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 5th Pillar of Islam

 Became obligatory in 9AH
 Obligatory on every Muslim who can afford it
 Performed in the last month of Islamic Calendar Zil Hajj
 It is a form of Ibadah which covers all aspects of human life (Wealth, time, physical &
mental energies)
 “Pilgrimage there to is a duty men owe to Allah, those who can afford the journey”
 He who is not prevented from performing the pilgrimage by an obvious necessity, a
tyrannical ruler, or a disease which confines him at home, and dies without having
performed the pilgrimage, may die if he wishes a Jew or a Christian” (Tirmidhi)

Importance of Hajj
Social Benefits

 Demonstrates equality & brotherhood

 Promotes humility

Spiritual Benefits

 Brings one closer to Allah

 Sins of a person are washed away
 “An accepted pilgrimage has got no reward except Paradise” (Agreed )

Economic Benefits

 Trading is allowed
 Opportunity to discuss their economic problems
 Chance to devise plans & strategies
 Evolve common economic strategies to benefit Muslims
Political Benefits

 An annual gathering for leaders to meet

 Discuss common problems
 Formulate common policy that can be pursued by all Muslims
 Discuss & agree or disagree on many topics of common interest.


 Holiest and most sacred place for Muslims

 First house on earth created by angels almost 2000 years before creation of Adam
 Angels guided Adam to reconstruct the Ka’abah at the exact location
 It was destroyed by flood at the time of Noah and reconstructed by Hz. Ibrahim and Hz.
 Allah called it “My house” at another place He has called Himself “Rabb of this house”
 Since the time of Hz. Ibrahim people have been visiting the Ka’bah for pilgrimage.
 There are strict rules for the preservation of the sanctity of Ka’bah . Therefore several
circles have been drawn around Ka’bah
1. Masjid e Haram
2. City of Makkah
3. Haram
4. Mawaqit (singular: Meeqat)

Hajr e Aswad (The Black Stone)

 Mounted in silver and set in the south western corner of Ka’bah

 It was received by Hz. Ismail while rebuilding the Ka’bah
 As per traditions, this heavely stone was milky white; it has become black because of the
sins of people.
 The holy stone was touched and kissed by the Prophets.

The Well of Zamzam

 On the south eastern side of Masjid ul Haram

 The spring that feeds this well sprang up from the feet of Hz. Ismail when Hz. Hajra was
searching for water.
Maqam e Ibrahim

 The stone on which Hz. Ibrahim stood while constructing Ka’bah.

 Wajib ut Tawaf prayer are offered near Maqam e Ibrahim


 Two white sheets of unstitched cloth, one used for covering upper part of the body
and other round the waist for lower part of the body.
 Normal clothes for women but should fulfil the requirements of Satr.


 Tawaf means going around the Ka’abah seven times.

 It starts & ends at the Hajr e Aswad .


 Walking briskly 7 times between Safa & Marwa Hills.

 In the memory of Hz. Hajra.
 Sayee starts from Safa and ends at Marwa


 A plain which lies between Arafat and Makkah

 The pathway into this plain passes through Aqabah

Waquf e Arafat

 The stay in plain of Arafat.

 The best form of Wuquf is to remain standing, facing the Qiblah, while reciting Talbiah,
Istighfar, Kalimah e Tawhid and praying to Allah.

Jamarat & Rami

 Jamarat are the pillars erected to signify shaitan

 Rami is the act of throwing pebbles at these pillars

Eligibility for Hajj

 Once in a lifetime is obligatory on every adult, sane, free Muslim, who can afford to
undertake it.
 Sound financial conditions
 Physically fit
 Must be safe (danger to life or possession due to war, epidemic etc)
 Mehram for a woman

Kinds of Hajj

 Iffrad

Ihram for Hajj alone, continues wearing it until Hajj is complete, sacrifice is desirable but
not obligatory

 Qiran

Ihram for both Hajj & Umrah,, on reaching Makkah he performs Tawaf but doesn’t
shave his head nor puts off Ihram until Hajj is performed, sacrifice is obligatory.

