Richefeu pg09
Richefeu pg09
Richefeu pg09
Abstract. We investigate the shear strength and stress distribution properties of wet granular media in the pendular state where
the liquid is mainly in the form of capillary bonds between particles. This work is based on a 3D discrete-element approach
(molecular dynamics) with spherical particles enriched by a capillary force law. We show that the capillary force can be
expressed as an explicit function of the gap and volume of the liquid bridge. The length scales involved in this expression are
analyzed by comparing with direct integration of the Laplace-Young equation. In the simulations, we consider a maximum
number density of liquid bonds in the bulk in agreement with equilibrium of each liquid bridge. This liquid bond number is a
decisive parameter for the overall cohesion of wet granular materials. It is shown that the shear strength can be expressed
as a function of liquid bond characteristics. The expression proposed initially by Rumpf is thus generalized to account
for size polydispersity. We show that this expression is in good agreement with our experimental data that will be briefly
described. At low confining stress, the tensile action of capillary bonds induces a self-stressed particle network organized in
a bi-percolating structure of positive and negative particle pressures. Various statistical descriptors of the microstructure and
bond force network are used to characterize this partition. Two basic properties emerge: (i) The highest particle pressure is
located in the bulk of each phase (positive and negative particle pressures); (ii) The lowest pressure level occurs at the interface
between the two phases, involving also the largest connectivity of the particles via tensile and compressive bonds.
Keywords: capillary cohesion, discrete element approach, shear strength, self-stresses
PACS: 45.70.-n, 81.05.Rm, 83.80.Fg
where c is a constant and h is a function only of r. When where i and j refer to the components and V is the control
introduced in Equations (6) and (4), this form yields volume. The set of contact points in a wet material is
a nice fit for the capillary force obtained from direct extended to include gap capillary bridges. From Eq. 8,
integration of the Laplace-Young equation by setting we get the following expression for the stress p in the
R$ = 2Ri R j /(Ri + R j ), h(r) = r−1/2 and c % 0.9. direction of extension:
Figure 1 shows the plots of Eq. 4 for three different
values of the liquid volume Vb and size ratio r together p = nw ' fn !( , (9)
with the corresponding data from direct integration. The
forces are normalized by $ R and the lengths by & . The where nw is the number of bonds per unit volume, f n is
data collapse on the same plot, indicating again that the the normal force and ! is the distance between particle
force $ R and the expression of & in Eq. (6) characterize centers. The symbol '· · · ( designs averaging over all
correctly the behavior of the capillary bridge. Finally, the bonds in the control volume V .
capillary force can be expressed in the following form: Our simulations show that the fraction of liquid bonds
in the range ! n > 0 (gap liquid bridges) is always below
−$ R for !n < 0 15%. This means that most tensile stresses occur at con-
fnc = −$ R e−!n /& for 0 ≤ !n ≤ !nmax . (7) tact bonds and, as a result, the capillary failure threshold
0 for !n > !nmax f0 is far more important for the failure of a wet material
than the de-bonding distance ! nmax . We may thus get a manifests itself mainly through the average number of
good estimation of the tensile strength for a wet particle bonds per particle z. In particular, the cohesion c m at
assembly by replacing f n in Eq. 9 by the capillary force saturation corresponds to the saturation of z as the water
threshold f 0 and by assuming, for simplicity, that the ma- content w is increased. In fact, when a certain amount of
terial is isotropic (a correction due to anisotropy can then water is homogeneously distributed in the whole sample
easily be made): within the de-bonding distance, one finds that z increases
with w and saturates beyond a certain amount of water.
' th = ' f0 !(, (10)
where D is space dimension. The bond density n w is BI-PERCOLATING STRUCTURE OF
equal to half the average number of bonds per particle SELF-STRESSES
divided by the free volume, i.e. the mean volume of a
Voronoi cell surrounding the particle. The latter is simply In an unconfined assembly of dry rigid particles, no self-
the average particle volume (1/6)% 'd 3( divided by the stresses occur and the forces vanish at all contacts. How-
solid fraction ) . Introducing these expressions in Eq. 10 ever, we have seen that the presence of liquid bonds in
and using Eq. 2, we get a wet granular material induces tensile and compressive
√ forces although the average force is zero. In other words,
3$ ) z '(R1 + R2) R1 R2 )( 3 $)z the grains keep together to form a self-sustained struc-
' th = 3
= s , (11)
%D 'd ( 2% D 'd( ture in the absence of confining stresses. In general, var-
ious loading histories such as consolidation or differen-
where z is the average number of bonds per particle, and tial particle swelling can induce self-stresses in a cohe-
we have sive packing [11, 12]. In our system, the self-stresses ap-
'd 1/2 ('d('d 3/2 (
s= . (12) pear during relaxation. This is obviously a consequence
'd 3 ( of the tensile action of capillary bonds bridging the gaps
In derivation of the expression of s, it is assumed that between neighboring particles within the debonding dis-
the particle radii R 1 and R2 are not correlated. It is easy tance. We focus here on the structure of self-stresses in-
to see that for a uniform size distribution, s varies from duced by capillary bonds.
8/15 to 1 as the smallest particle size increases from 0 For a local description of self-stresses we need to
to the mean particle size. Eq. 11 is similar to the expres- characterize the stress transmission at the particle scale
sion proposed first by Rumpf for monodisperse materi- as the smallest scale at which the force balance condition
als without the s prefactor, and recently derived from the is defined for rigid particles. Although the stress tensor is
stress tensor by Gröger et al. [10]. Our equation 11 ac- by definition a macroscopic quantity, it can be shown that
counts for polydispersity and the correlation between the an equivalent quantity ' i , called ‘particle stress’, can be
capillary force threshold f 0 and the particle size d. defined for each particle i of a granular packing in static
As in experiments, our simulations show that the in- equilibrium [13, 14]:
ternal angle of friction µ is practically independent of
water content. Hence, from Eq. 11 we get the following ('i )*+ =
Vi ( f*i j r+i j , (14)
expression for the Coulomb cohesion c th = µ' th : j*=i