Ent300 Rubrics Mac2023

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Marks Marks
Criteria Poor Moderate Satisfactory Good Excellent
Allocated Obtained
0-1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Preliminary materials
5 Marks Provide poor preliminary Provide sufficient preliminary Provide satisfactory Provide good preliminary Provide excellent
materials materials preliminary materials materials preliminary materials
0-1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Executive Summary 5 marks Provide satisfactory Provide excellent
No or poor summary provided Provide sufficient summary Provide good summary
summary summary
0 marks 5 marks
MyENT registration 5 marks Do not provide MyENT Do provide MyENT
certificate certificate
0 – 4 marks 5 – 8 marks 9 – 12 marks 13 – 16 marks 17 – 20 marks
Project Description 20 marks Provide poor introduction of Provide sufficient introduction Provide satisfactory project Provide good project Provide excellent project
project description project description description description description
Business Model 20 marks 0 – 4 marks 5 – 8 marks 9 – 12 marks 13 – 16 marks 17 – 20 marks
Canvas Showed moderate
Did not demonstrate Showed good understanding Showed deep insight and
understanding of BMC,
Did not demonstrate understanding of BMC, many of the BMC, many blocks understanding of the
some blocks don’t fit well
understanding of BMC blocks don’t fit well together; fit well together, logic BMC, blocks fit perfectly;
together; holes in logic
holes in logic and/or unclear mostly clear very clear logic
and/or unclear
Experiential Learning 0-3 marks 4 - 6 marks 7 - 9 marks 10 - 12 marks 13- 15 marks
Provide satisfactory Provide excellent
15 marks Provide poor explanation on Provide sufficient explanation on Provide good explanation
explanation on experiential explanation on
experiential learning experiential learning on experiential learning
learning experiential learning
Conclusion 0-1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
5 marks Poor conclusion of the Moderate conclusion of the Satisfactory conclusion of Good conclusion of the Excellent conclusion of the
business opportunity business opportunity the business opportunity business opportunity business opportunity
0-2 mark 3-4 marks 5-6marks 7-8 marks 9-10 marks
Appendices Provide poor evidences such Provide sufficient evidences such Provide satisfactory Provide good evidences Provide excellent evidence
as pictures, snapshot as pictures, snapshot evidences such as pictures, such as pictures, snapshot such as pictures, snapshot
10 marks
conversation with customer, conversation with customer, snapshot customer customer conversation, customer conversation,
advertisements, customers advertisements, customers conversation, customers advertisements, customers customer, advertisements,
testimonial testimonial testimonial, advertisements testimonial customers testimonials
0-2 mark 3-4 marks 5-6marks 7-8 marks 9-10 marks
Writing Style, Spelling
& Grammar 10 marks Sentences were correctly
Writing lacks sentence variety Sentences were somewhat varied Sentences were correctly Sentences were well
constructed and well-
and few grammatical errors with minimal grammatical errors constructed written and expressed
0-1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
The paper is not acceptable. The paper is acceptable and The paper is good and The paper is good and The paper is excellent and
Overall Report 5 marks
The work is not up to the demonstrate some understanding demonstrated average demonstrated above average demonstrated superior
quality level. of the topic understanding of the topic understanding of the topic quality.

Marks Marks
Criteria Poor Sufficient Satisfactory Good Excellent
Allocated Obtained

Preliminary 0-1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks

Material: 5 Poor presentation on the Moderate presentation on Satisfactory presentation on Good presentation on the Excellent presentation on
preliminary materials. the preliminary materials the preliminary materials. preliminary materials. the preliminary materials.

