Wandering Emporium Notes
Wandering Emporium Notes
Wandering Emporium Notes
When the Emporium arrives at a loca on, wagons carrying tents unload and are quickly set up. Other
wagons who's sides open up form a semi-circle around the tents to open their own side shows. In total,
the en re emporium can be set up or disassembled for travel in a ma er of a couple hours. The
arrangement remains pre y similar every me they set up. This arrangement creates a maze-like layout
which serves three purposes. First, it draws people in and makes the emporium seem larger than it
actually is, leading to a grander impression and reputa on. Second, it makes the emporium harder to
leave, ensuring people spend all the coin they are willing to before they go. And third, it ensures the
emporium's more secret a rac ons are not stumbled upon by those who do not go looking for them.
Run by a mysterious leader named "Mahadi". Mahadi is a charming human man who dresses in
flamboyant colors and takes a keen interest in personally welcoming guests into the emporium. The
emporium stays in a loca on as long as he deems, and will move at his direc on. The strange thing about
him though, is that while travelling he will disappear into his private wagon and refuses to be disturbed.
His driver, Maltha, will turn anyone away to make sure nobody disturbs his wagon.
Main Ac vi es
Freak show
Knife Throwing wheel (Levity)
Fortune telling
Fire ea ng
Sword swallowing
Burlesque shows
More secret ac vi es
Brothels with exo c “a rac ons”
Fight clubs
Black market of goods and services.
In front of the sideshows are the games. These games change on a seasonal bases, but at most mes the
games include a crossbow target range, a ring toss, a roule e wheel, a card game, a strength test and a
figh ng ring where a re red prizefighter takes on challengers for a modest fee. The prizes for success in
these games are always cheaply made souvenirs, though they are rarely given out.
Owlbear Tamers - u/crunchym8 - A pair of Gnome brothers who have half a dozen owlbears they
"train". Tim might get eaten, but then Tam just gives the owlbear some Rotgrass and the owlbear throws
him back up. They've trained the owlbears to swallow them whole, Tim has been eaten fourteen mes
Konstruct a Kobold - build-a-bear, but kobolds. Run by a gnome named Wilscoe "The Butcher" .. Named
such because of the myriad of stuffed animal and kobold parts hanging around his shop to make your
Divine Rapture, Dragon Breath Forge, Dye-Cast Trimmings, Anchors Aweigh!, Ganderings, Konstruct a
<h ps://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy
Drag Three These three brothers are Firesn Rassh, Skids, The three-in-one Their own war
on enormo triplets that all hatched ake and Slagg. tormentors the machine is
brea us wide from the same egg, and Forge Three brothers pilot have comprised of
th red have a unique ability to salamanders been heavily three
forg Dragon use their breath modified to shi tormentors.
e born weapons almost and rearrange They can split
Raljex, con nuously. They use themselves into a and join
Salarek, that flame to heat the makeshi building, together as
and metal in their forge. very large and needed.
Fluxima They make fancy open on one side Sell all metal
g weapons and metal to poten al armor and
armor which is for sale customers. One of equipment in
at a 50% markup over the tormentors is PHB at 150%
normal PHB prices, and able to expose the markup.
can be commissioned for soul engine, and Offer war
other work. Rassh, Skids, and machine repair
Slagg use the at 5gp per 1 HP
power provided by restored.
the engine as their
Rassh, Skidds,
9 Magmins and 8 & Slagg at the
Animated suits of Firesnake Forge
armor assist the know
Salamanders in that Bel (their
their work. An former
intense heat employer) has
radiates from the imprisoned a
forge, causing pit
everything inside fiend named
to appear to Shummrath in
shimmer and warp. a crevice near
the River
All sorts of arms, Styx. They can
armor and also sell the
adventuring party
equipment are on Sha ers cks to
display of extreme help
quality. However, free
one item that Shummrath.
catches your eye is
an exquisite great The
axe, with the salamanders
symbol of an anvil were
emblazoned on the mistreated by
side. Bel and wish to
make his life
difficult. They
have heard Bel
bragging about
how he
Shummrath for
his misdeeds
and preceived
slights and
relish the
thought of
darkening the
doorstep of
Bel's Forge.
