Aerodynamics For Students
Aerodynamics For Students
Aerodynamics For Students
Table of Contents
Part 3. Aerodynamics
Properties of the Atmosphere
Joukowski Flow Mapping & Aerofoils
2-D Flow Aerofoil Section Geometry
Thin Aerofoil Theory (2-D Sections)
2-D Panel Method Solutions
Lifting Line Theory (3-D Wings)
Vortex Lattice Method (3-D Wings)
Part 4. Gasdynamics
Supersonic Flow Measurement
Simulation of Rarefied Gas Flow
Part 6. Propulsion
Blade Element Propeller Analysis
Copyright © 1995-2004,
Aerospace, Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering,
University of Sydney.
Author : D.J. Auld
with contributions from Dr K. Srinivas and the undergraduate students of AMME
for Students
This web textbook contains
information, data tables and
computer programs for the study of
Aerodynamics. Topics relevant to
the undergraduate degree in
Aeronautical Engineering are
covered. If you would like to ask
any questions relating to the study
of aerodynamics; post them on our
Electronic Noticeboard.
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Aerodynamics for Students : A Web Site dedicated to Theoretical Aerodynamics
Aerodynamics is the branch of dynamics that treats the motion of air (and other gaseous
fluids) and the resulting forces acting on solids moving relative to such fluid.
Aerodynamic results will fall into different categories of behaviour depending on velocity
range (slow speed, high speed, supersonic, hypersonic), depending on size and shape of
the object (large, small, complex 3D solid) and the physical properties of the fluid (dense,
rarefied, viscous, inviscid). Many different aerodynamic situations can be analysed using a
range of available theories.
are the tools used for most theoretical aerodynamic prediction. The aim is to be able to
predict the lift, drag, thrust and moments acting on objects or vehicles in motion.
Lift is the aerodynamic force acting at right angles to the direction of motion of the
object. It is produced by the interaction of the moving object and the fluid. This
interaction typically leads to a pressure differential being set up between upper surface
and lower surface of the object. The nett effect of high pressure below and low pressure
above will produce a force which sustains the object against descent due to gravity. The
physical mechanisms in the fluid/body interaction that create lift are very complex. The
laws of conservation of mass and momentum (including the effect of fluid rotation) result
in fluid flow paths, velocity and pressure distributions which can significantly change the
magnitude of lift due to small changes in flow angle or surface curvature. It is hoped that
by studying the following chapters on the theoretical basis of fluid flow, students will
begin to understand these mechanisms.
Drag is the aerodynamic force resisting the motion of the object through the fluid. It is
produced by front/rear pressure differences, shearing between fluid and solid surface,
compression of the gas at high speed and residual lift components induced by 3D flow
Thrust is the aerodynamic force produced in the direction of motion and is required to
overcome drag and thus sustain the forward flight of the vehicle. It is produced by
mechanical means (an engine) which effectivily transfers energy into the flow, in the form
of increased fluid momentum. Thrust is the forward reaction to this fluid momentum
Contents Page
Properties of Fluids
1,2,3 Dimensional Flow and Unsteady Flow
In reality all flow is made up of three dimensional particles moving over time. However, in mathematical
terms fluid problems are classed as either 1, 2 or 3 dimensional based on the geometric complexity of
the problem. For a cartesian flow field based on coordinates (x,y,z), if the flow gradients in the z-
direction are zero then the flow is two-dimensional. If the gradients in both y and z-directions are zero
then the flow is one-dimensional. In a similar manner, if there is no time variation in the properties of the
flow then it is called steady flow, otherwise it is considered unsteady. There are many advantanges in
chosing a frame of reference for a flow problem that minimises the number of dimensions considered.
This is especially true if the frame of reference is moving with the disturbance to the fluid and hence the
problem can be classified as steady flow.
Mass is the scalar measure of the amount of fluid material. The sum of the number of molecules
multiplied by their molecular mass.
Density is a scalar measure of the mass of fluid contained within a given volume of flow.
Fluid problems are classed as compressible if there is a siglnificant change to the density of the fluid in
the flow. In cases of slow moving fluid, density changes are negligible and hence they can be solved as
incompressible flows.
In most cases fluid can be considered as a continuous medium. For example, in air at sea level, the
number of molecules per cubic meter is 2.5 x 1025. However for gases at high altitude or very small
scale gas flows (nano-technology flows) the mean free path of molecules (average distance between
collisions) becomes significant in comparison to the geometric size of the flow. These are classed as
rarefied flows and the individual molecular behaviour starts to dominate.
Velocity of the flow is the average speed of all molecules at a point in the flow at a given time. Velocity
is a vector quantity and can be constructed from three scalar components (u,v,w) (horizontal, vertical,
Temperature is a measure of the random molecular motion of the fluid at a point. The hotter the fluid
the more energy is stored in random motion of molecules.
Pressure is the resultant force per unit area of the fluid as it impacts its surrounds. Because the
molecular motion is random, the pressure exerted by a small volume of fluid will be uniform in all
For a perfect gas, the mass of the gas per unit volume (Density) along with its internal energy
(Temperature) will determine the force it produces per unit area on its surroundings. Hence pressure is
directly related to temperature and density.
Viscosity is a measure of the "stickyness" of the fluid. High viscosity fluids stick together and produce
large friction on surroundings. Inviscid fluids (no viscosity) slip over surfaces producing no friction. The
viscosity of a fluid changes with temperature. For liquid it decreases with temperature whereas for
gases viscosity increases with temperature.
Kinematic Viscosity is the ratio of absolute viscosity to the density of the fluid.
Fluid viscosity will produce shearing between fluid layers. This is a dominant effect near surfaces. At
the surface the flow is stationary. There will be a shear layer between the surface and the fast moving
For an elemental volume of fluid moving over a time step, dt. The distortion is proportional to the rate of
If the fluid is Newtonian this relationship will be linear and for the case of horizontal flow near a surface
the constant of proportionality will be the fluid viscosity.
Non-Newtonian Fluids
Some fluids such as paint, plastics and slurries (mixtures of small particles in water) do not show a
linear relationship between shear stress and deformation rate. These are classed as Non-Newtonian
and may exhibit varying behaviour.
In cases with fluid shear and many other cases where external forces are applied the fluid can be made
to rotate. Vorticity is a direct measure of the rotation of the fluid at a point. For two dimensional flow,
In three dimensions, fluid rotation naturally occurs along lines in the flow. These may be long straight
lines, rings or complex intermediate curves.
Vorticity will thus be a local vector tangential to the line of rotation. The total amount of rotation in a flow
area caused by local vorticity is called the circulation.
, and
Substituting these expressions for horizontal (u), vertical (v) and transverse velocity (w) into
the governing continuity equation for a flow produces a Laplace equation the solution of
which is relatively simple.
Streamlines have a constant value of streamfunction since all the flow must be parallel to the
streamlines. No flow crosses a streamline. For two-dimensional, inviscid, incompressible flow,
continuity makes the local product of distance between streamlines and velocity a constant.
Thus the velocities in a flow field can also be found by differentiating streamfunction with
respect to the flow field coordinates y and x.
If the two dimensional flow is irrotational ( ) then streamfunction can also be used to
define a governing Laplace equation.
Simple streamfunctions or velocity potential functions can be found which are exact solutions
for the above Laplace equations. Three such fundamental solutions are,
A wide range of flows and flow around objects can be built up using these simple solutions.
The more complex potential flows can be constructed by the super-position of exact solutions
or as can be seen in later chapters numerical approximation techniques can be used with this
governing equation to solve a large range of aerodyamic problems.
