Cond Mat0604368
Cond Mat0604368
Cond Mat0604368
We investigate shear strength properties of wet granular materials in the pendular state (i.e. the
state where the liquid phase is discontinuous) as a function of water content. Sand and glass beads
were wetted and tested in a direct shear cell and under various confining pressures. In parallel,
we carried out three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulations by using an explicit equation
expressing capillary force as a function of interparticle distance, water bridge volume and surface
tension. We show that, due to the peculiar features of capillary interactions, the major influence of
water content over the shear strength stems from the distribution of liquid bonds. This property
results in shear strength saturation as a function of water content. We arrive at the same conclusion
by a microscopic analysis of the shear strength. We propose a model that accounts for the capillary
force, the granular texture and particle size polydispersity. We find fairly good agreement of the
theoretical estimate of the shear strength with both experimental data and simulations. From
numerical data, we analyze the connectivity and anisotropy of different classes of liquid bonds
according to the sign and level of the normal force as well as the bond direction. We find that
weak compressive bonds are almost isotropically distributed whereas strong compressive and tensile
bonds have a pronounced anisotropy. The probability distribution function of normal forces is
exponentially decreasing for strong compressive bonds, a decreasing power-law function over nearly
one decade for weak compressive bonds and an increasing linear function in the range of tensile
bonds. These features suggest that different bond classes do not play the same role with respect to
the shear strength.
τ (Pa)
of the material before and after testing by means of a
heat chamber used for drying the sample at 105◦ C. The
water content is given by w = mw /ms , where mw and
ms are the masses of water and grains, respectively. The
wet materials were tested for water contents below 0.05 w = 0.000
w = 0.009
corresponding to the pendular state for our materials. w = 0.017
w = 0.022
The experiments were performed at ambient conditions. (a) w = 0.048
Each experiment lasted a few minutes. The loss of liquid
was always below two percent. This loss is not only due to
evaporation but also due to partial wetting of the internal σ (Pa)
walls of the cell. It is small enough to assume a constant
liquid volume (as in simulations, see below).
C. Results
c (Pa)
Figure 2(a) shows the yield loci τ -σ for the sand at
several levels of water content w. Within experimental
precision, the data are well fitted by a straight line, in
agreement with the Mohr-Coulomb model
(b) wm
τ = µσ + c, (1)
where µ = tan ϕ is the internal coefficient of friction and
c is the Coulomb cohesion. It is remarkable that ϕ ≃
33◦ is almost independant of w. On the other hand, FIG. 2: (a) Yield loci τ -σ of sand for increasing level of water
the Coulomb cohesion increases nonlinearly with w and content; (b) the Coulomb cohesion as a function of water
saturates to cm ≃ 600 Pa at wm ≃ 0.03, as shown in content. The dashed line is drawn as a guide to the eyes.
Fig. 2(b).
For tightly-graded polydisperse beads we get a simi-
lar behavior with ϕ ≃ 30◦ ; Figs. 3(a) and (b). How-
ever, saturation occurs at a lower level of water content
(wm ≃ 0.025) and cohesion (cm ≃ 350 Pa). Figures Coulomb cohesion is reliable. The different values of cm
4(a) and (b) show the results for well-graded polydis- for different materials will be discussed in section IV (see
perse beads. Saturation occurs at about wm ≃ 0.01 also Table I).
and cm ≃ 300 Pa. Enhance fluctuations observed in
the data from glass beads, compared to the sand, may The value of wm is less clearly defined and it is likely
be attributed to a lower level of cohesion and a tighter to depend on two factors: (1) the surface state of the
size distribution of glass beads. In fact, a lower level particles and (2) possible clustering of the liquid phase
of cohesion leads to larger mobility of the particles and [? ? ? ]. The sand grains have a rough surface requiring
the porosity increases as the particle sizes are less widely more water to form a meniscus than glass beads which
distributed. In the case of monodisperse beads, the co- are much more smooth. On the other hand, partial clus-
hesion jumps from zero for the dry material to a nonzero tering of water may occur and this might require a larger
value (cm ≃ 150 Pa) independently from water content; amount of water for the formation of liquid bridges al-
Figs. 5(a) and (b). Since we have few data points between though we observed no clustering at the visible parts of
w = 0 and w ≃ 0.01, the saturation level wm should be the packing through the transparent walls of the testing
below 0.01. cell. It is worth noting that it is not straightforward to
Notice that the shear tests provide quite reproducible evaluate the variability of w since each value results from
results. We see that, in Figs. 2(a)-5(a), the Mohr- several experiments. If the evaluation is based only on
Coulomb line passes through most of data points. The the measurement of the water content at the beginning
very weak dispersion of the data points about this line and at the end of each test, the error would be as small
shows the high reproducibility of the testing procedure. as 2% and this can not be shown in the figures (it would
This means that the experimental measurement of the be smaller than the size of the data point symbols).
