Ashcan v0.891
Ashcan v0.891
Ashcan v0.891
Business: @StudiosStrand
Copyright © 2022 Silver Strand Studios, LLC
All rights reserved
A System-Neutral, Fantasy Goblincore Module
by Braden M. Rohl
Figure 1: A map showing a series of caves and tunnels. The cave mouth sits toward the top left
corner of the page while a mysterious door and its otherworldly attendant appear toward the
bottom right. All throughout await stalagmites, cave creatures, lush moss, dank mushrooms, and
pooling mineral waters that have trickled down from the mountains above through layers and
layers of granite, shale, coal, and trace copper and iron.
C1. The Seal
How do the players arrive in Kokono (and blood), even this first system of caves and
tunnels is brimming with life and character.
There are a handful of set Discoveries here,
It’s a pickle. This section details the area that
while many others are considered random
would normally lead down to Kokono as if coming
Encounters. As the players travel through this
into Cavehaven from the outside, from the
layer, read the four selections listed below as
Brightblight. However, if the players aren’t from
appropriate, then roll two six-sided dice (d6s)
the village, then coming in this way is likely to
to randomly determine what other things they
lead them to a dead-end they won’t know what to
might discover on their trek from the twelve
do with. You might not even play through the
entries that follow.
following section depending on your answer to
this question. Perhaps you simply start play in the
1. A huge nest of wood, withered weeds, and
village itself, at C2. It’s up to you, but definitely
gnawed bones. Surely the home of a bear or
figure it out.
perhaps a large wolf.
2. A set of great stone pillars, crafted over
Welcome to Cavehaven millennia by the trickling of mineral water.
Though it doesn’t appear to be much, neither 3. A vast, clear cave pool of fresh water
from the outside, nor to the trained, darkgleaming bustling with algae, seaweeds, and even a
eye within, this initial cave system serves both as school of tiny fish!
the first line of defense for the Goblin Village, 4. The cave-in that surely claimed the lives of
Kokono, further into the earth, as well as its human miners many years ago. Old bones
obfuscation. The humans of the Brightblight can still be seen buried by the heavy rocks.
cannot see in the dark and would need to bring One wonders what lurks behind them…
torches to get through these extensive caves, but
why risk the trouble? There are no rich ores to Depending on the skills and/or abilities of the
mine here, no precious stones to fashion jewelry player characters it may take anywhere
from. If they seek to fortify their walls they have between 1 to 3 hours between the Discoveries
dug great quarries for rock out under the blinding described above. Parties well-equipped and
light of their accursed sun goddess. They have no prepared with relevant skills can do it faster,
need to mine from this barren passage—the last while those less savvy, perhaps, or who suffer
time they tried, a cave-in killed three of them. A unlucky setbacks will of course take longer.
vacation home for wandering wolves, hibernation
spot for black bears, and natural habitat for bats, In between those Discoveries, from the list
rats, bugs, and even the occasional slime, these below, those exploring these caves Encounter,
caves offer little more than risk of pain or death in order, the result of your first d6, then the
for the humans of the surface in exchange for result of the second, and finally the result of the
dubious, if any, rewards. two previous rolls combined, checking the list
again. These Encounters may offer valuable
Encounters & Discoveries treasures, harrowing battles, or even a bit of
Traveling the layers of Cavehaven gets more whimsy.
difficult, dangerous, and time-consuming as
you go down, and though the humans of the
Brightblight consider it a waste of their time
1. A young Acid Beetle gnawing at a hunk of
stone—perhaps it is after a precious
mineral locked inside!
2. The whirr and technicolor pulse of a
Fisher’s Lantern lurks in the darkness far
ahead. It seeks to lure you into its hungry
3. A pile of Granite stones, well-suited for
4. A giant rat scurries through the tunnel
ahead, chasing after a rat of normal size
that has a fat worm in its mouth!
5. A clump of Amanita Caps! Handy in the
creation of antidotes and other medicines.
6. A haggard wolf eyes you contemptuously,
backing into a corner. It doesn’t wish to
fight, but its growl tells you it will if
7. A single, rough Quartz crystal lies on the
ground inside a pool of green ichor.
8. Thick webs block the way forward. Old
and tattered, they have trapped the bones
and weathered gear of an ancient human
9. A curiously bounding, pink blob, a silly
Pink Drop, seems to smile as it hops and
skips obliviously through the darkness.
