NLC Division Implementation Plan
NLC Division Implementation Plan
NLC Division Implementation Plan
Organization of Identify and organize the June 19, Organize the SDO SDS/ASDS None None Division PMT
SDO PMT team that will implement and 2023 Program Management
manage the NLC at the SDO Team
and school level.
Crafting of Ensure the successful June 20, Prepare NLC PMT Members LCD Projector, DIV MOOE NLC Division
NLC implementation of the NLC 2023 Implementation Plan Laptop Implementation
Implementati and Program of Plan
on Plan Activities
Curriculum Ensure a balanced and June 26-27, Develop NLC class SDS, ASDS, CTD LCD Projector, Division MOOE Class Program
and Activity engaging camp experience 2023 programs and & SGOD Chief, laptop,
Activity Matrix
Planning for learners sequence of EPS/PSDS,
Preparatory Orient school leaders of June 30, Conduct an SDS, ASDS, CTD LCD Projector, Division & School Informed School
Phase the NLC objectives, 2023 orientation session & SGOD Chiefs, Laptop MOOE Heads &
guidelines, for school leaders SHs, Teachers Program
and expectations Implementer
Stakeholder Widen support network for June-July, Collaborate with SGOD Chief, None Donations MOA/MOU
Engagement the NLC 2023 LGUs, local SEPS-Social
community Partnership
Mobilization &
organizations, Programs
businesses, and Agency partners
Learner Identify learning July 5,2023 Administer the pre- M&E /Division Testing Center PSF, MOOE, Assessment
Assessment competencies requiring TBD by assessment and Testing with computer sets Partnership result
and enhancement, Division determine learners’ Coordinator, ITO, and Internet
Placement consolidation and Testing placements. connectivity Learners’
intervention Coordinator placement
NLC July 17-18, *Conduct an NLC Core LCD Projector, PSF/ Division- Informed NLC
Teachers *Orient NLC teachers on 2023 orientation session Trainers, Laptop School MOOE teachers
Orientation the implementation of NLC for selected teachers Teachers
and for proper guidance. on how to implement
collaboration the NLC properly.
*Enhance content and
pedagogy to improve
teachers' instructional collaborative
delivery and practices sessions with
instructional leaders
and teachers
Resource Ensure the availability of July 18-20, Select, compile, and EPS-LR, EPS Teaching & PSF ℅ BEA Copy of
and Material teaching-learning 2023 develop relevant (ESM), MTs, Learning Resource selected/compile
Preparation resources teaching-learning Teachers Package d/developed TLR
Camp Ensure the proper conduct July 24- Implement the NLC PSDS/EPS, SHs, Bond paper, for PSF ℅ BEA Monitoring
Implementati of the NLC in schools Aug 25, in accordance with NLC Facilitators printing TL Report
on and adherent to guidelines and 2023 the planned Resources, Activity
Monitoring standards. curriculum and Materials
Culminating Recognize the outstanding August 25, Award learners with SDS, ASDS, CTD Paper for MOOE/ donations List of awardees/
Activity performance and active 2023 certificates of and SGOD Chiefs, Certificates Completers
participation of the completion for EPS, PSDS, SHs,
learners. outstanding Camp Facis Printer Ink
performance and
active participation
during the camp.
Evaluation Establish data for future August 31, Report summarizing PSDS/EPS, SHs, None None Monitoring
and adjustment and improved 2023 the outcomes and NLC School PMT Evaluation and
Reflection implementation for recommendations Recommendation
sustainability. from the NLC per Report
1. Orient your Department Heads / TICs in English, Math, and Science about the NLC.
2. Discuss and finalize your School’s NLC implementation plan.
3. Conduct meeting with SME teachers (Grade 7 and 8 only or all) to orient them on the following areas:
* All Grade 7 and 8 learners, whether willing or not to join the NLC, will take the pre-assessment. The
result of the Pre-assessment will inform us the true status of our learners’ academic performance.
* The pre-assessment result will be used as the basis for the division- or school-based intervention program.
* School principals must report to their respective PSDS the total number of students and the total number of test
takers in grades 7 and 8.
Sample Template
No. of Test
School Grade Level Total Enrollment
Grade 7
Grade 8
* Set date for the familiarization of grade 7 and 8 learners with how to operate the computer for the taking of
computer-based Pre-assessment
e. Criteria in selecting prospective teachers who shall handle specific learning areas in the respective camps (such
as Enhancement Camp, Consolidation Camp, and intervention camp).
The selection of teachers shall be based on competence to effectively deliver the learning content and
skills of the NLC, with a preference for those teachers with willingness, commitment, excellence,
and specialized in their respective learning areas.
Suggestions to consider:
Option 1: Assign one teacher in charge to handle the respective camp for the whole duration of the camp.
Option 2: Assign 2 or 3 teachers per camp to distribute tasks among them, or have a shift of NLC teachers on
duty per week.
4. Conduct a PTA or parents’ meeting (this could be done either in a general PTA Meeting or a homeroom PTA
* After the release of the Pre-assessment result, parents will be informed of the status of their child’s academic
performance and be given a possible recommendation.
* Before the release of the Pre-assessment result or during the releasing of Report Cards, so that you can
gather feedback from parents as to whether they are willing to let their child join the camp regardless of the result of
he pre-assessment.
5. Encourage teachers to advocate for learners and their parents to join the NLC. Let them understand the objectives
of the Camp and the help and benefit they would gain from joining it.
6. Establish a network of stakeholders for support during the NLC.
7. Conduct M and E during the camp proper.
Time (Tuesday - Thursday) Subject
8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Math (Session 1)
9:00 - 9:30 a.m. Recess
9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Science (Session 2)
10:30 - 11:30 a.m. English (Session 3)
11:30 - 1:00 p.m. Lunch Break
1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Math (Session 4)
2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Science (Session 5)
3:00 - 4:00 p.m. English (Session 6)
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Math (Session 1) Science (Session 1) English (Session 1)
9:00 - 9:30 a.m. Recess Recess Recess
9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Math (Session 2) Science (Session 2) English (Session 2)
10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Math (Session 3) Science (Session 3) English (Session 3)
11:30 - 1:00 p.m. Lunch Break
1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Math (Session 4) Science (Session 4) English (Session 4)
2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Math (Session 5) Science (Session 5) English (Session 5)
3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Math (Session 6) Science (Session 6) English (Session 6)
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
7:30 - 9:00 a.m. Math (Session 1&2) Science (Session 1&2) English (Session 1&2)
9:00 - 9:30 a.m. Recess Recess Recess
9:30 - 11:00 a.m. Math (Session 3&4) Science (Session 3&4) English (Session 3&4)
11:00 - 12:30 noon Math (Session 5&6) Science (Session 5&6) English (Session 5&6)