Applied Acoustics: André M.N. Spillere, Augusto A. Medeiros, Julio A. Cordioli
Applied Acoustics: André M.N. Spillere, Augusto A. Medeiros, Julio A. Cordioli
Applied Acoustics: André M.N. Spillere, Augusto A. Medeiros, Julio A. Cordioli
Applied Acoustics
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Article history: The problem of determining the acoustic impedance of liners used in turbofan engines of commercial air-
Received 21 March 2017 craft has been a point of interest for the scientific community for decades, especially in the presence of
Received in revised form 9 August 2017 grazing flows, similar to operational conditions. Different techniques have been developed to determine
Accepted 16 August 2017
liner acoustic impedance under grazing flow. More recent research have been focused on inverse meth-
ods, which consist of two steps: (i) measurement of the acoustic field in a rectangular duct with flow and
a liner sample located at one or two walls of the duct and (ii) modelling of the acoustic field and appli-
cation of an optimization procedure to find the impedance that minimize the difference between exper-
Acoustic liner
Impedance eduction
imental and analytic results. The process is usually carried on using optimization techniques and
Impedance model performed at each frequency step, which can lead to discontinuous impedance curves and large compu-
Aeroacoustics tational costs. In this work, the mode matching method is discussed in detail, and a new technique for
impedance determination is proposed, which incorporates a mathematical impedance model to the opti-
mization process as a mean to improve the impedance curve, therefore suppressing measurements error
and convergence issues at single frequencies. The impedance models considered here are given in the fre-
quency domain and satisfy passivity, reality and causality conditions, which allows the use of the educed
impedance in time domain simulations. Three models are considered and compared regarding different
liner samples, flow velocities and wave propagation direction. The results show that the impedance mod-
els can successfully suppress convergence errors close to the liner resonance frequency.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction noise reduction [2] and can be seen as an array of Helmholtz res-
onators. Therefore, good sound attenuation is achieved over a nar-
There are several noise sources on modern aircraft, including row frequency band, which can be chosen based on the liner
airframe noise (fuselage, wings, flaps, landing gear, etc.) and engine geometry, in order to comprise the critical BPF on a specific flight
noise (fan, turbine, jet, etc.). In many cases, specially for the phases condition. More complex liner geometries have also been
considered in the certification tests, the engine can be the domi- employed when a more broadband noise reduction is desired [3].
nating source [1]. High bypass ratio turbofan engines became lar- Liner performance is generally accounted for by means of its
gely employed in the civil aviation, mostly because of fuel acoustic impedance. However, typical aero-engine liner impedance
savings and significant reduction of jet noise. This brought atten- is known to be dependent on the liner geometry [4], temperature
tion to other engine noise sources, like the main fan and the engine [5], grazing flow [6–9] and sound pressure level [10–12]. Because
core. Since fan noise is characterized by dominating discrete tones it is not trivial to measure liner impedance under these conditions,
associated with blade passage frequencies (BPF), acoustic treat- several methods were proposed in the last decades.
ment of the fan ducts is achieved by covering the interior nacelle A group of methods, usually called impedance eduction meth-
walls with lining materials tuned to these frequencies. ods or inverse methods, have similar procedures. First, the acoustic
Most current liners are composed of three different parts: a per- field in a duct with a liner sample at the wall subject to grazing
forated plate subject to grazing flow, a honeycomb core and a rigid flow is measured. Then, a numerical or analytical model simulates
backplate. This design is the best trade-off between weight and the acoustic field in the duct, and an optimization routine is
applied to find the impedance that minimizes a certain criteria,
⇑ Corresponding author. such as the difference between experimental and simulated
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A.M.N. Spillere), Augusto.Medeir- results.
[email protected] (A.A. Medeiros), [email protected] (J.A. Cordioli).
0003-682X/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.M.N. Spillere et al. / Applied Acoustics 129 (2018) 322–334 323
The main difference between the many published methods is This work focus on the mode matching technique, which results
how the acoustic field is simulated in the presence of the liner in a systems of equations to be solved at each frequency and, there-
sample and grazing flow. There are methods based on Finite Ele- fore, an optimum impedance at each frequency is to be found
ment Method (FEM) simulations [13], two-port systems [14,15], (hereby called the single-frequency mode matching). A modifica-
mode-matching [16], solutions to the convected Helmholtz tion to the mode matching method is proposed to incorporate an
equation [8], to the linearized Euler equations [17], to the impedance model to the eduction process. Instead of finding the
Pridmore-Brown equation [8], among many others. Jing et al. complex impedance at each frequency, the proposed method finds
[18] also proposed a method that does not require an optimization the model parameters, that defines it for all frequencies under
in order to find the impedance, but instead calculates it directly analysis (hereby called the multiple-frequency mode matching).
from the test data. To simplify their derivation and application, This always results in smooth impedance results since the
most of these methods assume that only plane-waves propagate employed function is smooth, and facilitates interpolation and
in the hard-wall sections of the test ducts, i.e, the highest fre- extrapolation to obtain the impedance at other frequencies. Due
quency under analysis is lower then the cut-on frequency of the to the frequency domain nature of this technique, only a few min-
first transverse mode of the duct. utes are necessary to obtain an impedance curve.
