Neuroscience, The Internet and The Good Life
Neuroscience, The Internet and The Good Life
Neuroscience, The Internet and The Good Life
Notoriusly: famous for something bad Traced: to find someone or something that
(adj) was lost (v)
Abuse: to use something for the wrong Pathological: (of a person) unable to
purpose in a way that is harmful or morally control part of their behaviour;
wrong (v) unreasonable (adj)
Prosocial: relating to or denoting behavior Confessing : to admit that you have done
which is positive, helpful, and intended to something wrong or something that you
promote social acceptance and friendship. feel guilty or bad about (v)
Debilitating: to make someone or
Charitable: 1. giving money, food, or help something physically weak (Adj/v)
free to those who are in need because they
are ill, poor, or have no home 2. kind, and Frightening: making you feel fear (adj)
not judging other people in a severe way
(adj) Alienate: 1. to cause someone or a group
of people to stop supporting and agreeing
Empathetic: to be able to understand how with you 2. the feeling that you have no
someone else feels (adj) connection with the people around you (v)
Reversal: the act of changing or making
something change to its opposite (n)