GS White Moon Rules

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White Moon Expansion Contents

The sun sets once more on the village hiding the cursed ashes of Wu-Feng. 24 Villager tiles 4 Moon Crystals
This night will not be like the others: unmoving, the white moon bathes 1 Shelter board 1 Kung-Fu School tile
darkness with its unsettling paleness. Within the village’s walls, the defense- 1 Graveyard board 4 Receptacle figurines and 4 corner
less inhabitants shudder. Panic is imminent. Hidden nearby, the Beast-men 8 Artifacts boards
of the Lord of the Nine Hells are growing impatient, goaded by the scent of 10 Ghost cards 1 Portal figurine
human flesh. The Taoists will have their hands full and the help of the mys- 6 Incarnation of Wu-Feng cards 1 Su-Ling figurine
terious Su-Ling and her Moon Crystals will be most welcome... 1 Su-Ling play aid

Setup Playing the game
The basic game is set up according to the normal rules. For your first few The game proceeds the same way as it would in the basic game, with the
games, replace the Night Watchman’s Beat with the Kung-Fu School. After- exception of the following rules.
wards, you can simply draw 9 tiles randomly from those available to create
your village.
The Graveyard and Shelter boards are placed near the village. The 4 Recep- New losing condition
tacle figurines are placed at the corners of the Village on their boards and
the portal on the central tile of the village. A new situation will result in the players’ defeat: if 12 villagers are killed, the
Make 8 stacks of 3 Villager tiles (face down) and place them on the 8 Village players lose the game. Defeat is immediate at the instant the 12th villager is
tiles which do not have the portal. killed. The other losing conditions and the victory condition from the basic
Then turn the top tile of each stack face up. game remain unchanged.
The Su-Ling figurine, the Moon Crystals and the Artifacts are put in the re-
New game elements
Preparing the Ghost Deck Su-Ling
Add the 10 new Ghost cards to the basic game’s deck, shuffle the deck and Su-Ling was a young villager who sacrificed herself long ago to
remove 10 cards randomly (they must remain secret; just leave them in the allow the imprisonment of Wu-Feng’s ashes. She now lingers
game box), so that the size of the Ghost deck remains the same as that of in the village to grant her protection to the inhabitants and
the base game. If you are playing with 1, 2 or 3 players, remove extra cards support the Taoists in their struggle.
as you would in the base game (15, 10 or 5 cards respectively).
The Incarnation of Wu-Feng is then added according to the rules of the basic Placement and Movement
game. If you are playing with Nightmare or Hell difficulty, it is up to you to Su-Ling comes into play after one of the following negative events has oc-
choose whether you want to use the new incarnations only or stay in famil- curred:
iar territory using those from the basic game. • a villager is killed (see section about Villagers);
• a Curse die is rolled (no matter which result is rolled);
• a Village tile is haunted.
Each time one of those negative events occurs, the players can place or
move Su-Ling. Su-Ling is placed on one of the 12 Haunting icons at the end
of the Yang phase of the active player or of the neutral board’s turn. This
movement is optional, as players may decide not to move Su-Ling.
So that players do not forget to perform this movement during the Buddha

