Action Plan - Algsur
Action Plan - Algsur
Action Plan - Algsur
Programs, Projects, Objectives Target Target Expected Output Target Budgetar Source of
Activities Participants Number of Date of y Fund
Participan Implemen Require
ts tation ment
NEEDS Determining PD Needs ALS SHS
ASSESSMENT of ALS-SHS Teachers Teachers, 150 Survey Questionnaire August
and School Heads on ALS SHS (75 List of Teachers and 30-31, none none
Contextualized MELCS- Coordinator, Teachers School Heads for 2023
Based ALS SHS and their 75 School Training
Curriculum school heads Heads)
DEVELOPMENT Formulating a PMT and 10 Trainers Finalized Training September NONE
comprehensive and Division Core 6 EPS Matrix 4-5, 2023
coherent session Trainers 2 EPSA Quality Assured
materials that will be Learning Area 1 Focal Session Materials
utilized for both virtual Supervisors Person
and face-to-face
DELIVERY Implementing the ALS Teachers
program to intended School Heads 150 Accomplishment Report
participants based on on the conducted
the quality-assured capability-building for
design using the school heads and teachers
developed learning
resource package for
*Giving of
n on what the
participants think
and feel about the
“ALS ACT and its
IRR” they have
*Conduct of Post
Test to determine
how far the
participants have
learned and
absorbed the
gained knowledge
after finishing the
whole duration of
the training.
*Closing Program
*End of the
Planning Questions
1. What activity/ies in the region will be implemented to ensure that ALS Act and Its IRR is widely disseminated?
2. Aside from DepEd Personnel, what groups, organizations, agencies (etc.) should be considered as participants in the regional roll out?
3. Aside from Mass Training of ALS Teachers on the Implementation of the ALS Law and Its IRR, what other priority programs embedded in the Law that can be
articulated and designed by the Region?
4. What are the other regional initiatives can be undertaken to reinforce the implementation of the Law and Its IRR?
5. Aside from the PSF, what other or alternative sources of fund can be considered?
6. What alternative plan can be designed by the Region should there be changes in Covid-19 alert level?