Igcse Islamic Studies "Umrah"

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Arabic word Umrah is derived from al-itmar which means a visit.

In Islam it
means paying a visit to Kabah.The word Umrah is usually described as minor
pilgrimage or Hajj Asghar. The Quran States,” And complete the Hajj or
.Umrah in the service of Allah.” (Al-Baqarah 2:196)
Umrah is an act of worship and it does not free one from the; obligation of hajj.
Performing umrah during the month of Ramadan is equivalent to performing
.hajj in terms of the reward
The Muslim makes an intention to perform Umrah, and follows the Sunnah of
the Prophet by performing ghusl (bath) prior to entering the state of Ihram.
Muslims put on Ihram clothes at Meeqat area and declare their intention to
perform Umrah. The prescribed dua is: “O Allah I hear Your call and I am
coming for Umrah” While in the state of Ihram, the pilgrim is prohibited to cut
his hair or nails, using perfume, engaging in marital relations, hunting animals,
wearing stitched clothes and covering the head for men. Women are prohibited
from wearing niqab, and gloves. If a pilgrim commits any of the
abovementioned acts, he is required to offer fidyah.

As soon as one enters the state of Ihram, the pilgrim must recite talbiah in a
loud voice while the women must recite in a low voice audible to her only.

The pilgrim performs wudhu before entering the Haram. Before beginning the
tawaf, one must stop reciting the talbiah. Tawaf begins from the black stone,
one must begin by kissing it, touching it or directing their hands toward it from
a distance and recite "Bismillaahi Allahu Akbar" at beginning of each round
from this point. Male pilgrims walk at a faster pace for the first three circuits
and place the top piece, rida, of their ihram under the right arm and the ends of
it over the left shoulder from the start till the end of tawaf.

It is Sunnah to kiss the black stone and touch the Yemeni corner in every round
during Tawaf.
During tawaf, pilgrims praise Allah and make supplications to him. It is
recommended to end each round by reciting the following words when between
the Yemeni corner and the black stone. “Our Lord! Give us good in this
world and good in Hereafter, and save us from the torment of Hellfire.”
(Surah al Baqarah 2: 201)

After completion of Tawaf, pilgrims should pray 2 Rakah behind Maqam

Ibrahim at any place within the Sacred Mosque. It is preferred to recite Surah
Al Kafirun and Surah al Ikhlaas in the respective Rakahs.
After this the pilgrim proceed to do the Sa'y which running between the two
hills of safa and marwah 7 times. Prior to performing Sa'y, it is Sunnah to return
to the black stone in order to do Istilam and make supplications while standing
by Mount Safa. In order to do so recite 'allahu Akbar" 3 times followed by this
dua, " There is none worthy of worship and obedience except Allah alone,
the One, He has no partner. His is the sovereignty to Him praise is due, and
He has power over all things. There is none worthy of worship and
obedience except Allah alone, the One, who fulfilled His promise and
confirmed the truthfulness of His slave and defeated the opponents
Himself” and then he can ask whatever he wants to.
From Safa, make your way towards Marwah. Between Safa and Marwah, you
will encounter two sets of green fluorescent lights. Between these two lights, it
is Sunnah for men to run at a medium pace while women should continue
Repeat this procedure until one has completed seven laps, at which point he
should be at the hill of Marwah.
After the Sa'y is completed Men are requiring to either trim his hair or shave
their head while women cut a lock of hair,

Umrah and hajj may seem similar but have major differences. Hajj is obligatory
while umrah isn't. Umrah can be performed anytime throughout the year
whereas hajj is performed during the specific month of dhul hijjah once in a
year. Hajj is a pillar of Islam whereas umrah is merely an act of worship. Umrah
only consists of the tawaf and sa'y whereas in hajj a pilgrim is required to halt at
mina, arafah and muzdalifah and stone at jamarat. Umrah is a matter of few
hours whereas hajj involves a lot of days. Hajj also involves combining of
prayers on specific day whereas umrah doesn't.

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