Ent530 Oct22 Rubrics

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OCT 2022


Course Name: Principles of Entrepreneurship Name: Lecturer’s Name:

Course Code: ENT530 Group:

Criteria Unacceptable Fair Good Excellent Marks obtained

0 1-2 3-4 5

Preliminary items Provide poor preliminary Provide moderate preliminary Provide good preliminary Provide excellent preliminary
5% materials materials materials materials
● Cover page ● Cover page ● Cover page ● Cover page
(1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark)
● Acknowledgement (2 mark) ● Acknowledgement (2 mark) ● Acknowledgement (2 mark) ● Acknowledgement (2 mark)

● Table of contents (2 mark) Table of contents (2 mark) ● Table of contents (2 mark) ● Table of contents
(2 mark)
0 1-3 4-7 8-10

Executive summary Poorly understand the Moderate understanding on Excellent understanding on the
No executive summary
10% executive summary the executive summary executive summary

0 1-5 6-10 11-15

Company background Do not provide company Provide moderate information Provide good information Provide excellent information
15% background, no organization about company background, about company background, about company background,
chart, no explanation about organizational chart and organizational chart and organizational chart and
product or services moderate explanation about explanation about company excellent explanation about
product or services product and services product and services.

1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
Identification of Main Little identification and little Able to slightly identify and Able to identify and Able to identify and understand
Issues / Problems understanding of the main understand the issues in the understand most of the all of the main issues in the
20% issues in case study case study issues in case study case study
Analysis of the Main Poor use of BMC analysis, Moderate analysis of the Issues Good analysis of the issues. Excellent analysis of the issues.
Issues / Problems major key elements are not Key elements of BMC are Key elements of BMC are Excellent presentation on key
20% presented moderately presented well presented. elements of BMC
Provide suggestions Suggestion not relevant to Little suggestions and slightly Relevant suggestions and Well documented and
on appropriate problem identified appropriate solutions to the appropriate solutions to the appropriate solutions to the
solutions issues in the case study issues in the case study issues in the case study
Unacceptable Fair Good Excellent
0 1-2 3-4 5
Conclusion Good conclusion on the main
5% Unclear conclusion on the main Moderate conclusion on the finding and issues form the excellent conclusion on the
finding and issues form the main finding and issues form analysis main finding and issues form
analysis the analysis the analysis
Format Unacceptable Fair Good Excellent
5% 0 1-2 3-4 5

Poor writing style, spelling and a lot Moderate writing style, spelling and Good writing style, spelling and Excellent writing style, spelling and
of grammatical errors minimal grammatical errors sentences were correctly sentences were well written and
constructed and well-articulated expressed




STUDENT’S NAME : ______________________________________________________________________
LECTURER’S NAME : ______________________________________________________________________
PROGRAM : ______________________________________________________________________
GROUP : ______________________________________________________________________

Marks Weighted Marks

Criteria Poor Moderate Satisfactory Good Excellent
Allocated Obtained (%)
1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Preliminary 5 marks
materials Provide poor Provide moderate Provide satisfactory Provide good preliminary Provide excellent preliminary materials
preliminary materials preliminary materials preliminary materials materials
● Cover page (1 mark)
● Cover page ● Cover page ● Cover page ● Cover page
(1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark) (1 mark)
● Acknowledgement
(1 mark)
● Acknowledgement (1 ● Acknowledgement (1 ● Acknowledgement (1 ● Acknowledgement (1
mark) mark) mark) mark)
● Executive summary
(2 marks)
● Executive summary ● Executive summary ● Executive summary ● Executive summary
(2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks)
● Table of contents
(1 mark)
● Table of contents (1 ● Table of contents (1 ● Table of contents (1 ● Table of contents
mark) mark) mark) (1 mark)

Marks Weighted Marks
Criteria Poor Moderate Satisfactory Good Excellent
Allocated Obtained (%)
0 mark 5 marks
Go-ecommerce 5 marks
registration Do not do registration Do registration

