Final Exam Leadership

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INSTRUCTION: Read carefully the questions and choose the best answer by writing the letter of your choice in
CAPITAL BEFORE THE NUMBER. No erasures and superimposition of answers shall be allowed.

1. It is defined as the process by which the manager D. choosing alternatives and putting it into actions
attempts to measure if actual activities conformed to
planned activities. 8. The nurse-manager is knowledgeable about the
A. Quality Performance different methods she/he can employ for Performance
B. Controlling Appraisal. Which among the ff involves an objective
C. Directing description of behavior as evaluation method?
D. Decision-Making process A. Self-rating
B. Ranking
2. The abovementioned process involves all of the ff C. Rating Scale
steps EXCEPT D. Anecdotal records
A. establish standards and criteria
B. measure performance 9. The nurse-manager is knowledgeable about the
C. compare results with standards different methods she/he can employ for Performance
D. supervise subordinate closely Appraisal. Which among the ff involves list specific
description of good, average, and very good
3. Upon performance of the process by the nurse performance as evaluation method?
manager, she finds out that the results match with the A. Anecdotal records
established standards. Which among the ff actions B. behavior-anchored
should the nurse-manager do? C. essay evaluation
A. take corrective actions D. critical incident
B. re-evaluate the conduct of the evaluation
C. re-set standards and revise accordingly 10. The nurse-manager is knowledgeable about the
D. improve the standards when necessary different methods she/he can employ for Performance
Appraisal. Which among the ff involves description of
4. Upon performance of the process by the nurse strength and weakness of an employee as evaluation
manager, she finds out that the results do not match method?
with the established standards. Which among the ff A. Essay evaluation
actions should the nurse-manager do? B. team evaluation
A. take corrective actions C. behavior-anchored
B. re-evaluate the conduct of the evaluation D. critical incident
C. re-set standards and revise accordingly
D. improve the standards when necessary 11. In the performance of Evaluation by the nurse-
manager, all of the ff are problem areas that need to
5. When the nurse manager evaluates the performance be addressed EXCEPT
of the employees against the established standards to A. subordinates have not been motivated to want to
determine job competencies, he/she is performing change
what process? B. people are unable to make a change
A. Quality Assurance Program C. subordinates become resentful and anxious
B. Performance Appraisal D. subordinates understand the implication of the
C. Staff Development merit system
D. Quality Control
12. Which among the ff involves common error in the
6. The nurse manager seeks to discover employees performance of evaluation where the nurse-manager
aspiration and recognize accomplishments. Which allows one trait to influence the evaluation of others,
among the ff must the nurse-manager perform? thus rating of all the traits on the basis of first
A. Quality Assurance Program impression?
B. Performance Appraisal A. contrast error
C. Staff Development B. halo error
D. Quality Control C. horn error
D. racial bias
7. All of the following refers to the Performance Appraisal 13. Which among the ff involves common error in the
and Evaluation System EXCEPT performance of evaluation where the nurse-manager is
A. Aid manager in counseling and coaching hypercritical about the subordinates?
B. determine training and development needs of the A. contrast error
staff B. halo error
C. inventories of talents C. horn error

D. racial bias A. development of mutually trusting relationship
B. development of strategic plan for the community
14. Which among the ff involves common error in the C. development of sustainable program unilaterally
performance of evaluation where the nurse-manager D. development of linkages with other NGOs
rates the subordinates opposite the way they perceive
themselves? 22. In order to gain the cooperation of the community
A. contrast error members, the community nurse manager must first:
B. halo error A. assess the strengths of the community
C. horn error B. asses the weakness of the community
D. racial bias C. plan for the interventions that are important for the
15. In the controlling process, it involves doing the right D. establish rapport with the members of the
thing, a systematic process to improve outcomes community
based on customers needs by employing systematic
approach to assessment and problem solving. 23. As a community health manager, one must ensure that
A. performance appraisal meaningful empowerment in the local health system
B. total quality management takes place. Directly influencing the executive and
C. quality assurance program legislative officials is one of the most important
D. nursing audit activities that the nurse manager must harness by
harmonious relationship with community officials.
16. In the controlling process, it involves establishing Which among the ff should the nurse manager perform
standards of excellence of intervention and taking first?
steps to ensure that each patient receives the A. identify correct full names and designation of the
expected level of care. It is the fulfillment of social local officials
contract between the society and the profession. B. send letters of invitation for the community open
A. performance appraisal forum
B. total quality management C. invite the local leaders to attend the mothers class
C. quality assurance program D. develop forum for leaders and community
D. nursing audit members

17. The nurse manager is aware that all of the ff are the 24. Data regarding factors that may affect the health of the
framework of Quality Assurance (QA) EXCEPT population must be gathered, analyzed, and
A. Extrinsic Factors interpreted according to health needs and problems.
B. Structure Which among the ff should the nurse manager refer
C. Process that contains vital source of data about the area,
D. Outcome landmark, and resources, both man-made and natural?
A. community map
18. One of the frameworks of Quality Assurance involves B. community history
the instrumentalities in the delivery of care to include C. community action group
personnel and supplies, referred to as: D. community organization chart
A. Extrinsic Factors
B. Structure 25. Nurse Manager wants to find out the community
C. Process history of the place she is assigned to. All of the ff are
D. Outcome significant questions that she can ask to gather
information about the history EXCEPT
19. One of the frameworks of Quality Assurance involves A. How did the barangay get its name?
how the services were delivered, referred to as: B. Who were the first residents?
A. Extrinsic Factors C. Who were the first officials?
B. Structure D. Who are the present officials and current land
C. Process area?
D. Outcome
26. All of the ff are part of the Community Profile under
20. One of the frameworks of Quality Assurance involves Economic Features EXCEPT:
results expected of the service, referred to as: A. topography
A. Extrinsic Factors B. industries
B. Structure C. poultry and livestock raising
C. Process D. sources of livelihood
D. Outcome
27. All of the ff are part of the Community Profile under
Promoting the development of the communities is one of Physical Features EXCEPT
the greatest tasks in nation-building. The greatest need is A. land area
to provide every family with basic information on how to B. soil properties
protect its health and enhance its growth. C. location
21. As a community health nurse, which among the ff is D. education
considered as the MOST important step in community
health process, where participation of the members of
the community is deemed crucial to its success?
28. All of the ff are components of the Community Profile
that the nurse manager needs to be familiarized
A. Boundaries
B. Land Area
C. History
D. Churches

29. In the presentation of the data, which among the ff

shows the relationship between several types of
collected quantitative data and useful when there are
large quantities of information to analyze?
A. Table
B. Graph
C. Chart
D. Appendices

30. This type of graph is formed by segments of straight

lines that join the plotted points which represent given
A. pictograph
B. line graph
C. pyramid graph
D. table

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