 in 4 on 5 are you 6 at 7 do you get 8 in 9 in 10 do
3 you like 11 in 12 at
1 What does 'habit' mean?
2 Do any buses stop in your street? Track 3
3 Who watches the most TV in your house? Hugo: Where do you come from, Sara?
4 Do you prefer to get up early or late? Sara: I live in Vigo, a city in Galicia. That's in north-west Spain, on the
5 Is everyone talking to their partners at the moment? Atlantic coast.
6 What colour clothes are you wearing today? Hugo: Do you work or are you a student?
7 Is anyone sitting behind us in class right now? Sara: I'm a second-year student at the University of Vigo. I'm studying
8 What do you sometimes forget to do? Economics.
4&5 Hugo: How do you get therein the mornings?
Students' own answers. Sara: The university isn't in the city so I usually take the bus, but in summer
6 I often ride there on my bike.
/s/: forgets, Likes, speaks, thinks, walks, wants, works Hugo: And where do you like to go in the evenings?
/z/: does, goes, lives, loves, plays, prefers, sees, studies, wears
Sara: Sometimes Igo out with my friends, but most evenings I stay at home
/iz/: changes, chooses, finishes, passes, practises, uses, washes
studying. I've got exams soon!
Students' own answers. 7
Students' own answers.
House and home
Writing Part 1
2 an email, plus four notes that you have made.
Students' own answers.
3 an email in reply
4 Alex's boss will let her/him have time off work; very pleased.
(Suggested answers)
5 which would be the best month for her/him to visit; when he/she can
Living room: armchair, cushions, rug, sofa
come and why that would be the best month
Bathroom: bath, cupboards, mirror, taps, toilet, towels
6 what your home is like
Kitchen: cooker, cupboards, dishwasher, fridge, microwave, sink,
7 which things he/she should bring
taps, washing machine
Bedroom: blankets, chest of drawers, cupboards, duvet, mirror,
1 four
pillow, wardrobe
2 Brilliant! - first, Say when and why - second, Describe - third,
Countable and uncountable nouns Suggest - fourth
3 3 two
furniture 4 at my place, in a three-bedroom flat, on the fifth floor, in a quiet
4 neighbourhood; in August, at weekends, in the summer; usually away
[U] tells you the noun is uncountable. in August, sometimes have barbecues, hardly ever rains in July
[C] is the symbol for a countable noun. 3-5
5 Students' own answers.
Students' own answers.

a few, a bit of, many, much, a lot of and lots of
Unit 2 Making choices
1 countable 2 uncountable 3 uncountable 4 countable
2 Starting off
1 a bit of, much Life choices
2 much, a few 1
3 a few, a lot of A get some work experience B take a gap year C retire early
4 a lot of, lots of Dquityourjob E apply for a job
5 much, a bit, a lot (Possible order)
6 much, many 1 take a gap year 2 get some work experience 3 apply for a job
3 4 quit yourjob 5 retire early
Students' own answers. 2
Students' own answers.
Speaking Part 1
Prepositions of place Reading Part 6
1 1
lat 2in 3at 4on Sat 6on Students' own answers.
2 2
Students' own answers. (Suggested answers)
3 1 relative pronoun 2 preposition 3 verb 4 preposition 5 pronoun
at (college etc.) 6 preposition 7 article 8 linker
in (a city, etc.) 3
on (the coast, etc.) 1 who/that 2 to 3 are 4 with 5 their 6 and
4 4&5
2 b Where do you live? (Suggested answer)
3d What do you do in Recife? some unusual university courses
4 e Do you like having English lessons? 6
5 a Will you use English in the future? 1 about 2 are 3 an 4 as 5 wh 6 from
Students' own answers.

• . - - - V V VV
• S....,.

Vocabulary 5
Regular verbs: wanted, contacted, stayed, studied, arrived, liked,
fail, pass, take, lose, miss, study and teach
Irregular verbs: went, found, was
2 pass 3 fail 4 miss 5 lose 6 learn 1 teach 8 study
2 lose 3 teach 4 Learn 5 miss 6 study 1 teach 8fail 1/Id! 2/d/ 3/ti
3 Track 5
Students' own answers.
11 wanted to improve my Spanish.
Grammar 2! stayed with Alicia and her family.
3 I liked the city a lot.
Past simple
1 7
(Suggested answers) /d!: arrived, enjoyed, loved, studied
Life in St. Andrews is very quiet - it is a very small town and there isn't iti: helped, liked, watched, worked
much to do, while Mexico City is an enormous city with many people lid!: contacted, decided, invited, needed, wanted
and there is a lot to see and do.
Track 6
The city - Mexico City, a very large city Id/ arrived enjoyed loved stayed studied
Shops and entertainment - shopping centres, museums, Large it/ helped liked watched worked
cinemas with a choice of films, restaurants with food from all over the Ad/ contacted decided invited needed wanted
world. 8
Students' own answers.
Track 4 9
Interviewer: Emily Cale's finishing her degree in chemistry right now. She's 1 My friends and I pta-fed played football yesterday.
here with us today to talk about the nine months she spent abroad when she 2 In our first English lesson our teacher teached taught us some new
left school. Hello, Emily. words for sports.
Emily: Hi! 3 When I went to university, I stu-dye-d studied very hard.
Interviewer: So, where did you go? 4 Last weekend, I founded found a very good restaurant in my town.
Emily: I went to Mexico for nine months and I worked in a laboratory. 5 When I arribed arrived at work, my colleagues weren't there.
6 My friend Sara bringed brought her dog to class one day.
Interviewer: Young people often go straight to university in their own
7 I'm reading a book that my English teacher recommend
country when they leave school. Why did you decide to work abroad?
recommended to me.
Emily: When I left school, I wanted to get some work experience to be sure
8 Weptrted put all our things in the car and we set off on holiday.
that I really wanted to study chemistry and I wanted to improve my Spanish.
Mexico City's the capital, of course, and it's also the largest Spanish- 10
speaking city in the world! 2 spent 3 chose 4 wanted 5 left 6 was lfelt 8 said 9 looked
after 10 ate 11 saw 12 made
Interviewer: How did you find a place in the laboratory?
Emily: My dad contacted an agency and they found me a place to do work
Students' own answers.
experience in a research centre.
Interviewer: Where did you stay? Grammar
Emily: I stayed with Alicia and her family in Mexico City. Alicia's around my Past simple and past continuous
age and we got on really well.
Interviewer: Did you speak Spanish before you went? Students' own answers.
Emily: Yes, I did. I studied French and Spanish at school and I thought I was 2
good at languages. But when I got to Mexico I couldn't say anything. It was She saw a group of dogs.
Interviewer: How did you feel when you first arrived? Track 7
Emily: To tell you the truth, when I arrived, I was scared. Mexico City is so Emily: It was in my second week. The sun was shining and I was feeling
different from my home town. It's enormous! And of course, I didn't know good. I was walking to work with Alicia when we saw a group of dogs. We
anyone. were frightened and we didn't know what to do.
Interviewer: Did you like the city? 3
Emily I liked it a lot. You see, there's so much to see and do unlike Saint (Possible answer)
Andrews, my home town. There are shopping centres, museums, large They started shouting for help.
cinemas with a choice of films and then there are restaurants with food from
all over the world. Track 8
Interviewer: Did you enjoy the experience? Emily: Suddenly a woman appeared from nowhere and she started
Emily: Oh yes, I did. I loved working in the laboratory. My Spanish also got screaming at the dogs. The dogs ran off. We said Gracias!' and went to work.
better and I even began to dream in Spanish. I made so many really good
friends and Alicia is coming to stay with me very soon.
1 No, they were three separate actions which happened one after the
Interviewer: Thank you, Emily ... and if you'd like to know more about
other. The dogs ran off last.
getting work experience abroad, contact...
2 We don't know when the sun started shining or if it stopped shining.
3 3 No, they didn't. They saw the dogs on their walk to work.
2 Why did you decide to work abroad?
3 How did you find a place in the laboratory? 2 past continuous 3 past simple 4 past continuous (or 3 past
4 Where did you stay? continuous/ 4 past simple) 5 past simple 6 past continuous
5 Did you speak Spanish before you went? 6
6 How did you feel when you first arrived? 2 went 3 was talking 4 stopped 5 said 6 was feeling 7 didn't
1 Did you like the city? know
8 Did you enjoy the experience? 8 helped 9 were setting off 10 shouted 11 took off 12 started
2 wanted 3 contacted; found 4 stayed 5 studied 6 arrived; was
1 liked 8 loved

Answer key
Track 9 Julia: No thanks. I'm not hungry. You know Nigel at work, don't you? It was
his birthday today and he brought in a homemade chocolate cake. It was
Emily: One morning, Alicia woke up early and went to the kitchen where
I was talking loudly to my flatmate. We stopped talking and I said, 'Look
outside! There's twenty centimetres of snow on the ground. We'll have to ski Man: I guess you don't want dinner, then.
to the town centre.' Alicia was feeling excited and nervous at the same time. Julia: Oh yes, I do! What are you making?
Snow in Mexico City is very rare and she didn't know how to ski. I helped her Man: It's my special burgers tonight. They should be ready by about eight.
to put on the skis. As we were setting off, one of the neighbours shouted, Narrator: Six. What are the two friends going to buy Paul for his birthday?
'Everything is closed, even the shops!' We took off our skis and started Man: It's Paul's birthday next weekend. We should get him something. We
throwing snowballs. got him a book about his favourite band last year.
7&8 Woman: Oh yeah, that's right but his sister had bought him the same one so
Students' own answers. he took it back to the shop. He got a book about surfing instead, didn't he?
Man: Yes, that's right. I know! My brother's reading a new spy thriller. It's set
Listening Part 1 in Italy and he says it's really exciting. Let's get him that.
Woman: OK.
2 What time does Stuart need to be at work?
Narrator: Seven. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
3 Where does Jack live?
4 Where did the man find his football boots? Joe: Best of Luck with the tennis competition, Vicki! It's tomorrow, isn't it?
5 What did Julia eat before she came home? Vicki: Thanks, Joe! They might have to cancel it. It hasn't stopped raining
6 What are the two friends going to buy Paul for his birthday? all day today and we're playing outdoors.
7 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? Joe: Have you looked it upon the internet? It says on this page that it's
2 going to be cloudy but dry. It won't be sunny though.
(Suggested answers) Vicki: That's OK. I don't like playing when it's hot but I'll take my sun cream
1 A a large camera, B a packed lunch for a trip, C a water bottle just in case.
2 A it's eight thirty or half past eight, B it's eight fifty or ten to nine, C it's
nine or nine o'clock Grammar
3 AA house next to a swimming pool, BA house next to a pizza restaurant, used to
C A house next to a cinema 1
4 A a sports bag, B a kitchen, C a cupboard used to, didn't use to
5 A a burger, B a sandwich, C a chocolate cake 2
6 A a thriller, B a book about surfing, C a book about music / a pop group 1 No 2 We write didn't use to (NOT didn't used to) and did you use to
or band (NOT did you used to ...?) 3 the infinitive
7 A rain, B sun, C clouds 3
3 (Model answer)
1C 2B 3B 4A 5C 6A 7B I think my life was easier ten years ago because I used to live at home
and I didn't use to do any housework. I was still at school so I used to
Track 10 see my friends at school every day and we used to make plans for the
Narrator: Part 1. For each question, choose the correct answer. One. What do weekend. I didn't use to have to phone them to meet them. However, I
the people need to bring for the cycling trip? used to do a lot of homework and we used to do lots of exams, which I
Woman: Just before you leave. Ssh! Listen carefully. Don't forget it's our didn't enjoy.
annual day out tomorrow and the office will be closed. For those of you on the
cycling trip, we're meeting outside the train station. Lunch will be provided so Vocabulary
you don't have to bring any food but don't forget a water bottle. It maybe hot. do, earn, make, spend, take and win
Please don't bring any large items like heavy bags or cameras as you won't be 1
able to carry them. 2 earn 3 take 4 spend 5 take 6 take/do 7 do 8 win
Narrator: Two. What time does Stuart need to be at work? 2
Woman: Stuart! It's ten past nine. Students' own answers.
Stuart: I know, I'm late again. You see, I left my mobile at home so I went back
for it. Then I missed the bus and the next one was at half past eight. There was Speaking Part 3
a terrible traffic jam so got off the bus and ran the rest of the way. 1
1 quiz night, weekend trips, cooking classes
Woman: Yes but the shop opens at nine. I can't manage everything on my
own. You should really be here by ten to nine. 2 a team meal, a running group, yoga and relaxation
3 a team meal
Stuart: I'm sorry.
Narrator: Three. Where does Jack live? Track 11
Jack: Hi it's Jack. Do you still fancy going to the swimming pool later? George Tanya: Have you got a moment, Gareth?
lives near the pool so he might want to come too. Shall we meet outside the
Gareth: Err, yeah, go on!
cinema? You know, the one near where I used to live. And if you like, we can get
a take-away afterwards and have it at my house. They've opened a great pizza Tanya: Well, you know our boss wants us to vote on a new social activity at
place next door to us. Let me know what you think. Bye! work. Can we talk about the choices first?
Narrator: Four. Where did the man find his football boots? Gareth: Sure!
Man: Have you seen my football boots anywhere? I brought them home from Tanya: Shall we start with the quiz night?
training yesterday. They were wet so I left them in the kitchen to dry and now I Gareth: OK, go on.
can't find them. Tanya: Don't you think it would be a great idea? Quizzes are such fun and I
Katie: We were tidying up this morning. Have you looked in the cupboard in love competitions, you know.
the halt? Gareth: Umm...l don't think many of our colleagues would agree with you.
Man: Yes, but they weren't there. Wait a minute. What's in that bag over How about a team meal? In my sister's company, each department has lunch
there? Oh, they must be my boots. together once a month so that they can get to know each other better.
Narrator: Five. What did Julia eat before she came home? Tanya: Good point. Let's talk about another one. Then we can decide.
Man: Hi Julia. How was your day? I'm just having a cheese sandwich. Would Perhaps we could go on a weekend trip and try new sports or activities
you like one? together.
Gareth: Do you really think that's a good idea? Some of our colleagues have
families and they can't go away at the weekend.

• ...,....
• . S.....

Tanya: That's a good point, I often go round to my grandma's house on 4

Saturdays anyway. 2 sofa 3 fridge 4 cooker 5 dishwasher 6 microwave 7 duvet
Gareth: I think it'd be better to start something tike a running group where 8chestofdrawers 9wardrobe lo washing machine
we meet at lunchtime twice a week and go for a run together for about forty
2 Vocabulary and grammar review
Tanya: I don't agree. Some of us hate running. What's left on the list? Let's
2 do 3 learned 4 pass 5 earning 6 made 7 taking 8 did
see. What about cooking classes? Did you see MosterChef on TV last night?
Gareth: I'm not sure about that one.
21 think I Iefted left my bag at your house last night.
Tanya: Noraml.
3 Our teacher was kind. She teached taught us very well.
Gareth: Yeah. I'd prefer to do yoga and relaxation, to be quite honest. Then 41 woke up very early because I was planing planning to go to the lake.
we would all feel less stressed. 5 My dad only payed paid €75 for his mobile phone.
Tanya: That's true but I still think a team meal is the best option. 6 While my sister was riding her bike, shefe+t fell and injured her leg.
Gareth: Sodol. Let's goforthat. 7 When I was younger, I prefered preferred to take the bus everywhere.
2 81 met Holly a very longtime ago. We were studing studying at the
Nor am I; So do I same university.
We use 'so' to agree with positive sentences and 'nor' to agree with negative 3
sentences. 2 were chatting, was writing 3 were having, rang 4 was buying, saw
3 5 thought, was 6 began, was walking 7 sat (or was sitting), broke
1 start 2 about 3 point 4 agree 5 sure 6 Let's 8 watched, understood 9 went, enjoyed 10 was feeling, went
Track 12 2 use 3 give 4 used 5 didn't
1 Tanya: Shall we start with the quiz night?
2 Gareth: How about a team meal?
3 Tanya:
4 Tanya:
Good point. Let's talk about another one.
I don't agree. Some of us hate running.
Unit 3 Having fun
5Gareth: I'm not sure about that one.
6 Gareth: Let's go for that. Starting off
4 Leisure activities
Suggesting: How about 1
Agreeing: Good point 2 taking 3 going 4 riding 5 watching 6 playing 7 posting 8 visiting
Disagreeing: I don't agree, I'm not sure 2&3
Deciding: Lets go for that Students' own answers.
Students' own answers. Listening Part 4
Writing Part 2 Students' own answers.
lan article 2 What makes a great place to work? Is it the people or the 1 a reason 2 an opinion 3 an opinion 4 feelings 5 an opinion 6 advice
facilities or something else? What kinds of social activities should a great 3
place to work offer its employees? lB 2B 3C 4A 5C 6A
(Suggested answer) Track 13
staff; facilities (office space, furniture, kitchen, canteen etc.); working day, Narrator: You will hear a radio interview with the Instagram photographer
location and views; technology; career opportunities etc. Marc Pasqual. For each question, choose the correct answer.
3&4 Interviewer: Today I'm talking to photographer Marc Pasqua[, who posts all
(Suggested answers) his pictures on Instagram. Marc, what made you want to do that full-time?
A great place to work Marc: I was an international tour guide, visiting some amazing countries. I was
• Staff: a fair boss who encourages us, interesting colleagues, easy to get on with also doing wedding photos as a hobby, but was finding that pretty boring and
• Facilities: a large bright office with space is more pleasant to work in was keen to try something more creative, even though I felt it unlikely I'd earn
much money from it. I noticed my favourite people on Instagram, like the chef
• Working day: workers can choose their hours, one afternoon off a week, lots of
Lauren Bath, had given up interesting careers to concentrate on photography,
so I decided to make the change, too.
• Social activities: a place to work should offer different activities so we can get to
Interviewer: How did you become such a good photographer? With a good
know each other
Yes, Charlotte has completed the task well. Marc: I did have some lessons with an experienced photographer. He
encouraged me to think about howl wanted my photographs to look before I
actually took them. That works for some people but not others, and personally,
Students' own answers.
whenever I arrive somewhere new I start taking photos, such as drops of rain
1 Vocabulary and grammar review on a flower, or the sun shining through a small window. Not everyone notices
1 these little things and it can really improve your pictures.
2 in 3 on 4 in 5 in 6 at 71n 8 at/on 9 in 10 at 11 in 12 on Interviewer: Did you make any mistakes?
2 Marc: Well, some beginners can't help posting lots of selfies on Instagram, but
2 a bit of 3 a lot 4 much 5 time 6 much 7 a bitof 8 a few I avoided doing that. However, only uploading weekly, as I did at first, means
3 people soon forget you. I saw those ads for expensive apps that promise to
2 Hello, 1-call I'm calling to ask if you want to go out somewhere tonight. make you an Instagram star in a week, but fortunately I ignored them.
3 Why do you stand are you standing herein the rain at this time of night? Interviewer: What's the best thing about your work?
4 I'm tired usually usually tired in the morning. Marc: I love getting messages on Instagram and replying to them, or working
5 I'm never believing I never believe anything that newspaper says. with other photographers, because I get lonely if I'm by myself. But nothing
S I every day water the plants on the balcony water the plants on the balcony gives me quite as much pleasure as having the memories of all the fantastic
every day. places I've travelled to. Taking photos means I'll never forget them.
7 How do you often often do you have a bath?
81 get-normHy normally get home at about half past five.

