Open Safwa Tul Umrah English

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The Mawaqit
(stated places) for Ihram for Hajj
Abyaar `Ali: Dhu’l-Hulayfah: the people of Madinah.
Yalamlam – The people of Yemen.
Juhfah - The people of Egypt, Ash-sham and Morocco.
The people of Najd.
- This people from the East.
Makkah – The people of Makkah.

The Pillars of Hajj

The Obligations of Hajj

Spending the night at Muzdalifah - Spending the

nights in Minaa
Stoning the Jamrat - Shaving or trimming hair
Farewell Tawaf (Al-Wada’) except for menstruat-
ing or women in puerperal period.

Rulings related to Hajj
Whoever leaves out a pillar, then he has not completed

Running between the two green signs (between Al-Sofa

and Al-Marwa), for men.

There is no penalty upon one who omits a Sunnah.

The Pillars of `Umrah

The Obligations of `Ihram

Ihram from the Meqat or from Al-Hill for the people of

The Sunnan of `Umrah
- Complete Bath – using perfume (‘iter or musk)
- Wearing a white wrapper (garment) and cover cloth.
- Saying the Talbiyyah and remembering Allah during
- Exposing the right shoulder during Tawaaf Al-Qudoom

Tawaf for men.

- Touching the Yemini corner.

with right hand.


- Climbing the mountains of Al-Sofa and Al-Marwa

- Running between the two green signs (between Al-
Sofa and Al-Marwa), for men.

Rulings related to `Umrah
- Whoever leaves out a pillar, then he has not complet-

- There is no penalty upon one who omits a Sunnah.

The prohibitions while

a) Removal of hair.

d) Covering the head with something that

touches it, for men.

f) Women wearing the face veil or gloves.

g) Physical contact with lust.

The expiation due for nonconformity

slaughtering a sheep or goat in Makkah or in the place

is no penalty on him.

in form to the animal hunted.

- Sexual intercourse: a sheep or goat is slaughtered, the
`Umrah is invalidated. The `Umrah must be completed
and he must make the `Umrah up (perform another
one in its place).

In The Name of Allah,
the Entirely Merciful,
the Especially Merciful,

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe. May
peace and blessings be upon Muhammad,
the seal of the prophets and messengers, and
upon his family and esteemed companions,
what follows: (To commence)
Undoubtedly, Hajj is among the best forms of
worship and one of the most sublime deeds
as it is one of the Islamic Pillars that Allah sent
Muhammad “peace be upon him” with, and
a servant’s religion is considered incomplete
without it.
As for one’s act of worship to be accepted; the

First, keeping the act of worship sincerely for

the sake of Allah alone with no hypocrisy,

in words and deeds which cannot be
accomplished except through knowing the

Types of Pilgrimage
There are three types of Hajj:

of Ihram during the months of Hajj for

`Umrah only. This means that when he
reaches Makkah, he performs Tawaf and
Sa’yi for `Umrah, and shaves or clips (his
hair). Then, on the day of Tarwiya, which
is the eighth of Dhul-Hijja, he puts on

Al-Ifraad: A pilgrim goes into the state of

Ihram for the Hajj only. This means that
when he reaches Makkah, he performs
Tawaf for arrival in Makkah and Sa’yi for
Hajj. He does not shave his head or trim

his hair, since he remains in the state of

of Jamratul Al-Aqaba on the day of Eid.

It is permissible for him to postpone his

Al-Qiraan: The pilgrim gets into the

state of Ihram for both `Umrah and Hajj
together. (Another way is) he gets into the
state of Ihram for `Umrah, then before
his Tawaf for Hajj, he can add Hajj to it.

are the same as those of one performing

Ifrad, except that the one performing
Qiran must slaughter whereas there is
no slaughter upon one performing Ifrad.

The best of these three types (of Hajj) is

companions to perform and encouraged them

to do. If a pilgrim already intended to perform

to perform `Umrah, so that it becomes a

wa-sallam performed Tawaf and Sa’yi with his
companions during the year of the Farewell
Hajj, he ordered all those who didn’t bring the

and disengage from Ihram. He then said, “If I

have done what I ordered you to do.”

The description of `Umrah

If a pilgrim intended to perform Umrah, it is
recommended for him to get out of his regular
clothing, take a complete bath similar to the

and perfume his head and beard with the best

Taking a shower for Ihram is Sunnah for both

bathing and wearing Ihram clothes, the pilgrim,

women, prays the obligatory prayer, if it is the

the state of Ihram by saying: Labbayka Umrah

here I am. Here I am. You indeed have no

partner. Here I am. No doubt all praise, grace
and sovereignty belong to you. You indeed
have no partner”.
Men should say the Talbiyah with a loud voice
while women say it so that only the one next
to her can hear it (in a subdued voice).

