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Syllabus and Chapter wise Division of Marks (2023-24)

Class: 11 Subject: English (Core) Code: 501

General Instructions:

1. There will be an Annual Examination based on the entire syllabus.

2. The Annual Examination will be that of 80 marks and 20 marks weightage
will be given for Internal Assessment.
3. For Internal Assessment:
The Periodic Assessment will include:
i) For 6 marks- Three SAT exams will be conducted and will have a
weightage of 06 marks towards the final Internal Assessment.
ii) For 2 marks- One half yearly exam will be conducted and will have a
weightage of 02 marks towards the final Internal Assessment.
iii) For 2 marks- Subject teacher will assess and give maximum 02 marks for
CRP (Class Room Participation towards the final Internal Assessment.
iv) For 5 marks- A project work will be given to the students and a weightage
of 05 marks will be given towards the final Internal Assessment.
v) For 5 marks-Students will be awarded 05 marks for attendance as per the
following criteria:
Above 75% to 80% - 01 marks

Above 80% to 85% - 02 marks

Above 85% to 90% - 03 marks

Above 90% to 95% - 04 marks

Above 95% - 05 marks

Course structure
Class-XI ENGLISH (CORE) Code No. 501

Sr. Section Skill Content Marks Total

Comprehension Unseen Passage 10
1. A Reading 15
Skills Note Making 5

Message 5
2. B Writing
Skills Paragraph Writing 15
Report Writing 5
Description of events

Letter Writing
Application Writing 5


3. C Grammar Parts of Speech

10 10
Hornbill (Prose) 18
4. D Textbooks 40
Hornbill (Poetry) 11
Snapshots 11
Total 80
Internal Assessment 20
Grand Total 100

1. The Portrait of a Lady Khushwant Singh
2. We’re Not Afraid to Die... if We Can All Be Gordon Cook and Alan East
3. Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues A.R. Williams
4. The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role Nani Palkhivala
5. The Adventure Jayant Narlikar
6. Silk Road Nick Middleton
1. A Photograph Shirley Toulson
2. The Laburnum Top Ted Hughes
3. The Voice of the Rain Walt Whitman
4. Childhood Markus Natten
5. Father to Son Elizabeth Jennings
1. The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse William Saroyan
2. The Address Marga Minco
3. Mother’s Day J.B. Priestley
4. Birth A.J. Cronin
5. The Tale of Melon City Vikram Seth
1. Parts of Speech: Brief introduction about Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adverbs,
Adjectives, Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections.
2. Determiners: Their types and examples
3. Tenses: Practice of filling suitable form of verbs given in bracket
4. Voice (Active & Passive voice)
5. Clause: 1. Principle Clause, Subordinate Clause and Coordinate Clause.
2. Noun Clause, Adverbial Clause and Adjective Clause.
6. Modals: Modal Auxiliaries
1. Unseen Passage
2. Note Making
1. Letter / Application: Complaints and Business
2. Notice / Message (Related to School and Public Places)
3. Paragraph
4. Description of Events and Incidents
5. Report

Month-Wise Division of Syllabus
CLASS:11th Subject: English (Core) Code: 501
Month Book /Skills Name of Units/ Activities/ Project Work Teaching Revision
Chapters suggested Periods Periods
April Hornbill Introduction 1. Students must be made 1
and familiar with the two
Snapshots textbooks examination pattern,
marking scheme, word limit,
weight age of each skill etc.
prescribed by BSEH, Bhiwani.
Hornbill The Portrait of a 1. Students may be asked to 5 1
(Prose) Lady interview their grandparents
on their childhood routine,
schooling, favourite pastime,
values in life, expectations
from their children, their
future goals etc.
2. Organize a debate in the class
where students will discuss on
‘Old Age Homes have
become necessary in the
nuclear family set up of the
society today.’
3. Students may be asked to
make notes on the author’s
grandmother (physical traits,
personal traits, three phases of
her relationship with the
4. Delineation of her character.
Hornbill A Photograph 1. Students may be asked to 2 1
(Poetry) search on the internet the
Poetic Devices used in the
poem such as Synecdoche,
Oxymoron, Alliteration etc.
Ask them to write as many
examples as they can write for
each of these poetic devices.