Answer key
Interviewer: What do you most want to do next? Grammar
Marc: 'ye thought of studying photography at university and that would be Verbs followed by to or -ing
great, but it'd probably be more useful for someone aiming to start a career 1
in a large organization. I'd rather read lots about it since its invention in the -ing: 2,3; to: 1,4
19th century, and still be able to work on my own. 2
Interviewer: What would you say to new Instagram photographers?
Marc: Make sure people on Instagram notice your work. Research shows
verb+-ing I verb + to
that it doesn't really matter whether you post on weekdays or weekends, avoid, enjoy, fancy, feel like, finish, agree, decide, hope, learn, manage,
so do so whenever you like. Some photographers say you shouldn't add keep, mind, miss, practise, suggest promise, seem, want, would like
any text, but I disagree. I tell the story of each picture, saying why and how
I took it and people like that. Also, add a link to your blog or Facebook page something you have to do: 2,3
and upload some of your photos there, though keep your best ones for a memory of something in the past: 1,4
Instagram. 4
4 21 hope see to see you soon!
Students' own answers. 3 I really enjoyed to help helping at a music festival.
4 Do you fancy to come coming out with us?
Vocabulary 5 When we finished to eat eating I went home.
Prepositions of place 6 I'll never forget to visit visiting New York last year.
See page 162. 2 listening 3 to do 4 going 5 to bring 6 to do
Track 14 1 /q/ 2 no 3 no
Kirsty: Hi Jack, I forgot I'm playing tennis later and I've left all my
Track 15
things at home! Can you find them for me? And could you bring them
with you later? 1 Where do you fancy going this evening?
Jack: Sure, I'll go and look for them in your room now. Where's your 2 What kind of music do you enjoy listening to at home?
racket? 3 What are you planning to do at the weekend?
4 Do you remember going away on holiday when you were younger?
Kirsty: You'll see that as soon as you walk in. It's lying on the floor
5 Do you ever forget to bring anything to your English lesson?
just in front of the wardrobe.
6 What would you like to do tomorrow?
Jack: Right, I'm just opening the door... yes, there it is.
Kirsty: Great. Now there should also be some tennis balls, four
I think, on the shelf that's opposite the window. Can you see it? Students' own answers.
Jack: Yes, Ican.
(Possible answers)
Kirsty: They're actually behind the clock there.
1 I'm learning to play the drums.
Jack: Yes, all four are there. I'll bring those too. What else?
21 can't afford to buy a new computer.
Kirsty: My trainers. Do you seethe small table next to my bed? Well, 31 decided to stop spending too much last week.
they're under that. 41 must remember to phone my best friend tomorrow.
Jack: I've got them. Is that everything? 5 I'll finish doing this exercise soon.
Kirsty: Just one more thing. Could you get my T-shirt? 61 shouldn't forget to watch that film on TV next weekend.
Jack: Sure. Where is it?
Kirsty: If you look inside the wardrobe, on the right, you'll see it on
the shelf above the one where my jeans are. And that's all. Phrasal verbs
Jack: OK, if I can find a big enough bag, I think I can carry 1
everything! 1 hang on 2 run out of 3 look after
Kirsty: Thanks, Jack. 2
Jack: No problem, see you later. -- -
2 give up 3 look forward to 4 take up 5 go off 6 go on 7 sign up for
8 put (your name) down 9 set off
2 3
2 Her tennis balls are on the shelf opposite the window, behind the clock. 1 sign up for, look forward to
3 Her trainers are under the small table, next to the bed. 2 put (your name) down
4 Her T-shirt is inside the wardrobe on the right, on the shelf above her 4
jeans. 2 went off 3 take up 4 put... down 5 gave up 6 go on
7 looking forward to
Reading Part 3
Track 16
Sand sculptures; students' own answers.
2 Chris: Hi, Ava. Are you and Megan going away on holiday soon?
D Ava: Yes, on Saturday. We want to setoff very early in the morning.
3 Chris: Are you going to the coast?
1 Because she saw some on the beach near where she lives. Ava: No, we went off beach holidays a long time ago. There are always too
2 She felt determined to try harder to build it. many people. We've decided to take up skiing instead. We're off to the Alps.
3 That people don't realise that even lightly touching a sand sculpture can Chris: Do you know how to ski?
damage it. Ava: Err, not really. That's why I'm going to put my name down for lessons.
4 Chris: I tried skiing once, but I found it really difficult. After three days I gave
1D 2B 3C 4A up and went home!
S Ava: Well, the lessons goon until late afternoon every day, so I hope I can
Students' own answers. improve quickly. I'm really looking forward to trying, anyway!
Chris: Yes. I'm sure you'll have a great time.
Students' own answers.


People's hobbies 2
6 Marrakesh - go sightseeing, take photos, look around markets, buy gifts
hobby person equipment Track 18
1 cycling cyclist bike, helmet Joe: Where did you go on holiday, Sonia?
2 painting painter brush, paint
Sonia: Well, I went to Marrakesh with my cousin.
3 cooking cook cooker, oven
Joe: Marrakesh? Where's that?
4 chess chess player board, pieces
Sofia: It's a city in Morocco, North Africa.
5 photography photographer camera
6 music musician instrument Joe: What did you do there?
7 camping tent, backpack Sonia: Well, you know my cousin. She loves to see everything so we went
sightseeing almost every day.
Joe: Did you see a lot of things?
(Suggested answers)
cycling: wheels, seat, chain, lock, ride Sofia: Yeah! We looked around so many palaces, mosques and museums
and of course I took lots of photos. You've seen them, haven't you?
painting: landscape, frame, picture, oils
cooking: recipe, saucepans, frying pan, boil, roast, bake Joe: I think so. Do you like visiting museums?
photography: digital, zoom, close-up Sofia: It's OK, but I prefer going shopping and wow, in Marrakesh the souks
music: practise, performance, notes, keys are amazing.
camping: steeping bag, fire, campsite Joe: What'sasouk?
8 Sofia: It's an open-air marketplace where you can buy almost everything.
Students' own answers. Joe: So, did you buy anything?
Sofia: Oh yes! I bought some little gifts for my friends and I got a couple of
Speaking Part 2 scarves.
Joe: I'm not sure I'd enjoy that kind of holiday.
A acting B sightseeing C camping
Sofia: What do you mean?
He is talking about photo C. He talks about all of them. Joe: When I go on holiday, I prefer hanging out on the beach. It's much more
2 is wearing 3 looks like 4 It seems 5 In the background 3
6 appears to be 7 looks Students' own answers.

Track 17 Reading Part 1

Eduardo: In this picture I can see two people in the countryside and 1
they're camping there. The woman on the left is wearing a green jacket, grey (Suggested answer)
trousers and walking boots, and the other is wearing a red jacket and hat, Read the text, decide what it says and then choose the correct option.
blue trousers and boots. It looks like they're cooking some vegetables in a, 2
err, a frying pan on a small gas cooker, perhaps in the evening. Behind them (Suggested answers)
is their yellow tent, where they're going to spend the night. It seems they It's a sign. The weather is bad, the time is the same, the day is 'tomorrow'
are backpackers because there is a big bag for carrying things on the left of and the food is still lunch.
the photo, and another one on the right. In the background there's a high 3
mountain and a forest, with some trees quite close to their tent. It appears lunch - refreshments
to be winter because there's some snow on the mountain, and although the same time tomorrow - time / day
weather looks dry, I think it's probably very cold there. 4
4 C
1 We use look like with a noun to describe an activity (it looks like they're 5
cooking) and look (without like) with an adjective to give a physical 2C 3A 4A 5B
description (the weather looks dry). 6&7
2 He uses In, on, behind, on, In Students' own answers.
Students' own answers.
travel,journey and trip
Writing Part 2 1&2
1 itrips 2trip 3travelled 4trip 5journey
1 Yes, you are. 2 first person 3
2 Students' own answers.
bi c3 d2 el
3&4 Grammar
Students' own answers. Comparative and superlative adjectives
a true b false c true

Unit 4 On holiday 2
lc 2b
3 1 deeper 2 safer 3 noisier 4 bigger 5 worse 6 noisiest
7 biggest 8 most beautiful 9 best 10 worst 11 most 12 least
Starting off 4
Holiday activities 11 don't like living in the countryside even if it is more safe safer than
1 cities.
(Suggested activities) 2 That's the worse worst joke I have ever heard in all my life.
1 look around a market / buy gifts/souvenirs 3 In the centre is the bigest biggest market in Europe.
2 go snowboarding 4 Portugal is the hetest hottest country I have ever visited.
3 hire a bike 5 This town is more quiet quieter than the town I used to live in.
4 take photos / go sightseeing 6 My best friend is te-ter taller than me and better looking too!
5 hang out with friends! relax on the beach
6 go snorkelling

Answer key
5 Vocabulary
(Suggested answers)
Buildings and places
• For short adjectives, add -eror-est
• For short adjectives ending in a vowel + a consonant, double the last
A Camp Nou football stadium in Barcelona
letter and add -eror -est
B The Statue of Liberty
• For short adjectives ending in -e, add -r or -st
CThe Mall of the Emirates in Dubai
• For two-syllable adjectives ending in -y, change the yto i and add -er or
D The Trevi Fountain in Rome
Students' own answers.
• For longer adjectives, or two-syllable adjectives not ending in -y, put more
(less), most (least) in front of the adjective.
2 wide 3 low 4 old 5 clean 6 ugly 7 dull (accept quiet)
8 interesting 9 dangerous 10 cheap 11 quiet 12 near
1C 2A 3 the most dangerous, B 4 lighter, A
5 noisier, C 6 the slowest, A 7 faster, C 8 the busiest, C
Students' own answers.
9 the deepest, A 10 drier, C

Track 19 Grammar
big and enormous
Lucas: And here are the answers to the quiz. We all know that Asia is the
biggest continent in the world, followed by Africa, but did you know that 1
North America is the third largest continent in the world? This means that lB 2C 3A
it's bigger than South America. very, extremely and quite: tall and large;
Abby: And of course, at 17 million square kilometres, Russia is the largest absolutely and totally: enormous
country in the world. That's twice the size of Canada, which is the second 2
largest country. (Suggested answers) 2 small 3 hot 4 cold 5 bad 6 tiring
Lucas: And now for the animal facts. The most dangerous animal on the 7 interesting 8 good
planet is not the snake or the shark but the tiny mosquito because it carries 3
diseases. The African elephant can weigh up to eight thousand kilos so it is 1 absolutely 2 extremely 3 absolutely 4 quite 5 very
the largest and heaviest land animal, but the blue whale is the heaviest living 4
animal. It can weigh around 150 tonnes - that's 150,000 kilos. I wouldn't like 1 Katikati, New Zealand 2 it's an open-air gallery, it never gets crowded,
to share my home with a howler monkey. They're much louder than parrots it's safe, easy to get into the countryside 3 quite boring, I'd like to
or lions. In fact they are the noisiest animals on Earth - you can hear them live somewhere bigger with nightlife, cinemas, shopping centres and
from up to five kilometres away. The slowest-moving fish is the sea horse. It sports centres.
would take this fish about an hour to move 15 metres. As for the fastest fish,
tunas are one of the fastest fish. Some tunas can swim at 80 kilometres per Track 21
hour while the killer whales can swim at 55 kilometres per hour. Great white Ani: Err... I come from New Zealand, I live in Katikati which is a town about six
sharks can swim at 40 kilometres per hour, so they're faster than dolphins, hours away from the capital, Wellington. There are only about 4,000 people
which can swim at 30 kilometres per hour. You've got some answers about there - it's tiny. My town is amazing because it's also an open-air gallery. There
places, haven't you, Abby? are paintings on the walls, sculptures everywhere and other artwork. Katikati
Abby: Yes, I have. Did you know that the busiest train station in the world is is a very nice place to live because it never gets too crowded and because it's a
in Tokyo, Japan? Around one million people travel through Shinjuku station small town, it's extremely safe. It's also very easy to get into the countryside to
every day. And, if you like diving then you should go to Y40 Deep Joy in Italy. go walking, fishing or even hunting. Sometimes I find living here quite boring.
Its deepest point is nearly 40 metres, which makes it the deepest diving pool I'd Like to live somewhere bigger, with a more lively nightlife and with more
in the world. cinemas, shopping centres and sports centres.
Lucas: And finally, Antarctica is the coldest, driest and windiest continent. 5
On the 21st July 1983, the temperature was minus eighty-nine degrees Students' own answers.
centigrade. That's the lowest temperature ever! And it only rains or snows
two hundred millimetres a year there. The second driest continent is Listening Part 3
Australia where it rains six hundred millimetres a year. That's all for now. 1
Students' own answers.
They aren't stressed in conversation and they are pronounced /6/ (schwa).
1 place 2 noun (something you can sleep in) 3 noun (type offood(
Track 20 4 noun (something you use to predict the weather) 5 email address or
name 6 number
11 wouldn't like to share my home with a howler monkey. They're much
louder than parrots or lions.
1 station 2 hut 3 rabbit 4 clouds 5justyna / Justyna / JUSTYNA
2 Great white sharks can swim at 40 kilometres per hour, so they're faster
than dolphins, which can swim at 30 kilometres per hour. 601773442256

a bit, a little, slightly, much, far, a lot Track 22

10 Narrator: You will hear a woman talking to a group of people about the
2 An African elephant's brain is much / far / a lot heavier than a human's bushcraft courses she organises. For each question, write the correct answer
brain. in the gap. Write one or two words or a number or a date or time.
3 Arica is much / far / a lot drier (or dryer) than Death Valley. Justyna: I'm hereto tell you about our bushcraft courses. Since 2007, we've
4 Atlanta International Airport is much / far / a lot busier than Heathrow been teaching people the necessary skills to stay alive in the wild by using the
Airport. things around them.
5 Cherrapunji is a bit / a little / slightly wetter than Tutendo. So, what are weekend courses like? On Saturday morning, your guide will
6 Cheetahs can run much /far/ a lot faster than elephants. pick you up foryour adventure in front of the station and drive you to our
(not) as as main office. There, you'll need to repack your backpack with just the essential
11 equipment and then it's time to walk to the forest camp.
The first lesson is how to use the equipment, for example you'll learn how to
los ... as 2not 3no
use a knife properly so that you don't hurt yourself or others. The next job is
12 & 13
building your own hut. It doesn't need to be beautiful but it will be your place
Students' own answers.
to spend the night as it will get cold. But don't worry, your guide will have an
emergency tent for the group to sleep in if necessary.

You'll learn how to catch a rabbit, although lcan't promise you'll be lucky 2
enough to get one. If you do, I'll show you how to prepare it and we'll have it 2e 3a 4h 5b 6g 7d 8f
for lunch. We'll also go fishing in the river, but whatever we catch there, we will 3
have to put back into the water. Those are the rules in this area. 2A 3A 4C 513 6B
Over the rest of the weekend you'll learn how to make drinking water, use the 4
stars and moon to find your way and check the clouds for rain or a change in 2 to do 3 to take 4 to buy 5 spending 6 to borrow ito see
temperature. 8 spending 9 to send 10 to do
Please visit our website for more details but if you have any questions, please
email me on Justyna at bushcraftskills dot corn, that's J-U-S-T-Y-N-A. Or if you
4 Vocabulary and grammar review
prefer, you can telephone us. Our number is zero one, double seven, three, 1
double four, double two, five, six. There's someone in our office from Monday 2 great 3 wettest 4 coldest 5 freezing 6 lively 7 huge 8 boring
to Friday from 10 to five. 2
2than 3 very 4far 5 travel 6 library
Students' own answers.
2 It is more easy easier for you to walk to my house.
Writing Part 1 3 That's the wci'ae worst restaurant we've ever been to.
1 41 like living in the city much more that than the countryside.
lan email 2 the notes - a reaction to your friend's news, describe the 5 Those days on holiday were the happier happiest days of my life.
city, say the most popular time of year, and recommend other places to 6 Hotels are more cheaper cheaper here than the hotels in the city.
visit 4
2 2 than 3 most 4 best/most 5 as 6 in
The answer is 'yes' to all the questions.
Unit 5 Different feelings
Students' own answers.