For example, the addition of a closely spaced source and sink (negative strength source) in a
uniform flow produces the ideal flow around a circular cylinder,
Pressure, temperature, density, viscosity and speed of sound variation for the international
standard atmosphere (ISA) can be calculated for a range of altitudes from sea level upward. This
is done using an exact solution to the hydrostatic equation for a column of air. The air is assumed
to be a perfect gas. In the lower region, the troposphere, the atmosphere has a lapse rate (L) of
6.5K/Km At an altitude of 36089 ft the stratosphere starts and the temperature remains constant at
217K. The hydrostatic equation, perfect gas law and the lapse rate equation are
dP/dh = -ρ g , P = ρ RT , T = To - Lh
P -- Pressure (Pa);
T -- Temperature (K);
ρ -- Density (Kg/m3);
g -- Gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s2);
To -- Standard sea level temperature (288 K);
R -- Gas constant for air (287 m2/s2/K);
h -- Altitude above sea level (m)
and L -- Lapse rate (0.0065 K/m).
Solving the hydrostatic equation with a constant lapse rate gives the resulting pressure variation
in the troposphere.
Solving the hydrostatic equation with a constant temperature gives the resulting pressure variation
in the stratosphere.
P/Ps = e(g/(RTs)*(hs-h))
where conditions with subscript (s) are values of altitude (hs), pressure (Ps) or temperature (Ts) at
the tropopause, the start of the stratosphere, the line dividing the two distinct atmospheric regions.
Once pressure has been calculated at a particular altitude, density is then calculated using the
perfect gas law. Viscosity and kinematic viscosity are found by applying the Sutherland law
Based on the above equations, a form is available which shows atmospheric properties for a
specific altitude. The form can also be used to predict Mach Number, Dynamic Pressure and other
altitude dependent properties if an input speed and reference length are given.
The density of the air for a given level of humidity can be found by applying a correction factor to the
above calculated perfect gas density.
ρ = ρ pg Kh where ρ pg = P/(RT) .
The correction factor, Kh, can be found by using wet and dry bulb temperature measurements to
predict relative humidity as shown in the following table.
0 81 64 46 29 13 - - - - - - -
2 84 68 52 37 22 7 - - - - - -
4 85 71 57 43 29 16 - - - - - -
6 86 73 60 48 35 24 11 - - - - -
8 87 75 63 51 40 29 19 8 - - - -
10 88 77 66 55 44 34 24 15 6 - - -
12 89 78 68 58 48 39 29 21 12 - - -
14 90 79 70 60 51 42 34 26 18 10 - -
16 90 81 71 63 54 46 38 30 23 15 8 -
18 91 82 73 65 57 49 41 34 27 20 14 7
20 91 83 74 66 59 51 44 37 31 24 18 12
22 92 83 76 68 61 54 47 40 34 28 22 17
24 92 84 77 69 62 56 49 43 37 31 26 20
26 92 85 78 71 64 58 51 46 40 34 29 24
28 93 85 78 72 65 59 53 48 42 37 32 27
30 93 86 79 73 67 61 55 50 44 39 35 30
32 93 86 80 74 68 62 57 51 46 41 37 32
34 93 87 81 75 69 63 58 53 48 43 39 35
36 94 87 81 75 70 64 59 54 50 45 41 37
The relative humidity can be used to obtain the density correction factor from the following
Density Correction due to Humidity
Note : Density correction factor assumes approximately sea level pressure in the
application of these formulae.
One of the ways of finding the flow patterns, velocities and pressures about streamlined shapes moving
through an inviscid fluid is to apply a conformal mapping to the potential flow solution for a circular cylinder.
The cylinder can be mapped to a variety of shapes and by knowing the derivative of the transformation, the
velocities in the mapped flow field can be found as a function of the known velocities around the cylinder.
A simple mapping which produces a family of elliptical shapes and streamlined aerofoils is the Joukowski
mapping. The 2-D cylinder (z1 flow field) is mapped to a streamlined shape (z2 flow field) using the mapping,
z2 = z1 + k2/z1
The mapping is done in complex arithmetic with z1 and z2 representing the complete coordinate space of each
flow field,
z1 = x1 + i.y1, z2 = x2 + i.y2
The transformation constant k is used to control the stretching of the flow field. A small k value will produce
a near cylindrical shape with large thickness to chord ratio. A large k value approaching the radius of the
cylinder will produce a very thin streamlined shape. Values of k greater than the radius of the cylinder
produce mappings that are NOT conformal and hence do not represent valid flows.
By adjusting the centre of the cylinder relative to the origin of flow field z1 the mapped object can be made
streamlined and curved.
The velocities in flow field z2 can be determined by the derivative of the transformation function (dz2/dz1).
where |V1| is the magnitude of the velocity at a point in flow field z1 and |V2| is the magnitude of the velocity
at the mapped point in flow field z2.
Pressure coefficients on the surface of the streamlined shape in flow field z2 can then be found by applying
Bernoulli's equation for inviscid incompressible flow.
Cp = 1 - (V2/V∞ )2
For streamline shapes with sharp trailing edges, such as Joukowski aerofoil sections, circulation must be
added to the flow to obtain the correct lifting solution. The value of circulation applied to the cylinder in flow
field z1 should be specified so that a stagnation point is produced at the point of intersection of the rear of the
cylinder and the x-axis. This point maps to the trailing edge of the aerofoil and when the correct amount of
circulation is applied the Kutta condition will be satisfied at the trailing edge of the aerofoil in flow field z2,
( ie. vorticity = 0 at trailing edge.).
maps to
Having obtained the correct lifting flow pattern, the lift will be a function of the amount of circulation applied.
Lift = ρ .V∞ .Γ
Aerofoil sections come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some are classified by their geometric
properties while others by their aerodynamic properties. One of the earliest and simplest naming
conventions is that for the NACA 4 and/or 5 Digit aerofoil families. Here the designation numbers
determine the mean line and thickness distribution of the section. More modern designation numbers
tend to incorporate values related to the aerodynamic behaviour of the section. All section geometries
will have methods for determining the surface x,y coordinates, the NACA system below represent a fist
attempt at a parametric representaion of camber and thickness.
The NACA 4 and 5 Digit aerofoils represent two families of aerofoil section that can be generated by
the use of a set of simple polynomial equations. While these sections are slightly out of date in terms of
current aircraft usage, they still represent useful sections and are easy to create.
The aerofoils are created by summing a thickness distribution with a given mean line equation.
where x is a position along the chord line, given as a fraction of chord and t is the value of maximum
thickness as given by the last two digits of the aerofoil designation number.(ie 0012 = symmetric
section with t(max)=0.12c)
Values p and m are given from the first two digits of the designation number. m being the value of
maximum camber height (1/100ths chord) and p being the position of maximum camber height (1/10ths
chord). (ie 2412 = maximum camber height =0.02c located at 0.4c).
Values p,k and m are found from the following table based on the first three digits of the designation
| Mean Line No. | p | m | k |
| 210 | 0.05 | 0.0580 | 361.4 |
| 220 | 0.10 | 0.1260 | 51.64 |
| 230 | 0.15 | 0.2025 | 15.957 |
| 240 | 0.20 | 0.2900 | 6.643 |
| 250 | 0.25 | 0.3910 | 3.230 |
The value of maximum camber height and its position will now be determined by the section
construction process.(ie 23012 = maximum camber height =0.02c located at 0.15c).
The following program uses the above equations to construct the desired 4 or 5 digit NACA aerofoil
section. The program can also construct Joukowski sections as described in the previous chapter. The
user inputs the desired section designation number and the number of surface data points required.
Points are then generated using a cosine distribution of chord x coordinates. For each x coordinate an
upper (xu,yu) and lower surface (xl,yl) data point is created by applying the above equations and
construction method.
xu = x - yt sin
r = 1.1019*t2
The coordinate data that is created can then be stored as an ASCII formatted data file for use with other
Reference: "Theory of Wing Sections" I.H.Abbott & A.E.Von Doenhoff, Dover, NY, 1959.