 Tamatt’u

Puts on Ihram for Umrah, shaves his head or cuts his hair and removes Ihram and is free
of all prohibitions of Ihram. On 8th Zil Hajj he gain puts on Ihram for Hajj. Sacrifice is

State of Ihram

For wearing Ihram, Pilgrims

 Cut nails, hair

 Takes bath
 Puts on Ihram at miqat
 Makes intention
 Offers two rakkah prayers

Things forbidden in Ihram

Pilgrim should not
 Shave
 Trim hair
 Use abusive or foul language
 Indulge in marital relations
 Hunt or kill an animal except for harmful & dangerous
 Cut plant or tree
 Cover face
 Wash head with soap
 Use perfume or oil etc

Things forbidden only for men

Must not

 Put on stitched clothes

 Cover head
 Wash beard with soap

Performing Hajj

Date Place Rituals

8th Dhul Hijj Meqat  Wudu or Ghusl
 Ihram 1st obligation
 2 Rakkah nafal
 Intention of Hajj
 Start reciting Talbia
8th Dhul Hijj Makkah • Tawaf e Qadum
Ka’aba • While Tawaf pilgrims must kiss the black stone either
physically or symbolically
• Pilgrim perform dua at Multazim
• 2 Rakkah prayer in front of place of Hz. Ibrahim
• Drink Zam Zam

8th Dhul Hijj Safa and  Sayee

Marwa Hills
8th Dhul Hijj Mina • Offer Dhur, Asr, Magrib and Isha prayers at Mina
(Before • Night to be spent in the plain
Dhur) • Fajr prayers of 9th Dhul Hajj also performed there.

9th Dhul Hijj Arafat • Listen to the sermon of Imam

(Before • Perform combine Dhur and Asr prayers at Dhur
Dhur) • Waqoof e Arafat (Most imp. Element of Hajj) 2nd Obl.
• It’s the place where Adam & Eve were reuinted
• Humanity will gather at the day of Judgement
• Prophet gave his last sermon

9th Dhul Hijj Muzdalifa • Perform combined prayers of Maghrib & Isha
• Spend night & collect pebbles for Rami (49 minim.)
• Fajr prayer of 10th Dhul Hajj offered here.
10th Dhul Mina • Stone Jamarat ul Aqba, the biggest devil, Talbia stops before
Hijj this act
• Sacrifice of an animal
• Hair cut ; a wajib act (men complete shave / shorter)
(women just a lock of hair)
• Its an indication that Hajj is almost complete and pilgrims
can remove Ihram

11, 12 & Mina • Rami of all three Jamarat daily starting from sughra, wusta
13th Dhul and Aqba
Between 10 Ka’bah • Tawaf e Ziyarah (3rd Obligation)
to 12 Dhul • Saye for those who perform Hajj e Tamatu
Leaving Ka’bah  Tawaf e Wida

Difference between Hajj and Umrah

Hajj Umrah
Pillar of Islam therefore its obligatory Not a pillar of Islam, it’s a voluntary act
Rituals like Rami & Sacrifice

All those who can afford will be answerable As its not farz Muslims won’t be
for Hajj on the last day answerable for it.

Three types of Hajj, Ifrad, Qiran and Tamatu Umrah has no types

3 types of Tawaf; Qudum, Ziyarah and Wida Umrah has only one type of Tawaf;
tawaf e Umrah