w = 0.000 w = 0.000
w = 0.007 w = 0.008
w = 0.009 w = 0.012
w = 0.023 w = 0.019
w = 0.026
τ (Pa)
τ (Pa)
(a) (a)
σ (Pa)
σ (Pa)
c (Pa)
c (Pa)
(b) (b)
wm wm
w w
FIG. 3: (a) Yield loci τ -σ of tightly-graded glass beads for FIG. 4: (a) Yield loci τ -σ of well-graded glass beads for in-
increasing level of water content; (b) the Coulomb cohesion creasing level of water content; (b) the Coulomb cohesion as
as a function of water content. a function of water content.
act also through a Coulomb friction law with a viscous
regularization at low sliding velocities. The material is
For the simulations, we employed the framework of
sheared quasistatically in a direct shear cell in the pres-
the molecular dynamics method [? ? ]. This method
ence of gravity and confining stresses. The damping pa-
is referred to as Distinct Element Method (DEM) in the
rameter and the normal stiffness (force per unit overlap)
geotechnical context. The heart of our simulations is,
were adjusted in order to get largest time step (10−6 s)
however, the model of capillary cohesion and its imple-
and small overlaps within numerical stability. The nor-
mentation, as well as the way liquid bridges are numer-
mal stiffness and the interparticle coefficient of friction
ically distributed in the packing. These aspects are de-
were 103 N/m and 0.4, respectively.
tailed below.
A. Molecular Dynamics
z c+ R1
z c− z−
w = 0.01
fnc (10−4 N)
τ (Pa)
w = 0.00
δn (10−4 m) δℓ/!d"
FIG. 7: Capillary force as a function of the gap according to FIG. 8: The shear stress τ as a function of shearing distance δℓ
Eq. 2 for increasing liquid volume Vb . normalized by the average particle diameter hdi for a dry and
a wet sample simulated by the molecular dynamics method.
The confining stress is σ = 300 Pa.
C. Sample preparation
w = 0.000 × 10−2 y
w = 0.125 × 10−2
w = 0.500 × 10−2
w = 1.000 × 10−2
w = 2.000 × 10−2
τ (Pa)
(a) (a)
σ (Pa) y
c (Pa)
w z
FIG. 9: (a) Yield loci τ -σ from 15 simulations for increasing FIG. 10: (Color online) Compressive force network (a) and
level of water content; (b) the corresponding values of the tensile force network (b) in a thin vertical layer. Weak forces
Coulomb cohesion c as a function of water content. are not shown. xz is the shear plane and y-axis points upward.
wet case. The steady state (“critical state” in soils me- stress gradients in the bulk. This point has been ana-
chanics) is reached at δℓ ≃ hdi for all water contents. The lyzed in detail by Thornton and Zhang [? ]. We used
steady state deformation involves numerous instabilities here the wall stresses τ and σ for comparison with the
that occur throughout the system and appear in the form corresponding experimental values.
of rapid stress drops on the stress-strain plots. We see Figure 10 displays a typical example of the force net-
that in transition from dry to wet materials the frequency work in a thin vertical layer (parallel to xy plane). We
of such instabilities declines while their amplitudes grow. observe a strongly inhomogeneous transmission of both
We now turn to the evolution of the Coulomb cohesion compressive and tensile forces. The liquid bonds belong
as a function of w. Figure 9(a) shows fitted yield loci to three different classes: (1) contacts carrying a com-
from 15 simulations involving three different values of pressive (positive) force; (2) contacts carrying a tensile
the confining pressure σ and five different values of the (negative) force; (3) liquid bonds with no contact and
water content w. The Coulomb cohesion c is drawn as thus carrying a tensile force. We denote the correspond-
a function of w in Fig. 9(b). The latter is very similar ing partial coordination numbers by z c+ , z c− and z − ,
to the corresponding experimental plot (Fig. 5(b)) for respectively (see Fig. 6). Fig. 11 shows the evolution of
monodisperse glass beads. We observe a saturation of these partial coordination numbers as a function of shear
c at still lower levels of water content (wm ≃ 0.001). displacement. Interestingly, although the bonds are op-
Note also that, while the average grain size is nearly the timally distributed in the sample (according to the first
same in these simulations and in the case of monodisperse redistribution method), z − is only about one bond per
experimental glass beads, the maximum cohesion cm = particle. This means that the overall contribution of this
120 Pa in the simulations is very close to that (150 Pa) class, involving a low number of bonds and rather weak
for 1 mm glass beads. forces, to stress transmission is marginal. The evolution
In contrast to the experiments, where the stresses are of particle connectivity is mainly reflected in the regular
measured at the walls, it is also possible to compute the fall-off of z c− during shear. This class, with numerous
stress tensor for grain-to-grain forces in the simulations contacts and a high force level, provides the largest con-
(see below). However, we found that in our simulations, tribution to the transmission of tensile stresses in the
the results from these two methods do not coincide. This packing. The rather large and constant value of z c+ is
is because in direct shearing, wall effects give rise to large a reflection of the fact that the packing is globally sub-
fn /!fn "
FIG. 11: Partial coordination numbers as a function of shear-
ing distance.
jected to boundary compressive stresses.