Researchers at NASA have developed several indirect tech- The impedance models analysed in this work were developed
niques. One of them, the Pressure Gradient Method (PGM) [13], for time domain simulations. In order to guarantee a physical
uses a 2D FEM to model the acoustic propagation along the lined behaviour, these models have to satisfy fundamental conditions
section of a duct for a given impedance value. The impedance guess in the frequency domain, i.e. causality, reality and passivity condi-
is varied in an optimization until the calculated pressure gradients tions. Different mathematical approaches have been investigated
in the axial direction at the beginning and ending of the liner sam- to guarantee these conditions, including rational and multipole
ple match the measured ones. This is a very robust method because functions [24,25], and also an extension of the basic Helmholtz res-
of the FEM approach. It has since been extended to handle higher onator model [23]. Each model has its own advantages when trans-
order modes cut-on in the hard-wall sections [19]. This configura- lated into the time domain, but this work is focused on finding the
tion, however, requires dozens of microphones in order to decom- model that best represents the educed impedance of acoustics lin-
pose the acoustic field, which is rather cumbersome and not ers, with and without grazing flow. Semi-empirical models based
available at all laboratories. on viscous and radiation effects at small holes and non-liner cor-
The two-port method, first proposed by Roeck and Desmet [20], rections due to grazing flow [26–28] are not included since it has
uses an analytic transfer matrix to describe a lined section of a duct not been proven that they satisfy the fundamental conditions [23].
with flow. This matrix is a function of the wavenumbers in the This work is divided as following: Section 2 introduces the rel-
lined section, which are found in an optimization procedure and evant equations in order to derive the acoustic field in a duct with
then used to calculate the liner impedance. It showed promising flow. In Section 2.1 the single-frequency mode matching technique
but unstable results, and was later extended by Santana et al. is described in detail [29,16]. Section 2.2 shows how the impe-
[14] to better handle the effects of the hard-soft wall transitions, dance model can be used in the mode matching method, thus
solving most of the instabilities seen in Roeck and Desmet prelim- resulting in the multiple-frequency mode matching. Section 3
inary results. introduces the impedance models as proposed by Ozyörük and
In the mode matching technique, Elnady et al. [16] used the Long [24], Li et al. [25] and Rienstra [23]. Section 4 presents the
mode-matching technique to couple the acoustic fields in hard- experimental apparatus available at the Federal University of Santa
wall and lined sections of a duct, from which the amplitudes of Catarina, and then Section 5 shows the results obtained using
the propagating modes are found for a given impedance guess. the single-frequency mode matching method and the multiple-
The acoustic field is then calculated and compared to the measured frequency mode matching method. The main conclusions are pre-
one until the error is minimized by finding a matching impedance. sented in Section 6.
In the straightforward method proposed by Jing et al. [18], the
acoustic field along the section with the liner sample is measured 2. Impedance eduction technique
at equally-spaced positions. The well-known Pronys method is
used to approximate the acoustic field as a series of complex expo- This section will first introduce the basic equations for the
nentials, whose exponents give the axial wavenumbers, and thus acoustic field inside a duct in the presence of a lined section. Then,
the liner impedance. This method differs from the two-port the specific set of equations for the mode matching method is pre-
method and the mode matching method because it is not iterative; sented. On the following, the impedance model is coupled in the
the wavenumbers, and then the impedance, are calculated directly optimization routine, resulting in the multiple-frequency mode
from the acoustic pressure measurements. This approach has the matching method.
advantages of not requiring an optimization, thus avoiding its The basic geometry is shown in Fig. 1, which shows a rectangu-
potential drawbacks, such as dependence on initial guesses and lar duct with width b and height h and whose walls are rigid except
difficult convergence in certain situations. for a section of length L where an impedance Z w is applied at the
Some of the aforementioned methods require a high number of wall x ¼ 0. The duct can be seen as having three different sections:
microphones and lead to large computational costs, which is not a hard-wall inlet Section (1), then a lined Section (2), which repre-
always available nor desirable. Even so measurement error or sents the region with the liner in the experimental configuration,
bad convergence of the optimization at some frequencies might followed by a hard-wall outlet Section (3). Uniform flow in the pos-
result in a non-smooth impedance curve, which is not a physical itive z-direction is assumed in all sections.
