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Noise Control Engr. J. 64 (5), September-October 2016 Published by INCE/USA in conjunction with KSNVE 627
performed at different temperatures). The choice of the relevant model constitutive equation with fractional
appropriate measurement technique is influenced by the order derivatives, the general form of the constitutive
geometry, the damping factor and the frequency range equation for the conventional viscoelastic models can
of interest. An extensive review of existing methods for be expressed as:
determining mechanical properties of materials used in
noise and vibration control has been presented by Jaouen d b1 d b2 d bn
sðt Þþ b1 sðt Þ þ b2 sð t Þ þ þ bn sðt ÞsðtÞ
et al.7. In this paper, different quasi-static8–10 and dy-
. . .
dt b1 dt b2 dt bn
namic11–18 techniques are discussed and compared. A d a1 d a2 d am
recent proposal has been suggested using a method to ¼ a0 eðtÞ þ a1 e ðt Þ þ a2 eð t Þ þ . . . þ am eðtÞ;
dt a1 dt a2 dt am
determine the values of the storage and loss moduli
(hereafter indicated as E1 [Pa] and E2 [Pa]) in a wide ð2Þ
frequency range (generally between 100 and 1500 Hz)
measuring the time domain accelerations and using a where 0 < a1 < a2 < . . . < am < 1 and 0 < b1 <
transfer matrix approach19 for wave propagations in b2 < . . . < bn < 1 are material constants. Starting from
linear elastic solids. Eqn. (2) Pritz20 suggested a five parameter model assum-
The aim of this research is to provide more reliable ing that all parameters are zero with the exception of a0,
simulations of multilayer systems (using a transfer ma- a1, a2, b1, a1, a2 and b1. Moreover in analogy with the
trix approach) where the mechanical parameters of the fractional Zener model, the author assumes a1 = b1 = b
poroelastic material are determined by the combined use and a2 = a , with a > b. With such assumptions and set-
of experimental data from the aforementioned time do- ting b1 = tb, a0 = G0, a1 = G1 tb and a2 = (G1 G0) ta, it
main method and a well-established standard linear follows that Eqn. (2) can be written as:
model of viscoelasticity20.
The paper is organized as follows. A description of db b d
sðt Þ þ tb sð t Þ ¼ G0 e ðt Þ þ G 0 t eðt Þ
the theoretical background and experimental set-up is dtb dtb
given in Secs. 2 and 3. Section 4 will then report the da
results for several tested configurations in terms of sound þ ðG1 G0 Þta eðt Þ: ð3Þ
transmission loss of multilayer systems with a core with
a frequency-dependent complex modulus. Concluding In the previous equation, G0 is the static modulus of elas-
remarks will be made in the last section. ticity, G1 is related to the high-frequency limit value of
dynamic modulus and t is the relaxation time.
2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND The complex modulus of the model can be derived
by transforming Eqn. (3) into the frequency domain since:
Consider the function e(t) as representative of some
cause (i.e. strain in solids) acting on a material and the k
function s(t) the effect (i.e. the stress) resulting from this F eðt Þ ¼ ð joÞk F feðt Þg; ð4Þ
dt k
cause. Fung21 and Boltzman22 proposed that a variation
in strain, occurring at a certain instant of time, would where F denotes the Fourier transform operator. The deri-
produce an effect for a certain time later. According to vation results in the following expression for the complex
classic theory proposed by Volterra and Zachmanoglou23, shear modulus in frequency domain:
it follows that stress–strain deformation can be expressed
ð jotÞa
in terms of a relaxation function: ∗ 1
G ð joÞ ¼ G0 þ G1 : ð5Þ
G0 1 þ ð jotÞb
sðt Þ ¼ C ðt tÞ dt: ð1Þ The complex modulus is derived once the Poisson's ratio n
1 is known:
The function C(t), also known as memory function, is a E ∗ ð joÞ ¼ G∗ ð joÞ 2ð1 þ nÞ: ð6Þ
property of the material and is a function of the time de-
lay (t t) between cause and effect within the material. From a practical point of view, one can solve visco-
In particular C(t) is defined for (t t) ≥ 0 and is fixed at elasticity problems as elasticity problems with a complex
zero elsewhere. modulus that depends on frequency. This property is
Within this contest, the fractional derivative models known as the elastic/viscoelastic equivalence principle24.
have been proven to be efficient in describing the dy- Finally, by finding parameters G0, G1, t, a and b, it
namic behavior of real materials20. In fact replacing the is possible to calculate the frequency-dependent com-
integer order time derivatives of stress and strain in the plex modulus of a viscoelastic material.
