Unit Plan Assignment PDF
Unit Plan Assignment PDF
Unit Plan Assignment PDF
We encourage you, if possible, to teach this unit close to the time of the mid-semester conference, so that it can serve as a point of
discussion and for you to receive feedback from both your Mentor Teacher and your Field Instructor.
● ensuring that your choices of instructional strategies will engage students in meaningful, integrative, value-based, challenging,
and active learning that will contribute to their development as citizens
Use the table provided to create a bulleted list of 8-10 teacher resources. Consult educational websites, books, videos, interviews,
textbooks, and/or other teacher made lessons. Your list must include at least two NCSS Publication article/lesson (Social Studies and
the Young Learner, Middle Level Learning, or Social Education). A list of Curricular Resources for Commonly Taught Topics is
provided in D2L.
All resources must be cited in APA format. Use the following website as guidance.
graphy/us_states/illinois_history. • Timeline
NCSS Publication:
Social Studies and the Young
Learner: Google Earth: A Virtual • Using Google Earth to explore the state geography
Globe for Elementary Geography.
(March/April 2009)
NCSS Publication:
Social Studies and the Young
Learner: Let’s Tell It Right: • What did Abraham Lincoln really do for slavery?
Historical Inaccuracies in a Story • Includes Fredrick Douglas
of Lincoln and Douglas
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
(March/April 2019)
2. Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCEs) and Content Standards, and Anti-Bias Standards (1 point):
List eight to ten standards through which your unit objectives will be grounded. Be sure to cite them properly. You may use GLCEs,
Common Core State Standards, and Teaching Tolerance Anti-Bias Standards. (If unit is interdisciplinary with science, use Next
Generation Science Standards)
SS.G.1.4: Construct and interpret maps of Illinois and the United States using various media.
SS.G.3.4: Describe some of the current movements of goods, people, jobs, or information to, from, or within Illinois, and explain
reasons for the movements.
SS.G.2.4: Analyze how the cultural and environmental characteristics of places in Illinois change over time.
SS.CV.3.4. Identify core civic virtues (such as honesty, mutual respect, cooperation, and attentiveness to multiple perspectives) and
democratic principles (such as equality, freedom, liberty, respect for individual rights) that guide our state and nation.
SS.CV.4.4. Explain how rules and laws change society and how people change rules and laws in Illinois.
SS.H.1.4. Explain connections among historical contexts and why individuals and groups differed in their perspectives during the
same historical period.
Anti-Bias Standards:
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
JU.6-8.12 I can recognize and describe unfairness and injustice in many forms including attitudes, speech, behaviors, practices, and
JU.6-8.15 I know about some of the people, groups, and events in social justice history and about the beliefs and ideas that influenced
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
friendly statements that use Bloom’s Taxonomy verbs. As you write the unit objectives ask: What concrete evidence will students
provide that demonstrates what they know and are able to do?
Students will be able to identify civic virtues and democratic principles that guide our state and nation.
Students will be able to explain how people change rules and laws in society.
Students will be able to analyze how the cultural and environmental places in Illinois change over time.
Students will be able to explain connections among historical contexts.
Students will be able to explain why groups differed in their perspectives in a certain historical period.
Students will be able to describe how people’s actions impact social change.
Students will be able to research the history of Illinois using various media.
Students will be able to create a presentation using their research.
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
• This year social studies: the history of slavery in Illinois and Chicago
• Last year social studies: Chicago
• Literacy: fact vs. opinion
• Literacy: providing textual evidence
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
• I learned that at least one of my students believes the state is called Chicago. I understand this misconception, as Chicago is a
large city, but this shows me that the students know more about the city they live in rather than the state as a whole. In my unit,
I will be sure to teach the students about the entire state and spend less time on Chicago itself, since I know they covered that
last year in social studies. I think it would be helpful if they learned about events and good things happening in other parts of
the state.
