R1 - 2019 - AA - MPP With MPP Partition
R1 - 2019 - AA - MPP With MPP Partition
R1 - 2019 - AA - MPP With MPP Partition
Applied Acoustics
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Some of the most extended approaches to widen the sound absorption bandwidth of perforated panel
Received 20 December 2018 absorbers are the use of different cavity depths or multi-layer arrangements. Unfortunately, these solu-
Received in revised form 21 January 2019 tions are rarely adopted in practice because of the technical installation difficulties or the large space
Accepted 22 January 2019
requirements. This work explores an alternative compact solution consisting of a multi-size perforated
Available online 5 February 2019
panel absorber with micro-perforated partitioned cavities. While multi-size perforated panel absorbers
with rigidly partitioned cavities show a wider sound absorption effective bandwidth when compared
to those using single sized holes (i. e. multiple resonances instead of single resonance), the use of
Perforated panel absorber
Micro-perforated partitions
micro-perforated partitions was found to further broaden it and hence improve their sound absorption
Sound absorption performance. A simplified approximate model for the prediction of the acoustic properties of such devices
Equivalent Circuit Method was derived using the Equivalent Circuit Method (ECM) and the Maa model for MPPs (Micro-Perforated
Panels). Results in terms of the sound absorption coefficient under normal incidence showed a good
agreement when compared to finite element simulations both for the cases with rigid and micro-
perforated partitions. In addition, a parametric study was found very helpful to understand the influence
of the geometrical features of the micro-perforated partitions on the acoustic behavior of the resonator,
thus being useful for its design and analysis.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0003-682X/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Carbajo et al. / Applied Acoustics 149 (2019) 108–113 109
When the dimensions of these regions are much smaller than the density of air, x the angular frequency, and g the dynamic vis-
the wavelength of interest, the electro-acoustic analogy can be cosity of air; / is the perforation rate, t the panel thickness, Jn is the
adopted to derive an equivalent circuit of the absorber and thus Bessel function of the first kind for order n, and w(n) is the Fok func-
predict its sound absorption performance under plane wave nor- tion, which accounts for the holes interaction effect [15], and is
mal incidence. To undergo the analysis of the resulting equivalent given by
circuit, acoustic transfer impedances of the elements involved
must be known beforehand. Specifically, the Maa model [3] for wðnÞ ¼ 1 1:40925n þ 0:33818n3 þ 0:06793n5 0:02287n6
MPPs was chosen to define the impedances of the perforated 1
þ0:03015n7 0:01641n8 þ ð2Þ
regions and micro-perforated partition. This impedance model is
described next, whereas the implementation of the equivalent cir- with n = 0.88d/b, being b = (d/2)(p//) 1/2
the distance between
cuit of the absorber will be described in Section 3.1. perforations for a homogeneous perforated panel.
110 J. Carbajo et al. / Applied Acoustics 149 (2019) 108–113
Given that this model can be applied indistinctly to the perfo- Given that the impedance between any pair of terminals must
rated regions and the micro-perforated partitions, by knowing be the same for both networks, the following relations between
the geometrical characteristics of each element it is thus straight- impedance elements must be fulfilled
forward to derive their respective acoustic transfer impedances.
Z1 Z3
ZA ¼ ð3Þ
Z1 þ Z2 þ Z3
3. Methods
Z1 Z2
ZB ¼ ð4Þ
3.1. Equivalent Circuit Method (ECM) Z1 þ Z2 þ Z3
Z PP , I A
(b) (b)
Fig. 2. Perforated panel absorber with micro-perforated partitions: (a) Schematic Fig. 3. Equivalence for networks with three terminals according to the Kennelly
diagram of an elementary cell, and (b) equivalent acoustic circuit. theorem or Y-D transform: (a) star (or Y) network, and (b) delta (or D) network.
