ISBN 978-81-323-4618-0
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The English Press
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Aerospace Engineering
Chapter 2 - Flight Dynamics
Chapter 3 - Aerodynamics
Chapter 4 - Spacecraft Propulsion
Chapter 5 - Spacecraft
Chapter- 1
Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace engineer
NASA engineers, like the ones depicted in Apollo 13, worked
diligently to protect the lives of the astronauts on the mission.
aerospace engineer
Type profession
Activity sectors aeronautics, astronautics, science
technical knowledge,
management skills
Fields of employment technology, science, military
Aerospace engineering is the branch of engineering behind the design, construction and
science of aircraft and spacecraft. It is broken into two major and overlapping branches:
aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering. The former deals with craft that
stay within Earth's atmosphere, and the latter deals with craft that operate outside of
Earth's atmosphere.
While aeronautical engineering was the original term, the broader "aerospace" has
superseded it in usage, as flight technology advanced to include craft operating in outer
space. Aerospace engineering, particularly the astronautics branch, is often informally
called rocket science.
Flight vehicles undergo severe conditions such as differences in atmospheric pressure,
and temperature, with structural loads applied upon vehicle components. Consequently,
they are usually the products of various technological and engineering disciplines
including aerodynamics, propulsion, avionics, materials science, structural analysis and
manufacturing. These technologies are collectively known as aerospace engineering.
Because of the complexity of the field, aerospace engineering is conducted by a team of
engineers, each specializing in their own branches of science.
The development and manufacturing of a modern flight vehicle is an extremely complex
process and demands careful balance and compromise between abilities, design, available
technology and costs. Aerospace engineers design, test, and supervise the manufacture of
aircraft, spacecraft, and missiles. Aerospace engineers develop new technologies for use
in aviation, defense systems, and space exploration.
Alberto Santos-Dumont, a pioneer who built the first machines able to fly, played an
important role in the development of aviation. Some of the first ideas for powered flight
may have come from Leonardo da Vinci, who, although he did not build any successful
models, did develop many sketches and ideas for "flying machines".
Orville and Wilbur Wright flew the Wright Flyer I, the first airplane, on December 17,
1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
The origin of aerospace engineering can be traced back to the aviation pioneers around
the late 19th century to early 20th centuries, although the work of Sir George Cayley has
recently been dated as being from the last decade of the 18th to mid 19th century. One of
the most important people in the history of aeronautics, Cayley was a pioneer in
aeronautical engineering and is credited as the first person to separate the forces of lift
and drag, which are in effect on any flight vehicle. Early knowledge of aeronautical
engineering was largely empirical with some concepts and skills imported from other
branches of engineering. Scientists understood some key elements of aerospace
engineering, like fluid dynamics, in the 18th century. Several years later after the
successful flights by the Wright brothers, the 1910s saw the development of aeronautical
engineering through the design of World War I military aircraft.
The first definition of aerospace engineering appeared in February 1958. The definition
considered the Earth's atmosphere and the outer space as a single realm, thereby
encompassing both aircraft (aero) and spacecraft (space) under a newly coined word
aerospace. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration was founded in 1958 as a
response to the Cold War. United States aerospace engineers launched the first American
satellite on January 31, 1958 in response to the USSR launching Sputnik on October 4,
Wernher von Braun, with the F-1 engines of the Saturn V first stage at the US Space and
Rocket Center
Some of the elements of aerospace engineering are:
A fighter jet engine undergoing testing. The tunnel behind the engine muffles noise and
allows exhaust to escape.
Fluid mechanics the study of fluid flow around objects. Specifically
aerodynamics concerning the flow of air over bodies such as wings or through
objects such as wind tunnels.
Astrodynamics the study of orbital mechanics including prediction of orbital
elements when given a select few variables. While few schools in the United
States teach this at the undergraduate level, several have graduate programs
covering this topic (usually in conjunction with the Physics department of said
college or university).
Statics and Dynamics (engineering mechanics) the study of movement, forces,
moments in mechanical systems.
Mathematics in particular, calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra.
Electrotechnology the study of electronics within engineering.
Propulsion the energy to move a vehicle through the air (or in outer space) is
provided by internal combustion engines, jet engines and turbomachinery, or
rockets. A more recent addition to this module is electric propulsion and ion
Control engineering the study of mathematical modeling of the dynamic
behavior of systems and designing them, usually using feedback signals, so that
their dynamic behavior is desirable (stable, without large excursions, with
minimum error). This applies to the dynamic behavior of aircraft, spacecraft,
propulsion systems, and subsystems that exist on aerospace vehicles.
Aircraft structures design of the physical configuration of the craft to withstand
the forces encountered during flight. Aerospace engineering aims to keep
structures lightweight.
Materials science related to structures, aerospace engineering also studies the
materials of which the aerospace structures are to be built. New materials with
very specific properties are invented, or existing ones are modified to improve
their performance.
Solid mechanics Closely related to material science is solid mechanics which
deals with stress and strain analysis of the components of the vehicle. Nowadays
there are several Finite Element programs such as MSC Patran/Nastran which aid
engineers in the analytical process.
Aeroelasticity the interaction of aerodynamic forces and structural flexibility,
potentially causing flutter, divergence, etc.
Avionics the design and programming of computer systems on board an aircraft
or spacecraft and the simulation of systems.
Software the specification, design, development, test, and implementation of
computer software for aerospace applications, including flight software, ground
control software, test & evaluation software, etc.
Risk and reliability the study of risk and reliability assessment techniques and
the mathematics involved in the quantitative methods.
Noise control the study of the mechanics of sound transfer.
Flight test designing and executing flight test programs in order to gather and
analyze performance and handling qualities data in order to determine if an
aircraft meets its design and performance goals and certification requirements.
The basis of most of these elements lies in theoretical mathematics, such as fluid
dynamics for aerodynamics or the equations of motion for flight dynamics. There is also
a large empirical component. Historically, this empirical component was derived from
testing of scale models and prototypes, either in wind tunnels or in the free atmosphere.
More recently, advances in computing have enabled the use of computational fluid
dynamics to simulate the behavior of fluid, reducing time and expense spent on wind-
tunnel testing.
Additionally, aerospace engineering addresses the integration of all components that
constitute an aerospace vehicle (subsystems including power, aerospace bearings,
communications, thermal control, life support, etc.) and its life cycle (design,
temperature, pressure, radiation, velocity, life time).
Aerospace engineering degrees
Aerospace engineering
Aerospace engineering may be studied at the advanced diploma, bachelor's, master's, and
Ph.D. levels in aerospace engineering departments at many universities, and in
mechanical engineering departments at others. A few departments offer degrees in space-
focused astronautical engineering. The Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the
Netherlands offers one of the top European aerospace educational and research platforms,
while the programs of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Rutgers University
are two such examples. In 2009, U.S. News & World Report ranked the undergraduate
aerospace engineering programs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Georgia
Institute of Technology, and the University of Michigan as the top three best programs
for doctorate granting universities in the United States. The other programs in the top ten
were Purdue University, California Institute of Technology, University of Maryland,
University of Illinois, Stanford University, University of Texas at Austin, and Virginia
Tech in that order. The magazine also rates Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the
United States Air Force Academy, and the United States Naval Academy as the premier
aerospace engineering programs at universities that do not grant doctorate degrees.
Wichita State University is renowned for its Aerospace Engineering program and also has
the third highest research budget for Aerospace Engineering in the United States.
In Canada, the University of Toronto has a quality aerospace engineering program. The
aerospace program requires the students to go through a competitive program called
engineering science. The academic program in aerospace science and engineering at U of
T includes undergraduate and graduate studies. At the graduate level U of T offers
research-intensive programs leading to MASc and PhD degrees, and a professionally-
oriented program leading to the MEng degree. The scope of U of T's research includes
aeronautical engineering (aircraft flight systems, propulsion, aerodynamics,
computational fluid dynamics, and structural mechanics) and space systems engineering
(spacecraft dynamics and control, space robotics and mechatronics, and microsatellite
technology). Carleton University and Ryerson University are other top aerospace and
mechanical engineering universities in Canada which offer accredited graduate and
under-graduate degrees.
In the UK, Aerospace (or aeronautical) engineering can be studied for the B.Eng.,
M.Eng., MSc. and Ph.D. levels at a number of universities. The top 10 universities are
University of Cambridge, University of Surrey, University of Bristol, University of
Southampton, Queens University Belfast, University of Sheffield, Newcastle University,
University of Bath, Imperial College London, Loughborough University and University
of Nottingham for 2010. The Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London is
noted for providing engineers for the Formula One industry, an industry that uses
aerospace technology.
Aerospace can be studied at University of Limerick in Ireland. In Australia, the RMIT
University offers Aerospace (or aeronautical) engineering and has more than 60 years
teaching experience in this profession. Monash University, University of New South
Wales, University of Sydney, University of Queensland, University of Adelaide and
Queensland University of Technology also offers Aerospace Engineering.
European universities that are renowned for their teaching and expertise in aerospace
engineering include TU Delft in the Netherlands, and ENAC in France, RWTH
Aachen, TU Mnchen, the University of Stuttgart, TU Berlin and TU Braunschweig in
Germany. In Austria the FH Joanneum. In Portugal the Instituto Superior Tcnico. In
Spain the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and
Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya offer the degree, while in Italy there also several
universities where aerospace engineering can be studied including the Politecnico di
Torino, the University of Pisa and the Politecnico di Milano. In Eastern Europe they are
the University of Belgrade, the Warsaw University of Technology and Rzeszw
University of Technology in Poland and Brno University of Technology in Brno, Czech
In India IIT Kanpur possesses its own flight test aircraft and airfield for students in the
discipline, while the other IITs also offer degrees in this discipline. From academic year
2010 onwards Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur has started offering
an undergraduate course Bachelor of Engineering in Aerospace Engineering. While in
China Nanjing Aeronautics and Astronautics University is a regional leader in the field of
aerospace engineering education. In Pakistan Aerospace Engineering can be studied at
National University of Sciences and Technology at (CAE), at PAF Academy in Risalpur
& at Air University which is Pakistan's only university that grants a Doctorate degree in
Aerospace Engineering & Avionics Engineering. In 2002, SUPARCO established IST
which is a federally chartered public sector institute of Pakistan offering under graduate
and graduate degree in Aerospace Engineering. The MS degree at IST is being offered in
collaboration with Beihang University (BUAA), China and Seoul National University,
South Korea
Chapter- 2
Flight Dynamics
Flight dynamics is the science of air vehicle orientation and control in three dimensions.
The three critical flight dynamics parameters are the angles of rotation in three
dimensions about the vehicle's center of mass, known as pitch, roll and yaw (quite
different from their use as Tait-Bryan angles).
Aerospace engineers develop control systems for a vehicle's orientation (attitude) about
its center of mass. The control systems include actuators, which exert forces in various
directions, and generate rotational forces or moments about the aerodynamic center of the
aircraft, and thus rotate the aircraft in pitch, roll, or yaw. For example, a pitching moment
is a vertical force applied at a distance forward or aft from the aerodynamic center of the
aircraft, causing the aircraft to pitch up or down.