result. It is necessary to include in the eduction technique an impe- In a duct with uniform mean flow in the axial ðzÞ direction, the
dance model that represents the behaviour of an acoustic liner in convected wave equation [30] for linear acoustics is given by
order to avoid such discontinuities. Such similar approach has been
used by Richter et al. [21] and Busse-Gerstengarbe et al. [22] by 1 D2 p
including the Extended Helmholtz resonator (EHR) model [23] into
r2 p ¼ 0; ð1Þ
c20 Dt 2
an impedance eduction technique based on a time domain compu-
tational aeroacoustics method. As a drawback, the overall time for where p is acoustic pressure, c0 is the speed of sound in the fluid,
a single impedance eduction is around one day [22]. D=Dt is the material derivative and r2 is the Laplace operator.
324 A.M.N. Spillere et al. / Applied Acoustics 129 (2018) 322–334
ð1Þ ð1Þ
b frequency in the y direction, ky2i ¼ ky2r ¼ 0, and from the dispersion
relation (Eq. (4)), the wave numbers in the x direction are
(1) rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 2
ðqÞ ðqÞ ðqÞ
h kx2i ¼ k0 Mkz2i kz2i ð7Þ
(3) 2 2
ðqÞ ðqÞ ðqÞ
Zw kx2r ¼ k0 Mkz2r kz2r ð8Þ
By taking the expression for the acoustic field in the duct, Eq. (3),
y and applying the Ingard-Myers boundary condition [31] for the
impedance at x ¼ 0, the following equation is derived:
z k0
kz2i ðqÞ
Z w ¼ iZ 0 ðqÞ
1M cotðkx2i bÞ; ð9Þ
Fig. 1. Rectangular duct with height h and width b, whose wall at x ¼ 0 has an kx2i k0
impedance Z w along a section of length L.
where Z 0 is the characteristic impedance of the fluid, given by the
product of its density and speed of sound.
Eq. (9) is important because it relates the impedance on the wall
Eq. (1) possesses infinite solutions, each one representing a mode,
to the wave numbers in the duct, allowing to calculate the wall
that propagates only above its cut-on frequency f c , given by
impedance once the wavenumbers of the acoustic field are known.
c0 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2ffi Conversely, it also allows one to calculate the wave numbers in the
fc ¼ 1M ; ð2Þ
2h duct for a given impedance value. Although the stability of the
Ingard-Myers boundary condition has been investigated over the
where M is Mach number of the uniform mean flow in the duct, and
past years and alternative boundary conditions have been pro-
h could be replaced by b for the modes in the other direction. The
posed [6,32,33], it is not in the scope of this work to evaluate the
acoustic pressure field in each of the three sections,
accuracy of Ingard-Myers boundary condition against others. Also,
pn ðx; y; zÞ; ðn ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ, is calculated by the summation of the Q
the classical Ingard-Myers boundary condition was present in the
modes in the duct section, whose mode shapes are given by
original work from Elnady et al. [29], and therefore this condition
Uðx; yÞ, so that
will remain unchanged.
ðqÞ ðqÞ ðqÞ X
ðqÞ ikznr
pn ðx; y; zÞ ¼ ani Uni eikzni z þ aðqÞ
nr Unr e
; ð3Þ 2.1. Single-frequency mode matching
q¼1 q¼1
where the indexes i and r represent the incident and reflected In this section, the mode matching technique will be described
waves which propagate respectively in the zþ and z directions, q in more detail. The mode matching technique takes into account as
is the index of the mode, ordered by its cut-off frequency, aðqÞ is many modes as necessary in each section. It still assumes that the
ðqÞ only mode propagating towards both sides of the lined section is a
the amplitude of each mode, and kzn is the wavenumber in the z
plane wave mode, such that the acoustic fields in Sections 1–3 can
direction for the q-th mode, that satisfies the dispersion relation
be written as:
2 2 2 2
kx þ ky þ kz ¼ ðk0 Mkz Þ ; ð4Þ X
ð1Þ ðqÞ
ð1Þ ð1Þ ðqÞ ðqÞ
p1 ðx; y; zÞ ¼ a1i U1i eikz1i z þ a1r U1r eikz1r z ; ð10Þ
where k0 ¼ x=c0 is the acoustic wavenumber. The wavenumber in q¼1
the cross-sectional directions, kx and ky , are implicit in the mode
shapes Uðx; yÞ. The eixt harmonic time dependence is omitted for X
ðqÞ X
ðqÞ ðqÞ ðqÞ ðqÞ
brevity in Eq. (3) and all equations derived from it. p2 ðx; y; zÞ ¼ a2i U2i eikz2i z þ a2r U2r eikz2r ðzLÞ ; ð11Þ
q¼1 q¼1
An hypothesis made in the following sections is that only plane
waves propagate in the section with hard walls, i.e., the maximum
frequency under analysis should be below the lowest cut-on fre- X
ðqÞ ðqÞ ðqÞ
ð1Þ ð1Þ ð1Þ
p3 ðx; y; zÞ ¼ a3i U3i eikz3i ðzLÞ þ a3r U3r eikz3r ðzLÞ : ð12Þ
quency in the duct, given by Eq. (2). That means that if only plane q¼1
waves are incident in Section 1, higher-order modes generated at
the interface with Section 2 will decay exponentially with axial In Eq. (10) the summation only occurs for the reflected modes, since
distance. The same happens with modes generated at the interface the only incident mode is the plane-wave mode (q ¼ 1). Analo-
of Section 3 to Section 2. gously, in Eq. (12) the summation only occurs for the incident
Using the hard-wall boundary condition at all walls in Section 1 modes, since the only reflected mode (which propagates in z ,
and 3, the wave numbers and the mode shapes can be calculated. i.e., towards Section 2) is the plane-wave mode.
