Embryology Organogenesis
Embryology Organogenesis
Embryology Organogenesis
Neuro *Hirsprung
*Spina Bifida
Pembentukan Wajah
• The external human face develops between the 4th and 6th week of
embryonic development
Completed by the 6th week.
• Between the 6th and 8th week, the palate begins to develop.
Completed by the 12thweek.
• Two important tissue structures involved in development of the nose
and face: the pharyngeal arches and neural crest cells.
• In the developing embryo, there are 6 pharyngeal arches. They arise
in the 4th week of development as outpocketings of mesoderm on
both sides of the pharynx.
pharyngeal arches
Pharyngeal Clefts
• There are initially 4 pharyngeal clefts. However, only the 1st cleft gives
rise to a permanent structure in the adult; the external auditory
• The 2nd, 3rd and 4th clefts only form temporary cervical sinuses –
which are then obliterated by the rapidly proliferating 2nd pharyngeal
Pharyngeal Arches
• here are six pharyngeal arches – however, the 5th regresses soon after
• Each arch is innervated by an arch-associated cranial nerve, and has
a muscular component, a skeletal and cartilaginous supporting
element. as well as a vascular component.
• In the adult, each pharyngeal arch is associated with specific
structures within the head and neck.
Cranial Nerve
• The cranial nerves are a set of 12 paired nerves that arise directly
from the brain. The first two nerves (olfactory and optic) arise from
the cerebrum, whereas the remaining ten emerge from the brain
Origin of the Cranial Nerves
• There are twelve cranial nerves in total. The olfactory nerve (CN I) and optic nerve (CN
II) originate from the cerebrum.
• Cranial nerves III – XII arise from the brain stem (Figure 1). They can arise from a specific
part of the brain stem (midbrain, pons or medulla), or from a junction between two
• Midbrain – the trochlear nerve (IV) comes from the posterior side of the midbrain. It
has the longest intracranial length of all the cranial nerves.
• Midbrain-pontine junction – oculomotor (III).
• Pons – trigeminal (V).
• Pontine-medulla junction – abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear (VI-VIII).
• Medulla Oblongata – posterior to the olive: glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory (IX-XI).
Anterior to the olive: hypoglossal (XII).
• The cranial nerves are numbered by their location on the brain stem (superior to
inferior, then medial to lateral) and the order of their exit from the cranium (anterior to
First Arch
• The first pharyngeal arch is comprised of two parts:
• Maxillary prominence (dorsal portion) – becomes the future maxilla, zygomatic
bone and part of the temporal bone.
• Is associated with the maxillary cartilage, which gives rise to the incus.
• Mandibular prominence (ventral portion) – becomes the future mandible.
• Is associated with Meckel’s cartilage, which gives rise to the malleus and the
sphenomandibular ligament.
• The artery of the first pharyngeal arch becomes the terminal portion of
the maxillary artery, which is a branch of the external carotid.
• Its associated nerve is the trigeminal nerve (CN V). The first arch gives rise to the
muscles of mastication, and also the mylohyoid, the anterior belly of digastric,
tensor veli palatani and tensor tympani – all of which are innervated by the
branches of the trigeminal nerve.
• Its sensory field is that of the trigeminal nerve too, namely the skin of the face,
the lining of the mouth and nose, and general sensation to the anterior 2/3 of
the tongue.
Second Arch
• There are two arteries associated with the second pharyngeal arch:
• Stapedial artery – connects the embryonic precusors of the internal carotid,
internal maxillary and middle meningeal arteries. It regresses before birth.
• Hyoid artery – gives rise to the corticotympanic artery in the adult.
• Reichart’s cartilage is the name given to the cartilage component of the second
arch. It is the precursor to the stapes, the styloid process, the stylohyoid ligament
and the upper body and lesser horn of the hyoid bone.
• The nerve associated with the second pharyngeal arch is the facial nerve (CN VII).
It innervates all the muscular derivatives of the 2nd arch – the muscles of facial
expression, stapedius, stylohyoid, platysma and the posterior belly of digastric.
• The sensory field of the second arch is that of the facial nerve, namely taste
sensation to the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue (via the chorda tympani).
