Method of Umrah Updated - 240328 - 235318
Method of Umrah Updated - 240328 - 235318
Method of Umrah Updated - 240328 - 235318
70 d
different to hajj?
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In Arabic the word umrah is derived from Al-I’timar which means to visit. Here it means paying
a visit to Ka’abah. The word Umrah is usually translated as minor pilgrimage; or Hajj al-Asghar.
Reference to Umrah occurs twice in the Quran, “And complete the Hajj or Umrah in the
service of Allah.” Umrah is an act of worship. Abu Hurairah reports that the Prophet (SAW)
said, “From one Umrah to the next is an atonement for any sins committed in between.”
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Umrah does not free a person from obligation of Hajj. A great reward is promised to perform
Umrah in the month of Ramadan, Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet (SAW) said, “An Umrah
in the month of Ramadan is equal (in reward) to performing a Hajj.”
Many acts of umra are similar to hajj but there are some fundamental differences. In umra the
pilgrim puts on the ihram at meeqat, recites the talbiya and then goes for tawaf of the Ka’ba, then
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performs two rakah at the station of Ibrahim. Then performs sa’y between the hills of Safa and
Marwa, after which men shave their head or cut their hair while the women cut a lock of their
Hajj is obligatory and Umrah is not. Unlike Hajj, which is performed during the prescribed
month, Umrah can be performed at any time of the year. Wuquf-e-Arafah is one of the most
important component of Hajj without which Hajj is void but there is no wuquf Arafah and wuquf
10th Dhu al-hijja. Pilgrims stay in Mina in Hajj and perform Rammi at Jamarat and sacrifice an
animal but there is also no stay at Mina and sacrifice is not offered in Umrah.