• Both of the students I interviewed did not know where Illinois was on the map of the United States. This tells me that it would
be worth spending some time working with a map of the country but also a map of the state that the students can label and add
to over the course of the unit.
At the end of the unit, the students will give a PowerPoint presentation about one of the people or events we learned about in our unit.
The students will have a checklist to make sure they have included both historically accurate facts and prominent values and ideas
from that person/event during that time.
We are not asking you to label your students, but to describe them, their needs, and supports you will implement. This means don’t
write, “the student is on the autism spectrum.” Instead explain how the student behaves in class, how this plays a role in their learning,
and what you need to do to ensure that the student is engaged in all of the learning activities.
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
Daily Objective(s): Daily Objective(s): Daily Objective(s): Daily Objective(s): Daily Objective(s):
Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to
locate Illinois on a map research the state facts analyze the culture and analyze the culture and analyze what life in
of the United States. of Illinois using various experience of Native morals of Europeans in Illinois was like after
media. American in Illinois. Illinois. statehood.
Students will be able to
research the state facts Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to
of Illinois using various predict what will compare and contrast draw and label an image
media. happen to the Native the different cultures of that depicts what life
American once the the Native Americans after statehood was like.
Europeans arrive. and Europeans.
Students will color in Students will fill out a Students will write Students will write Students will draw and
Illinois on their map of poster about Illinois as down a prediction about down how Native label a picture that
the United States. they research. what they think will American and depicts what life was
Students will fill out a happen to the Native Europeans are similar like after statehood. The
poster about Illinois as Americans once the and different. The teacher will study these
they research. Europeans arrive. The teacher will read over images for accuracy.
teacher will read these these as an exit slip.
Student Adaption(s): Student Adaption(s): Student Adaption(s): Student Adaption(s): Student Adaption(s):
The students will be The students will be All students will have All students will have All students will have
researching in small researching in small the text read aloud to the text read aloud to the text read aloud to
groups, so they may groups, so they may them as they follow them as they follow them as they follow
read to one another. read to one another. along on their own along on their own along on their own
When selecting texts, I When selecting texts, I paper. The diverse paper. The diverse paper. The diverse
will choose varying will choose varying learner predictions will learners will have learners will draw an
levels of difficulty. levels of difficulty. not be as long and can multiple choice image of what life was
include a drawing. questions on their exit like after statehood but
slip. are not expected to
label them.
Lesson Alignment: Lesson Alignment: Lesson Alignment: Lesson Alignment: Lesson Alignment:
The students are The students are The students are The students are The students are
creating a foundation on creating a foundation on learning about the early learning about the learning about the
which they can build which they can build history of Illinois and history of Illinois and people, jobs, and goods
their knowledge of the their knowledge of the analyzing the culture analyzing the culture of in Illinois’s history. They
state’s history and state’s history and and ideas of the Native Europeans and Native are studying different
geography. geography. American at that time. American at that time. groups of people.
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
goods, people, jobs, or goods, people, jobs, or information to, from, or information to, from, or information to, from, or
information to, from, or information to, from, or within Illinois, and within Illinois, and within Illinois, and
within Illinois, and explain within Illinois, and explain
reasons for the movements. reasons for the movements.
explain reasons for the explain reasons for the explain reasons for the
movements. movements. movements.
JU.6-8.12 I can recognize and JU.6-8.12 I can recognize and
describe unfairness and describe unfairness and JU.6-8.15 I know about JU.6-8.15 I know about JU.6-8.15 I know about
injustice in many forms injustice in many forms some of the people, some of the people, some of the people,
including attitudes, speech, including attitudes, speech,
behaviors, practices, and behaviors, practices, and
groups, and events in groups, and events in groups, and events in
laws. laws. social justice history and social justice history and social justice history and
about the beliefs and about the beliefs and about the beliefs and
JU.6-8.15 I know about some JU.6-8.15 I know about some ideas that influenced ideas that influenced ideas that influenced
of the people, groups, and of the people, groups, and them. them. them.
events in social justice history events in social justice history
and about the beliefs and and about the beliefs and
ideas that influenced them. ideas that influenced them.