Speaking Part 3 Starting off

1 Feelings
a cruise 1
Someone rock climbing, a happy family, someone throwing rubbish (a
Track 23 banana skin) out of a car window, a rich young man in an expensive sports
Maria: Someone from work has just got back from an absolutely fantastic car, a flood in a rural area; Students' own answers.
holiday in Paris. They stayed in an apartment in the city centre and did loads 2
of sightseeing. He said the art museums were amazing, better than the angry - anger; happy - happiness; jealous -jealousy; sad - sadness
museums here. Why don't we all go to Paris for our next holiday? 3
Nathan: Maria! Not more museums! And don't you think Paris will be really 2anger 3fear 4happiness Sjealousy
crowded? I'd like to go somewhere quieter. We could hire a carnpervan and 4
go camping. My friend Dan went to a park in the USA and he says it's one of (Possible answers)
the most beautiful places in the world. 2 say nothing to them / tell them it's OK / shout at them
Pete: Not camping again, please! We got really wet last time. That was 3 a bit nervous / absolutely terrified / completely relaxed
the worst holiday of my life! What about trying anew sport, like surfing or 4 laugh and jump around/smile a little/do nothing because you
snorkelling? It would be so much fun. Yeah! Let's do that! knew you would pass
Charlie: Urn... But snorkelling is as dangerous as surfing. I'm not sure 5 say they're very lucky / say they don't deserve it / take no notice and
I fancy doing either of those two sports. say nothing
Maria: OK. What do you suggest, Charlie? 5
Charlie: Well, how about a cruise? Students' own answers.
Maria: Why do you think we should choose that?
Listening Part 2
Charlie: Because there's so much to do and we don't need to plan where 1
we're going to stay or what we're going to do. It's all done for you. 2 disappointed 3 nervous 4 confident 5 embarrassed 6 bored
Maria: What can you do on a cruise? I really think a city break would be 2
more interesting than a cruise. 1 how a woman felt after a singing contest
Charlie: No, not at all! There are loads of different things to do. There are 2 the advice that the man gives the woman
swimming pools and gyms, cinemas and organised entertainment. And then 3 how the student feels
when you wake up in the morning, you're in a new place! I think that's a lot 4 who a young woman had most fun with
more exciting than other types of holiday. 5 the reason a man decided to go to work by bike
Pete: That sounds perfect! 6 who annoyed the woman yesterday
Nathan: I agree! 3
Maria: OK. lB 2B 3C 4B 5B 6A
Track 24
land 2: yes, they do.
3 Narrator: For each question, choose the correct answer. One. You will hear
2 like 3 most 4 really 5 about 6 do 7 much a woman talking about taking part in a singing contest.
4 Man: What did you think of the judges' scores?
2R 3R 4R 5S 6S 7R Woman: Well, I thought I'd sung pretty well, certainly nothing to be
5 ashamed of, but! must admit they were lower than I'd expected. I knew then
Students' own answers. that I had little chance of beating the others, but at least I'd done my best.
For me that's the most important thing.
3 Vocabulary and grammar review
2 near 3 above 4 in front of 5 under 6 inside

Answer key
Man: Yes, definitely. So do you think you'll try again in next year's contest? 3
1 can, couldn't 2 may/might/could
Woman: Yes, if I can. I might not win, but I think I could do better than
this year. 4
2 can 3 might 4 can't Scan 6 could
Narrator: Two. You will hear two friends talking about camping.
Woman: I'm going camping in the mountains on Friday.
Students' own answers.
Man: That'll be great fun, especially with the hot weather we're having right
now, but the temperatures there can really drop at night, even in summer. Speaking Part 4
You'd better put a jacket and a thick sweater in your backpack instead of lots 1
of things to eat. You can always get a tasty meal in one of the local villages. Students' own answers.
Where exactly will you be going? 2
Woman: Up by the lake. 1 Who, to 2 How, usually 3 When, to 4 What, about
Man: It's beautiful there, isn't it? But perhaps it'd be best to put your tent up
somewhere else. At this time of year the mosquitoes there are awful. They Track 25
never stop biting! Daniel: Who do you most enjoy chatting to?
Narrator: Three. You will hear a student talking to his friend about a Wen: To my friends. Especially my best friend An, who lives in another city
literature exam. now. We always have so much to say to each other! How about you?
Woman: You've got that literature exam next week, haven't you? How's the Daniel: Yes, to friends too. And also to my cousin Ricardo. He's about the
revision going? same age as me and we get on really well so we spend a lot of time talking to
Man: I thought I'd be tired of it by now, but your suggestion that I should each other. How do you usually chat? By phone?
watch films of the books we have to study has made it more interesting and Wen: Quite often, but sometimes we text. Especially when it's difficult to
I understand the stories better. Usually just before an important exam like talk aloud, for instance if I'm at work. And you?
this one! feel really worried about what could go wrong on the day, but this Daniel: Mostly on Instagram, if I've got an internet connection of course.
time it's quite different. And it doesn't cost anything to post messages, which is great. I can't do that
Woman: That's great to hear. I'm sure you'll do really well on Monday at work, though. When can you chat to people?
morning. Good luck. Wen: In the evenings, mainly. After! get home from work and I can relax. I
Narrator: Four. You will hear a young woman telling a friend about studying think that's the best time. What about you?
abroad. Daniel: Oh I can't wait that long. I check my messages and reply as soon
Man: Did you enjoy your month abroad? as! get out of the office! It's usually to make plans for the evening, or just to
Woman: Yes, I was in a small town in the countryside. The lessons were catch up with what's going on. What do you most like chatting about?
good, even though the rest of the class were younger than me and we didn't Wen: Sorry, could you say that again?
have much in common. I had a lovely room in the house where I was staying Daniel: Sure. What do you most like chatting about?
with a couple. They were kind to me but they had a busy social life and I
Wen: Welt, An and I often give each other advice. For example, if I'm worried
hardly saw them. So I went to the main square where all the shops and cafés
about something, I ask her what! should or shouldn't do and she might tell
are and made friends there. We had a great time hanging out and chatting.
me what! could do. I think that's very important. Do you agree?
Narrator: Five. You will hear a man telling his friend about how he travels to
Daniel: Yes! do. That's what friends are for. But other times they tell me
about something funny that's happened and we laugh and I think that's
Woman: I see you're using your bike everyday now, instead of coming to good too. What do you think?
work in your friend's car.
Wen: Oh yes. definitely. It's not eood to be serious all the time!
Man: Yes, I've been doing that for a couple of months. Actually, he still goes
right past our office on his way to work, so it's not about protecting the 3
environment, spending lesson petrol or anything like that. It's just that I 1 about 2 And 3 about 4 agree 5 think
realised I was spending nearly all my time sitting down, in the office and at 4
home, and I thought I'd better do something about it. Students' own answers.
Woman: That's a good idea. Maybe I should do the same.
Narrator: Six. You will hear a woman talking to a friend about going Grammar
shopping. Modals for advice, obligation and prohibition
Man: So, how was your shopping trip yesterday? I imagine the city centre's 1
pretty crowded on a Saturday morning at this time of the year. ought to, shouldn't
Woman: Yes, there were lots of people walking in the streets and the 2
department store was full of customers, too. I don't mind that, but I wasn't 2B 3A 4C
happy about having shop assistants trying to sell me stuff when all! wanted 3
to do was look at things. I noticed they were bothering other customers, too. 2 have to 3 don't have to 4 must S shouldn't
If they carry on like that, their shop won't be full much longer. 4
2 must 3 mustn't 4 don't have to Shave to/must
Grammar 5&6
can, could, might and may Students' own answers.
Track 26
1 might not is negative
2 not goes after the modal verb Leah can take a taxi.
3 con'tand couldn't Jack should go to work.
4 the infinitive without to 7
2 1 names 2 nouns 3 main 4 articles S prepositions 6 modal
1 We can to go to the cinema next weekend. 8
2 I know it may seems seem strange. lb,d,f;yes 2n't;no 3a,c,e;no
3 Sorry but tomorrow I not can can't go.
4 What we could could we do? Track 27
5 We can doing do a lot of sports here. a I can buy another one.
6Ws It could be quite boring for you. b I can't afford that one.
7 We could met meet at 8 o'clock near the cinema. c could meet you at 5.30.
d I couldn't live without my phone!
e I should get up earlier on Sundays.
f shouldn't go to bed so late.


Students' own answers.
Unit 6 That's entertainment!
Vocabulary Starting oft
Adjectives and prepositions
Television programmes
A sports B wildlife documentary C cooking show D cartoon
1 with 2 of 3 about
Nick watches quite a lot of TV. His favourite types of programme are
comedy series, wildlife documentaries and cooking shows.
1 of 2 with 3 about
4 Track 28
1 about 2 with 3 of 4 of/with 5 of/about
Nick: Did you see that new comedy series on TV last night?
Adjectives with -ed and -ing Clare: No, I didn't. I don't watch TV very often. How much TV do you watch?
1 Nick: Quite a lot, actually. When I get up, I often watch a bit of a series while
1 He wanted to contact the woman he met (and needed her details / I'm having breakfast and then I also watch something when I get home.
phone number).
Clare: Really? Have you got more than one TV in your house?
2 They met again and got married.
Nick: No, I don't, but I don't need more than one. I mainly watch TV on my
mobile or on my tablet.
boring; it drops the final -e and adds -ing
Clare: Do you usually watch TV on your own?
Nick: No, not always. I watch sports programmes on the TV in the living
bored; We use -ing if it describes something; -ed if it tells us how someone
room with my flatmates or at my dad's because the screen is much bigger
feels about it.
there, but for everything else, I watch it online and often alone.
Clare: What sorts of things do you watch?
2 relaxed 3 surprising 4 embarrassing 5 amused 6 annoyed
7 disappointed 8 interested 9 amazed 10 excited Nick: A little bit of everything but I really like comedy series, wildlife
documentaries, cooking shows, that sort of thing. I'm not very keen on films
or drama.
Students' own answers.
Clare: No? Do you ever go out to the theatre or to the cinema?
Reading Part 4 Nick: Not really. To be honest, I find plays and films a bit dull.
1 Clare: You're joking! I love seeing plays and films, much more than staying
Students' own answers. in and watching TV in fact.
paragraph 2: lifestyle changes 3
paragraph 3: changing work habits How much TV do you watch?
paragraph 4: using technology to reduce stress Have you got more than one TV in your house?
paragraph 5: amusing things Do you usually watch TV on your own?
3 What sorts of things do you watch?
2F 3H 4A 5E Do you ever go out to the theatre or to the cinema?
Students' own answers.
Reading Part 2
Vocabulary Tom and Ian have a free afternoon but neither of them like crowds. They're
interested in theatre and exhibitions, but they don't have much money.
Adjectives and their opposites
funny/serious generous/mean miserable/cheerful
1 D is a musical (theatre) but you have to pay for a ticket.
negative/positive nervous/relaxed simple/complicated strange/
2 G has long queues for everything and neither of them like crowds.
2 E (First performances this week, family discounts at our restaurant, two-
Students' own answers.
minute walk from the underground)
Writing Part 2 3 G (comic market celebrates Japanese animation, fans can meet other
1 fans, buy rare comics)
1 the first line 2 third person 3 read, message, friend, smiled 4 H (he uses traditional words from his own country, snacks will be
2 available)
1 in an airport/in two airports, a Friday evening 5 F (Marco Morelli has fallen in love with a rich young woman. However, one
2 Olivia and Ellie; friends of the family's servants is also in love with her, Italian opera with amazing
3 They live in different countries and Ellie intends to visit Olivia. singing and real classical music)
4 Fog is preventing Ellie's flight from taking off. 4
5 The sky eventually clears. Students' own answers.
6 At last they meet, and are very happy to see each other.
excited, disappointed, miserable, delighted Going out
1 the first line 2 third person 3 excited, waited, train (Suggested answers)
5&6 Film: screen, subtitles
Students' own answers. Play: None
Concert: live music
Film and play: acting
Play and concert: interval, stage
Concert and film: None
All three: book early, perform, refreshments, reviews, ticket

Answer key

2 4
2 subtitles 3 book early 4 refreshments 5 live music 6 ticket 2 yet; Have (you) read 3 three months ago; saw
7 stage 8 acting 4 last year; won 5 for three months; haven't swum
3 6 last night; did (you) go 7 since; have (you) taken
Students' own answers. 5&6
Students' own answers.
Present perfect Vocabulary
1 been/gone, meet, get to know, know and find out
Go to Bella's house, watch a film and have pizza. 1
1 Paul is at his friend's house.
Track 29 2 Sophia is at home (she's returned from the cinema).
Bella: Have you seen The Lion King yet? 3 Been means go and come back. Gone means hasn't come back yet.
Eliza: Do you mean the musical? 4 Lucas and Nick became friends years ago at university.
Bella: Yeah! We've got a spare ticket for the Friday show. Fancy coming? 5 They see each other, often on Saturday afternoons.
Eliza: Um... 6 Lucas sometimes sleeps at Nick's house.
7 No, he didn't.
Bella: Please! We've been good friends for three years but we haven't been
to a show together since last summer. 8 The neighbours.
Eliza: Yes, I know, but I've already seen it. I saw it with my cousins last
1 been 2 gone 3 known, meet 4 stay 5 getting to know 6 find Out
month but I'd love to do something else with you. How about Saturday? I
haven't seen the new Robin Hood film yet. Everyone's talking about it and 3
it's on at the cinema near us. Have you seen it? Students' own answers.
Bella: Afraid so. I saw it last night with my flatmate. Let's have a look at the
guide to see what else is on. Oh, what about Carmen? It says here that it's an
Listening Part 1
incredible show with dancing and live music. Sounds good.
22A,BorC 31AorC 41C 53A 61B
Eliza: Carmen? Fantastic idea. I've just learnt how to play one of the songs 2
on the violin and my sister is learning to sing one of them too.
(Suggested answers)
Bella: Oh no! It's not an opera, is it? I don't fancy that! 1 What would the woman like to tr y on ? A a plain sweater with a round
Eliza: Why don't you come round to my house on Saturday and we can neck, B a plain sweater with a V-neck, Ca striped sweater with a round
watch a film? neck
Bella: Great! And why don't I get a pizza on my way to your house? 2 Where has Matt left his k eys? A in his coat pocket, B in the front pocket of
2 his rucksack, C in his jeans' pocket
1 seen 2 seen 3 seen 4 learnt 3 What did Karen kiiy last weekend? A a dress, B a top, C a skirt
3 4 Which one is Sarah's cousin? A a girl with short hair and no earrings,
The present perfect, has/have + past participle. To connect the past with B a girl with long hair and no earrings, C a girl with long hair with huge
the present. It usually describes something with a connection in the earrings.
present, something that continues in the present, or an experience that 5 Where did the man get-the trainers that's he's wearing now? A in a sports
happened at an unspecified time in the past. shop, B on a website, Con a market stall.
4 6 What's the latest time visitors can buy a ticket today? A half past five,
ljust 2already 3yet B a quarter to six, C a quarter to seven
7 What sort of TV programmes does the girl like watching?
A a football match, B a comedy, C a wildlife documentary
2 My brother hasn't (has not) found anew job yet.
3 But he's (has) started a course in computing.
1A 2B 3C 4B 5B 6A 7C
4 My flatmate has just won a prize in a photography competition.
5 Have you seen the new Star Wars film yet? Track 30
6 I've already seen it three times.
Narrator: For each question, choose the correct answer. One. What would
7 Have you taken your driving test yet?
the woman like to try on?
Woman: Excuse me. Could I try on one of the jumpers in the window
isince 2for
1 for 2 since 3 since 4 For 5 since Shop assistant: Sure. Do you mean one of the striped ones? They'd look
good on you.
(Suggested answers) Woman: I was actually thinking of a plain one. Have you got it
2 How long have you been in that club? in a small?
3 How long have you taken that class? Shop assistant: I think so. I'll check. Did you want it with a V-neck?
Students' own answers. Woman: I'd rather have a round one.
Present perfect or past simple? Shop assistant: OK. I'll just get it for you to try on.
1 Narrator: Two. Where has Matt left his keys?
He's a DJ and his single Animals is famous. Matt: Ava, I think I've lost my keys, have you seen them? I thought I'd put
2 them in my jeans' pocket a minute ago but they're not there now.
Present perfect: 's been, 's toured Ava: Not again! You were wearing your coat just now. Have you checked all
Past simple: was born, was, became the pockets? You usually leave your keys there.
We normally use the expression in bold with the past simple. Matt: I've looked in all the pockets. Was I carrying my backpack when I
3 came in?
the present perfect - already, since 2010, this week, today, yet Ava: I think so. I bet they're in there.
the past simple - at 8 o'clock in the morning, last year, two months ago, Matt: You're right again, Ava!
yesterday Narrator: Three. What did Karen buy last weekend?
Man: Did you have a good weekend, Karen?
Karen: Yes, I did, thanks. On Saturday I went to the new shopping centre
with my aunt. She wanted to get a dress for the summer.
Man: Did she buy one?


Karen: They were all the wrong size. Then she tried on loads of tops.
1 / 2 (students should discuss their ideas with their partner in this
Man: What about the redone you're wearing?
Karen: Isn't it lovely! She didn't like the colour, so I got it instead.
3/ 4/
Man: So, she didn't buy anything but you did! 5 (If they only talk about one picture then they may not complete the task
Karen: That's right! It'll look good with that skirt I got for my birthday. successfully. Ideally the students should talk about as many of the pictures
Narrator: Four. Which one is Sarah's cousin? as they can, but they won't lose marks if they don't talk about all of them.)
Man: Sarah, did you manage to get your cousin something for her birthday? 6K (They should aim to reach an agreement towards the end of the two
Sarah: Don't ask! We got her some earrings in the end, but then we found minutes.)
out that she never wears jewellery. 7 / (Ideally they should carry on speaking until the examiner asks them to
Man: Oh no! I thought that girl over therewith long hair and huge earrings stop - this is what happens to Noa and Greta).
was your cousin.
Sarah: That's my sister, but they look alike, don't they? They even used to
Track 32
have the same length hair. Examiner: Now, in this part of the test you're going to talk about something
Man: Has she had it cut? together for about two minutes. I'm going to describe a situation to you. A
university would like to celebrate its 25th anniversary with a special event.
Sarah: Yeah, but she says she's going to grow it long again.
Here are some events the university could organise. Talk together about the
Narrator: Five. Where did the man get the trainers he's wearing now? different events the university could organise, and say which would be most
Woman: Nice trainers! Have you just been to that new sports shop? popular. All right? Now, talk together.
Man: Yeah! It's a great store with some amazing bargains. I bought some Noa: Let's start with the photography exhibition. I think it would be a great
trainers there last week, but they weren't the right size so I had to take them idea. The university could collect pictures and photos from now and the
back. Then one of my friends suggested looking in the market, so! did and past. It would be really interesting.
found these. They fit perfectly.
Greta: I agree. Students could see how things have changed.
Woman: My flatmate keeps telling me to look on the web. She buys
Noa: Yeah. For example, my mum showed me a picture of her university
everything there. library with loads of old books all over the desks. My mum used to spend
Man: She's right! You know the boots I wore to the party? I got them online. hours in the library looking for information. Now we can go online and do
Woman: They're really cool! Were they expensive? most of our research there. Another difference is that there used to be more
Narrator: Six. What's the latest time visitors can buy a ticket today? men than women.
Man: You have reached Lansdown Art Museum. We're sorry that there's Greta: That's right! Let's talk about another one. What about a concert?
no one to take your call right now. If you are interested in seeing the Everyone loves music and everyone could take part. What do you think?
Photographer of the Year exhibition, the ticket office is open from nine a.m. Noa: I'm not sure about that one. Some people like rock music and other
to half past five. You need to leave the museum at quarter to seven, but people hate it. And have you thought about the noise?
remember that last admission to the gallery is at quarter to six. Thank you Greta: Perhaps you're right. Shall we talk about the student fashion show?
for calling.
Noa: OK. I think the student fashion show is a great idea. Past and present
Narrator: Seven. What sorts of TV programmes does the woman like fashion students could show the clothes they've designed.
Greta: Um... I'm not very interested in fashion, I'm afraid. We haven't talked
Connor: You look tired. Did you go to bed late last night after the football? about the bike ride yet. Do you think it's a good idea?
Laura: I think my flatmate was watching the match in his bedroom. I don't Noa: Perhaps, but if it rains, they won't be able to go very far, don't you
even care who won it, to be honest! I watched this comedy instead, about think?
two men who get lost in a department store.
Greta: Yes, I agree. That leaves the talent show and the disco. Well, you
Connor: I saw that! I haven't laughed so much for years. Wasn't the ending know lots of people love dancing but do you think everyone would enjoy it?
good? Noa: I don't think so. I can't stand discos. How about the talent show then?
Laura: Well, I'd kind of lost interest by then. I'd much rather watch a wildlife
Greta: I'm not sure I understand. How would it work?
Noa: Yes, you know, groups of friends perform something different. One
Connor: Oh?! didn't think you liked those sorts of programmes. group could sing and do a dance, for example.
4 Greta: Oh I see! But remember that some people don't like dancing.
Students' own answers. Noa: You're right. Well, what do you think? Shall we choose the
5 photography exhibition?
Oh?! didn't think you liked those sorts of programmes. =The man didn't Greta: Yes,! think that's the best idea. Do you...
know this about the woman. Examiner: Thank you.
Oh? I didn't think you liked those sorts of programmes. = I knew that other
people liked serious stuff but I didn't know that the woman liked serious 5
stuff. Shall we talk about the fashion show?
Oh? I didn't think you liked those sorts of programmes. = I knew that the We haven't talked about the bike ride yet. Do you think it's a good idea?
woman liked a certain sort of TV programme but I didn't know she liked that 6
sort. Students' own answers.

