CI3 Slippery Slope PF
CI3 Slippery Slope PF
CI3 Slippery Slope PF
1 Treasure Tile 02: Though ragged, you can’t help but notice the high quality of the corpse’s clothes as you
riffle through the pockets. You find 15 gold and a strange crest of a windwill, which you pocket.
Capital Intrigue 3: Slippery Slope
One of your number topples over the edge of
the cliff, a look of horror cemented on their
face. Luckily, the fall is shorter than expected,
and they land with a crunch on a rocky
outcropping some distance below. Unluckily,
the ledge is teeming with living corpses very
interested in crushing the life out of you.
You’ll need to climb back up to avoid being
Special Rules :
From now on, if any non-flying figure is
forced to move into a wall hex 2 (including
the figure who triggered 2 ), place that
figure on an unoccupied hex adjacent to the
right wall of this room closest to the 2 hex
they moved into, and that figure suffers trap
damage. Characters may also intentionally
move into a 2 hex for the same effect.
Treasure Tile 03: You see something glittering in a large pile of garbage and don’t think twice about
digging in. You pull out a perfectly preserved pair of Boots of Quickness (Item 43). On one of the soles,
you find the monogram “FS.” 2
Capital Intrigue 3: Slippery Slope
3 Special Rules :
Spawn 2 Hounds in the starting character
You have never been so happy in your life hexes. These are both normal for 2 characters,
to have solid footing beneath you. You find 1 is elite for 3 characters, and both are elite
renewed confidence to face the threats that for 4 characters. Additionally, at the start
still lie in front of you — shambling undead of each round, spawn a Hound in a starting
and more quivering oozes. character hex. The hound is normal for 2
characters, it alternates between normal and
What you feel less confident about, though, elite (starting with normal) for 3 characters,
is the increasing intensity of the sound of and is elite for 4 characters. These Hounds
hounds at your back. Your best guess is that are unaffected by difficult terrain.
your escape was discovered, and, because the
guards themselves did not want to enter the Boulder c has (3+L)xC hit points and
sewers, they sent in their dogs to hunt you cannot be moved. When it is destroyed, this
down. You will need to find some way to stop causes a landslide, which kills all figures on
their pursuit. the d hexes and all hexes above them on
the entire map. It also stops the Hounds from
spawning. The scenario is complete after the
landslide is triggered if all monsters are dead.
The scenario is lost if any character is killed
by the landslide or becomes exhausted in a
hex that would be affected by the landslide.
Conclusion :
The crushing cacophony of the landslide
destroying all in its path slowly fades as you
pause to catch your breath. The way back
is completely gone, broken and erased by Reward :
the rumbling tide. You will certainly not be
pursued now, but you still hold onto a kernel 20 experience each
of dread as you realize that your only way is 2 each