Vertical Confinement, SM 2022
Vertical Confinement, SM 2022
Vertical Confinement, SM 2022
The flow of polymer solutions under extensional conditions is frequently encountered in numerous
engineering fields. Planar contraction and/or expansion microchannels have been a subject of interest
for many studies in that regard, which, however, have mostly focused on shallow channel structures.
We investigate here the effect of changing the depth of contraction–expansion microchannels on the
flow responses of three types of polymer solutions and water. The flow of viscoelastic polyethylene
oxide (PEO) solution is found to become more stable with suppressed vortex formation and growth in
the contraction part while being less stable in the expansion part with the increase of the channel depth.
These opposing trends in the contraction and expansion flows are noted to have similarities with our
recent findings of constriction length-dependent instabilities in the same PEO solution (M. K. Raihan,
S. Wu, Y. Song and X. Xuan, Soft Matter, 2021, 17, 9198–9209), where the contraction flow gets
Received 30th July 2022, stabilized while the expansion flow becomes destabilized with the increase of the constriction length.
Accepted 16th September 2022 In contrast, the entire flow becomes less stable in deeper channels for the shear-thinning xanthan gum
DOI: 10.1039/d2sm01024k (XG) solution as well as the shear thinning and viscoelastic polyacrylamide (PAA) solution. This
observation aligns with that of water flow, which is attributed to the reduced top/bottom wall stabilizing effects.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 7427–7440 | 7427
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salient corners of the contraction. They further reported that (upper right) and side (lower right) view pictures of the contraction–
varying the channel depth has similar effects on the contrac- expansion region of the prepared constriction microchannels. The depth
of the microchannel, h, is varied from 30 mm to 50 mm and 90 mm in the
tion flow to varying the fluid properties as the latter also
influences the elasticity number. Hidema et al.45 experimen-
tally studied the effects of polymer flexibility and entanglement
on the flow of dilute and semi-dilute sodium hyaluronate 2. Experiment
solutions with and without salt in planar contraction–expan-
2.1. Materials
sion microchannels. They found that for alike elasticity num-
bers, the unstable flow regimes are encountered earlier in the Fig. 1 shows the schematic and pictures of the contraction–
contraction of the deeper channel regardless of the polymer expansion region of the microchannels used in our tests. The
rigidity (which depends on the ionic strength of the solvent) and microchannel molds were prepared with SU-8 25 photoresist
entanglement (which depends on the polymer concentration) (MicroChem, Newton, MA, USA) by standard photolithography.
in the solution. In another study that is not directly related to The microchannels were then made from these molds with
the contraction or expansion flow, Cruz et al.46 conducted polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) by soft lithography. Further
creeping flow simulations of upper-convected Maxwell and details about the channel fabrication can be found in our
simplified PTT fluids in three dimensional planar cross-slots. previous work.48 The prepared microchannels are all 2 cm long
They found that increasing the Deborah number (equivalent to and 500 (10) mm wide with a 250 mm long and 50 (2) mm
increasing the flow rate) changes the flow from steady sym- wide constriction in the middle. These channels differ only in
metric to time dependent in shallow channels. In contrast, the the vertical direction having the depths of 30 mm, 50 mm and
flow in deep channels first bifurcates from steady symmetric 90 mm, yielding the aspect ratio [depth/width, see the definition
to steady asymmetric and then becomes unsteady with the in eqn (5)] of 0.6, 1.0 and 1.8, respectively, for the constriction.