Track 31 Writing Part 2

1 Oh?! didn't think you liked those sorts of programmes.
The festivals are Chinese New Year and the Venice Carnival; Students' own
2 Oh? I didn't think ygu liked those sorts of programmes.
3 Oh? I didn't think you liked those sorts of programmes.
6 Students' own answers.
Students' own answers. 3
(Suggested answer)
Speaking Part 3 a celebration in your country, What people wear, What people do, Why
special, article, answering questions, about 100 words.
The different events the university could organise and which would be
most popular.
The second answer is better. She has written an article and not a story. The
first answer is a story and not an article.
Students' own answers.

Answer key
Track 33
6 Narrator: You will hear an interview with a woman called Olivia talking
The answer is 'yes' to all the questions. about her experience of travelling through a snow-storm with her friend
Grace. For each question, choose the correct answer.
Students' own answers. Interviewer: Today I'm talking to Olivia Richardson, who was with a
friend on a skiing holiday in central Italy when over two metres of snow fell
5 Vocabulary and grammar review in 24 hours. Where were you, Olivia, when that happened?
1 Olivia: Grace and I were near Capracotta, in the mountains. There'd already
2 of 3 with 4 on 5 of 6 about 7 about 8 about 9 of 10 of been some tight snow and we stopped for a quick meal before carrying on
2 to a crossroads, but there we took a wrong turning and got completely lost.
When I was tidying my room last Sunday, t found some surprising things. Then, while we were trying to decide how to return to the main road, some
Among all the bored boring exercise books from my school days, there really heavy snow started coming down.
was something amazed amazing - my diary, from when I was eight years Interviewer: Was that frightening?
old. It was really interested interesting to read my thoughts from back Olivia: At first I was quite certain it wouldn't last long. It was March in Italy,
then, though at times I felt a bit embarrassing embarrassed, too. For sot wasn't worried. Of course, it was rather annoying we'd gone the wrong
example, t was stilt very frightening frightened of the dark in those days. It way, butt couldn't blame Grace because it'd been my idea. And we were still
was also funny to read how exciting excited I was about being nine soon - moving, but not very fast.
thought I would be really grown up then. Interviewer: When did you have to stop?
3 Olivia: Welt, it was getting quite difficult to see and we nearly crashed into
Across: 1 mean 5 anger 6 afraid 8 jealous 9 bored a parked car. There was more and more snow on the road, so when we tried
Down: 2 negative 3 sad 4 nervous 6 awful 7 love to go up a steep hilt the wheels started going round really fast, but it was so
4 deep the carjust wouldn't move forwards. It looked as if we'd be stuck there,
2 can't 3 should 4 Could 5 don't have to 6 might 7 have to but we didn't have much petrol left so we switched off the engine. Grace
tried to phone for help but couldn't get through.
6 Vocabulary and grammar review Interviewer: How did you stay warm? With the car heater?
1 Olivia: That meant having the engine on so we only used it a bit. Instead we
2 Audiences 3 live 4 reviews 5 performances 6 admission got all ourjumpers, trousers and socks from our suitcases and wore them
7 interval all night. We were stilt frozen, though, and wished we had some coffee or tea
2 with us.
2B 3A 4B 5C Interviewer: So you spent the whole night inside the car?
3 Olivia: Yes, I'd at last managed to contact the emergency services. They
2 since = for 3 he's gone = he went 4 gone = been knew our location from my phone and they advised us to stay in our vehicle
5 Already I've been = I've already been 6 t looked = t've looked until help could be sent the next day. That's what we did, but by then the
7 I've never been = I've ever been 8 has given = gave snow was starting to cover the car completely so we cleared a space next to
9 didn't decide = haven't decided the doors in case we needed to get out.
10 has opened = opened Interviewer: How did you get moving again?
4 Olivia: The rescue vehicles didn't get there until the afternoon. They'd
2 for 3 have 4 since 5 got 6 already called to ask if we needed an ambulance and luckily we didn't, so they just
cleared the snow and led us along the road to the nearest village. There we
stopped for an enormous hot meat of roast fish and pasta with cheese, the

Unit 7 Getting around most delicious I've ever tasted!

Students' own answers.
Starting off
1 extremely, fairly, quite, rather, really and very
1 hot, sunny, sunshine; 2 cold, foggy; 3 freezing, frost, ice, icy, snowy; 1
4 lightning, rainy, showers, storm, thunderstorm, windy 1 realty 2 rather 3 quite
2 & 3 Students' own answers. 2
4 chilly = cold Students' own answers.
It's pouring= It's raining too and enough
It's boiling = It's very hot 1
nippy = cold 1 more than you need or want 2 before, to + infinitive
cleared up = the sky became clear 3 uncountable, countable 4 as much as 5 before, after, to + infinitive
soaring temperatures = rising temperatures 2
1 correct
Listening Part 4 2 In the streets, there are too m-tteh many cars.
3 My sister is very too young to travel alone.
1 Olivia 2 travelling in Italy during the world's heaviest-ever snowfall
4 correct
3 What Olivia and her friend were doing when the heavy snow began, how
5 We did not have plenty of enough time to see the University of
she felt when it started to snow heavily, why the car stopped moving, how
they tried to keep warm in the car, why they stayed in the car all night, how
6 I think you are enough old old enough to spend this summer with
they travelled to a village the next day.
your friends.
1A 2B 3B 4A 5B 6C
Students' own answers.

• S S

Reading Part 1 Grammar

1 Prepositions of movement
A next to a lake in winter B on a ferry Con a bus 1
Don a phone or tablet screen E in a street 2on 3on 40ff 5in 6out
1 C NOTICE, £3, only Track 36
2 E No (+ -ing) - for prohibition Toby: Hi Leon, Toby here. I'm really pleased you're coming to our new house
3A DANGER next week. The quickest way here is by train to the city centre, which takes
4 B Leave, Go, Return - use of imperatives an hour and is usually on time. Then you can get on the number 64 bus to
5 D Sign up, extra credit Edgely, getting off by the stadium. From there it's a fifteen-minute walk. Or,
3 if you don't feel like walking, you could jump in a taxi and ask the driver to
1C 2A 313 4A 513 take you to the end of Valley Road. When you get out of the taxi, you'll see
our place right in front of you. See you soon!
Grammar 2
The future 1 in, out of 2 on, off 3 by, by 4 on
1 3
2 's going to rain 3 rn meeting 4 leaves 5 'II take 1 You can get here in by plane.
2 correct
Track 34
3 correct
Mia: Look at the rain, Owen. 4 Could you come at on time, please?
Owen: Yes, I know. I'm hoping it'll stop soon, but I don't think there's much 5Iwill travel with by train.
chance of that. 4
Mia: No, the weather forecast said it's a big storm and it's going to rain for Students' own answers.
hours. What time do you have to beat the station?
Owen: I'm meeting Jason and Mark thereat 8.30, in the café near the main Speaking Part 2
entrance. The train leaves at 8.45. 1&2
Mia: It's quite along walk to the station, isn't it? And it's 8.15 already. Look, Students' own answers.
I'll take you in the car.
Track 37
Owen: Thanks!
Lorenzo: It's a picture of a railway station, quite a small one I think. There
2 are some trees on the left and I can see some green fields, too, so it might be
b 5 'lltake ci '11 stop d 3 'm meeting e 2's going to rain in the countryside. There's a train coming into the station and it's probably
3 going to stop there. There are some people waiting to get on it, a woman and
2 Where are you going to go this evening? I'm going to go to the cinema a man and maybe others. They're very close to the railway lines, on the place
3 When will you take your next English test? I'll take my next test in where people stand, and maybe they're on their way to work in the morning.
two weeks' time. The woman has a dark coat on and she's wearing, I mean carrying, a large
4 Is the Earth going to get hotter? Yes, it's going to get a lot hotter. bag on her shoulder. She's doing something on her mobile phone, perhaps
5 Do you think it will be cloudy tomorrow? No, I think it'll be sunny. sending a message to someone. The man's wearing a suit and he also has
4 a bag on his shoulder. The front of the train has big windows but they're
2 I'll help you /fix it (if you like). a bit dark and I can't see the person who is driving it. It looks like quite a
3 It starts! begins on July 1st (etc.). sunny day, but I don't think it's hot because the woman is dressed for winter
41 think there's going to be a storm soon. weather.
5 I'm going to study French. / I don't know which I'm going to study.
Vocabulary 2 There's, coming 3 There are, waiting 4 place where 5 I mean 6 also
7 person who
Compound words
a too (1); also (6) b I mean (5) c There's, coming (2); There are, waiting (3)
2 suitcase 3 crossroads 4 backpack 5 signpost 6 overnight
d place where (4); person who (7)
7 campsite 8 sightseeing
Students' own answers.
2 guidebook 3 sightseeing 4 campsite 5 backpack 6 suitcase
7 crossroads 8 signpost Writing Part 1
Track 35 Hi (B), Looking forward to hearing from! seeing you (E), Well, that's all for
Lewis: Next week I'm going to Australia! I'm arriving in the north, so first now (E), All the best (E), This is just a quick message to say (B), It was great
I'm going to stay overnight in Darwin. My guidebook says it's an interesting to hear from you (B), Give my love to everyone (E), Take care (E), See you
city, so think I'll do a bit of sightseeing there. Then I'm getting the train to soon (E), Don't forget to write soon (E), Sorry I've taken so long to write
Alice Springs, right in the middle of the country, where I'll spend the night back (B), Bye for now (E), Dear (B)
at a campsite. The next day I'm hoping to get a lift down the main road.
I'm taking all my things in a backpack so that I don't have to carry a heavy
1 Your English-speaking friend Thomas; arranging a trip to a music festival
suitcase around. About 200 kilometres south of Alice, I'll reach a crossroads
next Saturday
where there's a signpost that says 'Uluru 247 km'. Uluru is also known as
2 Hi, Sorry I've taken so long to write back, All the best
Ayers Rock - one of the most amazing sights in the world.
3 I'm going, will be, We'll be, we'll need, will you meet; very
3 4 a, c, e; you should also agree to go, and say whether you prefer to take
He stresses the first part of all words 2-8 Point out that overnight is not your own food or pay for something to eat at the festival.
a compound noun.
Students' own answers.

Answer key
3 Ella: Wow! What's it about?
1 Yes
Kristian: It's a bit of a secret, actually, but the idea is that twelve of us are
2 No problem!: 1st paragraph, Yes, say why: 2nd paragraph, Tell Thomas: going to run a youth hostel for twelve weeks.
3rd paragraph, Suggest: 4th paragraph
Ella: But that's amazing! Haven't you always wanted to been TV?
3 a Hi ... ,See you soon b really, very c It'll be, will be, that'll be, will
Kristian: Err, yes, but filming starts next week, If I take up the offer, I'll have
take me, I'll text d enough time, be enough
to give up my degree. And if I don't finish my degree, what will everyone say?
Ella: I'm sorry? I don't understand.
Students' own answers.
Kristian: I have to give in a project by Thursday and then my exams start
next week.
Ella: Oh, I see. Have you spoken to your tutor yet?
Unit 8 Influencers Kristian: No. Why? She's never in her office anyway.
Ella: If you spoke to your tutor, I'm sure she'd understand.
Starting off Kristian: But you know the rules. If you don't hand in your project on time,
1 you can't do your exams. If you don't do your exams, you don't pass the year.
Students' own answers. And you have to leave if you don't pass the year!
2 Ella: Yes, but this is an incredible opportunity. You can't afford to miss a
lB 20 3A 4C chance like this. If I were you, I'd talk to the university and also to the people
at Channel Seven. There must be a way around this.
Students' own answers. Kristian: I hope so! Thanks for your support, Ella.
Reading Part 6 2 spoke, 'd understand 3 have, don't pass
(Suggested answer) Track 39
'Someone who affects or changes the way that people behave' from the
1 If I take up the offer, I'll have to give up my degree.
Cambridge online dictionary.
2 If you spoke to your tutor, I'm sure she'd understand.
2 3 And you have to leave if you don't pass the year!
(Suggested answer)
She tells her fans what she thinks and supports issues through her 4
social networks. lc 2a 3b
3 5
1 was 2 when 3 than 4 as 5 to 6 on Type 0: present, present Type 1: present, future
4 Type 2: past, would + infinitive
1 She's clever. She's very funny to too. We use a comma when the conditional sentence begins with the If clause
2 We where were both young when I first met her in school. (the situation). We don't use commas when the sentence begins with the
3 He plays soccer very well, "and he's the junior world champion result.
in shooting. 6
4 At first I thought she was shy because she was a very etri-te quiet girl. 28 35
51 love spending time wh+twith him. I can say that he's my best friend. 7
61 like to do my homework with Daniela becouse because she is intelligent. 2 don't do your exams, you don't 3 were you, I'd talk
Track 40
Students' own answers.
lAnd if I don't finish my degree, what will everyone say?
Vocabulary 2 If you don't do your exams, you don't pass the year.
3 If I were you, I'd talk to the university.
Phrasal verbs
1 8
(Suggested answers) 2is 3 get 4 won't go out 5 'II buy 6 don't sleep
1 became older 2 started/created 9-11
3 take care of a child until it is an adult 4 start doing Students' own answers.
2 runs out of 3 set up 4 take up 5 get on well with
6 make up 1 found out 8 brought up when, if and unless
3&4 1
Students' own answers. 2 Hayley
Grammar 1 when 2 if/unless 3 unless/if 4 unless
Zero, first and second conditionals 3
1 1 when 2 if 3 unless 4 if 5 unless 6 when
Students' own answers.
Listening Part 3
(Suggested answer)
Students' own answers.
1 He should talk to the university and Channel Seven.
2 Students' own answers.
(Suggested answers)
Track 38 1 a number 2 a noun 3 an adjective or pronoun 4 a noun 5 a noun
6 a time (e.g. days, weeks, months etc.)
Ella: Kristian! Kristian?
Kristian: Oh hi, Ella.
1300 2 music 3 yourself 4 channel 5 description 6 years
Ella: Are you OK? What's the matter?
Kristian: You know I've always wanted to work in television? Well, Channel
Seven have just got in touch. They'd like me to take part in their new reality

• ..
• S.

Track 41
2 cheerful 3 beautiful 4 helpful 5 helpless
Narrator: Part 3. You will hear a man called Ben Richards talking about how (Helpful means you are useful or willing to help. Helpless means you can't
to get famous on Youlube. For each question, write the correct answer in the defend yourself, for example baby animals are often helpless and can be
gap. Write one or two words or a date or a number or a time. easily attacked.)
Presenter: Hi! Ben Richards here. About a billion people around the 6
world use YouTube. While some people just watch videos, others upload a In my tennis club, there are two coaches very nice very nice coaches.
around 300 hours of them a minute. That means that by the time I finish this b My best friend has hair and eyes brown brown hair and brown eyes.
introduction there'll be 500 hours of new videos on YouTube. Have you ever
c At the beginning of the film, a young handsome handsome young man
dreamt of becoming a famous YouTuber? Here's my advice to help you get
is sitting in a café.
d She is wearing a white beautiful beautiful white dress.
Do your research! Find out what kind of videos people are into right now by
e I've made a new friend with black short short black hair.
searching for 'Popular on YouTube' and then choose your style. Everyone
loves watching animals doing funny things - in fact, the first evervideo on He lives in a house with a green big big green garden.
YouTube was a visit to a zoo - but the ones with the most likes are often 7
music videos. Students' own answers.
Next, think about how you can make something bigger, better and different,
something that you and the people you know would like to watch. Your
Speaking Part 1
audience will also want to get to know you, so avoid being a clown or a film 1
star,just act like yourself. 1 Switzerland 2 Tokyo in Japan 31 work in my mum's shop, but I'd like to
Practise making very short, high-quality videos first. Tell your friends about go to university. 4 I'm an engineer in a large company. SI love it!
your videos and ask them fortheir opinion. However, aim to upload at least 6 too often. 7 playing sports.
10 good ones before letting them know about your channel. You'll need to
create a video for this which attracts attention. Track 43
Make sure you upload new videos with new information at least once a Narrator: One.
week. Choose a day and let the people who follow you know. To increase Examiner: What's your name?
the number of people watching your videos, each one should have an Chiara: My name's Chiara.
unforgettable title and a clear description, but once again, try to be a bit
Examiner: Where do you live?
Many people give up after two or three months because nobody's watching, Chiara: I live in Italy.
but attracting a large audience takes time, often two or three years. It's hard Examiner: Do you work or are you a student?
work, but definitely worth it! Chiara: I'm a student.
4&5 Examiner: What do you study?
Students' own answers. Chiara: I'm studying to be a teacher. I'd like to be a primary schoolteacher.
Examiner: Thank you. Do you enjoy studying English?
Vocabulary Chiara: I love it!
Describing people Examiner: Why?
1 Chiara: Because the classes are fun and we've got a really good teacher.
B And also, as I said, I want to be a teacher and I know that I'll need English for
my work.
Track 42
Narrator: Two.
Carter: Hey Will! Is that you?
Examiner: And what's your name?
Will: Carter! How's things?
Celine: My name's Celine.
Carter: Great! You know I've been creating anew YouTube channel? Well,
Examiner: Thank you. Where do you come from?
I'm looking for someone to present it. Would you do it?
Cetine: I come from Switzerland.
Will: Me? Sorry, I'm too shy. I'd be terrible. What would your perfect
Examiner: Do you work or are you a student?
presenter look like?
Celine: At the moment, I'm working.
Carter: You know, someone with an interesting face. He should be medium
height, look around twenty-five years old with straight hair. He should Examiner: What do you do?
probably be good-Looking, too. Celine: I'm working in my mum's shop, but I'd like to go to university next
Will: Um ... there's John. He's got a great voice. year.
Carter: Yeah but! think I'm looking for someone without a beard or Examiner: How often do you use a mobile phone?
moustache. Celine: Sorry, can you say that again, please?
Will: So no beard or moustache, right? Examiner: Do you often use a mobile phone?
Carter: Right! Celine: Oh yes! My friends say I use it too often. I use it for everything. It's
Will: What about Robert? He's got that cool scar on his chin. my alarm clock, I check it for messages and I also use my phone for the
internet and to watch videos.
Carter: He's got blue eyes, hasn't he?
Narrator: Three.
Will: That's right and everyone says he's honest and reliable. Do you want
his phone number? Examiner: What'syourname?
Akihiko: Akihiko.
Examiner: Where do you live, Akihiko?
(Suggested answers)
skin: dark, fair, pale Akihiko: I live in Tokyo in Japan.
hair: bald, beard, blond(e), curly, dark, fair, grey, long, moustache, red, Examiner: Do you work or are you a student?
straight, wavy Akihiko: Err... I work.
build: broad shoulders, medium height, short, slim Examiner: What do you do?
other: attractive, beautiful, good-looking, plain, scar Akihiko: I'm an engineer in a large company.
3 Examiner: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
2 lazy 3 stupid 4 quiet 5 generous 6 polite 7 anxious 8 shy Akihiko: I really enjoy playing sports. I play table tennis and I also like
4 baseball. I also like travelling to new places.
impatient, unpleasant, dishonest, unreliable

