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THE COMING OF SORG An adventure location by Michael Prescott


Sorg (lvl 10 demon, 15' larva, bile
spray, very slow) lies draped over the
A group of d6+2 cultists led by
Len of Otton (T6) takes shelter
Sorg's foothold in the world is still
tenuous: Several times an hour, a
altar. Vnaud the Withered (C7) and from Sorg's awful emanations. manifestation of his hunger and
11 acolytes (C1 or T1) pray loudly, and (See Divided Loyalties.) They are avarice emerges from his body,
THE SITUATION THE DEFILED FLOW will defend their lord to the death, alert and armed with long knives; taking the form of (d4):
For thirty years the Blighted A hot spring once bubbled up into fearful though they be. The outer two have sword and shield. Len 1. A great length of toothed intestine
Order of Sorg has prayed to bring this pool through cracks in the stone steps are slick with bile and wears a medallion which confers 2. A swarm of translucent air leeches
their patron demigod to earth. His floor. Now it brims with slimy water, excrement. immunity to the steps' magic. 3. d3+1 copulating gargoyles
arrival would bring about an age of which oozes down the waterfalls, then In the darkness stands a 6' 4. A half-ton acidic jelly
wanton excess, but all Sorg has done into cave and the wetlands beyond. brass kettle and plenty of All but the jelly can fly, and all
is trash the place and eat all the Sorg's prime emanation, a 16- firewood. Sturdy shelves are unharmed by ordinary weapons.
food. legged coelacanth (13', climber, poison hold a half-filled tun of They are starving and will patrol
Now, the few remaining faithful bite, swallow whole), lurks here. It honey, and four tuns of the complex for exposed prey. If they
are bitterly divided. Worse, Sorg is will pursue nonbelievers with stealth good strong mead. find none, they will depart after 2d6
growing hungry. and determination. minutes to hunt in the surrounding
If Sorg is slain, the spring will run wilderness, dissipating after d6
RUINED ARCHIVES pure once more. hours.
Rain and weather have turned a Anything they eat feeds Sorg.
precious library into heaps of wet, THE GRANARY
mouldering paper. The roof has been corroded by a
Knee-deep, fetid water. A ceiling
A careful search for undamaged spray of ichor. In the darkened
covered in pearlescent deposits,
materials might turn up any of: interior lurk 2d6 cultists, trapped
reflecting any glimmer of light into a
1. Deelian prophecies that Sorg's by fear of the emanations. (See
hundred dancing motes.
coming is punishment for Divided Loyalties.) With them
Prayer, meditation, intoxication or
neglecting Deel's shrine are three tons of barley grain
intense pain will cause them to
2. Cult writings that Deel is in fact a and other dry foodstuffs.
resolve into a vision of
vicious herald of Sorg Deel the Protectress.
3. Cult writings prophecying that She will bless the
once sated, larval Sorg will weapons of any who
reemerge as a vast mucus dragon vow to drive Sorg from
and lay waste to the realm her temple, and victors
4. d4 Deelian scrolls, seemingly will be rewarded with a
various spells of protection divine boon.
The origin of each document is
only apparent to the learned.
In the corner lies a rat-gnawed
Deelian statuary has been smashed,
gnome skeleton with broken legs, a
defiled, and scratched with Sorgite sigils.
coil of rope and a bent grapnel.
Once protective saints, these five statues
are now powerful idols to greed and avarice.
Merely climbing the stairs begins a ritual, though the
A great dais and two stone pillars;
alert may feel its stirrings before it is too late.
engravings declare that those who
Those who succumb to the effect are compelled to abandon their
stand here are blessed by Deel the
frugality: typical effects are eating all carried foods, wastefully casting
prepared magics or expending arrows, hurling aside treasured
No cultist or emanation of Sorg
weaponry or valuables. The effects endure while on the staircase.
will enter this place, for it will cause
searing pain and eventual death. DIVIDED LOYALTIES
This structure was once entrance RUINED CLOISTER Unless specified, roll to determine They seek to (d6):
to the walled compound, originally a 15 cult heretics (C1 or T1) hide among the ruins, led the beliefs of cultist groups as they are 1. Purify the order by routing/killing the heretics
temple to Deel. The cultists have by Myen the butcher (F4/C3). They believe the demon to encountered (d3): 2. Return to divine favor by bringing all of the grain
pulled down everything of it they be an imposter, and Vnaud his false prophet. Two are 1. The teachings are correct, but the and mead to the high temple.
can, and what remains is beyond seriously injured, but the remainder are preparing to order (or perhaps just Vnaud) is 3. Return to divine favor by destroying all of the grain
their defilement. attack the High Temple. unworthy and is being punished. and mead.
Rusting chains lying about have They have six swords and two bows between them, 2. Sorg is a deceiver, the prophecies 4. Drive out or kill these outsiders, who will surely
been used to drag wayward cultists they rest have long knives. false, the order has been tricked! make things worse.
onto the platform as a brutal form of Tess One-Handed (T4) grumbles that the granary 3. The demon in the high temple is not 5. Escape this place by any means possible.
execution. would make a better target. blessèd Sorg, but an imposter! 6. Assassinate Vnaud the Withered.
Copyright © 2014 Michael Prescott - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ - Find more adventure locations at http://patreon.com/adventures

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