It is necessary that one in Ihram says

descending or ascending during travel or when

Talbiyah, he should seek Allah’s pleasure, ask

him for Jannah and also seek refuge through

starts Tawaaf. As for Hajj, it starts from the

when he begins to throw Jamarat Al-Aqaba on

the day of `Eid.
If one enters the Holy Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-
Haraam), he enters with his right foot and says:
“In the name of Allah, may peace and

Allah, forgive my sins and open the doors of

your mercy for me. I seek refuge in Allah, the
Almighty and in his Eminent Face and Eternal
Dominion from the accursed devil.”

Then he approaches the Black Stone

to begin the Tawaf (i.e. circling the K`abah). He
touches it with his right hand. If touching it is
not possible, he should face the Black Stone
and point to it once with his hand without
kissing it. It is best not to push and shove,
causing harm to people or being harmed by
When a pilgrim touches the Stone (or points to
it), he/she should say:
“In the name of Allah. Allah is the greatest.

(circling around the K`abah). When he reaches

the Rukn Al Yamani he should touch it without
kissing. If he cannot do it, then he should not
crowd around it. Between the Rukun Al Yamani
and the Black Stone one says:

for forgiveness and health in this life and in

by the Black Stone he should say: Allahu Akbar

(“Allah is the Greatest).” During the remainder

Quran as he likes. Since the Tawaf around the

House, Sa’yi between Safa and Marwa, and
Stoning the Jamarat are for the purpose of
Dhikrullaah (remembering Allah).

(for `Umrah) it is necessary for men to do two
- Al-ldhtebaa’ from the beginning of Tawaf
to its end. Al-ldhtebaa’ means placing the
middle of one’s Reda’ (i.e. upper garment)
under his right arm and the ends of it over

he returns his Reda’ (upper Ihram cloth) to its

only during Tawaaf.

three circuits. Al-Ramal means speeding up

one’s pace with small steps. As for the last four
circuits, the pilgrim should walk at a normal
When seven circuits of Tawaf are completed,
the pilgrim may approach Maqam Ibrahim and

He then prays two Raka`as behind Maqam

second one he recites Suratul-lkhlas [Chapter

the Black Stone and touch it, if he can, then

he goes to the Mas’a (i.e. the place for S`aiy).
When he gets near to Al-Safa he recites:

see the Ka’bah. He faces the Ka’bah, raises

his hands, praises Allah and makes any

sallam on Safa was:

(Laa i-laaha illal-laahu wah-dahu laa shareeka
lah; lahul-mulk, wa lahul-hamd, wa huwa `alaa
kul-li shay-in Qadeer. Laa i-laaha illal-laahu
wah-dah, An-jaza wa`dah, wa na-sa-ra `ab-

dah, wa ha-za-mal ah-zaa-ba wah-dah)
“There is none worthy of worship except Allah
alone with no partner or associate. He is the
Dominion and to Him be all praise and he is
able to do all things. There is none worthy of

His Promise, aided His servant and He single-

handedly defeated the allies”.

them of whatever he likes.

He then descends from Al-Safa and heads to
Al-Marwa at a normal pace. However, when
he reaches the green marker he should run
as quickly as he can to the other one (green
marker) without causing harm to others.

ascends Al-Marwa, faces the Qiblah, raises his

hands and repeats what he said on Al-Safa. He
then descends Al-Marwa and heads to Al-Safa,
taking care to walk where he walked and runs
where he ran.

laps. Going from Al-Safa to Al-Marwa is one

lap, while returning to Al-Safa from Al-Marwa

is another lap.
During his Sa’yi he may recite what he likes of

shaves or trim his hair. As for women, they

from every plait.

except when Hajj is near and there isn’t

case, it is best to trim the hair so that it will

remain for shaving during Hajj.
With those acts, `Umrah is completed, and a
pilgrim is free to dress in regular clothing, use


The description of Hajj

a pilgrim gets into the state of Ihram for Hajj in
the morning from the place he is at. He enters
into Ihram for Hajj the way he did his Ihram for

`Umrah. So he takes a complete bath, uses `Itr
(perfume) and prays (salah). He declares his

Labbayka Hajjaa (I obediently answer your call

here I am. Here I am. You indeed have no

partner. Here I am. No doubt all praise, grace
and sovereignty belong to you. You indeed
have no partner”.
If he fears that something will prevent him

“If I am prevented by any obstacle my place
(to get out of Ihram) is wherever I am held up.”.

