Noted The Point
Noted The Point
Noted The Point
1. Sexual Reproduction in
flowering plants.
2. Human Reproduction
3. Reproductive Health
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Imp point (NEET 2024 )
2. Pollen grain of some plants can cause allergies and respiratory in human biengs and
later it will leads certain severe diseases like asthama and chronic disease.
6. Hydrophili is quiet rare and it is common among only 30 genera and maximum are.
7. The water is the medium in aquatic organisms for transportaion of gamets ex. Algae.
Some of them doesn't use the waster as medium ex. Pistia , Lotus , Achernia. Water
pollinated plants are ( fresh water )VALLISNERIA and HYDRILLA and ( marine sea-
grasses ) ZOSTERA.
9. In both winged pollinating plants and water pollinating the flowers are colourless ,
oudour less and nectarless and no fragnance.
10. Animal pollination flower are bright in colour and rich in colour and rich in specific
order and fragnance. The plant which is pollinated by bittle produced the flower is very fall
11.The plants which flowers bloom in night are generally white in colour because the white
is visible in the dark and refelect better.
12. Some plants the pollentube called chalaza this is called chalazagamy.
13. If the pollen grains enter through the integnant layer is called mesogamy.
14. Plumule is called future shoot. Here the flower and fruit will form.
15. Radicle is also called future root. To protect the future root the covering is called Root
16. Epibalst refers the vestigial ( useless ) cotyledon or non functional cotyledon that
indicate the monocot plnts evolved from the dicot plants.
18. In some plants Seed remin viable for few months and in some it may remains thousands
of year.
19. The oldest that of a lupine , lupinus articus excavated from Artic Tundra the see
germinated and flowered after an estimated record of 10,000 yeras of dormancy.
20.Amphimixis = fusion between the male and female , gametes refers the sexual
21. HYV seed are make between the crossing of two different plants known as ARTIFICIAL
2. Inguminal hernia = Some part of large integstine comes into the scrotal sac through the
inguminal canal.
4.Morula = A small ball of resulting of division of fertilised ovum and from which bastula is
5. Sertolic cells is also known as nurse cells and the sertoli cells secrets the two hormone one
is called Androgen binding protien which increase the conentrationn of androgen in
se,niferous tubules beeded for spermatogenensis. It also secrets the another hormone that is
called Inhibin. The inhibin decrease the secretion of gonado trophins hormones.
6. Release of sperm or release of semen is known as Ejaculation ( emmesion of semen ).
7.Opening present in fimbrae is called ostium. Isthmus opens into the ureter.
8.Uteres is the broader pert of the female reproductive system and also known as Womb.
And its shaped is inverted pear.
12.In case of the tempratures drops , the movement of scrotum towards the pelvic cavity
allows the testes to absorb heat from the rest of the body so that they do not get chilled.
13.Moving the testes away from the abdomen and increasing the exposed surface area
allow a faster dispersion of excess heat. This is done by means of contractions and
relaxation of the cremaster muscle and the dartos muscle in the scrotum.
15.Vasa defens is joined by duct from seminal vesicle to form ejaculatoy duct. It carries
17.Cryptochidism is a failure of one or both of the testicles to descend into the scrotum.
Cryptochidism is caused by deficient secretion of testosterone by the fetal testes.
18.Tearing of ingual tissue may result in the protusion of a part of intestine into scrotum.
This conditions is called inguinal hernia.
21.The three enzymes help in the dissolving the layer of ovum are 1. Hylaronidase 2. Corona
penetration enzyme 3. Zona lysin / Acrosin.
22.5ml of semen are transfered to female ovum. The human male ejaculates 200-300
million sperms during a coitus of which , for normal fertility atleast 60% sperms must have
normal shape and size and at least 40% of them must show vigorous motillity.
23. Male can release the sperm till the age of 70 years.
25.Menstrual occur due to rupture of endometrium wall and bleeding will occur. When
ovum is not fertilised.
26.When mestrual stops then it will be indicating to the pregnancy. But it may be by other
reason i.e. stress , poor health and many more.
27.In Ovaulatory phase graffian follicle rupture and thereby the release of ovum
28.Lh surge = the incresease secretion of LH leading to its maximum level during the mid-
cycle called LH surge.
30.The corpus luteum secrets large amounts of progesterone which is essential for
maintenance of the endometruim layer.
31.This menstrual cycle in female is permannently stops at the age of around 50 years that
is called menopause.
32.Protinous receptors are present in the zona pellusida layer of the ovum.
33.Female chromosome will larger than male chromosome and female have more genes
and are genetically stronger than male.
35.Sex is determined by what they inherits by the father , if they inherits X chromosome
then the child will be girl and if child inherits Y chromosome the pn the child will be boy.
36.The diffrence b/w mitosis and cleavege is the mitosis occurs after completion of growth
phase (G1 and G2 phase) but in cleavege this phase is absent only S phase is present and in
mitosis the daughter cells enlarge in size while in cleavage the size of daughter cells reduce.
And similarity is the number of chromosomes remain same in parent cell in both mirosis
and cleavage.
**The blastomeres in the blastocyst are arranged into an outer layer called trophoblast and
inner group of cells attached to the trophoblast called inner cells mass.
