Properties of Transparent Sound-Absorbing Panels For Use in Noise Barriers
Properties of Transparent Sound-Absorbing Panels For Use in Noise Barriers
Properties of Transparent Sound-Absorbing Panels For Use in Noise Barriers
Giulio Pispolab兲
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Perugia, via G. Duranti 67, 06125 Perugia, Italy
共Received 7 June 2006; revised 20 October 2006; accepted 20 October 2006兲
Sound absorption and optical transparency are among the most useful properties of noise barriers.
While the latter is required to reduce visual impact and for aesthetical reasons, the former is required
whenever conditions of multiple reflections and presence of close, high receivers occur. The
technical feasibility of a transparent, sound-absorbing panel for outdoor antinoise devices is
investigated in this paper. An analysis of acoustical performance of multiple perforated plates is
performed employing an existing theory for microperforated absorbers under normal incidence and
diffused sound field. An optimization of the geometrical parameters is carried out on the basis of the
European classification criteria of noise barriers for roadways. An optimized three-layer
configuration can achieve sound-absorption properties similar to nontransparent products with only
a limited loss of visual transparency and appropriate mechanical strength. Experimental data
obtained with an impedance tube on small test samples made of transparent polycarbonate and in a
reverberation room on full-scale prototypes are reported, showing a rather good agreement with the
theoretical predictions. The optical performance of a multilayered configuration is evaluated also.
© 2007 Acoustical Society of America. 关DOI: 10.1121/1.2395916兴
PACS number共s兲: 43.50.Gf, 43.55.Ev, 43.20.Mv 关KA兴 Pages: 214–221
214 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121 共1兲, January 2007 0001-4966/2007/121共1兲/214/8/$23.00 © 2007 Acoustical Society of America
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strikes a hole in the micro perforated panel, the velocity dis-
tribution of the oscillatory flow across the hole cross section
is not uniform. A distinct velocity gradient in the radial di-
rection is present and is associated with shear stresses which
result in energy dissipation into heat. Such phenomenon is
not entirely adiabatic as part of this heat is transmitted to the
panel itself, depending on the viscous and thermal properties
of the filling fluid and on the thermal conductivity of the
In the case of an MPP constituted by a lattice of cylin-
drical tubes, with radius r0 and length t both much smaller
than the wavelength of the incident sound, the normalized
surface impedance, zMPP, can be expressed in terms of the
wave number in air, k, the tube length t, the porosity, p, i.e.,
the ratio of the perforated area to the overall area of the
panel, and the perforation constant, , proportional to the
ratio of the hole radius and the viscous boundary layer
= r0 冑 0
, 共1兲
zMPP = r + jm =
16 r0 1
p ⌰共⬘兲 3 t ⌰共兲共p兲
, 册 共2兲
2 J1共x冑− j兲
⌰共x兲 = 1 − , 共3兲 FIG. 1. Schematic drawing 共a兲 and electro-acoustic equivalent circuit 共b兲 of
x冑− j J0共x冑− j兲 a perforated panel with an air gap 共MPPA兲.
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TABLE I. Geometrical characteristics of the single perforated layer
FIG. 2. Electro-acoustic equivalent circuit of a multiple system with n per- zc,n−1 cosh共jkDn兲 + sinh共jkDn兲
forated panels 共n-MPPA兲. zn−MPPA = zMPP,n + ,
zc,n−1 sinh共jkDn兲 + cosh共jkDn兲
冨 冨
␣r,i100.1L i
DL␣ = − 10 log10 1 − 18 . 共7兲 zc,1 cosh共jkD2兲 + sinh共jkD2兲
zc,2 = zMPP,2 + ,
100.1L i zc,1 sinh共jkD2兲 + cosh共jkD2兲
zn−MPPA = zMPP,n + 冉 1
冊 −1
z2 = zMPP,2 + 冉 1
冊 −1
conductivity 0.20 W / 共m K兲兴 were tested. The choice of such
polymeric material is justified by its good mechanical and
optical properties, chemical stability, and its commercial
availability. Table I reports the main characteristics of the
z1 = zMPP,1 + zD,1 ,
samples. The hole radius was kept constant 共0.5 mm兲, being
where zMPP,i is the surface impedance of the ith perforated constrained by the employed manufacturing method 共punch-
layer, computed by Eq. 共2兲, and zD,i is the cavity reactance of ing兲. While, according to Maa’s theory,4 the optimum design
the ith air cavity with width Di. The electro-acoustic analogy of an MPP is achieved with a thickness of the order of the
used here is not fully correct to calculate the impedance of a hole diameter, in this study the layer thickness could not be
multiple-layer absorber, as it assumes that each air cavity is too small to assure a good mechanical strength to the panel
loaded by a rigid surface impedance.11 Such a limitation can 共for common panel dimensions and without internal parti-
be overcome by using the acoustic transmission analysis tions, a minimum thickness of 2 mm was estimated for the
共ATA兲 described by Lee et al.,11 which takes into account the employed material兲.
