Fluid Mechanics I
Fluid Mechanics I
Fluid Mechanics I
t a) \\hat is the difierence between dynamic viscosity and kincmatic viscosity? state thcir unit
o f measurements.
Why docs the viscosity ofa gas inoreases with increase in temperature while that of a liquid
decreases with increase in temperature.
c) An oil of viscosity 5 poise is used for lubrication between a shaft and sleeve The diamcter
oftho shaft is 0.j m and it rotalcs at 200 rpm. Calculate the powet lost in oil for a sleeve
len$h of 100 mm. The thickness ofoil fikn is 1.0 mm
Fig. sho*s a conica.l vessel having its outlel al A 10 \thich a U - tubc maEomelcr
is 7
whelr the vessel is
co-nnected. the reading on the manomeler given in the figure shows
.-pty. fioa tf," t"oain; ofthe manometer when the vessel is completely filled with water'
I 300cm
A tank contairls water up to a height of0.5m above the base An immiscible liquid
of 1
3. a)
sp.gr. 0.8 is filled on the top ofwater up to 1m height.
i) Total pressure on one side ofthe tank.
ii) The position ofceotre ofpressure on one side oftank which is 2m wide'
AW - 2730 I
b) Explain how you \tould find the resultant pressue orl a curved surface
immersed in a liquid' 6
a) What are the c.onditions ofcquilibrium ofa floating body and a submerged body? 3
b) Iiind the volume of the water displaced and position of cenlre o1 -buoyancy for a
wooden 4
block of width 2.5m and a depth ;f 1.5m, when it floats horizontally in water' The density
ofwoorlen block is 650 kglm3 and its length 6 Om'
c) The stream functioo for a tlvo dimensional flow is givcn by v = 8xy , calculate the velocity 6
5. a) Derive Luler's equation of motion along a stream lin€ for an ideal fluid Explain horv this is 8
integrated to get Bemoulli's equation along a steam - line'
b) The water is flowing tlEough a taper pipc oflength 100 m having diameters 600 rnrn at the 5
upper en<l and 300 mm at the tower end. at the rate of 50 litres / scc The pipe- has-a slope
oi't in lO. Fbd the pressure at the lower end if tlre pressure at the higher level is
19.62 N/cm2.
b) A pipe of 300 mm diamcter cotrveying 0.30 mr/s of $ater h-T l riSht angled bend in a 8
' horizontal plane. Find the resuhant force ererted on the bend il thc pressuc at ir et and
outlet of the bend are 24.525 N/cm) and 23.5'14 N/cm2'
the rate 8
7. a) Exptain the pdnciple ofventurime&r with a neat sketch' Derive the expression for
of flo$r' of fluid tbrcugh it.
8. a) Define notch and weir. How are the notches and weirs are classificd? 7
A rectangular chaonel 2 m wide has a discharge of250 litres/ sec, which is measured by a
' right - aniled v-notch. Find the positioo ofthe aPex ofthe Bolch from the bed ofthc channel
if maximum depth of wate! is trot to exceed 1.3 m Take Cd:0 62'
AW - 2730 2
An oil of viscosity 0.1 NS/m2 and relatire density O is flowing thtough
a circular pipe 6
ai*,.i", SO La length of 300 mm. The rate of flow of fluid tbrough is 3 5 lir/sec'
"rlr, a."p" in aienglh of 300 m aod also the share stress at the pipe wal!'
fiJifi" p*""""
b) Howwillyoudetermilethelossofheadduetoli.ictioninpipesbyusingDaJcy'sformula6
aud Chery's formula.
AW - 2730