Words Unit 5 - Secrets (Speakout Advanced) Lesson 5.1.family Secrets

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Words Unit 5 – Secrets (SpeakOut Advanced)

Lesson 5.1.Family Secrets

1. in confidence – secretly, cекретно

2. innermost – most private and personal, найпотаємніший
3. confessional – telling private information about a person’s life, сповідальний
4. allegedly – accused but not proven, ніби то
5. hidden – not seen or known, прихований
6. divulge – to make known (something such as a confidence or secret), розголошувати
7. encourage – to make more likely to happen, заохочення
8. at the drop of a hat – immediately, негайно
9. frown upon – to disapprove of something, неодобрений
10.keep themselves to themselves – to live a very quiet private life, not doing things
involving other people
11.behind closed doors – when something happens in private and the public are not allowed
to know about it
12.let it slip – to say something without meaning to; when you had wanted to be a secret,
сказати щось випадково
13.spill the beans – to divulge the secret or hidden information, розповісти секрет
14.keep/stay schtum – remain silent or say nothing, мовчати
15.let the cat out of the bag – to give away the secret, розсекретити
16.give the game away – to make a secret plan or activity known, розповісти секрет
17.stories of times gone by – історії минулих часів
18.eager – very excited and interested, нетерпляче
19.unassuming – not having or showing a desire to be noticed, невибагливий
20.dazzling – brilliantly or slowly bright, colorful or impressive, вразливий
21.take out – to arrange for, запросити
22.persuasion – the act of causing people to do or believe something, переконання
23.reluctantly – with aversion or hesitation, неохоче
24.consent – to agree to do or allow something, дати згоду
25.subsequently – at a later time, згодом
26.lid – the cover, покриття
27.peer – to look narrowly or curiously, зазирнути
Lesson 5.2. Truth or myth
1. disprove - to show that (something) is wrong or not true, спростувати
2. conventional wisdom – the opinion that most people consider to be normal and right,
but that is sometimes shown to be wrong, здоровий глузд
3. perception - the way you think about something and your idea of what it is like,
4. fallacy - a false idea or belief, especially one that a lot of people believe is true,
5. verify - to discover whether something is correct or true, перевірити
6. laden – load
7. dunk - If you dunk something in a liquid, you put it in the liquid, especially for a
particular purpose and for a short time. промакати
8. spreadsheets - a computer program in which figures arranged in the rows and columns
of a grid can be manipulated and used in calculations, електронні таблиці
9. musing - a period of reflection or thought, задумливість
10.commonly held - accepted usually or by most people,
11.debunk - to show that an idea or belief is false, розвінчувати
12.hang out - to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with particular people
13.speed up - to move or happen faster, or to make (something) move or happen faster,
набирати швидкості
14.brighten up - to make (something) more colourful or attractive, оживляти
15.jazz up - to make something more attractive or exciting, підбадьорювати
16.keep on - to continue doing something, or to do something many times,
17.pension off - to make someone leave their job when they are old or ill and pay them a
pension, or to get rid of something because it is old or not useful any more, йти на
18.cry off - to say that you cannot do something that you have already promised to do,
19.call off - to decide that a planned event will not take place, припиняти
20.find out - to get (information), after trying to discover it or by chance, вияснити
21.speak out - to publicly speak in protest about something, especially when protesting
could be dangerous, відкрито говорити
22.stand out - to be very easy to see or notice or to be much better than other similar
people or things, виділятися
23.call out - to say something loudly, викрикати
24.narrow down - to reduce the number of things included in a range, звести нанівець
25.crack down - to become stricter in dealing with a problem and punishing the people
involved, вживати крутих заходів
26.put away - to put (something) in the place where it is usually kept, позбуватися
27.blow away - to move, or to make (something) move, away from a place by the force of
the wind or a current of air, витерти
28.take away - to remove (someone or something), or make (something) disappear,
29.bring back - to start to use something again that was used in the past, повертати
30.think back - to think about things that happened in the past, згадати
31.look back – to think about something that happened in the past‍, згадати
32.cast (your mind) back - to think about something again or to remember something,
думками повертатися назад
33.mess around - to spend time lazily, doing things slowly and in a way that is not
planned, бездіяння
34.stand around - to stand somewhere and not do anything, стояти (без мети)