0-1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks

Executive Summary 5 No executive summary Poorly understand on the Moderate understand on the Satisfactory understanding Good understanding on the
executive summary executive summary on the executive summary executive summary
0-1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
5 Poor presentation on Moderate presentation on Satisfactory presentation on Good presentation on Excellent presentation on
business background business background business background business background business background
0-1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Partners Poor presentation on Moderate presentation on Satisfactory presentation on Good presentation on Excellent presentation on
Background partners/shareholders partners/shareholders partners/shareholders partners/ shareholders partners/shareholders
background background background background background
0-3 marks 4 - 6 marks 7 - 9 marks 10 - 12 marks 13- 15 marks
Administrative Plan
15 Many key elements are not Few key elements are Fairly highlight key Good in highlighting key Key elements are
highlighted highlighted elements elements excellently highlighted.
0-3 marks 4 - 6 marks 7 - 9 marks 10 - 12 marks 13- 15 marks
Marketing Plan 15 Many key elements are not Few key elements are Fairly highlight key Good in highlighting key Key elements are
highlighted highlighted elements elements excellently highlighted
0-3 marks 4 - 6 marks 7 - 9 marks 10 - 12 marks 13- 15 marks
Operation Plan 15 Many key elements are not Few key elements are Fairly highlight key Good in highlighting key Key elements are
highlighted highlighted elements elements excellently highlighted
0-3 marks 4 - 6 marks 7 - 9 marks 10 - 12 marks 13- 15 marks
Financial Plan 15 Many key elements are not Few key elements are Fairly highlight key Good in highlighting key Key elements are
highlighted highlighted elements elements excellently highlighted
0-1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Conclusion 5 Poor conclusion of the Moderate conclusion of Satisfactory conclusion of Good conclusion of the Excellent conclusion of the
business plan the business plan the business plan business plan business plan
0-1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Appendices 5 Provide poor evidences Provide sufficient Provide satisfactory Provide good evidences Provide excellent evidences
evidences evidences
0-1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
Writing Style, Writing lacks sentence Sentences were somewhat Sentences were correctly Sentences were correctly Sentences were well written
5 variety and few varied with minimal constructed constructed and well- and expressed
Spelling &
Grammar grammatical errors grammatical errors articulated
0-1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
The paper is not acceptable. The paper is acceptable The paper is good and The paper is good and The paper is excellent and
Overall Report 5
The work is not up to the and demonstrate some demonstrated average demonstrated above average demonstrated superior
quality level. understanding of the topic understanding of the topic understanding of the topic quality.

Total 100
Marks Poor Sufficient Satisfactory Good Excellent Marks
Allocated Obtained
0 – 2 marks 3 – 4 marks 5 – 6 marks 7 – 8 marks 9 – 10 marks
Introduction is not Introduction is
Introduction is less interesting, Very interesting
Introduction 10 interesting; audience is appropriately interesting, Interesting introduction, and
and audience is moderately introduction and excellent
not addressed and poor and audience is audience is well addressed
addressed in addressing audience
presentation satisfactorily addressed
0 – 6 marks 7 – 12 marks 13 – 18 marks 19 – 24 marks 25 – 30 marks
Information and
Information and examples are Information and examples
examples are lacking Information and examples are Information and examples
lacking or not well chosen for are less than adequate for
Content 30 or not well chosen for appropriately organized are very well organized,
the topic. Less complete and assignment. Slightly
the topic. Not systematically, accurately, systematically, accurately,
systematic organization and complete and systematic
systematic organization relevantly and completely. relevantly and completely.
incomplete. organization.
and incomplete.
0 – 6 marks 7 – 12 marks 13 – 18 marks 19 – 24 marks 25 – 30 marks
Able to answer Able to answer questions but Able to answer questions Able to answer questions Able to answer questions
Defense ability 30
question, not prepared not prepared and confidence but with little preparation well, slightly confidence and very well, greatly confident
and confidence at all. and confidence well prepared. and very well prepared
0 – 2 marks 3 – 4 marks 5 – 6 marks 7 – 8 marks 9 – 10 marks
Fluency & Slightly fluent but the voice Fluent and the voice is
10 Not fluent and the Slightly fluent but the voice is Very fluent and the voice is
Clarity is quite difficult to be heard slightly easy to be heard
voice is not clear. not clear. very clear.
clearly. clearly.
0 – 2 marks 3 – 4 marks 5 – 6 marks 7 – 8 marks 9 – 10 marks
Not able to use body Slightly making minimum Slightly making an Able to makes body language Able to use excellent body
language (appearance, body language (appearance, acceptable body language (appearance, eye contact and language (appearance, eye
Non-verbal eye contact gestures) eye contact and gestures) (appearance, eye contact gestures) may focus on contact and gestures)
communication towards the audience. towards the audience but and gestures) may focus on audience. with everyone
happens only a few times for a only one member of the
short period of time. audience or a select few
1-2 marks 3-4 marks 5 marks
Management Poor time management Somehow do not utilize the time given Excellent time management

0-1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks

Preparedness 5 Preparation was
Poor preparation Preparation was sufficient Preparation was good Excellent preparation

Total: 100

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