CompleteFirstFS MapofContents
CompleteFirstFS MapofContents
CompleteFirstFS MapofContents
Food, glorious food Part 6: ‘Are insects the future of food?’ Part 2: A review: A local restaurant, Part 4: An interview with a young chef
4 Part 1: ‘How to eat sushi’
snack bar or café in your area
My first job Part 5: ‘My first job’ Part 2: A letter or email: What part- Part 3: Five young people talking about
6 Part 2: ‘Voluntary work’
time jobs can teenagers do in your
weekend jobs
On the money Part 2: ‘How I like to shop’ Part 2: A review: Write about Part 4: An interview with a student about ‘Buy
10 Part 5: ‘I got rid of nearly everything I
something you have bought or been
given recently
nothing day’
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 9 and 10
Medical matters Part 4: ‘A school science project’ Part 1: An essay: Young people Part 3: Five people talking about health
11 Part 3: ‘Afraid of the dentist’
generally don’t pay attention to their
health and fitness. Do you agree?
problems and reasons for visiting a doctor
Animal kingdom Part 1: ‘Not just a hobby’ Part 2: A letter or email : Advice for a Part 1: People talking about wildlife and
12 Part 7: ‘Animal rescue’
visitor to your country conservation
Complete First for Schools
Speaking Pronunciation Vocabulary Grammar
Part 1: Speaking about your home Word stress Phrasal verbs to describe relationships Present perfect simple and continuous
and what it is like to grow up in your
hometown Collocations with make and do
Part 2: Describing and discussing Sentence stress (1) Phrasal verbs to talk about skills and Making comparisons
the benefits of different free time hobbies
activities Adjectives with -ing and -ed
Part 3: Choosing the best activities Intonation (1) travel, journey, trip and way Past simple, past continuous and used to
for a school trip
at, in and on in time phrases
Past perfect simple and continuous
Part 4: Talking about diet and Grouping words and food, dish and meal so and such
healthy eating pausing (1)
Adjectives to describe food, meals and too and enough
Part 1: Talking about your Word stress (2) Phrasal verbs connected with study Zero, first and second conditional
preferences regarding school
subjects find out, get to know, know, learn, teach
and study
attend, join, take part and assist
Part 2: Describing what people learn Sentence stress (2) work and job; possibility, occasion and Countable and uncountable nouns
and enjoy about doing different possibility; fun and funny
kinds of jobs Articles
Collocations with job and work
Part 3: Discussing different ways to Intonation (2) Verb collocations with adventure Infinitive and verb + -ing
encourage students to do more sport activities
look, see and watch; listen and hear
Part 4: giving opinions on the impor- Grouping words and Verb collocations with ambition, career, at, in, on to express location
tance of dance, drama and music as pausing (2) experience and job
school subjects Reported speech
People and the theatre
Verb collocations with ambition, career,
experience and job
Part 2: Describing the emotions that Sentence stress (3) achieve, carry out and devote Modal verbs to express certainty and possibility
people have in different situations
stay, spend and pass; move, cause and
Part 1: Talking about your personal Linking (1) arrive, get and reach as and like
life and interests
Phrasal verbs connected with shopping Modal verbs to express ability
Part 2: Describing different ways to Intonation (3) Health vocabulary Relative pronouns and relative clauses
stay healthy and ways to deal with
different illnesses Idiomatic expressions
Part 3: choosing a topic connected Word stress (3) avoid, prevent and protect; check, control, Third conditional and mixed conditionals
with animals keep an eye on and supervise
wish, if only and hope
Part 4: Discussion about looking
after animals
Part 2: Describing what life is like in Revision of features space, place, room, location and square Causative have and get
different places of pronunciation
Expressing obligation and permission
Part 3: Deciding how to celebrate an Improving fluency Vocabulary to describe what people do The Passive
Vocabulary for festivals
Part 4: Discussion on festivals and