10. A patch of thick, lush green moss has
overtaken a collection of rocks and made
them extremely comfortable to sit and
rest on.
11. A viper slithers against your foot and
recoils, hissing! It seems ready to strike.
12. What was that? You could swear you
heard a soothing voice and perhaps even a
mirthful chuckle. Could it be? A wisp!
C2. The Village
Important NPCs
whole life. A simple man who loved his wife dearly,
Listed below are several of Kokono Village’s most
a part of him died with her when he and his sons
important non-player characters, described in
lost her to a diseased rat’s bite. He takes pity on
some detail.
Flott, and never turns him away when asked for
mushrooms or food. In Adelaide’s absence, he’s
Mayor Hamwise become easily agitated with everyone. He blames
Something of a dapper dandy and jack of all the mayor for the village’s woes, and recently the
trades, Mayor Hamwise of Kokono is certainly a two came to blows. If the Mosswarden hadn’t
master of none. Beside himself with worry over intervened, Hardee might have choked the life out
the village’s missing miner and handywoman (with of poor Hamwise.
whom he is desperately in love), Hamwise has
been confounding his villagers with his attempts Leatherfoot Kaede
to help pick up the slack. He will ask the players
Otherwise called Old Kaede, an ornery witch of a
with little hesitation to look into Adelaide’s
gobwoman who lives on the Western edges of
disappearance, eager to reward them for any
town. Always working on some hex or spell or
news, but especially for her safe return.
brew, she’s the subject of more than a few scary
bedtime stories. She left Cavehaven in the village’s
Adelaide early days and all manner of rumors abound about
The village’s missing handywoman, Adelaide is a what she got into as a younger woman. Kaede is
stout, young gobwoman with steady hands, a the elder of Kokono village and both feared and
technical mind, and a love for adventure. She respected. An extremely skilled brewer of potions,
doesn’t seem to much mind the Brightblight, Kaede is also a highly capable wilderness
eager as she is to set out on regular expeditions survivalist and Wisptalker.
for supplies. She runs a workshop at the edge of
town near Hamwise that the mayor has been Farmers Scayn & Peony
attempting to run in her stead, albeit poorly. She
The wholesome young couple with three beautiful
left some days ago for a cave system naught but a
goblin daughters, Scayn and Peony are the
day’s journey West, but has not returned.
bubbliest, friendliest goblins around. They
maintain a lively garden of fresh herbs, decorative
Flott ferns, lush mosses, and even a few wildflowers
The town drunk, Flott came to Kokono from the cultivated from seeds Adelaide managed to
Brightblight, a broken old gobman with an retrieve from the surface. They are Kokono’s
addiction to a foul mushroom fermentation he obvious gossipmongers, always speaking their
brews, who wanders the village begging for minds, throwing dinner parties at Dana’s, and
scraps, muttering to himself. He lives alone, in a getting everyone else talking. Their middle girl
filthy hovel of half-rotted hides and sticks stood Daisy has picked up all of her parents habits, a
over compost, though they say the old witch isn’t fast-talker, her mouth and ears are always open,
as cruel to him as she is most. Something calls but Rosemary, the eldest wants to be a warrior
him West to “face the Dawn,” but in all his years in someday, like the knights and duelists Adelaide
Kokono he’s never mustered the courage yet to go has told her stories of. She finds herself putting
back. out the fires of her family’s gossiping ways too
often for her liking. And little Scarborough is off
Farmer Grubb in her own little world and normally blissfully
Widower to the late Homilee Grubb, and content except until recently. Where could her
single-father of his two boys Hobb and Cobb, Gumdrop have gotten to?
Mister Hardee Grubb has lived in Kokono his
Shopkeep Dana forbidden anyone from descending until she can
Owner and operator of Dana’s General Store figure out what happened and how to fix it.
which offers basic daily needs, foodstuffs and She spends much of her time in prayer these days,
warm meals and even employs a barkeep and and with the supplies not coming from Adelaide’s
barback to serve a small number of customers as expedition, the village is in more dire need to
a restaurant and bar. Dana is a well-practiced chef delve into the Undercroft than normal.
and skilled in the ways of food preservation and Leatherfoot Kaede has given her more than a
hospitality, who only recently expanded her shop mere piece of her mind on the subject.
to offer dining services. Well-stocked with all
manner of meat from throughout Cavehaven and
serving such graceful recipes as Seviche dol
Seyiia, a bright and briny acid beetle dish, and
Cavehaven Cheyendie, a hearty stew of specialty
meats and mushrooms cooked low and slow.