The wave numbers in the x and y directions for the q-th mode are Mode matching is the name of the technique used to determine
how acoustic energy is transferred from one duct section to the
kxi ¼ kxr ¼ pðq 1Þ=b;
ðqÞ ðqÞ
ð5Þ other through the propagating modes at the discontinuities, as
seen in Fig. 2. First, it is assumed continuity of pressure and axial
kyi ¼ kyr ¼ pðq 1Þ=h;
ðqÞ ðqÞ
ð6Þ particle velocity at the interface of Section 1 with the lined section
(z ¼ 0), and then at the interface of the lined section with Section 3
with the mode shapes having a cosine form for symmetric modes (z ¼ L), so that:
and a sine form for anti-symmetric modes, in each direction [16].
In the lined section, the boundary conditions are symmetric in the
p1 ðx; y; 0Þ ¼ p2 ðx; y; 0Þ; ð13Þ
y direction, and, similarly to what occurs in the hard-wall sections,
p2 ðx; y; LÞ ¼ p3 ðx; y; LÞ; ð14Þ
the wave numbers can be found from Eq. (6). Below the first cut-on
A.M.N. Spillere et al. / Applied Acoustics 129 (2018) 322–334 325
Upstream Downstream
Loudspeaker x Loudspeaker
p1r p2i
p2r p(q)
3i p(1)
1 2 3 4 Liner sample 5 6 7 8
Microphones Microphones
Fig. 2. Representation of the acoustic field in the mode matching method and schematic view of the test rig. The microphones are numbered from 1 to 8, from the left to the
right. When the downstream loudspeaker is used the indexes i and r are switched.
uz1 ðx; y; 0Þ ¼ uz2 ðx; y; 0Þ; ð15Þ 2.2. Multiple-frequency mode matching
causality, reality and passivity conditions. Violation of these condi- 3.2. Rational functions
tions would manifest as non-physical results, like generation of
energy at the wall or other non-physical instabilities. Özyörük and Long [24] proposed the use of rational functions to
Of particular interest are the Extended Helmholtz resonator represent the impedance in frequency domain. This can be easily
[23] and the rational function models [24,25], as they have shown translated into time domain by means of the z-transform. Such
good agreement with measured data [37,21]. Other impedance an example of impedance function is given by
models are available in the literature, such as the mass-springer-
r2 r1 i xr 4
damper model [38] (also called the effective impedance model ZðxÞ ¼ r 1 þ þ þ ixr 7 ; ð22Þ
1 þ ixr 3 ð1 x2 =r 26 Þ þ ixr 5
[21]), given by
which was used to curve fit the parameters r 1;...;7 to experimental data
ZðxÞ ¼ R0 þ iX þ x i ; ð19Þ from an ceramic tubular liner [37]. There is no physical interpretation
x of the parameters, although some of them resemble terms from the
where R0 ; X þ and X are positive coefficients. This model in partic- EHR, e.g. r1 and face sheet resistance R, and r7 and mass reactance
ular is not representative of the educed impedance because of the m. According to Özyörük et al. [37], although resistance and reac-
constant resistance ReðZÞ ¼ R0 (for instance see [37,17,21,16] and tance can be accurately predicted when compared individually to
Fig. 5b, where the resistance is frequency-dependent), and therefore experimental data, the model does not satisfy the stability criterion,
is not considered here. Semi-empirical models [26–28] were also and therefore both parts have to be simultaneously considered in the
analysed, but their expressions are, in general, too complicated or optimization routine. The vector of parameters is given by
simplified to guarantee that the fundamental conditions are not x ¼ fr 1 ; r 2 ; r 3 ; r4 ; r 5 ; r6 ; r 7 g: ð23Þ
violated [23]. Therefore, these models are not included in the
and the upper and lower bounds are found in Table 2.
multiple-frequency mode matching.