2. Discussion/debate on the
‘Importance of photographs
and how their relevance has
undergone a change in
recent years.’
3. Collect a few old photographs
of your family and friends and
paste them in your project
4. Practice of MCQs, short &
long answer type questions on
HBSE pattern based on text
Snapshots The Summer of 1. Students may search on 5 1
(Prose) the Beautiful internet the Armenian tribe,
White Horse Garoghlanian tribe and club
the findings under the
headings- origin, culture,
dresses, cuisine, language, etc.
2. Comprehend and write the
story point-wise and search
the answers of the questions
given in the book.
3. Think about the people like
Mourad and uncle Khosrove
in your surroundings and
enlist their traits.
4. Students may write a notice
for the lost horse of Joan Byro
for Lost and Found column
of school notice board.
Grammar Parts of Speech 1. Situational Role Play - Give a 4 1
(A brief situation to a set of students,
introduction to that they are “Parts of
Nouns, Speech”. The students will
Pronouns, Verbs, write their dialogues and
Adverbs, speak. Ask another set of
Adjectives, students to repeat whatever,
Prepositions, they understand and make

Conjunctions necessary changes if required.
and 2. Assign the students a
Interjections) particular page/chapter and
ask them to find out the parts
of speech and analyze their
3. Make a detailed chart of the
parts of speech with examples.
4. Divide the students in three
teams and organize a quiz for
the students from Parts of
Writing Application 1. Discuss the complete format 3 1
Skills Writing of application writing
especially with left hand
2. Divide the students into
different groups and ask them
to find the situations in which
a person has to write
application to the different
3. Students should try to find
how application is different
from other letters.
Recapitulation; Students in
different groups may be given
different applications to write
such as full fee concession, sick
leave, urgent piece of work,
remission of fine etc.
Reading Unseen 1. Read a short story /passage 2
Skills Comprehension and prepare 5 questions from
2. Take a few passages from
internet and practise MCQs &
objective type questions for
better understanding of

May Hornbill We're Not 1. Students may be shown a 6 1
(Prose) Afraid to Die… movie of any voyage on
if we can All be Mobile/L.E.D. They will
Together imagine and write their own
2. They may be asked to make a
mind map on the lesson;
imagine as in the text
(Picturesque quality).
3. Students may be asked to
draw and label the picture of
a ship.
4. Discuss / Debate on the title of
the chapter with examples
from our vicinity.
Hornbill The Laburnum 1. Reading the poem aloud will 2 1
(Poetry) Top help students improve
pronunciation and specify
difficult words.
2. They may, from the internet,
read and discover similar
poems that have made ample
use of sound and movement
words. Find and collect such
3. Students can find out and
enlist all the figures of speech
and imagery used in the poem.
4. Students will frame questions
and answer MCQ’s and
objective type questions based
on the stanzas of the poem.
Snapshots The Address 1. Students may dramatize the 4 1
(Prose) text with same or different
dialogues. Write and learn the
2. They may be shown World
War movies to get a feel of the
background of the story.

3. They may be asked to read
‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ as
an extra reading on the given
4. Discussion / Debate on
• Nostalgia – Pros and Cones.
• Attachment with belongings
leads to pain.
Grammar Determiners: 1. Discussion of rules and types 2 1
Their types and of determiners with example.
examples 2. Students must make charts on
the Determiners and paste the
best chart in classroom.
Writing Letter Writing 1. Discuss the complete format 3 1
Skills (Complaints) of Letter writing for
complaints especially with left
hand symmetry.
2. Divide the students into
different groups and ask them
to find the situations in which
a person has to write
complaints to the different
3. Students should try to find
how complaints are different
from other letters.
4. Recapitulation; Students in
different groups may be given
different letters complaining
the different authorities on
different issues to write such
as unhygienic conditions of
locality, impure water supply,
irregular power supply etc.
Reading Note Making 1. Explain in detail the format 3
Skills of Note making.
2. Students may be asked to
make notes on any topic
taught to them in any other

subject, using an appropriate
format of headings and
subheadings. Let them write
this in their English notebook
as an inter-disciplinary
1. Make a flow chart of the
voyage by Gordon cook.
Project Project Work 1. Introduction to Project Work 3
highlighting theme of Inter-
disciplinary projects.
2. Assigning different topics
from the syllabus to students
for Project Work.
3. Guiding the students for
cutting from newspaper and
magazines related to the
chapters and poems and paste
them in project file.
June Summer Vacation Break (Project work will be assigned to the students)

