Core dSAT Vocabulary - Set 10

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Core dSAT Vocabulary_Set 10

HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i

1. hackneyed (adj) used too often and therefore boring

2. hibernation (n) a state like deep sleep in which some animals spend
the winter (tr¡ng thái ngç ông)

3. iconoclast (n) a person who criticizes popular beliefs or established

customs and ideas

4. impeccable faultless; without sin or blemish

5. implacable (adj) (of strong negative opinions or feelings) that cannot

be changed;

(of a person) unwilling to stop opposing somebody/some-


6. inane (adj) stupid or silly; with no meaning

7. induce (v) induce somebody to do something: to persuade or

influence somebody to do something; induce something:
to cause something

8. insular (adj) only interested in your own country, ideas, etc. and
not in those from outside;

having little contact with other people; connected with an

island or islands

9. interminable (adj) lasting a very long time and therefore boring or an-

10. intrusive (adj) too direct, easy to notice, etc. in a way that is annoy-
ing or upsetting

11. latent (adj) existing, but not yet clear, active or well developed

12. legendary (adj) very famous and talked about a lot by people

13. levy (n) levy (on something) an extra amount of money that has
to be paid, especially as a tax to the government
Core dSAT Vocabulary_Set 10
HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i

(v) levy something (on somebody/something) to use offi-

cial authority to demand and collect a payment, tax, etc.

14. malfeasance (n) illegal actions, especially those of a government official

or large business company

15. marvel (n) a wonderful and surprising person or thing

(v) marvel (at something) / marvel that...: to be very sur-
prised or impressed by something

16. meditation (n) the activity of thinking deeply about something, espe-
cially so that you do not notice the people or things around

the practice of focusing your mind in silence, especially for

religious reasons or in order to make your mind calm

17. mercurial (adj) often changing or reacting in a way that is unexpected

18. militant (n) a person who uses, or is willing to use, force or strong
pressure to achieve their aims, especially to achieve social
or political change

(adj) using, or willing to use, force or strong pressure to

achieve your aims, especially to achieve social or political

19. nostalgia (n) a sad feeling mixed with pleasure when you think of
happy times in the past

20. noteworthy (adj) deserving to be noticed or to receive attention be-

cause it is unusual, important or interesting

21. ornamental (adj) used as decoration rather than for a practical purpose

22. orthodox (adj) (especially of beliefs or behavior) generally accepted

or approved of; following generally accepted beliefs

23. ostentatious
Core dSAT Vocabulary_Set 10
HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i
(adj) showing your wealth or status in a way that is intend-
ed to impress people;

(of an action) done in a very obvious way so that people

will notice it

24. overwrought (adj) very worried and upset; excited in a nervous way

25. patriot (n) a person who loves their country and who is ready to
defend it against an enemy

26. paucity (n) paucity (of something) a small amount of something;

less than enough of something

27. prescriptive (adj) telling people what should be done;

(of rights and institutions) made legal or acceptable be-

cause they have existed for a long time;

(linguistics) telling people how a language should be used,

rather than describing how it is used

28. presumption (n) something that is thought to be true or likely; behavior

that is too confident and shows a lack of respect for other
people; (law) the act of supposing that something is true,
although it has not yet been proved or is not certain

29. proficient (adj) proficient in /at (doing) something: able to do some-

thing well because of training and practice

30. prompt (v) to make somebody decide to do something; to cause

something to happen; to encourage somebody to speak
by asking them questions or suggesting words that they
could say

(adj) done without delay;

(of a person) acting without delay; arriving at the right time


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