increase of the Deborah number. Three types of polymer solutions were prepared in deionized
The existing scarce studies are insufficient to elucidate the (DI) water (Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA): 2000 ppm XG
correlation between fluid rheology and the effect of channel solution (molecular weight, Mw E 2 MDa, and overlap concen-
depth on the contraction/expansion flow of non-Newtonian tration, c* = 254 ppm,49 Tokyo Chemical Industry, Tokyo,
fluids. Hence, we investigate here the flow of three types Japan) is a shear thinning fluid with a negligible elasticity;50
of polymer solutions in three planar constriction micro- 1000 ppm PEO solution (Mw = 2 MDa and c* = 858 ppm,49
channels differing only in their depths. The polymer Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) is a viscoelastic fluid with
solutions have distinct rheological properties including the almost no shear thinning effect51 (i.e., Boger fluid52); 200 ppm
shear thinning xanthan gum (XG) solution, viscoelastic PEO PAA solution (poly(acrylamide/sodium acrylate) [70 : 30], Mw =
solution, and the both shear thinning and viscoelastic poly- 18 MDa and c* = 104 ppm,49 Polysciences, Warrington, PA, USA)
acrylamide (PAA) solution. These solutions are noted to is a both shear thinning and viscoelastic fluid.53 The chain
have been frequently used for industrial and microfluidic conformations in all these polymer solutions are in their
applications.3–8,18,19,27 They are each tested along with water respective overlap states, and hence the solutions are in their
from the non-inertial to inertia-dominated flow regime in corresponding semi-dilute regimes.49 DI water was also tested
every channel for a systematic understanding of both the sole as the control experiment for the effect of fluid inertia alone.
and combined effects of fluid shear thinning, elasticity and Fig. 2 shows the shear viscosities of the prepared polymer
inertia on the channel depth-dependent instabilities. Small solutions that were measured using a cone–plate rheometer
fluorescent particles are seeded into each of the prepared (Anton Paar, MCR 302, Graz, Austria) at room temperature. The
solutions for a direct visualization of the flow pattern in the Carreau model54 was used to fit the measured viscosity data of
contraction–expansion region of the microchannels. The flow the shear thinning XG and PAA solutions,
development such as vortices and instabilities in each Z Z1 h iðn1Þ=2
solution is characterized in dimensionless parameter spaces ¼ 1 þ ðlc g_ Þ2 (1)
Z0 Z1
among the three channels. It is anticipated that our obtained
experimental data will advance the fundamental understanding where Z is the fluid viscosity, ZN is the infinite-shear-
and benefit the numerical modeling of non-Newtonian fluid rate viscosity, Z0 is the zero shear-rate viscosity, lc is a time
flows.47 constant, g_ is the fluid shear rate, and n is the power-law index
7428 | Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 7427–7440 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 7427–7440 | 7429
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Fig. 3 The expansion flow of Newtonian water in constriction microchannels having three different depths: (a) snapshot images, where the highlighted
dimension, Lv, on the top-row image indicates the measurement of vortex length in the flow direction and the dashed lines on the bottom-row images
highlight the flow asymmetries; (b) plot of the measured vortex length, Lv (normalized by the width of the microchannel) against Re, where the solid lines
are the trendlines best fitted for the experimental data (symbols) and used here to guide the eyes only; (c) summary of the flow events in the
dimensionless AR–Re space: ‘circles’ for no flow disturbances, ‘triangles’ for lip vortices, ‘squares’ for symmetric corner vortices, and ‘crosses’ for
asymmetric corner vortices. The arrow on the chart indicates that the fluid inertia-induced expansion-flow vortices in water get destabilized in deeper
However, the flow symmetry breaks down at the flow rate of 3.2. Shear thinning XG solution
50 mL h1 with Re = 198 though the flow still remains Fig. 4(a) shows the snapshots for the contraction-flow of XG
temporarily steady. This asymmetric expansion flow becomes solution in the three constriction microchannels. In the shallow-
more pronounced with the increase of Re, consistent with the est channel with AR = 0.6, lip vortices are formed at 0.01 mL h1
previous reports.37,40 Fig. 3(b) compares the measured vortex with Re = 0.00238, which is significantly earlier than the onset
lengths, Lv (normalized by the width of the microchannel), of lip vortices in the expansion water flow because of the
against Re in the three channels. Overall, the vortices start XG solution’s strong shear thinning effect. These lip vortices
earlier and the vortex length is greater throughout the range of extend till the side walls at Re = 0.0906 and grow until Re = 22.7,
Re in the deeper channels. Fig. 3(c) presents the flow events in at which the corner vortices remain confined in the horizontal
the dimensionless AR–Re space. The onset of fluid inertia- plane of the microchannel. The recirculations are observed to
induced vortices is pushed forward to a smaller Re in a deeper overlap at Re = 33.6 exhibiting an apparently 3D pattern. They,
channel, indicating that increasing the channel depth destabi- however, remain approximately symmetric and do not seem to
lizes the inertial flow of water because of the reduced top/ further grow in size with the increase of Re. A similar develop-
bottom wall stabilizing effects.37–43 ment of flow events is also observed in the deeper AR = 1.0 and
7430 | Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 7427–7440 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022
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Fig. 4 The contraction flow of shear-thinning XG solution in constriction microchannels having three different depths: (a) snapshot images; (b) plot of
the measured vortex length (normalized by the width of the microchannel) against Re, where the solid lines are the trendlines best fitted for the
experimental data (symbols) and used here to guide the eyes only; (c) summary of the flow events in the AR–Re space: ‘triangles’ for lip vortices, ‘squares’
for 2D corner vortices, and ‘filled crosses’ for 3D overlapping corner vortices. The arrow on the chart indicates that the fluid shear thinning induced
contraction flow vortices in the XG solution get destabilized in deeper channels.