placement phase, the player takes the Su-Ling tile as soon as one of the 3 Villagers
negative events occurs. At the end of the player’s turn, that player must
return the Su-Ling tile even if the figurine has not been moved. Be careful – Prisoners in their own village, the villagers are
even if more than one negative event has occurred within a single turn, only easy prey for Wu-Feng’s hordes. The Taoists will
one movement for Su-Ling is allowed. therefore have to protect them and attempt to
Su-Ling cannot be placed in front of an incarnation of Wu-Feng (she is not lead parents and children to shelter. Each family
powerful enough to face him). If a Wu-Feng ends up in front of Su-Ling, she saved will support the Taoists, but each person
is returned to the reserve and will come back into play only after the next killed by the ghosts will penalize them...
negative event.
The villagers, 24 in total, are spread over 12 families, as follows:
Effects • 4 families of 3 people (the Hua, the Zhou, the Li and the Sun);
Su-Ling cancels out the abilities of the central stone of the ghost in front • 4 families of 2 people (the Miao, the Xiang, the Sheng and the Wu);
of her. • 4 families with only 1 person (Chang, Teng, Long and Weng).
• ghost with the Haunter ability: the Haunting figurine does not move They are represented by square tiles. When many villagers are on the same
during the Yin phase. village tile, their tiles are stacked: only the villager on the top of the stack
• ghost with the Tormentor ability: the Curse die is not rolled during is visible to the players.
the Yin phase. Golden rule: there can never be more than 3 villagers on a given tile.
• ghost with the Devourer ability: the devourer does not kill a villager
during the Yin phase. Much information is provided about a villager:
Not only that, but all other abilities found in the central stone of a ghost are • the villager’s name;
neutralized (resistance to Tao dice, etc.) • the size of the villager’s family (1, 2 or 3 people);
• a negative effect on the left, applicable upon the villager’s death;
Moreover, each time Su-Ling is placed on a haunting icon adjacent to an • a positive effect on the right, applicable when the villager’s entire
empty Receptacle, the players can take a Moon Crystal token from the re- family is saved.
serve (if one is available) and place it in that Receptacle.
Villagers will only move when accompanied by a Taoist and never alone.
A villager will move with a Taoist, which means that the villager is on the
Taoist’s tile before the Taoist’s movement and on the same tile as the Taoist
after the latter’s movement.
Only the villager at the top of the stack can be moved. The golden rule of
“limit of 3 villagers per Village tile” must always be respected. Moreover,
the Villagers can never be on or move through a haunted tile.
When a villager leaves a tile, the next villager in the stack is revealed (its
tile is turned face up).

Clarifications: Clarifications:
• The “Dance of the Peaks” powers of the red Taoist can be used to move The “Heavenly Gust” power allows the blue Taoist to make, in the order of
a single villager two tiles or to go back and forth to bring a villager to his choice, an exorcism and can also:
the starting tile. perform the action of the tile;
• The “Dance of the Twin Winds” power of the red Taoist and the “Pavil- or save a villager.
ion of the Heavenly Winds” tile allow the moved Taoist to bring a vil- This power DOES NOT allow a player to both perform the tile’s action AND
lager with it (but the action cannot be used to move a villager alone). save a villager.
• Moving a Villager during a Taoist’s movement is optional.
The «Second Wind» power allows the blue Taoist to:
Saving a Villager attempt two exorcisms;
A player whose Taoist is on the Village tile which con- or perform the tile’s action twice
tains the Portal has a new action available: “Save a OR save two villagers.
villager”. Example: the blue Taoist saves two villagers by using his “Second Wind” pow-
The Village tile’s original action is still available, the er: the sole member of the Long family and one of the members of the Hua
player now has the choice between: family. The Long family is therefore fully saved and the active player receives
• the tile’s action (= action); the reward for that (the Life Potion Artifact). The Hua family still isn’t fully
• saving the villager at the top of the stack (=action); saved; therefore no reward for that is given to the players.
• or performing an exorcism.
A saved villager is placed on the Shelter board. Death of the Villagers
The moment all members of a family are saved, the active player applies the
corresponding reward.
Some rewards have a permanent effect, others have a temporary effect,
either immediate or taking place later on.

Many situations can cause the death of a villager: the inability of a villager
to flee, the «haunt a tile» ability (of the curse die, the Sheng family and
the Shapeless Evil ghost), the «devourer» ability of the new ghosts and the
negative effect of the Xiang family. When a villager is killed, it is placed on
a free space of the Graveyard board and the active player (or the neutral
board) must apply the negative effect corresponding to the villager’s fam-
ily. It is possible for more than a single villager to die at once. In this case, to
avoid confusion, remove them from the tile and apply the negative effects
one after the other, starting from the villager at the top of the stack to the
one at the bottom.