Third Arch
• The artery of the third pharyngeal arch becomes the common carotid
artery and the proximal portion of the internal carotid artery.
• Its cartilaginous component is less complex than the first two arches,
and gives rise to only the lower body and greater horn of the hyoid.
• Its associated cranial nerve is the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX).
• The third arch gives rise to stylopharyngeus, and its sensory function
is to provide taste and general sensation to the posterior 1/3rd of the
Fourth Arch
• The vascular derivatives of the fourth pharyngeal arch differ between the
left and right:
• Right – proximal portion of the subclavian artery
• Left – aortic arch
• The fourth arch gives rise to laryngeal cartilages – namely the thyroid,
corniculate and cuneiform cartilages.
• The associated nerve is the superior laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve
(CN X), which innervates the muscular derivatives of the fourth arch; the
constrictors of the pharynx, levator palatini and cricothyroid.
• Innervation to the root of the tongue is provided by the superior laryngeal
Sixth Arch
• The vascular derivatives of the sixth pharyngeal arch differ between the left
and right:
• Right – proximal portion of the pulmonary arteries
• Left – ductus arteriosus
• The associated nerve is the recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve
(CN X). It innervates the intrinsic muscles of the larynx (with the exception
of cricothyroid), which are derived from the sixth arch.
• The sensory field of the recurrent laryngeal branch is widespread. It
includes taste sensation from the epiglottis and pharynx, general sensation
in the pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, tympanic membrane, external auditory
meatus and part of the external ear. It also provides the efferent limb of
the gag reflex, and parasympathetic innervation to viscera.
Pharyngealarch derivatives
Source : Lustwithlife.com
Pharyngealarch derivatives
Source : https://hduod.weebly.com
Atrial Septation
• The septation of the primitive atrium involves the formation of
two septa and three ‘holes’.
• Firstly, the septum primum forms and extends down towards the
fused endocardial cushions to split the atrium into two. The ostium
primum is a hole present before the septum primum completes
fusion with endocardial cushions. Before the ostium primum is closed
a second hole, the ostium secundum, appears within the septum
• Following this a second septum, the septum secundum, grows with a
hole known as the foramen ovale present. The presence of both
the ostium secundum and foramen ovale allows a right to left
shunt to be present in the developing heart.
• The timing of this process is carefully controlled. At all times, at least
one hole is present in the septa to allow communication between the
left and right atria. This allows blood to be shunted to the left side of
the heart, bypassing the non-functional lungs.
1. 2.
Source : https://hduod.weebly.com
Source : https://hduod.weebly.com
Source : UNSW Embryology
• The interventricular septum of the ventricles has two components;
one muscular and one membranous.
• The muscular portion forms much of the septum and grows up from
the floor of the ventricles towards the fused endocardial
cushions, but a small gap, the primary interventricular
foramen, remains.
• This gap is filled by the membranous portion of the
interventricular septum, which is comprised of connective tissue
derived from endocardial cushions.
Source : www.studyblue.com
Source :: https://step1.medbullets.com
Outflow Tract
• Endocardial cushions also appear within the truncus arteriosus which
grow towards each other.
• As they grow towards each other they twist around each other and
form a spiral septum, dividing the outflow tract into left and right
Source : https://hduod.weebly.com
Source : https://hduod.weebly.com
Source : https://hduod.weebly.com
Circulatory Shunts
• In the fetal circulation, vascular shunts are required to bypass the
liver and non-functioning lungs.
• The lungs are bypassed by two separate shunts, firstly the foramen
ovale between the two atria, which is responsible for bypassing the
majority of the circulation. Any blood that does not pass through
the foramen ovale enters the pulmonary trunk, which is linked to the
distal arch of aorta by the ductus arteriosus. These two separate
shunts allow the circulation to bypass the lungs.
• The oxygenated blood entering the fetus also needs to bypass
the primitive liver, this ensures that enough oxygen reaches the
developing brain. This is achieved by passage through the ductus
venosus, which is estimated to shunt around 30% of umbilical
blood directly to the inferior vena cava.
At birth, these shunts need to close to allow the
normal adult circulation to be established:
• Foramen ovale – intake of air leads causes pulmonary resistance to
fall. The pressure within the left atrium is now higher than the right.