July Hornbill Discovering Tut: 1. Exploring Multimedia 5 1

(Prose) The Saga Resource: Students can be
Continues made to watch documentaries
on mummies and history of
kings’ valley in Egypt.
National Geographic Channel
(on King Tut).
2. Write the names of kings of
Egypt in a chronological order
putting king Tut’s period in
the middle.
3. Project: The students can be
given a project: -
• On exploring how
development in Science
and Technology has assisted
in Archaeology
• on exploring the grandeur

of the ancient
EgyptianCulture, bringing out
its similarities with the Indian
• Students can be given a
guided note making practice
based on the lesson.
Hornbill The Voice of the 1. Reading the poem aloud will 2 1
(Poetry) Rain help students improve
pronunciation and specify
difficult words.
2. Students may explore
vocabulary based on rain/
rainy season.
3. They may be asked to
compose a poem on the season
of their choice. They may
choose a language of their
choice (multi-lingual
4. Find out poetic devices from
the poem and define them.
5. Answer objective type
questions based on every
Snapshots Mother’s Day 1. Imagine and relate the story in 4 1
(Prose) an Indian scenario and write
your feelings.
2. The students can play a role
play in the class/ on the stage.
3. Let the students write a vote
of thanks to their mothers for
her invaluable contribution in
their lives.
4. Students must write personal
feelings about their own
mother also.
Grammar Present Tenses 1. Introduction to tenses through 4 1
bilingual method.
2. Find out Present tensefrom the

text of “The Portrait of a
Lady” and identify whether
they are “Indefinite,
Continuous, Perfect or Perfect
3. Practise the given exercises of
“Present Tense”
4. Frame a few sentences in
present tense from your
surroundings to learn filing
correct form of verb
Writing Letter Writing 1. Discuss the complete format 3 1
Skills (Business of Business Letter especially
Letters) with left hand symmetry.
2. Divide the students into
different groups and ask them
to find the situations in which
a person has to write business
3. Students should try to find
how business letters are
different from other letters.
Reading Unseen 1. Read English News-Paper and 2 1
Comprehension try to understand the news
paragraph wise.
2. Practise the given
comprehension passage(s).
3. Frame questions on the same
August Hornbill The Ailing 1. All the students should discuss 5 1
Planet: The the situation why man has
Green been called “the most
Movement Role dangerous animal” on the
2. Students will be made aware
of global warming with the
help of notices, Poster Making
Competition, Speech, Debate

3. There should be a plantation
drive in which all teachers and
students should participate.
4. Collect the latest data from
Internet similar to those given
in the chapter.
Snapshots Birth 1. Write on ‘miracles of 4 1
(Prose) determination and experience
in relation to story birth’.
2. A speech may be organized on
‘Decision Making: An
important Life Skill’
3. A Debate may be organized
on the topic: ‘Practical
Application is more important
than theoretical knowledge.’
4. A conference may be
organized where students ask
questions from their
classmates playing the roles of
Andrew Manson, the mid
wife, Susan Morgan, etc.
5. Students may write their own
such experiences if any.
Grammar Past & Future 1. Introduction to these tenses 4 1
Tense through bilingual method.
2. Find out Past and Future
Tenses from the text of “The
Summer of Beautiful White
Horse” and identify whether
they are “Indefinite,
Continuous, Perfect or Perfect
3. Practise the given exercises of
“Past and Future Tense”
4. Frame a few sentences in past
and future tense from your
surroundings to learn filing
correct form of verb