The probability distribution function P of normal
bond forces is shown in Fig. 12. The largest forces be-
long to the compressive network (involving no limiting
threshold) whereas the tensile forces extend down to the
capillary force threshold −f0 . The distribution reveals
three different force intervals with different statistics in fn /!fn "
each interval:
−β hffn
e for fn > hfn i
P (fn ) ∝ fn
hfn i for 0 < fn < hfn i , (6)
γ fn +f0 + P for − f < f < 0
hfn i 0 0 n
1 X k k
z σij =
fi ℓj , (7)
y where i and j refer to components and V is the control
(b) volume. The derivation of this expression is independent
of the nature of interactions so that Eq. 7 holds also in the
presence of capillary forces. In this case, the set of con-
tact points is simply extended to cover capillary bridges.
It can be shown that σ is symmetric if no torques are
transmitted at the interaction points. From Eq. 7, the
x stress σ11 in the direction of extension is given by:
where z is the average number of bonds per particle and
we have
hd1/2 ihdihd3/2 i
s= . (12)
hd3 i
In derivation of the expression of s, it was assumed that
the particle radii R1 and R2 are not correlated. This
means that various granulometric classes are homoge- FIG. 14: The initial wet coordination number in simulations
neously distributed in the bulk. It is easy to see that as a function of water content.
for a uniform size distribution, s varies from 8/15 to 1
as the smallest particle size increases from 0 to the mean
particle size. For a monodisperse assembly, we have s = 1 Although this geometrical saturation should dominate
(see Table I). Eq. 11 is similar to the expression proposed in the pendular state, it does not elude that other mecha-
first by Rumpf [? ] for monodisperse materials (so, with- nisms might play a role in the experiments. In particular,
out the s prefactor), and recently derived from the stress as the liquid content is increased, the liquid bonds may
tensor by Gröger et al. [? ]. Our equation 11 accounts in coalesce at least locally, leading to bond saturation. We
a simple way for polydispersity and the correlation be- did not observe liquid bond clustering at the visible parts
tween the capillary force threshold f0 and the particle of our samples.
size d. For real polydisperse materials, the factor s is The initial value of z depends also on the prepara-
crucial for comparing the model with experiments. tion protocol. Since f0 is independent of w, the same
By definition, the Coulomb cohesion is the yield shear amount of water can be distributed in such a way as to
stress at zero confining pressure in which case the cap- produce a lower number of liquid bonds and thus a lower
illary forces are the only forces acting in the material. macroscopic cohesion. This effect is illustrated in Fig. 15
In this limit, the normal stress σ on the shear plane is where the stress-strain plots are shown for two initially
simply equal to the average capillary force divided by identical configurations differing only in the number of
the sample section S. We have seen that “gap” liquid liquid bonds for the same water content. The simulation
bonds (without contact) contribute only marginally to was carried out by using the second method of liquid re-
force transmission (z − being below one bond per parti- distribution (section III). In the sample where half of
cle); see Fig. 11. It is thus reasonable to assume that the water bonds has been removed, the wet coordination
the capillary force at each bond is f0 . This means that, number increases with deformation. But in the initial
in the absence of confining stresses, we may set σ = σ th . stages of deformation, the cohesion is close to half that
Then, the shear stress at yield is the theoretical cohesion of the sample involving a double number of water bonds,
cth given by and it increases as the wet coordination number grows.