Mosswarden Lyra
One part spiritual leader to the Kokono
community, one part fierce warrior and stalwart
shieldmaiden, Lyra the Mosswarden lives on the
eastern edges of town alongside the Parish. Lyra
is an adherent to an odd faith to the goblins of
Cavehaven, one held more by those goblins that
dwell in the Brightblight, believing in the Light of
the Great Wisp Ototsi. It may seem obvious, but
the goblins of Kokono live in Cavehaven to avoid
the light, demonizing the whole of the surface as
the Brightblight in their fear of its creatures and
the human Raiders that lives there. Instead of
gods and goddesses, the goblins of Kokono revere
elemental spirits known as Wisps which
correspond to Wood, Earth, Water, Fire, and
Darkness, but Lyra would argue that within even
the darkest dungeons beneath the earth, Ototsi
has Wisps of her own to Light the way.
Sweet Relief giant, talking Ant wearing an iron helmet
For any roll resulting in Sweet Relief, the players and carrying a spear. It does not wish to
encounter a whimsical, restorative room fight, but it does not wish to allow you
completely devoid of any danger. The perfect access to the Quartz either…
place to take a load off and set the mind to ease. 3. A Raider Whelp wanders the corridor
However, should the players choose to take a Rest blindly, whimpering, but trying to be
here, while they will emerge refreshed the Broken stealthy. They are lost, hungry, and afraid
Undercroft will have reset entirely. All of their and will welcome any help returning
home, even from goblins.
progress swallowed up by the madness of a T̴̀i̛m̛e͡҉
4. A large clump of Shelfbread has formed in
̧҉Br͢ȩ҉ą͟͜ k.
the stone of the corridor and a friendly
Black Bear cub is trying to reach it.
1. An iron lantern grows like fruit from a tree
Where could its mother be?
branch that reaches out from the cave
5. A shopkeep? Neither you nor the
shopkeep quite understand how they got
2. Inexplicably, a clean white serving dish
here, but they do have a few items for sale
sits at your feet displaying a steaming,
if you’re interested…
delicious-smelling roast chicken that
6. A Wisp! Roll a third d6. 1 is a Dryad, 2 is a
hasn’t been touched.
Nome, 3 is a Salaman, 4 is an Undine, 5 is
3. A small mote of light floats onto the tip of
a Darhkloy, and 6 is a Sylphid. Try to
your nose and seems to giggle just before
communicate with it and perhaps it will
offer you a Spell or a Favor. If you fail, it
4. A flush stream of cold, fresh water runs
will disappear, leaving behind a silver Wisp
heavily down the extremely smooth wall
Coin engraved with its form.
to your side, down into a round iron tube.
5. The stone gives way to the paneled wood
walls and dirt floor of a living room
complete with a warm, lit hearth and
comfortable rug and chair.
are the most abundant source of Magic in Cavehaven and
6. A lit bonfire fed by ashen bones, struck
even in the Brightblight of the surface; however, so few
through with a blackened, twisted sword,
are able to interact with them. While any character
ancient and marred with use.
trained in Wispcraft can perceive Wisps, not every
character will be equally good at negotiating with or
A Safe Encounter learning from them. Furthermore, characters may curry
Though the following encounters begin safe, favor—or infamy—among the Wisps without ever knowing
there is nothing stopping them from turning that they exist depending on actions they take in a natural
hostile depending on the players’ actions. environment. Gold and silver Wisp Coins are awarded to
characters who perform esoteric actions that please the
1. A Green Slime. Mindless and without Wisps, are marked by the form of the Wisp that awarded
them, and are used as currency to buy Favors or Spells
sight, it plops around the dungeon
from them. Characters that disrespect the environment;
amiably unless provoked. Will defend
however, will displease the Wisps and suffer a large
nearby Wisps.
markup in Wisp Coin costs in future dealings.
2. Within an otherwise empty passage, you
find a rare vein of Quartz patrolled by a
A Long Corridor Treasure!