in front of the ghost. This villager is moved to the next tile in the direction
opposite to the Haunter Ghost’s. If this tile already has 3 villagers, then flee-
ing is impossible – the villager dies and is placed in the Graveyard.
If fleeing would cause a Villager to leave the village, the Villager is killed and
placed in the Graveyard.
If fleeing would cause a Villager to enter a haunted tile, the Villager is also
Reminder: each villager killed causes a negative effect!
Be careful, Rapid Haunters cause villagers to flee upon their arrival.
Example: The movement of a Haunting figurine causes the death of a Zhou
family member. The active player places the villager tile on the Graveyard
board and applies the negative effect: one of the Taoists or a neutral board Haunting a Tile
must lose a Qi token. The haunting rule is changed as follows: when a tile must be haunted af-
ter the movement of a Haunting figurine, upon the death of a Sheng family
member, as the result of the Curse die or the arrival of a ghost, two situa-
Ghost Abilities tions may occur:
• if one or more villagers are present on the tile targeted by the
Important: from now on, when multiple ghosts with an ability in their cen- haunting, all these villagers are killed, but the tile remains NOT
tral stone (Haunter, Tormentor or Devourer) are present on a board, the haunted.
effects of the ghosts must be applied from right to left. This is because when • if no villager is present on the targeted tile, the tile is haunted ac-
using the White Moon expansion, the resolution order becomes important. cording to the rule in the basic game.
New Effect of the Haunter Ability Example: a ghost with the Haunter ability causes the death of a stack of
villagers. The villagers are removed from the tile and their negative effect
Ghosts with the Haunter ability now have a new effect they can use: flee- applied in order. The Sheng haunts the tile as it is now empty, the Sun adds a
ing. ghost and the 3rd Sheng does nothing as the tile is already haunted.

The movement of a Haunting figurine from the card to the board causes a
villager to flee.
This affects the villager at the top of the first stack in front of the Haunter
ghost. This can therefore be the 1st, 2nd or even the third tile of the village

Devourers Pockets) and the rewards of the ghosts in the base game do not allow a
During the Yin phase of its board, a ghost with the Devourer Ability kills player to choose a Moon Crystal, just like it is impossible to place one on the
a villager - the villager at the top of the first stack on “Circle of Prayer” Village tile. They are not affected by the ability of Black
the tiles in front of him. If no villagers are to be found Widow ghosts (they can still be spent despite the presence of such a ghost
on the three tiles in front of the ghost, the players must in the game), nor by the effect of the “loss of Tao tokens” Curse die result
choose any other villager visible elsewhere; this villager (they are kept).
is devoured.
In the rare cases where there would no longer be a vil- Moon Crystals also have a second use. They can be placed on the Receptacles
lager left to be devoured, the active player (or neutral board) loses a Qi by the Taoists or by Su-Ling to begin a new game phase: the Mystic Barrier.
point. A Taoist who has a Moon Crystal can place it in an empty Receptacle if he
Note: one specific ghost (Grey Hunter) devours a villager as soon as it comes is in a Village corner tile adjacent to that Receptacle during step 3 of his
into play (left stone’s ability). Yang Phase (Buddha placement). In the same vein as the Buddhas, the Moon
Crystal must have been acquired by the Taoist during a previous game turn
and placing it does not count as an action.