0 mark 5 marks

MyENT 5 marks Do not do registration Do registration

0 mark 5 marks
registration/Busin 5 marks Do not do registration Do registration
ess registration
1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Introduction of 5 marks
business Provide poor Provide moderate Provide satisfactory Provide good Provide excellent
introduction of business introduction of business introduction of business introduction of business introduction of business
● Name and address ● Name and address of ● Name and address of ● Name and address of ● Name and address of
of business business business business business
● Organizational chart ● Organizational chart ● Organizational chart ● Organizational chart ● Organizational chart

● Mission / vision ● Mission / vision ● Mission / vision ● Mission / vision ● Mission / vision

● Descriptions of ● Descriptions of ● Descriptions of ● Descriptions of ● Descriptions of

products / services products / services products / services products / services products / services
● Price list ● Price list ● Price list ● Price list ● Price list

0 mark 2 marks
Create FB page 2 marks
Unable to create FB Able to create FB page with
page (print screen) interesting layout and format
as well as complete
business information (print

0 mark 3 marks
Custom URL FB 3 marks
Page Unable to custom URL Able to changed FB URLs to
Custom URLs
kitchen (print screen)

0 mark 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks

Number of likers 4 marks
Unable to acquire any Able to acquire 1 – 30 Able to acquire 31 – 60 Able to acquire 61 – 90 Able to acquire 91 likes.
like (print screen) likes (print screen) likes (print screen) likes (print screen)

FB Teaser Post 4 marks 0 mark 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks

Unable to post any Able to post 1 teasers Able to post 2 teasers Able to post 3 teasers Able to post 4 teasers and
teaser (print screen) (print screen) (print screen) (print screen) above
(print screen)

Marks Weighted Marks
Criteria Poor Moderate Satisfactory Good Excellent
Allocated Obtained (%)
0 mark 1-5 marks 6-10 marks 11-15 marks 16-20 marks
Copywriting – 20 marks
Hard Sell** Unable to do any post Able to do 4 – 5 Able to do 6 – 10 posts Able to do 11 – 15 Able to do 16 posts and above using
(print screen) posts using the using the correct hard posts using the correct the correct hard sell technique –
correct hard sell sell technique – AIDCA hard sell technique – AIDCA (print screen)
technique – AIDCA (print screen) AIDCA (print screen)
(print screen)

0 mark 1-5 marks 6-10 marks 11-15 marks 16-20 marks

Copywriting – 20 marks
Soft Sell** Unable to do any post Able to do 4-5 posts Able to do 6-10 posts Able to do 11-15 posts Able to do 16 posts and above
(print screen) using the correct using the correct soft using the correct soft using the correct soft sell technique
soft sell technique – sell technique – sell technique – –
Title – Introduction Title – Introduction of Title – Introduction of Title – Introduction of story –
of story – story – Storytelling – story – Storytelling – Storytelling – CTA (print screen)
Storytelling – CTA (print screen) CTA (print screen)
CTA (print screen)

0 mark 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks

Graphics 4 marks
Unable to use any Able to do 4-5 posts Able to do 6-10 posts Able to do 11-15 posts Able to do 16 posts and above with
graphics with graphics. with graphics. Graphics with graphics. appropriate graphics. Graphics are
Graphics seem are related to the Graphics are related to related to the copywriting, are of high
randomly chosen, copywriting objectives the copywriting and quality and enhance the audience
are of low quality and are of good quality. enhance the audience interest or understanding. Little use
OR distract the Text in picture is less interest or of text.
audience. Text in than 20%. understanding.
picture is more than Minimal use of text.
0 mark 1-2 mark 3-4 marks 5-6 marks 7-8 marks