Clark-Y Section
Web pages with lots of aerofoil sections :
NASG, Martin Selig's Pages at UIUC
A simple solution for general two-dimensional aerofoil sections can be obtained by neglecting
thickness effects and using a mean-line only section model. For incompressible, inviscid flow, an
aerofoil section can be modelled by a distribution of vortices along the mean line.
The vortices along the mean line form a continuous vorticity distribution. The assumed distribution
function is shown in the following equation. This function is Glauert's approximation and is based
on Joukowski transformation results and obeys the Kutta condition with zero vorticity at the
trailing edge.
The vorticity distribution is given as a function of the angular variable (θ ) which is related to
chordwise position (x) as follows,
where c is the chord length. Note that chordwise position (x) is used instead of distance along the
mean line (s). For typical aerofoils with small camber, the difference is negligible.
The magnitude of the vortex distribution strength must be calculated to complete the mathematical
model. For these thin cambered plate models a boundary condition of zero flow normal to the
surface is applied in order to create an equation that can be solved for the required strengths.
The vorticity distribution function has two parts. The first is a constant coefficient (Ao) multiplied
by a tangent function which describes the variation due to angle of incidence effects. The second
part is a Fourier sine series which will account for variation due to camber. Finally, both parts are
scaled by multiplying by the freestream velocity.
Given an aerofoil geometry, freestream velocity and angle of incidence, the magnitude of the
coefficients (A0,A1,A2,....) is to be found by solving the condition of zero flow normal to the
surface. This condition can be formulated in terms of horizontal and vertical flow velocity
The ratio of vertical to horizontal velocity at the surface must equal the surface (mean line)
The flow horizontal and vertical velocities are made up of freestream and vortex induced
where ui and vi are the horizontal and vertical velocities induced by the vortex distribution.
Both of these components will be much less than the freestream velocity so for small angles of
incidence the horizontal vortex induced component can be neglected. If small angle assumptions
are made for the incidence, the boundary condition equation becomes
The velocity induced vertically (vi) at any point on the mean line can be found by summing up the
effects of small individual segments (ds) of the vorticity distribution.
where x is the location at which the induced velocity is being calculated and s is the chordwise
location of the vortex element. Substituting this result for induced velocity into the boundary
condition equation gives
The solution for coefficients (A0,A1,A2,...) can now be obtained from this equation. The solution is
based on Glauert's integral method. The equation is summed along the chord line to find initially
coefficient A0. It is then scaled by cosine multiples and again summed along the chord. Each
scaled integration will yield one coefficient.
Once the vorticity coefficients are found the lift of a small element of the vortex line can be
predicted from the Kutta-Joukowski law. The complete lift is found by summing all elements of lift
from leading to trailing edge.
because of the sector symmetry of the vorticity function only the first two coefficients (A0,A1) will
contribute directly in this integration. Thus lift coefficient can be found as follows
By summing elements of vortex lift which are multiplied by a moment arm based on their distance
from the 1/4 chord point, the pitching moment coefficient can be found.
The following program accepts ASCII data files which consist of a list 2-D aerofoil section
coordinates. The format of these aerofoil input data files is the same as that produced by the NACA
4,5 Digit section generation program. There is an initial header line, followed by a line giving the
number of data points used to describe the aerofoil and then pairs of surface coordinate points (x,
y). The order of surface points is anti-clockwise, starting at the trailing edge, going back over the
upper surface around the nose and then forward along the underside back to the trailing edge.
From the surface coordinate data file, the program calculates a set of mean-line coordinate points to
use as the mathematical thin-aerofoil model. For a given angle of incidence, coefficients A0,A1,
A2,.... are calculated using the above equations. Since the mean-line model is a set of straight line
segments connecting data points, all integration is done numerically.
The program can then predict CL versus angle and Cm(1/4c) for the specified aerofoil section. The
result is a thin-aerofoil, inviscid flow approximation and therefore has no viscous boundary layer
effects. In particular, no stall prediction is possible and the predicted drag coefficient is zero.
Reference: "Aerodynamics for Engineering Students" E.L.Houghton & P.W.Carpenter, 4th ED,
Edward Arnold, London, 1993.
The prediction of aerodynamic properties of most aerofoil sections can be obtained relatively
accurately using two dimensional panel method analysis. The solutions will be primarily inviscid
flow predictions but with the introduction of some simple one-dimensional boundary layer theory,
the inviscid solutions can be corrected due to small viscosity effects. This allows estimation of lift,
drag and pitching moment coefficients for sections were there are only small effects due to flow
2. Viscous boundary layer theory prediction of surface flow displacement and momentum
loss due to friction.
It is possible to iterate between the results of these two solutions until a final converged solution is
obtained but in many cases problems may arise due to the number of iterations required and the
possibility of an unstable iteration. A reasonable result is generally obtained by just using a single
pass of the solution parts.
Each panel ( j ) is a straight line segment between the aerofoil surface contour points ( j and j+1 ).
Along the panel there is a source distribution of constant strength ( ). The distribution
strength varies from panel to panel. As well, along the panels is a constant vorticity distribution (
). The vorticity is the sam on each panel around the contour and produces the required
circulation for the lifting section.
As the geometry of the section and the freestream flow conditions ( -- velocity , --
angle of attack ) are set, the requirement will be to define boundary condition equations in order to
determine the necessary distribution strengths ( and , j = 1 to N (number of panels) ),
for an accurate model of the problem.
A boundary condition of no flow through surface ( ) can be applied at the center of each
panel. This produces N equations in N+1 unknowns. In order to correctly solve for the extra
unknown vorticity, a Kutta condition must be applied at the trailing edge.
For a single panel (i) the boundary condition will be applied as,
where the coefficients ( , ) represent the influence of panel (j) distribution strengths
on the control point of panel (i) and represents the freestream influence. All coefficients are
relative complicated functions (fn (x,y) ) of the geometry of the section : ie. due to orientation and
spacing of panels. See Appendix for details.
The Kutta condition, equatio N+1, can be applied in terms of trailing edge velocity,
This gives a system of linear equations which allow the solution for the required distribution
strengths to be found.
Once the distribution strengths ( ) have been calculated, surface tangential velocities at
the center of each panel can be calculated ( ) and then surface pressure coefficients,
The lift coefficient can be calculated assuming a small angle of attack as the integration of surface
pressure coefficient acting in the y-direction, ie. projected on the x axis.
Solutions only need to be calculated for one or two angles of attack as the lift curve will be linear.
Stall and boundary layer effects are not predicted by the first part of the process.
From the surface coordinate data file, the program calculates an inviscid flow solution. A 1-D
momentum integration can then be run to predict the boundary layer near the aerofoil surface.
The program can predict CL for a given angle, Cm(1/4c) and CD for the specified aerofoil section.
The required strength of the distribution coefficients (An) for a given geometry
and set of freestream conditions can be calculated by applying a surface flow
boundary condition. The equation used is based on the usual condition of zero
flow normal to the surface. For 3-D wings the condition is applied at several
span-wise sections by matching flow and surface angles. The local flow angle
of incidence for a 2-D section of the wing must be equal to the sum of the
wing's angle of attack, the section twist and the downwash induced flow angle.
This downwash component is caused by the induced flow from the trailing
vortex sheet.
α 2-D =α - α i + θt
αi= wi/V∞
where α is the 3-D wing angle of attack, θ t is the wing twist angle and
wi is the velocity induced by trailing vortex sheet.
The vortex strength distribution in the trailing sheet will be a function
of the changes in vortex strength along the wing span. The
mathematical function describing the vortex sheet strength is thus
obtained by differentiating the bound vortex distribution.
Then find the 2-D section lift coefficient as a function of the local flow
incidence and the bound vortex strength at this span location.
where ao is the section lift curve slope (∂ Cl/∂α ), α o is the zero lift
angle and c is the section chord.