Example: it’s the green Taoist’s turn to play. A devourer is present on his
board and must therefore kill the first villager visible on its board. The tile
directly in front of the ghost is empty, the next tile in the ghost’s row must
therefore be considered. A villager is present on that tile and is killed; the
player must apply the negative effect... The Mystic Barrier
At the edge of the village, four statues which have been standing since the
Moon Crystals dawn of time bear witness to the existence of a magic ritual in honor of the
Moon. By returning the Moon Crystals to the receptacles, the Taoists will
4 Moon Crystals, transparent, are added to the reserve. gain the strength of the Celestial body to push back the ghosts.
Players can gain these through three different ways: To stand against the increased strength of the forces of dark-
• With the support action of the “Herbalist’s Shop” Village tile with a ness, the Taoists have a new weapon: the Mystic Barrier.
white result on the Tao die – they must take a Moon Crystal instead The Taoists and Su-Ling have the opportunity to place the
of a Tao token of their choice. If no Moon Crystal is available in the 4 Moon Crystals in the 4 Receptacles made for that. At the
reserve, the benefit of the white die result is lost. end of the Yang phase where the fourth Crystal is placed, the
• As a reward for the exorcism of certain ghosts and certain incarna- Mystic Barrier is set in place. A special game phase then takes place. It takes
tions of Wu-Feng. place after the Yang phase of the active player (or neutral board).
• Through the use of the Chang family reward (Moon Dust Artifact).
For each board, starting with the one to the left of the active player, the
The Moon Crystals can be spent by the players during exorcisms and, in that players have the following choices:
case, count as Tao tokens of the color of their choice. However, they are not • return a Moon Crystal to the reserve from the Mystic Barrier to save
considered to be Tao tokens: the abilities of the yellow Taoist (Bottomless the villager at the top of the stack on the tile with the Portal. If no
villager is on that tile, the players may save any villager visible on
any other tile.
• roll 4 Tao dice to try to exorcise one or more ghosts on his board. Death of a Taoist: Inheritance Rules
The players can spend the 4 Moon Crystals like Tao tokens on all
four rolls. The abilities and Tao tokens of the Taoists can not If a Taoist who has one or more artifacts dies (0 Qi), that Taoist must give
be used for those rolls. The Circle of Prayer and the mantra the Artifact(s) to one or more Taoists still alive. Any Taoists so selected keep
are taken into account. Abilities in the right Stones (curses, re- the Artifact until the end of the game... or their own death, at which point
wards) are not activated for ghosts exorcised during this phase. the Artifact must be given to a new Taoist again.
Wu-Feng incarnations cannot be exorcised by the Mystic Barrier
Once all 4 boards have been faced with that choice, any remaining Moon
Crystals and Su-Ling are returned to the reserve. The player’s (or neutral Score
board’s) turn is over and the game resumes its normal course.
In addition to the points given by the basic rules, players see their scores
modified as follows:
Villagers : +1 per villager saved.
Position of the Portal in the village
• +0 if the Portal is in the Village’s central tile;
• +2 if the Portal is in one of the tiles left, right, up or down from the
Village’s central tile;
• +4 if the Portal is in one of the Village’s corner tiles.