Rituals like Rami and sacrifice Umrah doesn’t have such rituals

Visit places like Arafat and Mina Not visited in Umrah

Performed between 8th and 13th of Dhul Hajj Can be performed anytime during the

Intention of Hajj at meqat Intention of Umrah at meqat

Talbiya is stopped at Mina before Rami Talbiya is stopped upon reaching Haram

Belief and Practices of Hajj

Beliefs Practices
Muslims believe that satan tried to mislead In memory of this act the three pillars are
Hazrat Ibrahim at three places where Jamarat stoned by the pilgrims during Hajj on 10th, 11t
are situated in Mina, when he was on his way and 12th Zil Hajj.
to sacrifice his son Hazrat Ismail in the way of
Allah and in turn he stoned the devil.
Hazrat Hajra ran several times between the Sa’y is performed in the memory of this act in
hills of Safa and Marwa in search of water for which pilgrims run between the two hills
her infact son Hazrat Ismail. during Hajj seven times starting from Safa and
ending at Marwa.
According to Muslims Adam and Eve were Staying at Arafat is a compulsory component
reunited at Arafat and on the day of of Hajj without which Hajj is void. Pilgrims
judgement mankind will assemble at Arafat. offer their combined Zuhur Asar prayers and
Holy Prophet also gave his last sermon here. listen to the Imam’s sermon.
It was the first place where Allah was Its focus of Muslim’s prayers from all parts of
worshipped the world.
The Kabba was first built by Hazrat Adam and First place in Makkah that Muslim’s make for
later restored by Hazrat Ibrahim and Ismail During pilgrimage Muslims perform Tawaf
and again in the time of Prophet Mohammad. around it seven times.
Ihram is a state of purity which Muslims enter It’s a main sign for men to wear two white
before the beginning of pilgrimage. pieces of unstitched cloth.
It removes signs of distinction and makes all Restrictions of conduct in state of Ihram: A
pilgrims appear equal. pilgrim cannot cut hair, nails, have marital
relationship, hunt, cut trees and cannot cover
the head.
Hazrat Ibrahim was instructed to sacrifice his Pilgrims sacrifice animals in memory of Hazra
son as a sign of obedience, where Allah later Ibrahim and Ismail on 10th of Zil Haj.
sent a sheep to replace Hazrat Ismail. Muslims all over the world celebrate Eid ul
Adha and sacrifice animals to remember the
sacrifices of Hazrat Ibrahim and his family.
Zam zam is a holy water which appeared to Muslims drink this Holy water and bring it as
answer the thirst of Hazrat Ismail and the souvenir for family and friends. It is considere
sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim and Bibi Hajra. to have curing effects.


 Hajj:
 The journey is a reminder that life too is a short journey which will come to an end and
that one’s ultimate destination is to go back to Allah and stand accountable for their

 Ihram:
 practical manifestation of true essence of brotherhood and equality.
 All material things become meaningless.

 Tawaf:
 All rites are done out of full obedience and submission as Allah ordained and
communicated through Prophet Mohammad.

 Hajr e Aswad:
 Brought by angels to be fixed in the corner of Kaaba by Hazrat Ibrahim.
 It is the only part remaining of the original structure.
 When Muslims touch it they are identifying with Hazrat Ibrahim, Ismail and Prophet

 Sai’
 A reenactment of Hazrat Hajra’s distressed reaction after Hazrat Ibrahim left her and her
son Hazrat Ismail in Makkah.
 It is an integral part of Hajj.
 Emphasizing on gender equality and respect of women in Islam.
 Hazrat Hajra was from a humble origin which again shows the concept of equality and
preference through piety in Islam.

 Waquf e Arafat:
 This day is the climax of Hajj.
 Historical importance ; Hazrat Adam shown mercy and Prophet’s last sermon.
 People from all over the world, different professions, race, social status etc. gather in
one place.
 It’s a reminder of death and resurrection and the standing of all people before Allah for
the final judgment.

 Rami:
 It commemorates the determination of Hazrat Ibrahim to remain steadfast in the way of
 Muslims follow this practice to show their rejection of shaytan and their obedience to
 Stoning Jamarat is symbolic of human’s attempt to cast away evil and vice.

 Sacrifice:
 Pilgrims sacrifice goat, sheep or some other prescribed animal.
 This rite is associated with Hazrat Ibrahim’s readiness to sacrifice his son in accordance
to the will of Allah’s wish and in thanksgiving to Allah for having replaced Hazrat Ismail
with a sheep.
 It symbolizes Muslims willingness to part with what is precious to him and reminds us of
the true spirit of Islam, in which submission plays a leading role.
 It also reminds pilgrims to share their worldly possessions with those who are less

 Shaving:
 Shaving and trimming one’s hair is a symbolic gesture discarding all vanity for the sake
of Allah and showing one’s obedience to Him.


