Root Locus

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Experiment No: 04

Name of the Experiment: Design of a PID controller using root locus method and
performance analysis.

1. To design a PID controller using the root locus method for a given control system.
2. To tune the proportional, integral, and derivative gains (Kp, Ki, Kd) for desired
system performance.
3. To analyze the system performance after PID controller implementation.
4. To analyze the effect of the PID controller on the system’s rise time, overshoot and
steady-state response.

A proportional Integral Derivative controller also called a PID controller, is a widely used
feedback control mechanism in industrial automation. It aims to regulate a process variable
by adjusting a manipulated variable based on the error between the set point and the actual
process variable.

Mathematical Expression of
4.1: Block Diagram of PID Controller.
The PID controller output(Co)
is the sum of the proportional,
Mathematical Expression of PID Controller :
The PID controllerIntegral
output(Co) isand
the sumderivative terms.
of the proportional, Integral and derivative terms.

If, Co(t) = controller output at time T,

e(t) = error at time t(SP-PV),
Kp , Ki, Kd = tunning constrains for proportional, integral and derivative terms.

So according to proportional action,
Co(t) ∝ e(t)
Co(t) = Kp . e(t) ———–(i)
According to Integral action,
Co(t) ∝ ∫ e(t) dt
Co(t) = Ki . ∫ e(t) dt ———–(ii)
According to Derivation action,
Co(t) ∝ de(t)/dt
Co(t) = Kd . de(t)/dt ————(iii)
Combining all these three equation we get,
Co(t) = Kp . e(t) + Ki . ∫ e(t) dt + Kd . de(t)/dt
Kp – Proportional gain
Ki – Integral gain
Kd – Derivative gain
The root locus method Expression
is a graphical approach of the poles of a control
used to analyze how
PID Controller
system vary as a particular system parameter, often the gain 𝐾K, is varied.
Poles and Stability:The PIDof controller
The poles output(Co)
the closed-loop transfer function determine the system's
is isthe
stability. The system sum
stable of the
if all poles proportional,
are in the left half of the s-plane.The general

form of the transferIntegral

function is: and
𝐺(𝑠) =derivative terms.
(𝑠+𝑝 )(𝑠+𝑝 )…(𝑠+𝑝𝑛)
1 2


D f


Transfer function for the system 2 : TF = (m∗s2 +D∗s+K)

R1 R2


Fig 4.4: Circuit Diagram of system model 3 .

Transfer function for the system 3 : TF = (s2 ∗C∗L∗(R1+R2)+s∗(R1+R2∗C+L)+R1)

Matlab code :

System 01 System 02 System 03

clc; clc; clc;

clf; clf; clf;
clear varaible; clear varaible; clear varaible;
J= 0.01; m=0.01; R1 = 100.5;
b= 0.1; D=0.5; R2 = 0.05;
K= 0.01; K=0.5; L = 1.45;
R= 1; s=tf('s'); C = 10.9;
L= 0.5; TF =1/(m*s^2+D*s+K); % Define the transfer
S= tf('s'); controlSystemDesigner(TF); function variable 's'
TF= System with PID and PD: s = tf('s');
K/((J*S+b)*(L*S+R)+K^2); clc; % Define the transfer
controlSystemDesigner(TF); clf; function TF
System with PID and PD: clear variables; TF = s*L / ((s^2 * C * L + s
clc; m=0.01; * (R1 + R2 * C + L) + R1));
clf; D=0.5; % Convert the transfer
clear variables; K=0.5; function to a state-space
J= 0.01; s=tf('s'); model
b= 0.1; TF =1/(m*s^2+D*s+K); sys = ss(TF);
K= 0.01; Sys= ss(TF); % Define PID controller
R= 1; step(Sys); parameters
L= 0.5; step_info= stepinfo(Sys); Ki = 0.00653;
S= tf('s'); Ki=73439.53; Kp = -0.02129;
TF= Kp= 1165778.48; Kd = 0.07469;
K/((J*S+b)*(L*S+R)+K^2); % Kd=61748; TF2 = pid(Kp, 0, Kd);
Sys= ss(TF); conPID=pid(kp,ki,kd); PID = feedback(TF*TF2,
step(Sys); Close_PID=feedback(TF*con 1);
step_info= stepinfo(Sys); PID,1); % Plot the Bode plot
kp=55.828*10.5; kp=1553.27; figure(1)
ki=55.828*27.87; kd=121.73; bode(TF*TF2);
kd=55.828; conPD=pid(kp,0,kd); title('Bode Plot of System
conPID=pid(kp,ki,kd); Close_PD=feedback(TF*conP 03');
Close_PID=feedback(TF*co D,1); grid on; 4
nPID,1); figure(1); figure(2)
kp=1553.27; rlocus(Close_PID); rlocus(TF*TF2);
kd=121.73; figure(2); title('Root Locus of System
conPD=pid(kp,0,kd); bode(Close_PID); 03');
Close_PD=feedback(TF*con figure(3); grid on;
PD,1); rlocus(Close_PD); figure(3)
figure(1); figure(4); step(PID);
rlocus(Close_PID); bode(Close_PD); figure(5); title('Step Response of
figure(2); step(Sys); System 03');
bode(Close_PID); hold on; xlabel('Time (seconds)');
figure(3); step(Close_PID); ylabel('Amplitude');
rlocus(Close_PD); hold on; grid on;
figure(4); step(Close_PD); figure(4)
bode(Close_PD); step_info_PID = step(TF);
figure(5); stepinfo(Close_PID) title('Step Response of
step(Sys); step_info_PD = Open-Loop System');
hold on; stepinfo(Close_PD) xlabel('Time (seconds)');
step(Close_PID); ylabel('Amplitude');
hold on; grid on;
PID controller(system 01)

Fig 4.5: Root locus plot of system 01

Fig 4.6: Bode plot of system 01

Fig 4.7: Step response of system 01

PID controller(system 02)

Fig 4.8: Root locus plot of system 01

Fig 4.9: Bode plot of system 01

Fig 4.10: Step response of system 01

PID controller(system 03)

Fig 4.11: Root locus plot of system 01

Fig 4.12: Bode plot of system 01

Fig 4.13: Step response of system 01

Performance analysis :
For System 01:
Controller Rise time Overshoot Settling time
PID 1.02 0 1.85

For System 02:

Controller Rise time Overshoot Settling time
PID 0.688 0 1.24

For System 03:

Controller Rise time Overshoot Settling time

PID 0 0 0.99

Discussion :
In this lab, the design and implementation of a PID controller using the root locus method
were carried out. The root locus method allowed for the visualization of how the poles of
the system shift as the controller gains were varied, providing a clear understanding of
system stability and performance. Proportional control (Kp ) improved rise time but
couldn't eliminate steady-state error. Adding integral control (Ki​ ) eliminated steady-state
error, though it reduced stability. Finally, derivative control (Kd ) improved damping,
reducing overshoot and settling time. Each PID component had a specific role: Kp
enhanced response speed, Ki​ corrected steady-state error, and 𝐾𝑑K d​ improved transient
behavior, achieving a balanced system performance.

The root locus method proved effective for PID controller design, allowing for tuning of
Kp , Ki​ , and Kd to enhance system stability, transient response, and accuracy. By
carefully selecting these parameters, the designed PID controller significantly improved
the system’s overall performance, balancing fast response, minimal steady-state error, and
stable operation.

[1]“Fig.2 PID Block Diagram PID stands for Proportional, Integral,...,” ResearchGate.
[2]“Construction of Root Locus - Tutorialspoint,”, 2019.

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