We summarize in Table I the theoretical estimates cth
3 κφz and the measured values cm of the saturated Coulomb
cth = µσ th = µs . (13) cohesion for all our experimental and numerical samples
4π hdi
together with the values of the parameters involved in
It is important to note that the water content does not Eq. 13. The value of the polydispersity factor s was cal-
enter the above expression of cth . The only parameter culated from the knowledge of the particle size distribu-
related to water is κ. This suggests that the water con- tions. Note that cth is in excellent agreement with cm
tent manifests itself mainly through the wet coordination both for experiments and simulations. It is noteworthy
number z = z − + z c− + z c+ . In particular, the cohesion that if the prefactor s were not incorporated in Eq. 13
cm at saturation corresponds to the saturation of z as (i.e. if Rumpf’s equation had been used), the measured
the water content w is increased. In fact, when a cer- value of cm would be below cth by a factor s.
tain amount of water is homogeneously distributed in the This agreement between the theoretical estimate and
whole sample within the de-bonding distance, one finds experiments with sand and glass beads was obtained with
that z increases with w and saturates beyond w = wm . z = 6 which is a reasonable value of the bond coordina-
This is shown in Fig. 14 for the initial configuration of tion number in the case of a homogeneous distribution of
our numerical samples. This is a purely geometrical ef- water in the bulk, and it is suggested by recent experi-
fect related to steric exclusions among particles and it mental observations [? ? ]. Note, however, that in the
explains therefore the saturation of cohesion with water case of fine-grain samples (sand and GB1 in Table I) a
content according to Eq. 13. closer agreement can be obtained with a lower value of z.
w = 0.01
We performed experiments and discrete element sim-
ulations to analyze the Coulomb cohesion of wet granu-
lar media in the pendular state. It was shown that the
τ (Pa)
Coulomb cohesion increases with water content and sat-
urates to a maximum value that depends only on the
w = 0.00 nature of the material. An interesting aspect that was
partly investigated by simulations is that the cohesion
is basically controlled by the number of liquid bonds.
This suggests that the saturation of Coulomb cohesion
occurs since new bonds are hardly formed beyond a cer-
tain amount of the water content. On the other hand,
δℓ/!d" the capillary failure threshold is nearly independent of
the local liquid volume.
Starting with the expression of the stress tensor, we
FIG. 15: The shear stress τ as a function of shearing distance also introduced a novel expression for the Coulomb cohe-
δℓ normalized by the average particle diameter hdi for a dry
sion as a function of material and structural parameters.
and two wet samples with different numbers of liquid bonds;
see text. The confining stress is σ = 300 Pa. This expression extends the classical model of Rumpf to
polydisperse materials. We found that our model is in ex-
cellent agreement with experimental and numerical data.
From numerical data, we analyzed the connectivity and
TABLE I: Measured and theoretical parameters for all our anisotropy of different classes of liquid bonds according
experimental and numerical samples. The approximate value to the sign and level of the normal force as well as the
of the bond coordination number z for the experiments (indi- bond direction. We found that weak compressive bonds
cated by a question mark) was suggested by the literature [? are almost isotropically distributed whereas strong com-
? ].
pressive and tensile bonds have a pronounced anisotropy.
Sand GB1a GB2b GB3c Simulations It was shown that the probability distribution function
hdi (mm) 0.16 0.45 0.60 1.00 1.65 of normal forces is exponentially decreasing for strong
compressive bonds, a decreasing power-law function over
s 0.50 0.99 0.91 1.00 0.79
nearly one decade for weak compressive bonds and an
z 6(?) 6(?) 6(?) 6(?) 9 increasing linear function in the range of tensile bonds.
φ 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 In the extension of this work, it is essential to evaluate
µ 0.66 0.58 0.58 0.46 0.48 the limits of the model by considering other materials
cm (Pa) 600 350 300 150 120 and non monotonous loading paths. In particular, we
cth (Pa) 709 438 302 158 118 would like to study the shear strength of granular me-
dia with a larger polydispersity than materials that were
a tigthly-graded polydisperse glass beads
b well-graded polydisperse glass
used in the present investigation. Since the distribution
c monodisperse glass beads of liquid bonds seems to be a major parameter for the
cohesion, it also merits to be investigated in more detail
experimentally. Finally, an interesting application of the
ideas put forward in this paper would be to examine by
This is suggestive in the sense that liquid bond clustering which mechanisms the cohesion of a sample of wet sand
might indeed occur more frequently for fine grains and increases as a result of compactification.
reduce thus the effective bond coordination number.
By construction, the theoretical estimate is an upper
bound for cohesion. For brittle materials, failure is ini-
tiated by the breakdown of a few bonds and propagates
subsequently into the material. When this mechanism We gratefully acknowledge J.-Y. Delenne, R. Peyroux
works, the tensile strength is not controlled by the aver- and F. Soulié for interesting discussions. The first author
age stress (as assumed in the derivation of σ th ) but by the would like to thank DGA (the french ministry of defense)
largest local stresses, and hence the effective strength is for providing financial support for his PhD work.
far below the theoretical one (in proportion to the stress
concentration factor) [? ]. Hence, the nice agreement
of the theoretical estimate both with simulations and ex-
periments suggests that the failure of our wetted granular
materials is ductile and the shear strength is controlled
by the mean tensile force.