Dye- Ambiwa ● Burne Burney Burney's tent is She can
cast to Alchemist that y the Actually an nestled into a nook provide
Trim specializes in Barber ancient between two war barbershop
min hair dyes, copper dragon machines, which services and
gs makeup, named look to belong to grooming for 1
disguises. Also Balarystul, in other shops. Inside, gp. She can
sells po ons. service of the tent has a few also perform
Bahamut as a comfortable minor healing
1. Po on of spy on Tiamat. cushions for for good
Climbing She is a good wai ng guests, as aligned
(commo host and well as a barber's creatures. If
n, dmg enjoys hearing chair in the middle. anyone offers
187) tales of her A folding screen her a soul coin
A clients, and which has a she looks
some mes beau ful forest disappointed at
shared a tale scene with a them and turns
or two of her tranquil river and them down.
d in a
own. several canaries She will refuse
flu ering about to even touch
l flask.
blocks the view of one. Any
2. 2x Po on the barber seat memory of
of from the entryway. interac ng with
Greater her fades
Healing shortly a er
(uncom leaving her
mon, shop unless she
dmg 187) chooses
This otherwise.
smells Burney the
salty. Barber knows
200gp that Arkhan
each carries
3. 5x Po on Tiamat’s blood
in a vial around
his neck, and
n, dmg
points the
party to
A cloudy
Arkhan’s Tower
ncture, in the hopes
containe that the
d in a adventurers
fragile will kill Arkhan,
porcelain or at least
flask. hinder Arkhan’s
50gp plans to free
4. Po on of
ry, dmg
flames to
<h ps://donjon.bin.sh/5e/ma
Anc Zhalko - Have a partnership with Ichor's Elliach An acrid smell Buys and sells
hors A Port of Call in Luskan, Aweig ● Deaf- assaults your nose demon ichor
Awe middle and sells their very rare h! his when you enter
igh! aged olive wine. They also sell ears Ichor's Aweigh. Sell price:
human a variety of other wines turne Flasks of bubbling 100gp
man and spirits. Ask the right d into liquids being Buy price: 25
with ques ons and you can bats heated by small gp
fine find illicit intoxicants as and fires are arrayed
clothing well. flew throughout the Elliach at
and a Gloomshrooms? away. room on scrap Ichor’s Aweigh
thin ● Muffle metal worktables. knows that
mustac d At first you do not Ubbalux –
he speec see any seemingly a
h. shopkeeper, un l a wizard
● Enthu flash of light comes imprisoned by
sias c from the right and an obelisk – is
about a robed figure is in fact a balor,
Demo thrown across the and can point
n room and lands in the party to the
Ichor front of you. As the Obelisk.
figure stands back
up, all you can see
underneath the
cloak and robes is a
writhing mass of
tentacles. The
creature bows, and
in a muffled voice
says, "Welcome to
Ichor's Aweigh!
The finest
establishment for
the refinement and
experimenta on of
demon ichor!"
Gan Fortune teller and scryer From Fhet’ahla From Here to Offers
deri Chinwa Here Avernus is a transmi ance
ngs Prophecies: to spartan basic of messages
Younger "A trunk of gold will lead Avern wooden structure. and
dark you. A trunk of gold will us Inside are two informa on at
skinned help you find your wri ng desks with various rates
woman. treasure. Whichever you straight backed
Shark may seek." wooden chairs and .
tooth wri ng utensils. DeliveryPricing.
necklac Sisava: "That which is There is also a Fhet'Ahla
e and bound, may be freed. counter made of charges a single
ou it But beware the snares of rusted scrap metal, soul
that the path to liberty." behind which coin for parcel
looks to stands a devil deliveries
be that Gem: "Your family's smiling at you with weighing 5
of a fight, will you forsake? a hundred pounds or less.
former Your own choices she needlelike teeth, For a larger
sailor. must make. The lady of wearing opulent parcel (up to 50
five was nearly demise. purple robes. His pounds), he
Will now, she help her small wings flap charges two
rise?" lazily behind him, soul coins.
looking like they Notary Pricing.
