Welcome To Loden

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TO LODEN 1. The Temple of Gears. Every hour,
Sibling Reggie, a kind, pious, and
massive priest, turns the heavy crank
4. The cemetery is a glum barren plot
of dirt surrounded by a rusty wrought
iron fence. All plants wither within the
that grinds the temple’s Gear Organ. fence. The Ogre Statue hums a silent
The teeth-rattling sound annoys the magical tune that is calling the dead
town greatly but Reggie will not be to rise and come dance around it.
2 dissuaded from his duty. In fact, if he This will complete an ancient spell
skipped even an hour, skeletons would and restore the Ogre to its living form.
3 rise from the cemetery. Reggie keeps The holy sound of the grinding Gear
this secret to not scare the rest of the Organ counters the ogre’s tune. One
town. He is also happy to perform the day, Reggie noticed a skeleton digging
traditional Whirling Blessing Dance its way out and not knowing what else
for any parishioner who asks. Every to do ran and played his dear organ.
third morning, the temple provides a When he calmed down and came back
breakfast of yam cakes open to all. to investigate he saw that the skeleton
had climbed back into its grave. If
2. A prediluvian statue, older than the awakened, the Ogre will destroy the
town, of a regal Ogre Necromancer. Gear Organ but otherwise be friendly
Black flowers grow around it. Eating the and happy to not be a statue anymore.
flowers make one’s eyes more welcoming Its main desire is to create an amazing
of starlight, so night seems clearer skeleton marching band and tour from
4 than day. The eater can also hear a low town to town.
humming tune, emanating from the
5 statue. The Ogre transformed itself into 5. A well of ice-cold water. It was
a statue to survive a cataclysmic event. cursed long ago and now every bucket
pulled from it contains at least one
3. A pond rich with red gorbleswurm. salamander. No one minds this much,
The eel-like mollusk is a main staple but many salamanders crawl about the
The walls of Loden make it a rare safe stop in the Southern Wilds. A former of the Lodish diet. The butter in their town. It is also enchanted, if one tosses
mission of the Church of Gears, its Temple offers modest beds for all wanderers. neck sacs is a prized delicacy and useful in a coin and wishes to change the color
grease. 1d6 Lodites are fishing here of any part of their body or any object
D6 ALLEY ENCOUNTERS at any given time. They will offer a they are holding, it will come true. 1d4
1. A mob of salamanders blocks the alley. jar of gorblswurm butter to the player Lodites can be found here during
2. A gang of 1d6 children throw salamanders at the PCs and run away giggling. characters if they’ll stop the Gear Organ the day, with a hand mirror, trying
3. Nana Mel sells yam cakes slathered with gorbleswurm butter for one silver each. for at least an hour. new hair and eye colors.
4. A couple of old men on a walk complain about the annoying Gear Organ and
apologize to the PCs for the nuisance.
5. Two Lodites in a high-speed pogo stick race come bouncing down the alley with
2d6 squealing children in pursuit. Dodge or be trampled.
6. A fisherman spills a jug of gorbleswurm butter. Roll to avoid slipping.

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