Difficulty Levels: Position of the Portal

During your first few games, place the “Portal” figurine on the central tile
of the village. In later games, you can increase the difficulty (whichever
mode you’re playing in: Initiation, Normal, Nightmare or Hell) by placing it
on a peripheral tile.
In any case, there are never any villagers on the tile which has the Portal at
the beginning of the game – they are placed on the other eight tiles of the
Example: a mystic barrier has just been activated in a 3-player game. For the
first board, the players decide to roll the 4 dice and complete that roll with 2 Changes for games with 1, 2 or 3 players
Moon Crystals to send ghosts to the discard pile. The second board is empty,
so the players decide to use a third crystal to save the villager visible on the Before starting the game, you must save 1 to 3 villagers from the top of the
tile with the Portal. For the third board, the players roll the dice and spend stacks. A game with 3 players begins with 1 saved villager, a game with 2
the fourth and last Moon Crystal to send ghosts to the discard pile. For the players has 2 saved villagers and a single-player game has 3 saved villagers
fourth board, they no longer have any Moon Crystals and can therefore not when the game begins.
save a villager. They roll the dice to attempt to send ghosts to the discard In a 1 or 2 player game, the villagers saved must come from different stacks
pile. and be from different families.
If a one-member family is saved this way, a player (chosen by the players)
begins the game with the Artifact reward.
Once this step is done, reveal the villagers atop the modified stacks to that
the villagers at the top of all stacks are visible.
The game then proceeds normally.
New Tile: “Kung-Fu School” New Incarnations of Wu-Feng
The Kung-Fu School is a new village tile. Gate Keeper
The action of this tile allows a Taoist to attempt a As soon as he comes into play and until his destruction,
SOLITARY exorcism on: the Portal is removed from the village (place it on the
• Either ALL ghosts of the color of his board; incarnation’s card).
• OR ALL BLACK ghosts. When this incarnation is sent to the discard pile, players
The choice must be made before rolling the dice. must place the portal back on the tile where it was origi-
The Circle of Prayer, the Enfeeblement Mantra and nally.
the powers of the Taoist still have their effect.
Once the dice have been rolled, the player is free to use them as he wishes Voracious
and spend his own Tao and Crystals. Be careful though, as this is still a sup- This incarnation kills a villager, chosen by the players
port action and the rule on sharing Tao tokens does not apply – the other from among those visible in play, as soon as it enters play
monks present on the Tile cannot spend their Tao tokens and Crystals. as well as at the beginning of each Yin phase of the player
Note that the abilities in the Right stone (curses and rewards) are not ap- on whose board it sits (or of the neutral board, as the
plied by ghosts sent to the discard pile by this action. case may be).
The incarnations of Wu-Feng are not affected by the Kung-Fu School ac-
tion. Howling Ondine
As soon as it enters play and until it is destroyed, Su-Ling
Clarification for games with 1, 2 or 3 players: a Taoist can spend a Power to- is removed from the village (place her on the incarna-
ken to not only use the power of the neutral board, but also to target ghosts tion’s card).
of the same color as the neutral board when using the Kung-Fu School. (ex- When this incarnation is sent to the discard pile, Su-Ling
ample: in a single-player game where the player controls the blue Taoist, becomes available again in the reserve and can be placed into play accord-
the player could spend a Power token to be able to target red, green or ing to her rules.
yellow ghosts).
Note: if the power of a board is inactive, a player cannot target ghosts of Root Master
that color by spending a Power token. When this incarnation enters play, put face down all Taoist
figurines – they are immobilized and can no longer move.
They will have to spend their next movement phase to get
New action for the Cemetery tile back up.
The use of the Pavilion of the Heavenly Winds and the
From now on the “Cemetery” Village tile from the “Dance of the Twin Winds” power of the red Taoist allows a Taoist to stand
basic game also allows the Taoists to bring back a back up.
killed villager back into the game. As in the case of The “Dance of the Peaks” power of the red Taoist allows him to stand up and
a Taoist, the player undertaking the action must move one square instead of 2.
roll the Curse die and apply the result. The Villager
(chosen by the players from among those killed) Time Keeper
comes back into the game on the “Cemetery” Vil- When it enters play, the last 2 ghosts from the bottom of
lage tile (which must have room for it, keeping in the Ghost deck are removed from the game.
mind the 3 Villager per tile limit). Bringing a villager back into the game may At the beginning of each of the Yin phase of the player on
allow the players to save his entire family and thus gain the reward for it, whose board it is (or of the neutral board, as the case may
but the curse suffered for the death of the Villager is at no point cancelled be), one ghost is put into play.
and will be applied anew if the villager is killed again.