Daily Objective(s): Daily Objective(s): Daily Objective(s): Daily Objective(s): Daily Objective(s):
Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to
analyze the morals and describe the select a person or event conduct research on a conduct research on a
acts of Abraham Lincoln immigration patterns of that we have learned person or event that we person or event that we
in Illinois. folks moving to Illinois. about. have learned about. have learned about.
Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to
describe the major analyze the cultural begin researching their create a PowerPoint create a PowerPoint
conflicts of the Civil War differences and values person or event using presentation using the presentation using the
and its outcome. of each group of various media. information they have information they have
immigrants. gathered. gathered.
Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: Assessment:
The class will discuss the Students will complete a Students will collect Students will collect Students will be
reasons behind the Civil “3, 2, 1” formatted exit research about their research about their finalizing their
War and the morals of slip. The teacher will chosen person or event. chosen person or event. PowerPoints. The
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
Abraham Lincoln. The check these exit slips for The teacher will check The teacher will check teacher will check in
students will include accuracy, student ideas, over each student’s over each student’s with every student to
their own opinions as and questions. information before they information before they review what they have
well. The teacher will add it to their add it to their done.
guide this conversation. PowerPoint. PowerPoint.
Student Adaptation(s): Student Adaptation(s): Student Adaptation(s): Student Adaptation(s): Student Adaption(s):
All students will have All students will have Diverse learners will Diverse learners will Diverse learners will
the text read aloud to the text read aloud to have guided research. have guided research. have assistance
them as they follow them as they follow They will be given They will be given completing their
along on their own along on their own appropriate resources appropriate resources PowerPoint from
paper. There will be a paper. The diverse to pull information to pull information students who finish
turn and talk portion of learners will have from. from. their work early.
the discussion for multiple choice
students who do not questions on their exit
feel comfortable sharing slip and one short
their ideas in front of answer question.
the class.
Lesson Alignment: Lesson Alignment: Lesson Alignment: Lesson Alignment: Lesson Alignment:
The students are The students are The students are The students are The students are
learning about a learning about conducting research and conducting research and conducting research and
prominent figure in immigration and Illinois. deepening their deepening their deepening their
Illinois and his morals. They will be analyzing understanding on a understanding on a understanding on a
They are also learning different cultures and topic of interest. They topic of interest. They topic of interest. They
about major events of patterns in immigrants. will be writing historical will be writing historical will be writing historical
the Civil War and facts as well as making facts as well as making facts as well as making
discussing the outcomes inferences about morals inferences about morals inferences about morals
for people and the state. and ideas from that and ideas from that and ideas from that
time. time. time.
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
One lesson must be the introductory lesson and the other two lessons should be consecutive
lessons. One of these lessons must include a strategy you experienced in TE404 (historical
inquiry using primary documents, role play, simulation, discussion, or inquiry).
There are many variations of lesson plans that are acceptable (template available in D2L). Use
whatever format you are accustomed to and prefer. Be sure that the lesson plan includes the
a) Lesson title and length
b) MI/IL Grade Level Content Expectations/CCSS/NGSS/anti-bias standards
c) Big powerful idea(s)
d) Essential question(s)
e) Lesson objective(s)
f) Lesson procedure: introduction; detailed activities;, linguistic, and academic
differentiation and accommodation (that you identified in stage 3.1); transitions;
assessments; closure; and materials needed)
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
Category Comments
Delivery Moves
- Clarity of speech
- Flow of lesson, with appropriate
wait time
- Use of proximity to support
students attention
Pedagogical moves
- Gives clear directions (verbally,
- Manages transitions effectively
- Invites student involvement and
active learning
- Engages diverse learners by
connecting to their backgrounds
and/or building on their prior
Professional moves
- Professional attire
- Confidence in body language and
- Positively attentive to student
- Comes prepared
TE803 2020 Unit Plan Assignment
Other Comments