“Here I am [at your service] O God, here I am. Here I am [at your service]. You have no
partners (other gods). To You alone is all praise and all excellence, and to You is all
sovereignty. There is no partner to You.”

Eid ul Adha:

 It is celebrated all over the Muslim world on 10th of Dhul Hijja.

 It marks the completion of Hajj and reminds Muslims of Hazrat Ibrahim’s willing sacrifice
of his son at Allah’s command.

 His son Ismail was also ready to submit to the will of Allah.

 Muslims all over the world also offer an animal sacrifice in the name of Allah to show
their obedience to Him.

 It is not the blood or flesh of the sacrificed animal but the taqwa of the believer that
reaches Him.
 Salat ul Eid is also offered.

The Virtue of Madina:

 It’s one of the most beloved and sacred place for Muslims.

 It’s the land of Prophet and he chose to live here even after the conquest of Makkah.

 The mosque of Prophet is also in Madina, where praying carries great merit ‘Prayer in
this mosque of mine is a thousand times more excellent than a prayer in any other
mosque except the sacred mosque (in Makkah)’ (Sahih Muslim)

 The famous graveyard of the early martyrs, Jannat ul Baqi is also in Madina, in the
vicinity of Masjid e Nabavi.

 The city of Madina was made sacred by the Prophet who said: ‘Verily Ibrahim sanctified
Makkah and he made it sacred but I have sanctified Madina’

 It is thus recommended that pilgrims should visit Madina after the performance of Haj
or Umrah though it is not compulsory.

 The Prophet said, ‘He who performs pilgrimage and visits my grave after my death will
be like him who visited me in my lifetime.’


Q1. (a) Describe any three of the following elements of pilgrimage (hajj):

• ihram (garment worn)

• sa’i (running between the hills of Safa and Marwa)

• rami (stoning the Jamarat), and

• qurbani (sacrifice). [10]

(b) Why do you think pilgrims strive so hard to touch the Black Stone (Hajr al Aswad)?


Q2. (a) Write a detailed account of the following:

• ihram;
• tawaf; and

• sa’i [10]

(b) What is the significance of the Black Stone (Hajr al Aswad ) to Muslims? [4]


Q3. (a) Outline the various kinds of circumambulations (tawaf) around the Ka’ba
required during the annual pilgrimage (hajj) and describe the conditions of performing
them. [10]

(b) Why in your opinion is it desirable that the pilgrims should visit Madina after the
performance of hajj or umra? [4]


Q4. (a) ‘And complete the hajj or umra in the service of God’ (al-Baqara 2:196). What
observances does a pilgrim complete in the performance of umra and how is umra
different to hajj? [10]

(b) Explain how the outward actions performed during umra improve a pilgrim’s inner
spirituality. [4]


Q5. (a) What acts do pilgrims (hajjis) perform on the 10th of Dhu al-Hijja and how does
the rest of the Muslim community (umma) celebrate this day? [10]

(b) What in your opinion are Muslims reminding themselves of when they celebrate Eid
al-Adha? [4]


Q6. (a) ‘Pilgrimage to the House is a duty people owe to Allah, those who can afford the
journey.’ (Al ‘Imran 3:97)

(i) For who is the annual pilgrimage (hajj ) compulsory, and which Muslims are exempt
from it?

(ii) What things are forbidden to pilgrims while in the state of ihram ? [10]

(b) Some Muslims are exempt from performing the annual pilgrimage (hajj ). Why do
you think this is so? [4]

Q7. (a) How do Muslim individuals and the Muslim community benefit from the annual
pilgrimage (hajj )? [10]

(b) How does the talbiya sum up the relationship between the pilgrim (hajji ) and God?


Q8. (a) Write about how the pillars of Islam help Muslims to improve their communal
relationships and social responsibilities. [10]

(b) Why is it beneficial for Muslims to pray salat five times a day? [4]


Q9. (a) Give an account of the significance of the following:

• Day of ‘Arafah

• Eid-ul Adha. [10]

(b) The Prophet (pbuh) performed pilgrimage (hajj) only once in his lifetime. What do
you think this tells Muslims today? [4]

May/June 2022/2

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