Rearranging and substituting for the local angle of incidence.
αo(2D) = αo(3D)
Prandtl Lifting Line Program
A flapped section can also be input. The percentage of wing span with
flap must be input to create a flapped wing section. The flap section
properties are assumed to be those entered for the wing root section.
These section properties will be kept constant across the flapped portion
of the span. The section properties used outboard of the flap will also be
constant and assumed to be equal to those of the wing tip.
A solution for three-dimensional wings of any general form can be obtained by using a vortex lattice
model. For incompressible, inviscid flow, the wing is modelled as a set of lifting panels. Each panel
will contain a single horse-shoe vortex. A bound vortex is located at the panel 1/4 chord position
with two trailing vortex lines shed from each end.
Both span-wise and chord-wise variation in lift can be modelled as a set of step changes from one
panel to the next.
The required strength of the bound vortex on each panel will need to be calculated by applying a
surface flow boundary condition. The equation used is the usual condition of zero flow normal to
the surface. For each panel the condition is applied at the 3/4 chord position along the center line of
the panel. The normal velocity is made up of a freestream component and an induced flow
component. This induced component is a function of strengths of all vortex panels on the wing.
Thus for each panel an equation can be set up which is a linear combination of the effects of the
strengths of all panels. A matrix of influence coefficients is created which is multiplied by the
vortex strengths and equal to a right hand side vector of freestream effects.
The influence coefficient Aij will represent the induced flow on panel i due to the vortex on panel j.
If all panels are assumed to be approximately planar then this influence coefficient can be calculated
as a relatively simple application of the Biot-Savart law along the three component vortex lines.
The result of this integration leads to the following formulae for influence coefficients in general.
The right-hand side terms for the boundary condition equations will depend upon the freestream
velocity, the angle of attack for the wing and the slope of the panels due to camber effects.
A solution for the strength of the vortex lines on each panel is found by solving the matrix of
The lift coefficient for the wing at a given angle of attack will be obtained by integrating the panel
lift distribution. The lift on a particular panel can be found using the Kutta Law.
The downwash velocity induced at on a panel can be calculated once the strength of the wing
loading is known. The variation between local flow angles for the panel and the freestream velocity
can be found. A consequence of this downwash flow is that the direction of action of each panel's
lift vector is rotated relative to the freestream direction. The local lift vectors are rotated backward
and hence give rise to a lift induced drag. By integrating the component of panel lift coefficient that
acts parallel to the freestream across the span then the induced drag coefficient can be found.
The induced flow angle (alpha i) represents the amount of rotation of the lift vector backward and
must be calculated from the velocities induced on the bound vortex of the panel by other panels and
the freestream.
Pitching moment about the wing root leading edge can be calculated by summing the panel lift
multiplied by a moment arm which extends in the x-direction from the leading edge of the wing to
the centre of the bound vortex for the panel.
The following computer program allows the user to define wing planforms and geometries. The
program assumes a linear variation of section properties between wing root and tip and that the
loading will be symmetric about the wing root.
The aerofoil section data for the wing root and tip is input from a file containing section coordinate
data points. Files for all the standard 4 and 5 digit NACA sections can be created using the program
provided in Chapter 4 NACA 4 & 5 Digit Aerofoil Sections. Data for other sections can be input
provided the file uses the same ASCII data format as those used for NACA sections.
The program uses the above vortex lattice method equations to obtain solutions for lift coefficient
versus angle of attack, pitching moment coefficient versus angle and induced drag coefficient versus
lift coefficient2. For a given angle of attack the program will display the resulting differential
pressure coefficient distribution.
Reference: "Aerodynamics for Engineering Students" Bertin and Smith, Macmillan 1966.
The aim of this laboratory experiment is to familiarise students with a simple application of the rules of
gas dynamics. To complete the work successfully a student will need to understand the behaviour of
supersonic flow along with the equipment and techniques required to perform measurement of this flow.
A secondary aim is to familiarise students with alternate methods of theoretical flow prediction. In this
case direct molecular simulation of gas flow can be applied to the near-continuum region to determine its
accuracy against the known solutions provided by classical gas dynamic theory.
Experimental Procedure.
Observe the set up of the apparatus. Take note of each piece of equipment and its function. The high-
pressure gas supply line is attached via a manually operated valve to the converging-diverging two-
dimensional nozzle. Once the valve is open to give sufficient upstream stagnation pressure, the nozzle
will choke giving Mach 1 flow at the throat. Downstream of the throat (area A*) the flow Mach number
will depend primarily on the area ratio of the channel (A/A*) and a supersonic flow slightly above Mach
2 will be obtained. Click here to see nozzle geometry.
With a steel wall containing static pressure ports on the side of the nozzle, static pressure variation
along the nozzle length can be determined. The static pressure to stagnation pressure ratio at any point
along the channel can be used to predict local Mach number. This result can be compared to area ratio
predictions and discrepancies due to boundary layer effects, shock waves or surface imperfections can be
evaluated. Click here to see a diagram of the manometers used for this experiment.
With an empty test section, open the control valve and establish supersonic flow in the channel. Measure
the static pressure readings along the length of the nozzle. Measure the total pressure reading for the
upstream flow. Measure the atmospheric pressure in the lab. Recorded data can be written in the Tables
shown here.
With glass walls on the side of the nozzle and by means of a Schlieren optical system, the shock/
expansion wave system produced by objects placed in the flow can be seen. These flow patterns can be
recorded on film. Click here to see a diagram of Schlieren optical system.
Install a test shape into the test section of the channel. Again open the valve to establish supersonic flow.
Record the shock and expansion wave patterns using the Schlieren optical system.
Some examples are shown below,
Experimental Results
Plot a graph of Mach number versus axial length from throat based on the above experimental
measurements. Include both methods, Mach number predicted from nozzle area ratio and Mach number
predicted from static/stagnation pressure ratios.
Comment on the differences in Mach number predicted by these two methods. Give explanations.
Estimate the flow Mach number in the part of the channel section into which objects are placed.
Compare oblique shock wave angles and Prandtl-Meyer expansion fan angles for the measured flow
with perfect gas theory models.
Give a brief discussion of the accuracy obtained by molecular simulation theory in comparison to
experimental results and in comparison to simple perfect gas theory. Based on these comparisons give
your view on the type of flow problems to which DSMC is suited as compared to other conventional
CFD methods. 16:38:44
Aircraft Performance 16:38:45
Page Selection
[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [37],
[38], [39], [40].
Analysis of Propellers
Glauert Blade Element Theory
A relatively simple method of predicting the performance of a propeller (as well as fans or windmills) is the use of Blade
Element Theory. In this method the propeller is divided into a number of independent sections along the length. At each
section a force balance is applied involving 2D section lift and drag with the thrust and torque produced by the section. At
the same time a balance of axial and angular momentum is applied. This produces a set of non-linear equations that can be
solved by iteration for each blade section. The resulting values of section thrust and torque can be summed to predict the
overall performance of the propeller.
The theory does not include secondary effects such as 3-D flow velocities induced on the propeller by the shed tip vortex or
radial components of flow induced by angular acceleration due to the rotation of the propeller. In comparison with real
propeller results this theory will over-predict thrust and under-predict torque with a resulting increase in theoretical
efficiency of 5% to 10% over measured performance. Some of the flow assumptions made also breakdown for extreme
conditions when the flow on the blade becomes stalled or there is a significant proportion of the propeller blade in
windmilling configuration while other parts are still thrust producing.
The theory has been found very useful for comparative studies such as optimising blade pitch setting for a given cruise speed
or in determining the optimum blade solidity for a propeller. Given the above limitations it is still the best tool available for
getting good first order predictions of thrust, torque and efficiency for propellers under a large range of operating conditions.