Roll, pitch and yaw refer to rotations about the respective axes starting from a defined
equilibrium state. The equilibrium roll angle is known as wings level or zero bank angle,
equivalent to a level heeling angle on a ship. Yaw is known as "heading". The
equilibrium pitch angle in submarine and airship parlance is known as "trim", but in
aircraft, this usually refers to angle of attack, rather than orientation. However, common
usage ignores this distinction between equilibrium and dynamic cases.
The most common aeronautical convention defines the roll as acting about the
longitudinal axis, positive with the starboard (right) wing down. The yaw is about the
vertical body axis, positive with the nose to starboard. Pitch is about an axis
perpendicular to the longitudinal plane of symmetry, positive nose up.
A fixed-wing aircraft increases or decreases the lift generated by the wings when it
pitches nose up or down by increasing or decreasing the angle of attack (AOA). The roll
angle is also known as bank angle on a fixed wing aircraft, which usually "banks" to
change the horizontal direction of flight. An aircraft is usually streamlined from nose to
tail to reduce drag making it typically advantageous to keep the sideslip angle near zero,
though there are instances when an aircraft may be deliberately "sideslipped" for example
a slip in a fixed wing aircraft.
Basic coordinate systems
The position (and hence motion) of an aircraft is generally defined relative to one of 3
sets of co-ordinate systems:
Wind axes
o X axis - positive in the direction of the oncoming air (relative wind)
o Y axis - positive to right of X axis, perpendicular to X axis
o Z axis - positive downwards, perpendicular to X-Y plane
Inertial axes (or body axes) - based about aircraft CG
o X axis - positive forward, through nose of aircraft
o Y axis - positive to right of X axis, perpendicular to X axis
o Z axis - positive downwards, perpendicular to X-Y plane
Earth Axes
o X axis - positive in the direction of north
o Y axis - positive in the direction of east (perpendicular to X axis)
o Z axis - positive towards the center of Earth (perpendicular to X-Y plane)
For flight dynamics applications the earth axes are generally of minimal use, and hence
will be ignored. The motions relevant to dynamic stability are usually too short in
duration for the motion of the Earth itself to be considered relevant for aircraft.
In flight dynamics, pitch, roll and yaw angles measure both the absolute attitude angles
(relative to the horizon/North) and changes in attitude angles, relative to the equilibrium
orientation of the vehicle. These are defined as:
Pitch - angle of X body axis (nose) relative to horizon. Also a positive (nose up)
rotation about Y body axis
Roll - angle of Y body axis (wing) relative to horizon. Also a positive (right wing
down) rotation about X body axis
Yaw - angle of X body axis (nose) relative to North. Also a positive (nose right)
rotation about Z body axis
In analyzing the dynamics, we are concerned both with rotation and translation of this
axis set with respect to a fixed inertial frame. For all practical purposes a local Earth axis
set is used, this has X and Y axis in the local horizontal plane, usually with the x-axis
coinciding with the projection of the velocity vector at the start of the motion, on to this
plane. The z axis is vertical, pointing generally towards the Earth's center, completing an
orthogonal set.
In general, the body axes are not aligned with the Earth axes. The body orientation may
be defined by three Euler angles, the Tait-Bryan rotations, a quaternion, or a direction
cosine matrix (rotation matrix). A rotation matrix is particularly convenient for
converting velocity, force, angular velocity, and torque vectors between body and Earth
coordinate frames.
Body axes tend to be used with missile and rocket configurations. Aircraft stability uses
wind axes in which the x-axis points along the velocity vector. For straight and level
flight this is found from body axes by rotating nose down through the angle of attack.
Stability deals with small perturbations in angular displacements about the orientation at
the start of the motion. This consists of two components; rotation about each axis, and
angular displacements due change in orientation of each axis. The latter term is of second
order for the purpose of stability analysis, and is ignored.
Design cases
In analyzing the stability of an aircraft, it is usual to consider perturbations about a
nominal equilibrium position. So the analysis would be applied, for example, assuming:
Straight and level flight
Turn at constant speed
Approach and landing
The speed, height and trim angle of attack are different for each flight condition, in
addition, the aircraft will be configured differently, e.g. at low speed flaps may be
deployed and the undercarriage may be down.
Except for asymmetric designs (or symmetric designs at significant sideslip), the
longitudinal equations of motion (involving pitch and lift forces) may be treated
independently of the lateral motion (involving roll and yaw).
The following considers perturbations about a nominal straight and level flight path.
To keep the analysis (relatively) simple, the control surfaces are assumed fixed
throughout the motion, this is stick-fixed stability. Stick-free analysis requires the further
complication of taking the motion of the control surfaces into account.
Furthermore, the flight is assumed to take place in still air, and the aircraft is treated as a
rigid body.
Aerodynamic and propulsive forces
Aerodynamic forces
Components of the aerodynamic force
The expresion to calculate the aerodynamic force is:
Difference between static pressure and free current pressure
outer normal vector of the element of area
tangential stress vector practised by the air on the body
adequate reference surface
projected on wind axes we obtain:
Lateral force
Aerodynamic coefficients
Dynamic pressure of the free current
Proper reference surface (wing surface, in case of planes)
Pressure coefficient
Friction coefficient
Drag coefficient
Lateral force coefficient
Lift coefficient
It is necessary to know C
and C
in every point on the considered surface.
Dimensionless parameters and aerodynamic regimes
In absence of thermal effects, there are three remarkable dimensionless numbers:
Compressibility of the flow:
Mach number
Viscosity of the flow:
Reynolds number
Rarefaction of the flow:
Knudsen number
speed of sound
gas constant by mass unity
absolute temperature
mean free path
According to there are three posible rarefaction grades and their corresponding motions
are called:
Continuum current (negligible rarefaction):
Transition current (moderate rarefaction):
Free molecular current (high rarefaction):
The motion of a body through a flow is considered, in flight dynamics, as continuum
current. In the outer layer of the space that surrounds the body viscosity will be
negligible. However viscosity effects will have to be considered when analysing the flow
in the nearness of the boundary layer.
Depending on the compressibility of the flow, different kinds of currents can be
Incompressible subsonic current: 0 < M < 0.5
Compressible subsonic current: 0.5 < M < 0.8
Transonic current: 0.8 < M < 1.2
Supersonic current: 1.2 < M < 5
Hypersonic current: 5 < M
Drag coefficient equation and aerodynamic efficiency
If the geometry of the body is fixed and in case of symmetric flight (=0 and Q=0),
pressure and friction coefficients are functions depending on:
= C
= C
angle of attack
considered point of the surface
Under these conditions, drag and lift coefficient are functions depending exclusively on
the angle of attack of the body and Mach and Reynolds numbers. Aerodynamic
efficiency, defined as the relation between lift and drag coefficients, will depend on those
parameters as well.
It is also possible to get the dependency of the drag coefficient respect to the lift
coefficient. This relation is konwn as the drag coefficient equation:
drag coefficient equation
The aerodynamic efficiency has a maximum value, E
, respect to C
where the tangent
line from the coordinate origin touches the drag coefficient equation plot.
The drag coefficient, C
, can be decomposed in two ways. First typical decomposition
separates pressure and friction effects:
Theres a second typical decomposition taking into account the definition of the drag
coefficient ecuation. This decomposition separates the effect of the lift coefficient in the
equation, obtaining two terms C
and C
. C
is known as the parasitic drag coefficient
and it is the base draft coefficient at zero lift. C
is known as the induced drag coefficient
and it is produced by the body lift.
Parabolic and generic drag coefficient
A good attempt for the induced drag coefficient is to assume a parabolic dependency of
the lift
Aerodynamic efficiency is now calculated as:
If the configuration of the pane is symmetrical respect to the XY plane, minimum drag
coefficient equals to the parasitic drag of the plane.
= (C
CL = 0
= C
In case the configuration is asymmetrical respect to the XY plane, however, minimum
flag difers from the parasitic drag. On these cases, a new approximate parabolic drag
equation can be traced leaving the minimum drag value at zero lift value.
= C
+ k(C
Dynamic stability and control
Longitudinal modes
It is common practice to derive a fourth order characteristic equation to describe the
longitudinal motion, and then factorize it approximately into a high frequency mode and
a low frequency mode. This requires a level of algebraic manipulation which most
readers will doubtless find tedious, and adds little to the understanding of aircraft
dynamics. The approach adopted here is to use our qualitative knowledge of aircraft
behavior to simplify the equations from the outset, reaching the same result by a more
accessible route.
The two longitudinal motions (modes) are called the short period pitch oscillation
(SPPO), and the phugoid.
Short-period pitch oscillation
A short input (in control systems terminology an impulse) in pitch (generally via the
elevator in a standard configuration fixed wing aircraft) will generally lead to overshoots
about the trimmed condition. The transition is characterized by a damped simple
harmonic motion about the new trim. There is very little change in the trajectory over the
time it takes for the oscillation to damp out.
Generally this oscillation is high frequency (hence short period) and is damped over a
period of a few seconds. A real-world example would involve a pilot selecting a new
climb attitude, for example 5 nose up from the original attitude. A short, sharp pull back
on the control column may be used, and will generally lead to oscillations about the new
trim condition. If the oscillations are poorly damped the aircraft will take a long period of
time to settle at the new condition, potentially leading to Pilot-induced oscillation. If the
short period mode is unstable it will generally be impossible for the pilot to safely control
the aircraft for any period of time.
This damped harmonic motion is called the short period pitch oscillation, it arises from
the tendency of a stable aircraft to point in the general direction of flight. It is very similar
in nature to the weathercock mode of missile or rocket configurations. The motion
involves mainly the pitch attitude (theta) and incidence (alpha). The direction of the
velocity vector, relative to inertial axes is . The velocity vector is:
= Ucos( )
= Usin( )
where u
are the inertial axes components of velocity. According to Newton's Second
Law, the accelerations are proportional to the forces, so the forces in inertial axes are:
where m is the mass. By the nature of the motion, the speed variation is negligible
over the period of the oscillation, so:
But the forces are generated by the pressure distribution on the body, and are referred to
the velocity vector. But the velocity (wind) axes set is not an inertial frame so we must
resolve the fixed axes forces into wind axes. Also, we are only concerned with the force
along the z-axis:
Z = Z
cos( ) + X
sin( )
In words, the wind axes force is equal to the centripetal acceleration.
The moment equation is the time derivative of the angular momentum:
where M is the pitching moment, and B is the moment of inertia about the pitch axis. Let:
, the pitch rate. The equations of motion, with all forces and moments referred to
wind axes are, therefore:
We are only concerned with perturbations in forces and moments, due to perturbations in
the states and q, and their time derivatives. These are characterized by stability
derivatives determined from the flight condition. The possible stability derivatives are:
Lift due to incidence, this is negative because the z-axis is downwards whilst positive
incidence causes an upwards force.
Lift due to pitch rate, arises from the increase in tail incidence, hence is also negative,
but small compared with Z
Pitching moment due to incidence - the static stability term. Static stability requires
this to be negative.