The terrain ahead pushes and winds through the The human Raiders of the Brightblight may not
bowels of Cavehaven in the form of one of the think so, but there are some rare and wondrous
following: finds, especially deep within Cavehaven. Consult
the list below to discover something to add to
1. A dark, featureless hallway, 30ft long. You your collection!
can hear a heartbeat seeming to come
from all around you and you’d swear you 1. At the end of a smear of blood trailing the
were being watched. ground you discover an old Pickaxe, rusted
2. A stone passage, well-let by torch sconces and mildewed, sat next to a small pile of Coal.
every 20ft that end 100ft away from you 2. Entering a room filled with smashed wooden
with a closed, wooden door. The door has furniture and stacked wooden stools. You’d
a barred window at roughly eye-level. wonder where the wood came from if not for
There are many other open passages the damp, musty stump, ancient and
branching off from this one. throbbing as if alive sticking out of the stone
3. The going becomes suddenly very rough in the center of the room… Champignons
as the ground is uneven, filled with loose grow all over the wood.
gravel and larger stone fragments as well 3. Clutched in the hands of what appears to be a
as stalagmites, as you descend roughly child’s skeleton, you discover a large Pyrite
60ft around a sharp bend, deeper into a crystal! What luck, it hasn’t been touched by
cavernous chasm. You hear stone cracking an Acid Beetle.
and rocks shuffling into new position as 4. Very peculiar. Standing on its own in the open
the ground shakes beneath your feet! Roll you see a stoppered Glass Flask, roughly 12oz,
to avoid harm. containing a Mysterious Fluid (Roll a third d6.
4. It shouldn’t be possible, but you’ve been The color of the liquid is: 1. Red, 2. Green, 3.
here before… regardless of how you Blue, 4. Yellow, 5. Orange, 6. Purple.
entered, refer back to the last Long 5. You happen upon a fresh black bear’s corpse,
Corridor you rolled. You enter it again torn apart by wicked scything slashes. The
unless this was your last roll. In whi— k-hk hide and meat have been ruined, but growing
ssk-sh, trig- r’a T̴̀i̛m̛e͡҉ ̧҉Br͢ȩ҉ą͟͜ k. out from its wounds are a few patches of
5. Across the next 300ft, the ground beneath Queenslace.
your feet has become soft, even a bit 6. You happen upon a long-dead human
muddy, and the walls resemble something adventurer bearing the Clockwork Ankh of an
closer to wood than stone… ancient goddess. The symbol itself may be
6. A red drop splashes onto your forehead powerless, but the Prismatic Morningstar of
and you notice that the stones seem to be the Sun clutched by the corpse looks mighty.
bleeding. No… for the next 900ft, the (Create a new piece of magical equipment and
corridor isn’t made from stone, but rather a new backstory for the dead adventurer each
living tissue. Inside the veins of some time this outcome is rolled beyond the first).
thing, there are many bloody, pulsating
passages to enter from here. Your sanity is
An Environmental Hazard wound that if touched will cause severe harm
Traveling through the Cavehaven can be from burns!
treacherous and nowhere is that made more clear 5. As you press on through the doorway your
than in the Broken Undercroft beneath Kokono vision blurs, obscured as if by indistinct blocks
Village. You encounter one of the following of dull color. A migraine from deep within
hazards depending on your roll: your skull wracks you with pain and the air
itself seems to become solid. Frightened, you
struggle to move but for just an instant you
1. The stone beneath your feet gives way, seem to be trapped within the stone walls of
sending you plummeting 3 meters (or 10 feet) Cavehaven itself! Suffer mild harm and trigger
down into a darker cave passage! Roll to avoid a T̴̀i̛m̛e͡҉ ̧҉Br͢ȩ҉ą͟͜ k.
or reduce harm. Enemy encounters may be 6. With nothing but a sudden crack and a deep,
more dangerous until the next T̴̀i̛m̛e͡҉ ̧҉Br͢ȩ҉ą͟͜ k stone roar to warn you, the wall to your side
though treasures may be more plentiful… bursts asunder as an entire river’s worth of
2. The cave system becomes frigidly cold all of a water comes crashing through the cave
sudden. Over the course of the next three complex, obliterating the wall on the other
Undercroft Rolls you (and any discovered side and catching anything in its path up in
creatures) must roll to avoid slipping and the deluge. Roll twice. If you fail only once,
falling whenever you move or attack. At the suffer mild harm, but if you fail twice you are
end of those three Undercroft Rolls, roll to caught in the rage of the underground river.
avoid being chilled. You suffer moderate to severe harm and are
3. The air becomes filled with a toxic bloom of carried off to who knows where…
spores causing drowsiness. Over the course
the next three Undercroft Rolls whenever you
(or any discovered creature) move or attack,
roll to avoid falling unconscious for a number
of hours depending on how well you roll. Any
creature that falls unconscious this way
suffers harm for every hour it remains
unconscious. Waking a creature that has fallen
unconscious this way is impossible without
first restoring some of the harm done to
them, and even then it is difficult, harming
both the unconscious creature and the
attempting healer on each failed attempt.