For each section the flow can be analysed independently if the assumption is made that for each there are only axial and
angular velocity components and that the induced flow input from other sections is negligible. Thus at section AA (radius =
r) shown above, the flow on the blade would consist of the following components.
Since the propeller blade will be set at a given geometric pitch angle (θ) the local velocity vector will create a flow angle of
attack on the section. Lift and drag of the section can be calculated using standard 2-D aerofoil properties. (Note: change of
reference line from chord to zero lift line). The lift and drag components normal to and parallel to the propeller disk can be
calculated so that the contribution to thrust and torque of the compete propeller from this single element can be found.
The difference in angle between thrust and lift directions is defined as φ = θ - α . The elemental thrust and torque of this
blade element can thus be written as
Substituting section data (CL and CD for the given α ) leads to the following equations.
where ρ is the air density, c is the blade chord so that the lift producing area of the blade element is c.dr.
2. Inflow Factors
A major complexity in applying this theory arises when trying to determine the magnitude of the two flow components V0
and V2. V0 is roughly equal to the aircraft's forward velocity (Vinf) but is increased by the propeller's own induced axial flow
into a slipstream. V2 is roughly equal to the blade section's angular speed (Ωr) but is reduced slightly due to the swirling
nature of the flow induced by the propeller. To calculate V0 and V2 accurately both axial and angular momentum balances
must be applied to predict the induced flow effects on a given blade element. As shown in the following diagram the induced
flow components can be defined as factors increasing or decreasing the major flow components.
So for the velocities V0 and V2 as shown in the previous section flow diagram,
The local flow velocity and the angle of attack for the blade section is thus
α = θ - tan-1(V0/V2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(4)
The governing principle of conservation of flow momentum can be applied for both axial and circumferential directions.
For the axial direction, the change in flow momentum along a stream-tube starting upstream, passing through the propeller at
section AA and then moving off into the slipstream, must equal the thrust produced by this element of the blade.
To remove the unsteady effects due to the propeller's rotation, the stream-tube used is one covering the complete area of the
propeller disk swept out by the blade element and all variables are assumed to be time averaged values.
By applying Bernoulli's equation and conservation of momentum, for the three separate components of the tube, from
freestream to face of disk, from rear of disk to slipstream far downstream and balancing pressure and area versus thrust, it
can be shown that the axial velocity at the disk will be the average of the freestream and slipstream velocities.
By considering conservation of angular momentum in conjunction with the axial velocity change, it can be shown that the
angular velocity in the slipstream will be twice the value at the propeller disk.
Vθ (slipstream) = 2bΩ r,
Because these final forms of the momentum equation balance still contain the variables for element thrust and torque, they
cannot be used directly to solve for inflow factors.
However there now exists a nonlinear system of equations (1),(2),(3),(4),(5) and (6) containing the four primary unknown
variables ∆Τ, ∆Q, a, b. So an iterative solution to this system is possible.
The method of solution for the blade element flow will be to start with some initial guess of inflow factors (a) and (b). Use
these to find the flow angle on the blade (equations (3),(4)), then use blade section properties to estimate the element thrust
and torque (equations (1),(2)). With these approximate values of thrust and torque equations (5) and (6) can be used to give
improved estimates of the inflow factors (a) and (b). This process can be repeated until values for (a) and (b) have converged
to within a specified tolerance.
It should be noted that convergence for this nonlinear system of equations is not guaranteed. It is usually a simple matter of
applying some convergence enhancing techniques (ie Crank-Nicholson under-relaxation) to get a result when linear aerofoil
section properties are used. When non-linear properties are used, ie including stall effects, then obtaining convergence will
be significantly more difficult.
For the final values of inflow factor (a) and (b) an accurate prediction of element thrust and torque will be obtained from
equations (1) and (2).
The overall propeller thrust and torque will be obtained by summing the results of all the radial blade element values.
The non-dimensional thrust and torque coefficients can then be calculated along with the advance ratio at which they have
been calculated.
where n is the rotation speed of propeller in revs per second and D is the propeller diameter.
The efficiency of the propeller under these flight conditions will then be
Two programming versions of this propeller analysis technique are available. The first is a demonstration program which can
be used to calculate thrust and torque coefficients and efficiency for a relatively simple propeller design using standard
linearised aerofoil section data. The blade is assumed to have a constant pitch (p) so that the variation of θ with radius is
calculated from the standard pitch equation.
p = 2π r tan(θ ).
The second is a MATLAB script file for the implementation of this method. The source code in this script is by default a
simple propeller design with linear properties. However with the inclusion of your own propeller geometry and section data
a more accurate analysis of the specific propeller design can be obtained.
Conversion Factors
1 m = 3.2808 ft 1 ft = 0.3048 m
1 km = 0.6214 mile 1 mile = 1.6093 km
1 nautical mile = 1.852 km
1 m^2 = 10.76 ft^2 1 ft^2 = 0.09290 m^2
1 acre = 43560 ft^2
1 sq. mile = 640 acres
1 litre = 1000 cm^3
1 litre = 0.03532 ft^3 1 ft3 = 28.32 litres
1 litre = 61.02 in^3 1 US gallon = 231 in^3
1 Imperial gallon = 277.42
1 Kg = 0.06852 slug 1 slug = 14.5943 Kg
1 Kg = 1000 grams 1 lbm = 0.4536 Kg
1 Kg/m^3 = 0.0019403 slug/ft^3 1 slug/ft^3 = 515.38 Kg/m^3
1 Kg/m^3 = 0.06243 lbm/ft^3 1 lbm/ft^3 = 16.018 Kg/m^3
1 m/s = 3.2808 ft/s 1 ft/s = 0.3048 m/s
1 m/s = 2.2369 mph 1 mph = 0.44704 m/s
1 m/s = 3.6 km/hr 1 mph = 1.6093 km/hr
1 m/s = 1.943 knots 1 knot = 0.5144 m/s
1 Newton = 0.2248 lbf 1 lbf = 4.448 N
1 Newton = 105 Dynes
1 mm Hg = 133.32 Pa 1 in Hg = 3.3865 kPa
1 Pa = 10^-5 Bar 1 in H2O = 249.1 Pa
1 Pa = 1.45 x 10-4 lbf/in^2 1 lbf/in^2 = 6895 Pa
1 Joule = 1 Nm = 0.7376 ft lbf 1 ft lbf= 1.35582 J
1 Joule = 0.0094787 BTU 1 BTU = 1055.06 J
1 Joule = 0.2389 Cal 1 Cal = 4.1868 J
1 Joule = 2.78 x 10^-7 kilowatt hrs
1 kwh = 3.6 x 106 J
1 Watt = 1 J/s = 0.7376 ft lbf/s
1 Watt = 1.341 x 10^-3 HP 1 HP = 745.6 W
1 Watt = 3.4118 BTU/hr 1 HP = 550 ft lbf/s
1 Poise = 0.1 Kg/m/s 1 Stokes = 10^-4 m2/s
1 radian = 57.296 deg 1 deg = 0.01745 Rad
© 1996-2004
Aerospace,Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, University of Sydney.
| Liquid | Density Kg/m^3 | Temp oC |
| Water (fresh) | 998 | 20 |
| Water (sea) | 1030 | 20 |
| Mercury | 13550 | 20 |
| Ethyl Alcohol | 791 | 20 |
| Methyl Alcohol | 810 | 0 |
| Kerosene | 820 | 20 |
| Gasoline | 710-750 | 20 |
| Oil (crude) | 850-930 | 20 |
© 1996-2004
Aerospace,Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, University of Sydney. 16:38:53
Aerodynamics for Students
Altitude Temperature Kinematic Speed
m ft oC Pressure Density Viscosity Viscosity of
Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Sound
0 0 15.2 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 340.3
152 500 14.2 0.9821 0.9855 0.9973 1.0121 339.7
304 1000 13.2 0.9644 0.9711 0.9947 1.0243 339.1
Copyright © 1996-2004
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering,
University of Sydney.