"Three choices of nine. are made more for Fhet'Ahla
Three and three all crea ng a charges a single
three. Do this and the comfortable breeze soul coin
nine yours shall be." than flight. Behind for notary
the devil is a well services and
"Salva on has turned to organized mail collects a single
doom, but the seed of room shelf, with soul coin for
hope may yet bloom. hundreds of small exchanges that
Return the lost, with slots. Some are don't involve
what is found. Return stuffed with small the soul of a
the damned, who are le ers or wrapped celes al. If a
bound." packages. celes al is
involved, he
"A sister reborn, of one Sounds like a collects ten
rhaspy devil soul coins
droopy dog
Also provides
gold/soul coin
Purchases soul
coins at 30GP
per charge
remaining. Sells
at 50GP per
charge, and
only sells fully
knows about
Uldrak – his
imps have told
him about a
spined devil
who insists that
it is in fact an
hanging out
near a
sword and
helmet on the
plains of
Kons Run by Named such because of Z'Neth Z’Neth Demon parts
truct a the myriad of stuffed 's ● Disillu you can s tch
a gnome animal and kobold parts Larva sioned together to
Kob named hanging around his shop Farm/ Hobgo customize a
old Wilscoe to make your plushie. design blin. fleshy demon
"The a ● Dream familiar or pet.
Butcher demo ed of
" n dying
e of
● On a
ign at
t of
on his
in the
Mer- Sir 500
cat-t Godrick
ile of Canteen Gloves These
Felonia gloves can store up to
5 cubic feet of any
liquid. The liquid is
stored in a pocket
dimension, does not
add weight to the
gloves, and is frozen in
time. As an action, you
can empty the gloves.
The liquid flows out of
the palm of the gloves.
Belt of sacrifice
During a short rest, the
wearer may spend a
hit die. An ally within 5
feet regains hit points
instead of the wearer.
Requires Attunement.
Comprised of intricate
expanding slots and
magical heating coils,
this item can be used
by a skilled blacksmith
as a forge after an
hour time spent setting
up the forge and
allowing it to heat up.
Stowing the
Port-a-Forge also
takes an hour. While
stowed, the forge can
be worn on the back
like a backpack using
some built in straps.
Entangled amulets:
These amulets always
have a matching twin.
When two creatures
are wearing these
amulets, they can be
activated. For one
minute, if the two
wearers of the amulets
can see each other
and are within 60 feet
of each other, they
may cast touch range
spells as though they
were within each
other’s space. Either
creature can choose to
swap places with the
twin, ending the effect.
They recharge after a
long rest spent within
10 feet of one another.
enchantment. Can be
applied to any non
magical weapon or
magical focus. When
you miss on an attack
roll this weapon gains
a charge. After making
an attack roll but
before the result is
determined you may
choose to spend any
number of charges on
this weapon to
increase the attack roll
by 1d4 per expended
charge. All charges
are lost after a long
rest or if a new
creature attunes to the
weapon. Requires
Charming Knife
Deck of Illlusions
Thrown in with any
purchase of 1500gp or
9 Circle Arena
Arena Glina fought in.
Can enter as a team into a tournament. Grand prize:
Circular arena with ever changing environment within. Traps and walls materialize differently for each
Round 1: Dino riding kobold. Underdark acid pits. Korzzak the Dino-Tamer!
Round 2:8x Gnolls. Pirate ship
Round 3 vaaz and crew
Announcer: Fezzruk, an orc wearing flamboyant colors and orange tassels coming from his wrist.
“A new crew in town with a familiar names you long term fans might recognize!
A former member of our crew, but new to the area, it’s Alta! Keep an eye on her before she puts you
under her spell!
The blacksmith, Gem! I hear that hammer of hers is just as good at bending steel as it is at cracking
tonight we have the pleasure of our very own Hellrider- ! Trained in the mar al arts and has her very
own god on her side! It’s Sisava!
Watch out for this next one, I hear her tongue is as sharp as her daggers! It’s our very own, Levity!
And finally, Ladies and Gentlemen. You are in for a treat. Our returning champion coming home once
again. You know her name. Give a warm welcome to the one. The only. It’s Tooooovaaaa! The Rock!”
Crowd starts chan ng, “Tova! Tova! Tova!”
Mahadi's Contract