AR = 1.8 channels except that the value of Re for each of these channel depth stabilizes the shear thinning-induced contraction-
events decreases with the increase of channel depth. Fig. 4(b) flow vortices because of the increasing effect of vertical
compares the measured vortex lengths in the three channels, confinement.
where only the data for the visually 2D vortices are included. Fig. 5(a) shows the snapshots for the expansion XG flow in
The vortices appear earlier in terms of Re in the deeper the three channels. For the shallowest AR = 0.6 channel, the
channels. Their sizes also get larger in the deep channels for streamlines are observed to slightly separate from the lips
the same Re. However, the vortex length seems to be restricted and salient corners of the expansion at around Re = 33.6
to around 1.5 times the channel width in all three channels (10 mL h1). These flow separations merge on each side of
before the vortices start exhibiting 3D overlapping patterns. the expansion to form corner vortices at Re = 70.6. The increase
Fig. 4(c) presents the observed flow events in the AR–Re space, in Re from this point forth induces a growth of the vortices
which are clearly seen to be pushed back in Re for the shallower along the channel length only. However, the cores of these
channels. This observation indicates that decreasing the vortices do not apparently shift downstream like in the water
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Fig. 5 The expansion flow of shear-thinning XG solution in constriction microchannels having three different depths: (a) snapshot images; (b) plot of the
measured vortex length (normalized by the width of the microchannel) against Re, where the solid lines are the trendlines best fitted for the experimental
data (symbols) and used here to guide the eyes only; (c) summary of the flow events in the AR–Re space: ‘rectangles’ for bending streamlines, ‘triangles’
for lip spikes, and ‘squares’ for corner vortices. The arrow on the chart indicates that the expansion flow of shear-thinning XG solution gets destabilized in
deeper channels.
flow with the increase of Re because of the influence of fluid the critical values.58 This discrepancy may be a consequence of
shear thinning. A similar trend of such flow development is the absent top and bottom walls from a 2D model, which have been
also observed in the deeper channels, where the flow bending demonstrated to destabilize the flow of Newtonian fluids.37–43
and vortices both grow stronger with the increase of channel Fig. 5(b) shows the measured vortex length that increases with Re
depth for comparable values of Re. Moreover, the flow still in each channel and becomes larger in the deeper channels for
maintains the symmetry in the deepest channel for the range of comparable values of Re like in the water flow. A summary of the
flow rates tested. This observation is different from that in the flow events is presented in Fig. 5(c), where a similar flow develop-
inertial water flow because of probably the reported stabilizing ment is viewed in each channel though increasing AR promotes the
effect of fluid shear thinning.58 It seems also inconsistent with occurrences of these events. Therefore, the expansion and contrac-
a recent numerical prediction on the expansion flow of inelastic tion flows of XG solution are both destabilized in deeper channels
shear-thinning fluids in a 2D planar channel, where a steady with enhanced vortex formation and growth, where the effect of
asymmetric flow and even a third vortex may occur if Re reaches vertical confinement becomes weaker.