Shapeshifter Q: If a family is completely saved during the Mystic Barrier, how does its
This ghost takes the color of the board on which it is. Its effect apply?
color can therefore change if it moves around. A: The effect is applied at the end of the Mystic Barrier phase, before the
A ghost is immediately put into play as soon as this incar- active player finishes his turn.
nation enters play.
At the beginning of each Yin phase of the player on whose board it is (or of Q: If a Taoist must move/place Su-Ling but dies before the end of his turn,
the neutral board, as the case may be), the incarnation moves clockwise to what happens?
the next free space for a ghost. If the incarnation cannot enter a new space, A: The player can move/place Su-Ling, even if he dies during the turn.
it does not move.
Q: What happens if an Artifact is gained during the turn of a neutral board,
during the Mystic Barrier phase?
Frequently asked Questions A: The next player, in the order of play, will be the one to gain the Artifact.
Q: The Uncatchable incarnation of Wu-Feng comes into play – what do we Q: My Taoist has the Vengeful Claw and during an exorcism in a village cor-
do? ner I miss one of the two ghosts present; can I take a Tao token of the color
A: If the Buddhist Temple and the Pavilion of the Heavenly Winds are in play, of the missed ghost?
keep it. In any other case, replace it with another Wu-Feng drawn randomly A: No, the exorcism must be a total failure for the benefit of the Vengeful
from the box. Claw to come into play.
Q: During the Mystic Barrier phase, can I use the Tao dice captured by Q: Can I use the dice captured by ghosts when I make an action using the
ghosts? Kung-Fu School?
A: Yes. The mystic barrier is a special game phase. The 4 Tao dice are always A: No, only the Mystic Barrier allows the use of Tao dice captured by
used. At the end of this phase, the captured Tao dice are placed back on the ghosts.
ghosts if these are still in play.
Q: Do the Divine Sword and the Vengeful Claw work with the Kung-Fu School
Q: If a Hua dies during the turn of a neutral board, what happens? action?
A: Nothing, the curse of the Hua has no effect on a neutral board. A: Yes.
Q: If a Hua family member dies after the first action of the blue Taoist, can I Q: The Shapeshifter incarnation of Wu-Feng moves to a space with a Buddha,
still perform the second action? what happens?
A: Yes, only movement is affected by the curse of the Hua. A: The Buddha is removed from the space and the incarnation takes its place
(the Buddhas do not affect Wu-Feng).
Q: Can I use the “Pavilion of the Heavenly Wind” tile or the “Dance of the
Twin Winds” ability of the red Taoist to get a figurine back up after it has Q: Can I use my Yin-Yang to get a villager to safety?
been knocked down by the curse of the Hua family or the special ability of A: No, the Yin-Yang allows players to ask for the help of a distant village tile
the Root Master incarnation? or to flip over a haunted village tile.
A: Yes, getting a Taoist figurine back up is considered to be a movement.
Q: What happens if a Sheng family member dies due to a Haunt a tile ef-
A: First, all the villagers die and then the tile becomes haunted, since it’s
empty. If the 2nd Sheng was in that stack, the 3rd “haunt a tile” effect is

Ghost Stories: White Moon is an expansion by Repos Productions
Phone +32477.25.45.18 • Rue Lambert Vandervelde, 7 • 1170 Watermael-
Boitsfort - Belgium •
Original game: Antoine Bauza
Illustrations: Pierô
Development: “The Sombrero-wearing Belgians” aka Cédrick Caumont &
Thomas Provoost
Translation: Eric Harlaux
Revision: Eric Franklin
The use of this game is reserved to private amusement.
The author would like to thank the testers who were mercilessly devoured
during the creation of this expansion: Michaël Bertrand, Mikaël Bach, Fran-
çoise Sengissen, Florian Grenier, Sandra Caillault, Pierre le Runigo, Matthieu
Houssais, Dominique Figuet, Mickael Genin, the members of the Jeux en So-
ciété de Grenoble club and the players who met for a game or two during
conventions. Special thanks to Cyberfab for his help and his implication.
The Sombrero-wearing Belgians would like to thank the Club de Liège Objec-
tif Jeux, Alexis -Twilight Imperium- Desplats and his many friends through-
out the world.
Pierô thanks His lady Coralie for her support, her comments and her ever-
present help and his son Silas for his smiles, his droolies and his long nights
which have allowed me to work until very late.

Turn sequence 1 1
3 2 1 OR
Yin Phase (Ghosts)
Ghost(s) with 2

Yi n
1. Ghosts’ actions (from right to the Haunter
left) ability OR
2. Board overrun? Lose 1 Qi
token and skip 3. If not:
Ghost(s) with the Tor- Ghost(s) with the De-
3. Arrival of a ghost mentor ability vourers ability

Step 2. Board overrun?

No Yes

Step 3. Arrival of a ghost

(Never performed for a neutral board!)
3 Ghosts ? Lose 1 QI
No step 3

Yang Phase (Taoist)

1. Move (optional) 1
2. Request help from a villager tile

OR attempt an exorcism OR save 1) Move (optional)

a Villager
3. Place Su-Ling, crystal, buddha
4. Mystic Barrier 2.a) Request help from a villager 2.b) Attempt an exorcism 2. c) Save a villager

3) Place Su-Ling, Crystals, Buddhas (optional), take power tokens

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