628 Noise Control Engr. J. 64 (5), September-October 2016 Published by INCE/USA in conjunction with KSNVE
Table 1—Description of the tested materials. calculate in the frequency domain the complete set of
vibro-acoustical indicators (among them the top and bot-
Material Typology Thickness Density tom plate accelerations) from the transfer matrix model
(mm) (kg/m3) for a given frequency and a semi-infinite fluid termina-
M1 Polyurethane foam 10 100 tion. Once the Poisson's ratio is known in advance, by
M2 Polyurethane foam 10 25 minimizing the difference between measured signals and
calculating the time of flight between measured signals
and the envelope of the top mass accelerometer, it is pos-
sible to determine the complex modulus as function of
the frequency. The method here utilized has been proven
to provide reliable results in the frequency range between
As a first stage of the research, the complex modu- 100 and 1500 Hz. In order to extend the frequency range
lus of two different poro-elastic media (described in of the measured complex modulus, experimental data
Table 1) was measured using the time domain approach was fitted using the five-parameter fractional model
described in Ref. 19. The entire measurement proce- described in Sec. 2. The fitting procedure is based on
dure can be summarized as follows. The tested material a bounded nonlinear best-fit scheme25 and was imple-
(having a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 45 mm mented in Matlab.
and here assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic) is The same materials were also tested using a quasi-
positioned between two plates (aluminum support plate, static procedure26 allowing for the determination of the
10 mm thick, and steel top plate, 1 mm thick), one of complex modulus in a limited range of frequency (gener-
which is excited by an electromagnetic shaker. Using a ally between 20 and 50 Hz).
sine burst at a given frequency as the excitation signal, Successively, the same poro-elastic materials were test-
the accelerometric response in the time domain is mea- ed when coupled to solid elastic layers. Experimental tests
sured at the top and bottom plates. From the tests, it is were carried out according to ISO 15186-1:2003 Stan-
possible to determine the time of flight between mea- dard27 in a laboratory for automotive applications. Rect-
sured signals and the envelope of the top mass accel- angular panels (size equal to 1.21 0.95 m2) were
erometer. Figure 1 depicts the measurement layout and mounted on a frame between two rooms (Fig. 2). A
the time domain response related to the accelerometers sound source (emitting a stationary white noise) was
at a given frequency. In order to determine the complex located within a highly reverberant room with a volume
modulus of a given material, the proposed methodology of 80 m3; the average (in time and space) sound pressure
requires the measurement layout to be simulated using a level Lp,s was measured using two rotating ½00 micro-
well-established transfer matrix approach6. In fact, ac- phones. The receiving room (with a volume of 74 m3)
cording to the formalism used in Ref. 6, it is possible to had highly absorbing lateral walls, ceiling and a reflective
Noise Control Engr. J. 64 (5), September-October 2016 Published by INCE/USA in conjunction with KSNVE 629
Fig. 2—Laboratory for sound transmission loss measurement (Adler Evo Company in
Villastellone, Turin). (a) Reverberant room for the measurement of the average sound
pressure level; (b) Receiving room for the measurement of the average sound intensity
level emitted from the multilayer system.
Table 2—Geometrical and mechanical properties of multilayer components. Apex * indicates quasi-static
Material Thickness Density E (Pa) n( ) ( ) Airflow Open Tortuosity Viscous Thermal
(mm) (kg/m3) resistivity porosity ( ) characteristic characteristic
(Pa*s/m2) ( ) length (mm) length (mm)
Steel plate 1.8 7850 2e11 0.33 0.05 – – – – –
Rubber layer 1.8 1800 2240e3 0.48 0.1 – – – – –
M1 12.7 / 25 100 32,000* 0.33* 0.37* 19,000 0.92 1.44 56 322
M2 10 25 36,446* 0.33* 0.15* 16,900 0.93 1.2 50 207
630 Noise Control Engr. J. 64 (5), September-October 2016 Published by INCE/USA in conjunction with KSNVE
Table 3—Tested configurations. E1 Time domain
200000 E1 5 parameter Pritz
Multilayer Steel plate Porous material Rubber layer E2 Time domain
E2 5 parameter Pritz
E1-E2 [Pa]
150000 E1 QS
A 1.8 mm M1 (12.7 mm) 1.8 mm E2 QS
B 1.8 mm M1 (12.7 mm) – 100000
C 1.8 mm M1 (25.0 mm) 1.8 mm
D 1.8 mm M2 (10.0 mm) 1.8 mm
1 10 100 1000 10000
Frequency [Hz]
The porous materials were considered as poro-elastic
media and T2 is a matrix depending on both fluid and Fig. 4—Frequency-dependent complex
solid phases. Regarding the fluid phase, experimental modulus for material M2.