4. Has the air gotten warmer? There is a hiss of
steam and scorched stone as a few pebbles
batter your head from the ceiling before a
stalactite falls impalingly toward your face!
Roll to avoid harm even as a few dribbles of
molten rock fall from the crack in the ceiling
where the stalactite fell. In a matter of
moments, a flow of lava spews from the stone
A Hostile Encounter
Unfortunately, Cavehaven is also home to plenty
of nasty creatures you’d never want to meet, and
whatever is going on down here has only brought
ever worse monsters with it. You come face to
face with one of the following:
Wrapping Things Up
But there is more to the Broken Undercroft than of your vision, but you’re almost more afraid of
random tables, exploration, treasures, and Stress. the statue. Because you know what it is.
What about the T̴̀i̛m̛e͡҉ ̧҉Br͢ȩ҉ą͟͜ ks? What are they and
why do they trigger? Is there any way to return Wearing around its neck the Clockwork Ankh of
the Kokono Undercroft to its more safe, the Brightblight’s Ameratezu, the Boiling Blood
non-broken state? Keep a tally of the various Goddess, the Raiders’ Goddess of the Sun, the
results of the players’ Undercroft Rolls, even statue bears her familiar form and yet she is
non-consecutive rolls into the Broken Undercroft. shaped of flawless obsidian adorned by
As long as the players have triggered a T̴̀i̛m̛e͡҉ darkgleaming sapphire, not from opalescent pearl
decorated with yellow topaz. Her pose is reversed,
̧҉Br͢ȩ҉ą͟͜ k, encountered a Wisp, discovered at least
mirrored from the cultural norm of Baerskrgrr
two Treasures, made at least three rolls
Raiders of the surface.
(successful or not), and defeated a hostile
creature, then when the players make their very
A cloud of smoke rolls around the statue and
next Undercroft Roll, do not consult the tables
coalesces into half a dozen Darhkloy that move
above. Instead, present them with the following
defensively between the statue and your
characters. You may attempt to reason with them
using Wispcraft. Should you refuse, fail, or be
Ancient Mysteries unable to, the Darhkloy will attack only
The darkness in this area becomes thick and halfheartedly, retreating into the shadows if any
oppressive. Your goblin eyes take a minute to harm is inflicted on even one of them. But they
adjust, finally casting your surroundings in shades will remember.
of blue, and black, and gray. At times, depending
on where you look, the blue is replaced by an Should you touch the obsidian goddess your eyes
almost screeching red, a visual sensation most (and the eyes of your companions) roll back into
closely related to the auditory discomfort of nails your head as you make contact with
on a chalk board. The space opens up, cavernous, Ba’Nzoshieara of the Dark Mirror, the Eyes of the
yet smooth, unlike any natural stone you’ve ever Night who shows you the slaughtering of the
seen. The ground and walls seem to be faceted, worshippers at the Impossible Ziggurat and the
like cut jewels, and crystal growths build up here millions of bones buried in the swamps beneath it,
and there like bushes. Scattered across the gnawed upon by noxious wurms, and ruled by the
ground are shards of bloodglass and hunks of Wůnderlich and her many covens of vampires.
granite shot through with rusty iron ore. The Wůnderlich labors upon The Great Crystal of
Earth, corrupting it, poisoning it and all of the
At last you see it. Half-buried in the crystalline bones entombed in the dark, despoiling the lands
floor the statue is tilted to one side in the center above and bringing fields and forests and
of a crater. If you look to the ceiling, you might meadows to ruin.
make out the hole from which it fell, like Lyra the
Mosswarden had described, but fell from where?
Shapes move in the reflective surfaces of the
smooth walls, out in the darkness in the periphery
“Darkness shelters you, my children, but it can
only forestall Our Shared Doom,” the
obsidian goddess tells you as images of three
other Great Crystals of Wind, Water, and Fire
flash through your mind, havoc wrought upon
them by three other Fiends.