Answer key
2 2
1 Yes they do, because they answer the examiner's questions and they 11 only go shopping if I have to becouse because most of the shops
give more than one-word answers. are expensive.
2 Sorry, can you say that again, please? 2 I've just received your email. You ask me wieh which film stars I like.
3 No, he repeats it in a slightly different way: Do you often use 3 Since than then we have been very good friends.
a mobile phone?' 4 You asked me if f I had fun last weekend.
3 5 On friday Friday, my family and I got on a boat to the island.
(Suggested answers) 61 think you now know him. He is called Patrick.
Examiner: What's your name? 3
Enrico: I'm Enrico! My name's Enrico. (Suggested answers)
Examiner: Where do you live, Enrico? 21 feel tired/I'll be tired tomorrow
3 I'd take it to the police station
Enrico: I live in Porto, which is in Portugal.
4 you don't come too
Examiner: Do you work or are you a student?
5 I'll start learning French
Enrico: I work. 61 lost my mobile phone
Examiner: What do you do? 7 I'll go to the beach
Enrico: I'm a journalist for an important newspaper in my country. 8 I would live in Australia.
4 4
Students' own answers. 2with 3a 4up 5for 6to

Writing Part 2
Students' own answers. Unit 9 Stay fit and healthy
1 Dear Sam, I had a great time with my friends last weekend too.
2 What about you? Who is your best friend? Starting off
3 On Saturday I took my cousin's )or cousins' if more than one cousin owns 1-3
the dog) dog to the beach. Students' own answers.
4 After that, we ate salad, chicken and ice cream. Key to quiz: How fit and active are you?
5 He loves English. He thinks that it's easy. Question 1: A 0 B 1 C 2
6 I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. Question 2: Al B 0 C 2
3 Question 3:AOB1C2
(Suggested answers) Question 4: A 2 B 0 C 1
Who? -member family, friend, someone famous QuestionS: A 0 B 2 Cl
What look like? What like? Question 6: A 0 B 1 C 2
Why admire? 0-4 You're not keen on exercise, are you? By not getting a minimum 30
article answering questions minutes of activity a day, you're missing a great way to feel less stressed,
about 100 words sleep better and get more energy. As it's all new to you, start with a little at
4 first. Remember you can do parts of your half-hour at different times, so why
(Suggested answer) not walk to work, clean the house, go for a swim - anything that stops you
Although Zahra answers the questions well, she doesn't get full marks sitting on the sofa, really. You don't have to run 40 kilometres to improve
because she makes several mistakes with punctuation and spelling. your fitness.
5 5-8 You could be fitter. You're quite relaxed and, while taking it easy can be a
lYes 2Yes 3Yes 4No 5Yes good idea, it shouldn't take too much extra effort to do the recommended 30
6 minutes a day, five times a week. You enjoy spending time with your friends,
Spelling: 1 with curly dark hair and brown eyes 2 gets on well i him so why not take up an activity together? It can be anything - from a street
3 because he's 4 Hasan is hardworking and generous too dance class to basketball. Or if you don't fancy organised classes, go out
5 he setup his own online company which sells dancing instead of sitting around doing nothing.
Punctuation: 1 lfLhad to choose 2 H medium height 9 or more Well done! You're fit and active. Half an hour of activity a day is
3 he's easygoing, honest and reliable 4 to help an international a minimum for you. While keeping active now means you feel great, you can
children's charity. also look forward to a healthy future. You shouldn't have to worry if you stay
7&8 active. As you enjoy being fit, make sure you do all the activities you can:
Students' own answers. from hill walks to rock climbing.

7 Vocabulary and grammar review Listening Part 2

1 1
2 big enough 3 too dark 4 thick enough 5 too sleepy 6 old enough 1 a conversation about running 20 kilometres, a woman and her friend, the
7 too cold 8 too expensive reason she decided to run in the race
2 2 a conversation about a film after two people watched it, two friends, what
2 'm meeting 3 'Ilgo 4 leaves 511 6 are going they agree about
3 3 a conversation about a bicycle, two friends, the reason he wants to sell it
2f 3a 4b 5c 6e 4 a conversation about a concert one of the speakers went to, two friends,
4 his opinion of it
Across: 1 freezing 4 cold 6 crossroads 7 backpack 8 extremely 5 a conversation about an illness, a man and his friend, how he feels now
9 lightning 6 a conversation about a sports centre, two friends, what they agree about
Down: 2 guidebook 3 sightseeing 5 foggy 2
lB 2A 38 4A SC 68
8 Vocabulary and grammar review
1 Track 44
28 3A 4C 5D 613 7A 8C 9D bC Narrator: For each question, choose the correct answer. One. You will hear
a woman telling her friend about running in a 20-kilometre race. Why did she
decide to run in the race?
Man: Why did you run in that 20-kilometre race over the weekend? To get

• s_.

Woman: Welt, as you know, I do a lot of athletics training most weeks, so Male student:
a single race wouldn't realty make any difference. But my friend Julia, who And even less from mine. Actually, I could walk there instead and save a bit
keeps fit by running in other races like this, told me the winner gets £500. of money.
I thought if I could somehow manage to come first, I'd be able to give that Female student:
to a good charity, so I went online, found the website and registered for it If we have time, let's go next weekend!
straight away.
Man: Did you win? Vocabulary
Woman: I came second. But I still made £200 for charity. Illnesses and accidents
Narrator: Two. You will hear two friends talking about a film they have just 1
watched. 1 Phonetic script for underlined words: cough: /kof/; sore: 1s:/;
Woman: So what did you think of the film? throat: /eraut/; stomach: /stAmak/; ache: /eik/
Man: It was pretty good, I thought. It was quite long, but it was certainly 2 Meanings: cough: make air come out of your throat with a short sound;
more interesting than the last one we watched here. sore throat: pain inside the throat;
Woman: Well, I found it rather slow and a bit hard to follow in places. And I stomach ache: pain in your stomach
noticed a lot of people in the seats around us left before it ended.
Man: Yes they did, and it was a shame because they missed the best bit in Track 45
the last few minutes. I really didn't expect it to finish like that. I had a nasty cough, a sore throat and a stomach ache.
Woman: That was quite a shock, wasn't it? 2
Narrator: Three. You will hear a student telling his friend about his bicycle. illnesses: earache, fever, flu, high temperature
Female student: accidents: bruise, cut, fracture, sprain, wound
I think I've just seen an ad on the notice board for your bike. Are you really treatments: aspirin, bandage, medicine, operation, pill, plaster, plaster
selling it? cast, test, X-ray
Male student: 3
Yes. It's in great condition and I should get a good price for it. Then I can get 2 cut 3 bruise 4 cough 5 sprain
a brand-new phone.
Female student: 1 parts of the body 2 illnesses 3 treatments
I'm really surprised. I often see you riding it when I'm going to university,
even on cold winter mornings. Students' own answers.
Male student:
Yes, I know. I'll miss it, but I can't afford to replace it with a new one as well Grammar
as buy a phone. The screen on the one I've got is just too small and it's Relative clauses
damaged, too. 1
Narrator: Four. You will hear a young man telling his friend about a concert 1 that 2 who 3 which 4 when 5 that 6 whose 7 where 8 that
he went to. 2
Woman: I heard you went to the concert in the park on Saturday night. How 2 who 3 that/which 4 which/that 5 when 6 where 7 whose
was it? 3
Man: Well, I know normally you'd pay a lot of money to see a top band like 2 who 3 where 4 which/that 5 whose 6 when
that so it was good in that way, but it was still a bit of a disappointment. They 4
didn't play any of their big hits, just a load of new songs from their latest (Suggested answers)
album and they seemed to go on for hours. Like a lot of other people there, 21 watch TV/I listen to music
I went home quite a while before the end because it wasn't interesting. The 31 hate /I really like
only good thing really was that the concert was free. 41 stay in bed late /I go swimming
Narrator: Five. You will hear a man telling his friend about his illness. 5 always helps you / listens to you
Woman: I saw you were off work at the end of last week and someone said 6 name is the same as mine / best friend works in the same place as me
you were ill. What was the matter? 5
Man: Yes, I had a nasty cough, a sore throat and a stomach ache, but 1 which 2 which is very healthy 3 yes 4 no
fortunately that's gone now. 6
Woman: So, do you feel better today? 2 you met, works at the hospital.
Man: I've still got a bit of a headache and I don't have any energy at all, 3 we hired a boat, is in the next valley.
maybe because I wasn't eating properly until today. But at least I've got rid 4 sister is a teacher, is my best friend.
of the fever had. 51 was 19.
Woman: Good. Remember to keep warm and have plenty of drinks, 6 is popular in my country.
especially hot ones. 7
Narrator: Six. You will hear two friends talking about their local sports 11 want to know who which sport is your favourite.
centre. 2 I can play my favourite sport, thot which is tennis.
Male student: 3 They filmed students wl*h who/that were playing football.
There are definitely lots of things to do at that new sports centre next to the 4 This is the book who which/that my best friend Joey gave me.
park. 5 One sport who which/that I think is good is swimming.
Female student: 61 want to learn more about tennis, that which is my hobby.
If you like team sports or racket sports, yes, but they need things like
athletics and gymnastics, too.
Male student: Sports
Their swimming pool's a really good size, though, and there's a reduced 1
admission fee for students. 1A 2C 3B
Female student: 2
That's true. Actually, I should go more often because it's only about ten do: Taekwondo; go: surfing; play: volleyball
minutes by bus from my place. 3
do: athletics, gymnastics
go: climbing, cycling, jogging, mountain biking, rollerblading,
running,skateboarding, skiing, swimming
play: baseball, basketball, football, golf, ice hockey, tennis, volleyball

Answer key
4 Speaking Part 4
iptay 2go 3do 1
5 2 sure 3 totally 4so 5 way 6 all 7 true 8 too
1 I practise go horse riding twice a week.
2 You can make do a lot of sports and activities. Track 46
3 In winter you can make go snowboarding. 1 You may ber)ght, but
4 We have dome played table tennis. 2 I'm not really siig about that.
5 At first, we made did aerobics. 3 Yes, I agree with you.
6 We pfayed went windsurfing. 41 don't think so because
6 5 That's not the way I see it.
(Suggested answers) 61 don't agree at a ll.
on a court: tennis, squash, basketball, volleyball, etc. 7 That's true.
in a gym: gymnastics, aerobics, martial arts, etc. 8lthink so too.
on a pitch: football, rugby, hockey, baseball, etc.
in a stadium: football, rugby, baseball, etc. a agree: 3,7,8
on a track: athletics, running, cycling, etc. b disagree strongly: 5,6
7 c disagree politely: 1,2,4
(Suggested answers) 3&4
Clothes: boots (football, rugby, skiing, etc.); gloves (boxing, football As Exercise 1 audioscript.
goalkeeper, ice hockey, skiing, etc.); helmet (horse riding, motorcycling, 5
baseball, etc.); trainers (running, jogging, tennis, etc.) Students' own answers.
Equipment: bat (baseball, cricket, table tennis, etc.); racket (table tennis,
squash, badminton, etc.); net (tennis, table tennis, volleyball, etc.)
2 score 3 draw/lose/win Unit 10 Looks amazing!
Students' own answers.
Starting off
Reading Part 3 1
1&2 A Carbohydrates B Fruit and vegetables C Milk and dairy products
Students' own answers. D Protein E Fats, e.g. chocolate, crisps and cake
3 2
1A 2D 3C 4C 58 Students' own answers.
Reading Part 2
Students' own answers. 1
Grammar (Suggested answer)
Choose the most suitable street food stall for each group of people.
Past perfect
(Suggested answers)
1 hod+ past participle, had not+ past participle 2 the first action
1 try something new on Tuesday, Both of them really like fish, a hot drink
with their meal
21 had/'d walked all the way home
2 some of the stalls have won prizes, vegetarian main meal, short of money
3 arrived at the stadium, the match had started 3 light lunch together on Saturday, are not willing to pay very much, sit
4 had/'d left my trainers at home, I couldn't run in the race
down to eat
3 4 meal on Sunday, doesn't want to walk too far, proper meal, wants a
(Suggested answers) dessert
2 ... I went to hospital. 5 trying a spicy vegetable dish, won't have much time, need to take away
3 ... had left their trainers there. their dessert
4... the film had (already) started.
Writing Part 2 (Suggested answers)
1 1 tea, coffee or hot chocolate
1 title 2 first person 3 story, title, frightening, experience, my 2 they don't want to eat meat or fish
2 3 not expensive, reasonable, cheap
bl c3 d3 e3 fl 4 near the entrance or front door
5 Jack: a complete meal, a heavy meal, main dish; Sara: a sandwich, salad
1 went (go) snowboarding 2, who is a champion snowboarder 3 it had or snack
started; she had disappeared; had she gone; I'd gone; she'd heard; she'd 4
lB 2G 3F 4E 5H
4 5
1 the first line 2 first person 31, nervous, game, began Students' own answers.
5 Vocabulary
(Model answer)
I felt nervous when the game began. Fifty thousand people were watching course, dish, food, meal and plate
me in the stadium, as well as a television audience of millions. I had always 1
dreamt of playing football for my favourite team, and at last I had my Id 2a 3e 4c Sb
For the first hour, everything went fine. We were playing well and I had (Suggested answer)
started to feel less nervous. Then, suddenly, it all went horribly wrong: They are all countable but food can be both countable and uncountable.
I made a terrible mistake and the other team scored. I felt awful. Then I We know by the C and U.
thought back to what the coach had said to me, about never giving up, and 3
I knew that I had to win the match for my team. So, in the last few minutes, I 2 meals 3 plate 4 courses 5 dish
scored the two most important goals of my life.


Grammar Track 50
Commands and instructions Narrator: For each question, choose the correct answer. Two. What did the
1&2 woman take to the party?
(Suggested answers) Man: Hi Katy! How was the party? Did everyone like the biscuits you made?
1 Mexico: tortilla, rice, beans, lettuce, tomato, meat, avocado Woman: I didn't make them in the end. I baked a cake instead. But then, I
2 Japan: rice, seaweed, fish, carrots, avocado, cucumber phoned Mark to see what time his party was and he mentioned that he had
3 India: pancake, potatoes, curry, spice already made a huge chocolate one. I didn't know what to do. Sol bought a
couple of pizzas on the way and we ate those at the party.
Track 47 Man: What a shame! Perhaps we can have it for dessert today.
1 On today's programme, we're going to learn how to make chicken burritos Narrator: Three. What food will the man try?
from Mexico. First of all, mix the chicken together with salt, pepper and
Presenter: And I've just got a few minutes left to tell you about anew
chilli and then fry it. Don't cook it on a high heat or the burrito will be
programme where we send our presenters around the world to try local
rather dry. Next, boil some rice until it is just soft. Then prepare the other
dishes. Today, Paul's in Milan, Italy, where his favourite food, fritto misto
de pesce, is on the menu. This is a plate of mixed fried fish, and will make
2 Everyone loves Japanese sushi and this is actually something you can
a change from his usual favourite of steak and chips! Then next week his
make at home quite easily. Wash one and a half cups of sushi rice and then
sister's going to Granada, Spain to try gazpocho, a cold soup made with
boil it for twelve minutes. Next, decide on your ingredients. Use cucumber,
tomatoes, peppers and cucumber.
carrot and tuna for your first sushi rolls and then try other things.
3 Masala dosa is a vegetarian breakfast dish from South India. To make it at Narrator: Four. Where did the woman go yesterday?
home, buy the dosa from an Indian supermarket and fill it with spicy boiled Man: Hi. Are you doing anything later? We're going to the
potato. Don't forget to serve your dosa with lassi, an Indian yoghurt drink. early-afternoon performance of that new spy film. The reviews are
incredible. Do you want to come?
Woman: Oh! I saw it yesterday with my cousin. He wanted to see a play butt
2 Don't cook 3 Wash 4 Use, try 5 Buy 6 Don't forget
didn't fancy it. I heard it was very long with no interval.
Man: Would you recommend the film, then?
We use wash, use, try, etc. (infinitive without to) to tell people what to do. We
use don't cook, don't forget, etc. (don't + infinitive without to) to tell people Woman: Oh yes! It's brilliant, butt don't think I want to see it again. Are you
going to the concert tomorrow? It's going to be amazing.
what not to do.
5&6 Narrator: Five. What do they need to bring for training tomorrow?
Students' own answers. Trainer: Shh! Great work today guys! Now listen carefully, because as you
know, tomorrow we're going to train at the sports centre on their indoor
Listening Part 1 climbing wall. Remember to wear comfortable clothes. A tracksuit is much
1 better than shorts. The sports centre will provide you with a helmet and a
2 bottle of water 3 bar of chocolate 4 cups 5 crisps pair of climbing shoes. Your hands may get a bit sore, I'm afraid, but it isn't
really a good idea to wear gloves because you might slip on the wall.
Students' own answers. Narrator: Six. What activity did the man do for the first time on holiday?
Woman: You're looking well. How was your trip to Egypt?
Track 48 Man: Great, we've just got back. We had an amazing time. We went diving
Narrator: One. What will Natalie buy for the picnic? on the first day and we took some beautiful underwater photos.
Natalie: Have we got everything we need for the picnic, Sam? Woman: But you've done that before, haven't you?
Sam: Hang on! I'll check. You know what? We haven't got any bread. Man: Yeah, that's right! Then my friend persuaded me to try waterskiing.
Natalie: You're joking! I'll get some from the bakery on our way there. No, I'd never done that before and by the end I was quite good at it. It was fun,
I've got a better idea. I'll cycle down to the supermarket now to get some but my favourite watersport is still windsurfing. Do you remember when we
and I'll buy another bottle of water. I'll also get some crisps while I'm there. both tried that for the first time at university?
Narrator: Seven. Where has the woman been?
Woman: Sorry I'm late. I've been trying to find a present for Mum. I was on
my way to the bookshop, but then I remembered it's closed today.
Track 49 Man: What did you get her in the end?
Sam: Great! But please don't get anymore snacks or chocolate. We've got Woman: Well, I went to the art gallery to see if they had a nice picture
plenty. We need some cups though. Could you buy some? in a frame for her, but I didn't really like any of them and they were quite
Natalie: Sure. expensive. I'm going tomorrow to get her some earrings or a necklace from
that new jewellery shop on the corner.
(Suggested answers)
2 What did the woman t ake to the party? (Suggested answer)
Did she take A two pizzas, B some homemade biscuits or Ca cake? The consonant sound at the end of a word connects with the vowel sound
3 What food will the man try? at the beginning of the next word.
Does the man try A a plate of steak and chips, B a plate of mixed fried fish or
Ca bowl of soup?
Track 51
4 Where did the woman go yesterday? I'm going tomorrow to get her some_earrings_or_a necklace from that new
Did she go to A the cinema, B the theatre or C a concert? jewellery shop—on the corner.
5 What do they need to bring for training tomorrow?
Do they need to bring A a tracksuit, B a helmet or C a pair of gloves? 11 baked _a cake instead.
6 What activity did the man do for the first time on holiday? 2 This_is_a plate—of mixed fried fish.
Did the man try A waterskiing, B diving or C windsurfing?
7 Where has the woman been? Track 52
Has she been to A a jewellery shop, B a gallery or C a bookshop? 11 baked_a cake—instead.
2 This_is_a plate of mixed fried fish.
2A 313 4A 5A 6A 7B
Students' own answers.