Pitching moment due to pitch rate - the pitch damping term, this is always negative.
Since the tail is operating in the flowfield of the wing, changes in the wing incidence
cause changes in the downwash, but there is a delay for the change in wing flowfield to
affect the tail lift, this is represented as a moment proportional to the rate of change of
Increasing the wing incidence without increasing the tail incidence produces a nose up
moment, so is expected to be positive.
The equations of motion, with small perturbation forces and moments become:
These may be manipulated to yield as second order linear differential equation in :
This represents a damped simple harmonic motion.
We should expect to be small compared with unity, so the coefficient of (the
'stiffness' term) will be positive, provided . This expression is
dominated by M
However, anhedral may be used with high backsweep angles in high performance aircraft
to offset the wing incidence effects of sideslip. Oddly enough this does not reverse the
sign of the wing configuration's contribution to Y
is positive by design. L
The damping term is dominated by the product of the roll damping and the yaw damping
derivatives, these are both negative, so their product is positive. The Dutch roll should
therefore be damped.
The motion is accompanied by slight lateral motion of the center of gravity and a more
"exact" analysis will introduce terms in Y
> N
(both products are positive). This is in direct conflict with the Dutch roll stability
requirement, and it is difficult to design an aircraft for which both the Dutch roll and
spiral mode are inherently stable.
Since the spiral mode has a long time constant, the pilot can intervene to effectively
stabilize it, but an aircraft with an unstable Dutch roll would be difficult to fly. It is usual
to design the aircraft with a stable Dutch roll mode, but slightly unstable spiral mode.
Chapter- 3
A vortex is created by the passage of an aircraft wing, revealed by smoke. Vortices are
one of the many phenomena associated to the study of aerodynamics. The equations of
aerodynamics show that the vortex is created by the difference in pressure between the
upper and lower surface of the wing. At the end of the wing, the lower surface effectively
tries to 'reach over' to the low pressure side, creating rotation and the vortex.
Aerodynamics is a branch of dynamics concerned with studying the motion of air,
particularly when it interacts with a moving object. Aerodynamics is a subfield of fluid
dynamics and gas dynamics, with much theory shared between them. Aerodynamics is
often used synonymously with gas dynamics, with the difference being that gas dynamics
applies to all gases. Understanding the motion of air (often called a flow field) around an
object enables the calculation of forces and moments acting on the object. Typical
properties calculated for a flow field include velocity, pressure, density and temperature
as a function of position and time. By defining a control volume around the flow field,
equations for the conservation of mass, momentum, and energy can be defined and used
to solve for the properties. The use of aerodynamics through mathematical analysis,
empirical approximations, wind tunnel experimentation, and computer simulations form
the scientific basis for heavier-than-air flight.
Aerodynamic problems can be identified in a number of ways. The flow environment
defines the first classification criterion. External aerodynamics is the study of flow
around solid objects of various shapes. Evaluating the lift and drag on an airplane or the
shock waves that form in front of the nose of a rocket are examples of external
aerodynamics. Internal aerodynamics is the study of flow through passages in solid
objects. For instance, internal aerodynamics encompasses the study of the airflow
through a jet engine or through an air conditioning pipe.
The ratio of the problem's characteristic flow speed to the speed of sound comprises a
second classification of aerodynamic problems. A problem is called subsonic if all the
speeds in the problem are less than the speed of sound, transonic if speeds both below
and above the speed of sound are present (normally when the characteristic speed is
approximately the speed of sound), supersonic when the characteristic flow speed is
greater than the speed of sound, and hypersonic when the flow speed is much greater than
the speed of sound. Aerodynamicists disagree over the precise definition of hypersonic
flow; minimum Mach numbers for hypersonic flow range from 3 to 12.
The influence of viscosity in the flow dictates a third classification. Some problems may
encounter only very small viscous effects on the solution, in which case viscosity can be
considered to be negligible. The approximations to these problems are called inviscid
flows. Flows for which viscosity cannot be neglected are called viscous flows.
Early ideas - ancient times to the 17th century
A drawing of a design for a flying machine by Leonardo da Vinci (c. 1488). This
machine was an ornithopter, with flapping wings similar to a bird, first presented in his
Codex on the Flight of Birds in 1505.
Images and stories of flight have appeared throughout recorded history, such as the
legendary story of Icarus and Daedalus. Although observations of some aerodynamic
effects like wind resistance (a.k.a. drag) were recorded by the likes of Aristotle, Leonardo
da Vinci and Galileo Galilei, very little effort was made to develop governing laws for
understanding the nature of flight prior to the 17th century.
In 1505, Leonardo da Vinci wrote the Codex on the Flight of Birds, one of the earliest
treatises on aerodynamics. He notes for the first time that the center of gravity of a flying
bird does not coincide with its center of pressure, and he describes the construction of an
ornithopter, with flapping wings similar to a bird's.
Sir Isaac Newton was the first person to develop a theory of air resistance, making him
one of the first aerodynamicists. As part of that theory, Newton believed that drag was
due to the dimensions of a body, the density of the fluid, and the velocity raised to the
second power. These beliefs all turned out to be correct for low flow speeds. Newton also
developed a law for the drag force on a flat plate inclined towards the direction of the
fluid flow. Using F for the drag force, for the density, S for the area of the flat plate, V
for the flow velocity, and for the inclination angle, his law was expressed as F =
Unfortunately, this equation is incorrect for the calculation of drag in most cases. Drag on
a flat plate is closer to being linear with the angle of inclination as opposed to acting
quadratically at low angles. The Newton formula can lead one to believe that flight is
more difficult than it actually is, and it may have contributed to a delay in human flight.
However, it is correct for a very slender plate when the angle becomes large and flow
separation occurs, or if the flow speed is supersonic.
Modern beginnings - 18th to 19th century
A drawing of a glider by Sir George Cayley, one of the early attempts at creating an
aerodynamic shape
In 1738 The Dutch-Swiss mathematician Daniel Bernoulli published his book
Hydrodynamica, in which he first set out the principle, named after him, by which
aerodynamic lift may be derived.
Sir George Cayley is credited as the first person to identify the four aerodynamic forces
of flightweight, lift, drag, and thrustand the relationship between them. Cayley
believed that the drag on a flying machine must be counteracted by a means of propulsion
in order for level flight to occur. Cayley also looked to nature for aerodynamic shapes
with low drag. Among the shapes he investigated were the cross-sections of trout. This
may appear counterintuitive, however, the bodies of fish are shaped to produce very low
resistance as they travel through water. Their cross-sections are sometimes very close to
that of modern low drag airfoils.
Air resistance experiments were carried out by investigators throughout the 18th and 19th
centuries. Drag theories were developed by Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Gustav Kirchhoff,
and Lord Rayleigh. Equations for fluid flow with friction were developed by Claude-
Louis Navier and George Gabriel Stokes. To simulate fluid flow, many experiments
involved immersing objects in streams of water or simply dropping them off the top of a
tall building. Towards the end of this time period Gustave Eiffel used his Eiffel Tower to
assist in the drop testing of flat plates.
Of course, a more precise way to measure resistance is to place an object within an
artificial, uniform stream of air where the velocity is known. The first person to
experiment in this fashion was Francis Herbert Wenham, who in doing so constructed the
first wind tunnel in 1871. Wenham was also a member of the first professional
organization dedicated to aeronautics, the Royal Aeronautical Society of the United
Kingdom. Objects placed in wind tunnel models are almost always smaller than in
practice, so a method was needed to relate small scale models to their real-life
counterparts. This was achieved with the invention of the dimensionless Reynolds
number by Osborne Reynolds. Reynolds also experimented with laminar to turbulent
flow transition in 1883.
By the late 19th century, two problems were identified before heavier-than-air flight
could be realized. The first was the creation of low-drag, high-lift aerodynamic wings.
The second problem was how to determine the power needed for sustained flight. During
this time, the groundwork was laid down for modern day fluid dynamics and
aerodynamics, with other less scientifically inclined enthusiasts testing various flying
machines with little success.
A replica of the Wright Brothers' wind tunnel is on display at the Virginia Air and Space
Center. Wind tunnels were key in the development and validation of the laws of
In 1889, Charles Renard, a French aeronautical engineer, became the first person to
reasonably predict the power needed for sustained flight. Renard and German physicist
Hermann von Helmholtz explored the wing loading of birds, eventually concluding that
humans could not fly under their own power by attaching wings onto their arms. Otto
Lilienthal, following the work of Sir George Cayley, was the first person to become
highly successful with glider flights. Lilienthal believed that thin, curved airfoils would
produce high lift and low drag.
Octave Chanute provided a great service to those interested in aerodynamics and flying
machines by publishing a book outlining all of the research conducted around the world
up to 1893.
Practical flight - early 20th century
With the information contained in Chanute's book, the personal assistance of Chanute
himself, and research carried out in their own wind tunnel, the Wright brothers gained
just enough knowledge of aerodynamics to fly the first powered aircraft on December 17,
1903, just in time to beat the efforts of Samuel Pierpont Langley. The Wright brothers'
flight confirmed or disproved a number of aerodynamics theories. Newton's drag force
theory was finally proved incorrect. This first widely-publicised flight led to a more
organized effort between aviators and scientists, leading the way to modern
During the time of the first flights, Frederick W. Lanchester, Martin Wilhelm Kutta, and
Nikolai Zhukovsky independently created theories that connected circulation of a fluid
flow to lift. Kutta and Zhukovsky went on to develop a two-dimensional wing theory.
Expanding upon the work of Lanchester, Ludwig Prandtl is credited with developing the
mathematics behind thin-airfoil and lifting-line theories as well as work with boundary
layers. Prandtl, a professor at the University of Gttingen, instructed many students who
would play important roles in the development of aerodynamics like Theodore von
Krmn and Max Munk.
Faster than sound - latter 20th century
As aircraft began to travel faster, aerodynamicists realized that the density of air began to
change as it came into contact with an object, leading to a division of fluid flow into the
incompressible and compressible regimes. In compressible aerodynamics, density and
pressure both change, which is the basis for calculating the speed of sound. Newton was
the first to develop a mathematical model for calculating the speed of sound, but it was
not correct until Pierre-Simon Laplace accounted for the molecular behavior of gases and
introduced the heat capacity ratio. The ratio of the flow speed to the speed of sound was
named the Mach number after Ernst Mach, who was one of the first to investigate the
properties of supersonic flow which included Schlieren photography techniques to
visualize the changes in density. William John Macquorn Rankine and Pierre Henri
Hugoniot independently developed the theory for flow properties before and after a shock
wave. Jakob Ackeret led the initial work on calculating the lift and drag on a supersonic
airfoil. Theodore von Krmn and Hugh Latimer Dryden introduced the term transonic to
describe flow speeds around Mach 1 where drag increases rapidly. Because of the
increase in drag approaching Mach 1, aerodynamicists and aviators disagreed on whether
supersonic flight was achievable.