Notation :
| M P/Po r/ro T/To Beta q/Po A/A* V/a*
| 0.00 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | ------ | 0.0000 |
| 0.01 | 0.9999 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 0.9999 | 7.000e-5|57.8738 | 0.0110 |
| 0.02 | 0.9997 | 0.9998 | 0.9999 | 0.9998 | 2.799e-4|28.9421 | 0.0219 |
| 0.03 | 0.9994 | 0.9996 | 0.9998 | 0.9995 | 6.296e-4|19.3005 | 0.0329 |
| 0.04 | 0.9989 | 0.9992 | 0.9997 | 0.9992 | 1.119e-3|14.4815 | 0.0438 |
| 0.05 | 0.9983 | 0.9988 | 0.9995 | 0.9987 | 1.747e-3|11.5914 | 0.0548 |
| 0.06 | 0.9975 | 0.9982 | 0.9993 | 0.9982 | 2.514e-3| 9.6659 | 0.0657 |
| 0.07 | 0.9966 | 0.9976 | 0.9990 | 0.9975 | 3.418e-3| 8.2915 | 0.0766 |
| 0.08 | 0.9955 | 0.9968 | 0.9987 | 0.9968 | 4.460e-3| 7.2616 | 0.0876 |
| 0.09 | 0.9944 | 0.9960 | 0.9984 | 0.9959 | 5.638e-3| 6.4613 | 0.0985 |
| 0.10 | 0.9930 | 0.9950 | 0.9980 | 0.9950 | 6.951e-3| 5.8218 | 0.1094 |
| 0.11 | 0.9916 | 0.9940 | 0.9976 | 0.9939 | 8.399e-3| 5.2992 | 0.1204 |
| 0.12 | 0.9900 | 0.9928 | 0.9971 | 0.9928 | 9.979e-3| 4.8643 | 0.1313 |
| 0.13 | 0.9883 | 0.9916 | 0.9966 | 0.9915 | 1.169e-2| 4.4969 | 0.1422 |
| 0.14 | 0.9864 | 0.9903 | 0.9961 | 0.9902 | 1.353e-2| 4.1824 | 0.1531 |
| 0.15 | 0.9844 | 0.9888 | 0.9955 | 0.9887 | 1.550e-2| 3.9103 | 0.1639 |
| 0.16 | 0.9823 | 0.9873 | 0.9949 | 0.9871 | 1.760e-2| 3.6727 | 0.1748 |
| 0.17 | 0.9800 | 0.9857 | 0.9943 | 0.9854 | 1.983e-2| 3.4635 | 0.1857 |
| 0.18 | 0.9776 | 0.9840 | 0.9936 | 0.9837 | 2.217e-2| 3.2779 | 0.1965 |
| 0.19 | 0.9751 | 0.9822 | 0.9928 | 0.9818 | 2.464e-2| 3.1123 | 0.2074 |
| 0.20 | 0.9725 | 0.9803 | 0.9921 | 0.9798 | 2.723e-2| 2.9635 | 0.2182 |
| 0.21 | 0.9697 | 0.9783 | 0.9913 | 0.9777 | 2.994e-2| 2.8293 | 0.2290 |
| 0.22 | 0.9668 | 0.9762 | 0.9904 | 0.9755 | 3.276e-2| 2.7076 | 0.2398 |
© 1996-2004
Aerospace,Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, University of Sydney.
Notation :
| M P/Po r/ro T/To Beta q/Po A/A* V/a*
| 1.00 | 0.5283 | 0.6339 | 0.8333 | 0.0000 | 0.3698 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 |
| 1.01 | 0.5221 | 0.6287 | 0.8306 | 0.1418 | 0.3728 | 1.0001 | 1.0083 |
| 1.02 | 0.5160 | 0.6234 | 0.8278 | 0.2010 | 0.3758 | 1.0003 | 1.0166 |
| 1.03 | 0.5099 | 0.6181 | 0.8250 | 0.2468 | 0.3787 | 1.000 | 1.0248
| 1.04 | 0.5039 | 0.6129 | 0.8222 | 0.2857 | 0.3815 | 1.0013 | 1.0330
| 1.05 | 0.4979 | 0.6077 | 0.8193 | 0.3202 | 0.3842 | 1.0020 | 1.0411 |
| 1.06 | 0.4919 | 0.6024 | 0.8165 | 0.3516 | 0.3869 | 1.0029 | 1.0492 |
| 1.07 | 0.4860 | 0.5972 | 0.8137 | 0.3807 | 0.3895 | 1.0039 | 1.0573
| 1.08 | 0.4800 | 0.5920 | 0.8108 | 0.4079 | 0.3919 | 1.0051 | 1.0653 |
| 1.09 | 0.4742 | 0.5869 | 0.8080 | 0.4337 | 0.3944 | 1.0064 | 1.0733 |
| 1.10 | 0.4684 | 0.5817 | 0.8052 | 0.4583 | 0.3967 | 1.0079 | 1.0812 |
| 1.11 | 0.4626 | 0.5766 | 0.8023 | 0.4818 | 0.3990 | 1.0095 | 1.0891 |
| 1.12 | 0.4568 | 0.5714 | 0.7994 | 0.5044 | 0.4011 | 1.0113 | 1.0970 |
| 1.13 | 0.4511 | 0.5663 | 0.7966 | 0.5262 | 0.4032 | 1.0132 | 1.1048 |
| 1.14 | 0.4455 | 0.5612 | 0.7937 | 0.5474 | 0.4052 | 1.0153 | 1.1126 |
| 1.15 | 0.4398 | 0.5562 | 0.7908 | 0.5679 | 0.4072 | 1.0175 | 1.1203 |
| 1.16 | 0.4343 | 0.5511 | 0.7879 | 0.5879 | 0.4090 | 1.0198 | 1.1280 |
| 1.17 | 0.4287 | 0.5461 | 0.7851 | 0.6074 | 0.4108 | 1.0222 | 1.1356 |
| 1.18 | 0.4232 | 0.5411 | 0.7822 | 0.6264 | 0.4125 | 1.0248 | 1.1432 |
| 1.19 | 0.4178 | 0.5361 | 0.7793 | 0.6451 | 0.4141 | 1.0276 | 1.1508 |
| 1.20 | 0.4124 | 0.5311 | 0.7764 | 0.6633 | 0.4157 | 1.0304 | 1.1583 |
| 4.44 | 3.725e-3| 1.841e-2| 0.2023 | 4.3259 | 5.140e-2| 15.738 | 2.1877
| 4.48 | 3.543e-3| 1.776e-2| 0.1994 | 4.3670 | 4.977e-2| 16.283 | 2.1917
| 4.52 | 3.370e-3| 1.714e-2| 0.1966 | 4.4080 | 4.820e-2| 16.844 | 2.1955
| 4.56 | 3.207e-3| 1.654e-2| 0.1938 | 4.4490 | 4.668e-2| 17.422 | 2.1993
| 4.60 | 3.053e-3| 1.597e-2| 0.1911 | 4.4900 | 4.521e-2| 18.017 | 2.2030
| 4.64 | 2.906e-3| 1.542e-2| 0.1885 | 4.5310 | 4.380e-2| 18.630 | 2.2066
| 4.68 | 2.768e-3| 1.489e-2| 0.1859 | 4.5719 | 4.243e-2| 19.260 | 2.2102
| 4.72 | 2.637e-3| 1.438e-2| 0.1833 | 4.6129 | 4.112e-2| 19.909 | 2.2136
| 4.76 | 2.512e-3| 1.390e-2| 0.1808 | 4.6538 | 3.984e-2| 20.577 | 2.2170
| 4.80 | 2.394e-3| 1.343e-2| 0.1783 | 4.6947 | 3.861e-2| 21.263 | 2.2204
| 4.84 | 2.283e-3| 1.298e-2| 0.1759 | 4.7356 | 3.743e-2| 21.970 | 2.2236
| 4.88 | 2.177e-3| 1.254e-2| 0.1735 | 4.7764 | 3.628e-2| 22.696 | 2.2268
| 4.92 | 2.076e-3| 1.213e-2| 0.1712 | 4.8173 | 3.518e-2| 23.443 | 2.2300
| 4.96 | 1.981e-3| 1.173e-2| 0.1689 | 4.8581 | 3.411e-2| 24.210 | 2.2331
| 5.00 | 1.890e-3| 1.134e-2| 0.1667 | 4.8990 | 3.308e-2| 25.000 | 2.2361
| 5.10 | 1.683e-3| 1.044e-2| 0.1612 | 5.0010 | 3.065e-2| 27.069 | 2.2433
| 5.20 | 1.501e-3| 9.620e-3| 0.1561 | 5.1029 | 2.842e-2| 29.283 | 2.2503
| 5.30 | 1.341e-3| 8.875e-3| 0.1511 | 5.2048 | 2.637e-2| 31.649 | 2.2569
| 5.40 | 1.200e-3| 8.197e-3| 0.1464 | 5.3066 | 2.449e-2| 34.174 | 2.2631
| 5.50 | 1.075e-3| 7.578e-3| 0.1418 | 5.4083 | 2.276e-2| 36.869 | 2.2691
| 5.60 | 9.643e-4| 7.012e-3| 0.1375 | 5.5100 | 2.117e-2| 39.740 | 2.2748
| 5.70 | 8.663e-4| 6.496e-3| 0.1334 | 5.6116 | 1.970e-2| 42.797 | 2.2803
Copyright © 1996,
Department of Aeronautical Engineering, University of Sydney.