35.hang around - to wait or spend time somewhere, doing nothing, скласти компанію

36.mull over - to consider something for a long time, вважати

37.pore over - to read or look at something very carefully for a long time, уважно

38.look over - to examine (something or someone) quickly, without paying much

attention to detail, придивлятися

39.think over - to consider (something) carefully before making a decision, обдумувати

40.talk over - to discuss a problem with someone before deciding what to do, обговорити

41.look up - if a situation is looking up, it is improving, покращити

42.soldier on - to continue working in spite of difficulties, не здаватися

43.kill off - to stop or remove something completely, знищити

44.calm down - to become quiet and relaxed after you have been angry, excited, nervous,
or upset, or to make someone become quiet and relaxed, бути тихо

45.tidy up - to make a place look neatly arranged with everything in the right place,
поставити на місце

46.slip back - to gradually start being in a particular condition again or doing things in the
way they were done before, знову почати робити те саме

47.lounge around - to spend time relaxing and doing nothing, often when you should be
doing something, тинятися
Lesson 5.3. Tell me no lies

1. investigative journalism - work or activities that involve investigating

something, репортажне розслідування
2. injunction - an order given by a court, which tells someone not to do something,

3. whistle-blowing - telling people in authority or the public about dishonest or

illegal practices, донощики

4. sensitive information - sensitive information needs to be dealt with very

carefully, because it is secret or because it may offend people, інформація з
обмеженим доступом

5. scoop - an important or exciting news story that is printed in one newspaper or

shown on one television station before any of the others know it, сенсаційний

6. source - a person, book, or document that supplies you with information,

Lesson 5.4. Secret island
1. deserted – empty and quiet because there no people there, спустошений
2. abandoned – left by the people who owned or used it, пустий
3. uninhabited – not lived in, ненаселений
4. rehabilitation – the process of helping someone to live in a healthy, active way again,
5. quarantine – keeping a person or animal apart from others for a time in case they are infected
with a disease, карантин
6. vegetation – plant life or total plant cover (as of an area), рослинність
7. conceal – to keep (something) secret, приховувати
8. disintegrating – to break apart into many small parts or pieces, розпадаюий
9. rubble – broken fragments (as of rock) resulting from the decay or destruction of a
building, щебінь
10. designated – to appoint or choose for a special purpose, призначений
11. sanctuary – a place where someone or something is protected or given shelter, притулок
12. contagious – able to be passed from one individual to another through contact, заразний
13. burgeoning – growing, expanding, or developing rapidly, розпускання
14. prominence – the state of being important, famous, or noticeable, відомість
15. juvenile delinquents – a violation of the law committed by a juvenile that would have been
a crime if committed by an adult, злочинність неповнолітніх
16. allude – to talk about or hint at without mentioning directly, згадувати
17. reclaim – to get back (something that was lost or taken away), повертати
18. conundrum – a confusing or difficult problem, головоломка
19. alter – to become different, змінювати
20. reassert – to state or declare (something) more strongly or clearly: to state again that
(something) is true, знову підтвердити
21. gems – a usually valuable stone cut and polished for jewelry, коштовність
22. secluded – placed apart from other people, усамітнений
23. twinning – the coupling, association, or comparison of two similar people, groups, or
things, побратимство
24. blossom – the flower of a seed plant, цвіт
25. serenity – the quality or state of being calm and peaceful, безтурботність
26. Zen – a state of calm attentiveness in which one's actions are guided by intuition rather
than by conscious effort, Дзен
27. Buzz – to make a low continuous humming sound like that of a bee, гудіння
28. Tide – the regular upward and downward movement of the level of the ocean that is caused
by the pull of the Sun and the Moon on the Earth, відплив
29. Bustling – full of lively activity, метушливий
30. Tapestry – a heavy cloth that has designs or pictures woven into it and is used especially as
a wall hanging, декоративна тканина
31. Peruse – to examine or read (something) in a very careful way, ознайомитися
32. Peckish – slightly hungry, голодний
33. Pop in – to go, come, or appear suddenly or unexpectedly, заглянути

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