A computer generated model of NASA's X-43A hypersonic research vehicle flying at
Mach 7 using a computational fluid dynamics code.
On September 30, 1935 an exclusive conference was held in Rome with the topic of high
velocity flight and the possibility of breaking the sound barrier. Participants included
Theodore von Krmn, Ludwig Prandtl, Jakob Ackeret, Eastman Jacobs, Adolf
Busemann, Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, Gaetano Arturo Crocco, and Enrico Pistolesi. The
new research presented was impressive. Ackeret presented a design for a supersonic wind
tunnel. Busemann gave perhaps the best presentation on the need for aircraft with swept
wings for high speed flight. Eastman Jacobs, working for NACA, presented his optimized
airfoils for high subsonic speeds which led to some of the high performance American
aircraft during World War II. Supersonic propulsion was also discussed. The sound
barrier was broken using the Bell X-1 aircraft twelve years later, thanks in part to those
By the time the sound barrier was broken, much of the subsonic and low supersonic
aerodynamics knowledge had matured. The Cold War fueled an ever evolving line of
high performance aircraft. Computational fluid dynamics was started as an effort to solve
for flow properties around complex objects and has rapidly grown to the point where
entire aircraft can be designed using a computer.
With some exceptions, the knowledge of hypersonic aerodynamics has matured between
the 1960s and the present decade. Therefore, the goals of an aerodynamicist have shifted
from understanding the behavior of fluid flow to understanding how to engineer a vehicle
to interact appropriately with the fluid flow. For example, while the behavior of
hypersonic flow is understood, building a scramjet aircraft to fly at hypersonic speeds has
seen very limited success. Along with building a successful scramjet aircraft, the desire to
improve the aerodynamic efficiency of current aircraft and propulsion systems will
continue to fuel new research in aerodynamics.
Introductory terminology
Reynolds number
Mach number
Continuity assumption
Gases are composed of molecules which collide with one another and solid objects. If
density and velocity are taken to be well-defined at infinitely small points, and are
assumed to vary continuously from one point to another, the discrete molecular nature of
a gas is ignored.
The continuity assumption becomes less valid as a gas becomes more rarefied. In these
cases, statistical mechanics is a more valid method of solving the problem than
continuous aerodynamics. The Knudsen number can be used to guide the choice between
statistical mechanics and the continuous formulation of aerodynamics.
Laws of conservation
Control volume schematic of internal flow with one inlet and exit including an axial
force, work, and heat transfer. State 1 is the inlet and state 2 is the exit.
Aerodynamics problems are often solved using conservation laws as applied to a fluid
continuum. The conservation laws can be written in integral or differential form. In many
basic problems, three conservation principles are used:
Continuity: If a certain mass of fluid enters a volume, it must either exit the
volume or change the mass inside the volume. In fluid dynamics, the continuity
equation is analogous to Kirchhoff's Current Law in electric circuits. The
differential form of the continuity equation is:
Above, is the fluid density, u is a velocity vector, and t is time. Physically, the equation
also shows that mass is neither created nor destroyed in the control volume. For a steady
state process, the rate at which mass enters the volume is equal to the rate at which it
leaves the volume. Consequently, the first term on the left is then equal to zero. For flow
through a tube with one inlet (state 1) and exit (state 2) as shown in the figure in this
section, the continuity equation may be written and solved as:
Above, A is the variable cross-section area of the tube at the inlet and exit. For
incompressible flows, density remains constant.
Conservation of Momentum: This equation applies Newton's second law of
motion to a continuum, whereby force is equal to the time derivative of
momentum. Both surface and body forces are accounted for in this equation. For
instance, F could be expanded into an expression for the frictional force acting on
an internal flow.
For the same figure, a control volume analysis yields:
Above, the force F is placed on the left side of the equation, assuming it acts with the
flow moving in a left-to-right direction. Depending on the other properties of the flow,
the resulting force could be negative which means it acts in the opposite direction as
depicted in the figure.
Conservation of Energy: Although energy can be converted from one form to
another, the total energy in a given system remains constant.
Above, h is enthalpy, k is the thermal conductivity of the fluid, T is temperature, and is
the viscous dissipation function. The viscous dissipation function governs the rate at
which mechanical energy of the flow is converted to heat. The expression on the left side
is a material derivative. The term is always positive since, according to the second law of
thermodynamics, viscosity cannot add energy to the control volume. Again using the
figure, the energy equation in terms of the control volume may be written as:
Above, the shaft work and heat transfer are assumed to be acting on the flow. They may
be positive (to the flow from the surroundings) or negative (to the surroundings from the
flow) depending on the problem. The ideal gas law or another equation of state is often
used in conjunction with these equations to form a system to solve for the unknown
Incompressible aerodynamics
An incompressible flow is characterized by a constant density despite flowing over
surfaces or inside ducts. A flow can be considered incompressible as long as its speed is
low. For higher speeds, the flow will begin to compress as it comes into contact with
surfaces. The Mach number is used to distinguish between incompressible and
compressible flows.
Subsonic flow
Subsonic (or low-speed) aerodynamics is the study of fluid motion which is everywhere
much slower than the speed of sound through the fluid or gas. There are several branches
of subsonic flow but one special case arises when the flow is inviscid, incompressible and
irrotational. This case is called Potential flow and allows the differential equations used
to be a simplified version of the governing equations of fluid dynamics, thus making
available to the aerodynamicist a range of quick and easy solutions. It is a special case of
Subsonic aerodynamics.
In solving a subsonic problem, one decision to be made by the aerodynamicist is whether
to incorporate the effects of compressibility. Compressibility is a description of the
amount of change of density in the problem. When the effects of compressibility on the
solution are small, the aerodynamicist may choose to assume that density is constant. The
problem is then an incompressible low-speed aerodynamics problem. When the density is
allowed to vary, the problem is called a compressible problem. In air, compressibility
effects are usually ignored when the Mach number in the flow does not exceed 0.3 (about
335 feet (102m) per second or 228 miles (366 km) per hour at 60
F). Above 0.3, the
problem should be solved by using compressible aerodynamics.
Compressible aerodynamics
According to the theory of aerodynamics, a flow is considered to be compressible if its
change in density with respect to pressure is non-zero along a streamline. This means that
- unlike incompressible flow - changes in density must be considered. In general, this is
the case where the Mach number in part or all of the flow exceeds 0.3. The Mach .3 value
is rather arbitrary, but it is used because gas flows with a Mach number below that value
demonstrate changes in density with respect to the change in pressure of less than 5%.
Furthermore, that maximum 5% density change occurs at the stagnation point of an
object immersed in the gas flow and the density changes around the rest of the object will
be significantly lower. Transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic flows are all compressible.
Transonic flow
The term Transonic refers to a range of velocities just below and above the local speed of
sound (generally taken as Mach 0.81.2). It is defined as the range of speeds between the
critical Mach number, when some parts of the airflow over an aircraft become
supersonic, and a higher speed, typically near Mach 1.2, when all of the airflow is
supersonic. Between these speeds some of the airflow is supersonic, and some is not.
Supersonic flow
Supersonic aerodynamic problems are those involving flow speeds greater than the speed
of sound. Calculating the lift on the Concorde during cruise can be an example of a
supersonic aerodynamic problem.
Supersonic flow behaves very differently from subsonic flow. Fluids react to differences
in pressure; pressure changes are how a fluid is "told" to respond to its environment.
Therefore, since sound is in fact an infinitesimal pressure difference propagating through
a fluid, the speed of sound in that fluid can be considered the fastest speed that
"information" can travel in the flow. This difference most obviously manifests itself in
the case of a fluid striking an object. In front of that object, the fluid builds up a
stagnation pressure as impact with the object brings the moving fluid to rest. In fluid
traveling at subsonic speed, this pressure disturbance can propagate upstream, changing
the flow pattern ahead of the object and giving the impression that the fluid "knows" the
object is there and is avoiding it. However, in a supersonic flow, the pressure disturbance
cannot propagate upstream. Thus, when the fluid finally does strike the object, it is forced
to change its properties -- temperature, density, pressure, and Mach number -- in an
extremely violent and irreversible fashion called a shock wave. The presence of shock
waves, along with the compressibility effects of high-velocity fluids, is the central
difference between supersonic and subsonic aerodynamics problems.
Hypersonic flow
In aerodynamics, hypersonic speeds are speeds that are highly supersonic. In the 1970s,
the term generally came to refer to speeds of Mach 5 (5 times the speed of sound) and
above. The hypersonic regime is a subset of the supersonic regime. Hypersonic flow is
characterized by high temperature flow behind a shock wave, viscous interaction, and
chemical dissociation of gas.
Associated terminology
The incompressible and compressible flow regimes produce many associated phenomena,
such as boundary layers and turbulence.
Boundary layers
The concept of a boundary layer is important in many aerodynamic problems. The
viscosity and fluid friction in the air is approximated as being significant only in this thin
layer. This principle makes aerodynamics much more tractable mathematically.
In aerodynamics, turbulence is characterized by chaotic, stochastic property changes in
the flow. This includes low momentum diffusion, high momentum convection, and rapid
variation of pressure and velocity in space and time. Flow that is not turbulent is called
laminar flow.
Aerodynamics in other fields
Aerodynamics is important in a number of applications other than aerospace engineering.
It is a significant factor in any type of vehicle design, including automobiles. It is
important in the prediction of forces and moments in sailing. It is used in the design of
large components such as hard drive heads. Structural engineers also use aerodynamics,
and particularly aeroelasticity, to calculate wind loads in the design of large buildings and
bridges. Urban aerodynamics seeks to help town planners and designers improve comfort
in outdoor spaces, create urban microclimates and reduce the effects of urban pollution.
The field of environmental aerodynamics studies the ways atmospheric circulation and
flight mechanics affect ecosystems. The aerodynamics of internal passages is important
in heating/ventilation, gas piping, and in automotive engines where detailed flow patterns
strongly affect the performance of the engine.
Chapter- 4
Spacecraft Propulsion
A remote camera captures a close-up view of a Space Shuttle Main Engine during a test
firing at the John C. Stennis Space Center in Hancock County, Mississippi
Spacecraft propulsion is any method used to accelerate spacecraft and artificial
satellites. There are many different methods. Each method has drawbacks and
advantages, and spacecraft propulsion is an active area of research. However, most
spacecraft today are propelled by forcing a gas from the back/rear of the vehicle at very
high speed through a supersonic de Laval nozzle. This sort of engine is called a rocket
All current spacecraft use chemical rockets (bipropellant or solid-fuel) for launch, though
some (such as the Pegasus rocket and SpaceShipOne) have used air-breathing engines on
their first stage. Most satellites have simple reliable chemical thrusters (often
monopropellant rockets) or resistojet rockets for orbital station-keeping and some use
momentum wheels for attitude control. Soviet bloc satellites have used electric
propulsion for decades, and newer Western geo-orbiting spacecraft are starting to use
them for north-south stationkeeping. Interplanetary vehicles mostly use chemical rockets
as well, although a few have used ion thrusters and Hall effect thrusters (two different
types of electric propulsion) to great success.