Notice that Eq. (22) is not the only valid function. Özyörük et al.
Any flow effect is corrected by the Ingard-Myers boundary con-
[37] combined filter type functions in such a way that it could fit
dition [31] and therefore the general shape of the impedance
the experimental results from a ceramic tubular liner. There is
model remains the same. The parameters are allowed to vary with
not guarantee that this function is still valid for the single degree
Mach number, but not with frequency. This will be further dis-
of freedom liners investigated in this work (see Section 4). Never-
cussed in Section 5.
theless, this function is used in the multiple-frequency mode
matching method.
3.1. Extended Helmholtz resonator
3.3. Multipole model
The EHR, as the name suggests, is based on a simple Helmholtz
resonator, whose impedance satisfies the fundamental conditions. The multipole model was suggest by Reymen et al. [39] in order
More details on this matter and the derivation can be seen on the to use the recursive convolution for time domain simulations.
original paper [23]. The resulting frequency-dependent impedance However, the parameters had to be chosen carefully, otherwise
expression is: passivity condition would not be satisfied [25]. Li et al. [25]
improved the multipole model by rewriting it as a sum of residues
1 1
ZðxÞ ¼ R þ ixm ib cot xT l i e ; ð20Þ and poles and adding the effective impedance model (given by Eq.
2 2 (19)), thus resulting in
where R is the face-sheet resistance, m is the mass reactance of the X X
S es
C e
ZðxÞ ¼ R0 þ iX þ x i þ s
; ð24Þ
air in the holes, b is a parameter to account for different cavity reac- x s¼1 x ~ns x þ ~ns
tances, T l is the response time, and e is the damping in the cavity’s
fluid. In the original paper, advice is given on how to choose the where Ce s and ~
ns are complex parameters. Troian et al. [40] took a
parameters to generate curves that resemble liner impedance, i.e., similar approach by including the resistance R0 from the effective
without abrupt variations in the frequency range of interest and impedance model to the multipole model,
within coherent impedance values. !
Ap X
S es
C e
From Eq. (20) it is straightforward to see that the vector x, ZðxÞ ¼ R0 þ þ þ s
; ð25Þ
which define the impedance for a given frequency in the modified k ix s¼1 ~ns ix ~ns ix
p¼1 p
mode matching, is given by 5 parameters:
where Ap is a real coefficient, and kp is a positive coefficient, in order
x ¼ fR; m; b; T l ; eg: ð21Þ to satisfy the fundamental conditions. Still, the passivity condition
can be violated and the coefficients must be checked. P and S are
As previously discussed, all the parameters have physical interpre- selected according to the type of liner, for instance P ¼ 5 and
tations. It is important therefore to limit the upper and lower S ¼ 0 for single degree of freedom (SDOF) liners [40]. The multipole
boundaries of the variables to feasible values. For instance, negative model investigated here is given by P ¼ 1 and S ¼ 1 plus the coeffi-
or too high resistances, oscillating curves, and other problems can cients R0 and X þ from the EFI model, such that
be avoided. Some of these bounds were defined empirically while
A e
C e
care was taken not to overly limit the possible curves to be gener- ZðxÞ ¼ R0 þ iX þ x þ þ þ ; ð26Þ
ated by Eq. (20). The defined upper and lower bounds for all param- k ix n ix n ix
~ ~
Table 1
Upper and lower bounds for the optimization variables in the modified mode matching method.
R m b Tl e
Upper bound 1 2 104 2 2 104 1
Lower bound 0 0 0 0 0
A.M.N. Spillere et al. / Applied Acoustics 129 (2018) 322–334 327
Table 2
Upper and lower bounds for the optimization variables using the rational function model.
r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7
2 2 1
Upper bound 1 1 10 3
1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 7
1 103
Lower bound 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table 3
Upper and lower bounds for the optimization variables using the multipole model.