Notation :
M1=Mach number of flow upstream of shock wave
M2=Mach number of flow behind the shock wave
nu=Prandtl-Meyer angle, (deg), for expanding flow at M1
mu=Mach angle, (deg), (sin^(-1)(1/M1))
P2/P1=Static pressure ratio across normal shock wave
d2/d1=Density ratio across normal shock wave
T2/T1=Temperature ratio across normal shock wave
Po2/Po1=Stagnation pressure ratio across normal shock wave
| M1 nu mu M2 P2/P1 d2/d1 T2/T1 Po2/Po1
| 1.00 | 0.000 | 90.000 | 1.0000 | 1.000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000
| 1.01 | 0.045 | 81.931 | 0.9901 | 1.023 | 1.0167 | 1.0066 | 1.0000
| 1.02 | 0.126 | 78.635 | 0.9805 | 1.047 | 1.0334 | 1.0132 | 1.0000
| 1.03 | 0.229 | 76.138 | 0.9712 | 1.071 | 1.0502 | 1.0198 | 1.0000
| 1.04 | 0.351 | 74.058 | 0.9620 | 1.095 | 1.0671 | 1.0263 | 0.9999
| 1.05 | 0.487 | 72.247 | 0.9531 | 1.120 | 1.0840 | 1.0328 | 0.9999
| 1.06 | 0.637 | 70.630 | 0.9444 | 1.144 | 1.1009 | 1.0393 | 0.9998
| 1.07 | 0.797 | 69.160 | 0.9360 | 1.169 | 1.1179 | 1.0458 | 0.9996
| 1.08 | 0.968 | 67.808 | 0.9277 | 1.194 | 1.1349 | 1.0522 | 0.9994
| 1.09 | 1.148 | 66.553 | 0.9196 | 1.219 | 1.1520 | 1.0586 | 0.9992
| 1.10 | 1.336 | 65.380 | 0.9118 | 1.245 | 1.1691 | 1.0649 | 0.9989
| 1.11 | 1.532 | 64.277 | 0.9041 | 1.271 | 1.1862 | 1.0713 | 0.9986
| 2.89 | 47.589 | 20.244 | 0.4820 | 9.577 | 3.7532 | 2.5518 | 0.3608
| 2.90 | 47.790 | 20.171 | 0.4814 | 9.645 | 3.7629 | 2.5632 | 0.3577
| 2.91 | 47.990 | 20.099 | 0.4807 | 9.713 | 3.7725 | 2.5746 | 0.3547
| 2.92 | 48.190 | 20.027 | 0.4801 | 9.781 | 3.7821 | 2.5861 | 0.3517
| 2.93 | 48.388 | 19.956 | 0.4795 | 9.849 | 3.7917 | 2.5976 | 0.3487
| 2.94 | 48.586 | 19.885 | 0.4788 | 9.918 | 3.8012 | 2.6091 | 0.3457
| 2.95 | 48.783 | 19.815 | 0.4782 | 9.986 | 3.8106 | 2.6206 | 0.3428
| 2.96 | 48.980 | 19.745 | 0.4776 | 10.05 | 3.8200 | 2.6322 | 0.3398 |
| 2.97 | 49.175 | 19.676 | 0.4770 | 10.12 | 3.8294 | 2.6439 | 0.3369
| 2.98 | 49.370 | 19.607 | 0.4764 | 10.19 | 3.8387 | 2.6555 | 0.3340
| 2.99 | 49.564 | 19.539 | 0.4758 | 10.26 | 3.8479 | 2.6673 | 0.3312
| 3.00 | 49.757 | 19.471 | 0.4752 | 10.33 | 3.8571 | 2.6790 | 0.3283
| 3.02 | 50.142 | 19.337 | 0.4740 | 10.47 | 3.8754 | 2.7026 | 0.3227
| 3.04 | 50.523 | 19.205 | 0.4729 | 10.61 | 3.8935 | 2.7264 | 0.3172
| 3.06 | 50.902 | 19.075 | 0.4717 | 10.75 | 3.9114 | 2.7503 | 0.3118 |
| 3.08 | 51.277 | 18.946 | 0.4706 | 10.90 | 3.9291 | 2.7744 | 0.3065
| 3.10 | 51.650 | 18.819 | 0.4695 | 11.04 | 3.9466 | 2.7986 | 0.3012
| 3.12 | 52.020 | 18.694 | 0.4685 | 11.19 | 3.9639 | 2.8230 | 0.2960
| 3.14 | 52.386 | 18.571 | 0.4674 | 11.33 | 3.9811 | 2.8475 | 0.2910
| 3.16 | 52.751 | 18.449 | 0.4664 | 11.48 | 3.9981 | 2.8722 | 0.2860
| 3.18 | 53.112 | 18.329 | 0.4654 | 11.63 | 4.0149 | 2.8970 | 0.2811
| 3.20 | 53.470 | 18.210 | 0.4643 | 11.78 | 4.0315 | 2.9220 | 0.2762
| 3.22 | 53.826 | 18.093 | 0.4634 | 11.93 | 4.0479 | 2.9471 | 0.2715
| 3.24 | 54.179 | 17.977 | 0.4624 | 12.08 | 4.0642 | 2.9724 | 0.2668
| 3.26 | 54.529 | 17.863 | 0.4614 | 12.23 | 4.0803 | 2.9979 | 0.2622
| 3.28 | 54.877 | 17.751 | 0.4605 | 12.38 | 4.0963 | 3.0234 | 0.2577
| 3.30 | 55.222 | 17.640 | 0.4596 | 12.53 | 4.1120 | 3.0492 | 0.2533
| 3.32 | 55.564 | 17.530 | 0.4587 | 12.69 | 4.1276 | 3.0751 | 0.2489
| 3.34 | 55.904 | 17.422 | 0.4578 | 12.84 | 4.1431 | 3.1011 | 0.2446
| 3.36 | 56.241 | 17.315 | 0.4569 | 13.00 | 4.1583 | 3.1273 | 0.2404
| 3.38 | 56.576 | 17.209 | 0.4560 | 13.16 | 4.1734 | 3.1537 | 0.2363
| 3.40 | 56.908 | 17.105 | 0.4552 | 13.32 | 4.1884 | 3.1802 | 0.2322
| 3.42 | 57.237 | 17.002 | 0.4544 | 13.47 | 4.2032 | 3.2069 | 0.2282
| 3.44 | 57.564 | 16.900 | 0.4535 | 13.63 | 4.2179 | 3.2337 | 0.2243
| 3.46 | 57.888 | 16.799 | 0.4527 | 13.80 | 4.2323 | 3.2607 | 0.2205
| 3.48 | 58.210 | 16.700 | 0.4519 | 13.96 | 4.2467 | 3.2878 | 0.2167
| 3.50 | 58.530 | 16.602 | 0.4512 | 14.12 | 4.2609 | 3.3151 | 0.2129
| 3.52 | 58.847 | 16.505 | 0.4504 | 14.28 | 4.2749 | 3.3425 | 0.2093
| 3.54 | 59.162 | 16.409 | 0.4496 | 14.45 | 4.2888 | 3.3701 | 0.2057