Writing Notice, Message Discuss in detail the format of
1. 3 1
Skills related to school notice writing.
and public places 2. Student must be guided to
discuss the use of notice and
message related to school.
3. They may also discuss the use
of notice and messages at
public places.
4. Complete the given exercise
and frame notices.
Reading Note Making 1. The students may be given a 2 1
Skills (Take passages skeletal framework that they
from the chapter) fill in as a revision of Note -
2. They will be asked to
summarize the given passage
within 50 words.
September Hornbill The Adventure 1. Students may be asked to 5 1
(Prose) watch time travel/ sci-fi
movies (on Edu-set/Smart
2. They must study the concept
of stream of consciousness.
3. Students may be asked to
enact the lesson.
4. They may be asked to read
other works by the Author
Jayant Narlikar.
5. Make a flow chart of the story
and try to understand it.
Hornbill Childhood 1. Reading the poem aloud will 2 1
(Poetry) help students improve
pronunciation and specify
difficult words.
2. The students may be asked to
co relate the adult trait of
hypocrisy, as mentioned in the
poem with their life-
experiences (with their family

and friends).
3. Let them speak and write on
the important incidents of their
lives when they felt they had
lost a part of their childhood.
Grammar Transformation 1. I am a Reporter - Let the 4 1
of Sentences students be told a day in
(Active and advance to observe a school
Passive Voice) programme/ event/ activity
carefully and let them report
in class the next day, whatever
they witnessed using a mix of
Active and Passive
2. Recipes I like - Ask the
students to write down a
recipe (point- wise
instructions) Let them read it
out aloud and let their partner
write the same recipe in a
paragraph explaining how the
delicacy is/ was prepared.
3. Write the same in Active and
Passive form differently.
4. Class Newspaper - Towards
the end of the session, a Class
Newspaper highlighting all
important events of the
session, can be designed.
Every student will be given a
small column to fill, where
they will write a headline and
expand the same (some in
active and some in passive
Writing Paragraph 1. Students will write their own 3 1
Skills Writing introduction and also ask their
friends’ details and write.
2. They must write about their
school, classroom, library, labs
3. They must write about their

friends, father, mother, brother,
sister, teacher etc.
4. They must write different
passage with different tenses.
Reading Unseen 1. MCQs based on the passage 2 1
Skills Comprehension from the text for
2. Students may write their own
similar experiences and frame
Half Yearly
October Hornbill Silk Road 1. Students may be asked about 6 1
(Prose) their own journey from
anywhere to anywhere,
writing their own experience
similar to that of the author.
2. Watch National Geography
channel for similar
3. Students may be asked to
create a travel blog or an
Instagram page based on their
recent travels, mentioning do’s
and don’ts for helping their
Snapshots The Tale of 1. The students may dramatize 3 1
(Poetic Melon City the text (frame MCQs).
verse) 2. They may be asked to make a
comic strip with dialogues on
the story.
Grammar Clauses 1. Introduction and detail of 4 1
types of clauses with examples
from text.
2. Discuss the rules of clauses in
3. Students will identify the
clauses from the chapters they
have already studied.

4. Practise the given exercises of
clauses (combine the
Writing Description of 1. Students will perform the role 3 1
Skills events and of anchors and they will
incidents. describe an event or incident
they witnessed.
2. Their own experiences from
their surroundings.
Reading Note Making 1. The same passage may be 2
Skills used for Note Making.
November Hornbill Father to Son 1. Reading the poem aloud will 3 1
(Poetry) (Peom) help students improve
pronunciation and specify
difficult words.
2. A speech may be given on the
topic ‘Generation Gap will
always exist’
3. A Debate may be organized
on ‘We can only understand
our parents when we reach the
same stage.’
4. As the son/ daughter, the
students may be asked to
compose a poem/ write a
heartfelt letter to their
4. Write on a similar situation
from your surroundings.
Grammar Modals 1. Write and define the rule of 6 1
every modal in changing the
mood of a sentence.
2. Frame sentences from day-to-
day experiences.
3. A single sentence should be
given to the students and they
will speak that sentence by
filling it with different modals
assigned to them. They will

have to explain the change in
the meaning of the sentence
after using that particular
Writing Report Writing 1. Students will be told the use of 4 2
Skills report writing.
2. Different newspapers and
magazines will be shown to
the students and they will be
asked to see the use of
language; especially ‘speech’.
Reading Practice of 1. Passages from any one of the 3 1
Comprehension deleted lessons may be used as
Passage an unseen passage and
students may be asked to
frame questions.
December Hornbill Revision of First 1. Class tests will be conducted. 4
(Prose) 3 Chapters 2. On the basis of results of the
tests, problems of the students
will be solved.
3. Some problems will be solved
using group discussion.
Hornbill Revision of First 1. Class tests will be conducted. 3
(Poetry) 3 Poems 2. On the basis of results of the
tests, problems of the students
will be solved.
3. Some problems will be solved
using group discussion.
Snapshots Revision of First 1. Class tests will be conducted. 3
3 Chapters 2. On the basis of results of the
tests, problems of the students
will be solved.
3. Some problems will be solved
using group discussion.
Grammar Clause: 1. Worksheets on clauses will be 4
(Revision Principle Clause, given to the students.
of clauses) Subordinate 2. Students will perform the role
Clause and of “Principal Clause,
Coordinate Subordinate Clause and