effective loading impedance, zc,i, of each air gap. The Measurements were initially performed using the trans-
equivalent formula of Eq. 共8兲 developed by the ATA ap- fer function method described in ISO 10534-2.12 The experi-
proach is the following: mental apparatus was a B&K type 4206 standing wave tube.
216 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 1, January 2007 F. Asdrubali and G. Pispola: Transparent sound-absorbing noise barriers
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FIG. 3. Normal incidence absorption coefficient 共a兲 and normalized surface FIG. 4. Normal incidence absorption coefficient 共a兲 and normalized surface
impedance 共b兲 for sample MPP1 共see Table I兲 mounted at different distances impedance 共b兲 for sample MPP2 共see Table I兲 mounted at different distances
from a rigid surface: comparison between theoretical prediction and imped- from a rigid surface: comparison between theoretical prediction and imped-
ance tube experimental data. ance tube experimental data.
The measurement setup included a multichannel acquisition tube, avoiding any side gaps and having the mechanical
system B&K PULSE type 3560, two B&K type 4939 1 / 4 in. boundary conditions at the edges close to clamped.
condenser microphones with type 2670 preamplifier, B&K The measured and predicted data for the imaginary part
type 7206 signal amplifier, and a PC equipped with a spe- of the surface impedance show very good agreement 共e.g.,
cifically designed software. Considering the tube internal di- see Fig. 3兲. The imaginary part in the surface impedance is
ameter 共29 mm兲 and the microphone spacing 共20 mm兲, the mainly controlled by the size of the air gap and this effect is
expected working frequency range of the apparatus was be- accurately captured by the presented model. On the other
tween 200 and 6400 Hz. Throughout the measurements, hand, the real part of the impedance is mainly linked to
sound-pressure levels within the tube were kept sufficiently visco-thermal effects in the perforations and its behavior is
low 共below 100 dB兲 to avoid nonlinear effects. better captured in the case of samples with lower values of
Figures 3–5 present the comparisons among numerical porosity 共e.g., see Fig. 3 in comparison with Fig. 5兲. This
and experimental data in terms of the normalized surface may be due to the interference between neighboring holes
impedance and normal incidence absorption coefficient. The which may become pronounced particularly in the low-
obtained agreements in terms of absorption coefficient ap- frequency regime. Some significant discrepancies can be no-
pear satisfying for the range of air gaps considered in this ticed at high frequencies 共e.g., see Fig. 5兲, where the me-
work. The data suggest that the discrepancy between mea- chanical impedance of the layer become comparable with the
surements and predictions noticeable around 4 kHz could be acoustical impedance because of the coupling effect; this ef-
explained by the fluid-structural coupling between the speci- fect also depends on the value of the acoustical impedance
men and the backing cylindrical cavity in the impedance itself.9
tube.9 All the samples were cut using the same rotating blade Figure 6 shows a comparison between theoretical pre-
and had the diameter slightly larger than the sample holder. diction and experimental data for a system with three perfo-
This guaranteed that the samples were mounted firmly in the rated panels 共sample TMPP1, see Table II for geometrical
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 1, January 2007 F. Asdrubali and G. Pispola: Transparent sound-absorbing noise barriers 217
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FIG. 5. Normal incidence absorption coefficient 共a兲 and normalized surface
impedance 共b兲 for sample MPP3 共see Table I兲 mounted at different distances FIG. 6. Normal incidence absorption coefficient for sample TMPP1 共see
from a rigid surface: comparison between theoretical prediction and imped- Table II兲: comparison between theoretical predictions and impedance tube
ance tube experimental data. experimental data.