As blood cannot flow through the foramen ovale left to right, this
effectively closes the shunt. It fuses shut in most individuals by the
age of 1 year.
• Ductus arteriosus – muscular wall contracts to close after birth (a
process mediated by bradykinin).
The circulatory shunts are summarised in the
table below:
Fetal shunt Adult remnant
Foramen ovale Fossa ovalis
Ductus arteriosus Ligamentum arteriosum
Ductus venosus Ligamentum venosum
Umbilical vein Ligamentum teres (hepatis)
Respiratory System
• The function of the respiratory system can be divided into two parts:
the conducting portion and the respiratory portion. The conducting
portion conveys, moistens, and warms the air from outside the body
as it makes its way to the lungs. The exchange of gas occurs at the
respiratory portion.
• Structurally, the respiratory system is divided into the upper and
lower respiratory tracts/systems. The upper respiratory
system consists of the nasal cavity, oral cavity, pharynx and their
associated structures.
• The lower respiratory system consists of the trachea, bronchi,
bronchioles and alveoli. It develops relatively late in the embryo –
which can cause problems when babies are born prematurely.
Initial Development
• The respiratory system is derived from the primitive gut tube – the
precursor to the gastrointestinal tract. The gut tube is an endodermal
structure which forms when the embryo undergoes lateral folding
during the early embryonic period.
• At approximately week 4 of development, an outpocketing appears in
the proximal part of the primitive gut tube (the foregut) – this is
known as the respiratory diverticulum.
• itially, the respiratory diverticulum is continuous with the foregut; but
this is not functionally suitable. The formation of a longitudinal ridge
known as the tracheoesophageal septum rectifies this to make the
two structures compatible with life.
• The diverticulum bifurcates into two buds, which become the left and
right primary bronchi. The primary bronchi then proliferate to give
rise to secondary and tertiary bronchi.
Source :
Source : accesspediatrics.mhmedical.com
Source : https://courses.lumenlearning.com
Embryonic Stage : Week 4 – Week 8
• The embryonic phase of lung development begins with the formation
of a groove in the ventral lower pharynx, the sulcus laryngotrachealis
• After a couple of days - from the lower part - a bud forms, the true
lung primordium
• In the further subdivision into the two main bronchi the smaller bud
on the left is directed more laterally than the somewhat larger one on
the right that - parallel to the esophagus - is directed more caudally
Source : UNSW Embryology
Pseudoglandular Stage: Weeks 8-16
• Each bronchopulmonary segment will become a specific portion of
the lung, carrying its own tertiary bronchus and branches of the
bronchial and pulmonary arteries. During weeks 8-16, the ducts
develop within bronchopulmonary segments. Bronchiolar buds
branch off from the tertiary bronchi, and begin to proliferate.
• At this stage, as there are no alveoli, there is no gas exchange – and
so the lungs are unable to oxygenate blood. However, the lungs are a
metabolically active, developing tissue, which means they are able to
remove large amounts of oxygen from the blood
• In order to stop the lungs from starving the body of oxygen,
the ductus arteriosus shunts blood from the pulmonary artery
directly to the aortic arch. This closes at birth in the vast majority of
• During this stage, the lungs resemble the development of tubule-
acinous glands – hence the name.
Source : Embriology.ch
Canalicular Stage: Weeks 16-26
• Throughout the canalicular stage, the respiratory bronchioles
develop, budding off from the terminal bronchioles formed within the
pseudoglandular stage.
• Despite this, there is still no gas exchange membrane, and so the
lungs are not yet functional. Therefore, the prognosis for vast
majority of babies born during this stage is not high.
Source : Embriology.ch
Saccular Stage: Week 26 – Week 36
• From week 26 onwards, the alveoli develop. Within these alveoli there are
two types of cell:
• Type I pnuemocytes – basic simple squamous epithelial cells, which
comprise 90% of the alveolus.
• Type II pnuemocytes – simple cuboidal cells which comprise the remaining
10%, and are responsible for the production of surfactant.
• Surfactant is amphipathic, meaning it is able to bind to both hydrophobic
and hydrophilic molecules simultaneously. In this case, surfactant binds to
water and air within the alveoli. This has the effect of reducing the surface
tension. As a result of the reduced surface tension, the alveoli are able to
expand to greater volumes at a given pressure.
