This is not an individual lesson plan. It is a unit plan. If the unit lasts two (2) weeks, the unit plan covers all lessons
during those 2 weeks. Daily lessons are included in the unit plan.
Teacher: Milton Lazo Date: January 15 th and 22nd
Program: Adults Communicative Program - Saturday Level: 1
Session: S001/2022 Shift: 8:00 -12:30 pm- 1:00 -
Textbook: Open Mind Starter Unit No. 1
Unit Title: High five No. of S’s
Final Project
In the next section, I will list my individual lessons for the unit.
Saturday 1 and 2
(These are also what will be looked Estimated
for during observations): Time
Warm-up 15
Every lesson should start with a Warm up: minutes
warm-up activity. This could be a
short game, a joke (a clean one), an Hot potato: Teacher brings a potato , music and some cue cards ,
interesting fact, a riddle, a he plays the music. Ss will pass the potato around. When he stops
quotation, or any activity that gets
students in the mood for learning. It the music , the SS who got the potato in their hands will pick up
should be short, fun, and motivating. some questions to be answered.
Ideally, the warm-up activity is
directly connected to Unit content
and grammar.
Ideally, warm-up links to past
Introduce new topic / content / 20 min
structure / skill or activity Unit Introduction:
Teacher introduces the unit providing SS with classroom
Explicitly link concepts to students’ language. He provides new expressions and questions.
backgrounds, past learning, and
Vocabulary activity 1.
Key vocabulary (e.g., introduced,
written, repeated, and highlighted)
Clear explanation of Presentation: Teacher introduces the alphabet orally
structure/skill/activity Practice:
Students talk about their Ss will listen and repeat the letters
knowledge or and experience with SS will sing the alphabet , Teacher guides them.
the topic of the listening or
Students make predictions about
what they will learn today.
Informal Assessment of student
language and need for language Production:
support SS will work in Pairs introducing themselves and spelling their
Practice – Students practice, use, names and surnames. 50 minutes
and apply the content.
Presentation: Vocabulary activity 2.
Things to consider:
Clear explanation of tasks
Teacher writes the cardinal numbers from the board,SS will practice
Activities are student centered
and varied (e.g. hands-on pronunciation and spelling.
materials/manipulatives, note- Practice:
taking, graphic organizers)
Ample opportunity for students SS will listen and circle the number they hear.
to use strategies Production:
Variety of techniques used to In groups SS will make mathematical operations using the
make content concepts clear numbers.
(e.g. modeling, visuals, hands-on
activities, demonstrations,
Grammar focus 1:
gestures, body language) Presentation:
Proper use of concept checking Teacher introduces be statements through conversations, he
questions and information provides oral and written examples.he explains function.
checking questions Practice:
Opportunities for interaction Ss will complete a table with the forms of the verb be . in
between teacher/student and their books they will circle the correct option.page 9
among students (e.g., whole
Production: Ss will write some true and false statements about
class, small group, partners,
independent) themselves using the verb be.
Grouping configurations should Grammar focus 2:
be considered according to ss´ Presentation: Teacher introduces possessive adjectives in
language abilities and context,he provides a chart with oral and written examples,he
knowledge explains the function.
Activities integrate all 4 language
skills (R, W, L, S) Practice: SS will look at some pictures , they will circle the correct
Teacher Speech is appropriate
option to complete sentences.page 11
for students’ language
proficiency level (e.g. slower rate
and enunciation and simple Production: Now you do it .SS will talk about their possessions
sentence structure for beginners) and their classmates using the possessives forms
Students are actively engaged
and interested in the lesson Listening Task 1:
during delivery.
Teacher consistently provides Pre: SS will listen to some conversations about school., classes .
sufficient wait time for student work and home.
Appropriate teacher talk time
During : SS will make up new conversations to introduces
(as little as possible
Regularly provide specific
themselves and others , they will give personal information
feedback to students on their
output (e.g., language, content, Production: SS are going to act them out.
work) during daily lessons Listening task 2:
Technology is appropriately and
effectively utilized in lesson and Pre: Teacher introduces some greetings orally, he focuses on
for reinforcement pronunciation.
During: Ss will label some pictures using the greetings , then they
will listen and complete conversations using the greeetings page 8.
Closing – Wrap up Ss will work on the wrap-up section) vocabulary and grammar 20 min
Things to consider: section. Page 16.
Review of key vocabulary
Review of key content concepts
SS will work on their workbook material unit 1. SS will take a reading quiz for the third Saturday. Also they will write a short
paragraph describing their personal profile. grammar verb BE Teacher provides a sample.
NOTE: Some of the activities in this unit Plan might not be done in the class or take longer. In other case, more
activities could be added. In any of the situations, the UP will change depending on ss´ interests, knowledge or needs.