Answer key
Vocabulary Luna: Uh-huh. In this picture, I can see a lot of people outside. It's a
rainy day and the people are shopping. The street is quite crowded. I can
Shops and services
see many shops, for example, a mobile phone shop and a shoe shop. In
the middle of the picture, there are two women. One of them is carrying
Students' own answers.
something. I can't rememberthe word for this object. It's used for the rain
we open it when it rains. She's wearing a long black coat, and black shoes.
(Suggested answers) The other woman is wearing a coat and a red scarf, grey jeans and boots. On
1 dentist, garage and hairdresser's her back, she's got... a ... it's something like a bag. In front of them, there's
2 bakery, bookshop, butcher's, chemist, garage, hairdresser's, supermarket another woman. She's wearing a blue coat. She's got a .. a ... two bags. One
3 library is on her back. It's made of leather. The other bag is black and it's enormous.
4 travel agent's It looks heavy. In the background, I think I can see some flags, I'm not sure..
5 dentist, garage, dry cleaner's Examiner: Thank you.
6 [probably in all the places]
1 It's used for 2 it's something like
1 hairdresser's 2 garage 3 dry cleaner's

Track 53 Track 55
1 One of them is carrying something. I can't remember the word for this
Narrator: One.
object. It's used for the rain ...we open it when it rains.
Madison: What have you done to your hair, Layla? 2 On her back, she's got ... a ... it's something like a bag.
Layla: Oh don't. I normally have my hair cut at Gabrielle's but I wanted
something different, so I went to that new place on the High Street. 3&4
Students' own answers
Madison: Oh no! Was it very expensive?
Narrator: Two. Writing Part 2
Andrew: Are you coming to the party tonight, Lewis? 1
Lewis: I can't. I need to save up some money. (Suggested answers)
Andrew: Why's that? Where do you and your friends go shopoing nowadays?
Lewis: I had a little accident on my scooter. All my fault, I'm afraid. Do you greifer going to indoor shopping centres or to town centres?
Andrew: What about your scooter? You only got it last week. Or perhaps you'd irather do all your shopping online?
Answer these questions and we will publish the best articles in our
Lewis: That's why I can't afford to go out. I'm having the scooter repaired
next magazine.
and I'm going to have to look for another job to pay for it.
Write your article in about 100 words.
Narrator: Three.
Vicki: Oh no, Charlie! That's cola you've spilt down my dress.
Students' own answers.
Charlie: Sorry, Vicki. It was an accident.
Vicki: My sister's going togo mad. l borrowed this dress from her and lhad 9 Vocabulary and grammar review
it cleaned last week for this party. The cleaning wasn't cheap, either! 1
4 2 d which 3 f when 4 a who 5 b where 6 e whose
Students' own answers. 2
2 In summer, when the weather is good, we play tennis.
Grammar 3 Stevie, whose team won, was the best player of all.
Have something done 4 In the city centre, where we live, there is a tot of pollution.
1 5 My brother, who had an accident, is feeling better now.
1 somebody does for us 2 informal 6 volleyball, which is a team sport, is played on a court.
2 3
1 Polly 2 Ginny 3 PoIly 4 Ginny 5 Ginny 6 Polly 7 Polly 8 Ginny 2 had practised 3 felt 4 had/'d brought 5 had/'d put 6 was
3 7 had/'d rained 8 didn't seem 9 was 10 had left 11 started
2 having my flat cleaned. 12 realised 13 had/'d played 14 was 15 slipped 16 fell 17 knew
3 had my haircut. 18 had/'d injured 19 went 20 had not/hadn't broken 21 wore
1 have )get is not possible here because the situation is formal) 2 sore 3 beat 4 bat 5 athletics 6 pill 7 bruise
2 have and get 10 Vocabulary and grammar review
21 can't finish this report because I'm having my laptop mended at the
2 complain 3 book 4 borrow 5 repair/mend
3 My bike is broken again and I had it repaired a week ago.
2D 3B 4D 5A 6D
4 Jack isn't at work. He's having his teeth checked today by the dentist.
5 Keith and Pete are going to a New Year's Eve party. They had their suits
2 have it cut 3 had it taken 4 have them cleaned 5 had it repaired
cleaned last week.
2ago 3had 4have 5had 6were
Students' own answers.

Speaking Part 2
Photo 1. She describes all five things.
Unit ii The natural world
Track 54 Starting off
Examiner: Now I'd like each of you to talk on your own about something. The environment
I'm going to give each of you a photograph and I'd like you to talk about 1
it. Luna, here is your photograph. It shows people shopping on a rainy 12 Packaging creates waste that harms the environment.
day. Lidia, you just listen. Luna, please tell us what you can see in your
3 Destroying rainforest by cutting down trees. Many animals and plants
then have nowhere to live and disappear forever.
4Air pollution, often the result of too many cars. People's health
badly damaged.
5 Cruelty to animals. Poor-quality food.

22- A Buy fruit without packaging in your local market (and take it home Interviewer: How long did you stay there?
in non-plastic bags).
Ellie: The sun had almost set, but we stayed another hour, taking photos of
3- E Use less paper and reduce the need for wood, for instance by getting them until we couldn't see anything. Marta wanted to stay overnight to see
paperless bills sent online. them again at sunrise, but we didn't have a tent, so we set off, reaching the
4- B Drive an electric car and reduce air pollution where you live. hostel just before midnight.
5-C Buy free-range chicken and eggs, from animals that can move freely
and lead healthy lives.
Students' own answers.
(Suggested answers) Vocabulary
2 Avoid buying items packed in plastic, paper, etc. Recycle packaging.
Noun suffixes
3 Save data on a memory stick, not paper. Use cloth handkerchiefs you
can wash, not paper tissues.
1 locate, excite, direct; 2 (suffixes are underlined) location, directi on ,
4 Use public transport. Work from home to avoid travelling into the city.
excitement; 3 location drops the final 'e' from the verb form locate; because
5 Buy cheese, eggs, meat, etc. from local farmers or markets.
the suffix begins with a vowel
Students' own answers.
-ment -ation -ion
Listening Part 4 announcement admiration attraction
development confirmation celebration
(Suggested answers)
disappointment examination collection
1 polar bears, gorillas, rhinoceros, monarch butterflies, bluefin tuna.
enjoyment exploration completion
Deforestation, urbanisation, road-building, hunting, overfishing, water/
entertainment information connection
air pollution.
improvement invitation creation
2 Species becoming extinct, loss of animals and plants that depend on
movement relaxation discussion
them, overpopulation of other species, loss of food - especially fish - for
replacement reservation education
local people, fewer types of plant available to develop new medicines.
3 Stop the destruction of the places where they live (habitats), control
fishing, stop illegal hunting, end ivory trade. Increase their numbers by
creating safe areas in the countryside.
lB 2A 3A 4C 5A 6B
Track 56 2 exploration 3 information 4 movement 5 disappointment
Narrator: You will hear a young woman called Ellie talking about a trip 6 improvement
to southern Spain to see the Iberian lynx. For each question, choose the
Track 57
correct answer.
Interviewer: With me today is Ellie Johnson, who went to Spain with her Presenter: Scientists in Antarctica have used a new invention to help
university friend Marta to see the beautiful Iberian lynx, one of the world's them study penguins close up: a tiny robot on wheels that looks like a baby
rarest wildcats. So, Ellie, which location did you choose, and why? penguin. The robot, similar to those used in the exploration of the moon and
Mars, provided lots of exciting new information about the birds. Scientists,
Ellie: A place with a stream next to the forest, with plenty of rabbits. The
working some distance away, controlled every movement the robot made
huge fall in the number of rabbits is the main reason why the lynx is so rare,
and it was immediately accepted by penguin families as one of them. The
because an adult lynx needs to eat three rabbits a day. Marta knew the area
adults even sang to it, though to the penguins' great disappointment the
but I didn't until I saw on TV photos of a lynx taken there a few days before.
baby' didn't reply. The scientists are now working on a new model with one
Interviewer: How easy was it to get there? nt improvement - it will be able to
Ellie: Well, it was summer and temperatures were really high during the
daytime, so it made sense to set off really early - at five a.m. in fact, when
it was still cool. The moon was bright, and we were pleased about that (underlinings show word stress)
because it's easy to go in the wrong direction in the dark. The track was 2 explor4tion 3 information 4 pment 5 disappqjtment
really challenging in places - it went up and down a lot. We didn't actually 6 improve ment
find it too exhausting, but it did mean we got to the stream later than we'd Patterns: the stressed syllable is normally before the suffix, or the a in the
expected. Once we were there, we looked for somewhere to hide. case of -ation (although there are exceptions, e.g. advertisement, argument).
Interviewer: Where did you hide? Exception in Exercise 2 table: development
Ellie: There was an empty hut nearby but it was locked, so it looked like the
best place was behind some large rocks. There was no shade there, though, (underlinings show word stress)
so instead we lay down just inside the forest and waited. In fact, we waited admiration, announcement, attraction, celebration, collection, completion,
there for ages. I was going to suggest leaving, when suddenly we heard confirmation, connection, creation, development, disappj . ment,
something running through the bushes. discussion, education, enjpyment, entertainment, examination, exploration,
Interviewer: What was it? imp rove ment, information, invention, invitation, movement, pollution,
Ellie: Weil of course we hoped it'd be a lynx and we both grabbed our prev ent ion, protection, relaxation, replacement, reservation, translation
cameras, but it was just a frightened-looking little rabbit. Just then, though,
another creature appeared, running after it. It was grey and brown, about
the size of a small cat: it was a young lynx! The passive
Interviewer: I can imagine your excitement! What did it do?
1 A and C are active; B and Dare passive.
Ellie: Well, by then the rabbit was far away and the lynx's chance of catching
it had gone so it stopped and looked around, though it didn't notice us. We 2 C and D describe an event in the past.
were so busy taking photos of that cute little animal that we didn't see a 3 B and D
much larger one approaching. It was an adult female, and clearly the little 4 A: subject - this new technology; object - air pollution. B: subject - air
one was hers. That was why it had stopped. pollution; agent - this new technology (using by)
SC: subject - guides; object - tourists. D: subject - tourists; no object
6 information not in sentence D: who allowed the tourists to take photos
(the guides)

Answer key


2 passive 3 active 4 active 5 passive 6 by adverb comparative superlative
quietly more quietly (the) most quietly
3 was ctosed 4 was spoilt 5 is blamed 6 weren't / were not noticed
carefully more carefully (the) most carefully
slowly more slowly (the) most slowly
2 Two giraffes were seen near the trees.
easily more easily (the) most easily
3 The moon was hidden by one small cloud.
fast faster (the) fastest
4 Cars aren't/are not allowed in the national park.
badly worse (the) worst
5 Rice is grown in the east of the country.
hard harder (the) hardest
6 A poem was written about this waterfall.
well better (the) best
7 The forest was partly destroyed by fire.
early earlier (the) earliest
In the past, bears and wolves were considered a danger to both people and 3
farm animals so their numbers were reduced, often to zero. Nowadays, 2 harder 3 more brightly 4 (the) most frequently 5 most heavily 6 worse
however, a lot more is understood about how they form an essential part of 4
nature, and some years ago international agreements were made to bring Students' own answers.
back these magnificent creatures. A lot of money was spent, large areas
where they could move freely across borders were created, and they are Speaking Part 4
now protected by law. In Europe, bears and wolves are once again found in 1
many countries, from Spain to Scandinavia, where they are allowed to live (Suggested answers)
in places with few people. They are sometimes seen in mountain areas or A She hasn't turned the tap off. She should turn it off when she isn't using
forests, but usually they prefer to keep away from humans. So if we keep the water.
well away from them, we are not in any danger. B Using a lot of water to wash the car. They could wash it by hand using
Infinitives: consider, reduce, understand, make, spend, create, protect, find, a bucket and sponge.
allow, see C He's using a dishwasher for just a few plates when he could wash them
6 by hand or wait until he has enough for a full wash.
The main verb is stressed. The weak form of the auxiliary verb is used: /wa/ 2
Have a quick shower instead of a bath.
Track 58 When you're brushing your teeth, turn off the tap when you're not actually
bears and wolves were considered a danger to both people and farm animals. using any water (and when washing your hair).
Check taps are completely turned off (especially in places like college).
Students' own answers. Track 60
Track 59 Ethan: Well, there's Lots you can do to save water. At home, for instance,
you can have a quick shower instead of a bath. I read in an article that having
1 A lot of electricity is wasted by those machines.
a bath uses 80 to 100 litres of water.
2 Two giraffes were seen near the trees.
Lily: Right. And when you're brushing your teeth, let's say, you should turn
3 The moon was hidden by one small cloud.
off the tap when you're not actually using any water. And do the same when
4 Cars aren't allowed in the national park.
you're doing other things, such as washing your hair.
5 Rice is grown in the east of the country.
6 A poem was written about this waterfall. Ethan: Good idea. And it's important to check the taps are completely
7 The forest was partly destroyed by fire. turned off, especially in places like our college. The article said that a tap
which loses iust one drop a second, for example, wastes 20 litres a day!
Reading Part 5 3
1 2 let's say 3 such as 4 like 5forexample
2 west 3 South 4 Pacific 5 Ecuador 6 unique 7 hard 8 weight 4&5
9 tail 10 wings Students' own answers.
1 a news report in a local paper Writing Part 1
2 San Cristóbal Island, one of the Galapagos Islands 1
3 They will work on environmental projects for free (volunteer work). 1 She says 'It was great to hear from you'.
4 the environment and the wildlife there are unique 2 visit her city
5 see the countryside, study the wildlife, sailing and diving 3 Agree with Chloe's suggestion that you should go to the countryside. Say
3&4 whether you'd prefer to go by bus or bike. Say what wildlife you'd like to see
ID(team) 2A(include) 3B(prevent) 4D(part) 5C(explore) there. Tell Chloe whether you want to go for a day or a weekend.
6A (surrounded) 2
5 1 Good idea: 1st paragraph, Tell Chloe: 3rd paragraph, Suggest: 4th
Students' own answers. paragraph, Say which and why: 2nd paragraph.
2 polluteion - pollution )Sp), the weekend whole - the whole weekend (WO),
Grammar drive - ride (V), find - are found (G)
Comparative and superlative adverbs 3 walk - (get around) on foot, Saturday and Sunday - weekend, wildlife -
1 animals, rather - prefer to
1 Students should underline: comparative adverbs: more quickly, more 3&4
quietly, worse; superlative adverb: most beautifully Students' own answers.
2 by adding more in front of the adverb
3 worse 4 than 5 by adding most in front of the adverb
Unit 12 Express yourself!
Starting off
Collocations: using your phone
Students' own answers.

Reading Part 4

1 Becky has to live without her smartphone for a week.
2 & 3 Students' own answers.
2 Lisa: What three suggestions? Did anyone take notes?
No, she didn't.
Sofia: Yeah! I was the secretary. I've got them written here. Let me see. Oh
3 yes, Adam said that they had organised a street party to collect money the
B, because the pronoun them is plural. In A, the pronoun her is singular year before and they could organise a similar event again.
Lisa: But the weather was really bad last year and very few people went.
lB 2G 3E 4F 5C
Sofia: Yes, that's what Helen said, but Adam then said that they didn't have
to hold it outside. They could use the gym in the sports centre.
Students' own answers.
Lisa: Good idea!
Vocabulary Sofia: Helen thought it sounded expensive. Then John said he had thought
about organising a football match.
ask, ask for, speak, talk, say and tell
1 Lisa: Not another football match.
1 ask 2 ask for 3 speak 4 talk 5 tell 6 Say 7 tell 8 say 9 tell Sofia: Kind of. He said in his sister's town, groups of friends were going to
2 play against each other.
1 speak 2 told 3 ask for 4 tell 5 talk 6 asked Lisa: Mmm ... You said there were three suggestions, didn't you?
3 Sonia: Yes, the third came from Nina. She said that they were all using
1 talk 2 speak 3 say 4 tell 5 ask 6 ask for their mobiles then. She suggested a day when they wouldn't be able to
4 use technology at all. She said people would give them money not to use
1 help 2 hello 3 joke 4 languages 5 problems 6 lie technology. They would hold some old-fashioned, traditional events instead.
5&6 Lisa: Like what?
Students' own answers. Sofia: Like story-telling, or a picnic if the weather's good.
Lisa: I like the sound of that one!
Reported speech
2 past continuous 3 past perfect 4 past perfect 5 would + infinitive
6 was/were going to + infinitive 7 could
Adam: an event like a street party John: a football match
Nina: a technology-free day
2 the year before 3 his 4 they 5 then
Track 61 6
2 (that) someone had left their phone in the kitchen at the party.
Helen: Shh! Be quiet! Close the door, Paul! Thanks. Sonia, can you take
3 (that) he was having a great time there.
notes today?
Sofia: Oh, is it my turn to be secretary? OK.
Students' own answers.
Helen: Right. As you know, we have to decide what event we're going to
organise for the charity weekend. Any ideas? Yes, Adam? Reported commands
Adam: OK. Last year we organised a street party to collect money. We can
2 to close the door 3 to think about the suggestions 4 to forget the
organise a similar event again.
Helen: But the weather was awful and very few people came.
Adam: We don't have to hold it outside. We could decorate the gym in the
ito keep in touch 2 not to be late 3 not to bring more pizza
sports centre and have the party there.
4 not to forget to download Season 3
Helen: Mmm ... That sounds expensive to me. Has anyone else got any
other ideas? John? Listening Part 3
John: Yeah, I've thought about organising a football match.
Helen: Another football match? Can't we do something different? (Suggested answers)
John: In my sister's town, groups of friends are going to play against You need to apply online. There are challenges with a subject. There is
each other. ajudge called Fran Maddison. There are prizes. Food and drink will be
Helen: But how are we going to raise money? provided. The next competition will be held in Prague.
John: Everyone will have to pay to play. 2
(Suggested answers)
Helen: Still not sure. Anyone else? Nina?
1 date 2 noun (the subject of the challenges) 3 noun (name of book)
Nina: Yes. Look at everyone! We're all using our phones right now.
4 noun (prize) 5 noun (what you should bring) 6 noun (name of place)
How about something like a technology-free day?
Helen: A technology-free day? How does that work?
A singular noun because of the a before the gap
Nina: The idea is to have a day where we can't use any technology. We won't 4&5
be able to use any screens, internet or phones.
1 first/1/lst 2 communication 3 are me 4 (unbelievable) trip 5 laptop
Helen: And the money? 6 Grand Hotel
Nina: People will give us money not to use technology. We'll hold some
old-fashioned, traditional events instead, like story-telling or a picnic if the Track 63
weather is good. Narrator: You will hear a woman called Catherine Bryant talking about a
Helen: Thanks. Right. Think about the suggestions. And don't forget the competition on the radio. For each question, write the correct answer in the
meeting tomorrow. We'll take a vote then. gap. Write one or two words or a number or a date or a time.
2&3 Catherine: Let me tell you about an app design competition which will
1 had organised a street party take place in Lisbon, Portugal from the sixth to the seventh of June. All you
2 could organise a similar event again need to do is fill in an online form by the first of June. If your application is
3 didn't have to hold it outside accepted, you should hear from us before the fourth of June.
4 had thought about organising a football match On the day, you can take part alone or join one of the teams. You'll need to
5 were going to play against each other choose one of the challenges from a list of four and create an app which solves
6 were all using their mobile phones a problem. Last year's challenges were connected to the environment. For
7 would hold example, one of the challenge winners created an app which finds the nearest
recycling bin for the rubbish you want to throw away. All I can say about this
Track 62 year is that the challenges have something to do with communication. The
rest is a secret!
Lisa: Hi Sonia. Sorry I didn't get to the meeting yesterday. What did
you decide?
Sofia: Oh, hi Lisa. There's going to be another meeting today atone p.m. to
take a vote. We have to think about the three suggestions.