37.During the gastulation the cells of inner cell mass so the movements called as
morphogenixpc movememt that leads to the conversion of transformation of blastocyst into
38.During gastrulation the first event that occurs is called formation of embryonal disc by
arrangement of inner cell mass in 2 distinct layer are called the embryonal disc , the upper
line is called epiderm hand lower line is hypoderm.
39.Seminal vesicle produce an alkaline secretion that forms about 60-70% of the volume of
semen. The pH of seminal fluid is normally 7.4
40.Chorion it i the putermost layer of the embryo sac. And form finger like projection is
called as the chrionic villi. Later it will form strictural and functional unit calle placenta.
41.Human placenta is also called as chorionic placenta. Placenta also act as endocrine
gland. And secretes various hormone like hCG , hPL , estrogns , progestrones. Another
hormone called relaxin is also secreted by ovary.
42.During implantation zona pellucida layer degrade and blastocyst attach with
endometrium If there is 1 blastocyst 1 embryo and 2 blastocyst and 2 embryo (identical
twins from monozygote)
45.By the end of 9 months fetus is ready and comes out of the body.
46.Vitellogenesis is the process of laying down of yolk in the primary oocyte. It takes place
in prophase-1.
47.The mature ovum or egg or secondary oocyte is spherical in shape, contains nucleus and
is the largest cell in the body.
48.Trophoblast cells on contact with inner cell mass ar called cells of Rauber. They later
give rise to extraembryonic membranes namely chorion, amnion and part of placenta.
49.They do not take part in the formation of the embryo, it remains external to the embryo
and provides nutrition ro it.
51.To be able to perform implantation, the blastocyst forst needs to get rid of its zona
pellucida and this process is called Zona hatching.
1.Periodic abstinence is one such method in which the couples avoid or abstain from coitus from day 10 to
17 of the menstrual cycle when ovulation could be expected.
2.Lactational amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) method is based on the fact that ovulation and
therefore the cycle do not occur during the period of intense lactation following parturition.
3.Amniocentesis = It is a technique in which a small amount of amnitic fluid is taken out firm the amnitic
cavity through the wall of abdominal cavity.
4.The amniotic fluids consist some fetal cells which is used to know the careotype.
5.Amnisocentesis = a foetal sex determination test based on the chomosomal pattern in the amniotic fluid
surrounding the developing embryo.Very useful to find the abnormalities or genetic disorder.
6.The no. of individual of same species present in a particular area is called population of that species.
9.Tubal ligation and ovaryiectomy in this method both ovary is surgically removed.
10.Hysterctomy = surgical removal of uterus. Used for those female who are suffer from uterus cancer.
11.The widespread of this methods have a significant role in checking uncontrolled geowth of population, ill
effects like nausea, abdominal pain, breakthrough bleeding, irregular mentrual bleeding or even breast cancer.
12.The person who has some teeth where some part are outside the mouth can cause the lip cancer.
13.MTP are considered relatively safe during the first termister i.e. upto 12 weeks of pregnancy.
14.The MTP of pregnancy (Amendment ) act, 2017 was inacted by the governmentof india with the
interaction of reducing the incidence of illegal abortion and consquent maternal mortality.
15.All RTI are STI but all STI are not RTI.
16.Some bacterial disease are (i) Chlamydiasis caused by chlamydia trachomatis. (ii) Gonorrhea caused by
neisseria gonorhoea (iii) Candidiasis caused by the canidia (yeast) and albicans (fungi)
17.Except AIDS and WARTS all are treatmental disease but if early reported.
18.Test tube baby - First test tube baby born in England at 25th July 1978 it was a girl and discovered by Dr.
Steptoet. Edward the name of baby “Louis Joy born”.
19.India's first test tube baby was "Kanupriya Agarwal". India's second test tube baby was "Kumari Harsha".
She was born on August 6, 1986.
20.Injectable contraception is a reversible and long-acting chemical birth control method. It is most common
method of family planning in Indonesia. Injectables contain a synthetic version of progresterone which stops
ovulation from the ovaries for about three months.
***Mirena: A new contraceptive plastic coil coated in copper and is fitted ill the uterus. Copper acts as a
spermicide while coil releases small amounts of an artificial hormone, gastrogen which further increases the
spermicidal effect of copper. It combines both mechanical and hormonal contraceptive methods and has been
found to have more than 99% efficary. It is introduced by a Germany company.
21.Central Drug Research Institute (Lucknow) has developed a plant based spermicidal cream "Consap" from
Reetha (Sapindus mukrosii).
22.Nim-76: It is a neem based, pre-coital vaginal contraceptive cream having spermicidal properties. It has
been developed by Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS), New Delhi. It has been found
to be safe, non-hormonal and non-toxic with no side effects. Nim-76 punctures the sperm skin cuasing
leakage of cellular contents so preventing the capacitation of sperms. It also has both anti-bacterial and anti-
fungal properties.
23.Contraceptive corn : Scientists have produced a genetically-modified com crop which produces antisperm
antibodies and suggest that a plant-based jelly may be prepared that will not only prevents pregnancy but
also the spraed of STDs.This m ay save the world from over-population.