measurements of airflow resistivity29, open porosity30
and tortuosity31,32 were carried out. Viscous and thermal
characteristic lengths were determined using an inverse
Finally in the same graphs, the quasi-static values
procedure starting from minimization of surface imped-
of the same quantities show the consistency of the
ance as per the Johnson–Champoux–Allard model33.
measurement method although an underestimation of
Once Eqns. (8) and (9) are solved at each frequency
both real and imaginary part of the complex modulus
and angle of incidence, the diffuse field sound trans-
is observed. The same trend was observed in the experi-
mission loss can easily calculated and compared with
mental tests discussed in Ref. 19.
experimental tests.
The frequency-dependent complex moduli obtained
Several multilayer panels (made of steel plate, poro-
from the fitting procedure for poroelastic materials were
elastic material and rubber layer) were tested and com-
used to compare the experimental sound transmission
pared in this research. Tables 2 and 3 summarize the
loss with numerical simulations on multilayer trimmed
physical and mechanical properties of each component
flat panels.
and tested configuration.
Figures 5 to 8 show a comparison for all the multi-
layer systems described in Table 3 in terms of sound
4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION transmission loss between the experimental values and
Figures 3 and 4 show the curves of storage and loss the numerical simulations obtained by using quasi-static
moduli for all the tested materials measured by using values (Table 2) and dynamic values (Figs. 3 and 4) for
the methodology described in Sec. 3. In order to reduce the storage and loss moduli. Regarding Poisson's ratio,
the inhomogeneity effect, three samples of each material quasi-static values were used for simulations, while the
were tested and the average value for each frequency was mechanical properties of steel plate and rubber layer were
shown along with the standard deviation. chosen from the literature.
In addition the fitted curves from five-parameter From the curves, two interesting aspects can be high-
model were also shown. Table 4 summarizes the values lighted: (i) the quasi-static values of mechanical prop-
of the five parameters obtained from the fitting proce- erties are not adequate to correctly simulate the sound
dure for both materials. transmission loss and huge differences can be found both
at the resonance frequency (typical of a plate-porous-
plate system) and at a frequency above 500 Hz where
200000 the difference between measurement and simulation could
E1 Time domain be up by 16–23 dB; (ii) the use of frequency-dependent
160000 E1 5 parameter Pritz
140000 E2 Time domain
E2 5 parameter Pritz
E1-E2 [Pa]
120000 E1 QS
100000 E2 QS
Table 4—Values of the five parameters from the
40000 fitting procedure between viscoelasticity
20000 model and experimental data.
1 10 100 1000 10000
Frequency [Hz]
Material G0 G1 a b t
M1 4747 14,371 0.61 0.43 0.94
Fig. 3—Frequency-dependent complex M2 5502 18,332 0.76 0.59 1.02
modulus for material M1.
Noise Control Engr. J. 64 (5), September-October 2016 Published by INCE/USA in conjunction with KSNVE 631
100 100
90 Test 90 Test
80 Quasi-static value 80 Quasi-static value
70 70
Viscoelastic model Viscoelastic model
60 60
TL [dB]
TL [dB]
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]
Fig. 5—Comparison for multilayer system A Fig. 7—Comparison for multilayer system C
in terms of sound transmission loss in terms of sound transmission loss
between experimental values and between experimental values and
numerical simulations obtained by numerical simulations obtained by
using quasi-static values and dynamic using quasi-static values and dynamic
values for mechanical properties. values for mechanical properties.
30 Table 5—Average of the absolute differences in re-
spect of the experimental data for all the
0 tested configurations and all the input data
632 Noise Control Engr. J. 64 (5), September-October 2016 Published by INCE/USA in conjunction with KSNVE
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16. J.F. Allard, M. Henry, L. Boeckx, P. Leclaire and W. Lauriks,
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19. P. Bonfiglio and F. Pompoli, “Determination of the dynamic
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