7432 | Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 7427–7440 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022
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3.3. Viscoelastic PEO solution corners at Re = 14.5. It grows bigger with the increase of the
Fig. 6(a) shows the images for the contraction flow of PEO flow rate and turns into pseudo-symmetric corner vortices at
solution in the three constriction microchannels. As this Re = 28.9. These double vortices continue growing in size, and
solution is approximately a Boger fluid52 with a constant become asymmetric and bi-stable at Re = 57.9. A visually
viscosity, the elasticity number becomes independent of flow chaotic flow is observed at Re = 116. The AR = 1.0 channel sees
rate and decreases from El = 3.8 to 2.9 and 2.2 with the a similar development of flow events while the corresponding
increasing channel depth. In the shallowest AR = 0.6 channel, Re values are all greater than in the shallower one. Moreover,
diverging streamlines appear at 3 mL h1 with Re = 8.68 and the double vortices therein remain roughly symmetric till the
Wi = 33.3. A single vortex is then formed from one of the re-entrant highest Re = 185 tested. In contrast, the single vortex in the
Published on 16 September 2022. Downloaded by Clemson University on 8/17/2023 8:45:26 PM.
Fig. 6 The contraction flow of viscoelastic PEO solution in constriction microchannels having three different depths: (a) snapshot images; (b) plot of the
measured vortex length (normalized by the width of the microchannel) against Re, where the solid lines are the trendlines best fitted for the experimental
data (symbols) and used here to guide the eyes only; (c) summary of the flow events in the AR–Re space: ‘circles’ for no flow disturbances, ‘rectangles’ for
bending/diverging streamlines, ‘pluses’ for single vortices, ‘crosses’ for symmetric or asymmetric corner vortices, and ‘asterisks’ for unsteady flows.
The arrow on the chart indicates that the contraction flow of viscoelastic PEO solution gets destabilized in shallower channels.
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deepest AR = 1.8 channel never turns into double vortices in our the flow events in the AR–Re space. The flow development is seen
experiment. Fig. 6(b) compares the measured average lengths to take place at lower Re as the channel depth gets smaller,
of stable vortices in the three channels. The vortices start indicating the promoted instability of PEO solution in shallower
appearing at lower Re in shallower channels and their sizes channels.
increase as the channel depth is decreased for the same Re. Fig. 7(a) shows the snapshot images for the expansion PEO
This trend is opposite to that for the fluid shear thinning- flow in the three channels. Symmetric vortices start from
induced contraction-flow vortices in the XG solution (see Fig. 4), the salient corners at around Re = 43.4 (15 mL h1) in the
and as well to those for the inertial expansion-flow vortices in shallowest AR = 0.6 channel. They grow on to extend till the lips
water (see Fig. 3) and XG solution (see Fig. 5). Fig. 6(c) summarizes of the expansion becoming full symmetric corner vortices at
Published on 16 September 2022. Downloaded by Clemson University on 8/17/2023 8:45:26 PM.
Fig. 7 The expansion flow of viscoelastic PEO solution in constriction microchannels having three different depths: (a) snapshot images; (b) plot of the
measured vortex length (normalized by the width of the microchannel) against Re, where the solid lines are the trendlines best fitted for the experimental
data (symbols) and used here to guide the eyes only; (c) summary of the flow events in the AR–Re space: ‘circles’ for no flow disturbances, and ‘diamonds’
for vortices starting from the salient corners. The arrow on the chart indicates that the expansion flow of viscoelastic PEO solution gets destabilized in
shallower channels.
7434 | Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 7427–7440 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022
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Re = 116. Their size along the channel length mildly increases They remain symmetric over the range of flow rates tested
after this point with the increase of Re. The deeper AR = 1.0 and because of the reported fluid elasticity-induced suppression
AR = 1.8 channels see a similar flow development except that effect on the expansion flow.33 Their cores shift downstream as
the value of Re for each event decreases in deeper channels. It is Re increases though with a much weaker dependence on Re
noted that the corner vortices in each of these channels are than those in the water flow. Fig. 7(b) compares the measured
visually much smaller than those in the water and XG flows. vortex lengths in the three channels. Similar to the water and
Published on 16 September 2022. Downloaded by Clemson University on 8/17/2023 8:45:26 PM.
