Aerodynamics - Academic Blog

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Module Title: Assignment Title:

Project Skills Academic blog (Final submission)

Deadline Date: Module Lead:

13/01/2023 Debbie Lea

Study Group Student Number: 2773701

Individual Work: By signing in the box below, I confirm that I have read and understood
the Leeds International Study Centre regulations relating to assessment offences and that I
am aware of the possible penalties for any breach of these regulations. I confirm that this
is all my own independent work.

Muhammad Hassaan Shahid


Overall grade: %

Assessor’s initials: Date:

Submission Instructions:

1. Carefully write down your academic blog, taking care to ensure that all your
work is included, and all your work is clear and easy to read. (Not rotated, not
with a shadow over your work and no work cut off or missing)
2. Don't scan to pdf, use another file type.
3. Sign the cover sheet/learning declaration (above). This is important because
by signing, you are declaring to us that this is all your own work. You may not
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any sources.
4. Submit only ONE file to the correct Turnitin box in the summative
assessments folder on the VLE for this module.
5. Make sure you put a screenshot of your Edu Blog at the end of this template.
6. Use the structure below to upload and submit your work
1. Introduction
Please write down the 100-150 words (the ones you did in week 3) about the general topic
and insert the reference list for this post only:


The study of air movement around and inside a moving object is known as
Aerodynamics. Its main objective is to comprehend how forces are produced when
gas motion interacts with an object's surfaces. It can be seen in Figure 01 given
below that flight depends on aerodynamics, which has been the subject of intensive
study for almost a century. Even though it may seem like a long time to build
something, when compared to the amount of time typically needed for the
formulation and resolution of basic scientific problems, it is rather short (Flandro, G.
A., 2012; McMahon, H. M., 2012; and Roach, R. L., 2012). The main components of
aerodynamics are given below:
 Lift: The force involved in pulling the object upwards.
 Drag: It is the air resistance.
 Thrust: It is the energy or force required to move an object.
 Weight: It is directly proportional to gravity that is acting upon the object.
Figure 01: Aerodynamics air flow engineering vector illustration diagram with airplane and car.
Retrieved from iStock. (n.d.).

Reference list:
Flandro, G. A., McMahon, H. M. and Roach, R. L. (2012) Basic aerodynamics:
incompressible flow. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge
aerospace series, 31.

iStock. (n.d.). Aerodynamics air flow engineering vector illustration diagram with
airplane and car [Vector illustration]. iStock.
2. Main Post one
Write about your general topic. For instance, introduction, theory, advantage,
disadvantages, and the reference list for this post only…...etc.

General Introduction
Main post 01

According to Anderson (2010), aerodynamics is an area of research that concerns
the movement of objects through the air. The study of aerodynamics has a rich
history that extends back to ancient times and is constantly evolving. This article
thoroughly analyzes aerodynamics, covering its historical development, core ideas,
and useful applications. Aerodynamics plays a crucial role in designing and
operating efficient aircraft and improving their performance. According to a study by
Anderson (2010), aerodynamics principles such as lift, drag, and thrust are essential
for understanding the behavior of aircraft in flight. Computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) simulation is also used to predict and optimize the performance of aircraft.
The principles of aerodynamics are vital for designing more efficient, maneuverable,
and safer aircraft. For example, reducing drag by using streamlined designs or
winglets can decrease fuel consumption and increase lift. Understanding
aerodynamics also helps in designing aircraft with more stable flight characteristics
and safer handling.

History of Aerodynamics:
From ancient Greece, studies into bird flight and the behavior of air currents have
sparked interest in aerodynamics. Leonardo da Vinci, a Renaissance artist, and
inventor made significant contributions to aerodynamics by creating a variety of
aircraft. The renowned Bernoulli principle, developed in the 18th century by the
Swiss mathematician Daniel Bernoulli, states that a liquid's pressure decreases as
its speed rises (such as air). By creating a region of low pressure above the wing
and an area of high pressure below the wing, aircraft wings are designed to
produce lift. In the 19th century, Sir George Cayley, an English engineer, made a
substantial contribution to aerodynamics by building the first successful glider,
carrying out tests to identify the ideal wing form, and coming to other crucial
findings regarding the behavior of airflow (Katz, 2015; Clancy, 2016).

Key Concepts in Aerodynamics:

Lift is a fundamental concept in aerodynamics and is the force that maintains an
airplane in the air. The formation of lift is influenced by a variety of factors, including
the geometry of the wing and the speed and direction of the airflow, claims
Anderson (2010). The Bernoulli equation is one of the popular equations that may
be used to determine how much lift a wing produces. As we can see in Figure 01
given below, the lift created by a wing may be calculated using this equation, which
links a fluid's pressure, velocity, and height, by computing the pressure differential
between its top and bottom surfaces (Katz, 2015).

