Standard - CC.1.1.1.C: Lesson Day/Duration Context/Background Info
Standard - CC.1.1.1.C: Lesson Day/Duration Context/Background Info
Standard - CC.1.1.1.C: Lesson Day/Duration Context/Background Info
PA Standards
List the Pennsylvania Standard(s) relevant for this lesson. Standard - CC.1.1.1.C
Standard - CC.1.1.2.D
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
What classroom accommodations do you plan to employ to increase
curriculum access for students identified with special education needs
or 504?
Describe how these accommodations align with the current
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for each student as applicable
(avoid using actual names of students).
Modifications N/A
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
What curricular modifications and/or changes in performance
standards, if any, do you plan to employ to facilitate the participation
of students identified with special education needs?
Assessment (Formal or Informal). Informal assessment during the closure activity, students will complete the
(1f: Assessing Student Learning) short U activity independently and it will be collected to see who understands
and who needs more help, will not be graded.
How will you and the students assess where the learning objectives,
listed above, were met?
Each formal or informal assessment should describe how it is aligned
to the above objective(s).
Reflection on Instruction I could tell that my students understood the material I was teaching because
when I asked them to form and find words that had that short u sound, they
What evidence did you collect to demonstrate that your students have were able to. They were asked to find and tell me the word aloud and they all
met or are progressing towards the learning outcome? did very well. The students did become a little confused with words like ‘out’
What changes or adjustments had to be made during the lesson (justify because the short u words we were discussing all had the letter U in the
those changes) to ensure students make adequate progress in meeting
middle. I don’t think they thought ‘out’ was a short U word because of the
the learning objective?
What changes will have to be made to the next lesson in order for sound, I think they saw a middle letter U that was the same as out short U
students to be on pace in meeting the overall goal of the unit or lesson? sounding words like run,bud,pug, etc.
I had to adjust this lesson because I didn’t have as much time as I would have
Taking good notes about each lesson will help as you develop a formal liked. Luckily, this was a small group lesson, and I knew my mentor teacher
reflective narrative at the end of the SLO.
was going to be going over this again with the class so I was able to introduce
this to the students comfortably knowing if I didn’t get through everything, I
wanted they would be going over it again at some point. The changes I would
make next time would just shorten the lesson that way I can get into the
material more. I would do this by not having as many activities since I didn’t
have a lot of time and I would do the story, and the fundations and the search
for the words in the story.
Updated: December 12, 2021