Answer key
The competition judge is blogger Fran Maddison, that's M-A-D-D-l-S-O-N. She Harry: That could save sometime. Does it do anything else?
presents the 'Apps Programme' on Channel Seven. Her latest book Apps are Emily: Yes Harry, it tells you when to take a break and have something to eat
me will be on sale soon. too. It also recommends different types of exercise and the alarm reminds you
There are some amazing prizes. There's €1,000 and a tablet for the best app to get enough sleep. It's a bit like one of those fitness watches, but for work.
for each challenge. The four winners will then compete in the final for the first Phil: Can I use it to share work with colleagues?
prize, which is an unbelievable trip to California.
Emily: Yeah and that's the most useful thing, I think, Phil. You can make
You won't be able to bring your own food into the event, but reasonably priced
groups so that you can ask questions, share notes, tips and ideas and generally
refreshments will be available. You mustn't forget your laptop, but you'll be
help each other.
able to hire headphones and chargers there.
And finally, if you can't make the Conference Centre in Lisbon in June, consider Diana: Fantastic! Where did you get the idea from?
the Grand Hotel in Prague in October. There'll be more information about this Emily: Thanks, Diana. One of the competition challenges was called 'efficient
event on our website at the end of August. work through communication' and I thought of this idea. I never thought we
Now, any questions? would win though!
Lily: That's amazing, Emily! But will the app do my work for me?
Students' own answers. Emily: Thatwould be unfair, Lily!
Grammar 1 what the app did 2 if it did anything else
Reported questions 3 if he could use it to share work with colleagues
1 4 where she got the idea from 5 if the app would do her work for her
2 Do we need to pay anything to take part?
3 How do we register for the competition? Vocabulary
4 What do we do if we have technical problems? Negative prefixes
5 What are the prizes? 1
2 lun 2in 3im
2 Peter 3 Connor 4 Samir 5 Charlotte 2
2 unhealthy 3 impatient 4 unsociable 5 inexpensive 6 impossible
Track 64 3
Presenter: Thank you, Catherine. While you've been speaking, some of our Students' own answers.
listeners have phoned in with their questions. Would you have a moment to
answer them? Speaking Part 1
Catherine: Yes, sure. 1
Anton Eleni Victoria
Presenter: Great! First we have Emily from Manchester. Are you there,
Emily? 1X
Emily: Can I choose the members of my team?
3X * /
Catherine: Good question. And yes, you can choose up to three other
* Although Eleni uses a range of vocabulary, her grammar is limited - she
people to join your team. However, each person will need to make a
only uses 'is' and 'like'.
separate application.
Presenter: And Peter's in Bristol. Track 66
Peter: Hi Catherine. I've got a question for you. Do we need to pay anything Narrator: One.
to take part?
Examiner: Anton, how do you get to work every day?
Catherine: Oh? Did I forget to mention the cost? Yes, there's a fee of €5 per
Anton: 8 o'clock.
person. This is to show us that you're really interested in the event.
Examiner: Do you walk to work every day?
Presenter: Now, here's Connor from Belfast.
Anton: Bus.
Connor: Hi! This all sounds brilliant. How do we register for the
competition? Examiner: Thank you.
Catherine: It's easy. As I said before, you can do it all online. Go to our Narrator: Two.
website and fill in the application form. Examiner: Eleni, tell us about a good friend.
Presenter: And now Samir in London. Eleni: Her name is Maria. She's tall. Her hair is long and straight. She is very
Samir: Hi! What do we do if we have technical problems? nice. I like her.
Catherine: Interesting point. If you have problems with applying forthe Examiner: Thank you.
event, please get in touch with us. If you have problems on the day, our team Narrator: Three.
will be available. However, it is up to you to make sure that your laptop is Examiner: Victoria, how often do you use the internet?
working well before the day of the event. Victoria: I'm sorry, could you say that again, please?
Presenter: And finally Charlotte in Oxford sent usher question by text. Examiner: Do you often use the Internet?
IT read it out: 'What are the prizes?' Victoria: The Internet? I use it every day. When I wake up, I check Facebook on
Catherine: Full details of the prizes are on our website my phone to see what my friends have been doing. I often go on the Internet
to look for information. I use it to buy bus tickets and tickets for the cinema or
a changes b changes c never d isn't e don't use concerts. I also use the internet to listen to music and to watch films. I couldn't
4 live without it.
(Suggested answer) Examiner: Thankyou.
It's an organiser app which creates a work or study plan. It also reminds you 2
when to take breaks, what to eat and get enough sleep. You can also use it to (Suggested answers)
share information with friends, for example notes and ideas, or ask for help.
1 I work about 8 km from here, so I go to work by bus at 8 o'clock every day.
Track 65 My flatmate sometimes gives me a lift when I'm late.
2 Her name is Maria and she's tall with long straight hair. I get on with her
Cindy: What does the app do, Emily?
because she's very nice and easy-going. Everyone likes her.
Emily: Good question, Cindy. It's an organiser app. You put in what you have 3
to do and by when and the app organises the week for you. For example, if 1 your name 2 do you live, do you come 3 you work
you have to give a presentation or hand in a piece of work, you can put in how
4 What do you, What do you 5 Do you often 6 Tell us about
much time you'll need to do it with the date it's due and the app will create a
work plan foryou. You can do the same with exams; you put in what you need
Students' own answers.
to study and by when and the app will create a study plan.

• ..0

Track 67 Asa general rule, in questions with question words, the voice goes down and
Examiner: Good morning. Can I have your mark sheets, please? with yes/no questions, the voice goes up.
Eleni and Victoria: Of course. Here you are.
Examiner: I'm Janine Rodgers and this is Michelle Johns. She is just going to Track 69
listen to us. Now, what's your name? iCould I askyou some questions?
Victoria: My name's Victoria. 2 What's your name, please?
Examiner: Thank you. And what's your name? 3 How many different kinds of social media do you use?
4 What do you use each one for?
Eleni: Eleni.
5 Are your social media accounts safe?
Examiner: Thankyou. Eleni, where do you live?
Eleni: I live in Athens, which is the capital of Greece. 6
Generally, where the indirect question is a statement)! was wondering ...),
Examiner: Do you work or are you a student?
the voice stays fairly flat and goes down slightly at the end.
Eleni: I'm a student.
Examiner: What doyou study? Track 70
Eleni: I'm doing a degree in engineering at the university. 1 I was wondering if I could ask you some questions.
Examiner: Thank you. And Victoria, where do you live? 2 Could you tell me what your name is, please?
Victoria: I live in Montpellier, which is a city in France. 3 I'd like to know how many different kinds of social media you use.
Examiner: Do you work or are you a student? 4 Could I ask you what you use each one for?
Victoria: I work. 5 Do you have any idea if your accounts are safe?
Examiner: What do you do? 7&8
Victoria: I'm a teacher in a primary school. My pupils are nine and ten years old. Students' own answers.
Examiner: Thank you. Victoria, how often do you use the internet?
Writing Part 2
Victoria: I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you say that again, please? 1
Examiner: Do you often use the internet? Students' own answers.
Victoria: The internet? I use it everyday. When I wake up, I check Facebook on 2
my phone to see what my friends have been doing. I often go on the internet 1 a story 2 your English teacher
to look for information. I use it to buy bus tickets and tickets for the cinema or 3
concerts. I also use the internet to listen to music and to watch films. I couldn't (Suggested answer)
live without it. 1 Task 2
Examiner: Thank you. Eleni, tell us about a good friend. 2 Because the phone belonged to the teacher and she took her bag with her
Eleni: Her name is Maria. She's tall. Her hair is long and straight. She is very when she left the classroom.
nice. I like her. 4
Examiner: Thank you. Now I'd like each of you They are all true.
Grammar Students' own answers.
Indirect questions
1 Vocabulary and grammar review
Students' own answers.
2 was built 3 seems 4 is rising 5 are washing 6 reaches 7 was
completely flooded 8 disappeared 9 is done 10 know 11 were saved
(Suggested answers)
12 was put up
1 He uses Instagram and Snapchat. He uses Instagram to see what people
are doing and for following famous people. He uses Snapchat to send
2 more quickly 3(the)best 4 more frequently 5 harder 6(the)worst
photos to friends.
7 more heavily 8 more carefully
2 He talks about using a strong password for his social media accounts.
Track 68 2 invitation 3 celebration 4 completion 5 improvement 6 examinations
7 development 8 disappointment
Journalist: Good afternoon. I'm a journalist for Channel Thirteen and we're
doing some research into communication for a TV programme. I was wondering 4
fl could ask you some questions about how you use social media. Across: 1 team 6 landscape 7 bee 8 penguin
Bradley: Sure. What would you like to know? Down: 2 exploration 3 mountain 4 movement 5 discussion 7 bear
Journalist: Firstly, could you tell me what your name is, please? 12 Vocabulary and grammar review
Bradley: Yes, it's Bradley Jones. 1
Journalist: Thanks, Bradley. I'd like to know how many different kinds of social 2 said 3 asked 4 telling 5 ask/asked 6 ask for 7 tell 8 talking
media you use. 9 speak 10 talked
Bradley: I don't use as many as most of my friends, or my sister. I suppose I 2
mainly use Instagram and Snapchat. 2 inexpensive 3 unfair 4 unhealthy 5 impatient 6 impolite
Journalist: Really? Could I ask you what you use each one for? 3
Bradley: Yes, I use Instagram to see what people are up to. It's also great for 2 A friend asked me what was my dogmy dog was called.
following famous people. Snapchat is good when you're out somewhere and you 3 Marta asked me why didn't I go why I hadn't gone/didn't go to the party.
want to send a photo to your friends. 4 My sister asked me why was I why I was crying.
Journalist: And now for the last question. We're also interested in whether 5 Nicky asked me what was I going I was going to do.
people are worried about others getting into their social media accounts. Do you 6 Danny asked me what new sport should he he should take up.
have any idea if your accounts are safe? 71 imagine you are wondering when am I when I am going to visit.
Bradley: I think so. I always try to make sure that luse a strong password and I 4
try to use a different password for each account, but I know this is a big problem. 2 they were looking forward
Journalist: Thanks for your answers, Bradley. They're all very useful for our 3 she had just bought
research. 4 she was going to invite
5 they had won
3 6 she was sure they would have
2 your name is 3 you use 4 what you use 5 your accounts are 5
4 2 if/whether 3 told 4 the 5 was 6 to
lyes 2no 3yes 4yes 5no

Answer key
Grammar reference 2
i/ 2/
3X (In A, Ben stopped what he was doing in order to phone. In B, Benno
answer key longer phones his parents.)
4/ 5/
6 X (In A, the next thing they told us about was their holiday. In B, they
Unit 1 didn't stop telling us about their holiday.)

Prepositions of time Phrasal verbs

1 1
ion 2in 3at 4on 5in 6on i What should you do if your TV breaks down? c
2 Which of your parents do you take after? d
Frequency adverbs 3 Do you like to dress up when you go to a party? a
1 4 Who do you really look up to? e
11 go to the gym twice a week. 5 Do you ever have to look after anyone?
21 hardly ever spend more than an hour there. 6 What do you think about people who show off? b
31 sometimes run for half an hour.
41 usually listen to music while I'm running.
11 get on (well) with everyone in my family.
5 When I get home, I'm always exhausted.
2 I've signed up for an English course.
61 go out with my friends every Friday.
3 I'm looking forward to seeing my friend again.
Present simple and present continuous 4 My father has given up eating sugar.
1 5 My brother's just taken up basketball.
iaretakingup 2helps 3useup 4walk 5go 61'mtraining
7 I'm spending
Unit 4
State verbs
1 Comparative and superlative adjectives
i do (you) weigh; prefer 2 helps 3 smell 4 is having 5 costs; think 1
6owns; wants i the thinnest 2 nicer 3 lazy 4 more comfortable 5 the best
Countable and uncountable nouns 6worse lfar
As well as giving usr u ar nourjt makes food aste better. i the wettest 2 the most beautiful 3 heavier 4 better 5 worse
Sometim&e add u o our breakfast cereals. u ar s also used in 6 further/farther
b cuitsçgcream hocolate nd many ot rth.jn.gswe eat. It is also in 3
ruit nd vegetables and even in a gl ass of ilk i Josh isn't as tall as Roman.
2 My new phone is/was much more expensive than my old phone.
1 We haven't got much time. 3 Fruit is a lot healthierthan burgers.
21 drink a little water when I wake up. 4 Spain is bit smatter than France.
3 There are a lot of! lots of things we need to talk about. 5 The new shopping centre is far nicer than the old one.
4 Can you help? I need some information about train times. Gradable and non-gradable adjectives
SHow many friends do you have online? 1
6 We have a lot of furniture in our house. if 2g 3e 4c 5b 6a 7d
Prepositions of place 2
1 1 delighted; surprised 2 cold 3 exhausted 4 bad; tired
i on, in 2at 3in,on 4at 5 excellent 6 huge

Unit 2 Unit 5
Past simple and past continuous Modal verbs: can, could, might and may (ability and possibility)
1 1
1 was watching 2 often phoned 3 realised 1 can't 2 could 3 may/might/could 4 might/may/could Scan
4 was shining; were singing 5 won 6 couldn't
2 2
1 was tidying; found 2 was leaving; realised idmay 2ccan 3amay 4ecould 5bcan
3 was watching; was cooking 4 heard; stopped; were doing; walked Modal verbs: should, shouldn't, must, mustn't, have to, don't have to
5 crashed; was updating (obligation and prohibition)
used to 1
1 1 mustn't/can't 2 can/must; can't 3 can 4 can't 5 mustn't/can't
ii didn't use to like hot weather (but I do now). 2
2 My brother used to play football (until he broke his leg). 1 didn't have to 2 could 3 had to 4 had to 5 could 6 couldn't
31 used to have blond hair / My hair used to be blond (but now it's brown). Adjectives with -ed and -ing endings
4 Did you use to go on holiday with your friends (when you were a child)? 1
5 When I was younger, I didn't use to get up late. 1 interesting; interested 2 relaxed; relaxing 3 annoying; annoyed
So (do) land Nor/Neither (do)! 4 excited; exciting
iSo did I. 2 Nor/Neitherdid I. 3 So do I. 4 Nor/Neither do I. Unit 6
5 So have 1./So do I.
Present perfect
Unit 3 1
ijust 2alread' 3 already 4 yet 5 yet
Verbs followed by to or -ing 2
1 ifor 2 since 3since 4for 5since
1 going 2 to have 3 going 4 to go 5 doing 6 living 7 to have
8 spending