Clause. Coordinate Clause.
3. They will identify the use of
Noun Clause, Noun Clause, Adverbial
Adverbial Clause Clause and Adjective Clause
and Adjective in their textbooks.
Clause 4. Students may be asked to
write an interesting paragraph
Tenses using connectors and clauses,
without full stops in between.
It would be a fun piece of
writing like:

There once lived a king who

went into a dark forest that was
beside the river which was well
known for…………………

Additional Exercises of
Tenses will be given to the
Reading Practice of 1. Variety of passages to be 3
Skills Comprehension taken from previous years’
sample papers.
January Hornbill Revision of all 1. Class tests will be conducted. 3
last 3 Chapters 2. On the basis of results of the
tests, problems of the students
will be solved.
3. Some problems will be solved
using group discussion.
Hornbill Revision of Last 1. Class tests will be conducted; 3
(Poems) 2 Poems special efforts will be made
for comprehension of stanza.
2. On the basis of results of the
tests, problems of the students
will be solved.
3. Some problems will be solved
using group discussion.
Snapshots Revision of last 1. Class tests will be conducted. 3
2 Chapters 2. On the basis of results of the

tests, problems of the students
will be solved.
3. Some problems will be solved
using group discussion.
Grammar Revision of 1. Problems in dealing with 3
Determiners, ‘Determinsers, Modals and
Modals, and Tenses’ will be analyzed on
Tenses the basis of performance of
SAT – Exams.
2. Practice will be given to the
students with the help of
Writing Revision of 1. Class tests will be conducted. 4
Skills whole syllabus 2. On the basis of results of the
tests, problems of the students
will be solved.
3. Some problems will be solved
using group discussion.
Reading Practice of 1. Variety of passages to be 2
Skills Comprehension taken from previous years’
sample papers.
February Revision Need based exercises will be 10
March Annual Examination

Subject teachers are advised to direct the students to prepare notebook of
the Terminology/Definitional Words used in the chapters for enhancement
of vocabulary or clarity of the concept.

Prescribed Books:
1. Hornbill-Class XI, BSEH Publication (© NCERT)
2. Snapshots (Supplementary) -Class XI, BSEH Publication (© NCERT)

Class: 11 Subject: English (Core) Code: 501
Sr. Section Skill/ Content No. of Description Marks
No. Textbook Questions
Comprehension 1 (with internal 1 question having 5 MCQ 10
1. A Reading Unseen Passage choice) and 5 Objective question of 1
Skills mark each
Note Making 1 Note making along with its 5
Notice 1 (with internal Do any one of given 5
Advertisement choice) questions
2. B Writing Poster Making
Skills Paragraph 1 (with internal Do any one of given 5
Writing choice) questions
Report Writing
Letter Writing 1 (with internal Do any one of given 5
Application choice) questions
Determiners 1 (With 12 sub Do any ten sub questions
3. C Grammar questions; 2
Articles from each 10
Voice section)
Comprehension 1 (with internal 1 question having 5 MCQ of 5
4. D Passage choice) 1 mark each
Essay Type 1 (with internal Do any one of given 5
Hornbill Question choice) questions
(Prose) Short Answer 1 (with 5 sub Do any four out of five sub 8
Type Questions questions) questions of 2 marks each
Stanza for 1 (with internal 1 question having 5 MCQ of 5
Hornbill Comprehension choice) 1 mark each
(Poetry) Short Answer 1 (with 3 sub Do any two out of three sub 6
Type Questions questions) questions of 3 marks each
Essay Type 1 (with internal Do any one of given 5
Snapshots Question choice) questions
Short Answer 1 (with 4 sub Do any three out of four sub 6
Type Questions questions) questions of 2 marks each
Total 13 80


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