Gen 009 - Sas#1 - 2324
Gen 009 - Sas#1 - 2324
Gen 009 - Sas#1 - 2324
Productivity Tip:
After finishing this module, explain quickly what you have learned to your parents, tell them what are the things you
need to complete and to submit. They will surely support you.
Welcome to GEN 009: Entrepreneurial Mind!
Are you interested in starting your own business one day? Or maybe you already own your own business? A person who
builds or starts his own business is an entrepreneur. There are quite a few things to learn about becoming an
entrepreneur. GEN 009 gives you a rich introduction on becoming an entrepreneur. Whatever course you may be
enrolled in, whether you are interested in setting up your own business, there are many benefits in learning how
businesses start and especially how entrepreneurs think. We hope you are eager to learn all about The Entrepreneurial
Mind! Let’s start!
Oh, but wait! before going to the Main Lesson for today, please read first the course syllabus so that you will be familiar
with the topics, references, and the requirements for this course.
An Entrepreneur
● The word entrepreneur is derived from the French word “entreprendre” which means “to undertake or to try”.
● A common definition of an entrepreneur is someone who establishes a new entry to offer a new or existing
product or service into a new or existing market, whether it is for a profitable or non-profitable outcome.
● An entrepreneur is an individual who is able to perceive an opportunity for a business and create an organization
to develop and manage that business successfully.
● An entrepreneur is an individual who organizes, manages and assumes the risks of a business.
Future-oriented Foresight
Exercise 1: Read each statement below. Check “True” if the statement fits or describes you, and check “False” if it does
not fit or does not describe you.
2. When I encounter a difficult situation, I am confident things will turn out for the better.
_____ True _____False
4. When I see something that needs to be done, I start working on it without waiting to be told.
_____ True _____False
11. I can look at a problem from different perspectives and come up with creative alternative solutions.
_____ True _____False
🗹Check your answers using the Key to Corrections found in the last pages of this SAS.
What does your result mean? ______________________________
Exercise 2: Check out the picture and read the quote below. Then answer the questions that follow.
🗹Check your answers using the Key to Corrections found in the last pages of this SAS. Give yourself 1 point for each
correct answer. Write your score here: _____
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Here are some added information related to today’s topic:
Answer Key
Exercise 1: Results may vary but based on the table at pages 2 and 3, if you have more “True” responses then the
stronger your potential for an entrepreneurial mindset.
Exercise 2:
1. Steve Jobs
2. Apple, Inc.
3. Passion