If he has no such fear, he doesn’t have to make

he prays Dhuhr, Asr, Magrib, Isha and Fajr,

shortening the four unit prayers (by praying

them two units each), without combining
When the sun rises on the day of `Arafah (i.e.
the 9th of the month of Dhil Hijjah), he goes to
`Arafah. He stops at Namirah and waits there

(to go to Namirah), then that is no problem

the sun passes over the zenith, the pilgrim

combines Dhuhr and Asr prayers in the early

du`aa and invoking Allah, the Almighty. While

likes, even if the mountain (of mercy) is behind

of the K`abah while making du`aa and not the


Laa i-laaha illal-laahu wah-dahu laa shareeka

lah; lahul-mulk, wa lahul-hamd, wa huwa `alaa

kul-li shay-in Qadeer.
“There is none worthy of worship except Allah
alone with no partner or associate. He is the
Dominion and to Him be all praise and he is
able to do all things.”

those concerning Allah’s grace and abundant

during that day.

to seize the opportunity to spend the end


When he reaches there, he combines the

Salah (prayer) of Maghrib and Isha, except

`Isha, then he prays each Salah (prayer) on its

then there is no harm to combine even if it is

Moreover, if he fears that he will not reach

pray even if it before he reaches it, since it is

for Fajr comes in, he makes the Adhan and

Iqamah and prays Al- Fajr early. He then
proceeds to Al-Mash`aril Haraam (the place of
the Masjid in Muzdalifah), there he declares

If it is not possible to go to Al-Mash`aril
Haraam, he can supplicate from wherever he
is, be in Allah’s remembrance and supplicate

the K`abah.

sunrise, the pilgrim leaves to Mina. It is

recommended to hasten through Waadi
Muhasir (the length of a stone throw between
Muzdalifah and Mina).

When he reaches Mina, he throws the pebbles

but the closest one to Makkah - with seven

the other, saying Takbeer (i.e. Allahu Akbar)

with every pebble he throws.

heads while women cut their hair without

He then goes to Makkah to perform Tawaf (Al-
lfadha) and Sa’yi for Hajj. It is Sunnah to use ‘itr

and shaving and before going to Makkah.

Mina to spend the nights of the eleventh and

passes over the zenith (at noon) on both the

(the Jamarat), however, if one rides, there is

which is the furthest from Makkah, and the

closest to Masjid Al-Khaif. He stones it with

making takbeer with each stone he throws.
He then moves forward a short distance and
makes a long du`aa with whatever (du`aa) he

what easy for him – even if it is short – so as

to achieve the sunnah. Then he stones the

the other, making takbeer with every stone he

raised and facing the K`abah, he makes a long

du`aa if this it is possible for him otherwise,
he supplicates with what is easy for him. Then
he stones Jamaratul Al-Aqaba with seven

with every stone he throws. He then moves

12th day, if he wishes, he can hasten and leave

Mina (before the sun sets).
However, if he wishes to prolong his stay,
which is best, he spends the night of the
thirteenth in Mina and stones (the Jamarat)

manner as he did before.
If the sun sets on the 12th while the pilgrim is
in Mina, then it becomes obligatory upon him
to stay the night and stone the Jamarat during

When he wishes to return home, he must

experiencing postnatal discharge do not have

to perform Tawaf Al-Wada’. Also, it is not
necessary for them to stand by the door of the
Sacred Masjid for their farewell.

The following are obligatory upon the one who

is in Ihram for Hajj or ‘Umrah:

(for men).

2. That he avoids what Allah has made
prohibited upon him such as obscenity,
iniquity, and disobedience:

or other than that.

which are those things that are prohibited to

be done for one who is in the state of Ihram:
a) He should not remove anything of his hair
or nails. As for the prick of a thorn and the like,
then there is no harm, even if there is bleeding.
b) He must not use ‘itr (sweet scent/ perfume)
on himself, on his clothing or in his food or

c) He should also abstain from cleansing
himself with scented soap. However, there is

‘itr (sweet scent) that was used prior to Ihram.

d) He should not kill hunted game, which is
halal wild animals that live on land (and not
in water).
e) He must not touch or kiss with desire. What
is even worse is sexual intercourse.
e) The pilgrim cannot conduct a marriage

cannot propose to a woman for himself or for

f) He should not wear gloves, although there is
no harm in wrapping the hands in cloth.

for both men and women.

a) He cannot cover his head with something

that touches it. However, there is no harm if
one shades himself with an umbrella, the roof
of a car or tent or carries baggage on his head.
b) He cannot wear a shirt, turban, hooded
cloak, trousers, or leather socks. However, if

wear leather socks.
c) He cannot wear anything with the same

overcoat, Qubaa, hat, undershirt, etc.

d) It is permissible for him to cleanse himself
with unscented cleansers and to wash and
scratch his head and body, even if some of hair

no penalty on him because of it.

A woman cannot wear a Niqab which covers

Sunnah is for her to uncover her face except if

men not related to her might see her, in which
case it is obligatory for her to cover her face
during the state of Ihram and otherwise.