R0 Xþ A k e
Reð CÞ eÞ
Imð C Reð~
nÞ Imð~
3 6 6 2
Upper bound 1 1 10 1 10 1 10 0 0 1 10 1 103
Lower bound 0 0 0 0 1 106 1 106 0 0
328 A.M.N. Spillere et al. / Applied Acoustics 129 (2018) 322–334
d 60
L 20
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Frequency [Hz]
Fig. 3. Sketch of a single degree of freedom acoustic liner used in aeronautical
applications. The main geometrical parameters are the hole diameter d, the plate
thickness t, the cavity depth L and the percentage of open area. The perforated plate
(a) Insertion loss of the test sample
is subject to a grazing flow and incident acoustic waves. 4
Resistance [−]
Table 4
Geometrical parameters of the tested liner samples 2
Test sample Liner A Liner B
Hole diameter d [mm] 1.0 2.0
Face-sheet thickness t [mm] 0.65 0.8 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Cavity depth L [mm] 19.0 19.0
Open area [%] 5.18 8.63 2
Hole placement Staggered Staggered
Reactance [−]
Signal-to-Noise Ratio [dB]
40 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Frequency [Hz]
20 0 5 10 15 20
SNR at microphone 4 [dB]
10 Microphone 4
Microphone 5 (b) Impedance eduction
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Fig. 5. (a) Insertion loss and (b) impedance eduction result based on the classical
Frequency [Hz] mode matching technique for the following test case: test sample B, downstream
acoustic source and Mach 0.20. The colored dots represent the data quality based on
Fig. 4. Signal-to-noise ratio at microphones 4 (red dot) and 5 (blue dot) for the the signal-to-noise ratio from microphone 4. (For interpretation of the references to
following test case: test sample B, downstream acoustic source and Mach 0.20. color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Microphone 5 is located downstream to the test sample, whereas microphone 4 is
located upstream to the liner sample. (For interpretation of the references to color
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) (Eq. (17)) at the frequencies of 1500 Hz and 2100 Hz, respectively.
The former have a well defined region of minimum, leading to sim-
ilar results with the single- and multiple-frequency mode match-
Typical SDOF liners exhibit a peak in insertion loss, which is not ing techniques. The latter is a frequency with poor SNR, and the
clearly defined in Fig. 5a. Therefore, it is not possible to quantify region of minimum is not well defined. Therefore, the educed
the maximum attenuation nor the frequency where it occurs. This impedance from the single-frequency mode matching may not
analysis can be extended to the impedance eduction, as shown in represent the correct liner impedance, as the results with the
Fig. 5b. The discontinuities and oscillations in the resistance and multiple-frequency mode matching are also in a region of small
reactance between 2100 Hz and 2600 Hz are a non-physical beha- cost function.
viour of the liner and consequence of the poor SNR in this frequency
range, justifying the use of an impedance model in the eduction
method. Measurements with different test samples and acoustic 5. Results and discussion
source position exhibit the same trend, even at lower flow veloci-
ties, and therefore the use of an impedance model have to be a stan- In this section, the results using both the single-frequency and
dard procedure. multiple-frequency mode matching methods are shown. Data for
In order to understand the discontinuities and oscillations in upstream and downstream acoustic sources are available, thus
the impedance curve, a closer look at some frequencies is given both results are shown independently. A full list of the parameters
by Figs. 6a and b. which show the contour plot of the cost function found for each impedance model is given in Appendix B.
A.M.N. Spillere et al. / Applied Acoustics 129 (2018) 322–334 329
0 agreement overall above 1000 Hz, including the frequency of max-
−1,5 14
0 imum attenuation in the test rig. Any impedance model can be
Reactance [−]
80 used in the multiple-frequency mode matching without any signif-
10 60 icant difference, specially above 1500 Hz, even at Mach 0.25.
−2 60 Fig. 8 shows the results for downstream acoustic source. Over-
all, the level of agreement is very similar to seen for upstream con-
dition. However, the instabilities in the results obtained with the
16 100
overpredicts the resistance at low frequencies when compared to
0 120
the multiple-frequency mode matching method, independent of
0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 the impedance model chosen. This is expected to be due to poor
Resistance [−] signal-to-noise ratio in the experimental data at this frequency
(a) 1500 Hz range. At Mach 0.10, the multiple-frequency mode matching
method improves the results around 1900 Hz and 2300 Hz as some
80 40 scattering can be seen in the single-frequency mode matching. This
frequency range is close to the liner resonance frequency i.e. the
−0,5 frequency when the liner has the highest attenuation, as previously
mentioned. In this frequency range the sound wave amplitude
after the liner is considerable lower and may be close to the flow
Reactance [−]
−1 aggravated for upstream propagating wave (downstream acoustic
source) as the propagation velocity relative to the liner is lower
60 40
than in the downstream propagating wave case, thus the acoustic
dissipation is higher.
−1,5 10 60
14 0
12 80
0 single-frequency and multiple-frequency mode matching methods
100 over most of the frequency range. At Mach 0.25 the reactance at
3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
−1 −1 −1 −1
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
2 2 2 2
0 0 0 0
Reactance [−]
−2 −2 −2 −2
−4 −4 −4 −4
−6 −6 −6 −6
−8 −8 −8 −8
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz]
Fig. 7. Impedance eduction result for liner A and upstream acoustic source using the single-frequency mode matching method (black) and the multiple-frequency mode
matching with the following impedance models: EHR (blue), rational function (green) and multipole (red). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
−1 −1 −1 −1
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
2 2 2 2
0 0 0 0
Reactance [−]
−2 −2 −2 −2
−4 −4 −4 −4
−6 −6 −6 −6
−8 −8 −8 −8
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz]
Fig. 8. Impedance eduction result for liner A and downstream acoustic source using the single-frequency mode matching method (black) and the multiple-frequency mode
matching with the following impedance models: EHR (blue), rational function (green) and multipole (red). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
of using the multiple-frequency mode matching to find the correct tion routine. Therefore, a smooth impedance curve with frequency
impedance. At Mach 0.25 the reactance at low frequency shows is to be found, instead of a single result at each frequency.