Sales Reporting 8 marks Unable to provide any Able to provide Able to provide sales Able to provide sales Able to provide sales report and
sales report and sales report and report and evidence report and evidence evidence with total sales of RM61
evidence (print screen evidence with with total sales of with total sales of and above as well as complete
– go-ecommerce minimal sales of RM40 as well as RM60 as well as customer information (customer’s
Portal portal RM20 as well as complete customer complete customer name, address, payment method
complete customer information (customer’s information and delivery method – tracking no)
information name, address, (customer’s name, (print screen – go-ecommerce Portal
(customer’s name, payment method and address, payment )
address, payment delivery method – method and delivery
method and tracking no) (print method – tracking no)
delivery method – screen (print screen – ((print screen – go-
tracking no) (print go-ecommerce Portal ) ecommerce Portal )
screen – go-
ecommerce Portal )

1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks

Conclusion 5 marks
Unclear conclusion on Moderate Satisfactory conclusion Good conclusion on Excellent conclusion on social media
social media portfolio conclusion on on social media social media portfolio portfolio
social media portfolio
1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Writing style,
spelling and 5 marks
grammar Poor writing style, Moderate writing Satisfactory writing Good writing style, Excellent writing style, spelling and
spelling and a lot of style, spelling and style, spelling and spelling and sentences sentences were well written and
grammatical errors minimal sentences were were correctly expressed
grammatical errors correctly constructed constructed and well-

TOTAL 100 /100

**For hard sell and soft sell copywriting: No marks will be given for any post that does not follow the right structure of copywriting.
** Student may use English/Malay for copywriting based on their targeted audience.

Course Name: Principles of Entrepreneurship Group members name: Lecturer’s Name:

Course Code: ENT530 Group:

Marks Marks
Criteria Poor Moderate Satisfactory Good Excellent
Allocated Obtained
1 2 3 4 5
Preliminary items
Provide moderate Provide satisfactory Provide good
Provide excellent
Provide poor preliminary preliminary materials preliminary materials preliminary materials
preliminary materials
● Cover page ● Cover page ● Cover page
● Cover page
5 ● Cover page
● Acknowledgement ● Acknowledgement ● Acknowledgement
● Acknowledgement
● Acknowledgement Table of contents
● Table of contents ● Table of contents
● Table of contents
● Table of contents

0 marks 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12

Executive summary Moderate understand on Satisfactory
12 Poorly understand on the Good understanding on
No executive summary the executive summary understanding on the
executive summary the executive summary
executive summary
1 2 3 4 5

Poorly presented. Moderately presented. Satisfactorily presented. Highly satisfactorily Excellently presented.
Company Profile
Many key elements are Few key elements are Fairly highlight key presented. Key elements are
5 not highlighted highlighted elements Good in highlighting excellently highlighted.
key elements

1 2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Environmental and Highly satisfactorily

Poorly presented. Moderately presented. Satisfactorily presented. Excellently presented.
Industry Analysis 8 presented.
Many key elements are Few key elements are Fairly highlight key Key elements are
not highlighted highlighted Good in highlighting excellently highlighted.
elements key elements

Description of Venture 10 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

Highly satisfactorily
Poorly presented. Moderately presented. Satisfactorily presented. Excellently presented.
Many key elements are Few key elements are Fairly highlight key Key elements are
Good in highlighting excellently highlighted.
not highlighted highlighted elements
key elements