Fig. 8 The contraction flow of the both shear thinning and viscoelastic PAA solution in constriction microchannels having three different depths:
(a) snapshot images, on which the dashed lines highlight the flow asymmetries; (b) plot of the measured vortex length (normalized by the width of the
microchannel) against Re, where the solid lines are the trendlines best fitted for the experimental data (symbols) and used here to guide the eyes only;
(c) summary of the flow events in the AR–Re space: ‘squares’ for symmetric corner vortices, ‘crosses’ for asymmetric fluctuating vortices, and ‘asterisks’
for unsteady flow. The arrow on the chart indicates that the contraction flow of the both shear thinning and viscoelastic PAA solution gets destabilized in
deeper channels.
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XG flow cases, the vortex size in the PEO solution also increases our recent observations of constriction length-dependent
with Re in each channel and becomes greater in deeper instabilities in the PEO solution,49 where the expansion flow
channels. Fig. 7(c) presents the flow events in the AR–Re space, gets destabilized while the contraction flow becomes more
which exhibit a similar development in each channel except stable in channels with longer constrictions.
that the salient corner vortices occur at smaller Re in deeper
channels. Therefore, the expansion flow of PEO solution 3.4. Shear thinning and viscoelastic PAA solution
becomes less stable in deeper channels with enhanced vortex Fig. 8(a) shows the contraction-flow images for the PAA solution
formation and growth while the contraction flow gets stabi- in the three constriction microchannels. In the shallowest AR =
lized. These opposing trends are noted to be consistent with 0.6 channel, large symmetric corner vortices already appear in
Published on 16 September 2022. Downloaded by Clemson University on 8/17/2023 8:45:26 PM.
Fig. 9 The expansion flow of the both shear thinning and viscoelastic PAA solution in constriction microchannels having three different depths:
(a) snapshot images; (b) plot of the measured vortex length (normalized by the width of the microchannel) against Re, where the solid lines are the
trendlines best fitted for the experimental data (symbols) and used here to guide the eyes only; (c) summary of the flow events in the AR–Re space:
‘circles’ for no flow disturbances, ‘rectangles’ for bending streamlines, ‘triangles’ for lip spikes, and ‘squares’ for corner vortices. The arrow on the chart
indicates that the expansion flow of the both shear thinning and viscoelastic PAA solution gets destabilized in deeper channels.
7436 | Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 7427–7440 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022
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an inertialess flow at Re = 0.0105 (0.01 mL h1), which should 3.5. Comparison among the fluids
arise from the stronger shear thinning effect of the PAA To obtain an insight of the general role of channel depth in the
solution than the XG solution (see Fig. 4). The size of the contraction–expansion flow, we compare the experimental data
corner vortices keeps growing in the channel length direction across the tested fluids with respect to the channel aspect ratio,
till Re = 3.10 (1 mL h1, Wi = 704, El = 227) when the flow AR. Fig. 10(a) shows the threshold Reynolds number, Reth, for
asymmetry starts. After this point the vortices fluctuate asym- the vortex formation in the contraction XG (corner vortices),
metrically without any period and the flow becomes unsteady at PEO (single vortices), and PAA (asymmetric fluctuating vortices)
Re = 16.2. The flow events are similar for the deeper AR = 1.0 flows. We cannot pick Reth for the onset of symmetric corner
and AR = 1.8 channels with larger vortices at the same flow rates vortices in the PAA solution for this comparison because
Published on 16 September 2022. Downloaded by Clemson University on 8/17/2023 8:45:26 PM.
