Seminar 4
Seminar 4
Seminar 4
Pharyngeal apparatus, development of the face and elements in the oral cavity, development of
the endocrine glands, ear development
4th week
1. Pharyngeal arches (4+2 rudimentary)
1. 1-6 - core of mesenchyme is of dual origin: somitomeres and neural crest cells
2. Formation of the face, nasal cavities, mouth, larynx, pharynx, and neck
2. Pharyngeal grooves (clefts) (4)
1. Surface ectoderm
3. Pharyngeal pouches (5) - opposite side of the groove
1. Endoderm (primary gut)
4. Pharyngeal membranes - between groove and pouches
1. Ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
8 weeks
Pharyngeal apparatus participates in the development of: face, ears, and some endocrine glands
Pharyngeal arches
1. Sonic hedgehog signaling
2. First pair of arches, the primordial jaws and by the end of the fourth week we will have 4 pairs of
arches, the fth and sixth are rudimentary and are not visible on the surface of the embryo
3. Pharyngeal arches are separated by pharyngeal grooves
1. 1st arch - separates into the maxillary (forms maxilla, zygomatic bone, portion of vomer bone)
and mandibular (forms the mandible and temporal bone) prominences
2. 2nd arch - formation of the hyoid bone, muscles of facial expression
3. Arches support the lateral walls of primordial pharynx - stomodeum
1. Each arch consists of a core of mesenchyme, covered by ectoderm externally and internally by
endoderm, during 3rd week mesenchyme derived from mesoderm and in the 4th week most of
mesenchyme is derived from neural crest cells that migrate into the arches — > produce maxillary
and mandibular prominences, all connective tissue, dermis, and smooth muscle
2. During 5th week, the second arch enlarges and overgrows the 3rd and 4th forming the cervical sinus
(2,3,4th arch) - branchial cysts on sternocleidomastoid muscle and by the end of 7th week the 2nd
and 4th grooves and cervical sinus have disappeared
3. Myogenic mesoderm will move into each arch forming a muscle primordial
4. Endothelial cells in the arches are derived from the lateral mesoderm and invasive angioblasts
5. Pharyngeal endoderm plays an essential role in regulating the development of arches
6. Each arch is inverted by a proper cranial nerve
4th week - endoderm of the pouch 3 proliferates, builds the stroma - epithelial reticulum
6th week - connective tissue which comes from neural crest forms capsule and septa; thymic lobes
9-10th weeks - prothymocytes from fetal liver invade the thymus
12th week - cortex and medulla in the thymic lobes formed
14-15th weeks - Hassal’s corpuscles secrete hormones
Pharyngeal grooves
- 4 grooves on each side during the 4th and 5th weeks
- Separate the arches externally
Groove 1 - external auditory meatus, ectoderm of the tympanic membrane
Groove 2,3,4 - covered by the II arch - cervical sinuses, after 7th week disappears
Pharyngeal Membranes
- appear in the oors of the pharyngeal grooves
Membrane 1 - the tympanic membrane, the remaining membranes disappear
Development of the face, elements of the oral cavity, and nasal cavities
Olfactory apparatus
Ectodermal epithelium in the roof of each nasal cavity specialized to form the olfactory epithelium.
1. olfactory receptor cells (neuron I ( rst)) 5 weeks
2. axones of these cells build olfactory nerves
and induce di erentiation of the olfactory bulb in the brain (neuron II) 7 weeks
Paranasal Sinuses
Paranasal sinuses - outgrowths of the walls of nasal cavities in the adjacent bones e.g. maxillary
sinuses in the maxillae and the frontal sinuses in the frontal bones. Born only with paranasal sinuses
Some paranasal sinuses begin to develop during late fetal life, such as: the maxillary sinuses - 3-4 mm
at birth the frontonsal sinuses - visible in radiography, 7-year-old child the sphenoidal sinuses - from
2nd year
- 9th - 12th week - fusion of the primary palate, secondary palate and nasal septum
- Clefts of the upper lip and paler are common 1:2500 births
serous acini and mucous tubules
6th week - endoderm of primary gut
16th week - secretion
growth continues after birth with the formation of mucous acini
mucous tubules
8th week - endoderm of primary gut develop later
- rst endocrine gland to develop in the embryo
Thyroid diverticulum migrates down.
7th week - two lobes
during migration ultimobranchial bodies (pouch 5) are
incorporated as parafollicular (or C) cells;
developing thyroid gland is connected to the tongue by a
narrow tube thyroglossal duct which after 7th week degenerates
and disappears;
the proximal part of the thyroglossal duct persists as a small pit
– the foramen cecum of the tongue.
10th week - thyroid follicles from endodermal primordium are
forming. Mesenchyme forms connective tissue and vessels.
12th week - coloid is in follicles - synthesis of thyroid hormones begins
Ear Development
external ear:auricle, external acoustic meatus, tympanic membrane
middl ear tympanic membrane tympanic cavity, ear bones, auditory (Eustachian) tube
inner ear: cochlea (hearing organ), vestibular apparatus, (balance organ), for hearing and balance
Ear develops from:
ectoderm - external and internal ear
endoderm - middle ear mesoderm - all parts
Branchial cyst - parts of the cervical sinus or the second groove may have a cyst, in the neck which
causes painless swelling, enlarges from the accumulation of uid and cellular debris
First arch syndrome - birth defects eyes, ears, mandible, palate, insu cient migration of neural crest
cells into the rst arch during fourth week
1. Treacher collins syndrome - mall hypoplasie, demofred external ears, lower eyelids
2. Pierre Robin sequence - hypoplasia, mandible, cleft palata, eyes, ears = bilateral cleft palate
DiGeorge Syndrome - born without a thymus (low level of T lymphocytes) and parathyroid gland
(hypocalcemia) and have defects in the cardiac out ow tracts - occurs between 3rd and 4th pouches, 22
Thyroglossal duct cysts and sinuses - cyst on the tongue or anterior part of the neck - painless, have
some thyroid tissue, or through skin forming a thyroglossal duct
Accessory thyroid tissue - in neck, close to inferior parathyroid gland - tissue breaks free from the
developing thymus it shifts caudally in the neck