Acid Rain
Acid Rain
Acid Rain
Result A / B / C / D /E
Task: Read the variety of given texts on acid rain and discuss the
questions below for 8 minutes with your teacher.
Oral discussion:
Can you explain in detail how acid rain is formed?
Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that comes from a factory like they
burn a chemical things like oil, coal and gas. The Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen
oxide are released into the atmosphere.
Can you discuss the effects of acid rain on either plants, animals, fish,
humans and buildings?
The effects of acid rain is that it can kill fishes and plants because it has a
sensitive health.
Can you give an example of a place in your country or around the world
where acid rain has caused damage?
Can you suggest some ways to deal with the problem of acid rain?
We reducing the amount of usage of cars and if possible we use a bike or we can walk.
Category 4 3 2 1
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were evident. There may have been many long
been a few long pauses