Artificial satellites must be launched into orbit, and once there they must be placed in
their nominal orbit. Once in the desired orbit, they often need some form of attitude
control so that they are correctly pointed with respect to the Earth, the Sun, and possibly
some astronomical object of interest. They are also subject to drag from the thin
atmosphere, so that to stay in orbit for a long period of time some form of propulsion is
occasionally necessary to make small corrections (orbital stationkeeping). Many satellites
need to be moved from one orbit to another from time to time, and this also requires
propulsion. A satellite's useful life is over once it has exhausted its ability to adjust its
Spacecraft designed to travel further also need propulsion methods. They need to be
launched out of the Earth's atmosphere just as satellites do. Once there, they need to leave
orbit and move around.
For interplanetary travel, a spacecraft must use its engines to leave Earth orbit. Once it
has done so, it must somehow make its way to its destination. Current interplanetary
spacecraft do this with a series of short-term trajectory adjustments. In between these
adjustments, the spacecraft simply falls freely along its trajectory. The most fuel-efficient
means to move from one circular orbit to another is with a Hohmann transfer orbit: the
spacecraft begins in a roughly circular orbit around the Sun. A short period of thrust in
the direction of motion accelerates or decelerates the spacecraft into an elliptical orbit
around the Sun which is tangential to its previous orbit and also to the orbit of its
destination. The spacecraft falls freely along this elliptical orbit until it reaches its
destination, where another short period of thrust accelerates or decelerates it to match the
orbit of its destination. Special methods such as aerobraking are sometimes used for this
final orbital adjustment.
Artist's concept of a solar sail
Some spacecraft propulsion methods such as solar sails provide very low but
inexhaustible thrust; an interplanetary vehicle using one of these methods would follow a
rather different trajectory, either constantly thrusting against its direction of motion in
order to decrease its distance from the Sun or constantly thrusting along its direction of
motion to increase its distance from the Sun. The concept has been successfully tested by
the Japanese IKAROS solar sail spacecraft.
Spacecraft for interstellar travel also need propulsion methods. No such spacecraft has
yet been built, but many designs have been discussed. Since interstellar distances are very
great, a tremendous velocity is needed to get a spacecraft to its destination in a reasonable
amount of time. Acquiring such a velocity on launch and getting rid of it on arrival will
be a formidable challenge for spacecraft designers.
When in space, the purpose of a propulsion system is to change the velocity, or v, of a
spacecraft. Since this is more difficult for more massive spacecraft, designers generally
discuss momentum, mv. The amount of change in momentum is called impulse. So the
goal of a propulsion method in space is to create an impulse.
When launching a spacecraft from the Earth, a propulsion method must overcome a
higher gravitational pull to provide a positive net acceleration. In orbit, any additional
impulse, even very tiny, will result in a change in the orbit path.
The rate of change of velocity is called acceleration, and the rate of change of momentum
is called force. To reach a given velocity, one can apply a small acceleration over a long
period of time, or one can apply a large acceleration over a short time. Similarly, one can
achieve a given impulse with a large force over a short time or a small force over a long
time. This means that for maneuvering in space, a propulsion method that produces tiny
accelerations but runs for a long time can produce the same impulse as a propulsion
method that produces large accelerations for a short time. When launching from a planet,
tiny accelerations cannot overcome the planet's gravitational pull and so cannot be used.
The Earth's surface is situated fairly deep in a gravity well. The escape velocity required
to get out of it is 11.2 kilometers/second. As human beings evolved in a gravitational
field of 1g (9.8 m/s), an ideal propulsion system would be one that provides a continuous
acceleration of 1g (though human bodies can tolerate much larger accelerations over
short periods). The occupants of a rocket or spaceship having such a propulsion system
would be free from all the ill effects of free fall, such as nausea, muscular weakness,
reduced sense of taste, or leaching of calcium from their bones.
The law of conservation of momentum means that in order for a propulsion method to
change the momentum of a space craft it must change the momentum of something else
as well. A few designs take advantage of things like magnetic fields or light pressure in
order to change the spacecraft's momentum, but in free space the rocket must bring along
some mass to accelerate away in order to push itself forward. Such mass is called reaction
In order for a rocket to work, it needs two things: reaction mass and energy. The impulse
provided by launching a particle of reaction mass having mass m at velocity v is mv. But
this particle has kinetic energy mv/2, which must come from somewhere. In a
conventional solid, liquid, or hybrid rocket, the fuel is burned, providing the energy, and
the reaction products are allowed to flow out the back, providing the reaction mass. In an
ion thruster, electricity is used to accelerate ions out the back. Here some other source
must provide the electrical energy (perhaps a solar panel or a nuclear reactor), while the
ions provide the reaction mass.
When discussing the efficiency of a propulsion system, designers often focus on
effectively using the reaction mass. Reaction mass must be carried along with the rocket
and is irretrievably consumed when used. One way of measuring the amount of impulse
that can be obtained from a fixed amount of reaction mass is the specific impulse, the
impulse per unit weight-on-Earth (typically designated by I
). The unit for this value is
seconds. Since the weight on Earth of the reaction mass is often unimportant when
discussing vehicles in space, specific impulse can also be discussed in terms of impulse
per unit mass. This alternate form of specific impulse uses the same units as velocity (e.g.
m/s), and in fact it is equal to the effective exhaust velocity of the engine (typically
designated v
). Confusingly, both values are sometimes called specific impulse. The two
values differ by a factor of g
, the standard acceleration due to gravity 9.80665 m/s (I
= v
A rocket with a high exhaust velocity can achieve the same impulse with less reaction
mass. However, the energy required for that impulse is proportional to the exhaust
velocity, so that more mass-efficient engines require much more energy, and are typically
less energy efficient. This is a problem if the engine is to provide a large amount of
thrust. To generate a large amount of impulse per second, it must use a large amount of
energy per second. So high-mass-efficient engines require enormous amounts of energy
per second to produce high thrusts. As a result, most high-mass-efficient engine designs
also provide lower thrust due to the unavailability of high amounts of energy.
Propulsion methods can be classified based on their means of accelerating the reaction
mass. There are also some special methods for launches, planetary arrivals, and landings.
Reaction engines
A reaction engine is an engine which provides propulsion by expelling reaction mass, in
accordance with Newton's third law of motion. This law of motion is most commonly
paraphrased as: "For every action force there is an equal, but opposite, reaction force".
Examples include both duct engines and rocket engines, and more uncommon variations
such as Hall effect thrusters, ion drives and mass drivers. Duct engines are obviously not
used for space propulsion due to the lack of air; however some proposed spacecraft have
these kinds of engines to assist takeoff and landing.
Delta-v and propellant
Rocket mass ratios versus final velocity, as calculated from the rocket equation
Exhausting the entire usable propellant of a spacecraft through the engines in a straight
line in free space would produce a net velocity change to the vehicle; this number is
termed 'delta-v' (v).
If the exhaust velocity is constant then the total v of a vehicle can be calculated using
the rocket equation, where M is the mass of propellant, P is the mass of the payload
(including the rocket structure), and v
is the velocity of the rocket exhaust. This is known
as the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation:
For historical reasons, as discussed above, v
is sometimes written as
= I
where I
is the specific impulse of the rocket, measured in seconds, and g
is the
gravitational acceleration at sea level.
For a high delta-v mission, the majority of the spacecraft's mass needs to be reaction
mass. Since a rocket must carry all of its reaction mass, most of the initially-expended
reaction mass goes towards accelerating reaction mass rather than payload. If the rocket
has a payload of mass P, the spacecraft needs to change its velocity by v, and the rocket
engine has exhaust velocity v
, then the mass M of reaction mass which is needed can be
calculated using the rocket equation and the formula for I
For v much smaller than v
, this equation is roughly linear, and little reaction mass is
needed. If v is comparable to v
, then there needs to be about twice as much fuel as
combined payload and structure (which includes engines, fuel tanks, and so on). Beyond
this, the growth is exponential; speeds much higher than the exhaust velocity require very
high ratios of fuel mass to payload and structural mass.
For a mission, for example, when launching from or landing on a planet, the effects of
gravitational attraction and any atmospheric drag must be overcome by using fuel. It is
typical to combine the effects of these and other effects into an effective mission delta-v.
For example a launch mission to low Earth orbit requires about 9.310 km/s delta-v.
These mission delta-vs are typically numerically integrated on a computer.
Some effects such as Oberth effect can only be significantly utilised by high thrust
engines such as rockets, i.e. engines that can produce a high g-force (thrust per unit mass,
equal to delta-v per unit time).
Power use and propulsive efficiency
For all reaction engines (such as rockets and ion drives) some energy must go into
accelerating the reaction mass. Every engine will waste some energy, but even assuming
100% efficiency, to accelerate an exhaust the engine will need energy amounting to
This energy is not necessarily lost- some of it usually ends up as kinetic energy of the
vehicle, and the rest is wasted in residual motion of the exhaust.
Due to energy carried away in the exhaust the energy efficiency of a reaction engine
varies with the speed of the exhaust relative to the speed of the vehicle, this is called
propulsive efficiency
Comparing the rocket equation (which shows how much energy ends up in the final
vehicle) and the above equation (which shows the total energy required) shows that even
with 100% engine efficiency, certainly not all energy supplied ends up in the vehicle -
some of it, indeed usually most of it, ends up as kinetic energy of the exhaust.
The exact amount depends on the design of the vehicle, and the mission. However there
are some useful fixed points:
if the I
is fixed, for a mission delta-v, there is a particular I
that minimises the
overall energy used by the rocket. This comes to an exhaust velocity of about
of the mission delta-v. Drives with a specific impulse that is both high and fixed
such as Ion thrusters have exhaust velocities that can be enormously higher than
this ideal for many missions.
if the exhaust velocity can be made to vary so that at each instant it is equal and
opposite to the vehicle velocity then the absolute minimum energy usage is
achieved. When this is achieved, the exhaust stops in space and has no kinetic
energy; and the propulsive efficiency is 100%- all the energy ends up in the
vehicle (in principle such a drive would be 100% efficient, in practice there would
be thermal losses from within the drive system and residual heat in the exhaust).
However in most cases this uses an impractical quantity of propellant, but is a
useful theoretical consideration. Anyway the vehicle has to move before the
method can be applied.
Some drives (such as VASIMR or Electrodeless plasma thruster) actually can
significantly vary their exhaust velocity. This can help reduce propellant usage or
improve acceleration at different stages of the flight. However the best energetic
performance and acceleration is still obtained when the exhaust velocity is close to the
vehicle speed. Proposed ion and plasma drives usually have exhaust velocities
enormously higher than that ideal (in the case of VASIMR the lowest quoted speed is
around 15000 m/s compared to a mission delta-v from high Earth orbit to Mars of about
It might be thought that adding power generation capacity is helpful, and while initially
this can improve performance, this inevitably increases the weight of the power source,
and eventually the mass of the power source and the associated engines and propellant
dominates the weight of the vehicle, and then adding more power gives no significant
For, although solar power and nuclear power are virtually unlimited sources of energy,
the maximum power they can supply is substantially proportional to the mass of the
powerplant (i.e. specific power takes a largely constant value which is dependent on the
particular powerplant technology). For any given specific power, with a large v
which is
desirable to save propellant mass, it turns out that the maximum acceleration is inversely
proportional to v
. Hence the time to reach a required delta-v is proportional to v
. Thus
the latter should not be too large.