again different behaviours on both methods. Results for two liners show the improvement in the impedance
curve as the multiple-frequency mode matching method is able to
6. Conclusion capture the overall trend. The method finds more physical impe-
dance values at frequencies where measurement errors are present
In this work, an improved impedance eduction technique was or the optimization routine performs poorly. For instance, the fre-
evaluated. It is a combination of the classical mode matching quency range of 2000 Hz and 2500 Hz covers the liner resonance fre-
method [29] with an impedance model [24,23,25] in the optimiza- quency and experimental data is not entirely reliable, which results
A.M.N. Spillere et al. / Applied Acoustics 129 (2018) 322–334 331
3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
−1 −1 −1 −1
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
2 2 2 2
0 0 0 0
Reactance [−]
−2 −2 −2 −2
−4 −4 −4 −4
−6 −6 −6 −6
−8 −8 −8 −8
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz]
Fig. 9. Impedance eduction result for liner B and upstream acoustic source using the single-frequency mode matching method (black) and the multiple-frequency mode
matching with the following impedance models: EHR (blue), rational function (green) and multipole (red). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
−1 −1 −1 −1
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
2 2 2 2
0 0 0 0
Reactance [−]
−2 −2 −2 −2
−4 −4 −4 −4
−6 −6 −6 −6
−8 −8 −8 −8
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz]
Fig. 10. Impedance eduction result for liner B and downstream acoustic source using the single-frequency mode matching method (black) and the multiple-frequency mode
matching with the following impedance models: EHR (blue), rational function (green) and multipole (red). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
in incorrect impedances. The multiple-frequency mode matching is entirely representative of the impedance behaviour, suggesting
method better estimates the impedance at these frequencies. a limitation in its use for high Mach numbers. The grazing flow
None of the models account explicitly for grazing flow effects, effect in the models should be further investigated, which can be
which is corrected by the Ingard-Myers boundary condition [31]. achieved implicitly in the parameters or explicitly in correction
The parameters are set free to vary with Mach number, and in terms. In the latter care must be taken to prevent the violation of
some cases a clear trend can be observed, e.g. the damping e in the fundamental conditions. The optimization routine could
liner B with the EHR model, or the parameter r7 in the rational include not only all frequencies but also all Mach numbers, thus
function model. The results at Mach 0.25 indicate that no model resulting in a single optimization problem.
332 A.M.N. Spillere et al. / Applied Acoustics 129 (2018) 322–334
Table B.5
EHR parameters found in the optimization for liner A.
Flow velocity R m b Tl e
Upstream No flow 0.0714 4.4832 105 1.5203 1.6956 104 0.1217
Mach 0.10 0.0973 5.6074 105 0.9892 1.1274 104 0.0879
Mach 0.20 0.2091 4.6138 105 1.2081 1.2513 104 0.3531
Mach 0.25 0.2717 2.0852 106 1.8215 1.8853 104 0.6973
Downstream No flow 0.1389 8.9807 105 0.3407 3.8225 105 0.0233
Mach 0.10 0.0729 7.8446 105 0.8167 7.6516 105 0.1710
Mach 0.20 0.5970 7.1030 105 0.4823 4.4499 105 0.1003
Mach 0.25 0.7024 6.7898 105 0.3913 3.4040 105 0.1187
Table B.6
EHR parameters found in the optimization for liner B.
Flow velocity R m b Tl e
Upstream No flow 0.1365 6.7866 105 0.9261 7.8233 105 0.0739
Mach 0.10 0.0212 7.0848 105 0.6529 5.1165 105 0.1172
Mach 0.20 0.3116 2.6687 105 0.8567 8.9611 105 0.2541
Mach 0.25 0.0596 3.8359 105 1.2886 9.5513 105 0.6235
Downstream No flow 0.0890 7.3733 105 0.9441 7.5842 105 0.0882
Mach 0.10 0.0076 7.7194 105 1.3724 8.8592 105 0.1512
Mach 0.20 0.1856 5.0576 105 1.5309 1.0087 104 0.2448
Mach 0.25 0.1793 5.2848 105 1.4084 8.8402 105 0.3050
A.M.N. Spillere et al. / Applied Acoustics 129 (2018) 322–334 333
Table B.7
Rational function parameters found in the optimization for liner A.