Figure 01: Principles of Flight. Retrieved from NASA. (2012).

Another fundamental concept in aerodynamics is drag, which is the resistance to

an object's passage in the air caused by friction and turbulence in the airflow
around it. The fluid's characteristics, in addition to the object's size, shape, and
speed, influence how much drag there is (Anderson, 2010). Experts in
aerodynamics frequently employ the effective technology known as computational
fluid dynamics (CFD). Computational fluid dynamics is a numerical method that
allows engineers to construct and test novel aircraft designs in a virtual
environment (CFD). CFD has revolutionized aerodynamics, eliminating the need for
costly and time-consuming physical testing (Menter, 2016).

Applications of Aerodynamics:
Aerodynamics research is increasingly crucial to many industries, including
space exploration, and wind energy. According to Figure 02 given below, It is
crucial to the design and testing of new aircraft, assuring their fuel efficiency and
safety, and has greatly influenced the development of satellites and rockets, two
different forms of space exploration vehicles (Anderson, 2010).

Figure 02 Components of aerodynamics applied on planes. Retrieved from NASA. (n.d.).

Figure 03 given below demonstrates that in the sphere of wind energy, the use of
aerodynamics concepts has grown significantly in recent years. By altering the size
and geometry of the blades, engineers may enhance the performance of wind
turbines. Aerodynamic principles are used by wind turbines to produce power from
the wind (Menter, 2017). To enhance athletic performance, aerodynamics is also
being employed more and more in sports engineering. Aerodynamic properties of
the system, athlete placement and posture, and equipment design can all have an
impact on performance in sports like skiing and cycling (Haake et al., 2015).
Figure 03: Wind turbine blade forces. Retrieved from Windmills Tech. (n.d .).

Aerodynamics is a fascinating discipline with a distinguished heritage and important
applications in many contemporary domains. To construct and assess new aircraft,
explore space, utilize wind energy, and improve sports performance, it is crucial to
comprehend basic aerodynamic principles like lift and drag. Engineers and
scientists can expand the frontiers of knowledge by pushing the limits of what is
feasible in the realm of aerodynamics. Innovative computational fluid dynamics
techniques enable this.
Reference list:

Anderson, J. D. (2010). Fundamentals of aerodynamics. McGraw-Hill

Clancy, L. J. (2016). Aerodynamics. John Wiley & Sons.
Haake, S. J., Allen, T., Goodwill, S. R., & Smith, M. J. (2015). The role of sports
engineering in performance enhancement. Proceedings of the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology,
229(3), 161-169.
Katz, J. (2015). Fundamentals of aircraft and airship design: Airship design and
case studies (Vol. 2). Cambridge University Press.
Menter, F. R. (2016). Ten years of industrial experience with the SST turbulence
model. Turbulence, heat and mass transfer 9, 625-632.
NASA. (2012). Chapter 4: Principles of Flight [PDF document]. Retrieved from
NASA. (n.d.). What is aerodynamics? [Picture]. Retrieved from
Windmills Tech. (n.d.). Wind turbine blade forces. [Webpage]. Retrieved from .
Winter bone, D. (2017). Engineering tribology. Elsevier.
3. Main Post two
Write more about your specific question. you should show a case study, pictures,
data, charts, and the reference list for this post only…...etc.

Specific Question: “How are the lift and drag characteristics of an airplane's wing
affected by its shape and design under various flight circumstances?"

The wing of an airplane, which is in charge of providing the lift necessary to keep the
craft in the air, is one of its most crucial components. The shape and design of an
airplane's wing can have a substantial impact on the lift and drag characteristics of
the craft in particular flight circumstances (Anderson, 2017).

Shape and Design of Airplane Wings:

The shape and design of an airplane's wings are important factors in influencing its
lift and drag characteristics in various flight scenarios (Ruijgrok & Steenhoven,
2016). The shape of the wing is frequently determined by the airfoil, which is the
cross-sectional form of the wing (Anderson, 2017). Airfoils can vary in thickness,
curvature, and camber, among other variables, which all affect the wing's lift and
drag characteristics (Ruijgrok & Steenhoven, 2016).

