The CCCNJ Weekly Prayer Requests: Weekly Theme: "Ministry of Christian Education"

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The CCCNJ Weekly Prayer Requests

6/03/ 09

Scripture: “18 The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. 19 He
fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. (Psalm 145:18-19) “

Weekly Theme: “Ministry of Christian Education”

1. Pray that God gives us wisdom and spirit to inspire us to come to Jesus for eternal life.
2. Pray God to help the coworkers in CE to train more Sunday school teachers, and to plan
the best courses to equip brothers and sisters.
3. Pray for the Sunday School teachers for this quarter in regard to their dedication, their
families, the revival of their physical and spiritual well-being; Pray for their preparation of
the courses; Pray for more brothers and sisters to have burden to be Sunday School
4. Pray God that His words will be rooted deeply in the heart of brothers and sisters, and we
all have a breakthrough in spiritual life by the power of spirit; Pray that God equips us to
carry out His work at our best effort, to build up His churches, to unify in His Word, and to
know His Son so that we can grow up to be like our Lord.
5. Pray for the Mission organizations (Village Gospel Mission, Taiwan Industrial Evangelical
Fellowship, Taiwan Grass Root Mission); Missionaries (Dr. Titus Loong, Rev. Lieow Meng
Kuang), and Seminary student (Janas Caruncho (Westminster); Also pray for the peace
and safety of those brothers and sisters who are on oversea short-term mission.

--- English Ministry:

1. Pray for preparations for short-term missions this summer.
--- Mission:
Please pray for the summer missions projects, which the schedules and members are﹕
1. Kyrgyzstan MCCF: Chris Chu (leader), Ruey Ju, James Qian & Vicki Huang
2. Taiwan VGM: Johnny Q. Lee (leader), Sharon Chen, Jonathan Tsui, Ben Sha, Steven Ko, Joyan
3. Workcamp in Newark, NY – lead by Emmanuel Low with 11 other members
4. Capernaum Camp in Virginia.

Please pray for their different project ministry, evangelism opportunity, team unity & servant heart, and
God’s protection and grace during their trip.
---Youth Ministry:
1. Prayer for Spiritual growth of our youth who attended the church retreat.
2. Pray for the senior banquet (on 6/13) to be a joyful and memorable one.
3. Pray for Summer’s Sunday School teacher and youth sponsor.
4. Please pray for youth PTA meeting on 6/28.
--- Children Ministry:
1. Pray for this quarter's Sunday school teachers and helpers.

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