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

Marketing Plan Highly satisfactorily
10 Poorly presented. Moderately presented. Satisfactorily presented. Excellently presented.
Many key elements are Few key elements are Fairly highlight key presented. Key elements are
not highlighted highlighted Good in highlighting excellently highlighted.
elements key elements
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
Highly satisfactorily
Operations Plan 10 Poorly presented. Moderately presented. Satisfactorily presented. Excellently presented.
Many key elements are Few key elements are Fairly highlight key Key elements are
Good in highlighting excellently highlighted.
not highlighted highlighted elements
key elements
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
Highly satisfactorily
Organizational Plan 10 Poorly presented. Moderately presented. Satisfactorily presented. Excellently presented.
Many key elements are Few key elements are Fairly highlight key Key elements are
Good in highlighting excellently highlighted.
not highlighted highlighted elements
key elements
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
Financial Plan Highly satisfactorily
10 Poorly presented. Moderately presented. Satisfactorily presented. Excellently presented.
Many key elements are Few key elements are Fairly highlight key Key elements are
Good in highlighting excellently highlighted.
not highlighted highlighted elements
key elements
1 2 3 4 5
Milestones Highly satisfactorily Excellently presented.
5 Poorly presented. Moderately presented. Satisfactorily presented. Key elements are
presented. excellently highlighted.
Many key elements are Few key elements are Fairly highlight key
Good in highlighting
not highlighted highlighted elements
key elements
1 2 3 4 5
5 Moderate conclusion on Satisfactory conclusion
Conclusion Unclear conclusion on Good conclusion on Excellent conclusion on
the Business plan the Business plan on the Business plan the Business plan the Business plan

1 2 3 4 5

Sentences were
Writing Style, Spelling &
Writing lacks sentence somewhat varied, and Sentences were
Grammar 5 Sentences were correctly Sentences were well
variety and few inappropriate with correctly constructed
grammatical errors constructed and well-articulated written and expressed
minimal grammatical

Teamwork 5 1 2 3 4 5
(Group Work)
Never contribute Rarely Occasionally Usually Routinely contribute
ideas and contribute ideas contribute contribute ideas, constructive ideas,
perform tasks and perform ideas and perform tasks, perform all tasks, high
tasks perform task tolerant and fair tolerance and
decision outstanding decision

Total: 100 /100


Course Name: Principles of Entrepreneurship GROUP MEMBER: Lecturer’s Name:

Course Code: ENT530 Group:

1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15

Introduction is not Introduction is Introduction is Very Interesting

Introduction is
Introduction 15 interesting, audience is not less interesting interesting, introduction,
addressed and poor and addressed addressed addressed
presentation audience audience audience well
0-5 6 – 10 11-15 16-20 21-25

Information and Information and Information and Information and

examples are examples are examples are examples are
Information and examples lacking or not less than appropriately appropriately
are lacking or not well well chosen for adequate for organized organized
Content 25 chosen for the topic. Not the topic. Less assignment. systematically, systematically,
systematic organization complete and Slightly accurately, accurately,
and incomplete. systematic complete and relevantly and relevantly and
Summary is not provided. organization and systematic completely. completely. Clear
incomplete. organization. However, the summary is
Minimum Average content is just provided.
summary is summary is adequately for
provided. provided. assignment.
Summary is
Understandings 25 0-5 6 – 10 11-15 16-20 21-25
developed Shows very limited Shows some Shows Shows substantial Shows complete
understanding of the understanding of satisfactory understanding of understanding of
knowledge and concepts the knowledge understanding the knowledge and the knowledge and
required to complete task and concepts of the concepts required concepts required
required to knowledge and to complete the to complete the
complete task. required to task.
complete task.

1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15

Student uses
Student use text only with Student graphics Student’s graphics Student’s graphics
Graphics 15 no graphics. Student failed occasionally adequately but relate to text and explain and
to make an interesting uses graphics do not inspire or presentation reinforce text and
presentation. that rarely support text and presentation
support text and presentation

1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15

Presentation lacks Presentation Products shows Products shows Products shows a
evidence of original shows little some original more original large amount of
Originality and thought. Work displays no original thought. thought. Works thought. Works original thought,
creativity 15 new ideas or insight. Work displays shows new shows new ideas ideas are creative
few new ideas ideas and and insights. and inventive.
and insights. insights.

Time 5 1 2 3 4 5
Student never gets things Student gets Student gets Student starts the Student is able to
done on time and time is only a few many of the presentation start and complete
not appropriately used. things done things done. slightly before the presentation
within the time Time is scheduled. Time is within the time
frame and time appropriately appropriately used, frame
is not used, but may but may run slightly
appropriately run slightly over over or under
used. or under allocated time.
allocated time.
Total: 100


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