Flow velocity r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7
Upstream No flow 0.1723 184.2342 0.0099 0.0044 0.0398 4.9488 10 6
9.6219 105
Mach 0.10 0.3558 176.8062 0.0099 0.0048 0.0518 4.7189 106 7.6965 105
Mach 0.20 0.5258 7.9251 3.8723 104 0.0050 0.0500 4.9993 106 7.3182 105
Mach 0.25 0.7449 9.0632 4.4415 104 5.0282 104 0.0050 5.0293 105 6.9209 105
Downstream No flow 0.1937 119.9105 0.0066 0.0047 0.0773 3.8236 106 9.2826 105
Mach 0.10 0.2006 15.0745 7.2127 104 0.0051 0.0503 4.8078 106 8.5666 105
Mach 0.20 0.6175 10.5427 4.6016 104 0.0050 0.0500 5.0005 106 7.4447 105
Mach 0.25 0.7124 7.3195 2.8778 104 4.9910 104 0.0050 4.9964 105 7.0015 105
Table B.8
Rational function parameters found in the optimization for liner B.
Flow velocity r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7
Upstream No flow 0.2607 181.0212 0.0075 0.0053 0.0602 6.1840 106 8.2270 105
Mach 0.10 0.3295 207.4059 0.0084 0.0047 0.0531 5.6022 106 7.4471 105
Mach 0.20 0.4923 23.7979 0.0013 0.0079 0.0533 5.8759 106 4.1753 105
Mach 0.25 0.5065 6.3727 2.9559 104 0.0050 0.0500 4.9998 106 4.3706 105
Downstream No flow 0.2461 244.6259 0.0100 0.0048 0.0497 4.9910 106 8.3460 105
Mach 0.10 0.3638 263.8840 0.0090 0.0035 0.0268 4.9391 106 8.7698 105
Mach 0.20 0.4959 28.9700 0.0010 0.0055 0.0477 18.4035 6.7259 105
Mach 0.25 0.3119 10.1286 3.1138 104 0.0050 0.0500 4.9577 106 7.0833 105
Table B.9
Multipole parameters found in the optimization for liner A.
Flow velocity R0 Xþ A k e
C ~
Upstream No flow 0.1667 9.1013 105 3.1332 105 3.3571 (165.38 7.5838i) 103 6.1288 + 419.6895i
Mach 0.10 0.0570 6.4970 105 7.0836 103 1.1459 104 (9.8292 9.4900i) 103 (53.3169 + 456.8983i)
Mach 0.20 0.0452 4.8212 105 1.9458 104 2.2837 104 (9.3400 158.45i) 103 (31.4579 + i75.3818i)
Mach 0.25 0.0257 5.3303 105 4.5328 104 5.7323 104 (8.7646 411.32i) 103 (1.9979 + 45.2902i)
Downstream No flow 0.0886 8.5994 105 5.0323 103 2.9762 104 (8.8646 370.70i) 103 (0.8002 + 0.2814i)
Mach 0.10 0.1953 8.5500 105 113.0906 9.3933 104 (1.0011 62.347i) 104 (77.9459 + 24.9803i)
Mach 0.20 0.5856 6.6559 105 1.2966 103 8.8988 103 (1.0189 46.694i) 104 (1.6817 + 145.0195i)
Mach 0.25 0.6068 2.5425 105 6.9732 103 9.5955 103 (1.0670 40.000i) 104 (4.0346 + 60.6768i)
Table B.10
Multipole parameters found in the optimization for liner B.
Flow velocity R0 Xþ A k e
C ~
5 4 3
Upstream No flow 0.1467 8.1362 10 2.5225 10 997.6840 (24.449 3.3389i) 10 (6.1317 + 171.0575i)
Mach 0.10 0.2530 6.9103 105 8.8214 104 242.9306 (5.6074 295.30i) 104 (80.2677 + 0.0683i)
Mach 0.20 0.0044 2.1551 105 1.6245 104 1.3155 104 (1.1470 4.8189i) 104 (90.8022 + 237.7685i)
Mach 0.25 0.5464 3.7546 105 1.1242 104 126.0300 (1.4233 23.379i) 104 (0.4613 + 109.9599i)
Downstream No flow 4.0928 104 8.1589 105 1.0013 104 2.5745 104 (13.272 7.4031i) 103 (0.1811 + 2.1739i)
Mach 0.10 0.3425 8.1382 105 4.2169 103 7.1975 104 (14.143 4.5318i) 103 (4.5800 + 1.9833i)
Mach 0.20 0.3615 6.8748 105 4.6169 105 114.2080 (24.476 2.7842i) 104 (0.4443 + 88.8374i)
Mach 0.25 0.1878 5.7927 105 8.5272 103 7.2823 104 (1.3577 95.982i) 104 (22.2515 + 52.2174i)
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