Visiting The Prophet’s Masjid
in Al-Madeenatul Munawarrah

than a thousand prayers elsewhere except in

the Holy Mosque in Makkah.
2. Upon reaching the masjid, he prays two

that is due.

greets him saying: “May the peace, mercy, and

may Allah grant you a good reward on behalf

of your people “

Abu-Bakr -may Allah be pleased with him- and

greets him saying: “May the peace, mercy, and

Caliph of the Messenger of Allah. May Allah be

pleased with you and grant you a good reward

on behalf of Muhammad’s people.”
Then he takes a step or two to his right to

-May Allah be pleased with him- and greets

him saying: “May the peace, mercy and

prince of the believers. May Allah be pleased

with you and grant you a good reward on
behalf of Muhammad’s people.”
5. Go to Masjid Quba’ in a state of purity, and
pray in it.
6. Go to Al-Baqee’ to visit Uthman’s grave
-may Allah be pleased with him-. Stand before
it, and greet him saying:
“May the peace, mercy and blessing of

the believers. May Allah be pleased with you

and grant you a good reward on behalf of
Muhammad’s people. He also greets the other
Muslims in Al-Baqee.
7. Then go to Uhud and visit the grave of
Hamza -may Allah be pleased with him- and
the other martyrs there with him. Greet them
and pray to Allah to grant them forgiveness,
mercy, and pleasure.

Allah is the giver of success. May His blessings
be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family
and all of his companions.

Comprehensive Supplications

‘O Allah, for You is all praise. Praise that is

abundant, good and blessed as You love,
our Lord and is pleased with; Praise that

heavens and Your Earth and all between

that You will abounds with Your praises,


‘O Allah, to You belongs all praise, You

are the Light of the heavens and the

belongs all praise, You are the Sustainer

of the heavens and the Earth and all that

You is true, the Garden of Paradise is true
and the Fire is true, the Final Hour is true,

upon You I have relied, and in You I have

believed, and to You I have turned in re-
pentance, and with You (Your help) I have
disputed, and to You I have turned for

None has the right to be worshipped ex-


it, for You are the best of those who can

purify it, You are its Protector and Helper.

that is not fearful, a self that is not sat-

sponded to.

to You alone, none has the right to be
worshipped except You alone, the Origi-
nator of the heavens and the Earth, O

O Allah, our Lord! Give us good in this

Our Lord, we do believe, so forgive us and

You laid upon those before us. Our Lord,
and burden us not with that which we
have no ability to bear. And pardon us;

You are our protector, so give us victory

over the disbelieving people.”

will be established.»



not disgrace us on the Day of Resurrec-

disobedience to You, and such obedience

paradise, and such certainty (in You) that

is no deity that has the right to be wor-
shipped except You alone. You are the

O Allah, Creator of the heavens and the

Earth, Knower of the unseen and the
seen, I bear witness that there is none
worthy of worship but you. Lord of ev-

that other than Allah has the power to

bow or prostrate to other than Allah.


death a refuge against all troubles.




Your forgiveness, and that which will

evil except You.

You for happiness that would never end

love due to Your love whoever You love

or those who opposes You because of

of disobedience to the honour of obedi-

and obedience to You over Your disobedi-

the need of other than You O Ever Living,

and Nobility.

O Allah, Lord of the heavens and the

O Allah, You are the First and there was

nothing before You. You are the Last and

Outward and there is nothing above You.

You are the Inward and nothing is closer

right to be worshipped except You, You

except You”.

ones, loving of the poor (people), and

into) the trial.

heart (to be) upon Your obedience.

except that You have forgiven it; nor a
concern except that You dispel it; and no
debt except that You do away with it; and

(worldly life) and the next life that You

are pleased with and which has goodness

for You are the All-Hearing, the All-Know-

ing. And accept our repentance; indeed

«Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers
who preceded us in faith and put not

those who have believed. Our Lord, in-


the night and day as You are pleased for



best deeds, the best reward, the best liv-


last of it, the apparent and the hidden of

what I bring forth and the good of what

I do and the good that is hidden and ap-
parent and for high levels in Paradise




O Allah, You are the King, there is no de-
ity worthy of worship but You, You are

conduct, none guides to the best of it ex-

pily and obediently answer, and all good is

You forgiveness and repent to You.



a sound heart, a truthful tongue, and I


with faith, and faith along with good


I beg You with the plea of the very poor

and I beseech You with the plea of the

sinner, I supplicate to You the supplica-

the wrongdoers.

Our Lord, upon You we have relied, and

to You we have returned, and to You is
and forgive us, our Lord. Indeed, it is You

above what they describe. And peace

lah, Lord of the worlds.


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