J. Carbajo et al. / Applied Acoustics 149 (2019) 108–113 111
Table 1
Geometrical characteristics of the perforated panel absorber with micro-perforated
Again, good agreement was found between ECM and FEM sim- sound absorption coefficient, 100(haMPPi haRPi)/haRPi), as a func-
ulations for the three analyzed cases. In general, the sound absorp- tion of both the diameter of the perforations and perforation rate of
tion curve enhances and broadens as the thickness of the micro- the micro-perforated partition is shown in Fig. 8 (haMPPi: arith-
perforated partitions increases. Note that the dual resonance effect metic average over frequency of the sound absorption coefficient
is not evident in the sound absorption curves for the analyzed for the case of micro-perforated partitions; haRPi: arithmetic aver-
thicknesses. One way of qualitatively explain this trend is to con- age over frequency of the sound absorption coefficient for the case
sider that both resonators are now strongly coupled in such a of rigid partitions).
way that the multiple resonances are closer to each other. From the resulting multi-parametric plot, it is inferred that by
Next, the influence of the diameter of the micro-perforations just decreasing the perforation rate or reducing the micro-
was investigated, the perforation rate being kept constant. Fig. 7 perforation diameter, the average sound absorption coefficient in
compares the sound absorption calculated for three diameters: the frequency range of analysis can be improved up to a 50% or
0.05 mm, 0.1 mm, and 0.2 mm; remaining parameters being held more. This was partly expected from the previous analysis, even
constant (/MPP = 1%, t’ = 1 mm). though a maximum improvement is achieved for a perforation rate
Once again, predictions obtained using the ECM fit well to those of 0.5% and diameter values around 0.1 mm, these latter not being
obtained with the FEM. The results indicate that the first resonance the smaller ones in the multi-parametric analysis. Nevertheless,
peak markedly shifts to low frequencies for the smallest hole diam- the perforation rate and micro-perforation diameter combination
eter, almost reaching that obtained for the case with rigid parti- should not only be determined by considering the maximum aver-
tions (around 700 Hz). This absorption behavior turns out to be age sound absorption, but also the frequency spectrum of the
of great interest since it still lets enhance the sound absorption sound absorption coefficient. All the same, this multi-parametric
at high frequencies while preserving a good absorption in the analysis can be very useful in practice when the design character-
low-frequency range. Besides, both absorption peaks are practi- istics of the micro-perforated partition are to be selected.
cally above 0.8, which asserts the good absorption performance Additionally, the influence of increasing the air cavities depth
of these devices. Conversely, larger hole diameters not only reduce was analyzed. Even though strictly speaking this is not a feature
the sound absorption but also narrows the effective absorption of the micro-perforated partition, results showed an effect that is
bandwidth of the resonator, the dual resonance phenomena being worth discussing. Fig. 9 shows the sound absorption curves
less self-evident as the diameter increases. obtained for three depths of the air cavities: 10 mm, 20 mm, and
Finally, the influence of the perforation rate on the sound 30 mm; all the parameters of the partitions being held constant
absorption performance was studied, the diameter of the micro- (/MPP = 1%, d0 = 0.1 mm, t0 = 1 mm).
perforations not being kept constant this time. In fact, given that Notice that the sound absorption curve shifts to lower frequen-
in practice the perforation rate of a homogeneous perforated ele- cies and the total bandwidth gets narrowed when the air cavities
ment (i. e. the micro-perforated partition in the case under study) depth increases. Generally, this is a typical tendency of perforated
is usually linked to the size of its perforations (e. g. larger perfora- panel absorbers with single sized holes. However, while the results
tions yield higher porosities), a multi-parametric analysis was suggest that increasing the cavity depth is detrimental as far as
found more helpful for the better understanding of the underlying widening the total sound absorption curve, a significant broaden-
phenomena. Hence, perforation rates in the range 0.5–2% for ing can be achieved in a target low-frequency band when com-
micro-perforation diameter values from 0.05 mm to 0.2 mm were pared to a configuration with rigid partitions without the need of
analyzed; the thickness being held constant (t0 = 1 mm). In order modifying the characteristics of the perforated regions. This partic-
to further illustrate the sound absorption improvement when ular feature makes these devices an attractive choice for these sit-
using micro-perforated partitions instead of rigid ones, a surface uations in which a problem in a specific frequency band must be
plot of the relative improvement (in percentage) of the average addressed.