| 3.56 | 59.474 | 16.314 | 0.4489 | 14.61 | 4.3026 | 3.3978 | 0.2022
| 3.58 | 59.784 | 16.220 | 0.4481 | 14.78 | 4.3162 | 3.4257 | 0.1987
| 3.60 | 60.091 | 16.128 | 0.4474 | 14.95 | 4.3296 | 3.4537 | 0.1953 |
| 3.62 | 60.397 | 16.036 | 0.4467 | 15.12 | 4.3429 | 3.4819 | 0.1920
| 3.64 | 60.700 | 15.946 | 0.4460 | 15.29 | 4.3561 | 3.5103 | 0.1887
| 3.66 | 61.001 | 15.856 | 0.4453 | 15.46 | 4.3692 | 3.5388 | 0.1855
| 4.35 | 70.129 | 13.290 | 0.4266 | 21.91 | 4.7460 | 4.6165 | 0.1036
| 4.40 | 70.706 | 13.137 | 0.4255 | 22.42 | 4.7685 | 4.7017 | 9.948e-
| 4.45 | 71.274 | 12.986 | 0.4245 | 22.93 | 4.7904 | 4.7879 | 9.550e-
| 4.50 | 71.832 | 12.840 | 0.4236 | 23.45 | 4.8119 | 4.8751 | 9.170e-
| 4.55 | 72.380 | 12.696 | 0.4226 | 23.98 | 4.8328 | 4.9632 | 8.806e-
| 4.60 | 72.919 | 12.556 | 0.4217 | 24.52 | 4.8532 | 5.0523 | 8.459e-
| 4.65 | 73.449 | 12.419 | 0.4208 | 25.06 | 4.8731 | 5.1424 | 8.126e-
| 4.70 | 73.970 | 12.284 | 0.4199 | 25.60 | 4.8926 | 5.2334 | 7.809e-
| 4.75 | 74.482 | 12.153 | 0.4191 | 26.15 | 4.9116 | 5.3254 | 7.505e-
| 4.80 | 74.986 | 12.025 | 0.4183 | 26.71 | 4.9301 | 5.4184 | 7.214e-
| 4.85 | 75.482 | 11.899 | 0.4175 | 27.27 | 4.9482 | 5.5124 | 6.936e-
| 4.90 | 75.969 | 11.776 | 0.4167 | 27.84 | 4.9659 | 5.6073 | 6.670e-
| 4.95 | 76.449 | 11.655 | 0.4160 | 28.42 | 4.9831 | 5.7032 | 6.415e-
| 5.00 | 76.920 | 11.537 | 0.4152 | 29.00 | 5.0000 | 5.8000 | 6.172e-
| 5.10 | 77.841 | 11.308 | 0.4138 | 30.17 | 5.0326 | 5.9966 | 5.715e-
| 5.20 | 78.732 | 11.087 | 0.4125 | 31.38 | 5.0637 | 6.1971 | 5.297e-
| 5.30 | 79.596 | 10.876 | 0.4113 | 32.60 | 5.0934 | 6.4014 | 4.913e-
| 5.40 | 80.433 | 10.672 | 0.4101 | 33.85 | 5.1218 | 6.6097 | 4.560e-
| 5.50 | 81.245 | 10.476 | 0.4090 | 35.12 | 5.1489 | 6.8218 | 4.236e-
| 5.60 | 82.032 | 10.287 | 0.4079 | 36.42 | 5.1749 | 7.0378 | 3.938e-
| 5.70 | 82.796 | 10.104 | 0.4069 | 37.73 | 5.1998 | 7.2577 | 3.664e-
| 5.80 | 83.537 | 9.928 | 0.4059 | 39.08 | 5.2236 | 7.4814 | 3.412e-
| 5.90 | 84.256 | 9.758 | 0.4050 | 40.44 | 5.2464 | 7.7091 | 3.179e-
| 6.00 | 84.955 | 9.594 | 0.4042 | 41.83 | 5.2683 | 7.9406 | 2.965e-
© 1996-2004
Aerospace,Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, University of Sydney.
Notation :
| M1 d | Weak Solution |
| | Th | M2 | P2/P1 |
| 1.05 | 0.0 | 72.25 | 1.050 | 1.000 |
| 1.10 | 0.0 | 65.38 | 1.100 | 1.000 |
| 1.10 | 1.0 | 69.81 | 1.039 | 1.077 |
| 1.15 | 0.0 | 60.41 | 1.150 | 1.000 |
| 1.15 | 1.0 | 63.16 | 1.102 | 1.062 |
| 1.15 | 2.0 | 67.01 | 1.043 | 1.141 |
| 1.20 | 0.0 | 56.44 | 1.200 | 1.000 |
| 1.20 | 1.0 | 58.55 | 1.158 | 1.056 |
| 1.20 | 2.0 | 61.05 | 1.111 | 1.120 |
| 1.20 | 3.0 | 64.34 | 1.056 | 1.198 |
| 1.25 | 0.0 | 53.13 | 1.25 | 1.000 |
| 1.25 | 1.0 | 54.88 | 1.211 | 1.053 |
| 1.25 | 2.0 | 56.85 | 1.170 | 1.111 |
| 1.25 | 3.0 | 59.13 | 1.124 | 1.176 |
| 1.25 | 4.0 | 61.99 | 1.072 | 1.254 |
| 1.25 | 5.0 | 66.59 | 0.999 | 1.366 |
| 1.30 | 0.0 | 50.29 | 1.300 | 1.000 |
| 1.30 | 1.0 | 51.81 | 1.263 | 1.051 |
| 1.30 | 2.0 | 53.48 | 1.224 | 1.107 |
| 1.30 | 3.0 | 55.32 | 1.184 | 1.167 |
© 1997,1998
Aerospace,Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, University of Sydney. 16:39:00
Aerodynamics for Students
The following EXCEL spreadsheet files contain code that may be useful for solving engineering
problems encountered in the field of Aeronautics. 16:39:02
Aerodynamics for Students
The following FORTRAN files contain code that may be useful for solving engineering problems
encountered in the field of Aeronautics. 16:39:02
Wind Tunnel Experimental Data
The following data files were obtained using hot-wire anemometer traverses of the
boundary layer and downstream wake of the SD7062 aerofoil section. Note that
position (vertical and horizontal) data and flow velocity data are uncalibrated. You
must get the appropriate calibration data files to use the data correctly. All
boundary layer traverses were done for an angle of attack of zero degs.
(c) 1997-2004 AMME, University of Sydney