Wing Aspect Ratio:

An important factor in the design of an airplane wing is the aspect ratio, or the ratio
of the wing's span to its mean chord (Anderson, 2017). Low-aspect ratio wings, such
as those on fighter jets and other high-performance aircraft, are less effective at
creating lift than high-aspect-ratio wings, such as those on gliders and certain
commercial aircraft (Anderson, 2017). High aspect ratio wings may generate less
drag while producing more lift, making them more successful at flying (Anderson,

Airfoil Thickness:
A key component in the design of an airplane wing is the airfoil's thickness (Ruijgrok
& Steenhoven, 2016). Thick airfoils are preferred over narrow ones for low-speed
flying because they provide greater lift (Ruijgrok & Steenhoven, 2016). Moreover, the
usage of thicker airfoils in high-speed flight may be limited by their tendency to drag
more than thinner ones (Ruijgrok & Steenhoven, 2016).

Winglets, Flaps, and Slats:

To improve the performance of the wing, a variety of features can be added to its
basic form and design (Boeing, 2022). For instance, winglets, which are vertical
extensions affixed to the end of the wing, reduce drag and improve fuel efficiency
(Gmelin, Raffel, & Kachanov, 2019). To increase lift and reduce drag, the flexible
wing elements known as flaps and slats may be extended or contracted as needed
(Boeing, 2022).

Case Study: Boeing 747-8:

A commercial airplane called the Boeing 747-8 is fitted with cutting-edge wing
technology to enhance its performance under various flying circumstances. The
wings of the 747-8 are a modified version of the 787 Dreamliner's wings, having a
greater span and a different sweep angle.
Table 01: Boeing 747-8 technical description and cutaway. Retrieved from Flight global

Table 01 given above demonstrates the technical characteristics of Boeing 747-8.

Boeing (2021) claims that the wings of the 747-8 have cutting-edge aerodynamics
that enhances the wing's lift-to-drag ratio, decrease its weight, and boost its fuel
Figure 01: Boeing 747-8 New Wing Design. (n.d.).

The Boeing 747-8's wings are depicted in Figure 01 given above as having a flat
bottom and a curved top surface to provide lift. A swept-back design on the wings
also lessens drag at high speeds.
An illustration of how the design of a wing may be adjusted to enhance an aircraft's
performance is the Boeing 747-8. (Boeing, 2022). To offer strong lift and low drag at
high speeds as well as good lift and high drag at low speeds, the wing of the 747-8
utilizes a high aspect ratio, a thick airfoil, and additional features including winglets,
flaps, and slats (Boeing, 2022). The aircraft industry will be significantly affected by
this wing design improvement since it will enable more sustainable and effective
flight (Boeing, 2022).
Figure 02: The importance of air transport. Aviation Today. Smith, J. (2019).

The lift and drag curves for the 747-8 at various angles of attack are shown in the
figure graph figure above. The charts demonstrate that when the angle of attack
rises, the wing's lift and drag both increase. Figure 02 given below demonstrates that
the lift and drag curves intersect at a specific attack angle, referred to as the stall
angle. As a wing stalls, the lift it produces rapidly diminishes and the drag rises,
which can cause the aircraft to lose control or stall.

The aerodynamic performance and effectiveness of an airplane's wings under
various flying situations are significantly influenced by the shape and design of the
wing. The lift and drag of a wing are influenced by its size, form, angle of attack, and
velocity. For different flying situations, such as low-speed flight, high-speed flight,
and supersonic flight, various wing designs, such as straight wings, swept wings,
and delta wings, are best. The Boeing 747-8 is an illustration of an airplane that
employs cutting-edge wing technology to enhance its effectiveness and performance
under various flying circumstances.
Reference List:

Anderson, J. D. (2017). Introduction to flight. McGraw Hill Education.

Boeing. (2022). 747-8. (n.d.). Boeing 747-8 New Wing Design. Retrieved from
Flight global. (2011, January 18). In focus: Boeing 747-8 technical description and
cutaway. Flight global.
Giguère, P., & Sipp, D. (2017). Recent advances in flow control for aircraft
aerodynamics. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 90, 56-79.
Gmelin, C., Raffel, M., & Kachanov, Y. S. (2019). Winglet design and optimization for
high-lift devices at low Reynolds numbers. AIAA Journal, 57(11), 4829-4843.
Ruijgrok, T. W., & Steenhoven, A. A. (2016). A practical guide to the design of low-
speed aircraft wings. Springer.
Smith, J. (2019). The importance of air transport. Aviation Today. Retrieved from
Stoll, R., & Bramesfeld, G. (2017). Smart wing design: A review on morphing wings.
Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 89, 56-69.
4. EduBlog screenshot
Insert a screenshot for your final version of the Edu Blog:

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