Steeps of Ur-Menig

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The Steeps of Ur-Menig An adventure location by Michael Prescott

11. Bountiful Pool

A pool wriggles with immature isopods. The entire
chamber, in fact, is contaminated with isopod eggs,
barely distinguishable from the sand. If any eggs
Into the Steeps find their way to fresh water, they will infest it.
It is said that the sorcerer Bethelan drew his
power from the depths of the earth, and that 12. Lair of the Cave Wyrm
his chosen place for his meditations is rich The lower portion of the cave is littered with
with his treasures. shattered isopod fragments.

The Steeps At the top of the cave waits the wyrm. Wingless,
A natural cavern system, the steeps are eyeless, and without forelegs, it has sought this
rough, unstable, and wet. The uneven slopes cavern as a refuge against the shame of its
will require much climbing and clambering. deformities. Nevertheless, its hoarding instinct is
Each elevation line indicates a drop of ten strong, and it will pursue anyone it suspects of being
feet. able to contribute to its cache.

From Time to Time (Roll d6 twice) 13. The Wyrm's Cache

d6 #1: 1-2: encounter; 3-6: distant sounds, Packed into the sand in the upper reaches of this
foreshadowing, or remnants. chamber are three wyrm eggs and a mass of chewed
d6 #2: 1: 2d6 hungry isopods; 2: cloud of silverwork, evidently fittings from several princely
moths; 3: abrasive, wet sand gets everywhere; saddles. Cared-for eggs hatch as wyrm-isopod
4: sudden 10' subsidence; 5: giant centipede; 6 hybrids.
the cave wyrm.
14. Carreg Waiting Post
1. Entrance Gallery Five genderless beings with skin of supple clay rest
This high-ceilinged cavern slopes gradually here, eating an isopod. They are a party of carreg
downwards to the north. A trail has been scouts, awaiting Bethelan in the hopes of obtaining
worn into the floor, cutting east toward expertise in warfare or magic to aid their embattled
location 4. The northern end is divided by a homeland. They expect relief in three days' time.
row of rusted iron stakes, each a foot long,
driven into the clay of the floor. Carreg fear iron, but will fight using bone javelins if
pressed. Fungus bed mats, quartz dice, d6 gems.
2. Echoing Depths
The remarkable echoes here will soon start to 15. Maw of Ur-Menig
come slightly before the original sounds. This chamber is vast beyond reckoning. The ceiling
swoops up and out of view, while the ground of
3. Moths packed, rippled sand slopes precipitously downward.
A huge number of fat, grey moths dwell here, Once holding a lake of considerable size, it is now a
preyed upon by spiders and whip scorpions. black void filled with icy currents of air.

4. Meditation Chamber 20' below the level of the corridors is a rowboat,

The path from the west winds to the top of a overturned and half buried. Beneath it is a sack
30' tall plateau. At the summit stands a small containing garnets, emeralds and a map showing a
stool and a sturdy leather case containing a route to the homeland of the carreg.
If struck, the crystals ring with clear tones of and will use his freedom with alarming
set of silver tuning forks.
surpassing beauty. Given time to learn the malice.
Beyond the boat the air is unbreathable. Anyone
5. Low Cavern layout of the geode, it is possible to play ignoring the sensations of light-headedness will
music here, perhaps by throwing coins. 9. Sodden Grotto
The ceiling presses down claustrophobically, swoon into a deathless sleep, resting there until
Crude etchings appear to show genderless
dropping to a mere 3' in the middle. returned to higher ground.
Anyone who hears such a piece gains local beings frolicking amid stalagmites, pools,
telepathy with all fellow listeners. and strange cathedrals.
6. Flat Chamber If the carreg are on friendly terms with the PCs and
Hidden by rubble around a flat, circular trade looks possible, they will offer to carry them
8. Hermit 10. Dormant Isopods
clared space are the remains of candle stubs across the maw, unconscious, to their homeland, a
A filthy, sour-smelling man clad in rags. He is Buried in the steep slope are 13 giant
and a gold-handled ceremonial knife. service they claim they have performed for Bethelan
a demon, brought here by Betherlan and cave isopods. Mature adults, they
resemble 4-foot earwigs, save for their many times.
7. Bethelan's Musical Geode imprisoned by the power of the crystals. He
will plead with the party for assistance many legs. They have lain dormant for
Gigantic crystals, some twice the size of a Copyright © 2014 Michael Prescott
crossing the geode. If helped across, he may years, but noises or careless clambering
man, line this large, bowl-shaped chamber.
take his natural form. He is patient, a liar, will awaken them. They are hungry.

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