Power to thrust ratio
The power to thrust ratio is simply:
Thus for any vehicle power P, the thrust that may be provided is:
Suppose we want to send a 10,000 kg space probe to Mars. The required v from LEO is
approximately 3000 m/s, using a Hohmann transfer orbit. (A manned craft would need to
take a faster route and use more fuel). For the sake of argument, let us say that the
following thrusters may be used:
per kg
Solid rocket 1 100 190,000 95 500 kJ 0.5 kW/N N/A
5 500 8,200 103 12.6 MJ 2.5 kW/N N/A
Ion thruster 50 5,000 620 775 1.25 GJ 25 kW/N 25 kg/N
1,000 100,000 30 15,000 500 GJ 500 kW/N 500 kg/N
* - assumes a specific power of 1kW/kg
Observe that the more fuel-efficient engines can use far less fuel; its mass is almost
negligible (relative to the mass of the payload and the engine itself) for some of the
engines. However, note also that these require a large total amount of energy. For Earth
launch, engines require a thrust to weight ratio of more than one. To do this with the ion
or more theoretical electrical drives, the engine would have to be supplied with one to
several gigawatts of power equivalent to a major metropolitan generating station.
From the table it can be seen that this is clearly impractical with current power sources.
Instead, a much smaller, less powerful generator may be included which will take much
longer to generate the total energy needed. This lower power is only sufficient to
accelerate a tiny amount of fuel per second, and would be insufficient for launching from
the Earth. However, over long periods in orbit where there is no friction, the velocity will
be finally achieved. For example. it took the SMART-1 more than a year to reach the
Moon, while with a chemical rocket it takes a few days. Because the ion drive needs
much less fuel, the total launched mass is usually lower, which typically results in a
lower overall cost, but takes longer.
Mission planning therefore frequently involves adjusting and choosing the propulsion
system so as to minimise the total cost of the project, and can involve trading off launch
costs and mission duration against payload fraction.
Rocket engines
SpaceX's Kestrel engine is tested
Most rocket engines are internal combustion heat engines (although non combusting
forms exist). Rocket engines generally produce a high temperature reaction mass, as a hot
gas. This is achieved by combusting a solid, liquid or gaseous fuel with an oxidiser
within a combustion chamber. The extremely hot gas is then allowed to escape through a
high-expansion ratio nozzle. This bell-shaped nozzle is what gives a rocket engine its
characteristic shape. The effect of the nozzle is to dramatically accelerate the mass,
converting most of the thermal energy into kinetic energy. Exhaust speed reaching as
high as 10 times the speed of sound at sea level are common.
Rocket engines provide essentially the highest specific powers and high specific thrusts
of any engine used for spacecraft propulsion.
Ion propulsion rockets can heat a plasma or charged gas inside a magnetic bottle and
release it via a magnetic nozzle, so that no solid matter need come in contact with the
plasma. Of course, the machinery to do this is complex, but research into nuclear fusion
has developed methods, some of which have been proposed to be used in propulsion
systems, and some have been tested in a lab.
Electromagnetic propulsion
This test engine accelerates ions using electrostatic forces
Rather than relying on high temperature and fluid dynamics to accelerate the reaction
mass to high speeds, there are a variety of methods that use electrostatic or
electromagnetic forces to accelerate the reaction mass directly. Usually the reaction mass
is a stream of ions. Such an engine typically uses electric power, first to ionize atoms, and
then to create a voltage gradient to accelerate the ions to high exhaust velocities.
The idea of electric propulsion dates back to 1906, when Robert Goddard considered the
possibility in his personal notebook. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky published the idea in 1911.
For these drives, at the highest exhaust speeds, energetic efficiency and thrust are all
inversely proportional to exhaust velocity. Their very high exhaust velocity means they
require huge amounts of energy and thus with practical power sources provide low thrust,
but use hardly any fuel.
For some missions, particularly reasonably close to the Sun, solar energy may be
sufficient, and has very often been used, but for others further out or at higher power,
nuclear energy is necessary; engines drawing their power from a nuclear source are called
nuclear electric rockets.
With any current source of electrical power, chemical, nuclear or solar, the maximum
amount of power that can be generated limits the amount of thrust that can be produced to
a small value. Power generation adds significant mass to the spacecraft, and ultimately
the weight of the power source limits the performance of the vehicle.
Current nuclear power generators are approximately half the weight of solar panels per
watt of energy supplied, at terrestrial distances from the Sun. Chemical power generators
are not used due to the far lower total available energy. Beamed power to the spacecraft
shows some potential. However, the dissipation of waste heat from any power plant may
make any propulsion system requiring a separate power source infeasible for interstellar
6 kW Hall thruster in operation at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Some electromagnetic methods:
Ion thrusters (accelerate ions first and later neutralize the ion beam with an
electron stream emitted from a cathode called a neutralizer)
o Electrostatic ion thruster
o Field Emission Electric Propulsion
o Hall effect thruster
o Colloid thruster
Electrothermal thrusters (electromagnetic fields are used to generate a plasma to
increase the heat of the bulk propellant, the thermal energy imparted to the
propellant gas is then converted into kinetic energy by a nozzle of either physical
material construction or by magnetic means)
o DC arcjet
o microwave arcjet
o Pulsed plasma thruster
o Helicon Double Layer Thruster
Electromagnetic thrusters (ions are accelerated either by the Lorentz Force or by
the effect of electromagnetic fields where the electric field is not in the direction
of the acceleration)
o Magnetoplasmadynamic thruster
o Electrodeless plasma thruster
o Pulsed inductive thruster
o Variable specific impulse magnetoplasma rocket (VASIMR)
Mass drivers (for propulsion)
In electrothermal and electromagnetic thrusters, both ions and electrons are accelerated
simultaneously, no neutralizer is required.
Without internal reaction mass
NASA study of a solar sail. The sail would be half a kilometer wide.
The law of conservation of momentum states that any engine which uses no reaction
mass cannot accelerate the center of mass of a spaceship (changing orientation, on the
other hand, is possible). But space is not empty, especially space inside the Solar System;
there are gravitation fields, magnetic fields, solar wind and solar radiation. Various
propulsion methods try to take advantage of these. However, since these phenomena are
diffuse in nature, corresponding propulsion structures need to be proportionately large.
There are several different space drives that need little or no reaction mass to function. A
tether propulsion system employs a long cable with a high tensile strength to change a
spacecraft's orbit, such as by interaction with a planet's magnetic field or through
momentum exchange with another object. Solar sails rely on radiation pressure from
electromagnetic energy, but they require a large collection surface to function effectively.
The magnetic sail deflects charged particles from the solar wind with a magnetic field,
thereby imparting momentum to the spacecraft. A variant is the mini-magnetospheric
plasma propulsion system, which uses a small cloud of plasma held in a magnetic field to
deflect the Sun's charged particles. An E-sail would use very thin and lightweight wires
holding an electric charge to deflect these particles, and may have more controllable
A satellite or other space vehicle is subject to the law of conservation of angular
momentum, which constrains a body from a net change in angular velocity. Thus, for a
vehicle to change its relative orientation without expending reaction mass, another part of
the vehicle may rotate in the opposite direction. Non-conservative external forces,
primarily gravitational and atmospheric, can contribute up to several degrees per day to
angular momentum, so secondary systems are designed to "bleed off" undesired
rotational energies built up over time. Accordingly, many spacecraft utilize reaction
wheels or control moment gyroscopes to control orientation in space.
A gravitational slingshot can carry a space probe onward to other destinations without the
expense of reaction mass. By harnessing the gravitational energy of other celestial
objects, the spacecraft can pick up kinetic energy. However, even more energy can be
obtained from the gravity assist if rockets are used.
Planetary and atmospheric propulsion
Launch mechanisms
An artist's concept of an electromagnetic catapult on the Moon
High thrust is of vital importance for Earth launch, thrust has to be greater than weight.
Many of the propulsion methods above give a thrust/weight ratio of much less than 1, and
so cannot be used for launch.
All current spacecraft use chemical rocket engines (bipropellant or solid-fuel) for launch.
Other power sources such as nuclear have been proposed and tested, but safety,
environmental and political considerations have so far curtailed their use.
One advantage that spacecraft have in launch is the availability of infrastructure on the
ground to assist them. Proposed non-rocket spacelaunch ground-assisted launch
mechanisms include:
Space elevator (a geostationary tether to orbit)
Launch loop (a very fast enclosed rotating loop about 80 km tall)
Space fountain (a very tall building held up by a stream of masses fired from
Orbital ring (a ring around the Earth with spokes hanging down off bearings)
Hypersonic skyhook (a fast spinning orbital tether)
Electromagnetic catapult (railgun, coilgun) (an electric gun)
Rocket sled launch
Space gun (Project HARP, ram accelerator) (a chemically powered gun)
Beam-powered propulsion rockets and jets powered from ground via a beam
High Altitude Platforms to assist initial stage
Airbreathing engines
Studies generally show that conventional air-breathing engines, such as ramjets or
turbojets are basically too heavy (have too low a thrust/weight ratio) to give any
significant performance improvement when installed on a launch vehicle itself. However,
launch vehicles can be air launched from separate lift vehicles (e.g. B-29, Pegasus Rocket
and White Knight) which do use such propulsion systems. Jet engines mounted on a
launch rail could also be so used.
On the other hand, very lightweight or very high speed engines have been proposed that
take advantage of the air during ascent:
SABRE - a lightweight hydrogen fuelled turbojet with precooler
ATREX - a lightweight hydrogen fuelled turbojet with precooler
Liquid air cycle engine - a hydrogen fuelled jet engine that liquifies the air before
burning it in a rocket engine
Scramjet - jet engines that use supersonic combustion
Normal rocket launch vehicles fly almost vertically before rolling over at an altitude of
some tens of kilometers before burning sideways for orbit; this initial vertical climb
wastes propellant but is optimal as it greatly reduces airdrag. Airbreathing engines burn
propellant much more efficiently and this would permit a far flatter launch trajectory, the
vehicles would typically fly approximately tangentially to the earth surface until leaving
the atmosphere then perform a rocket burn to bridge the final delta-v to orbital velocity.
Planetary arrival and landing
A test version of the MARS Pathfinder airbag system
When a vehicle is to enter orbit around its destination planet, or when it is to land, it must
adjust its velocity. This can be done using all the methods listed above (provided they can
generate a high enough thrust), but there are a few methods that can take advantage of
planetary atmospheres and/or surfaces.