• Simply put, surfactant allows us to expand our lungs with minimal effort.
Source : Embriology.ch
Alveolar Stage Week 36 onwards
• Depending on the author, the alveolar phase begins at varying times.
Probably in the last few weeks of the pregnancy, new sacculi and,
from them, the first alveoli form.
• Thus, at birth, ca. 1/3 of the roughly 300 million alveoli should be fully
developed. The alveoli, though, are only present in their beginning
forms. Between them lies the parenchyma, composed of a double
layer of capillaries, that forms the primary septa between the
alveolar sacculi.
Source : Embriology.ch
Source :
Source : Embriology.ch
Nervous System
• Following fertilisation, the nervous system begins to form in the
3rd week of development. It continues after birth and for many years
into the future.
• Structurally, the nervous system is divided into two parts:
• Central nervous system – consists of the brain and the spinal cord.
• Peripheral nervous system – consists of cranial and spinal nerves,
ganglia, plexuses, and sensory receptors.
Early Stages
• At the end of week two, a structure called the primitive
streak appears as a groove in the epiblast layer of the bilaminar disk.
• Cells within the epiblast migrate downward through the primitive
streak, giving rise to three layers from the initial two. These three
germinal layers form the trilaminar embryonic disk:
• Endoderm – innermost layer
• Mesoderm – middle layer
• Ectoderm – outermost layer
• The nervous system is derived from the ectoderm, which is the
outermost layer of the embryonic disc. For more details, check out
our article on early embryonic development.
• In the third week of development, the notochord appears in the
mesoderm. The notochord secretes growth factors which stimulate
the differentiation of the overlying ectoderm into neuroectoderm –
forming a thickened structure known as the neural plate.
• The lateral edges of the neural plate then rise to form neural folds.
The neural folds move towards each other and meet in the midline,
fusing to form the neural tube (precusor to the brain and spinal cord).
• During fusion of the neural folds, some cells within the folds migrate
to form a distinct cell population – known as the neural crest. They
give rise to a diverse cell lineage –
including melanocytes, craniofacial cartilage and bone, smooth
muscle, peripheral and enteric neurons and glia
• The formation of neural tube is known as neurulation, and is
achieved by the end of the fourth week of development.
Brain and Cerebellum
• In the fifth week of development, swellings appear at the cranial end
of the neural tube. Three primitive vesicles appear first, and
subsequently these develop into five secondary vesicles.
• These vesicles will give rise to all the structures of the brain and
cerebellum, as well as the ventricular system shown in the table
Primary Vesicles Secondary Vesicles Neural Derivatives Cavity Derivatives
Bladder •As the kidneys ascend into the •As the kidneys ascend
abdomen, the ureteric openings into the abdomen, the
move cranially. ureteric openings move
•The mesonephric ducts cranially.
(Wolffian ducts) move caudally •The mesonephric
and closer together, entering ducts degenerate due
the prostatic urethra to become to a lack of testicular
the ejaculatory ducts. androgens.
Urethra •The pre-prostatic, prostatic and •Urethra is formed
membranous urethra is formed from the pelvic part of
from the pelvic part of the the urogenital sinus
urogenital sinus.
•The spongy urethra is formed
from the phallic part of the
urogenital sinus.
Gastrointestinal System
• Sebagai akibat pelipatan mudigah ke sefalokaudal dan lateral,
sebagian rongga yolk sac yang dilapisi endoderm masuk ke mudigah
untuk membentuk usus primitif. Dua bagian rongga yang dilapisi
endoderm lainnya, yolk sac dan alantois, tetap berada di luar
• Di bagian sefalik dan kaudal mudigah, usus primitif membentuk
tabung buntu, usus depan dan usus belakang. Bagian tengah, usus
tengah, tetap terhubung dengan yolk sac untuk sementara melalui
duktus vitelinus, atau yolk stalk
• Usus depan muncul cekungan yang terdiri dari ektodem →
stomodeum → rongga mulut
• membrana orofaring : membran yang memisahkan usus depan dari
stomoideum → akan pecah di minggu ke-4