Week As C-Shaped Rolls in A Stack, Separated By: Clefts Pharyngeal Pouches
Week As C-Shaped Rolls in A Stack, Separated By: Clefts Pharyngeal Pouches
Week As C-Shaped Rolls in A Stack, Separated By: Clefts Pharyngeal Pouches
. Four out of the five facial swellings derive from the pharyngeal arches. These
include the bilateral maxillary and mandibular processes and exclude the singular
frontonasal prominence.
· pharyngeal arches are paired structures associated with the pharynx that contribute
greatly to the formation of the face, jaw, ear, and neck
· the 1st pharyngeal arch appears at about the beginning of the 4th week and others
are added more caudally later such that there are ultimately 5 arches by the end of the
4th week; the 5th arch fails to form, so the arches are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.
each pharyngeal arch consists of a core of somatic mesoderm and neural crest
o somatic mesoderm contributes to the arch artery (i.e. aortic arches 1-6)
as well as skeletal muscle tissue in each arch
o neural crest mesenchyme develops into bone, cartilage, and/or
connective tissue in each arch.