Aerobraking allows a spacecraft to reduce the high point of an elliptical orbit by
repeated brushes with the atmosphere at the low point of the orbit. This can save a
considerable amount of fuel since it takes much less delta-V to enter an elliptical
orbit compared to a low circular orbit. Since the braking is done over the course
of many orbits, heating is comparatively minor, and a heat shield is not required.
This has been done on several Mars missions such as Mars Global Surveyor, Mars
Odyssey and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, and at least one Venus mission,
Aerocapture is a much more aggressive manoeuver, converting an incoming
hyperbolic orbit to an elliptical orbit in one pass. This requires a heat shield and
much trickier navigation, since it must be completed in one pass through the
atmosphere, and unlike aerobraking no preview of the atmosphere is possible. If
the intent is to remain in orbit, then at least one more propulsive maneuver is
required after aerocaptureotherwise the low point of the resulting orbit will
remain in the atmosphere, resulting in eventual re-entry. Aerocapture has not yet
been tried on a planetary mission, but the re-entry skip by Zond 6 and Zond 7
upon lunar return were aerocapture maneuvers, since they turned a hyperbolic
orbit into an elliptical orbit. On these missions, since there was no attempt to raise
the perigee after the aerocapture, the resulting orbit still intersected the
atmosphere, and re-entry occurred at the next perigee.
a Ballute is an inflatable drag device
Parachutes can land a probe on a planet with an atmosphere, usually after the
atmosphere has scrubbed off most of the velocity, using a heat shield.
Airbags can soften the final landing.
Lithobraking, or stopping by simply smashing into the target, is usually done by
accident. However, it may be done deliberately with the probe expected to survive
(see, for example, Deep Space 2), in which case very sturdy probes and low
approach velocities are required.
Hypothetical methods
Artist's conception of a warp drive design
A variety of hypothetical propulsion techniques have been considered that would require
entirely new principles of physics to realize and that may not actually be possible. To
date, such methods are highly speculative and include:
Diametric drive
Pitch drive
Bias drive
Disjunction drive
Alcubierre drive (a form of Warp drive)
Differential sail
Wormholes - theoretically possible, but unachieveable in practice with current
Reactionless drives - breaks the law of conservation of momentum; theoretically
EmDrive - tries to circumvent the law of conservation of momentum; may be
theoretically impossible
A "hyperspace" drive based upon Heim theory
A NASA assessment is found at Marc G Millis Assessing potential propulsion
breakthroughs (2005)
Table of methods
Below is a summary of some of the more popular, proven technologies, followed by
increasingly speculative methods.
Four numbers are shown. The first is the effective exhaust velocity: the equivalent speed
that the propellant leaves the vehicle. This is not necessarily the most important
characteristic of the propulsion method, thrust and power consumption and other factors
can be, however:
if the delta-v is much more than the exhaust velocity, then exorbitant amounts of
fuel are necessary
if it is much more than the delta-v, then, proportionally more energy is needed; if
the power is limited, as with solar energy, this means that the journey takes a
proportionally longer time
The second and third are the typical amounts of thrust and the typical burn times of the
method. Outside a gravitational potential small amounts of thrust applied over a long
period will give the same effect as large amounts of thrust over a short period. (This
result does not apply when the object is significantly influenced by gravity.)
The fourth is the maximum delta-v this technique can give (without staging). For rocket-
like propulsion systems this is a function of mass fraction and exhaust velocity. Mass
fraction for rocket-like systems is usually limited by propulsion system weight and
tankage weight. For a system to achieve this limit, typically the payload may need to be a
negligible percentage of the vehicle, and so the practical limit on some systems can be
much lower.
Propulsion methods
Solid-fuel rocket 1 - 4 10
- 10
minutes ~ 7
Hybrid rocket 1.5 - 4.2 <0.1 - 10
minutes > 3
Monopropellant rocket 1 - 3 0.1 - 100
~ 3
Liquid-fuel rocket 1 - 4.7 0.1 - 10
minutes ~ 9
Electrostatic ion thruster 15 - 210 10
- 10 months/years > 100
Hall effect thruster
8 - 50 10
- 10 months/years > 100
Resistojet rocket 2 - 6 10
- 10 minutes ?
Arcjet rocket 4 - 16 10
- 10 minutes ?
Field Emission Electric
Propulsion (FEEP)
100-130 10
months/years ?
Pulsed plasma thruster
~ 20 ~ 0.1
10,000 hours
demoed in
Dual mode propulsion
1 - 4.7 0.1 - 10
~ 3 - 9
demoed in
Solar sails
@ 1 AU
@4 ly
indefinite > 40
control flight
demoed in
validated in lit
Tripropellant rocket 2.5 - 5.3 0.1 - 10
minutes ~ 9
demoed on
thruster (MPD)
20 - 100 100 weeks ?
6:Model-1 kW
demoed in
Nuclear thermal rocket 9 10
minutes > ~ 20
demoed on
Mass drivers (for
0 - ~30 10
- 10
months ?
32MJ demoed
on ground
Tether propulsion N/A 1 - 10
minutes ~ 7
31.7 km
demoed in
Air-augmented rocket 5 - 6 0.1 - 10
> 7?
demoed on
Liquid air cycle engine 4.5 10
- 10
demoed on
Pulsed inductive thruster
10-80 20 months ?
validated in
Variable Specific
Impulse Magnetoplasma
Rocket (VASIMR)
10 - 300 40 - 1,200
days -
> 100
200 kW
validated in
Magnetic field
oscillating amplified
10 - 130 0.1 - 1
days -
> 100
validated in
Solar thermal rocket 7 - 12 1 - 100 weeks > ~ 20
validated in
Radioisotope rocket 7 - 8 1.3 - 1.5 months ?
validated in
Nuclear electric
rocket(As electric prop.
method used)
Variable Variable Variable ?
validated in
Orion Project (Near
term nuclear pulse
20 - 100 10
- 10
several days ~30-60
900 kg proof-
Space elevator N/A N/A indefinite > 12
Reaction Engines
30/4.5 0.1 - 10
minutes 9.4
Magnetic sails
70/40Mg indefinite ?
Magnetic sail#Mini-
magnetospheric plasma
200 ~1 N/kW months ?
propulsion concept
powered/Laser(As prop.
method powered by
Variable Variable Variable ?
71m proof-of-
Launch loop/Orbital ring N/A ~10
minutes >>11-30
Nuclear pulse
propulsion (Project
Daedalus' drive)
20 - 1,000 10
- 10
years ~15,000
Gas core reactor rocket 10 - 20 10
- 10
? ?
Nuclear salt-water
100 10
- 10
half hour ?
Fission sail ? ? ? ?
Fission-fragment rocket 15,000 ? ? ?
Nuclear photonic rocket 300,000 10
- 1
Fusion rocket 100 - 1,000 ? ? ?
Antimatter catalyzed
nuclear pulse propulsion
200 - 4,000 ? days-weeks ?
Antimatter rocket
? ? ?
Bussard ramjet 2.2 - 20,000 ? indefinite ~30,000
toroidal launchers
300,000:GEM ? ? <300,000
observed &
Alcubierre Warp Drive >300,000 ? ?
observed &
(km/s) level
Spacecraft propulsion systems are often first statically tested on the Earth's surface,
within the atmosphere but many systems require a vacuum chamber to test fully. Rockets
are usually tested at a rocket engine test facility well away from habitation and other
buildings for safety reasons. Ion drives are far less dangerous and require much less
stringent safety, usually only a large-ish vacuum chamber is needed.
Famous static test locations can be found at Rocket Ground Test Facilities
Some systems cannot be adequately tested on the ground and test launches may be
employed at a Rocket Launch Site.
Chapter- 5
Russian Soyuz manned spacecraft (TMA version shown) have flown since 1967, and
currently supports the International Space Station.
US Space Shuttle (Columbia's first launch shown) flew from 1980 to 2011, also
supporting the ISS.
A spacecraft or spaceship is a craft or machine designed for spaceflight. Spacecraft are
used for a variety of purposes, including communications, earth observation,
meteorology, navigation, planetary exploration and transportation of humans and cargo.
On a sub-orbital spaceflight, a spacecraft enters space and then returns to the surface,
without having gone into an orbit. For orbital spaceflights, spacecraft enter closed orbits
around the Earth or around other celestial bodies. Spacecraft used for human spaceflight
carry people on board as crew or passengers, while those used for robotic space missions
operate either autonomously or telerobotically. Robotic spacecraft used to support
scientific research are space probes. Robotic spacecraft that remain in orbit around a
planetary body are artificial satellites. Only a handful of interstellar probes, such as
Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager 1 and 2, and New Horizons, are currently on trajectories that
leave our Solar System.
The first Earth orbiting satellite was Sputnik 1, which was launched 4 October 1957, and
remained in orbit for several months. While Sputnik 1 was the first spacecraft to orbit the
Earth, other man-made objects had previously reached an altitude of 100 km, which is the
height required by the international organization Fdration Aronautique Internationale
to count as a spaceflight. This altitude is called the Krmn line. In particular, in the
1940's there were several test launches of the V-2 rocket, some of which reached altitudes
well over 100 km.
Past and present spacecraft
Manned spacecraft
The Apollo 15 Command/Service Module as viewed from the Lunar Module on August
2, 1971.
The first manned spacecraft was Vostok 1, which carried Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin
into space in 1961, and complete a full Earth orbit. There were five other manned
missions which used a Vostok spacecraft. The second manned spacecraft was named
Freedom 7, and it performed a sub-orbital spaceflight carrying American astronaut Alan
Shepard to an altitude of just over 187 kilometres (116 mi). There were five other
manned missions using at Mercury spacecraft, like Freedom 7.
Other Soviet manned spacecraft include the Voskhod spacecraft, Soyuz spacecraft, and
the Salyut space stations as well as the space station Mir. Other American manned
spacecraft include the Gemini Spacecraft, Apollo Spacecraft, the Skylab space station,
and the Space Shuttle. China was also developed the Shenzhou spacecraft, which as of
January 2011 has been used for three manned missions, the first being Shenzhou 5 in
The International Space Station, which has been manned since November 2000, in a joint
venture between Russian, the United States, as well as several other countries.
Strictly speaking, the Manned Maneuvering Unit, the propulsion system used by
spacewalking astronauts, could be counted as a manned spacecraft.
Some reusable vehicles have been designed only for manned spaceflight, and these are
often called spaceplanes. The first example of such was the North American X-15
spaceplane, which conducted two manned flights which reached a height over 100 km in
the 1960's. The first reusable spacecraft, the X-15, was air-launched on a suborbital
trajectory on July 19, 1963.
Columbia orbiter landing
The first partially reusable orbital spacecraft, the Space Shuttle, was launched by the
USA on the 20th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight, on April 12, 1981. During the
Shuttle era, six orbiters were built, all of which have flown in the atmosphere and five of
which have flown in space. The Enterprise was used only for approach and landing tests,
launching from the back of a Boeing 747 SCA and gliding to deadstick landings at
Edwards AFB, California. The first Space Shuttle to fly into space was the Columbia,
followed by the Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour. The Endeavour was
built to replace the Challenger when it was lost in January 1986. The Columbia broke up
during reentry in February 2003.