• . . -

• ._e

3 Unit 10
A: Have you heard? My oldest sister's getting married.
B: Who to? Commands and instructions
A:Aguy called Elliot. 1
B: Realty! How tong did she know has she known him? 1 Do not eat; drink 2 Turn 3 Do not use 4 Be
A: Only six months. Apparently they've met they met at work. Have something done
B: Have you met Elliot already yet? 1
A: No, not yet, but my sister's told me a lot about him. 1 Have you had your haircut? 21 might have my bedroom painted blue.
B: When have you seen did you see her? 3 Has Michael had his bike fixed yet?
A: I've seen I saw her last week. She drove me to work one day. 41 get my teeth polished every six months.
4 5 You should have your computer checked for viruses.
1 went; have just woken up 2 arrived; haven't seen her yet 2
3 have already seen; saw 4 have ever bought; cost; have never spent 1 He has had his haircut and his beard shaved off.
5 Have you ever done; have never done 2 She had her car washed yesterday.
6 did you go; went; have never visited 3 He's had his shoes cleaned.
4They're having their house painted.
Unit 7 5 He had his tooth taken out this morning.
6 She'll have her eyes tested tomorrow.
Adverbs of degree
1 Unit 11
11 was realty cold because I had forgotten my coat.
2 Mia is fairly sure she will pass her exam. The passive: present simple and past simple
3 The traffic is moving very slowly. 1
4 Be extremely careful when you cross busy roads. 1 was played; was watched
5 That was a rather difficutt question. 2 are taken; are driven
2 3 was written; were predicted
1 too itt 2 too good 3 big enough 4 enough hours 2
5 enough money; rich enough 1 Our cat is seen twice a year by a vet.
Future forms 2 The roads were closed (by the police) because of
1 the storm.
iWe're going to see 21'ltbe 31'm going to go 4 leaves 5111go 3 The book was written by a famous author.
4 Cricket is played in Australia.
Prepositions of movement
51 was taught how to sing by my father.
ion 2 by; by 3 on/onto 4 out of 5 by 6 into Comparative and superlative adverbs
Unit 8 1 more clearly 2 the best 3 faster 4 harder
5 more seriously; better 6 the quickest
Conditional sentences 2
1 1 dances more beautifully 2 writes the best of all
Id 2g 3a 4h Sc 6b 7e 8f 3 the most patiently 4 work harder 5 earlier than you did last night
2 6 runs faster than me
2 she spoke English, she could study in Canada.
31 had enough free time, I'd learn to play a musical instrument. Unit 12
41 had enough money, I'd buy a laptop.
Conjunctions: when, if, unless + present, future Reported speech and commands
3 1
1 Unless 2 unless 31f 4 if 5 unless 61f/When 71f 8 when 2 'I'm sorry but I can't lend you any more money.'
3'1 still feet ill.' 4 'I'm older than you.'
5 'We'll come and see you later.' 6'1 left yesterday.'
Unit 9 7 'Stop worrying!'
Defining and non-defining relative clauses with which, that, who, 2
whose, when, where 1 He said (that) he was leaving university at the end of the following year.
1 2 She said (that) she'd got a surprise for me.
1 whose 2 that/which 3 who 4 that/which 5 that/which 3 She told him to shut the door.
6 where 7 that/which 8 when 4 They said (that) they'd all passed their English exam.
5 He said (that) it was his birthday the next day.
6 She said (that) I was the only person she knew who liked/likes
classical music.
3 7 He told Max not to drink any more coffee.
1 The music which Gisela was playing last night was by Mozart. 8 They said (that) they'd gone to / been to Morocco for their holiday the
2 The violin that Gisela was playing in the concert was not hers. previous year/ the year before.
3 James, whose violin Gisela borrowed, is also a music teacher.
Reported questions
4 We've just listened to Giseta's latest recording, which is number 1 in
the classical charts. 2 'Are you enjoying your new course?'
5 Gisela's mother, who was in the audience tonight, is very proud of her. 3 'Has anyone/ Have you found my keys?'
6 Tomorrow, Gisela is going back to Vienna, where she plays in an 4 'What did you do yesterday?'
orchestra. 5 'Can you come to my party this evening / tonight?'
Past perfect 6 'Can you tell us where the station is?'/'Where's the station?'
1 7 'Who's your favourite actor?'
1 had rained; had stopped; was 2 had planned; had to 8 'Did you try to phone me?'/'Have you tried to phone me?'
3 had been; started 4 could not/ couldn't; had made 5 went; had seen

Answer key
1 My colleague asked (me) why I was wearing my best clothes.
2 My colleague asked (me) where I was going.
Writing bank
3 My colleague asked (me) what I was going to do there.
4 My boss asked (me) if/whether I was going with anyone/someone.
answer key
5 My colleague asked (me( if/whether he knew who I was going with.
6 My boss asked (me) what time I'd be back. Making your writing more interesting
7 My colleague asked (me) howl would get back. 1
8 My boss asked (me) what I would do if I missed the last train. b7 ci d5 e2 f4 g6 h8
Indirect questions 2
1 adjectives adverbs 1 linkingwords time expressions
1 where you live?
2 if you are doing anything at the weekend. beautiful completely and i later that day
3 what they did last weekend? delicious easily because the next day
4 what you thought of the film. modern loudly but this morning
5 if/whether my seat number is on this ticket? wonderful quickly so yesterday
3 (other possible answers in brackets)
1 suddenly (finally) 2 but
3 early the next morning (the next day; later that day)

Phrasal verb builder 4 large (delicious; small) 5 really (very; extremely)


answer key 2 I was very tired, so I went straight to bed.

3 We all went to the party, and everyone had a great time.
4 Paul wanted to come with us, but he couldn't.
5 We all laughed because it was so funny.
1 bring up 2 get on with 3 get together 4 go out with Writing Part 1: An email
5 look after 6 split up with
You have to respond to the news, say which month you can go, say
1 get together 2 get on 3 brought up 4 look after 5 split up
which sport you would like to see, and suggest something you should
3 buy as a souvenir.
Students' own answers.
ldR 2aS 3b0 4cP
Travel 3
1 1 I'm afraid I won't be able to come to your party.
1 break down 2 check in 3 get back 4 set off 5 take off 6 turn up 2 Guess where I'm going next week?
2 3 I'm sorry, but Dan won't be here when you visit.
1 set off 2 broke down; turned up 3 checked in 4 took off 5 got back 4 You'll be pleased to hearthat I've now finished all my exams!
3 4
Students' own answers. iso 2also 3but 4because Sand
Communication You should respond to the idea of a barbecue, say which day you'd like to
1 come, suggest some ideas for food and explain what sport would be best.
1 call someone back 2 fill in something 3 hang up 6
4 ring up someone 5 switch something off Students' own answers.
2 7 (Sample answer)
1 switched it off 2 rang up 3 hung up 4 called back 5 fill in Hi Logan,
3 I think a barbecue sounds like a great idea, and I'd love to come! It will be
Students' own answers. lovely, especially if the weather's going to be warm and sunny.
Why don't we have some salads and potatoes to go with the meat? Also,
Daily routines make sure you remember that some people in our class are vegetarians,
1 so you'll need some special dishes forthem.
1 get up 2 pick someone up 3 put something on 4 tidy up I agree that sports are fun after a barbecue. We could play badminton.
5 wake someone up It's a very easy sport, so everyone can play.
See you on Saturday!
1 get up 2 picks me up 3 wake up 4 put on 5 tidies up
Students' own answers.
Students' own answers.

Writing Part 2: An article

The article is about your favourite city. You should say what the city is,
why you like it and what makes it so special. You should then explain
which city you would love to travel to in the future.
1 There are many benefits to keeping fit.
2 The internet has changed people's lives in many ways.
3 Teaching is a very difficult job.

dothesfilms food countryside weather
Speaking bank
I amusing
answer key and
expensive horror sweet empty cool
Speaking Part 1
The article is about your perfect job. You should say what makes a job
perfect for you. Then give your opinion about how important it is to earn
Yes, she does.
a lot of money in your job.
5 Track 71
Students' own answers. Examiner: What'syourname?
6 Sample answer Maria: My name's Maria.
For me, an architect is the perfect job because it is interesting, creative
Examiner: What's your surname?
and very challenging.
Maria: It's Moretti.
For an architect, every day is different. You might design a modern
Examiner: Where do you come from?
house, then a new classroom for a school, then change an old factory
into flats. So this job is never boring, because every building you work Maria: I come from Rome, in Italy.
on is different. I think it would also be very satisfying to create beautiful Examiner: Do you work, or are you a student?
buildings for people to live or work in. Maria: I'm a student.
I would say it is important to earn enough money so you don't have
to worry about it. But if you enjoy yourjob, you don't have to be rich
to be happy. Track 72
7 Examiner: What did you do yesterday evening?
Students' own answers. Maria: Yesterday evening I went to the cinema with some friends. I
often watch films with my friends because we all enjoy the same kinds
Writing Part 2: A story of films.
Examiner: Do you think that English will be useful to you in the future?
Maria: Yes, I think itwitt be very useful. I wantto work for an
2 is the best because it talks about what was in the letter, and suggests
international company, so hope IT travel to different countries with
that something is going to happen in the story.
my job, and I'm sure I will need English.
Examiner: Tell us about a place you would like to visit in the future.
1 called 2 was waiting 3 had passed /'d passed
4 was walking 5 had forgotten /'d forgotten 6 closed Maria: I'd love to go to New York one day because it looks such an
exciting city. Actually, my uncle lives there, so hope I can go and visit
him soon.
1 First 2 Then 3 Next 4 An hour later 5 Finally
Examiner: Can you describe your house or flat?
1 curly 2 smart 3 spicy 4 entertaining 5 messy 6 disappointed Maria: My flat is quite small, because I just share it with one friend.
The kitchen is very small, but the living room is quite big. Also, it's got a
balcony, and I really like sitting therein the evening.
Students' own answers.
Examiner: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
6 Sample answer
Maria: Well, I'm quite into sport, so do quite a lot of sport in my free
A day at the zoo.
time. For example, I sometimes go running in the evenings and I often
The day at the zoo began quite well. I was there with some friends, and
play tennis at the weekend. I also like spending time with friends. My
the sun was shining.
friends are very important to me.
First, we saw some baby elephants. Then we watched some very funny
penguins. By midday, we were getting hungry, so we decided to go for 3
lunch. As we were walking towards the café, we suddenly heard people 1 often 2 and 3 because 4 Actually 5 but 6 Also 7so
shouting. A tiger had escaped! We immediately ran to the cafe and shut 8 For example
the door behind us. It was quite scary, but fortunately the tiger was
caught quickly and no one was hurt.
'present simple past simple be going to
Finally, the café offered a free meal to everyone, so the day ended
very well. always last night next weekend
7 sometimes last weekend tomorrow
Students' own answers. usually when I was younger tonight
lb+i 2d+h 3a+f 4e+j 5c+g
ibecause 2forexample 3which 4but 51LInfortunately

Track 73
Examiner: Tell us about your English teacher.
Pablo: My English teacher is called Mr Adams, and he's from
Manchester. He's really funny, and I like him because he always makes
our lessons interesting. I think he's a really good teacher.
Examiner: Would you like to live in a different country?
Pablo: I'd like to visit different countries, for example the United
States or maybe Australia, to get some experience of what life is like
there. But I wouldn't like to for long, because I'd miss my family and
friends at home.

Answer key
S. S

Examiner: Can you tell us about your hometown? Speaking Part 3

Pablo: My hometown is Barcelona, in the north-east of Spain. It's
a big city, and there are lots of beautiful buildings which are very
Yes, they do. They agree on two cinema tickets.
famous. I like it because it's very friendly, and there are lots of cafés
where you can meet your friends. Also, it's on the coast, so you can go 2
to the beach in the summer. 1 think 2 sure 3 agree 4 opinion 5 idea 6so 70K 8 go
Examiner: How do you usually travel to university or work? Track 77
Pablo: I usually catch the bus to work. It takes about half an hour for
Maria: So, shall we start with the book? What do you think about
me to get there. I'd prefer to walk, but it's too far for me to walk every
that idea?
Pablo: I'm not sure. Some people enjoy reading, but a lot of people
Examiner: What did you do last weekend?
don't like it. And it's difficult to choose a book for someone else.
Pablo: On Saturday I played football for my team. We usually have a
Maria: I agree with you. And I don't think flowers area good idea
match every Saturday. Unfortunately, we didn't win last week. Then
because they're a bit boring, in my opinion.
on Sunday I met my friends, and we went to the beach because it was
Pablo: That's true. In my opinion, people buy flowers if they can't
very hot.
think of any other ideas. Would a T-shirt be a good idea? Most people
wear T-shirts.
Speaking Part 2 Maria: Well, I don't really like it when people buy me clothes,
because I prefer to choose them myself.
Pablo: OK, so not a T-shirt. Would a concert ticket be a good idea?
They might be in a car park. They are probably friends.
Maria: Yes, I think that's a great idea. Everyone loves listening to
Track 74 live music.
Pablo: No, I disagree. There's only one ticket, and I don't think it
Pablo: The picture shows two teenagers playing basketball outdoors.
would be fun to go to a concert on your own.
I think they might be in a car park or something like that. It isn't a very
attractive place, because there are no flowers, and there isn't any Maria: Yes, you're right. But there are two cinema tickets, so maybe
grass. It's a cloudy day, and it doesn't look very warm because one of they might be a better choice.
the boys is wearing long sleeves. The two boys are at the front of the Pablo: Yes, I agree they would be a good choice. So, what else is
photo, in the middle, and at the back we can see a basketball net, and there? I think a mug is boring, and chocolates seem quite a cheap
some buildings. They look like garages or sheds, something like that. present. What do you think?
On the left, you can see some houses in the background. The boys Maria: Yes, I agree. And I'm sure she'd love to get a necklace, so
aren't actually playing a game, but they're practising. One of the boys that's a possibility.
is wearing a stripy top, with a hood, and he's holdingthe ball above Pablo: OK. So, it's time to decide. What do you think?
his head. He seems to be aiming for the net, which is quite a long Maria: Well, I would say either the cinema tickets or the necklace.
way away. The other boy, who's short and has dark hair, is running Do you agree?
forwards. I think maybe he's going to catch the ball. I guess the two
Pablo: Yes, but the necklace might be too expensive, so maybe we
boys are probably friends because they don't look like brothers.
should choose the cinema tickets. Are you OK with that?
2 Maria: Yes, good idea. We'll go for that one, then.
1 at the front 2 right 3 left 4 behind 5 In the background
3 3
1 are travelling 2 're smiling 3 is showing 4 is looking; is thinking ld 2f 3a 4b 5c 6e
5 standing; is talking

Track 75 Track 78
Pablo: The picture shows some people who are travelling by bus. Pablo: So, shall we talk about the barbecue first? I think it's a good
There are two women at the front of the picture, on the left. They're idea. A barbecue is relaxing, and everyone can enjoy it. What do you
smiling, and one woman is showing the other one something on her think?
phone. On the right, there's an older man. He's looking forwards. I'm Maria: Yes, I agree with you. The only problem is that someone has
not sure what he's looking at, but maybe he's thinking about where to organise everything, like buying the food and cooking it, so it's
to get off the bus. In the background, at the back of the bus, there's a quite a lot of work. In my opinion, eating in a restaurant would be
man. He's standing up and I think he's talking to another passenger. better, because no one would have to cook.
4 Pablo: Yes, that's a good point. But a meal in a restaurant might be
1 probably 2 might 3 looks 4 seem 5 guess too expensive for some people. What do you think about going to
watch a football match?
Maria: Well, it would be perfect for me, because I'm a football fan,
but I don't think it's a good idea for a class celebration, because not
Track 76 everyone likes football.
Maria: The photo shows two people sitting in a living room in a Pablo: That's true. So, would the beach be a good idea? Everyone
house, a teenager and an older man. I think they're probably father likes going to the beach. Do you agree?
and son. The teenager, who's on the right, is wearing a pullover and Maria: I'm not sure. What if the weather's bad?
jeans, and the older man is wearing a blue shirt and jeans. He's got Pablo: Yes, you're right. The beach is great if the weather's good,
grey hair. The sitting room looks quite modern, and the sofa looks but it's really boring if it's raining. So, what else is there? I don't think
very comfortable. In the background, on the left, you can see some hiking is a good idea, because some people might not be fit enough
photos on a table. On the right, you can see some books. They to enjoy it.
might be watching TV because you can see that they're looking at Maria: Yes, I agree. What about going to a theme park? I'm sure
something, and there is a remote control, or something like that, on people would enjoy that.
the sofa on the right. They're eating something from a box, some kind
Pablo: Yes, that's a good idea. There are different rides, too, so not
of takeaway. It looks like pizza. They seem to be quite relaxed. I guess
everyone has to go on the really scary ones. It's definitely more fun
they'reprobably having a relaxing evening at home.
than a boat trip. That would be really boring, in my opinion.
6 Maria: I agree, because on a boat you're just sitting therefor a few
Students' own answers. hours, but I prefer to be active.
Pablo: What about the zoo? That could be fun. And there are things
to do indoors if it's wet.
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Maria: Yes, that's true. And everyone loves animals. 5

Pablo: So, it's time to decide. I would choose the theme park or the
zoo because I think everyone would enjoy them. Track 80
Maria: Yes. I think the theme park would be more fun, so I would Examiner: Would you like to have more social events with your
choose that. English class?
Pablo: OK. We'll go for that one, then. Pablo: Yes, I think that more social events would be great, because
it would bean opportunity to get to know other students in the
class better. I would like some trips to the cinema, or maybe visits to
Speaking Part 4 other towns and cities. What do you think?
Maria: Yes, I agree. I think it would be fun to have more social
events, and in my opinion it would also help us to study, because
They give reasons, ask for each other's opinions, and use an expression
it's easier to study when you're with people that you know, because
to allow time to think about the answer.
you're more relaxed. I agree with you that trips to the cinema would
be fun, because then we could talk about the films together.
Track 79 Examiner: Do you think watching sports events can be more fun
Examiner: Who do you most enjoy buying presents for? than taking part?
Maria: Let me see. I would say my cousins. One is 14 years old, and Maria: I'm not sure about that. I love sport, and in my opinion it's
the other is 12.1 love buying presents for them because there are so always more fun to take part than to watch. When you play a game
many fun things that you can choose for children, like toys or games like tennis or football, for example, you really want to win, so it's
What do you think? very exciting and it encourages you to make an effort and do your
Pablo: Yes, I agree with you, and it's also fun buying presents for best. Do you agree?
children because they're always so excited when they open them. Pablo: Yes,! do. I'm really into sport, too, and I agree that it's
I've got a cousin who's ten, and I really enjoy buying things for him. exciting when you play a match and you really want to win. But
He's really into football so it's easy to find things he likes. It's great. when I watch my favourite football team I also want them to win, so
Examiner: Which people in your family are the most difficult to that's exciting too. I also love watching really good players, who are
choose presents for? much better than me!
Pablo: That's an interesting question. My dad is definitely the most Maria: Yes, that's true. It's exciting to watch good players, but I
difficult to choose presents for. He never seems to want anything, would still prefer to take part.
and he doesn't have any hobbies, sol usually end up buying him Examiner: Do you prefer cooking a meal for friends or eating out in
something really boring, like socks. Do you agree that it's difficult to a restaurant?
buy things for your parents? Pablo: I think it depends. I enjoy cooking, and I often cook meals
Maria: Yes, I completely agree. It's much easier to buy things for for a few friends. But if I want to have a big meal with a lot of friends,
people your own age, because you know what they like and what I prefer to go to a restaurant. What do you think?
they're interested in. Maria: Yes, I think you're right. It would be very stressful to cook a
Examiner: Do you like receiving money instead of presents? meal for 15 or 20 people. But cooking for a few friends is fun, and it's
Maria: Hmm, that's a difficult question. It's sometimes nice to nice because you're at home and you're relaxed.
receive money, because then you can buy something you really Pablo: Yes, I agree with you. The only problem is that you have to
want, or you can save up to buy something bigger, like anew tablet. do the washing up.
What do you think? Maria: That's true. I think it's only fun if you have a dishwasher!
Pablo: Hmm, I'm not sure about that. When it's my birthday,
I usually get money from three or four relatives, and it's good
because I can use the money to buy something more expensive
for myself. But in my opinion it's a bit boring if you don't get any
presents on your birthday,just money. Do you agree?
Maria: Yes, I do. I love getting presents, but I think when it's
relatives who don't know you very well it's better to get money,
because sometimes they can give you things you don't really want.
Pablo: That's true. I prefer to get money from people who don't
know me very well, but it's nice to get presents from people who
know what I like.

1 buying 2 is sometimes 3 usually get 4 to get 5 getting

1 Do you agree? 2 That's true. 3 What do you think?

4 That's an interesting question.

Students' own answers

Answer key
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