218 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 1, January 2007 F. Asdrubali and G. Pispola: Transparent sound-absorbing noise barriers
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FIG. 7. Calculated dependence of the single-number rating, DL␣关dB兴 on the FIG. 9. One-third-octave band diffuse incidence absorption coefficients for
air gap widths for a system with two perforated layers. Geometrical param- sample TMPP2 共see Table II, D1 = D2 = D3 = 40 mm兲. Comparison between
eters: r1 = 0.5 mm, t1 = 3 mm, p1 = 2.1%, r2 = 0.5 mm, t2 = 3 mm, p2 = 5.1%. theoretical prediction 共nonlocally reacting cavity兲 and reverberation room
experimental data.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 1, January 2007 F. Asdrubali and G. Pispola: Transparent sound-absorbing noise barriers 219
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FIG. 11. Optical transmittance in the visible range vs wavelength of sample
TMPP1 共see Table II兲, compared with a single 5-mm nonperforated layer.
FIG. 10. Comparison between theoretical predictions for diffuse incidence
sound absorption employing the assumptions of locally and nonlocally re-
acting cavity. Geometrical parameters are those of Fig. 9. There is an increasing demand for multifunctional de-
sign solutions for noise barriers, especially for barriers along
possibility for a three-layer configuration corresponding to transport infrastructures: sound absorption, optical transpar-
that of sample TMPP2: the single-number rating shows an ency, durability, and lightness are among those. The use of
increase of 0.5 dB in the presence of a partitioned cavity. transparent materials is very common whenever aesthetical
This is also confirmed by the experimental results recently and visual impact issues are of concern. While ensuring good
reported by Yairi et al. on a MPP backed by a paper honey- sound-insulating performances, transparent panels are of
comb panel.14 This has to be taken into account for the de- little help when sound-absorbing properties are also re-
sign stage of a full barrier. quested; this is not uncommon for noise barriers to be in-
stalled along both sides of roads and railways, close to high
The paper demonstrates the technical feasibility of
A separate experimental campaign aimed at evaluating manufacturing noise barrier panels using perforated transpar-
the optical performance, namely the transmittance and reflec- ent layers in a multiple resonator configuration without po-
tance in the visible range, was carried out on a three-layer rous materials, in order to achieve acoustical sound-
configuration 共sample TMPP1; see Table II兲 to verify the absorbing performance similar to those of commercial
feasibility of achieving acceptable acoustical and optical nontransparent products, together with rather good optical
properties at the same time. characteristics. The well-established theory of microperfo-
A calibrated spectrophotometer Varian model Cary 2300 rated absorbers—along with the electro-acoustic analogy and
was used together with an integrating sphere in the wave- the acoustic transmission analysis—was adopted to design
length range 300– 800 nm, with a 10-nm wavelength step.15 panels with optimized sound-absorbing properties with re-
For each sample, the measure was repeated in three different
spect to traffic noise, in terms of the single-number rating
positions and the average over the three series of data calcu-
DL␣ used in the European countries for noise barrier quality
assessment. The optimization was carried out taking into ac-
Figure 11 reports a comparison between the normal in-
count the technological constraints of mechanical strength of
cidence optical transmittance measured on the multiple layer
the panels, which has the main effect of limiting the mini-
configuration and on a single 5-mm nonperforated polycar-
bonate layer. The triple MPP shows the expected effect of mum thickness.
lowering the optical transparency with respect to the single A series of experiments was carried out, both in an im-
layer. However, the transmittance factor, v, in the visible pedance tube and in a reverberation room, on single and
range,16 which is an average of the measured transmittance, multiple perforated layer systems made of perforated poly-
v共兲, weighted by the variation of human sensitivity within carbonate sheets. The results were compared with theoretical
the 380– 780-nm range of light wavelengths, can still be con- predictions, achieving good agreement, at least for engineer-
sidered adequate 共a value of 0.52 has been measured兲, at ing purposes. The predictions showed the potential of a
least in terms of visual impact of the panel. No significant three-layer configuration with layers of decreasing porosity
deviation was observed between data acquired in different 共starting from the source side兲 and evidenced the limited ef-
positions, showing the small influence of perforations on the fect of the air gap widths on the single-number rating.
normal incidence transparency. The measured reflectance for The measured absorption performance of an optimized
the multiple layer configuration was very low 共below 8% in configuration with three 3-mm perforated layers 共4 dB for
the whole range兲, avoiding any possible glaring phenomena. DL␣兲 is comparable with that of standard commercial non-
220 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 1, January 2007 F. Asdrubali and G. Pispola: Transparent sound-absorbing noise barriers
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