The first automatic partially reusable spacecraft was the Buran (Snowstorm), launched by
the USSR on November 15, 1988, although it made only one flight. This spaceplane was
designed for a crew and strongly resembled the U.S. Space Shuttle, although its drop-off
boosters used liquid propellants and its main engines were located at the base of what
would be the external tank in the American Shuttle. Lack of funding, complicated by the
dissolution of the USSR, prevented any further flights of Buran. The Space Shuttle has
since been modified to allow for autonomous re-entry in case of necessity.
Per the Vision for Space Exploration, the Space Shuttle is due to be retired in 2011 due
mainly to its old age and high cost of program reaching over a billion dollars per flight.
The Shuttle's human transport role is to be replaced by the partially reusable Crew
Exploration Vehicle (CEV) no later than 2014. The Shuttle's heavy cargo transport role is
to be replaced by expendable rockets such as the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle
(EELV) or a Shuttle Derived Launch Vehicle.
Scaled Composites' SpaceShipOne was a reusable suborbital spaceplane that carried
pilots Mike Melvill and Brian Binnie on consecutive flights in 2004 to win the Ansari X
Prize. The Spaceship Company will build its successor SpaceShipTwo. A fleet of
SpaceShipTwos operated by Virgin Galactic should begin reusable private spaceflight
carrying paying passengers in 2011.
XCOR Aerospace also plans to initiate a suborbital commercial spaceflight service with
the Lynx rocketplane in 2012 through a partnership with RocketShip Tours. First test
flights are planned for 2011.
Unmanned spacecraft
The Hubble Space Telescope
The Jules Verne Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) approaches the International Space
Station on Monday, March 31, 2008.
Artist's conception of Cassini-Huygens as it enters Saturn's orbit
Semi-manned or manned-spec unmanned spacecraft
Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) unmanned European cargo spacecraft
Buran manned-spec Soviet shuttle (one mission only)
H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) unmanned Japanese cargo spacecraft
Progress unmanned USSR/Russia cargo spacecraft
TKS manned-spec unmanned USSR cargo spacecraft
Earth Orbit
Explorer 1 first US satellite
Project SCORE first communications satellite
Sputnik 1 world's first artificial satellite
Sputnik 2 first animal in orbit (Laika)
Sputnik 5 first capsule recovered from orbit (Vostok precursor) animals
STEREO Earth environment observation
Syncom first geosynchronous communications satellite
X-37 spaceplane
There are more than 2,000 spacecrafts in orbit.
Clementine US Navy mission, orbited Moon, detected hydrogen at the poles
Kaguya JPN Lunar orbiter
Luna 1 first lunar flyby
Luna 2 first lunar impact
Luna 3 first images of lunar far side
Luna 9 first soft landing on the Moon
Luna 10 first lunar orbiter
Luna 16 first unmanned lunar sample retrieval
Lunar Orbiter very successful series of lunar mapping spacecraft
Lunar Prospector confirmed detection of hydrogen at the lunar poles
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Identifies safe landing sites & Locates moon
SMART-1 ESA Lunar Impact
Surveyor first USA soft lander
Chandrayaan 1 first Indian Lunar mission
Artist's conception of the Phoenix spacecraft as it lands on Mars
Akatsuki JPN a Venus orbiter
Cassini-Huygens first Saturn orbiter + Titan lander
Galileo first Jupiter orbiter+descent probe
IKAROS JPN first solar-sail spacecraft
Mariner 4 first Mars flyby, first close and high resulution images of Mars
Mariner 9 first Mars orbiter
Mariner 10 first Mercury flyby, first close up images
Mars Exploration Rover a Mars rover
Mars Express a Mars orbiter
Mars Global Surveyor a Mars orbiter
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter an advanced climate, imaging, sub-surface radar,
and telecommunications Mars orbiter
MESSENGER first Mercury orbiter (arrival 2011)
Mars Pathfinder a Mars lander + rover
New Horizons first Pluto flyby (arrival 2015)
Pioneer 10 first Jupiter flyby, first close up images
Pioneer 11 second Jupiter flyby + first Saturn flyby (first close up images of
Pioneer Venus first Venus orbiter+landers
Vega 1 - Balloon release into Venus atmosphere and lander (joint mission with
Vega 2), mothership continued on to rendesvous with Halley's Comet
Venera 4 first soft landing on another planet (Venus)
Viking 1 first soft landing on Mars
Voyager 2 Jupiter flyby + Saturn flyby + first flybys/images of Neptune and
Other deep space
Deep Space 1
Deep Impact
Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous
Fastest spacecraft
Helios I & II Solar Probes (252,792 km/h/157,078 mph)
Furthest spacecraft from the Sun
Voyager 1 at 106.3 AU as of July 2008, traveling outward at about 3.6 AU/year
Pioneer 10 at 89.7 AU as of 2005, traveling outward at about 2.6 AU/year
Voyager 2 at 85.49 AU as of July 2008, traveling outward at about 3.3 AU/year
Unfunded / canceled programs
The First Test Flight of the Delta Clipper-Experimental Advanced (DC-XA)
Chinese Project 921-3 Shuttle
KliperRussian "Clipper"
ESA Hermes Shuttle
Soviet Buran Shuttle
Soyuz Kontakt
Manned Orbiting Laboratory
Altair - lunar lander
RR/British Aerospace HOTOL
ESA Hopper Orbiter
McDonnell Douglas DC-X (Delta Clipper)
Roton Rotored-Hybrid
Lockheed-Martin VentureStar
Spacecraft under development
The Orion spacecraft
Orion - capsule
SpaceX Dragon - capsule
Lynx rocketplane - suborbital
ISRO Orbital Vehicle - capsule
PTK NP spacecraft- capsule
Dream Chaser - spaceplane
Prometheus - spaceplane
SpaceShipTwo - spaceplane
Boeing CST-100 - capsule
proposed ESA Advanced Reentry Vehicle - capsule
Skylon - single-stage-to-orbit spaceplane
SpaceX Dragon - cargo delivery to the ISS
Orbital Sciences Cygnus - cargo delivery to the ISS
CNES Mars Netlander
James Webb Space Telescope (delayed)
ESA Darwin probe
Mars Science Laboratory rover
Shenzhou spacecraft Cargo
Terrestrial Planet Finder probe
System F6a DARPA Fractionated Spacecraft demonstrator
A spacecraft system comprises various subsystems, dependent upon mission profile.
Spacecraft subsystems comprise the spacecraft "bus" and may include: attitude
determination and control (variously called ADAC, ADC or ACS), guidance, navigation
and control (GNC or GN&C), communications (Comms), command and data handling
(CDH or C&DH), power (EPS), thermal control (TCS), propulsion, and structures.
Attached to the bus are typically payloads.
Life support
Spacecraft intended for human spaceflight must also include a life support system
for the crew.
Reaction control system thrusters on the nose of the U.S. Space Shuttle
Attitude control
A Spacecraft needs an attitude control subsystem to be correctly oriented in space
and respond to external torques and forces properly. The attitude control
subsystem consists of sensors and actuators, together with controlling algorithms.
The attitude control subsystem permits proper pointing for the science objective,
sun pointing for power to the solar arrays and earth-pointing for communications.
Guidance refers to the calculation of the commands (usually done by the CDH
subsystem) needed to steer the spacecraft where it is desired to be. Navigation
means determining a spacecraft's orbital elements or position. Control means
adjusting the path of the spacecraft to meet mission requirements. On some
missions, GNC and Attitude Control are combined into one subsystem of the
Command and data handling
The CDH subsystem receives commands from the communications subsystem,
performs validation and decoding of the commands, and distributes the
commands to the appropriate spacecraft subsystems and components. The CDH
also receives housekeeping data and science data from the other spacecraft
subsystems and components, and packages the data for storage on a data recorder
or transmission to the ground via the communications subsystem. Other functions
of the CDH include maintaining the spacecraft clock and state-of-health
Spacecraft need an electrical power generation and distribution subsystem for
powering the various spacecraft subsystems. For spacecraft near the Sun, solar
panels are frequently used to generate electrical power. Spacecraft designed to
operate in more distant locations, for example Jupiter, might employ a
Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RTG) to generate electrical power.
Electrical power is sent through power conditioning equipment before it passes
through a power distribution unit over an electrical bus to other spacecraft
components. Batteries are typically connected to the bus via a battery charge
regulator, and the batteries are used to provide electrical power during periods
when primary power is not available, for example when a Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
spacecraft is eclipsed by the Earth.
Thermal control
Spacecraft must be engineered to withstand transit through the Earth's atmosphere
and the space environment. They must operate in a vacuum with temperatures
potentially ranging across hundreds of degrees Celsius as well as (if subject to
reentry) in the presence of plasmas. Material requirements are such that either
high melting temperature, low density materials such as beryllium and reinforced
carbon-carbon or (possibly due to the lower thickness requirements despite its
high density) tungsten or ablative carbon/carbon composites are used. Depending
on mission profile, spacecraft may also need to operate on the surface of another
planetary body. The thermal control subsystem can be passive, dependent on the
selection of materials with specific radiative properties. Active thermal control
makes use of electrical heaters and certain actuators such as louvers to control
temperature ranges of equipments within specific ranges.
A launch vehicle, like this Proton rocket, is typically used to bring a spacecraft to orbit.
Spacecraft may or may not have a propulsion subsystem, depending upon whether
or not the mission profile calls for propulsion. The Swift spacecraft is an example
of a spacecraft that does not have a propulsion subsystem. Typically though, LEO
spacecraft (for example Terra (EOS AM-1) include a propulsion subsystem for
altitude adjustments (called drag make-up maneuvers) and inclination adjustment
maneuvers. A propulsion system is also needed for spacecraft that perform
momentum management maneuvers. Components of a conventional propulsion
subsystem include fuel, tankage, valves, pipes, and thrusters. The TCS interfaces
with the propulsion subsystem by monitoring the temperature of those
components, and by preheating tanks and thrusters in preparation for a spacecraft
Spacecraft must be engineered to withstand launch loads imparted by the launch
vehicle, and must have a point of attachment for all the other subsystems.
Depending upon mission profile, the structural subsystem might need to withstand
loads imparted by entry into the atmosphere of another planetary body, and
landing on the surface of another planetary body.
The payload is dependent upon the mission of the spacecraft, and is typically
regarded as the part of the spacecraft "that pays the bills". Typical payloads could
include scientific instruments (cameras, telescopes, or particle detectors, for
example), cargo, or a human crew.
Ground segment
The ground segment, though not technically part of the spacecraft, is vital to the
operation of the spacecraft. Typical components of a ground segment in use
during normal operations include a mission operations facility where the flight
operations team conducts the operations of the spacecraft, a data processing and
storage facility, ground stations to radiate signals to and receive signals from the
spacecraft, and a voice and data communications network to connect all mission
Launch vehicle
The launch vehicle propels the spacecraft from the Earth's surface, through the
atmosphere, and into an orbit, the exact orbit being dependent upon mission
configuration. The launch vehicle may be expendable or reusable.