Faria 3

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Experiment No: 03

Experiment Name: Obtaining the transfer function of the given network from block diagram
reduction and analyzing it
Theory: A transfer function is a mathematical representation of the relationship between the
input and output of a linear time-invariant (LTI) system in the frequency domain. In control
theory and signal processing, transfer functions are commonly used to analyze and design
Analyzing a transfer function involves understanding the behavior of a system described by that
transfer function.
The time response of a system can be analyzed using the inverse Laplace transform of the
transfer function. This helps in understanding how the system behaves over time.
The presence of poles and zeros affects the transient and steady-state response of the system.
Poles determine the decay rates of transient responses, and zeros influence the system's ability to
follow input changes in the steady state.
The type of a system (first-order, second-order, etc.) is determined by the number of integrators
in the transfer function. System type affects the system's response to step inputs.
Transfer functions are essential in designing control systems. Analyzing the transfer function
helps in selecting appropriate control strategies and tuning parameters for desired system
performance. Understanding and interpreting these aspects of a transfer function allow engineers
and scientists to design and optimize systems for desired performance. Analytical methods,
simulation, and graphical tools are commonly employed in the analysis of transfer functions.
Software: MATLAB
Circuit Diagram:

Fig 1: Given Circuit

1. clc;
2. clear all;
3. num1 = 1;
4. den1 = [9e-6 9.5e-3 1]
5. sys1 = tf(num1,den1)
6. step(sys1,1.2);
7. hold on;
8. num2 = 1;
9. den2 = [4.2e-5 0.037 1]
10. sys2 = tf(num2,den2)
11. step(sys2,1.2);
12. hold on;
13. num3 = 1;
14. den3 = [8.51e-3 0.273 1]
15. sys3 = tf(num3,den3)
16. step(sys3,1.2);
17. hold on;
18. info = stepinfo(sys1);
19. disp(info);
20. set_Time = info.SettlingTime;
21. disp(['Settling Time TF1: ' num2str(set_Time) 'seconds']);
22. stepResponse1 = step(sys1);
23. finalValue1 = stepResponse1(end);
24. deviation1 = 1-finalValue1;
25. err = deviation1*100;
26. disp(['Steady-State error TF1: ' num2str(err) '%']);
27. max_OS=((info.Peak-finalValue1)/finalValue1)*100;
28. disp(['Maximum Overshoot TF1: ' num2str(max_OS) '%']);
29. info2 = stepinfo(sys2);
30. disp(info2);
31. set_Time2 = info2.SettlingTime;
32. stepResponse2 = step(sys2);
33. finalValue2 = stepResponse2(end);
34. deviation2 = 1-finalValue2;
35. disp(['Settling Time TF2: ' num2str(set_Time2) 'seconds']);
36. err2 = deviation2*100;
37. disp(['Steady-State error TF2: ' num2str(err2) '%']);
38. max_OS2=((info2.Peak-finalValue2)/finalValue2)*100;
39. disp(['Maximum Overshoot TF2: ' num2str(max_OS2) '%']);
40. info3 = stepinfo(sys3);
41. disp(info3);
42. set_Time3 = info3.SettlingTime;
43. disp(['Settling Time TF3: ' num2str(set_Time3) 'seconds']);
44. stepResponse3 = step(sys3);
45. finalValue3 = stepResponse3(end);
46. deviation3 = 1-finalValue3;
47. err3 = deviation3*100;
48. disp(['Steady-State error TF3: ' num2str(err3) '%']);
49. max_OS3=((info3.Peak-finalValue3)/finalValue3)*100;
50. disp(['Maximum Overshoot TF3: ' num2str(max_OS3) '%']);


Settling Time TF1: 0.03413seconds

Steady-State error TF1: 0.31783%

Maximum Overshoot TF1: 0.19908%

Settling Time TF2: 0.14136seconds

Steady-State error TF2: 0.31221%

Maximum Overshoot TF2: 0.24467%

Settling Time TF3: 0.9665seconds

Steady-State error TF3: 0.14221%

Maximum Overshoot TF3: 0.093732%

Fig 2: Step Response of Transfer Function


Conclusion: The experiment was done successfully and expected output was found.

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