as well as earlier onset of fluctuating and chaotic flows than in they take place at a much lower flow rate than the smallest
the lower AR channels. Fig. 8(b) compares the measured vortex (0.01 mL h1) we have tested. It is apparent that increasing the
lengths among the three channels. The vortices start at smaller channel depth or AR leads to a decrease in Reth for the shear
values of Re in the deeper channels and have larger sizes for the thinning XG and PAA solutions, opposite to the increasing
same Re. The length of these vortices appears to be limited to trend for the viscoelastic Boger PEO solution. Such an observa-
approximately twice the channel width in all three channels tion indicates the opposite influences of fluid shear thinning
before the fluctuating flow sets off. A similar vortex length and elasticity on the contraction flow vortices, between which
threshold is also observed in the XG flow though at a smaller the shear thinning effect should be stronger33 because the PAA
value of 1.5 times the channel width because it has a weaker solution is more viscoelastic than the PEO solution. This
shear thinning effect than the PAA solution and hence smaller phenomenon also explains why the decreasing trend for the
contraction-flow vortices. Fig. 8(c) presents the observed flow XG solution is a little steeper than that for the more shear
events in the AR–Re space, where those in the shallower thinning PAA solution because the latter is both shear thinning
channels are pushed back to greater Re. Such a trend aligns and viscoelastic. Fig. 10(b) shows Reth for the expansion vortex
with the observation in the contraction XG flow while opposite formation in the water, XG, PEO, and PAA flows. Increasing the
to that in the contraction PEO flow, which may validate our channel depth leads to a decrease in Reth regardless of the fluid
earlier hypothesis that fluid shear thinning plays a stronger role rheology because of the reduced wall stabilizing effect on the
than elasticity in the contraction flow.49
Fig. 9(a) shows the snapshots for the expansion PAA flow in
the three channels. The elasticity number does not change
significantly for Re 4 15 in each channel and decreases from
approximately El = 213 to 160 and 125 with the increase of the
channel depth. In the shallowest AR = 0.6 channel, bending
streamlines start at around Re = 32.7 (10 mL h1) and turn into
lip spikes at Re = 65.7. Symmetric vortices then appear in the
salient corners at Re = 82.2 and merge with the lip spikes at
Re = 98.7. Thus formed corner vortices grow with the further
increase of flow rate while maintaining the symmetry through-
out the test. These flow events also take place in the deeper
AR = 1.0 and AR = 1.8 channels though at smaller values of Re
with the increase of the channel depth. Such a trend agrees
with those in the expansion flow of water, XG and PEO
solutions, indicating the dominant role of fluid inertia over
shear thinning and elasticity. Interestingly the expansion-flow
vortices in the PAA solution are viewed to resemble those in the
XG solution. Their cores, however, seem to slowly shift down-
stream at increasing Re like in the PEO solution. Fig. 9(b)
compares the measured vortex lengths in the three channels.
Similar to the observations in the expansion flow of all other
tested fluids, the vortex length in the PAA solution also
increases with Re in each channel and grows larger in deeper
channels for the same Re. Fig. 9(c) presents the flow events in
the AR–Re space, where a similar flow development is once
again viewed in each channel except that all events are delayed
to higher Re in shallower channels. Therefore, the expansion
Fig. 10 Comparison of the threshold Reynolds number, Reth, for the
and contraction flows of PAA solution are both destabilized in vortex formation in the contraction (a) and expansion (b) flows of the
deeper channels because of the weakened vertical confinement tested fluids in constriction microchannels having different depths. The lines
effect, in agreement with the XG solution. are used to guide the eyes only.
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inertia-dominated expansion flow.37–43 Moreover, it is obvious only slightly smaller than those in water, consistent with our
that fluid shear thinning (XG) and elasticity (PEO) both sup- recent observations.26,34 In contrast, the vortices in the PEO
press the formation of expansion vortices in water, which add solution are significantly smaller, which may again indicate the
together to further delay the vortex formation in the PAA stronger impact of fluid elasticity than shear thinning on the
solution. expansion flow. It is, however, unclear to the authors why
Fig. 11(a) shows the vortex length in the contraction flow of the vortices in the PAA solution, which is more shear thinning
XG and PAA solutions at Re = 0.1 as well as the contraction than the XG solution and more viscoelastic than the PEO
vortex length in the PEO solution at Re = 40. Different values of solution, are not the smallest among the tested fluids.
Re are used here for the comparison because the fluid shear
Published on 16 September 2022. Downloaded by Clemson University on 8/17/2023 8:45:26 PM.
Author contributions
M. K. R. and S. W. performed the experiment; H. D. and M. B.
helped with the experiment; Y. S. and X. X. designed and
supervised the project; M. K. R. wrote the manuscript;
all authors commented on the manuscript; X. X. edited the
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 7427–7440 | 7439
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Published on 16 September 2022. Downloaded by Clemson University on 8/17/2023 8:45:26 PM.
7440 | Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 7427–7440 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022